#just-before-dawn art
just-before-dawn · 21 hours
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this is how the tuggoff bed looks like
(based off of a meme template)
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ominouspuff · 4 months
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Fwoom (intimidatingly)
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
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she turns, makes direct eye contact with you, smiles,
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chinelacanta · 10 months
i just know he’d be a really awkward but supportive dad (< delusional)
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izloveshorses · 24 days
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i just think they would be friends 👉👈
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ollierachnid · 2 months
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[covered in blood] dont worry sam is in her 4 hour bath
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kaiserouo · 5 months
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this WILL become a competition among hunters
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alonetogether · 5 months
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have you met my wonderful daughter
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solardee · 2 months
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[Solar Eclipse]
[There are downsides to linking yourself to the celestial bodies in your universe.]
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peridots-pixiwolf · 11 months
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sketches from @mipexch 's whiteboard a couple days ago!!
also feat. a very small reference to @onlineviolence :]
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just-before-dawn · 2 months
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imagine if cats was a ghibli film? (part 2)
references from ocean waves and up on poppy hill
part 1 here
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aurosoul · 1 year
I made some virtual fruit and confetti with cute sound effects in figmin xr and showed it to my quiet 75 year old veteran father…. and even HE immediately lit up with childlike joy and was able to use it with no prior knowledge
he started throwing things around, making them spin, and even figured out how to re-size things and made a bunch of grapes the size of a car 🍇
in all my 29 years of knowing him, I’ve never seen my father just like…. play like that. when he took the headset off he said, “y’know, I could see this getting pretty big… if you get rich you’re gonna take care of me in my old age, right?” 😂
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dromaeo-sauridae · 1 year
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your path was chosen long ago
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lavenoon · 1 year
Can we have more hatchling AU plz?
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Pain? You asked for pain? I come to deliver! <3
So the angst is canon - both boys get that moment where they just snap at the baby bird.
Dawn has had enough - and after the nth time that Robin tries to tag along for paperwork too, he asks them why rather harshly. And while their response didn't actually aim towards friendship, the immediate rejection gave them a good idea of what he thinks of them. Dawn leaves them easily, not quite thinking about the impact he left, only glad to finally have some peace and quiet. He does get that pang of not quite regret, but the thought "Maybe there would have been a better way to handle this"
Can't argue with the results however. They do lay off after that, acting much more subdued during missions. As impressive as it used to be that they actually seemed to be able to keep up with him, that performance is now slacking. Dawn is a good agent. So when he starts listening to the rumor mill, and pays attention to context clues, he knows it's not a general drop - only on missions they share with him. They're jumpy, hesitant, and their acting has become subpar, but only when he's around. That... That doesn't sit right with him. There's also the fact that he starts getting bored - Robin doesn't join as many missions, actively bowing out of shared missions offered to them, and he gets paired with other agents that don't know him or how he works. None of them stick around for a second time, so he has to work with someone new every time. It's familiar and frustrating, and he starts missing Robin's little quips and enthusiasm.
He's not sorry. That would imply he didn't mean what he said, and they aren't friends. But Robin gets little gifts in their office's pigeonhole, cereal bars and water bottles, and while their decision to have Dawn for a rival somewhat isolated them from other field agents, they do ask around and figure out that he hasn't been making any friends. Even snappier than usual, they hear - how did they stand it for so long? Well, he's not too bad usually... He just really can't stand them, so...
But then, after about two to three weeks (don't quote me on that, I may change my mind, but it works for now) they just hear their code name called out to them on the way to their office, and when they turn Dawn is just approaching them with... well, the best pokerface they've ever seen. No reading that expression.
"I see you're well."
It's awkward, the silence that follows. They have no clue what he wants - and he's a proud idiot who can't articulate it either. They both fumble, and Dawn tries to take control of the conversation, "subtly" asking if the cereal bars were to their liking. That was him? Yes, obviously it was him - he knows about their atrocious self care habits! Completely ignoring his initial question, they now crack half a smile, as confused as it is. Did he... Did he feel bad?
Dawn flinches, and looks away, and they know they hit gold where they never would have expected it. Getting the words out of his voicebox feels like pulling teeth, but he forces them out.
"I may have... reacted rather harshly. While I stand by the content of what I said, there were better ways to establish that, and it wasn't relevant to our conversation at all. We don't need to be friends to work with each other, and... And you are the one agent at this location who actually seems to understand how I work, even if I can't claim the opposite yet. I would like to, with time, if you're willing."
It's not really an apology, but Robin sees him, stiff and uncomfortable, admitting to his own faults, and they have to bite back a grin. So he's scary, alright, and ruthless, yeah, but also kind of... Kind of an idiot, huh?
"... I'll be annoying."
"I'm aware."
"And you won't mind?"
"... Less than the alternative."
They snort at the honesty, even more so as it comes hesitantly. They grin, then.
"You're a real ray of sunshine, aren't you? I'll take the next one. Just know that you chose this."
Dawn sighs, eternally suffering, and Robin chokes on another laugh. It's easy to swallow when his next words are quiet, barely audible, and something he never said to them that genuinely before.
"Thank you."
They aren't friends, Robin knows. But maybe they can be. They already made the big scary star agent admit he works best with them - surely everything else is possible too <3
(The initial conversation also is what made them cry enough for Moon to notice later that day - and something that Dawn will thus regret all over again) (Dawn starts calling them "little thief" soon after, as they stuck with the "Sunshine" for him, and it's only another step in the right direction)
Dusk technically has even less tact, and snaps at them in the middle of a mission. They just almost walked into the path of a camera again, distracted by their own energy, and he's had enough. At the very least he has the sense to immediately regret it - but the words are already out, and Robin is already withdrawing. "I'll focus," they say, and they do, and Dusk tries hard not to feel bad about the suffocating silence following those two words.
He certainly feels very bad when the next time he moves his hand near them, they flinch back. Eyes wide and trained on his fingers, even without the claws and electricity dancing between them. Oh no. He was angry, yes, and maybe upped the intimidation factor, but he didn't actually want them afraid of him.
Because while he figured that they simply don't take anything seriously, including him, Robin was being lighthearted despite the respect they have for him. They aren't as oblivious as he thinks they are (they're oblivious in different, exciting ways), and to them that little intimidation display was not the attempt of a senior agent struggling to be taken seriously, but rather a senior agent they admire all but declaring his willingness to hurt them.
Dusk done fucked up.
Robin stops "hijacking" his missions, and Dusk starts making mistakes. Because he wasn't the only one interfering to prevent mistakes, they covered his back as much as he covered theirs. And seeing them actively dodge him in the hallways of HQ just stings, even without the reprimands towards himself ghosting around in his head. He needs to fix this.
He's not as much of a mother hen as Sun, but he does know a thing or two about taking care of others still. He also has the advantage that he isn't quite as much of a peacock as Dawn, and opts for the direct approach. His pride hates being scary to the nice if reckless new agent more than apologizing. He doesn't take as long as Dawn either, and approaches them after just a few days.
Robin still jumps when he's suddenly there, but his hands are hidden behind his back and he's standing there almost hunched. They wait, silent, for him to speak - and he does, with a grimace. Still similar to his counterpart, this next bit grates.
"I'm... sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to do that - I didn't... I didn't realize."
Well, cheers, he managed the apology - as much as it sucks. Robin scoffs, not impressed either.
"What, didn't realize that someone three heads taller with sharp teeth and literal tasers for claws wouldn't be my favorite company when angry? Shocker."
Now it's his turn to flinch, but reaching out still forces them a step back, so he pulls his hands back. Fidgets with them, a nervous habit he knows he shouldn't indulge, Sun already does that more than enough.
"I underestimated you, on multiple accounts. And I guess... I got used to you not being afraid. Everyone else is."
His fingers creak then, and when Robin glances at his hands, he hides them behind his back again. It makes them think - and well... They know what the other agents think of Dusk, always reacting with disbelief when they mention joining him for missions, and rather unwilling to discuss him as if he has eyes everywhere. The others are afraid.
But the agent in front of them right now? Is... kind of a dork, who hides his hands because he thinks they're scared of every little movement, and he's kind of weird about eye contact too, as if even his normal eyes would scare them, and they are pretty sure they've never seen him without the sharp teeth before, either.
He's trying. He's just kind of stupid about it. They sigh, and decide to offer an olive branch.
"Fine, Mr. Sandman, apology accepted. You can stop looking like the strangest kicked puppy I've ever seen now."
"... Mr. Sandman?"
He looks at them, somewhat hesitant - that won't do. They exaggerate a shrug.
"What, would you prefer Moon man?"
"Neat. You're getting that, then."
He smiles then, somewhat slowly, but it morphs into a grin easily. It's new, still, but it's nice, and he can't help but try it out.
"Chirp chirp chirp, the little robin sings again."
"... Hood. Robin Hood."
They squint at his grin, and sharp teeth click back into place. They aren't scared.
Dusk straightens, and then moves to walk past them. It's sudden, and they don't quite process it until his hand is already on their head and removing the little hair tie. They gasp, offended, and he twirls it on his finger when they turn.
"Give that back!"
"Next mission, little bird. Try to get it back."
He whistles as he leaves, and Robin has the sudden urge to strangle someone 1) who's neck they can barely reach and 2) who doesn't need to breathe. But he invited them - well, he better not complain then. If he insists on the bird names, well, they'll be a canary - he'll regret ever asking them to be loud again.
(He won't regret it. After this, Dusk is well aware why it's bad news when a canary stops singing - and he'd rather not have a scare like that again. They aren't quite comfortable after this, at best comparable to early rivalry senior agent Robin and rookie Dusk, but they're getting there, and both are too stubborn to work with anyone else. Works out for them, after all)
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
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old injuries, new injuries, and how difficult it is to face your own worst fears
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rhodeybugg · 7 months
Please ask me about my hyperfixations and my au and my stories and interact with me I will platonically love you forever and we will have soft tacos for dinner.
Please do not be scared to talk to me please spam my inbox PLZ
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