#just. aughhhhh. she liked him! and he liked her! and it was totally platonic and she was the only one he could lean on!
iphijaania · 6 months
so magnus archives s4 takes place between feb and october 2018 and jon and basira go to ny-ålesund in june 2018 so right after ramadan so most of the preparation to go there would’ve been done during ramadan so basira would be fasting and she’d spend evenings in the archives because what’s the point of going home, right, if you’re just going to be attacked by that which you’ve only just started to name and worse and solitude becomes more sinister by the day, except there’s nobody at the archives either, because melanie can’t trust them and martin’s with peter and daisy’s too broken to round up to a person, which critically means there’s no food at the archives. at first, she tides herself over by breaking her fast with tea and biscuits until her stomach really starts to churn and the statements begin to smell like a home-cooked meal, at which point she forces herself to go back to her cold, empty flat and colder, emptier kitchen to heat up a vegetarian sainsbury’s microwave dinner or leftover kebab. and rinse and repeat.
except there’s not ‘nobody’ in the archives, there’s jon. and jon Knows. and jon does his best, not to Know what type of dates basira likes best and whether rooh afza was as big a deal in a bangladeshi home as it would be in a malayali one when he’s standing in line at the asian market, small basket of groceries that weren’t meant for him, staring at his feet and locked in his own, unbreakable fast, because he and basira had been friends. and he leaves the dates, the rooh afza, a small box of mithai and some random snacks he remembers liking, once, in the staff room, nonchalantly conspicuous, and when basira stumbles into the staff room a few minutes before nine pm, all she can do for a moment is stare at the dates and the snacks and she Knows who put them there, who retreated to his office to stave his own hunger except nobody can help him satisfy it, nobody can put a date in one scarred, lonely hand and a cup of warm tea in the other (or, at least, nobody particularly wants to do so). and all she can do is stare, break her fast and stare, never letting her eyes drift to where she knows he’s locked himself away, because she and jon had been friends, once.
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