ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Okay another idea I had was you standing up for him, (not that he needs it lmao) but like maybe you go with him to a meeting of some kind and the mobsters there obviously judge him and call him a freak. Which I know he hates, and you get in the guy's face and threaten him etc, J is surprised but impressed. Once you're alone, he sees that you're still bothered by what the guy said and you tell him he is handsome etc even with the scars and scar kissing would be an excellent bonus. Some cute fluff
I love this concept omgggg thank you for sending in requests for him!!! His masterlist is a bit… smaller compared to Phoenix’s sskkskk so I really appreciate you thinking of this.
I always get offended when they call him a freak or crazy lmao imo he’s the sanest one there so *shrugs* I enjoyed writing this greatly! ^^
Warning: swearing, overly defensive reader, clown smoochin’+lovin’.
Word count: 946.
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“… You see, a guy like me - “
Oh no. Oh, no, no, no - 
Under the table did Joker’s purple gloved hand rest atop your knee, squeezing both to give and to receive comfort. Nothing pissed either of you off more than that word. 
You watched as his jaw muscle ticked and Joker lowered his chin as he stared at the man who had dared to address him in such a way, and you saw the way he lost the thread of the conversation and had to think quickly, had to compose himself before the others caught on to the effect that that one word had on him.
Even so, there were just some things you would not tolerate, and this was one of them.
You got there before Joker did.
Your chair made a hideous scraping noise across the linoleum floor as you stood up. Joker had his eyes on the man who had insulted him, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Despite his amusement at something only he was privy to, though, Joker had no idea what was coming, and neither did the mob, and that was your advantage.
You had always been the ace up his sleeve for your wicked temper, sharp tongue, and your fierce protectiveness of anything you cared about or loved.
“Do you want to repeat that, sir?”
You leaned right over the table, so close that your nose was almost touching the man’s own. You thought his name might have been Gambit, but you didn’t really care either way. He didn’t matter to you. The only person in this warehouse who did matter to you was the man whose gloved hand had just wrapped around your wrist, his fingers squeezing. Was he offering comfort or taking it? You knew not, and this only fuelled your anger.
“Yeah, I said he was a fre - “
You brought your hand down on the metal table. Hard. “Oh, I heard you. I was just giving you a chance to change your mind. And besides - ” You turned your head just enough to flash Joker A Look and then you turned back to Gambit. “Better a freak than a sheep.”
Joker chuckled darkly, the fingers around your wrist squeezing deliciously in silent appreciation.
Thanks, doll.
You’re welcome.
A look of something flashed in Gambit’s eyes and you resisted the urge to grab him by the collar. You wouldn’t lay a hand on him, for you didn’t need to. Your tongue could cut like a blade all on its own. “Call my Joker something like that again and you’ll be swallowing bullets. Am I clear?” You received no answer, so much more did you bring your hand down hard upon the surface of the table. “I said - am. I. Clear?”
“Crystal.” A quiet and very definitely pathetic whisper and you rolled your eyes. Christ, these guys were all bark and no bite.
“That’s what I thought.” You barely graced the men with a glance as you sat back down, smiling sweetly at Joker, who blinked quickly a few times and tongued his inner cheek before he continued with the vague thread of conversation which had been picked and frayed by Gambit.
Hours later, when the ‘group therapy session’ with the mob was over and Joker had taken you back to your apartment, he had almost forgotten about what had happened but you… oh, you were steaming. 
“What’s got you all frowny?”
“Nothing.” You snapped, busying yourself with the washing up, which you realised now didn’t actually need doing - two plates and two mugs weren’t worth an entire bowl of washing up water - but you had already started.
“Li-ar.” The accusing word was spoken in two syllables, the tone teasing as Joker’s hands grabbed your shoulders none too gently and spun you around to face him. “You’re still mad about that guy with the grandma, aren’t you?”
You nodded. You really were angry. 
Joker’s intense chocolate eyes met yours and suddenly your rage exploded. “You’re not a freak and you’re not crazy! You’re just as sane as I am and - “
Joker started cackling maniacally and the familiar sound made you smile, your rage melting away in the face of his genuine amusement. 
“I was impressed back there, doll. Fiesty.” 
You smiled, hearing what he didn’t say. “You’re welcome, handsome.”
Joker’s hands tightened on your shoulders and he stepped a bit closer to you. It was an invitation if ever you saw one, so you looped your arms around his neck and made sure to stand so close to him that your chests were touching.
“Careful with your next words, Y/N.”
A warning you ignored, your hands cupping his face, flecks of white greasepaint coming off on your warm palms as your thumbs soothed along the raised lines of his facial scars, the red smearing into the white.
“I’m being serious, Joker,” You mumbled, “You are handsome.” You leaned forward and pressed a line of tender kisses right from the corner of Joker’s mouth right up to the very end of his scar on one side of his mouth, and then you afforded the same treatment to the other scar, Joker’s breaths coming in sharp inhales, his hands coming to clasp at your wrists in a movement reminiscent to the way he had held your wrist in the warehouse. “My handsome Joker. Mine.”
Joker almost purred in self-satisfaction. “Yours, huh?”
You nodded emphatically. “Mm-hm.” Your growing smirk had more than a little of Joker contained within, and he felt heat blooming in his chest. 
Yes… Every Joker needed an ace up his sleeve.
Ledger!!Joker @nothing-but-a-comedy @justahyena @anyatheladyclown   @mijachula   @joker-daddy    @rinbyo    @imightaswellnotexistatall    @vladtoly    @joker-is-my-hero    @liz-rdwitch   @enigmaticandunstable        @ledgerskitten    @tsukiakarinobara
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darling-i-read-it · 5 years
So Much
Patrick Verona x reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: panic attack, overwhelming feelings 
Author’s Note: So I understand that everyone kinda has different experiences with panic attacks but this is kinda what I go through so I hope you kinda like this! Heath Ledger is so pretty in this movie its one of my favorites
Requested: by @justahyena​, I saw your Patrick Verona fic and I loved it so I was wondering if you’re still open to take requests, if you could do another one with the reader having a little panic attack and he helps calm them down? If that’s uncomfortable then maybe just the reader being super stressed? I haven’t seen much of him and I’d like to read more fics about him 😭 anyway if your requests are closed or if this is not your thing then you can ignore this lol xx♥️
Summary: the request
Genre: angsty comforting fluff
(not my gif)
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    It had just not been a good week. Everyone had them but with everything you had on your psyche, it couldn’t have been healthy. So much had happened, school being stressful and worthless drama between your few friends. You could feel it building up in your chest and there wasn’t enough for you to calm down to. Everything just seemed like it was getting higher and higher until you just burst into a billion pieces. 
    Today, you were pretty sure you were going to combust. 
    You had hoped that Patrick would show up to school. He didn’t come that often but you didn’t want to bother and call him so you just hoped he would come. The two of you had become unlikely friends in your sophmore year. You were partnered up and with his reputation building back then you were rather scared of him but it turned out he was just a softie that was willing to throw in some help in the project. 
    Now, he was the only one of your friends that wasn’t getting caught up in needless drama that annoyed you to no end. And he hadn’t shown up to school. Which shouldn’t have come to surprise you, he hadn’t been there all week, skipping to do other stuff but you were still hoping that he would show. You figured if things got worse, maybe you would call him later when you got home but you didn’t know if you were going to make it that long. 
    You looked across the vast football of the school from the bleachers. You ran a shaky hand through your hair and pursed your lips. Your book was in your hand but you couldn’t focus on reading it. 
    Your phone rang and it snapped you out of it. You picked it up and saw the small face of Patrick, making you smile just a little bit. The knot in your chest wouldn’t leave though. You were just a ticking time bomb at that point and you knew it but you picked up the call anyway. 
    “Hey Patrick,” you breathed, your voice barely audible. You couldn’t remember the last time you had talked that day. Maybe last period in class discussion, maybe this was the first time. 
    “I can see you,” he called over the phone. You raised an eyebrow and haphazardly looked around. There were other people sitting out for lunch that day, it was a nice sunny day. You couldn’t make out the messy mop of hair on the bleachers so you scanned the PE class on the field and then the parking lot. 
    “I don’t see you,” you whispered. You could see his face, pursed into a careful gaze with a sense of worry. You didn’t even need to see him to know he was worried. 
    “I’m in the parking lot. Come down?” You caught sight of his car and closed your eyes tightly, hoping that just being near him may calm you down. 
    “Sure. Sure I’ll meet you down there in five.” 
    You hung up the phone and ran your hands through your hair, picking up your things. You knew you shouldn’t skip, it would just add to your stress later but you figured you may need to if you were going to live through this. By the time you had reached the gate to the parking lot you were almost shaking. 
    So you were really going to break in the parking lot? It seemed so silly but you could feel your heart getting faster and when your phone rang again, this time with a friend who would no doubt need help with the homework for a class they didn’t pay attention in and you leaned against the gate. You covered your face with your hands, shaking your head and trying to just stay together before you got to Patrick.    
    But Patrick was looking for you. You sounded weird on the phone and it never took you this long to get down to his car, especially when you should have known he had gotten you food. He found you, fence a little bent against your weight and its weak exterior, head in your hands, your chest rising and falling rapidly. Patrick rushed over and slowed his step as he reached you, placing his hands on your upper arms.    
    “Hey..hey what is it?” You couldn’t remember the last time you had heard his voice so soft. Neither could he. You shook your head and couldn’t meet his eyes. He understood you may not be able to talk right now. You had talked about your panic attacks, how hard they were on your mind and all he could do was watch. 
    “There's so..so much,” you muttered and he reached forward, wrapping his arms around you. You placed your head on his chest and he could feel your wet tears against his t-shirt but he didn't care. He rocked you back and forth, head buried in your hair. 
    “I know. It’s alright, you’re going to get through this,” he whispered to you, giving the PE class a dirty look as a few kids ran the track past. You gripped his shirt and he rubbed your back and your arms, showing that he was there. 
    He let you stay like that until your sniffling stopped and your shaking was gone. Still, Patrick held you. Carefully, like you were going to break.
    “Thanks,” you said meekly. 
    “Let’s go to the car. I grabbed you a milkshake, we can go watch a movie or something okay?” he whispered against your hair. You pulled away slowly and wiped your eyes. He still held your arms though, just in case. 
    “I’d like that.” 
    He nodded and you walked with him in the car. If anyone was going to take you for a milkshake and movies, you were glad it was Patrick.
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rinbyo · 5 years
Eric Draven comforting his s/o during a storm Hcs
This one is for my girl @justahyena ♥️♥️ I hope this helps you!!!
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On his way back to your apartment, it started to rain hard and the storm was progressively getting worse
He was immediately worried about you...oh god you’re by yourself... all alone no one protecting you from the storm
He never ran so fast in his life to get to you, oh his Little Dove, so precious and needed his protection
Instead of taking the front door, knowing it would be locked and you would be under the covers too scared to move. He went to the fire escape window, which happened to be your bedroom window
Cracking it open, he slipped in and immediately heard your whimpers and cries calling out for him to hold you
He quickly took off his jacket, boots and his shirt sliding into bed behind you. Not noticing he was there all you could was shake and cry just wanting him to hold you close
He wrapped his arms around your shaking frame pulling you back into his chest whispering into you ear “I’m here Baby, Angels here now”
Hearing him you released a breath of relief and turned in his arms to snuggle into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist tightly not wanting to let go of him “oh Eric....”
He brings his hands up to your head, rubbing it and repeating his words over and over again to help you relax “I’m here, I’m here, I love you Little Dove, I’m not going anywhere, it can’t hurt you Baby”
Feeling more relaxed in his arms you quietly thank him and kiss his chest softly, snuggling deeper into his chest and feeling worn out from crying “ I love you so much Angel.....”
He smiles into your hair and pulls your body closer to him and softly places a kiss on the side of your head “I’m always going to be here to protect you Baby, I love you so so much, sleep now, nothings going to hurt you Baby, sleep”
You fall asleep in his arms and keeping his word he stayed by your side, holding you all night whispering his love for you and more
Ok to actual hcs!!
Eric loves you so much and know everything about you, especially your fear of storms
If he’s out on patrol you best believe he will be home as soon as he felt the first raindrop
This poor boy is so worried about his Precious Little Dove and it crushed him to see you scared and crying
He always pulls you into his chest and playing with your hair to calm you down, whispering sweet nothings in your ear and doing his best to comfort you
“I’m here Baby”, “Don’t worry Little Dove, Angel’s here now”, “shhh Baby shhh, please don’t cry Baby” he will repeat that over and over again to comfort you and to let you know he’s not going to let a storm hurt his girl
Expect a lot of kisses all over your face, this boy will smother you in kisses (not like we’re complaining) and he will give you back rubs
If you still haven’t relaxed yet..... this will make him freak out even more, wondering what he’s doing wrong and will probably end up crying with you
But don’t fear he has over plans to comfort you, if you’re willing to let him distract you (wink wink)
Once you relax, he feels more relaxed knowing he did his job as a loving boyfriend very well and feels proud
Always expect jokes from him to try to help you cheer up, you know how goofy he is and you’ll always laugh even if it’s a little giggle that still a score in his book!
Remember that he’s never letting you go no matter what and will stay with you all night until sunrise, waking you up with kisses and something more....... intimate
I hope this helped you Lilith ♥️♥️♥️ I love you girl and I hope I did good!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ remember Eric ain’t going nowhere !!!!
@justahyena ♥️ @nothing-but-a-comedy ♥️ @supernovavision ♥️
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jokersfangirl84 · 5 years
💐🌷🌹🌺SEND THIS TO TEN OTHER BLOGGERS YOU THINK ARE WONDERFUL. KEEP THE GAME GOING 🌺🌹🌷💐 @nothing-but-a-comedy @justahyena @cheyennejonas22 @help-i-am-obssessed @arthurskitten @callmejokerr @captain-el-writes @mijachula @aethersghoulette @werewolf-and-go-wild thanks for following my blog! Y'all are amazing!
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diamonddarlingxoxo · 5 years
Hey Harley quick question about J, not your joker the other one. So...what’s his status with that girl?? Like he hasn’t officially said they’re together so are they fuck buddies or what? I’m trying to think of how I can gain his attention without talking to him directly, I bought a bunch of explosives, would that work?
Sure you would get his attention but only cause he would wanna know why you're stealing his spotlight. But anyway, it's a wasted effort, nonny. Him and his girl are attached at the hip. Besides, I wouldn't talk ya into doin' @justahyena dirty like that.
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lynnesm · 5 years
Is it ok that i want to ride him just like that upon the desk @justahyena ?
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fursuitpursuits · 8 years
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RT @RivardOtter: @Diggyroo @AwesomeFursuits @FursuitPursuits camping on Skyline Drive with @Novemurr and @JustAHyena https://t.co/d5i1a4Vsm1 (Source)
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Okay so since ya girl (shamefully) has astrapophobia, I get very nervous during these times and I sometimes will panic if it's loud. I've been in a loud ass storm that I swear shook our dorm building and I had a panic attack. I feel so shameful of being scared of them so I try to hide it but yeah...I half think J might hate them too because I HC that his military past gets triggered by them, so it could either be like something you two feel closer by or just him comforting you. Either or works!!
I really like the idea of both of you needing comfort during a storm - Joker bc military past as you say, and you for your fear. With that in mind, I think maybe he’d be more susceptible to fluff? I hope you enjoy this! If not, please let me know and I’ll redo it
Warning: thunderstorms, mentions of PTSD (Joker; military), astrapophobia (reader), panic attacks, swearing.
Word count: 1, 561.
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Thunder rumbled across the sky, the noise so loud, so violent, that you could have sworn that it shook the walls of your dormitory building. Your heart seized in your chest and picked up, fear making your forehead hot and your breath skipped and then became irregular.
Calm down, deep breaths… it’s just thunder, it’s just thun - 
Lightning ripped across the sky and you whimpered, your hand inching towards your phone. Immediately did you dial a number which you had had to learn by rote, unable to save it on a SIM card or into your phone just in case Joker was ever captured by the FBI and you were found out to be involved. Having his number in your phone would be incriminating, so after every use of it did you have to delete it from your phone. One of Joker’s goons then erased it from your phone record, the event isolated, and so the cycle continued.
It was the only way Joker could keep you safe and you took any measure he gave you as seriously as he did. A joker he may be, but nothing was as serious to him as the act of loving you.
With a trembling hand did you hold the phone to your ear. It rang once, twice, thrice, “Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up pick uuuuup~ oh, fucking finally! Hi, hello!” Your voice was shaky, your breathing irregular, but you put on a brave face for just long enough to ask for Joker. To ask him to come home. You were scared of thunderstorms to the point of panic attacks, and Joker’s PTSD, thanks to his military background, was often triggered by it, too, and you needed him here so that you could take care of each other and therefore yourselves. “I-is Joker there?”
“Yeah, hang on.” The man you had spoken to was someone you didn’t know even the name of, all in the name of safety, and yet you were familiar with each of them in your own way. This particular man was always nice to you. Whereas some of the other disposable goons would make it clear that you phoning was an inconvenience - a total lie because you only ever used the number to Joker’s Headquarters when you needed your clown - this one always saw your phone calls for what they are: asking for help. He always got you to Joker as quickly as the situation allowed. There was some crackling on the line and some hushed, incoherent voices and you could just make out Joker’s deeper voice among everyone else’s. And then - 
“Doll,” You gasped, your chest aching, at the sound of Joker’s voice, and he shushed you roughly, though you took it as the unconventional comfort that he intended it to be, “How ya’ holdin’ up?”
“Barely. You?”
Joker grunted and the line went dead, your phone beeping in your hand to signify the end of the call, but you smiled even through your large, hot and heavy tears. If you didn’t know Joker, you would have taken this to be rude and uncaring. But you did know him, you did, and you knew he was coming home. His grunt had been one of agreement and so eager to get to you was he that he was most likely already on his way over to you, your phone records being tampered with even as you clambered into your bed and pull the duvet tight around you.
You knew not how much time passed while you kept your eyes shut tight so that, even under the duvet as you were, you couldn’t see the flashes of lightning. The thunder, however, was so loud, so strong that it was almost like a motorbike, and it vibrated deep within your very bones. You kept your phone enclosed within your hand, your shaking fingers squeezing every now and then to ground yourself.
Your panic was reaching new heights as it felt like your skin was crawling, your forehead super hot, your entire body trembling, your breaths irregular and your heart pounding in your head, and all you could think about was your chaotic clown. You were in the midst of a panic attack but thoughts of him kept you from sinking underneath the murky waters of your raging mind. You worried about him, too, and you hoped that both of you would still be coherent enough when he finally came home for the two of you to comfort each other. 
Nights like this had been filled with cuddles and comfort once both of you had figured out that the other suffered during storms. For different reasons, this was true, but at its core was panic and it was this which the two of you focused on. In comforting and calming each other were you able to calm yourselves. Nights like this brought you both infinitely closer than you already were and sometimes you even looked forward to it - not because you would both be triggered, but because you would spend all of that time together. 
There was the sound of slamming doors, quick footsteps, and your heart picked up again but for a different reason this time, as the footsteps came closer and closer and closer, and then your door opened, slammed shut and locked, bolted and everything else. Silence and the rustling of clothing, the thudding of shoes being carelessly removed and tossed to the side, and then your duvet was flipped back to reveal, in all his chaotic glory, your clown.
His greasepaint was running in some places from where he had been caught in the rain, and in others did bare patches of skin show through. His hair was greasier now than it had been yesterday, strands sticking to his face or swept back by a careless hand. He needed another dye job but as his dark chocolate eyes looked down at you, those depths swimming with an intense need to comfort you but also for his own needs to be met, all thoughts of anything other than him went out of the window.
“Oh, my - “ You held your arms out, your fingers clenching as you reached for him, “Joker!”
Joker chuckled at your less than subtle display of desperate yearning, the sound a little strained, as he clambered in beside you with a huff. “Budge up, doll - give me space.”
“… You want me to move over in my bed?”
Joker stared at you, amusement tugging up the corner of his full lips, the macabre red paint smeared and ultimately blended into the white greasepaint which made him look ghostly. He looked like he was going to say some kind of quip, but then lightning illuminated the entire room and thunder quickly followed with a noise so loud you put your hands over your ears and even Joker winced, and all was forgotten as you pushed yourself backwards and made room for the love of your life, who laid down beside you and tugged the duvet around the both of you so that you were both protected from the natural chill of the room.
The words I love you were often spoken by you, though they were never reciprocated by Joker in the same manner. No. He said it in the way he had obviously rushed over here to be with you due to your mutual need at that moment. He said it in the way that his arm wound around your waist as he tugged you closer, a socked foot on your shin asking you to part your lower legs so that he could anchor himself to you by locking his own leg between yours. He said it in the way he pressed his painted forehead against yours, one of his hands finding yours beneath the duvet.
Your breath shuddered both at Joker’s proximity and also at the way lightning suddenly and violently illuminated the room. You shut your eyes tight and Joker’s hand squeezed yours in silent comfort. He had never been especially cuddly or affectionate, not like this anyway, with his body so completely wrapped around yours, but this night did you both need physical grounding, so distressed were you both by the storm.
A long, low shush which rumbled in Joker’s chest broke through the roaring in your ears and the arm around your waist tightened, his hand rubbing your back slowly. “Easy, Y/N, easy. Breathe. You’re safe, doll.“ Despite his bravado, though, he flinched, his entire body tense and on edge as thunder boomed across the sky, and now it was your turn to comfort him as you pressed a tender, lingering kiss to his forehead.
“So are you, J.” Your whisper was louder than the building voices in Joker’s mind and his lips quirked upwards slightly as together did you keep each other grounded, safe, whole and loved, though never was that word returned to you. You didn’t need it to be, though, for as Joker’s breathing evened out and his intense dark eyes fluttered shut under your careful gaze, his arm slackened over your waist and his body became a dead weight against your own, you realised that Joker told you every moment of every day in his very own turbulent way, and you wouldn’t have it or him any differently.
Ledger!!Joker @nothing-but-a-comedy @justahyena @anyatheladyclown   @mijachula   @joker-daddy    @rinbyo    @imightaswellnotexistatall    @vladtoly    @joker-is-my-hero    @liz-rdwitch   @enigmaticandunstable        @ledgerskitten    @tsukiakarinobara    @germansarechill
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Headcannons on an s/o who is obsessed with bugs and arachnids like tarantulas, beetles, moths, etc?? Bonus for owning a few and teaching him about them, misunderstood creatures 😔💚
I love this idea! I’ve seen a few hc’s centred around this already and I’ve read them and they’re so amazing skskkk I hope that this doesn’t come across as repetitive or copying or anything! ^^ I did my best to keep it as much my own as I could kskskk.
Anyone who fears, doesn’t like or has an aversion in general to the creatures listed above, please consider skipping this request.
Shout out to @justahyena for answering my questions + fuelling my curiosity and love of strange creatures about her own request lmao I hope it didn’t ruin anything for you, thank you so much for being so patient with me!! As a thank you, I made this personalised - names + species are all yours, plus I tried to put bits of you in there, too!
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The first time Arthur went to your place, he was not expecting to see several vivariums, tanks and the like.
The first thing you did was let out a small noise saturated with love as you saw one of your tarantulas close to the glass. You always liked to think that they were coming up to say hello, especially when they followed your finger along the glass, crawling along the bottom of the tank slowly.
“Hello, baby!” You touched the glass gently, a reverent look on your face as you crouched down to get closer. “Hi!” Your voice was so soft, so sweet, that Arthur almost cried there and then.
He hovered in the doorway, nervous and unsure, his eyes darting all over the place as he just watched. Waited. He was scared? Confused? Unsure? Nervous? All of the above?
Oh, but he wanted to understand what you loved about them so much.
He wanted to know you. To know all of you.
“You can come in, Arthur. It’s okay.” His nervousness was coming off of him in waves and you walked over to him, locked your fingers together and walked back over to the tarantula you had just been cooing over.
“Is that… is that dangerous, Lilith?”
“No, Arthur,” You smiled gently, “She isn’t dangerous as long as you’re cautious and treat her with respect. Wanna meet her?”
You were going to handle her anyway, you always made sure to handle or spend time with every single one of your babies whenever you got the chance to do so; you couldn’t relax properly until you had, but you wanted Arthur to be okay with it all first. 
If he said yes, you’d spend time with your babies now.
If he said no, you’d wait until later, though you didn’t really want to. You hadn’t seen them all day and you were eager to spend time with your unusual but beautiful family!
“S-sure. Why not?” Arthur giggled nervously and you gave him a somewhat tense smile. You really hoped that he would grow to love them just as much as you did.
With fluid movements and practised ease did you get Salem out of her enclosure. “She’s a Brazilian black tarantula and she’s my biggest girl. I love her.” You pressed a small kiss to her bum, the lightest, happiest smile gracing your face as you simply looked at her.
All at once, Arthur loved every single creature that you owned. All of them. How could something be bad, or ugly, or anything negative, when the woman he loved could look at them like that?
He approached you, feeling braver, and you smiled at him, true joy on your face as you held your baby. 
“He-hello, Salem. My name’s Arthur.”
He stretched out a hesitant finger and just lightly stroked her, his teeth worrying his bottom lip. She moved and he jolted. “Did I - did it hurt her?”
“No,” Your voice was thick with love and pride as you looked between Salem and Arthur and back again. “She just moved.”
“She’s beautiful.” Arthur hummed. You barely repressed a squeal, just barely.
You pet her mandibles with a finger, and Arthur emitted a soft cooing noise as Salem’s two legs curled around the finger. 
He just watched as you spent time with her, cupping her in your two hands, before you put her away, your fingers and lips reverent as you kissed and pet her gently, slowly, so she wouldn’t flinch.
Though you introduced Arthur to every member of your family, you noticed that he kept going back to Salem, even after you’d put her away.
Arthur watched as you kissed eleven tarantula mandibles, kissed beetle shells, rubbed your nose against scorpion pinchers or beetle horns… you had so many pets that Arthur was blown away by the depth of the love in your heart.
He made sure to learn all of their names, all of their species… About halfway through all of them, he broke out his journal and started taking notes right there in the room with you, crude and rushed sketches accompanying the details he faithfully copied down.
Arthur felt connected to a lot of the creatures which you housed and loved like your own children; they were misunderstood, shunned, for looking ugly or for being ‘strange’, and he felt like he was like them. So he loved them for that alone, but then for you to clearly love him as you did so genuinely, and to gaze upon your babies with so much pride and love??? He was taken in immediately and right away did your home become his very favourite place.
He, too, was welcomed and understood, loved and known in your home and he never wanted to leave.
You took it upon yourself, and gladly so, happy to have someone who wanted to know about them, to teach Arthur all about them. How they were misunderstood, you debunked rumours which were designed to spread fear and corrected common misconceptions, and over time, and very quickly, Arthur grew to love them just as much as you did.
The Arthur Fleck/Joker Defense Squad @writings-of-a-gen-z                      @x-avantgarde-x       @insomniabird      @mavalenovaninagavi     @itwasrealenough     @morrisonmercurymalek     @rand0ms-fand0ms     @rafaelina-casillas     @aclownthing       @vivft                                          @help-i-am-obssessed      @autumnaffection       @taintednihilist   @vladtoly   @mg-woolf99      @misstgrey92   @dopey-fandom-girl         @seeking-dreamland      @sweetheart-syndrome      @heartxfdesire     @xmusichealsthesoulx       @0callmejude0      @the-one-that-likes-riddles        @hannibalsslut       @folliaght            @freeeshavacadoo         @bingewatchingmylifegoby       @unlovedbyeveryoneandeverything @okamiredfoxx       @sp0okysp0oky  @the-pandorabox      @mardema @jibanyyan        @honeyflvredcoughdrop         @emissarydecksetter @jokerfleckk         @epidendroideae         @chuuntas          @stillmabel       @pumpkinpeyes       @onehystericalqueenposts          @the-jokers-wolf       @nalsswa  @justahyena       @arianatheangelworld  @soullessblondbitch @gothamslittlejester  @twentyonestarrynights  @sirianfromsixties @kissmeclownman    @joker-is-my-hero  @lazyloosah  @lovesickkloxx @ladylovelyluna      @live-love-loki  @clownerybbxx   @tragicarthur    @anmach123      @rommie-chan      @arthurflock     @lucyboytom                  @immortal-bi-bitch    @hearthurfleck     @jokersproperty     @curlystark     @hailmary-yramliah    @sagyunaro     @playinthedarktillitsgoldenagain     @jokeringcutio      @xenthefox   @mijachula @stcrrynightsinneverlcnd      @cheyennejonas22    @mrjfleck      @pauli1100     @smitten-susie    @actualkey     @callmejokerfleck   @jaylovesbats    @itsforyoubitch      @ridiculousnerd     @killerprotector3579       @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend     @fantasticwinnerclodexpert                  @arthurs-sweater      @pinkie44pie    @tsukiakarinobara      @prettyxlittlexpsychoxprincess   @elodia-gahan   @yours-mia     @parkdonghoons      @lady-carnivals-stuff                         @hobi-hobi-kyo-kkyu      @jupiturde        @incognitofish      @j-sux      @nothing-but-a-comedy      @tahliamalfoydepp     @sgtsavoytruffle         @smol-nari       @pocket-clown     @joker-flecked-me      @millandram     @obsessedandthirsty   @holosexualunicorn7000    @anyatheladyclown   @imightaswellnotexistatall      @elusive-ivory    @funneeeh    @jokerhoe    @carnivalou      @floralhijabix         @sonrisa-yk     @livingmydreamsquietly    @marymadly     @that199xgrrrl      @mr–clown  
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Hi, I saw you're doing matchup requests so maybe I could try? I am a 5'4' curvy female, really vibrant chocolate eyes, brown hair, little freckles on my nose and cheeks. I am honestly super loud and out there, addicted to Monster Energy so I can be hyper. I am fiercely protective and I can be aggressive defending things I care about. I love animals (sneks and tarantulas :p) and I care and breed them! I act tough but deep down I am insecure and deal with bullying a lot :/ I hope that's enough! ty
Arthur // wc: 660.
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Arthur is 5′8 so he’s got the height advantage when it comes to hugs and the like. There’s nothing he loves more than pulling you into him and resting his angular chin on the crown of your head. It makes him feel needed to have you tucked against his chest like that, because it’s like he can protect you from the world and perhaps even from yourself when you’re wrapped in his arms, shielded from all evils. Eye contact is super important for Arthur; everything is in your eyes, and he feels like he can get lost inside them forever. So when he kisses you, his hands cup your cheeks and his thumbs stroke across your face, his fingers in your brown hair and his lips hot against your own. You’re the prettiest person inside and out in all of Gotham, he tells you. You smile and thank Arthur, but all the while you’re thinking the exact same as him. He would never believe you if you told him, though, and so you resolve to simply show him each and every day. 
Arthur would admire you for your outgoing personality and he’d find any excuse he could think of just to spend as time with you as he could, thinking that if he spent enough time with you - not that you can ever spend enough time with the one you love - your social side would rub off on him, too. He would be concerned with the amount of Monster you drink, though he wouldn’t say anything about it beyond a frown you catch from your peripheral vision every now and then, because he smokes at least a pack a day. You’ve been making a concerted effort to cut back and you’re doing so, so well, and he would be so very proud of you. Sweet boi is your number one cheerleader!
You are protective of what’s yours, and that includes your favourite animals and your loved ones. The first time you picked Arthur up from work as a surprise, you overheard Randall and some of the others ripping into Arthur, and you marched right into their locker room and told Randall where to shove it. Arthur stood off to the side, the cutest blush on his face, his arms crossed over his chest and a small smile on his face as he listened to you. He would feel less ‘manly’ about you defending him, but that’s only because he’s been taught for as long as he can remember that the man of the house defends himself, that he looks after himself, but he finds that he really doesn’t mind when you grab his hand and leave with him, leaving Randall stammering like the clown he is. “It’s just another day in Chuckletown, isn’t it, Randall?” are the parting words you throw over your shoulder, leaving Arthur giggling and in awe of your protective streak. He won’t defend himself but if you were the one being attacked in any way? Oh, honey, he can and will throw punches for you. You care about and for and breed snakes and tarantulas, and though he would be apprehensive initially, Arthur would grow to love them as much as you do!
Your tough exterior may fool those around you and at times, it might even fool you, but it doesn’t and will never fool Arthur. He can see right through you but he never directly addresses it; it just seems like he knows just what you need to hear. When it’s critical, though, he does call you out on it, and he listens very attentively to you and he does what he can to help you, even if he has to put his own needs on the backburner - which he does for you more times than he’s willing to admit. Arthur is super proud of you for getting through everything that you have to and he loves you so, so much.
Phoenix!Joker // wc: 817.
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Joker may enjoy having an audience and he may love having everyone in the vicinity paying attention to him, but even in a large crowd can he spot you easily. Your eyes seem to have a magnetic pull, and you are his favourite audience. He could have all of Gotham at his feet, but you are the only participant in the audience that he gives a single shit about. He loves your hair, your eyes, those little freckles across your face. When you’re laying in bed together or when you’re lying atop him on the sofa, he likes to trace the constellations that he swears are there dotted across your nose and cheeks. You’re just so beautiful and he loves all of you. That’s one thing that has never changed, just like the man Joker is at his core. He’s more likely now to make jokes about your height, even though he’s only four inches taller than you physically; with his new confidence though, he is much, much taller. 
You’re outgoing and where he used to think that if he spent enough time with you, it would rub off on you, now he’s almost certain that you were a key part of his metamorphosis. Your love for him didn’t cure him or fix him, but you gave him small pieces of yourself day after day after day and through that, you gave him the confidence and the ability to say and do things which were just for him; to say no to people, to stand up for himself, so yes - you were a part of the equation which led to him becoming the person he really is. It’s been a long time since the two of you started dating, and long gone are the days where Arthur would buy you - somewhat reluctantly - a can of Monster alongside his cigarettes. Now, you’re trying to cut back, and I feel like Joker would try to do the same with his cigarettes? Just one is the rule - you cut back on one can of Monster, and because he smokes at least twenty a day, he equates five cigarettes to one can of Monster, so that’s his side of the deal. Everything is together for the two of you - it’s the only way either of you will succeed in things like this. 
Long gone, also, are the days where Arthur would allow someone to walk all over him. Now, he is as equally and as fiercely protective of himself as he is of you. The two of you, with your tarantula and snek family, are very happy together; and often when Joker goes past the pet store does he struggle with not stealing you another gecko or something similar. You both care for and breed your little family, and you were the one to teach Joker everything he knows. He has a newfound appreciation for the ‘ugly’ in life; he finds things beautiful where others may see ugliness because you taught him through your love and devotion towards your favourite animals. You didn’t mean to teach him, but just through watching you did he learn. The first time you came home to find Joker and not Arthur, he came armed not with a gun but with a tarantula which someone else in the apartment complex was getting rid of. He came with the cage and everything else, and that small piece of your life together was enough for you to coo over the creature as you put it with the others in its new home, and then you flung your arms around Joker’s neck and welcomed him home. 
You have never been able to fool Arthur. Never ever ever. Where Arthur wouldn’t press you in the past, now that he’s grown into himself, he’s not above literally pouting if you don’t tell him the second time he asks if you’re okay. The first time, he’ll allow you to say no and to delay the inevitable because he understands that you need time to work out what you’re going to say, how to approach the topic and the like. But the second? He will literally barricade the door with his own body and yes - persuasions of that sort can and will be used if you still won’t tell him even though you want to. If you genuinely don’t want to talk then he’ll let it go, but he’ll make it clear that he’s there for you all the same. You deal with a lot of bullying and that really isn’t something which Joker will tolerate. He appreciates and admires the way you can hold your own but if things get beyond what even he considers to be a joke, then he’ll step in and you’ll think it lucky that he wears so much red - it makes getting the stains out of his suit much easier.
Ledger!Joker // wc: 642.
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Omgggggg you two!!! I cannot ship you two any harder if I tried! Joker really really really loves you. He never says it but he doesn’t need to because you know him. You know him and you see all the little things with which he shows you, instead. It’s the way he brings home a new pet every time you have an argument, or in the way he leaves behind his purple trenchcoat when it’s really cold outside so that you have something to wear - and yes, the knives in the sleeves are left there as a gift of protection. It’s in the way he has three of everything - one for him to wear while the other is being washed, and one for you. When you wake up in the morning, you awaken to a chorus of, “Hello~, beautiful” and when you open your eyes, it’s to an intense pair of dark brown eyes which glitter with mirth and with love - he doesn’t say it, he doesn’t need to, but the way your hand wraps around the back of his neck as you tug him down into the first of many kisses that day and the way he practically purrs in satisfaction is all you need to know that you are loved by Joker. 
You’re chaotic and hyper and loud and Joker thrives on it. He loves it so, so much. In the early days of your relationship, Joker always made his presence known to you by leaving a can of Monster lying around with a Joker card set carefully on the top. Once he sees that you’re cutting back, Joker is all for it. He would replace the cans with something else which is kind of close to Monster, like a can of coke or, heaven forbid, a can of decaf Monster. He would be very supportive of you and all of your endeavours, but if you experience any negative drawbacks then he would plonk a can beside you and rub your shoulders in a massage as he bends down to nip at your ear lobe, his painted lips smirking against your skin. He knows exactly what he does to you and he loves every second of it.
Joker loves it when you get fiercely protective and defensive of the things and people you love. If you ever ripped into someone in front of him, he’d lean against the nearest wall with his arms crossed and the most manic grin on his face. Cackles will quickly accompany his genuine amusement, and when you’re finished, he’d applaud your performance. “That was quite-ta show, Lilith” and you would smile, anger sinking deep into your system. It’s okay, though - Joker will help you to burn off the excess energy ;) He’s not fased at all by your love of insects and tarantulas, sneks and the like, and in fact he loves the way you love them. The way you look when you’re cooing over your pets just makes him want to melt and if you’re quick enough, you’ll catch the complete love of adoration on his face - he won’t deny it if you ask, so kiss him, please. And yes - there is a slight blush underneath all that greasepaint.
You act tough but you suffer. Joker sees and knows everything. He hears what you say but he listens to what you don’t, and these are the things he tends to most of all. He would be proud of you for standing your ground and for dealing with your insecurities as best as you can, but he would never want you to think for even a second that he isn’t completely knocked over by you. He loves you so much. So, so much. He’s proud of you, too, and he tells you in his own ways every single day.
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Awee darling you’ll be okay, we both will. I feel so depressed rn because I’d my period and pretty anxious but grab a heating blanket or pad and curl up with it, I’ll send you a link to something you’ll enjoy 💚💚
OMG you’re going through it too?!!!!! Love, we’re syncing up across the ocean skskskk I’m so sorry omggg I hope you feel better soon!!! I haven’t got any heating blankets or pads it’s just me and my mini radiator lmaoooo and please do oof
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Happy Valentine’s Day I don’t celebrate because I think it’s pointless to base love on chocolate and flowers one day every year but yeah hope it’s good for you :)
I don’t celebrate it either for the same reasons sksksk I hate capitalism! ^^ but I appreciate the sentiment, thank you .v. much. I hope you’re okay; been thinking of you!
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Can I be part of the defense squad for the precious boy? 🥰💚
Do bears shit in the woods? ;) added! thank you so much omggggg
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Ohh I was looking through your fics and I saw the jealousy one with Arthur (Joker) and how do you think J would handle jealousy? 👀
Warnings for murder, dark humour, jealousy (duh), reader has flexible morality, violence.
WC: 713.
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J doesn’t get jealous easily.
He trusts you.
It’s others he doesn’t trust.
You found out quite early on that he can get jealous quite easily.
One of his goons said hello to you but as they came forward to shake your hand, J’s own gloved hand shot out and grabbed the guy’s wrist.
“Hands off,” was the growled warning and even you took a step back, startled.
J’s intense gaze flitted to you and he shook his head subtly, just once: I’m not angry, doll. 
The two of you had a non-verbal system of communication which the two of you had hashed out really early on just to make sure that both of you knew what the other was thinking at all times.
Both of you could be hard to read at times and to prevent any tensions or miscommunications had you created this system.
You had had to work at memorising everything, but J had only been told once.
When you realise that he can get jealous, you decide to not invoke that reaction in him purposefully, for that can breed negative emotions and that’s the last thing you want.
You also do what you can to prevent him getting jealous in the first place, making it known that you’re his by wearing purple as often as you can (and yes, several shopping trips aided you in this), going with him to casual meetings, making acquaintances with his goons (which changed with the wind, disposable were they to J), etc.
Within months of ‘being together’ (he shudders at the term but to this day neither of you have a name for what you are, you just are), everyone knows you’re a package deal.
Where J goes, you can be found… but only in name, so protective is he.
He won’t ever chance you being found or discovered by Bats, just to keep you safe and whole and his.
So when he does get jealous, it’s a lot of sharp gazes, raised eyebrows, smacked lips as he mouths profanity, sudden glints of something cool and metal and utterly unforgiving coming out of his sleeve…
“I’ve got a little friend who wants to say hel-lo to you.”
“Don’t forget who you’re talkin’ to.”
“Ah, no - get your. Hands. Off.”
“Someone’s gettin’ too - aah - friendly over here, don’t’cha think?”
All these are just warning signs - he can and he will shove people against walls with the flash of his blade their only warning if they keep pushing his limits.
As I said - J absolutely trusts you 100% and he trusts you to hold your own, to stand up for yourself and also for J and what you have together, undefined though it is.
So he only really steps in when people disrespect you and your relationship and continue to flirt with you, pursue you etc.
The details stay fuzzy to J once he realises a line has been crossed.
As the line is crossed, nothing else matters but making a point - you’re his and he’s yours.
One time, you were actually grabbed by someone and -
“C’mon, you can leave the freak here. You’re only with him because you’re scared not to be.”
Silence. You could have heard a pin drop as everyone in the room froze, including you. 
Both you and J were pissed and you met each other’s eyes from across the room, the message clear.
Before you got there, J came stalking forward slowly, carefully, stalking his prey, and -
“Doll, do you wanna see a magic trick?”
You felt a smirk growing on your face. You’d seen this trick before - J had a pencil in his hand.
“I can make this pencil - ah, disappear!”
J pulled his hand back and lunged forward. There was a disgusting noise, and the person dropped to the floor, never to move again.
You grinned, you couldn’t help it. 
“You killed him good, J.”
Incidences of jealously became far less common within the warehouses and around J’s men after that; people knew not to touch you.
And when people targeted J?
Well, you were more than capable of defending him.
Woe betide anyone stupid enough to cross either of you. They’d get what they deserved.
Ledger!!Joker @nothing-but-a-comedy @justahyena @anyatheladyclown   @mijachula   @joker-daddy    @rinbyo    @imightaswellnotexistatall    @vladtoly    @joker-is-my-hero    @liz-rdwitch   @enigmaticandunstable        @ledgerskitten    @tsukiakarinobara    @germansarechill      @ezziesworld
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
You’re my moonbeam // Ledger!Joker x Reader // comfort + fluff.
Summary: You’ve had a bad day. You’ve had a really bad day and you don’t want anything other than Joker’s arms around you. That’s exactly what he does for you, wanting nothing more than for you to smile - whether you want to or not. 
A/N: Yeeeeeeees~ I jumped on the bandwagon skskksk I’m super super nervous about writing and posting this but @nothing-but-a-comedy​ was very encouraging and she read this over and helped me so much with the dialogue etc. and so this is for you, Divya!! Love you, girl! <33333 Please let me know how I did on this omg I feel kinda sick posting this I’m so nervoussss~
Word count: 1. 241.
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It was already starting to get dark by the time you got home, the previously sun kissed sky beginning to bleed into various shades of purple and blue. It looked like the sky was bruised as the sun dipped below the horizon; and had you been more aware of your surroundings would you have considered the use of pathetic fallacy; the sky looked bruised and you felt much the same way.
Oh, but you had had such a long, hard day. Your feet ached and you were walking so slowly, your body so heavy that it felt like gravity was trying to pull you down, down, into the ground; truthfully, if you could will the cracked concrete beneath your feet to crack and splinter open just wide enough to swallow you whole, to make you disappear, you would. You had had enough and you just wanted one thing, and one thing only:
Joker’s arms around you.
He had been gone long before you had even been awake this morning, and though you had seen some of his men dotted around the place as you had gone about your day, you hadn’t seen him and it was this that was making your heart bleed just as surely as the sky seemed to be.
As you slid your worn key into the rusted lock of your front door, the sound of metal on metal welcomed you home. You entered your home. It was cold. Dark.
The universe, it seemed, was making a joke out of you, for your surroundings matched the way you were feeling.
Your mind was beginning to shut down, so tired and so worn out were you, as your body began to run on autopilot as you kicked off your shoes, shed your coat without a care for where it landed - though with a blank stare did you then hang it up and line your shoes against the wall - and removed any other excess layer. 
You stripped on your way to the shower, your clothes creating a trail which would lead Joker straight to you when - if - he came home this night.
The hot water of the shower felt like a hug and you tilted your head up to feel more of the warmth on your deprived skin as the silent sound of loneliness surrounded you; if Joker was much longer then you would go to bed with loneliness to embrace you. Its cold and unforgiving arms would surely be better than the imminent sense of emptiness which came with Joker’s continued absence.
You complete me, he had once told you, and these words reverberated inside your head and made you smile sadly, even as you sniffled against the tears which were beginning to form in your eyes.
Oh, but you missed him.
“I want Joker,” You whispered to the empty room, grabbing his pillow and pulling it into your chest, burrowing your face into the surface and just smelling gunpowder, gasoline and something so distinctly him that it made you smile. Even when he wasn’t with you could you draw strength from his very presence in your life. “I want him so bad.”
“Ta-da!” With a growling tone to accompany his ‘magic trick’ did Joker burst into the room, his ghostly face broken up by that macabre red painted smile; much of it smudged across his cheeks. Pieces of the white on his forehead had worn away or come off entirely. He looked very much like a man who cared little for his own appearance, someone who didn’t take anything seriously, but more to the point, he looked like home. You felt that final piece of your soul click into place as you leapt up from the bed, almost getting your foot caught in the duvet, and bounded over to him. You knew not where this burst of energy came from, but you suspected that it came from the very man before you.
Even without that smile on his face did you see his intense brown eyes soften as he looked at you, his arms held out at his sides and his fingers splayed to welcome you home. Only you could bring out this side to him, though if ever you tried to mention it to others were you met with horrified glances, hushes and head shakes. No one believed that the Clown Prince of Gotham had any kind of softness to him, but you did; and as such, only you got to see it.
“You called for me, doll?” His voice was lightly mocking, but the immediate way in which his arms came around you as he tugged you none too gently into his chest spoke louder than he was. He knew that you had had a long day; his men had kept him updated on where you were and what you were doing throughout the day. It was nothing invasive; it was just because people knew that you were with the Joker and so it was a way to keep you safe even when he wasn’t beside you, and he knew what being overworked and underappreciated did to you. He knew and so it was with a gentle kiss to your forehead, his painted lips sticky against your freshly washed skin, that he tightened his arms around you and swung up into his embrace, setting you down onto the bed as easily as a well practiced dance routine. “Why are you so grumpy, sweet thing?”
“I just missed you today.” You didn’t bother mentioning anything about what you had been doing. You both knew that he already knew, and so there was little point in telling him anything about your day; if he wanted to know more about anything, he would ask. He wasn’t one to beat around the bush. If he wanted something, he got it.
Right now, he wanted to be there for you. You had missed him so badly that you had spoken it aloud to what you had thought to be an empty room, though he had been hiding in the apartment the entire time waiting for his ‘cue’, a man with a dramatic flair was he. Right now did Joker want you to feel loved, and that was just what he was going to do to you, for you.
For your candour, though Joker had already known, were you rewarded with another forehead kiss as Joker climbed over your body with a clumsy grace - why bother going around the bed when there was a perfectly good short cut? - and pulled you easily into his arms.”Well, I’m right here.” At his inflection did he press a cold gloved hand down over your heart, a shit eating grin on his face which said more than he ever would. He wasn’t the kind of man to say words which spoke his truth, he much preferred actions. 
He slid a leg between yours with an audible grunt and secured you easily into his arms, one sliding under your back and the other around your waist, his fingers flexing and squeezing as he tried to feel as much of your body as he could. You were trapped in the cage of his warm embrace and as loneliness melted away and you sunk your face into his green waistcoat, did you quite feel your worries fade out into nothingness, for truly did nothing matter so long as you had your Joker. 
Tagging (let me know if you wanna join my Ledger! taglist): @nothing-but-a-comedy​ @justahyena​
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
You, you, you /// Ledger!Joker x F!Reader // comfort, fluff.
This is a personal gift for @nothing-but-a-comedy, who wanted some fluffy Joker cuddles with body insecurity comfort integrated within. I hope that this hits that spot, darling. Thank you so much for helping me out with my writing and with Ledger’s Joker - he’s already becoming easier for me to write. I hope that you enjoy this.
Summary: You’ve been feeling unloved, ugly. Unworthy of someone like Joker. He may be an agent of chaos, but he much prefers order in the way you’re feeling, and if your sense of self worth is just a bit off kilter, well, he’ll have to correct it for you, won’t he?
No warnings necessary for this one skskks I behaved myself lmao.
Word count: 949.
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You stood in just your bra and undies facing the mirror. Your fingers were pinching the sides of your hips, where there were stretch marks. You heard so often how people spoke about natural tiger stripes and being blessed by lightning but you just couldn’t see it. In others? Hell yeah! In yourself? No... No, it was just ugly and that was precisely how you felt.
Your entire sense of self worth so often depended on the way you viewed yourself, and just like everything in life was the media mostly to blame. Women never thought of themselves as ugly or any of the variants until the media, until society, taught them to see their stretch marks, those dimples at the base of their spines and at the sides of their thighs, as ugly. As something needing to be fixed.
Your eyes roamed all over your body, your fingers pinching and twisting and hating, and so absorbed were you in what you were doing that you failed to notice Joker coming into the bathroom and leaning up against the closed door. He stood there with his arms crossed, just watching you. His intense brown eyes were taking you in, watching you. Waiting. What he was waiting for, he knew not, but it was only when you grabbed one of your rolls and pinched hard enough to leave a slightly pink mark that Joker laughed sarcastically, his ‘laughter’ ringing off the walls.
“Ha, aha - and I thought my jokes were bad.”
Joker pushed himself off the wall and moved to come up behind you, wrapping his strong arms around your waist as he leaned forward to rest his chin on your shoulder. 
You frowned at Joker’s choice of words. “It’s not a joke, love. I’m being serious.”
The look he shot you through the mirror and the way that his arms tightened around your waist told you that he was being wholehearted, too.
You smiled sadly, already feeling slightly comforted as Joker told you in his own charming way that the looks and harsh touches you were giving yourself weren’t funny; that the issue of you being, at the very least, kind to yourself, was significant. 
“I don’t like any of what I see. It’s just...” You grabbed yourself again and your face scrunched up by itself, even as you willed yourself to smile. Joker was watching you; your fingers, your expressions, your micro expressions... he saw you in that moment and as beautiful as he found you, he couldn’t see any kind of logic in your own self vision.
Like he said - it was a bad joke.
It was so bad it wasn’t even funny.
“It’s just what, doll?” There was a definite edge of displeasure, of concern, in Joker’s voice, his intense eyes challenging you. He dared you to say something else, anything, against the girl he loved.
You caught his gaze in the mirror and your next words, whatever they had been, died on your tongue. Joker scoffed and rolled his eyes, his arms tightening around your waist as he pulled you into him, his gloved fingers lacing together. You brought a hand up to rest over his, leaning your head back to touch Joker’s shoulder. He straightened up to accommodate you, a glint of amusement beginning to overcome his concern.
“I just don’t like the number on the scales. I don’t even like - “ the words burned on the tip of your tongue and you refused to say them aloud. You refused to. But you didn’t have to. Joker saw it, he saw your darkest, most vulnerable truth in your eyes; it was all in your eyes, and he chuckled coldly. There was no humour in the sound, there was nothing happy about the noise that he made in the face of what was so obviously written all over you.
“I better have just interpreted that look on your face wrong, sweet thing.” 
You shook your head. Guilty.  “No... you read all of me right. I’m sorry.” I’m sorry I’m not beautiful. I’m sorry I have stretch marks. I’m sorry I’m insecure about my body. I’m sorry I’m even insecure about my skin colour. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m sor - 
Joker pulled a face at you in the mirror; it was comical and it made you giggle despite yourself. He smirked and his hands slid apart and trailed lightly, so lightly, down your sides. The cold purple leather against your bare skin made you shiver, and Joker ducked his head to trail his full lips along your bare shoulder, his teeth moving your bra strap out of the way so that he could purse his lips to feather kisses against your skin. 
Joker’s lips found the junction between your neck and your shoulder and he bit down hard, his hands holding you up against him. He sucked a bruise onto that patch of skin, his quickly cooling saliva in the warm air of the room made you shiver deliciously. 
“I would never want you to be anything other than this,” Joker growled out, his hands tightening where they stilled on your fleshy upper thighs, his fingers squeezing the same area that you had been tugging harshly; only his touch was gentle; forgiving where yours wasn’t. “You, you - you complete me.”
Your audible groan made Joker chuckle against your skin and though he knew that there was nothing he could really do to rid you of those thoughts inside your head, he would, at the very least, stay by you through it all. 
He was a man of action after all, and there was nothing he wouldn’t do for you.
Ledger!!Joker @nothing-but-a-comedy @justahyena @anyatheladyclown   @mijachula   @joker-daddy    @rinbyo    @imightaswellnotexistatall    @vladtoly    @joker-is-my-hero    @liz-rdwitch
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