#justcallmecj writes
justcallmecj · 15 days
Humans Are Confusing
Alright. First time posting an actual anything on Tumblr, so let's see how this goes. Ran into a post on here recently and haven't been able to get it out of my mind since, so I kinda wanna ramble.
I like to think that in the Obey Me universe, humans and demons are just Built Different when compared to each other. I also like to think that demons don't truly know a lot about humans. They think they do, or that humans are easy to predict/understand. But there are wrong and having Solomon and Mc around just proves it to them.
Again. Humans and demons are built different. I like to think about the possibility of the human body/mind being able to do things a demons body/mind could never and that absolutely snaps the brothers' minds. So I have thought of a few things I could make funny scenarios out of.
Cracking Bones:
Humans crack all sorts of bones and joints all the time. I know I sure do, mainly my back, fingers and neck. Well, so do Solomon and Mc. They both do it all the time, especially Solomon, and neither thought anything of it when they first started staying in the Devildom. Neither knew that demons can't crack their bones.
The first time Mc cracked their back when stretching, every brothers head whipped towards them. Upon seeing that that sound came from Mc, horror settled in. And even more shock occurred when Solomon, who was nearby, said "Nice. Sounded like that felt good." and Mc, who they all expected to suddenly fall to the floor or something, simply straightened themself and said "Yep. Been needing to do that for a while now." and walked out of the room completely fine. No one knew what the hell just happened.
Demons can't do that. That sounded like a bone fucking breaking so how in the Devildom is Mc okay?!?!
Still in a shock, Mc came back in and noticed the brothers' state. They asked Solomon what was up and he had no clue. So they asked. Only Lucifer was able to shake himself our of his stupor enough to ask the question.
And this left Mc and Solomon both very confused. "Can you guys not do that?" and all the brothers frantically shook there heads. With a chuckle, Solomon explained that humans could simply move their bones and joints in a way that resulted in a cracking sound. It was something that actually resulted in relief, in pressure being taken off those points.
Then he promptly stood up and swung his torso, multiple cracking sounds filling the room from his back and then he bent his fingers one by one, each motion resulting in another crack. Then he walked up to Mc and they both left the room, completely fine. Asmo almost passed out that day.
And now all the demons and angels have a short panic whenever Mc or Solomon crack something until they remember that it's apparently normal for them.
The need for socialization:
Demons can and have gone centuries alone. Whether it was self-induced or a punishment, they will be fine in the long run. Hell, even some of the brothers can go a couple months without socializing (Levi and Belphie) and have no problems. Isolation is no life threatening thing for them. But it is for humans.
The brothers never knew what could happen to a human left isolated for too long until Mc and Solomon started talking about is to each other. It was a long conversation about the effects and risks of it.
Humans can develop physical and mental disease and illness from isolation. Heart problems, depression, mental decline, hallucinations, extreme anxiety, increased blood pressure, even insanity.
Why? Could humans not just...be okay? Why would they get all these problems if they isolated for so long? That doesn't happen to demons, or even angels. So, they started asking questions, all of which made Mc and Solomon realize how these topics, which are sort of common knowledge among humans, are very much unknown to the people of the other realms
And so they explained. Explained how humans were built to be social, to depend on each other physically and mentally. While they are capable of surviving alone for a while, or even a whole lifetime, they will still develop problems. Isolation can literally alter the brain chemistry of a human. They brought up the fact that Mc doesn't like to be alone for too long, getting lonely and too far into their own head when they get ignored. The fact that Solomon, who has gone dangerously long without contact, finds the subtle ways to latch himself onto people or goes somewhere with lot of people and lets himself be with them, to feed off their energy and be human again.
Let's just say that, after this conversation, everyone made an effort to no longer ignore Mc or Solomon for too long.
(I may find more of these ideas so stay tuned?)
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justcallmecj · 24 days
Intro Post
About Me:
-Name: CJ/Calleigh(whatever really) -Pronouns: She/her or they/them (doesn't matter to me!) -Hobbies: Reading, writing, art and video games -Fandoms: To.Fucking.Many -Fav Food(s): watermelon, lasagna and vanilla ice cream -Least Fav Foods(s): Pineapple, tomatoes and sweet potatoes -Fav Video game(s): Genshin Impact, Twisted Wonderland and Obey Me
-Fav Shows: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Bungou Stray Dogs and other anime -Other Accounts: JustCallMeCJ (AO3), YouCanJustCallMeCJ (Wattpad), JustCallMeCJ (Quotev)
Rules for requests:
I will write nsfw
I can write angst and other triggering topics, because I don't get uncomfortable easily, but can and will reject a request if I am truly uncomfortable with it
You can request for any of my listed fandoms
The prompt can be fluffy, platonic, angsty, fluffy or romantic or even an enemy type scenario if you want
More to come...
Obey Me Shall We Date?
Twisted Wonderland
Bungou Stray Dogs
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Genshin Impact
Dragon City
More to come...
#justcallmecj writes (True, coherent thoughts)
#justcallmecj fics (my fan fics)
#justcallmecj rambles (probably my late night thoughts)
#justcallmecj arts (there may be some, who knows!)
#justcallmecj headcanons (Just headcanons)
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