#justice for meera
rogloptimist · 1 year
book recs for aapi heritage month 🕺🕺
a bit late, but happy aapi heritage month! i’ve been getting back into reading this past year after my pandemic slump, so here’s some books that i really enjoyed by aapi authors 
the poppy war trilogy by rf kuang - this series is a fantasy based on 19th-20th century china. it’s hilariously written with some of my favorite characters of all time, and deals with some really heavy topics like colonialism, the effects of warfare, and classism in a brutally honest fashion. i have so much to say about it but that’s for a much longer post-
babel: an arcane history by rf kuang - at this point i will read this woman’s grocery list, she is such a skilled writer and genius storyteller. babel is set in an alternate 1800s oxford university, in a world which the british empire’s power is built upon magic silver. babel unpacks the intrinsic ties between academia and empire from the perspective of someone on the inside and the concept of resistance. it also really hits home to the feeling of disconnect from your native language as a bilingual/third culture kid- overall just brilliant book imo. the magic system is also really interesting (as is that of rf kuang’s other work)- she builds upon the real world to create a fantasy that is engaging, but also very representative of the motifs of her work?? idk how to explain it but 🙏rebecca🙏
you’re the only one i’ve told: the stories behind abortion by meera shah - you’re the only one i’ve told is a collection of stories about abortion entrusted to shah, a medical practitioner who works as an abortion provider. the book humanizes these people and their experiences from a variety of different backgrounds and circumstances, and is a really compelling read. 
we have always been here: a queer muslim memoir by samra habib - we have always been here is a memoir about  habib’s experience growing up as an ahmadi muslim in pakistan, coming to canada as refugees in their teenage years, and grappling with queer identity within an environment where their body and personhood was thought to have been needed to be controlled. habib discusses faith, sexuality, and love through a lens of self discovery and finding community that you didn’t know existed. 
the henna wars by adiba jaigirdar - this book is set in dublin, and follows a young bangladeshi girl named nishat. nishat has fallen for an estranged childhood friend, flávia, who just so happens to be her rival in an upcoming school business competition. and by some luck, they both have chosen to create the same business; henna tattoos. i’m a sucker for fluff so this book got me, but it also deals with appropriation and queer romance (particularly from a 3rd culture experience) quite delicately. nishat’s relationship with her sister was also so well written, and i think was one of the most compelling bonds in this book!
this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar - okay i’m still in the process of finishing this book, but it has been so good so far! this is a story about two rival agents moving through a war that stretches across time, fighting tooth and nail for their own victory in a vaguely apocalyptic world. they begin a correspondence that spills into something that could change the course of time extremely literally. the writing style and descriptions are gorgeous, and the fragmented format of letters jumping across thousands of years is a really interesting reading experience. very cool book!
on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong - god this man is such a talent- everything good you’ve heard about his work is true and you should go read it rn. on earth we’re briefly gorgeous is written in the form of a letter from a son to his illiterate mother, and tells a story that crosses over 3 generations with it’s epicenter rooted in vietnam. the narrator unpacks how the effects of warfare, immigration and generational trauma have shaped his relationship with his mother and his own life. i’m not doing it justice (not for any of these rlly i cannot elevator pitch books), but vuong’s writing is so beautiful and intimate yet quiet? 💃💃🙏🫶👍🙏👌💃
that’s all i have for now, if you have any recs pls do tell!! to my fellow asian/pacific islander americans, your voices and stories deserve to be uplifted and celebrated without being fetishized, appropriated or pigeonholed. have a great may! 
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queenaryastark · 2 years
Many Arya fan have written in great detail about her possible meeting and friendship with Dany, but do you have headcannons for what the meetings/friendship with other female (Meera, Brienne, one of the Mormont siblings, Shireen etc) would be like ? Even if you don't think they will actually meet.
Hi there! I really like the idea of Arya continuing to form positive relationships with other girls and women. There's probably so much content about Arya/Dany because they're the two female leads of the series and will likely have to work together on some level during the Battle for the Dawn. But yes, there are lots of other women Arya can befirend:
Arya/Meera: If they meet, they'll be besties. Arya and Meera have a lot in common as both of them served as leaders and protectors of their traveling groups. Seeing a confident lady who doesn't change herself to fit into the patriarchal ideal of femininity and whose feminine expression is closer to Arya's own will help Arya see that there is nothing wrong with who she is. If they meet, Meera will definitely be a great role model and cool big sister type for Arya. And it goes without saying that she’ll adore Meera for how well she has protected Bran all this time.
Arya/Brienne: Their dynamic would be very similar to Arya/Meera with another lady being an example of a different type of lady from the one Arya grew up being pressured to be. Though Brienne would have the added layer of being a knight. While Arya doesn't want to be a knight, she idealizes them like her siblings do: "Hot Pie was being silly; it wouldn't be ghosts at Harrenhal, it would be knights. Arya could reveal herself to Lady Whent, and the knights would escort her home and keep her safe. That was what knights did; they kept you safe, especially women. -- Arya IV, ACOK. So while Arya has seen several knights who have been monsters, Brienne would be the type of knight that fits the ideal Arya was raised to believe in and just might help her get home. I always found it interesting that Brienne is on Arya’s trail and doesn’t fully realize it. I've also thought of an AU where Brienne tries to help Arya get home after AGOT instead of her traveling with the NW. Brienne/Arya would basically be a female Dunk & Egg, which would be fun.
Arya/Arianne: The Short Queens. Throughout her chapters, Arya has befriended and admired all types of women. If they were to meet, she would easily admire Arianne despite how different they are. As a woman who seeks to wield power in her own right and takes assertive action through her intelligence, she is absolutely someone Arya would like and respect. She also happens to be the descendant of one of Arya’s heroines, Nymeria of Ny Sar. I could see an AU where Arya stays in KL and escapes with the Dornish party at the end of ASOS, bringing her to Sunspear where she can bond with Arianne and learn a great deal from her. As it stands now, both have similarities in how they have to out think their opponents given their lack of physical strength and use their ability to make friends to achieve their goals.
Arya/Sand Snakes: Even more descendants of Arya’s favorite heroine, she would absolutely love the Sand Snakes. Each of them is a different example of womanhood, with their own strengths, weaknesses, and different personalities. Arya is currently learning poisons and knows how to put on a performance like Tyene, keeps hidden weapons like Lady Nym, is a horse girl like Elia, disguises herself as a boy to get around gendered restrictions and is intelligent like Sarella, and wishes for justice like Obara. There’s definitely something in each of the ones we know about that Arya would connect with.
Arya/Missandei: These two kids have gone through so much tragedy and continue to persevere. Missandei is one of the most intelligent character in the series, knowing several languages and being able to recite customs and laws from various cultures. She’s also able to apply that knowledge and a guileless persona in government meetings and in war strategies. As another kid dealing with adult situations, I don’t see how Arya can do anything but admire her. I hope they meet and bond in the coming books. If Dany stops by Braavos on her way to the Wall, Arya can join them and befriend Missandei.
Arya/Mormont Women: Arya was pressured to conform to patriarchal standards by misogynistic women and girls who uphold the patriarchy, which resulted in her developing a negative self-image. Had she been fostered on Bear Island with the Mormont ladies, she would have been able to be who she is and develop a healthier self-image. We see how the Mormont women handle themselves confident in who they are as women and capable of wielding administrative, political, and military power. They could be great role models and friends for Arya in the coming books. The women who survive are actively involved in the Norther political plots, which Arya is at the center of -- though she doesn’t know it yet. I can see them supporting her and being a great influence on how she gains confidence in her own femininity. 
Basically, Arya developing positive female relationships is a must. I already appreciate that GRRM has given her girlfriends in Braavos, but it definitely needs to continue beyond her training montage in that city. 
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katarinas-redemption · 4 months
The Alchemist (No. 101). 👏👏👏 Episode highlights.
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Season 1, Episode 12 "THE ALCHEMIST"
Red notifies the team that a man known as the Alchemist has been hired to protect a mob informant and his wife;
Official synopsis: As Red (James Spader) enlists activist whistleblowers in his search for the mole, Liz (Megan Boone) pursues a deranged scientist who's helped dozens of criminals escape by engineering and killing their genetic doubles.
Eric Trettel aka The Alchemist. - Meera: His name’s Eric Trettel. Flunked out of med school. Falsified a degree from Harvard and used it to land a job in the Human Genome Project. He spun that into a career as an expert witness specializing in DNA evidence. Ressler: He testified in a case on behalf of Carlos Trena, a soldier in the D’Angelo crime family facing three counts of murder one. Meera: Trettel was hired to present exculpatory DNA evidence. Problem is, that evidence was falsified. Trettel was outed as a fraud and disgraced. Two weeks later, he disappeared. It was believed either the D’Angelo family had him killed or he fled to avoid indictment.
Liz: He’s, um – a scientist, an expert in DNA.
Red: – There’s someone I think you should find.
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He’s a man who protects the guilty by preying on the innocent. He’s killed women, children, infants if need be– whatever the particular job calls for.
Red: I bring this to your attention because I’ve learned that he’s been contracted to protect Pytor Madrczyk and his wife.
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Liz: You were wrong about Madrczyk. You said the Alchemist was hired to protect him. Now he’s dead.
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Liz: How does he do it?
Red: I don’t know even half of it. I’ve heard rumors– removing the white blood cells from the victim and replacing them with the red blood cells of his client, leaving clone DNA at crime scenes to mislead the police, even incorporating synthetic DNA into genuine human tissue.
Liz: So this isn’t just evidence tampering. This is genetic manipulation.
Red: Yes. It’s a trade in death. The guilty give their blood and genetic identity.mThe innocent give their life for the guilty to live. If you find the Alchemist, you have a chance to resurrect the dead, to bring to justice some of the most vile creatures who ever lived.
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Red: If you find the Alchemist, you have a chance to resurrect the dead, to bring to justice some of the most vile creatures who ever lived.
Aram: The female victim on the plane was named Sarah Jenkins.
Liz: How did you identify her?
Aram: The Alchemist knew that, based on a forensic procedure, we wouldn’t run tests necessary to distinguish between synthesized and natural DNA. Now that we know what we’re looking for, we pulled the bone–marrow sample, ran it against our database.
Mrs Madrczyk: I got a call. Are you Trettel?
Trettel: We have a situation.
Mrs Madrczyk: Yeah, we have a situation. You crashed our jet, murdered five people. We’re supposed to be gone. You assured us. I was on my way to Budapest when my husband was taken into FBI custody.
Trettel: Who did you tell?
Mrs Madrczyk: We paid you to make us disappear.
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Liz: Sarah Jenkins was using an online–dating site. That’s how we think the Alchemist found her. Gave him everything he needed to know to double her as Catherine Madrczyk.
Liz: He knows we’re onto him.
Ressler: That’s why he took the risk of coming into the field office. Got Madrczyk, his wife– The guy’s killing everybody that might lead us to him.
Liz: Oh, my God. His family.
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Ressler: [ On phone ] Malik, we’re too late. Molly and Annie Trettel are dead.
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Mrs Trettel: You’re not gonna get away with this.
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crytidsprinkles · 9 months
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I was unaware Aquaman 2 was releasing last month. I found out or probably was reminded because I forgot by my mom mentioning it to be (she enjoyed the first and LOVES Jason Momoa).
The bizarre behavior towards Amber Heard and Depp frankly continues to permeate public discussion, conscience and culture. To the point there are still people bemoaning, shredding and ridiculing her. And frankly it's quite tired.
Cases of abuse requires understanding and education, not knee jerk reactions, parasocial clamoring and armchair commentaries (including body language experts to pseudo pop psychologists).
This isn't Crime and Punishment, holding people accountable for abuse in the way people are currently going about it would mean Depp and Heard getting the same treatment, they aren't.
This acknowledged, I would love to have a chance to view the film with Meera having a much more active role. I've already heard much of Amber's screentime has been cut and it does impact the film. I was so excited for the fight scenes and based on the hinting at other versions being shot, I think one with Meera's role and arc not being minimized is the stronger movie.
And at minimum if not in theaters, give people the alternate cuts on dvd/blu ray. Let there be a choice. The situation shouldn't mean the project suffers or is taken out on Heard (especially when it's not being taken out on Johnny).
Whoever was involved with the decision to whittle Heard's role down only made matters even more magnified and a focal point, when it could have been handled much better, with care and sensitivity. The lack of support or understanding at least also speaks poorly of the studio and any team members this applies to.
Especially given so many other instances in entertainment of people openly committing, accused of and even charged with abuse who Hollywood has no problem continuing to work with. It's quite hypocritical, and simplistic.
The trial happened, some of us witnessed it, some made skits, commentary and some steered clear. I chose not to watch the trial while it was happening or a majority of the posts/videos people created. I found nothing about it amusing and thought people choosing "teams" and going so far as to call it that incredibly strange behavior.
I paid attention to the impact to victims/survivors and what those with expertise or careers in the field of domestic violence or any related to. I listened when people spoke of the power imbalance, PR team, prior charges in UK and much more.
Some people were and still are so invested in this team sport like, and misogynistic nonsense they'd never admit now they were deeply in the wrong and caused a lot of harm. This isn't a game or fable, there's no winners, losers, good guys, bad guys.
It's the nuance and complexity of human beings and awful situations. I'm saying any of this because I know it will come up or someone will want to open their mouth about it.
Here's some great videos to compliment my comments:
TW: Ableism (unhinged and idiots are terms used) barring this, it is an very salvageable video.
In closing I'll say it should but didn't concern everyone that so many incels, reactionaries, garden variety misogynyist of all sorts (and not just men) as well as abusers standing right alongside them while the general public dog piled.
It reveals greater issues within societies as far as talking about abuse, abuse cases, survivors and we have a long way to go.
The public needs to learn and progress, so one day our world addresses trauma, harm and violence with thoughtfulness, knowledge, RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, radical love and critical thinking.
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wintervsuns · 9 months
who: @owenstark when and where: the rooms that lord brandon karstark had been moved into following the urgent audince with ren, in which she informed king owen stark and brandon himself of what had happened with the incident between the queen of winter, lady meera reed and jin renshu. context: the post.
an hour had gone by - an hour in which brandon karstark had remained stood, having been kept within his chambers for the sake of maintaining the peace. there came every inch of him that he needed to fight, every inch of him that he needed to suppress: and that was the selfish, vengeful urge to have justice done by his own hand. the hand of the king would trust in the passing of the sentence according to the king of winter - he would need to. what other choice did he have?
his steps paced as he waited, the blood whirling in his ears only reminding him further of the fact his blood was rushing whilst hers had spilled, stained in some corner of the great hall; no servant would be able to scrub it from the floor. they would cover it, with some hay, some rug, but it would always be there. it was always there. so many times he found himself looking towards the door, knowing he could put up considerable risk towards the guards: adam stark's or nots, he almost demanded to be able to get to the queen.
get to the king. get to he who had always been beyond them. then he steadied himself again, reminding himself of the importance in maintaining trust; the king's judgement. how many times had he chuckled and laughed at his wife's perceived strangeness within their own private quarters, remembering the strange woman who spoke to nobody. how many times had he seen the princess cassana coming out of her own disorientation, where the grip on a hand remained and the world made no sense. he needed to have trust. he needed to.
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and when the door opened, the king of winter stepped over the threshold. the king of winter; not owen of house stark. brandon had watched him silently change, the king of winter come again: what could have been the last of the starks had become the thing of legend. the king in the north. and the sun of winter did not like what was upon the face he looked at. somehow, he knew.
"when?" brandon asked, remaining stood.
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
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I posted 197 times in 2022
That's 197 more posts than 2021!
175 posts created (89%)
22 posts reblogged (11%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 194 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#litg - 171 posts
#litg writers room - 165 posts
#writers room - 157 posts
#litg fanfic - 138 posts
#love island the game - 102 posts
#prompt - 65 posts
#litg season 2 - 60 posts
#ask - 41 posts
#litg bobby - 34 posts
#character spotlight - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 62 characters
#anons like these are the reason we don’t turn off anon posting
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello! I want to request for a Suresh fic. I'm just a miserable mess about what's going on with him. May you please write a one-shot about the fall-out between him and MC (especially the one that he's been flirting for months to the other girl and they had a big fight, he slept with the girl and MC found out about the girl with the tattoo) then up to you what happened to them onwards. I'm such a sucker for angst and hurt fics. Thank you! 💞💞
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See the full post
138 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
So usually in UK LI, there's a challenge along the lines of the mean tweets one, but with news headlines (they do both in most seasons). Any season, any point in time, doesn't have to be focused on a particular character or MC, just generalised based on the events of the season + the drama afterwards.
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Read It & Tweet
S5 | 3900+ words | @i-boop-you
A mash up of Mean Tweets and the Headlines challenge. Season Five is in full swing, and it's about to be in sull swill, too. As the Islanders play their newest challenge, drinks go flying, and after everything she's been though, Saira isn't going to let this opportunity go without some justice.
Thank you to Kellee, Iris, Audrey, Natalie, and Suzi for letting me use their usernames in this fic! And to Chrys for giving it a look over for me🥰
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157 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
is it too soon for suresh smut? 👀
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Baby (One More Time)
S5 | Suresh/MC | 3700+ words | i-boop-you
It's night one in the Villa, and how will exes Suresh and Bonnie cope having to share a bed together with all that bad blood still in the way? NSFW.
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172 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Hey guys! So my idea that I can’t get out of my head, can be wrote as you prefer but what if MC did leave instead of Meera? I know a lot of us players would have preferred to see that instead of how things turned out. I wanted to see what would be the aftermath of MC leaving because specially Suresh picking Arlo to make MC jealous how would he feel knowing MC left because he decided to go with someone else, or even Eddie… I’m curious. ☺️
I hope this inspire you guys in some way and thank you for all you do and if you do decide to answer this ❣️
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look what you made me do
S5 | 2300+ words | @ellegreenwxy
MC is booted from the Villa in a 'shocking' turn of events. Time for some tearful hug's goodbye ... right?
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183 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You guys are doing wonders to my brain lol love you guys soooo much!
Could I ask for a completely warranted Finn and MC smut after the whole Kat and Alfie thing? Pretty pretty please!
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S5 | Finn/MC | 3200+ | @mrsbsmooth
Everyone in the villa treats Erin like dirt. Alfie & Kat are the final straw. It's not fair, and Finn's fucking had enough. NSFW
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209 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
I heard a theory that new islanders might be exes of other islanders (Dana and Alfie were mentioned)
They very well could be, but we have zero time to actually do that theory any justice. And I’ll tell you why below!
Spoilers and theory under the cut
We know the next islanders going home are Meera and Nicolas.. so I’m assuming there’s going to be a public vote of some kind of the most popular girl / popular boy. Both have been horrible to MC and I could see the public on MCs side and backing her. Now the reason we know this is because neither have heart rate outfits. Buttt neither do these new islanders.
So basically we need to dump Meera and Nicolas BEFORE heart rate and the new arrivals need to come AFTER heart rate. I don’t think we’re getting heart rate next week unless we dump Meera / Nicolas right in the first episode and then second episode is heart rate. But I kind of see it being Finn finishes his marriage proposal and then we get the fallout / drama from that. I think multiple people are pulling us for chats after that…kat, Finn, dana 🙄 and I could see Alfie wanting to chat. Alfie is the next on the LI list for declarations, he has to tell MC how he feels while Meera is still in the villa or else it cheapens it for me. If he only confesses he wants MC after Meera leaves he looks like a massive game player. Also, I don’t think we’re getting a Suresh chat 😫 so then maybe that night we get a text that the public have been voting for their favorite boy/girl and person voted least favorite will be voted off. Sayonara Meera and Nicolas! Then second episode is next day mc wakes up alone she’s reeling with her back to back confessions. And then say it’s heart rate challenge day.. THIS is when Suresh will come into play. He’s been lying to MC the whole time about his feelings for her and wanting her back since he came back from casa. But what can’t lie? His heart rate! So I think this is going to be the challenge that his heart rate goes through the roof for mc AND maybeeee after they have a chat about it and he reveals his feelings. So then if those new islanders ARE exes its just too much going on at the villa and not enough time with our LI or enough time to make any sort of choice. So that's the only reason why I say prob not....but also its FB so yes definitely yes
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@gretagerwigsmuse tagged me in this a few weeks ago and it just got lost in the finals/holidays shuffle but i wanted to finally do it!
3 ships: Ice and Maverick (Top Gun), Dave and Klaus (Umbrella Academy), and Sunshine and Rooster (if Jordan gets to pick one of hers so do I)
first ever ship: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley I think?? maybe?? i was pretty young
last song: anti-hero by Taylor Swift 
last movie: White Christmas
currently reading: You’re the Only One I’ve Told by Dr. Meera Shah (a recommendation from my sociology professor; if you’re interested in reproductive justice, this is a must-read!)
currently watching: i don’t watch a lot of TV, so just RHOSLC to de-brief with jordan and Law and Order: Special Victims Unit with my room mate
currently consuming: h2o after dehydrating and drinking my whole trip
currently craving: does a hug count
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A Clash of Kings - 21 BRAN III (pages 293-302)
Bran hosts a feast at Winterfell. Meera and Jojen Reed join the party, fashionably late though they are.
The low stone steps balked Dancer only for a moment. When Bran urged him on, he took them easily. ... Still, it made him swell with pride. For so log as it too him to ride the length of that hall he forgot that he was broken. ... - and a huge lobster to Joseth the master of horse, who was neither lord nor guest, but had seen to Dancer's training and made it possible for Bran to ride.
Good job Joseth! (Am I still in love with all the ways they're doing quality of life and living for Bran? Yes. Could you tell? You know what? Drinking game for y'all, take a shot every time I gush about it.)
Alebelly lead two new guests into the feast. "The Lady Meera of House Reed," the rotund guardsman bellowed over the clamor. "With her brother, Jojen, of Greywater Watch."
YAY, MEERA!!! AND JOJEN!! Hiiiiiii!!!!
"To Winterfell we pledge the faith of Greywater," they said together. "Hearth and heart and harvest we yield up to you, my lord. Our swords and spears and arrows are yours to command. Grant mercy to our weak, help to our helpless, and justice to all, and we shall never fail you." "I swear it by earth and water," said the boy in green, "I swear it by bronze and iron," his sister said. "We swear it by ice and fire," they finished together. Bran groped for words. Was he supposed to swear something back to them? Their oath was not one he had been taught.
I was going to say "this isn't the oath of fealty I typically see flung about in fics." I like it. Mercy, help, and justice. nice. Also gives allusions to world building without bogging down the story.
I do like that we got a chance to see what feasts are like in the north, music, dancing, food. And to hear about the differences in the Crannogman diet... do you think they eat frogs legs like the French? I've never tried it, strangely I imagine it would be rather like chicken wings, with the meat to bone ratio.
Not best pleased to see the Walders. Nor to see them being racist.
And Bran had a waking 'wolf dream' in this chapter, warging powers are leveling up!
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divishahotels25 · 14 days
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✨ Remembering Mahadevi Verma on Her Punya Tithi ✨
Today, we pay tribute to the iconic poet, writer, and freedom fighter Mahadevi Verma, whose words continue to inspire generations. Known as the "modern Meera" of Hindi literature, she not only enriched the world of poetry but also championed women's empowerment and social justice
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davidaleksandersen · 20 days
Blacklist Actors: Anya Banerjee as Siya Malik, The Blacklist's New Agent
Anya Banerjee’s portrayal of Siya Malik in The Blacklist has brought a fresh and dynamic energy to the series. As a skilled FBI agent, Siya’s intelligence, determination, and unwavering commitment to justice have made her a valuable asset to the Blacklist FBI task force team. Anya Banerjee plays agent Siya Malik, the adopted daughter of original task force member Meera Malik, tying it all back to…
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kazifatagar · 3 months
New: Court rules Razak Baginda 'complicit' in Altantuya's murder
The High Court ordered political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda and others to pay RM5 million in damages to Altantuya Shaariibuu’s family. Justice Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera ruled that Razak’s refusal to testify under oath led to the court inferring that his testimony would have been adverse. Read More LM News The family of Altantuya seeks to enforce RM5mil judgment now Razak Baginda Social Media…
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allaboutdigital2024 · 3 months
Check Out Ajay Devgn’s New Movie : Aur Me Kaha Dum Tha(2024)
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The most versatile actor in Bollywood, Ajay Devgn, comes back with a bang in his most recent film, “Aur Me Kaha Dum Tha.” Acclaimed for his powerful performances and alluring on-screen persona, Devgn never fails to mesmerize viewers with the characters he takes on. Let’s explore the factors that make “Aur Me Kaha Dum Tha” a must-see film.
Movie Overview
Title: Aur Me Kaha Dum Tha Director: Neeraj Pandey Genre: Action/Drama Release Date: July 2024
The action-drama “Aur Me Kaha Dum Tha” was directed by the well-known director Neeraj Pandey, who is renowned for his compelling narrative and dynamic direction. The movie is expected to be an intense, dramatic, and action-packed roller coaster, with Ajay Devgn playing a strong role that solidifies his place among Bollywood’s biggest performers.
Summary of the Story “Aur Me Kaha Dum Tha” is a Bollywood film that is set against the backdrop of a busy Indian city. It centers on the life of Ajay Devgn’s character Arjun, who has a fascinating past and a strong personality. Arjun becomes caught up in a web of corruption, betrayal, and personal grudges as he makes his way through a sequence of unanticipated activities. Justice, atonement, and the unrelenting search for the truth are among the issues that the movie tackles.
Cast and Characters As Arjun, Ajay Devgn: Arjun is a multifaceted individual with a concealed past who is driven to find the truth and battle injustice. Taapsee Pannu plays the strong-willed journalist Meera, who works with Arjun to assist him both strategically and emotionally. Commissioner Suryavanshi, played by Anupam Kher, is an experienced police officer torn between duty and morality. The character of Rana, played by Rana Daggubati, is a strong adversary who contributes complexity to the conflict.
Music: Vishal-Shekhar, a gifted partnership, composed the soundtrack for “Aur Me Kaha Dum Tha”. They have created a musical experience that goes well with the story of the movie and are well-known for their ability to combine modern beats with emotional melodies. The songs are a mix of energetic hits that will connect with the crowd and heartbreaking ballads.
The vision of the director Famous for his roles in movies such as “A Wednesday!” and “Special 26,” Neeraj Pandey contributes his own touch to “Aur Me Kaha Dum Tha.” His talent for crafting gripping stories with compelling character development guarantees that viewers will be engrossed in this movie from beginning to end.
Why You Should Watch
What Makes Ajay Devgn’s Performance Worth Seeing: Devgn shows off his ability to delve deeply into difficult characters with his dramatic and captivating depiction of Arjun. Captivating Storyline: Plot twists and turns abound, giving this compelling tale to watch. Robust Supporting Cast: The movie features a cast of gifted performers, including Taapsee Pannu and Anupam Kher, who deliver hit roles throughout. High-Octane Action: Sensational and realistic action scenes are expertly orchestrated in this film. Depth of Feeling: The movie delves into deep issues of justice, selflessness, and the human spirit in addition to action sequences.
Where to watch The movie “Aur Me Kaha Dum Tha” is scheduled to open in theaters both domestically and abroad. A few months after its theatrical debut, the movie should be accessible on popular streaming services for people who would rather watch at home.
In summary It appears like “Aur Me Kaha Dum Tha” would be among the most eagerly awaited Bollywood films of the year. This film, which stars Ajay Devgn and is directed by Neeraj Pandey, is expected to provide a cinematic experience that combines drama, action, and emotional nuance. Don’t miss this exciting adventure as Arjun fights against all obstacles to reveal the truth.
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4csupremelawint · 3 months
Your Go-To Lawyers for Supreme Court in Delhi - 4C Supremwlaw International
When legal matters escalate to the highest judicial authority in India, the Supreme Court, having exemplary legal representation becomes indispensable. In such critical times, choosing the right law firm can significantly influence the outcome of your case. 4C SUPREMELAW stands out as a beacon of legal excellence, offering unmatched services from the best Supreme Court lawyers in Delhi.
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Why 4C SUPREMELAW is the Ultimate Choice
The Supreme Court of India handles the most complex and high-stakes cases, requiring lawyers with exceptional knowledge and experience. 4C SUPREMELAW prides itself on its team of seasoned lawyers for Supreme Court in Delhi, who bring a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the law to every case. Here's why we are the top choice for Supreme Court representation:
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india-times · 4 months
TV Actor Meera Deosthale Accuses Vidya Producer of Withholding Dues: "Making Me Beg for It is Pure Harassment"
In a dramatic turn of events, TV actor Meera Deosthale has publicly accused producer Mahesh Pandey of withholding her dues from the abruptly cancelled show “Vidya.” This revelation comes after a prolonged four-year struggle to receive her rightful payment.
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Meera, who is currently starring in “Kuch Reet Jagat Aisi Hai,” took to social media on Wednesday to express her frustration. She claimed that despite her persistent efforts, a substantial amount of Rs 3.78 lakh remains unpaid since “Vidya” ended on Colors TV. Meera’s frustration has grown to the extent that she recently spoke with The Times of India and later took to Instagram to detail her ordeal.
According to Meera, while a part of the pending dues, amounting to Rs 8 lakhs, was cleared after she approached the Cine & TV Artistes’ Association (CINTAA) in 2022, the remaining amount has not been settled. She also mentioned filing an FIR against Mahesh Pandey in May 2023, which has yet to yield any results. Adding to her woes, Mahesh has reportedly ghosted her and failed to pay the TDS (Tax Deducted at Source), which has now resulted in a penalty for Meera.
Responding to these allegations, Mahesh Pandey contended that he had paid Meera Rs 83 lakhs, including GST. He questioned why he would withhold Rs 3 lakh if he had already paid such a significant amount. Mahesh explained that the abrupt ending of “Vidya” caused him a financial loss of around Rs 4 crore. He expressed his disappointment over Meera’s decision to involve the association, citing ongoing financial losses in his company. Despite this, he maintained that he intends to clear her dues when feasible and is not asking for a reduction, a common practice among producers when shows end unexpectedly.
Meera fiercely countered Mahesh’s comments on Instagram, highlighting the continuous work of his production house post “Vidya,” including producing “Gupta Brothers” and other shows on Doordarshan. She pointed out that Mahesh worked as a programming head on a leading GEC channel, questioning his claims of financial incapacity. “Making me beg for it is pure harassment,” she declared, stressing that the TDS deducted four years ago remains unpaid to the government.
She further shared her frustration, revealing that she was made to sign a No Objection Certificate (NOC) that allowed the production to receive the final amount from the channel. Trusting Mahesh’s words, she agreed to this, only to be left unpaid. She questioned the authenticity of the so-called full and final settlement, urging for bank statements post-FIR to verify any payments made to her account.
Meera’s outcry has found resonance among other actors. Shaan Mishra also claimed unpaid dues from the same production house. In a previous incident, actor Krishna Mukherjee accused “Shubh Shagun” producer Kundan Singh of withholding her payments. Actor Ali Merchant even disclosed contemplating suicide due to unpaid dues, highlighting a systemic issue in the industry.
Meera’s relentless pursuit for justice underscores the need for financial transparency and accountability in the entertainment industry. Her courage in speaking out may inspire other actors to voice their grievances and demand fair treatment.
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amazonbooksauthor · 5 months
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Mastering Anger: A Journey to Emotional Freedom
Introduction: In the intricate dance of human emotions, anger often emerges as a formidable force, capable of both shaping and shaking our lives. Yet, amidst its tempestuous waves, lies the potential for transformation and growth. Meera Mandakini's book, Mastering Anger: A Journey to Emotional Freedom, serves as a guiding light through this tumultuous terrain, offering invaluable insights and practical tools for navigating the depths of anger towards a state of profound emotional liberation.
Understanding Anger: Mandakini delves into the multifaceted nature of anger, unraveling its roots and manifestations. Drawing from psychology, neuroscience, and spiritual wisdom, she elucidates the underlying causes of anger, shedding light on its role as a messenger of unmet needs, unresolved wounds, and misplaced perceptions. By cultivating awareness and discernment, readers are empowered to unravel the complex layers of their anger, paving the way for profound self-discovery and healing.
The Path to Emotional Freedom: Through a blend of ancient wisdom and modern methodologies, Mandakini charts a transformative path towards emotional freedom. She offers practical techniques for managing anger in the moment, from mindfulness practices to breathwork exercises, enabling readers to cultivate a sense of inner calm amidst external turmoil. Moreover, she explores the deeper dimensions of forgiveness, compassion, and self-love, inviting readers to embrace their vulnerability and reclaim their power.
Harnessing Anger as a Catalyst for Change: Far from being a destructive force, Mandakini reframes anger as a potent catalyst for personal and societal transformation. By channeling anger constructively, individuals can fuel their passion for justice, catalyze positive change, and forge deeper connections with themselves and others. Through inspiring stories and real-life examples, she illustrates how anger, when harnessed with wisdom and intention, can become a force for healing, empowerment, and social justice.
Embracing Wholeness: At its core, Mastering Anger is a journey towards wholeness – a journey of integrating the fragmented aspects of ourselves with compassion and acceptance. Mandakini invites readers to embark on this sacred quest, honoring their anger as a sacred teacher on the path towards emotional liberation. With each step, readers are guided towards a deeper understanding of themselves, a greater sense of inner peace, and a profound connection to the vast tapestry of life.
Conclusion: In Mastering Anger: A Journey to Emotional Freedom, Meera Mandakini offers a timeless roadmap for navigating the turbulent waters of anger towards the shores of emotional liberation. Through its pages, readers are invited to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation, reclaiming their innate capacity for joy, love, and authentic expression. As we master the art of anger, we awaken to the boundless potential of our own hearts, ushering in a new era of compassion, understanding, and freedom.
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