writtenininkedblood · 2 years
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writtenininkedblood · 2 years
I love protobacillus❤. Even allows you to d/l for your own use.
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writtenininkedblood · 2 years
Too cool. They even let you d/l them for your own use. LOVIN it❤
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writtenininkedblood · 2 years
Beautiful 😍
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Marta Cors
links . prints . darkroom
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writtenininkedblood · 2 years
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writtenininkedblood · 3 years
I have my whole life when it was clear that I was unwanted. To make matters worse I was accused so many times of lying and doing other bad stuff that I did not do. Idk how much I cried myself to sleep. My own children were groomed to hate me especially the oldest. When someone that's not blood related wants to raise that child maybe to look good, or to draw that small check or because in some strange way of thinking - it's revenge because your biological father died so they resent you maybe because he had a child with another woman or they resent you because you're just a burden to them. Then as an adult you still have to live with it except most believe the adult and it just spreads. For the first time in my life I will make claim to what I've been told and was just told again recently by 5 of them except they made it real clear, you're not part of this family anymore, don't come over call ever again, the whole family feels the same way about you and etc. So as of now I have no family over, as they wish. I still have a couple here and there and I have my husband. Do they even realize the damage that can do to another person? The honest truth is no I wasn't perfect or always behaved good but also in all honesty I was polite, shy, loving and gullible as a child than some were. So I now except this. Also I can air this dirty laundry out on my social media especially when I was cussed out on the phone because she said that J read her that whole post and I shouldn't of posted all that went on (with the cussing and telling about how she doesn't want anything to do with and neither does the family and they haven't in awhile) but pay attention that is what was read to her and that's not the truth. I posted a small thing about being stressed and no names or the situation. It was the one who read it to her that added the whole comment to it filled with hurtful words and lies then she encouraged her 16 year old child to do the same and she did. I saved them and have screen shots. I got it out of my system here so I'll speak no more about it. For future references when I say that I only have a few cousins close by in my family and only a few living on my dad's side and of course my husband then that's what mean. I'm grateful for the friends that consider me family. If truth be told, I could tell so many terrible truths myself but this is ebough
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writtenininkedblood · 3 years
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writtenininkedblood · 3 years
Watch "Grumpy cats" on YouTube
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writtenininkedblood · 3 years
Created with Photo Lab app #photolab
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writtenininkedblood · 3 years
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Read my thoughts on YourQuote app at https://www.yourquote.in/venjencie-clifton-arnold-b8y6/quotes/you-act-like-i-m-despicable-you-act-like-my-actions-you-play-cg177c You act like I'm despicable,
You act like my actions are indescribable,
You play such the innocent part,
Don't forget because I won't,
Don't forget the reason I am
what I am today,
Don't forget why I respond in
the way that I do,
It's because of You,
Remember, you told me,
that'll I'll never have to wonder
who made who,
because you made me,
a puppet justfor you.
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writtenininkedblood · 3 years
This is really cool.
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sunny village on the snow moon.
posters and more available - shops in my bio :)
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writtenininkedblood · 3 years
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Lantana, considered a weed in many regions, is a genus of around 150 species in the verbena family.  They are perennials that thrive in tropical and subtropical climates, and can be grown as annuals in temperate climates.
Though they are toxic to humans and many livestock species, lantanas are useful as honey plants and attract a wide variety of butterflies.  The flower clusters are also highly prized by some male weaverbirds, as the ability to collect spectacular decorations for their nests is seen as a desirable trait by female weaverbirds.
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writtenininkedblood · 3 years
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writtenininkedblood · 3 years
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Ancient theatre, Taormina, Italy, 2nd century (Roman restoration and extension) VS Crateri Silvestri | Etna, Italy
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