#justin i luv u & ur mind !
submissiveness · 4 months
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“i taught him everything he knows.”
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xxcringeizdead666xx · 2 years
hey, @myimmortalfan666. wassup? the crossover thing wouldn't leave my mind so I though I would just drop this off here before I continue on procrastinatin.
AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Justin ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! MCR ROX!
Hi my name is Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears that turn firey red like the lava rivers on Mustafar whenever Im angry and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a jedi, and I live in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant where I’m a padawan (I’m seventeen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside the jedi temple. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
“Hey Ebony!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Draco Malfoy!
“What’s up Draco?” I asked.
“Nothing.” he said shyly.
But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.
AN: IS it good? PLZ tell me fangz!
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isakthesnake · 7 years
What's the "worst fanfic ever" and what abou the book? I read the link but I still don't understand. I wasn't around here back then
so back in the day (when I was a youngin who had just discovered fanfiction.. like we’re talkin ‘06 here) a particular story in the harry potter fandom swept the internet. it changed lives. turned people off fanfic. turned people onto fanfic. converted people to religious lifestyles probably reactions included but was not limited to: laughing, crying, screaming, uncontrollable rage, confusion, vomiting, dizziness, a strong urge to buy out the entirety of ur local hot topic
needless to say.. it caused some controversy.
while the original story on fanfiction.net got removed eons ago, some saviours with hella foresight had saved it, and have reuploaded this iconic work of art on various other platforms for ur viewing pleasure
buckle ur seatbelts bc ur in for a ride my dude
I will now include an excerpt which I believe really reiterates the literary genius of this fic
It was…………………………………………………….Dumbledore!  
and because my immortal wouldn’t be what it is without those authors notes, i’ll include one as well
Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Justin ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! MCR ROX!
by now i’m assuming you’ve at the very least gotten some sense of what this story’s deal is but seriously read it no words can genuinely describe the journey this takes u on but basically it’s known as the worlds worst fanfic and rightfully so. 
recently there was a book released called ‘handbook for mortals’ by a lani sarem. the writing was so horribly, so dreadfully and so similarily bad that people couldn’t help but make a connection between the two. causing further controversy, the release of the book saw itself top the new york times best seller list…. despite the online census that the book was ridiculously bad. the internet, as it does, did a little digging and found the author and her publishing team bought out her book in bulk in order to up the number of units she sold.
essentially, she bought her way to the top. and people were not happy about that. for obvious reasons.
but someone was not too keen on people connecting my immortal and HFM. despite hiding their online presence for years due to ridicule and hate, they had to speak out and clear the air. and that was the actual writer of my immortal. she updated her fictionpress (which appears to be her only connection nowadays to her original account) and reiterated her definite lack of involvement in HFM and her opinion on sarem and her team buying their way to success.
even the writer of the worst fanfiction in the world doesn’t want to be associated with what could quite possibly become the worst book in the world.
and thats the tea
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survivor-iceland · 5 years
Ep. 6 - “it’s either yeet or be yeeted” - John
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I love that my plan went through, but I hope Justin isn't too mad in EoE
i made the merge! who woulda thought. but i will say that this next vote is the first time i’m legitimately nervous for a vote. with zoe not having a vote, we need to somehow get 2 people to vote alongside our alliance without exposing the alliance. but this is also assuming this alliance is trustworthy. it’s either yeet or be yeeted.
Last night was a big step forward with my new alliance: Mental Gymnastics (John, Timmy, Dylan, Zoe, and I). We had a huge alliance chat where we discussed potential targets/threats as well as people we think we can trust. It seems that John and Zoe want to go after Sierra and Stephen. The former because they find Sierra kind of annoying and a big threat, considering that they talk socially with everyone. John and Zoe want to limit them so that they do not create an opposing alliance against us. They are targeting Stephen because they believe that he is a smart quiet type that will prove me deadly as the game wears on. He's a sleep cell in their mind. Zoe feels like she can pull in Keith, and I feel like I can pull in Ellie which means we would have the votes to take care of anyone during this first merge vote. For the time being, I plan on being wholly loyal to this alliance, but I need to make sure I watch my back. I can't say that I trust Zoe and John going into a F7 or F6 scenario. I feel like they would turn on this alliance as long as it benefits them in the slightest. So, I have to be sure to strike first and strike fast. I also happen to know that Zoe has an idol, but she does not have a vote in this next tribal. Unfortunate. That means we do know both Ellie's and Keith's votes, but I am certain we can get them. I'm praying that all goes well for this alliance right now. I want a smooth first merge vote because I have not had one of those in a while.
I made it to the merge! I was so scared that I wouldn't even make it past the first vote or so... but I actually made it to the merge! I can't believe how things have shaken out. I feel very connected to certain people on my tribe -- John and Zoe, particularly. We've been together since the very beginning, and we've said that we have each others' backs. I also have ties to Ellie and to Joseph on the other tribe. If things work out and we are all actually on the same page, that means that I have four people who definitely would like to work with me. With a tribe merging at this size, I only need a few more votes to secure a majority, too! I feel like I could pull in Maynor, Keith, or Stephen, so that's good too. Fingers crossed that everything works out and that I'm safe for another round!
Dylan C
I WAS SO CLOSE ugh i’m mad. especially because we lost to who i wanted out. and now everything is kinda screwed up. but we will push through. TimmyJay really @ing me that I did worse than Ellie. Also like wtf I’m supposed to be a physical player, like I-
Joseph Collins
Almost got immunity. 4th place isn’t 1st. Who knows how strong that melrakki tribe was? We have to find some cracks so we can get one of them out and make the numbers even. 
i have a lot riding on this vote. this vote effectively will detach myself from tribal lines and will really put me out there as a player in this game. it has to work, or otherwise i’m in hot water. it seems like i have the troops aligned to take a shot at sierra, so we’re gonna pray.
Ok so I was talking to Sierra and we were discussing who would be easiest, Timmy’s name came up, Keith’s name came up, we said that it wouldn’t be right to vote Keith out just because of timezone and we also didn’t want Timmy out. So we kept talking, and they told me that John threw out Joseph’s name, ironically right after that John starts talking to me and he’s talking about who he wants to vote out. I obviously don’t give him a name and he goes “that’s not helpful” ok John, I see you. So he starts talking about how he wants a social player out, and I’m expecting him to say Joseph when instead he says Sierra. I’m shook, because Sierra told me that they were close with John, Zoe, and Stephen. So apparently a blindside is among us, I told Raffy, my closest ally that nobody suspects is my closest ally, and he’s like, if they want to eat each other alive then let them. I don’t want Sierra to go from a personal standpoint because they seem amazing, but from a game standpoint it makes sense.
Right now, John wants to vote for Joseph. However, I am also in an alliance with Ellie and Joseph... which makes this yet another difficult decision. I was hoping that there would be an easy person to vote out at the merge and that we could move through the first merged tribal without tearing my alliances apart. For now, Ellie wants to find a strategic name to vote for. If it isn’t John, Zoe, Joseph or myself, I think I’ll be okay with it! Personally I don’t think now is the time for big moves, but I’m willing to go for it if there’s no otherwise easy vote.
Stephen winning immunity is kind of a bummer because it messes with our plan to vote him out. However, we decided to just move on to our next target on the list: Sierra. They’re social game is a little too strong for my liking, so it’s best to take them out now before anything else. Apparently, though, all the game talk happened last night as John managed to get Maynor and Keith down to vote Sierra. Also, Ellie is telling me all about her talk with Sierra and John. Apparently, Sierra is trying to target Keith or Timmy which is not Gucci. Not only that, but they threw John under the bus by telling Ellie that John said Joseph’s name. Obviously I know where their loyalty lies. So, I managed to convince Ellie to play in the middle for the most part and let John/Sierra duke it out while we watch from the sidelines. In that way, she’ll be more comfortable voting Sierra cause at least it’s not us. John is painting a big red target on himself though. He’s acting very much like a puppet master, but that’s fine by me because that means people will target him and not me. Plus, if I ever do need to betray him, it’d be easier to do if he has a big red target on his back
Joseph Collins
I’m about to rally the troops for a John blindside. Expeditiously. I heard from multiple people that he threw my name out. John Tucker Must Die (2006) 
Dylan C
So my personal strategy is just continuing to play dumber than I actually am for now, I suppose. 
this is the biggest mess. i’ll be surprised if sierra doesn’t find out about this. people can’t keep their mouths shut to save their lives i swear.
This plan to get Sierra out is iconic. I'm so happy this is happening. Right now Mental Gymnastics is really running this game, but also I am aware there are very strong players in this alliance...as well as the fact that Maynor isn't in it. Obviously I'm going to be working with Maynor closer than the alliance and I have been telling him everything in there. Zoe and John are too close to each other and it's concerning. I just hope the next few rounds can be simple before I start attacking...but if I need to go on the attack sooner, that's fine by me. And I will do so by collecting those not in Mental Gymnastics and make them realize that they're on the outs.
Joseph Collins
I have to hold off on a blindside rn but I feel like it’s my time to go home. We’ll see though. This is probably the most paranoid I’ve been before a tribal
Keith John
Hello Hello Well I have been busy last few days so I havent been able to catch up to people. but its so amazing how for the first time, thanks to the merge. people actually are msging or replying to me. I guess they need votes or feel like they r on the chopping block. Other than that its been slow Plan is sierra this tribal, As usual I dint get any say. But I cant complain. I wasnt able to keep JACK, He was willing to work with me. but majority felt he should go, then cormac's evac and justin went. so I dont have much traction in this game. So for now gotta stay low and vote with the majority. And maintain my alliance with Zoe and focus of building more relationships Side note. Loved the challenge. It was so much fun. I hope we have more of these. I think I have a shot such challenges. 
Zoe <3 luv u jay
okay MOM here's ur confession As a part of the idol hunt I had to form an alliance with at least one member of my tribe and two members of another tribe, which was simple because John and I already wanted to team up with Timmy and Dylan. Before I made the chat, I had been talking to Raffy who said that he was also close with the two of them, and so it seemed natural that we would all band together anyway, and thus Mental Gymnastics was formed. I like the group a lot so far, but it hasn't been one vote yet so whether or not I can trust them is still up in the air. John and I agreed that this group of five, however, could not be the final five, and that ultimately we had to vote off Raffy first and then probably Dylan, even though I like them both a lot. That's the game, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Because Stephen won immunity (experience has its perks), this vote, Sierra HAS to go. It's clear that Sierra thinks they are using John and I, as well as my relationship with Keith, to get what they want out of the vote. Although what they want out of the vote, I'm not even sure. After John suggested Joseph in "oh, worm?" Sierra immediately went and TOLD Joseph that it was John and I gunning for him (which Raffy told us that Ellie told him that Joseph told her), even though we just both passively said that we were good with voting for him to throw Sierra off the scent. Who does that? That's not even a good Chaos Kass move. THAT'S the wannabe Chaos Kass right there. But I'm pretty positive that Sierra is going to be the one voted out tonight, because both they and Stephen think that Joseph is going, though Stephen knows that Sierra told Joseph he was the vote, so Stephen might even flip to our side with that. Even though I don't have my vote after I lost it during the idol hunt, I think it was the best time for that to happen, because everyone except for a select few know that Sierra is the vote tonight.
After all that happens at tribal tonight, I think some scrambling might have to be done to ensure that Stephen is the next vote. He CAN'T win individual immunity, or else we'll have to make a very hard decision. I knew we should have gotten him out before merge, damn Cormac for getting medivac'd. Stephen would've been out like Ellen Page at the 2014 HRC Las Vegas Time to Thrive conference.
Happy, mom?
Zoe and John told me the numbers were together to vote out Joseph. However, when I asked Maynor, Maynor seemed to have not been told. I’m pretty sure the votes are actually on me, since a lot of this seems to be happening behind my back and I’m the last one getting told. I’m voting for Joseph just in case!
0 notes
imsarabum · 7 years
Responses to {Part 25} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received in the hours before IWSY was posted ^^)
@ofwolvesandbutterflies said: Oh mai gawd it's tuesday! you know what that means... IWSY part 25 is coming tonight!
IT’S VAMPDAY! Hehe :3 I’m excited!!
@life-guru said: It's Tuesday!!!!!! I am so ready😙
Yay! I hope you’ll enjoy it love :D
@openup-yourmind said: Hi, i just wanted to let you know that i can't wait for the next chapter! ♡ You're a breat writer and i send big love from Montreal/Canada 😘❤🍁 *big hug* :)!
Thank you so much honeypot! I really hope you’ll like it :D Yay hugs from Canada! Have some hugs from the U.K too *hugs* hehe ^^
@bangtangurlarmy said: Girl, I live for your writings. ABANSJWJAIWKAKKWNWIMWALMAJW I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER AND I HAVE FINALS ON SATURDAY BUT IT'S MY LAST EXAM SO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.  I love you❤❤ And Justin Seagull❤ and Jack, Christian Chim Chim....Yoonki Min as well... Oh wait, I love Monie and Jin and J-dope too😌
I BURST OUT LAUGHING AT J-DOPE LMAO OH YM GOD xD Ahhh your nicknames for them all are so cute, when will I ever~ And hey, you’re one to talk! I’ve been sneaking through your Taehyung scenarios like *wiggles eyebrows* and I love your writing so much! And of course, I love you a lot too ❤  I hope your finals won’t be too stressful for you my dear, you’ll do well I know you will!
@mocking-butts said: I like can't focus properly because I'm waiting for the new update~ I need to know what happens mumsy oh god I'm dying here ㅠㅠ
I hope you’ll enjoy it honeypie! :3
Anonymous said: That was heavy man...
Good heavy I hope~
Thank you so much anon and friend! I love you too :3
@mocking-butts said: WAIT WHAT OH MY- IM MAMING THE MOST UNGODLY NOISES IM LIKE I CANT EVEN MUMSY WHYYYYY PLEASE BE NEXT WEEK FATSER~ ksjsndndkdkdkek I forgot how to speak I'm going to go cry now and drown in my tears 😭
Please don’t cry please smile for me :( I hope you enjoyed it though! :c Thank you for reading my love!
Anonymous said: Shit just went down I love when your fanfics get angsty OMG thank u Sara  --wifey anon
I’m glad you enjoy the angst wifey anon c: Plenty more where that came from! ^^ Thank you so much for reading it :D
Anonymous said: I was having a poop week, and this made my day. BUT THAT CLIFFHANGER!! AND I'M PREGGERS *screams* PS I forgive you and love you too :) *more screams* -Vampnip anon
I’m sorry you had such a poop week *hugs* I hope your week gets better! AND YES OMG YOUR PREGGERS CONGRATS BABE! lolol c: Thank you for forgiving me Vampnip anon c: And thank you so much for reading!
Anonymous said: *says in ratchet voice* OMG NO! You did not just do that to me bitch! Like how the fuck am I supposed to be able to live for another week to read the rest of this story! Like, hell to the no... just saying you better come to my funeral Luv u bitch xxx
I DID JUST DO THAT TO YOU~ muhaha ^^ I’ll be there dressed in my best I’M KIDDING NO PLEASE DON’T DIE ID BE REALLY SAD FOR REAL :( I love you too lol and thank you for reading the update :3
@mini-mini-jiminie33 said: In response to the cliffhanger on chapter 25 of I Won't Stop You--yOU ARE THE GOD OF CLIFFHANGERS AND IDK WHETHER TO LOVE YOU OR HATE YOU FOR THAT OMG IM SCREAMING AAH
I do rather enjoy the things I do to you ^^ Does that make me evil like Yoongi? Probably c: thank you for reading my love :3
Anonymous said: OMG THE OC Is PREGNANT FUCK YES! Hmm pregnant from all that fucking 😉😏😏I HOPE THE BABY IS OK
*jay parks aquaman plays in the background* ‘lemme call you mama cos we abouta make a baby’ OML YES ALL THE FUCKING~ haha thank you very much for reading the new chapter doll :D
@jynxy24 said: YOU. MAKE. ME. WANNA. SCREAM. AND  CRY. OMG. SAAAARRRRAAAAAAAAAAA! HOW COULD YOU?! I TRUSTED YOU TO PROTECT MY HEART BUT MY HEARTEU! MY HEARTEU IS, ARRRHHHH!!  Okay, rant is over. How've you been, Sara!! I hope you have been well, is the weather there great? Stay healthy!! >.< CHAPTER WAS AWESOME BTW AAAAHHHHH!! I'M SO FRICKIN CURIOUS OF WHAT YOONGI IS GONNA DO!! I hope Namjoon turns good at the end(I can frickin sense it) :3 I have to go, stay awesome, Sara! Love you!
I promise you that your heart will be okay and that everything will work out in the end!! I’ve been okay, super stressed and busy and hardly any time to do anything other than study and work but I am trying to hard to stay on top of things ^^ The weather is FREEZING but I wrap up warm. How are you doing?! And thank you so much for reading the new update and I love you too honeypie!! :3
shh...it’s okay...it’s all gonna be okay c: ehehe~
Anonymous said: jimin hates white ppl xoxo
xoxo Gossip Girl xoxo
@doubletroublesince1994 said: This is literally making me die and anticipation omgg I loved every bit of this chapter but man waiting for another week for the next chapter is gonna be hard for me 😂😂😂 Thank you so much for writing this, this is truly a blessing I love youuu ❤
Ahhh thank you so much for reading it and I love you too! I know it sucks waiting for things to come out :( but I’m glad that you still read every week despite the wait!! I appreciate it so much :3 Thank you darling :D
Anonymous said: I... Don't know what to say... So much just happened in part 25, Yoongi has 'me' in custody, 'i'm' pregnant with Jungkook's baby, and Jungkook has it so bad that he decided to protect both 'me' and the baby. Fucking Yoongi. Literally, the song 'Why' by Taeyeon is playing in the background and that is  the one word going through my mind right now. How do you write so well and give me the ultimate feels?! I love you, take care of yourself, and yeah. r.i.p. me. - army anon
It really was a chapter filled with so many emotions and feelings and points of view, I’m glad it could give you ultimate feels! Ahhh Why my Taeyeon is a beautiful song, you’ve put me in the mood to listen to it now! I love you too and I hope you will have an amazing week Army anon ^^ thank you so much for reading it!
@theninjachan said: this is gonna sound weird but yoongi is my bias so instead of being pissed of or angry with his villainous chuckles i was rather......turned on???? HAHAHA. anyway this was a great chapter as usual. and y/n is pregnant? oh boy oh boy oh boy i'm excited for tuesday to come
No no not at all! I rather enjoy that passive-aggressive asshole type behaviour and it is high-key sexy as fuck in so many ways lol (THIS IS WHY ALL MY RELATIONSHIPS HAVE FAILED I MAKE THESE BAD DECISIONS) lol thank you so much for reading again this week love ^^
Anonymous said: I'm dying a little bit by every sentence I read,  I know this is a fiction (and a VERY GOOD at that), but it still rips me apart reading this chapter especially when Serrena told Jungkook about the unborn child, and I know JK love her and their unborn child with all his life, he will protect them at all cost even if it means his life been taken away :( --Lotsa love Erica from U.S--
Hello Erica!! Thank you so much for reading IWSY it means a lot to me and I’m so happy you think it’s good! And yeah, it’s both a happy and a sad thought. When I was writing the chapter, I was actually listening to Flyleaf’s song ‘Circle’ and the lyrics ‘no man shows greater love than when a man lays down his life for his beloved’ was echoing throughout my mind ^^
@mysr3 said: WHAT!*still shock*What! I thought they were being sAfe! Sara u 've serious explanations to do! I luv how u had JK shift on so many emotions in such short span. the moment of JK n his mom is touching. N u w/ ur evil genius plot Twist! U n this ch r the reason my emotions r over the place rn! Just "Ding-dong” at the end had my imagination run wild of what will happen next. Y Yoongi sounds so hot! Ahh the torture week of waiting for IWSY now begin 😭glare, pouty 😤lol LuV u! ❤️ Thank you!
Don’t glare or be pouty at me!! :c hehe but heY WAIT I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WEREN’T LOOKING FORWARD TO THE UPDATE HM?? ;) lolol I’m glad I could put your emotions all over the place, this makes me very very happy ^^ But thank you once again for reading this weeks chapter and I love you too despite the amount of apparent pain I’ve caused you :3
Anonymous said: It's 11:35 pm my time and I can't control my emotions. Like fuck man. Y/N is preg-a-nant and like I'm happy af.  But why Yoongi gotta fuck everything up. Like couldn't their happiness have lasted a little longer. But it's okay cause y/n a bad bitch you can't kill her. Then JUNGKOOK  gonna fight Yoongi and save his girl cause he a real man-vampire. This story so good that I'll wait another week but these dramatic cliffhangers gotta stop mom (Name the baby after me plz) Love you  💜 ~LilKookieAnon
She is definitely a bad bitch, Yoongi don’t know who he’s fucking with! :3 AND NO NEVER THE CLIFFHANGERS ARE HERE TO STAY I’M SORRY JUST EMBRACE THEM AND ACCEPT THEM AS A PART OF YOU OKAY?! hehe~ thank you my love for reading and I hope you’re having a great week LilKookieAnon ^^
@jeonjungrude said: OMGG THE CLIFFHANGER AND THE FACT THAT SHE IS PREGNANT!! OMGGG WHY U DOING THIS TO MY POOR POOR HEART !! 😭😭😩😩 now i have to wait till next week omg may god save me !! 🖤
Because...I enjoy your pain *evil laugh* I guess this makes me similar to Yoongi lol we are sadists with our intentions :3 But I think mine are far less sinister, well...I hope :3 thank you so much for reading my love and I hope you enjoyed it ^^
Anonymous said: Didn't they have unprotected sex after the ball? How come she become pregnant?
Do you know how sex works my love? :3 You can still get pregnant when you use a condom because nothing (except abstinence) is 100% safe!! And also - if you read the parts when they have sex, there are instances when Jungkook is having sex with the reader when he isn’t wearing a condom. For instance, the morning after the first time they have sex. The reader is on top and he hasn’t got a condom on. Yes - he doesn’t “finish” inside her, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t get pregnant ^^
Anonymous said: Me: OH ITS TUESDAY! *reading IWSY* Fic: Ding-dong” the bell chimed. To be continued..." Me: -_________- well shit NOOO WHY?! EVEN JUST ONE MORE DETAILED SENTENCE THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING. *depressed* *needs to wait for another week ㅠㅠ* Hehehe...i honestly love ur works! Specially IWSY! It's really unique for my opinion and it's im telling u IT'S WELL WRITTEN. It's soooo gooood. I've never been this excited just for tuesdays, ever in my life😂. It's really of the best and one of my favourites! 💕
Thank you so much for thinking that it’s unique and well written, that makes me so happy ^^ Thank you very much my love!! :3
@coppertopging said: I KNEW IT!!!!!! I KNEW SHE WAS PREGNANT!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! WHY IS TUESDAY 7 DAYS AWAY AGAIN?!?!?!?!?!?!
DUN DUN DUN! c: You guessed correctly! I’m sorry for the long waits :( I wish I could write more than one chapter a week :( thank you my love for reading :D
Anonymous said: OH MY GOD PLEEEASE let this have a happy ending!!! My heart my poor heart😭😭😭
I hope it will have a happy ending for you my love!
@ananyak26 said: Omg author nim! Part 25 was cruelxD. It was amaaazingly written, and I loved it a lot. Great job!
I apologise for it being so cruel :c but thank you so much for reading dear!!
@life-guru said: Ahhhhhh she's pregnant!! I hope everything works out and that namjoon gets saved somehow! Thank you for blessing us with such a great story!!❤️😘
I hope so too c: thank you so much for reading my stories!
Anonymous said: FRICK. That is all I have to say about IWSY chapter 25. Thank you and goodnight.  - 종달새 ❤︎
I hope that’s a good thing! c: Thank you very much for reading my love - good night!!
@animeimmortal said: WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT LIKE SHES PRGNANT WHAT AND ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER PLEASE LET ME LIVE IM TRYING TO LIVE IN PEACE AND THIS IS OMG the storm is really not helping and Serena? Lord she could have told Y/N about it at least -.- love you 😍❤❤❤
ALL THE FRUSTRATING THINGS GAHHHH! hehe, thank you so much for reading it aand I love you very much too ^^
@noceurash said: Im!!! I'm so hyped over iwsy omg it's happening!!!! I can't wait for the next part, I love you!! This chapter was so good aaah. I hope you have a good day~~
YAY I’M SO GLAD IT GOT YOU HYPED! Thank you so much my love, I hope you have a good day too :D
@toxic-seoul said: I AM FREAKING OUT SARA OH MY GOD dcdjsjicfk I'm so ready for the next chapter I wanna kno what Yoongi is planning. I want Serena 2 come in like a badass mama & save her son & every1 cuz moms r awesome & shit but I also want JK to tear Yoongi apart. But then I also want Yoongi 2 fuq reader up cuz I'm messed up like that lol bUT NO YOONGI NEEDS TO CHECK HIMSELF BIH IM NOT LIKING HIS ATTITUDE. Bitch boi got another thing comin if he thinks he's getting away with that pfft. Amazing as always btw lol
Badass mama here to save the day! I hope she does that c: AND YES WE CANT LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT HOW DARE HE, HE’S SO RUDE D: hehe, thank you so much for reading honeypot, you’re awesome an I hope you have a great day ^^
Anonymous said: Oh my god!! All those asks about the reader getting her period!!! And now!!!!! The latest chapter was great and I'm always amazed by your vocabulary :3 Thank you so much for writing I Won't Stop You!
I KNOW LOL IT’S LIKE ‘JESUS CHRIST JUST WAIT FOR THE STORY OH MY GOD’ lol like...please :( haha thank you so much doll, that really means so much to me :D Thank you for reading IWSY and for messaging me too :D
Please don’t explode no D: YES A CHILD! YES YOU CAN SURVIVE THE WEEK I PROMISE YOU CAN :D hehe~ thank you so much for reading my love ^^
Anonymous said: Wow for once I'm here relatively early and //HOLY SHIT !! The plot is thick and everything is so emotionally charged right now and I'm dying ... but lowkey looking forward to full squad next week (even if 4/7 of them are baddies)
Thank you very much for reading it! I’m glad you’re finding it emotionally charged c: And yep! The gang is all together hehe :D
Anonymous said: i can't wait for nxt tuesday alrd 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Me either! :3 thank you!
@brilliantbellesoares said: IWSY FEEDBACK: I don't know if I'm crying of joy because I'm happy they're having a child or of sadness because of what could happen to that child
That two edged sword tho ;D hehe! thank you so much :D
@wanda-rog said: You're so nice and such a good writter! Still so evil...how dare you give us another cliffhanger? You probably laugh maniacally when you type "to be continued". I just want her to be back with Jungkook! And now she is pregnant and in danger TT another long week before update 😭
My evilness is a charm, I promise ;D Whenever I finish it and read it out to my mum, she screams in distress, so I already have an idea of what will happen :3 thank you for reading my love ^^
Anonymous said: HOOOOOOO BOY SHE FUCKING PREGNANT SJDJDJ oh my god this chapter has my ass up the entire time djdjdjd WHAT THE FUCK im dying to know what yoongis after for y/n what thefcuk
All will be revealed soon! :3 hehe thank you so much for reading ^^
LMAO OHMY GOD hahahaha xD Well - if you read the parts when they have sex, there are instances when Jungkook is having sex with the reader when he isn’t wearing a condom. For instance, the morning after the first time they have sex. The reader is on top and he hasn’t got a condom on. Yes - he doesn’t “finish” inside her, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t get pregnant ^^ And also, just because you’re using a condom, doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant! Thank you for reading love :D
Anonymous said: The scale for this story isn't 0 to 100 anymore. It's just 100 to 5000 at this point ya know? There's never a point where this story rests at 0
heh, I think that’s a matter of subjectivity my darling. There are points in which I believe this story is calm and tranquil depending on the situation - take the moment in the restaurant for example, or various soft/romantic moments that the reader is subjected to. Of course, it is a Vampire fiction, so the element of thrill would naturally be quite high :D
@xokookiebts said: I swear im choking. If her baby gets hurt, im breaking my phone i stg. I will sue min yoongi. That little shit.
Please don’t break your phone! I hope that everything works out for you in the story c: thank you for reading my love!
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