justxtalking · 7 months
So can Nanika be present even without her eyes being black? I saw a scene where she says “Killua pat my head!” But Allukas normal eye shape is showing.
Hi, Anon! Thank you for the question.
To put it simply, Nanika can be present even without her eyes being black.
I'll try to explain as best as I can, so I hope I can remember everything. This is based on the VIZ translation, here is the full post with the addition for the anime.
As far as we know, the way we can try to figure out if the one talking is Alluka or Nanika is as following.
1. Physical appearance: Alluka with white eyes, Nanika with black eyes.
2. Killua's name: Alluka is the one who refers to him as "Killua" and Nanika is the one who refers to him as "brother".
When Killua and Alluka meet, we know the one talking is Alluka because she said Killua's name. She's present until Killua gives Nanika an order.
However, it's true that sometimes it's a bit tricky to figure it out. As I said, Nanika can be present even with white eyes. Here is an easy example (of course, here we also have the context and the famous "'kay" to know who is talking).
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Killua explained that Alluka is only awake when Nanika is sleeping, which is not that often. Alluka even complains that she doesn't get to spend much time with Killua (which of course it also refers to other things in the story).
When is Nanika asleep?
1. After one of Nanika's demands fail (and people die), Nanika falls asleep and Alluka is present until Nanika's next demand.
2. When Nanika makes a demand to someone and that person leaves her side, Alluka is present until that person appears again.
3. After Nanika heals someone or something, she falls asleep. Then Alluka is awake until the next wish.
I hope this answers your question!
Alluka and Nanika are a bit complex to explain, so I tried to focus only on the switching part.
Thank you again! I love Alluka and Nanika, so it was nice thinking about them.
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justxtalking · 5 months
What if gon and killua and all the subtext are queerbait??do u think they might be
I feel like I could say a lot about this, but the easy answer is no, I don't think it's queerbait. 
My answer is based on what I know about Togashi, his work and his tastes. I believe he likes to write queer characters, he'd been hooked on it since he was young, and he does it inside a context in which he can't express it as freely as it would be in the West. However, it's still quite clear that him making queer characters is on purpose and because he likes it. 
I truly believe that Togashi wrote all the Killugon subtext (which most of the times it's just text) on purpose. I wouldn't say he had it all planned since the very beginning of Hunter x Hunter (his writing process seems a bit extravagant, since sometimes, as he explained in an interview, he doesn't even know what's going to happen next because he just lets the characters react to situations he puts them in), but it was something that he intended to write because it was something he wanted to make. Togashi is the type of author who will write what he wants, if not, he would just get bored. He's the type of author that keeps himself motivated by adding and writing things he likes. 
I understand that most fans need to be told that they are not imagining things, especially taking into account the anime and manga community, but it's all there. Togashi knows what he's doing and I highly doubt he's just doing it as bait. We could even mention that he wanted to make a sports manga with gay characters and crossdressing but he was told no by Shonen Jump because "it wouldn't sell." However, even if we ignore that information, we can tell by his work that he has a genuine interest in it. He even showed improvement on those themes since the beginning of his career. I wouldn't say that's the profile of someone who is just queerbaiting. 
But yeah, that's my brief opinion. Thank you for the ask. Sometimes, I think that so many people will believe he's queerbaiting if he doesn't make Killugon canon. I dread the time when Hunter X Hunter finishes.
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justxtalking · 2 months
I saw your recent post about Killugon's departure, don't you think Gon was feeling kind of determined to get over Killua and move on or something, I'm so sad for thinking that😿
Hi! I'm sorry for not answering you sooner. Busy week (:().
In my post, I said Gon was feeling determined to finish his quest/journey, which is meeting Ging (properly this time). I think this user here did a good job on explaining a bit more about it too. I thought, considering Gon's personality, that he would be feeling determined towards reaching his goal (aka. going to his father). Furthermore, afterwards we see him climb the tree like a little monkey. In my opinion, his determination is only related to this topic.
I think the anime showed more of this emotion at the moment Gon and Killua part.
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In the manga, I think we see more of Gon's sadness for leaving Killua, though I think Gon is also trying to put on a brave face at that moment.
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(The secret is on his eyebrows lol)
But I don't think Gon wants to move on from Killua at all, so please don't worry about it. Gon loves Killua. If it would have been for him, I think they would have stayed together to be honest. I read this answer someone gave you about this, and I think it was very well-said. I agree with them too.
In relation to Killua, I said that Gon was feeling the following (and I still stand by it):
Sad: Because he's saying goodbye to his best friend.
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Grateful: Because of everything Killua has done. (Both are grateful of each other to be honest).
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Guilty: Because of how he treated Killua during CAA.
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I also thought he may be happy because Killua was with Alluka, but that's just my assumption.
I didn't explain further because I wanted to be concise and focus on the possibility that Gon, just like Killua, left some things unsaid between them (nothing bad, and that's just my own conspiracy theory lol). I also wanted to comment about Gon's way of expressing his feelings in general. I'm sorry if what I wanted to say confused you.
Here is a post about Gon and Killua's departure that I think you may find interesting too. That user is one of my favorites when it comes to hxh meta and they have a lot of metas in relation to Gon and Killua that you may like.
I hope it helps! This scene may be a bit bittersweet and there seems to be unresolved tension between Gon and Killua, but that's because this is not the end of Hunter x Hunter.
I always think of what Togashi said on this interview:
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Full interview
In my opinion, it's an open ending made on purpose. We can have that ending as one if we don't want to continue reading the story, but that doesn't mean it's official or that it's the end for Gon and Killua. Specially taking into account that he's working on Hunter x Hunter as we speak. We will even have new chapters on September. We should just wait until it's Gon and Killua's turn again to see what's going to happen with them.
Please have a good day or night, wherever you are.
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justxtalking · 10 months
Good morning-day-night ♥ (?)! I'd like to ask a question about an episode of Yu Yu Hakusho. There in a comedy form, the classmates, if I remember correctly, present the relationship between Kuwabara and Yusuke. That they both play the role of a woman or a man. Is Togashi making fun of this image or is he sticking to it? I realise it's usually done for laughs, but sometimes people can't help but divide m and w.
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Hi! If you could tell me the chapter this scene happened, I think I'll be able to answer you. As far as I can remember, there's no such scene in the manga, but I could be wrong. I'm not sure if it was only an anime-thing or a dubbed-thing?
Thank for the ask, I'm sorry I couldn't answer you properly!
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justxtalking · 10 months
Hi, have you heard about a more accurate translation from Japanese?
Hi! Yeah, I believe I read it earlier today. Either way, thank you for the link!
It was really nice to read a more accurate translation about what Togashi said. As a non-japanese native speaker (and a translation student), I try not to rely on only one translation, especially for these type of languages, and listen to those who actually do know, in this case, Japanese.
I still think he gave us a humorous answer (that ending is kind of a satire, which seems to be part of his humour) and we shouldn't take it that seriously. However, it is true that some fans are being really disgusting about the whole thing (especially on Tik Tok and Twitter).
And taking into account that it seems he also said the following:
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I believe that most probably he's going to choose ending E: an ending he didn't even mention and it would be the most interesting of all.
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justxtalking · 1 month
Happy Birthday! (I just saw your tags) 🥳
Aw, you're so sweet! Thank you so much! It means a lot ❤ (I love your work btw I hope you know)
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justxtalking · 10 months
i think he's trolling for sure because that granddaughter has the same name as ging in japanese 😭😭 i think he's lightheartedly poking fun at people who want gon to be obsessed with his dad
If it sounds like a joke, it's because it probably is. I thought the same thing with the name, and I'll give it to him, it's really funny.
Thank you for the ask, Anon! It was really nice answering you!
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justxtalking · 10 months
Do you think Noko is gonna play a role when gon returns to the manga ?
No, of course not. I don’t know what Togashi is planning to do with Gon, but what we can gather from his answer is that his plans doesn't have to do with Noko.
If he's being serious about ending D (which I'm highly doubting right now), that ending is only going to happen over his dead body. Literally. As long as he's able to continue writing, Hunter X Hunter will end differently.
Also, Gon is busy. He needs to do his homework (all the work he didn’t do because he was searching Ging and playing with Killua), help Mito and his grandmother around the house, reflect about what he's done, keep in touch with all his friends and think what he's going to do now that he has no Nen. He needs to do all that if he wants to become a responsible young man.
Thank you for the ask, zesty!
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justxtalking · 11 months
1999 killua or 2011 killua who u perfer?
I guess it depends on my mood? Though I will always prefer Manga Killua.
2011 Killua is the softest of all his versions, while 1999 Killua is the cheekiest one, and I enjoy watching (reading for Manga Killua) the three of them!
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justxtalking · 10 months
hi hi i was the anon who sent the ask about ging and the granddaughter having the same same name. i ended up shortening my ask bc i thought it was a bit much lol so i hope you dont mind if i just write out the rest of my thoughts :>
on the topic of names, i found it funny how none of the other grandkids got names -- it was always "one of the grandsons" and so on... like the narrative equivalent of going "ok whatever you get the idea," which is so antithetical to the vibe of hxh. the whole point is that we DONT get the idea, it's a deconstruction of the genre...togashi enjoys going in weird and unpredictable directions. he'd never want us to just fill in the blanks like that. especially when he's intent on finishing the story his way.
Hello again! Don't worry, I don't mind it at all.
Well, the whole idea is hilarious, to be honest. We don't even know who they are, those friends and grandkids. I hope in that alternative universe, Ikalgo had a baby squid. And I wouldn't totally scrap the possibility that even the ABC endings were part of the whole joke. He has a weird (and dark) sense of humor, look at some jokes in Hunter X Hunter (a great example is Palm). I feel like the fact that the grandkid was called like Gon's father should have been clear enough lol
Togashi is so chaotic, I love him for that.
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justxtalking · 5 months
Im pretty sure that killua took gon saying ‘lets stay together’ on whale island as a agreement to commit shinju,because shinju is dying together so you can be together in the afterlife or in the next life,so does that mean that killua didnt want to die with gon out of his non platonic love for him but just because of that agreement,and it wasnt romantic??
In my honest opinion, Anon, I think it was romantic.
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justxtalking · 8 months
Love when you reblog and i end up loving them/their art too
Aw, so sweet! To be fair, the wonders of Tumblr.
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justxtalking · 9 months
Idk if anybody's already told you or not, but from what little content I've seen for it, Alluka and Zushi's ship name is Allushi!
Thank you so much, lovely Anon! I run and added the proper tag as soon as I saw your ask!
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justxtalking · 9 months
Imagine killua literally seeing a giant robot made out of chocolate
To be honest, I hope he actually got it for Christmas. He deserves it.
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justxtalking · 9 months
Your blog is a fucking goldmine (thank you)
Aww, thank you so much! I'm glad you like it! I always find it so nice when someone reblogs or likes something I did or rebloggued.
To be honest, it's basically a blog about my hyperfixation of Togashi's work and him as an author lmao but still
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justxtalking · 10 months
Hear me out for a hypothetical ending bonus scene gon killua kurapika and leorio are walking by a lake and you start to hear a familar opening play they see there reflections from the water but its there original 1999 counterpart and you find out the very first opening ohayou is playing in the background
Not gonna lie, this ending sounds superb.
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