#juuouin kazuo
bobgoesw00t · 3 years
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Been a while since I did a Ship Template and since I’m gonna write a one-shot with my King of Prism OT4, I went ahead and filled it out for my other KoP ship xD
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King of prism episode 8
Damn son, even though this episode is about Yuu Suzuno, I'm actually focused with these two
Like look, are you guys dating
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munchcookie93 · 6 years
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Kazuo rkgk
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brightersoul2 · 5 years
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[King of Prism: Shiny Seven Stars - episode 4]
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hothotmiso · 6 years
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KING OF PRISM -Shiny Seven Stars- 
Including Info about Taiga and Kakeru’s childhood!!!!!!!!
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS Part 2 (Kakeru, Joji, Minato) Theatrical Weekly Videos screenshots & translation
Like before, if you actually obtain the video of these (an extra on the DVD/BluRay) feel free to use my translation to sub it AS LONG AS you credit me and this blog!
Click for Part 1.
Translator’s notes: For Kakeru’s I translated the audio and not the text on the screen since it’s basically the same thing. But if anyone wants an exact translation of the screen let me know. Joji made me do actual research on Okayama since I couldn’t understand what he was saying. (So I actually linked to everything he talks about since I went that far anyway!) I’m afraid I may have still missed a few words from his dialogue in the end though. He just talks so fast. For Minato’s, yes that’s Masashi Igarashi doing the cooking. There is an extended version on the DVD where you can see his face as he talks to the camera. It literally looks like the filmed this in an office breakroom by the way ahah. 
Episode 4: Kakeru
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[A day in the life of Exective Director Kazuo Juuouin]
Narrator: Exective Director Kazuo Juuoin’s weekdays are truly busy.
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Awaken at 4:30
Check news and magazines.
Eat a hearty breakfast, review documents during transport by chauffeur, attend the morning company meeting before quickly returning to attend classes at the Kakyoin Academy senior high school division. Power lunch with business associates before returning to class again.
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Receive paperwork in transport, work at the executive board room, return to Edel Rose and practice, dinner, finish leftover office work in his room.
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But he never misses bathtime.
Finally, after studying in his room, sometimes he doesn’t sleep until as late as 2:00 am.
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However, on the weekends Kazuo does not work for one second and instead immerses himself in his personal interests.
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He sleeps in, and catches up on his anime and manga.
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Enjoys beauty treatment for his skin.
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Helps with shopping.
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Diligently engages in hobbies.
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By the way, the contents of the “black box” in Kazuo’s room are top secret.
Episode 5: Joji
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Joji’s Okayama Voice 29
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Host: Joji-san, what do you think of Okayama?
Joji: There’s basically nothing here!
Host: Yeah, you’re right! It really is boring.
[Joji’s expression changes while the host is talking]
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Joji: HEY! You know what. 
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In Okayama you can find Momotaro all around the station! Like HERE!
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Host: That’s an unusually sleezy-looking Momotaro.
Joji: IT’S CUTE.
Host: I guess Okayama is just a prefecture of Momotaro and nothing else, huh.
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Joji: NO.
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The Bikan Historical Quarter is the best date spot.
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Shimotsui octopus.
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Hinase oyster.
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Mamakari fish.
And don’t forget Shiro “Para” Milk! SUPER GOOD!
Host: Ah, Shiro “Para” milk is actually from Tottori prefecture.
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Joji: GYAAAH! Well there’s mountains! *collapse*
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[Okayama Love]
Host: It seems like somehow you really do love Okayama, don’t you?
Joji: I’m working hard in my hometown Tokyo. Everyone from Okayama, you’ll cheer me on, right?
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But I was actually born in Tokyo, OK?
[That’s a lie ❤ ]
Episode 6: Minato
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[Minato’s 1 Minute Cooking]
Minato: Today’s menu is the Takahashi family special! 
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Cabbage and egg stir-fry!
It’s really easy to make!
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After heating up the pan, add some sesame seed oil. 
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Tsubasa: Be extra careful when you are around a hot stove. 
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Minato: And then fry up the cabbage. 
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Tsubasa: Ushio, can you handle it?
Ushio: This sort of thing is a piece of cake!
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Misaki: The color of the cabbage is lookin’ good. 
Minato: When the cabbage is nice and hot, add a bit of seasoning and some egg.
Tsubasa: You just drop in the whole egg without mixing it first?  
Minato: Mixing it while it’s in the frying pan is the Minato-style!
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All: Ohhhhh!
Minato: And when the egg is about half cooked, then add soy sauce as you like, turn up the heat, and mix it all together. 
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Gen: It smells so good! 
Nagisa: You don’t add any other seasoning?
Minato: This draws out the flavor of the cabbage, so you don’t need anything else. Turn off the heat just before the egg is fully cooked, plate it, and you’re done!
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Minato: Well then...
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All: LET’S EAT! 
Go to Part 3.
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galaxiarick · 5 years
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Pillow Time! 
KING OF PRISM - Shiny Seven Stars 
Kakeru "Kazuo" Juuouin
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prism-rush · 6 years
Prism Rush Main Story Episode 7 Chapter 3
Your Dreams and Mine #3
First Previous Chapter
Translator’s notes: Minato calls Kakeru “Juuouin” in this one and I can’t remember another time when that has happened. Yeah he usually calls the other Edel Rose boys by their last names, but Kakeru has always been the special one that he calls by his first name... Kazuo! I think there are two interpretations: Either he calls him Juuouin during certain serious discussions. OR... the person who wrote the past few chapters isn’t someone who pays enough attention to how Minato refers to other characters ahaha. I think the latter is more likely actually since there have been several slip-ups lately. But to be fair there were even similar slip ups in the original Pride the Hero script and I’m not exactly innocent myself. (Sometimes I have to insert names into dialogue when there aren’t any in the Japanese, and then two days later I’ll realize I used the wrong one like...shit hahah.) Sorry, anyway...
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Hiro: Kazuki! How many rice cakes do you want?
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Kazuki: Hm... I think today I’ll go for five!
Hiro: FIVE?! You’ve really got to watch your carbs!
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Keeping in shape is an important part of being a prism star, you know. You’ll take three.
Kazuki: Hey, come on now....
Hiro: Here you go! Hiro Hayami’s special New Year’s soup is complete!
Kazuki: Wow! It looks delicious! I’m diggin’ in... Hm?
Hiro: Something seems kinda... off... doesn’t it?
Kazuki: It seems really thin... like it’s missing something... Did you forget the soup stock?
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Hiro: Soup stock?? You need to put... stock in it?
Kazuki: You didn’t put any soup stock in it? Well that’s why it tastes like nothing! Aah.... I miss Kouji’s  special New Year soup.....
Hiro: Well, excuse me! I’ve never made it before.... And besides, your rolled omelettes weren’t even rolled!
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Kazuki: But it tastes the same either way, doesn’t it?
Hiro: I guess we’re both failures at New Year’s cooking....
Kazuki: Kouji’s New Year meal was so luxurious... But well, as long as the two of us still get to spend time together, it still feels like a New Year holiday.
Hiro: You’re right. We won’t have time like this again for a while....
Kazuki: Yeah.... This is probably our last day off before the Prism King Cup.
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Hiro: From now on, you and I are going to be rivals Kazuki.
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Kazuki. Yep. So let’s just enjoy this last day as friends.
Hiro: Yeah!
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Leo: Ahhh... I bought so many nice things... Yu-kun, thanks for carrying everything for me!
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Yu: So... heavy. I think my arms are gonna fall off.
Leo: Aahhh I’m sorry! I’ll help y--
Yu: Oh no you don’t! Whenever I let you carry things, everyone gives me the stink eye because it looks like I’m making a girl carry stuff....
Leo: Tha... that’s awful! I’m obviously a boy!
Yu: But anyway, why did you need to buy so much cloth?
Leo: Well, I wanted it to keep it a secret... but I guess I can tell you.
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I’ve decided... I want to make outfits for the Prism King Cup!
Yu: Outfits for the Prism King Cup.... But we won’t even know who’s gonna be able to compete in it until right before it happens!
Leo: Exactly. That’s why I need to make outfits for everyone!
Yu: What?! Why would go so far....
Leo: Because you are all my important friends... I want to do everything I can for you guys! I know all about what colors you guys look best in, who looks better casual, who looks better formal. Everything!
Yu: Leo....
Leo: Making the best possible clothing for everyone to look their best is exactly what I can do to best contribute to Edel Rose....! Even if I don’t get to be in the Prism King Cup, I still want to do my best for everyone!
Yu: Leo... you’re always saying you wish you could be more manly. But your will is so strong, and that’s where your strength lies.
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I think you’re a pretty cool dude.
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Leo: ....! Thank you so much!
(Kakeru’s room)
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Minato: Coming in!
Kakeru: Hey hey, Minatocchi! You can’t just barge in unannounced!
Minato: Sorry, sorry. I didn’t have a free hand to knock. You’ve been holed up in here for a long time so I brought you a snack.
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Kakeru: Well, that was nice of you. Ooh, rice balls with salty seaweed!
Minato: It’s hard to get in here so I’ll just leave them here. Oops! Sorry, I knocked over a book...
Kakeru: Sorry, I just kinda piled them up wherever....
Minato: “Secrets of Marketing”, ”Show Business That Draws a Crowd” ... Could it be you’re studying for the Prism King Cup?
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Kakeru: Not really.. Uh.. Well... Yeah.... It’s not such a big deal....
Minato: Well I think that’s great...
Kakeru; Huh?
Minato: You’re working hard behind the scenes, building knowledge, and preparing to fight with intellect. You’re going toe-to-toe at an adult level, but nothing is stopping you... With your brain fighting for us we’ll surely succeed.
Kakeru; I...
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Minato: Meanwhile, all I can do to help is just make rice balls...
Kakeru; That’s not true!!
Minato: Huh?
Kakeru: It may be true that I have some things that you don’t. But!
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Minatocchi, you have this warmth and broad-mindedness that I just don’t have... You’re always just so kind to everyone, and... I don’t think it’s that all that easy.
Minato: Juuouin....
Kakeru: In fact, I think it’s because we both have qualities the other is lacking that we are going to be able to accomplish big things. Right?
Minato: ...Yeah, you’re right.
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Kakeru: ....Or something like that!! Just messing around haha!
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Minato: ...Thank you. I think I got what you meant.
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Yukinojo: Taiga, I have a favor to ask...
Taiga: Huh? Tachibana-senpai, what is it?
Yukinojo: Could you take me to Alexander Yamato?
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Taiga: Wha....?! Why....?!
Yukinojo: I think I would like to train with him before the Prism King Cup.
Taiga: That’s crazy....!
Yukinojo: Crazy...? What do you mean?  The Prism King Cup is the tournament to determine the top prism star.  
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I think you have to be willing to take some crazy risks on your life in order to reach that peak.
Taiga: ...Got it. I may have some idea where to find him.
(On the street)
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Taiga: I think he should be around here somewhere... But I guess even he takes a break from practice on New Year’s....
Yukinojo: It seems that way. It’s too bad we couldn’t run into him. Brr... All of a sudden the wind just got quite strong..
Taiga: You’re right. It wasn’t like just this a moment ago... AAHH!!!
Yukinojo: Taiga, what’s wrong?
Taiga: Look closer... over there... He’s so fast you can barely see him but... Alexander is over there doing a head spin at mach speed rotation!
Yukinojo: Wha.. WHAT?!
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Alexander: HAHAHAH! So you finally noticed, huh?
Taiga: So you were creating all that strong wind...!
Yukinojo: By spinning too fast to be seen by the naked eye..!
Alexander: I’m not letting the title of ”King” go to some lazy losers who sit around gobbling down rice cakes on New Year’s!
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Yukinojo: Alexander! I would like to challenge you again...!
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Alexander: Don’t be silly! I would be a waste of my time! HUAAAAAH!
Taiga: Woah!! A tornado?!
Yukinojo: It’s a hurricane! Taiga, take cover!
Taiga: .... It died down...? Alexander is....?!
Yukinojo: He’s gone...
Taiga: How did he...
Yukinojo: ...I guess maybe I underestimated him a little.
Taiga: Yeah. The Prism King Cup is going to be something ridiculous....!
Yukinojo: We have to be fully prepared.
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Taiga: I’m gonna crush him, you’ll see...!
(By the river)
Shin: This was where I first met Louis... and learned about prism shows.
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And now...!
Next Chapter.
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azuchiii · 8 years
10 favourite characters
From @letsudraw
1. Kazuo Kakeru Juuouin - King of Prism
2. Yuri Plisetsky - Yuuri!!! On Ice
3. Petra - Attack On Titan
4. Pinon - PriPara
5. Lapis Lazuli - Steven Universe
6. Mahiru Kasumi - Aikatsu Stars
7. Mikuru Natsuki - Aikatsu
8. Akise Aru - Mirai Nikki
9. Hau - Pokémon Sun and Moon
10. Chihiro Fujisaki - Danganronpa the Animation
I tag @missphilipara
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koppekoppe · 8 years
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Happy Birthday Kazuo-bocchama!!  #十王院カケル生誕祭2016
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munchcookie93 · 7 years
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He have a wonderful outfit, BUT WTF HIS JUMPーーー 😂😂😂
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lunawings · 5 years
Let’s Sneak In! 24 Hours of Edel Rose (a King of Prism short story)
Translator’s notes: This is from 2D☆STAR vol. 4 and it’s a first movie era story from June 2016, but I didn’t get to read it until much later when it was re-printed in the Ready Sparking Fanbook. But man I wish I had read it when it was first printed. It contains so much information which I didn’t know until at least Prism Rush, and which casual fans probably never knew at all until SSS. It just goes to show you, even though certain details took a long time to reach the main series, the characters have basically always been the same ever since the very beginning. For example, Kakeru’s room (shown in the bonus theatrical video) and his pajamas as they appear in SSS are exactly how they were described in this story which was printed YEARS before. 
Since I only have the re-print of this and not the original magazine, I am unaware if there was ever any illustration for this. If you have it, please share! 
Synopsis: Shin cannot suppress his gay thoughts when watching the other SePTENTRION members sleeping. 
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The time was 2:00 am. Shin stood before the Edel Rose dormitory. 
Shin: Shhh.... Good evening everyone. It’s Edel Rose’s Shin Ichijo, 3rd year student at Kakyoin Academy Junior High Division. Tonight I’ll be sneaking you into the Edel Rose dormitory for a special report. Everyone, please make sure to keep quiet so that nobody wakes up.... 
Crossing the entrance way, Shin entered the building. 
Shin: Woooah! It’s... a ghost!! ...Oh, it’s just Norizuki-san... S... Shhh be quiet.... 
Shin had become startled by the large face which had appeared in the darkness. It was the portrait which hung on the second floor at the top of the stairs in the lobby.
Shin: Ah... that surprised me.. Um... Well, this here is the founder of the Edel Rose prism star training school, Kou Norizuki! He was also the chairman of the board at the Edel Rose foundation, which opened my school Kakyoin Academy, the Lu Seriana Academy which Bell Rose’s Bell Renjoji goes to, and many other prism show schools all over the country. He was also the president of the Prism Show Association! But, I’m sad to say, he passed away last year...
But! He was a great person responsible for many Prism Kings and Queens! I heard he was the one who scouted Hiro Hayami as well! He’s even the father of Jin Norizuki, who is the big cheese over at Schwarz Rose! What an amazing person he was. 
Shin climbed to the second floor. 
Shin: Now, shall we sneak into the rooms of some of our members? I’ll show an exclusive peek of their sleeping faces to all you viewers at home! Let’s start with Yukinojo-san’s room...
As Shin opened the door a Japanese-style rope curtain hung down. 
Shin: Excuse me for entering... Yukinojo-san is a 1st year student in senior high school, one year above me. In the kabuki world he’s known as “the princess of the kabuki world” or “the female prince”. Right now he’s a rising star with a lot of promise for his future. 
Shin very gingerly approached Yukionojo’s bed and peered down at Yukinojo’s sleeping face.
Shin: Oh good... He’s fast asleep.... 
Shin relaxed a bit and found himself free to look around the room. 
Shin: Wow... Everyone, look at this. His room is all decorated in Japanese-style. Ah, there’s such a big vanity mirror. There are a lot of makeup products and hairpins here. Japanese clothing is hung on the wall... And wow.... it smells so nice in here.... What’s this smell? It’s...  camellia oil. I wonder if he uses it like cologne? 
Shin peeked into the shelf near Yukinojo’s desk. 
Shin: Ah, it’s full of CDs! ....But this is surprising! It’s filled with music by American and British hard rock bands! Wow, so this is what Yukinojo-san listens to in his private time...
Shin turned back to Yukinojo’s bed. 
Shin: Now everyone, it’s what you’ve all been waiting for. The pajama reveal!
Shin quickly pulled away Yukinojo’s sheets. 
Shin: Huah! 
Shin was taken aback by Yukinojo’s beautiful sleeping face and lily white skin. 
Shin: Wow... Yukinojo-san.... He really is pretty... Ah! I’m sorry everyone! I’ll get on with the report! Yukinojo-san sleeps in a yukata. His face while sleeping... is very beautiful. His yukata is sliding off... I should fix it for him... 
Shin could not take his eyes off the beautiful nape of Yukinojo’s neck. 
Yukinojo: ... Mm.... Mmmph.....
Yukinojo was beginning to wake up. 
Shin: Uh-oh! L-Let’s move on! 
Quickly leaving Yukinojo’s room behind, Shin headed to the next room. 
Shin: The next room is Taiga-kun’s. Taiga-kun is a 3rd year student in junior high school like me. His specialty is street-style prism shows. Excuse me for entering... Woah! 
Taiga had rolled out of his bed and was sleeping on the floor. 
Taiga: Zzzz.... Zzz......
Shin: T... Taiga-kun... His right foot is still in bed but he’s sleeping on the floor.... But he’s dead asleep... Well, let’s get straight to checking his pajamas then... He’s wearing a tank top and boxer trunks. I wonder if he’s cold not sleeping in proper pajamas? 
Taiga: Take it... off..... 
Without warning Taiga threw off his tank top. And then his hands moved down to his boxers... 
Shin: Ahh! This is bad! 
Shin quickly threw a blanket over Taiga. 
Shin: Phew... That was close... But Taiga-kun’s really lucky he doesn’t catch a cold sleeping like that. I guess Taiga-kun’s not effected by cold because he’s from the north...?
A happi hung from Taiga’s open closet. 
Shin: Oh, he has a happi. Taiga-kun really likes festivals so if he’s free he goes and participates in them all over the place. He’s from Aomori so he’s always going back home when it’s festival time. He looks like a bad boy, but he’s actually a good kid at heart. Or at least that’s what Kakeru-san said. 
Shin approached a desk with many things scattered upon it. 
Shin: His room is a mess.... Hm? There are a lot of ripped out pages from magazines here... What’s all this...!? Ah, these are articles about Kazuki-san. Wow, he’s really diligent in collecting these... Is all this stuff really Kazuki merchandise... !? Gosh, Taiga-kun really loves Kazuki-san, doesn’t he....
The blanket which Taiga had suddenly kicked off flew into the air and smacked hard into Shin’s face.
Shin: HUAGH!
Taiga: Mmrrghghm.......
Shin: Whew... Taiga-kun is such a violent sleeper.... 
Shin fixed Taiga’s blanket again before heading out of the room. 
Shin: Next we’ll be heading to Kakeru-san’s room. Excuse me for entering... Kakeru-san is a 1st year student in senior high school and the heir to Juuouin Holdings. He has a suuuuuper important job called executive director! I heard that the truth is his real name is Kazuo, but he gets mad when you call him that. So just keep it between us, OK?
This room was not quite like any of the others.
Shin: Huh!? The interior of this room is totally different... The floor is covered by a plush carpet, and the wall is plastered in such fancy wallpaper. Ah, and in this room there is only one bed... and it’s covered with a canopy? What a gorgeous room fit for a celebrity... Unfortunately it seems Kakeru-san’s pajamas are covered by his sheets....
Kakeru: Mmm... mm...
Almost as though he’d just heard Shin’s words, Kakeru chose that moment to roll over in his sleep and show off his pajamas.
Shin: Ah, this is... a silk gown!? And he’s even got a matching night cap. It looks so expensive. And what’s this... cucumber slices on his face! He’s sleeping with a skin care mask on! How clever! You know, Kakeru-san’s face is really pretty with his glasses off... So handsome...!
Kakeru cracked a smile with his eyes still shut. 
Shin: His desk has some difficult-looking business-y books on it and... huh!? What’s this!? 
Kakeru flinched. There were several magazines of female prism stars. 
Shin: Wow... Kakeru-san really likes watching prism shows huh....
Kakeru: *cough* *cough* Mmm mmgh... time to... get going... Mmmmph....
Shin: H.. He’s awake...!? ...I guess I just imagined it... Wooow! This shelf is covered with all sorts of plastic models and figures! Oh yeah, I heard that recently he went with Hiro-san to buy some plastic models.
Kakeru: ..N... ext....
Shin: Ah, yes of course! ...Huh?
Startled, Shin looked back at Kakeru. 
Kakeru: Zzz... Zzz...... 
Kakeru was breathing deeply in his sleep. Shin let out a sign of relief. 
Shin: Oh yeah! I have to get going to the next room anyway before we’re out of time! 
Shin left the room in a slight hurry. 
Kakeru: Uuu.... I forgot... to put away my magazines.... Mmmghm....
Shin: Next we’ll be sneaking into Minato-san’s room. Minato is a 1st year student in senior high school and he cooks the most delicious meals for us at the dorm. ...Well then, excuse me for entering... HUH!? WHA... WHAT IS....
Shin stopped dead in his tracks. The scenery which spread before his eyes was filled with the carcasses of beasts, torn in half, mercilessly roasted, and hanging from the ceiling. 
Shin: ...What in the world... 
Shin was gripped with indescribable fear. It was just at that moment that a large man holding a knife was creeping up behind Shin’s back. 
Shin: EEEK!! 
Minato: Ichijo, what’s the matter?
Shin: EEE!! EeeeeeeeeEEEE!!! T... Take whatever you want, just spare my life!!
Minato: Hm? Ichijo, it’s me. Minato. 
Shin: Kn-n-n-n-ife! 
Shin was pointing at the knife which was now aimed right at his throat. 
Minato: Ah, sorry, sorry. I was just preparing tomorrow’s ingredients. 
Minato smiled cheerfully as he lowered the knife. Shin pointed to the carcasses hanging from the ceiling. 
Shin: W-what is all this!?
Minato: The three great hams of the world! Jamón Serrano, Prosciutto, and Jīnhuá Huǒtuǐ! I bought them wholesale.
Shin: HAM!? Wholesale? 
Minato: This is what ham looks like before you slice it. It’s best to keep it at room temperature. 
Shin: ...Oh.....
Minato: But what are you doing up at this hour? And with a camera in your hand?
Shin: Oh yeah, that’s right. Right now I’m in the middle of showing off everyone’s rooms for a project called “Let’s Sneak In! 24 Hours of Edel Rose”. Ah! So you sleep in a sweatsuit I see! 
Minato: It’s comfortable and easy to move around in. Well then, good luck with your program!
Shin: Thank you!
Shin bowed politely as he left the room. 
Shin: So Minato really does focus on cooking 24 hours a day. Ah, let’s go to the next room.
Shin approached Leo’s room. 
Shin: Next up is Leo-kun’s room. He looks just like a really cute girl... and his personality is feminine too... But he’s actually a boy.... but we all... um.... Yeah! He’s like our idol at Edel Rose! Well, excuse me for entering.... 
Shin’s eyes widened in surprise. 
Shin: Wooow... It’s just like a girl’s room. 
The room was covered in lovely decorations and overflowing with adorable stuffed animals. 
Shin: And it smells so nice too... 
Leo: Urr... Mmm... 
As Shin watched Leo roll over in his sleep with a cuteness that any girl would envy, he felt his heart fluttering beyond his control. 
Shin: *ba-dump* ...L.. Leo-kun... He’s so... cute......
Shin could not take his eyes off Leo’s lightly colored limbs which peaked from underneath the covers. 
Shin: U..Uh ummm.... Leo-kun’s pajamas are... really cute pink negligee...
Leo’s explosive cuteness made Shin completely lose his cool. 
Leo: Ahh!
All of a sudden Leo grabbed Shin by his clothing and pulled him under the covers. 
Shin: WooAAh!
Leo was hugging Shin so tightly that he could not move. 
Leo: Squishy ♡
Leo rubbed his cheek against Shin’s face as he smiled blissfully.
Leo: So soft ♡
Shin: L-Leo-kun...!?
Leo: Zzz..... Zzzz.... 
Shin: He’s still half asleep... right?
Shin wasn’t sure what to do. He fixed his gaze on Leo’s face once more. 
Shin: Leo-kun... He’s just... so cute....
Suddenly Leo-kun’s eyes shot open. 
Leo: ...Wha!?
Shin: WHA!?
Shin: AahhAAH! I’m-I’m sorry!! 
Shin quickly scrambled away from Leo. Leo rubbed his eyes as he started to properly wake up. 
Leo: ...Huh? ...Shin-kun, what’s going on... this late at night...? 
Leo stared at Shin with wonder.
Shin: I.. I um... This... this is.... 
Leo smiled warmly. 
Leo: Ahh! Now I understand! Eheh. If you’re lonely why don’t we sleep together?
Shin: N... No that’s not it! I-I-I’ll be going now!!
Leo: Nooo, wait! Shin-kun, don’t go!
A very flustered Shin ran from the room. 
Shin: *panting* Oh man... I hope I didn’t give him any strange thoughts...
Shin continued on to Yu’s room. 
Shin: Next is Yu-kun’s room. Yu-kun is a 1st year student in junior high school. He writes both the lyrics and music for our songs. Alright then... Excuse me for entering...
As Shin entered the room there were instruments of all kinds everywhere. 
Shin: Wow, look at all these instruments... Drums, bass, guitar, a keyboard, a trumpet, a sax.... It’s like a live music club....
Shin’s eyes moved to the walls and ceiling.
Shin: These are all posters and pieces of merchandise of Bell Renjoji... There’s so much....
Yu was gripping tightly to a body pillow printed with Bell’s image as he slept. 
Yu: Mmm... I’ll definitely... be the one.... to make you happy...... Mmmmmph.....
A comical sweat drop dripped down from Shin’s forehead. 
Shin: ...Yu-kun’s a really big fan of Bell-san, isn’t he.... Aah, umm... Yu-kun sleeps in... Bell Rose pajamas!
Shin left the room. 
Shin: Now, it’s time for what you’ve all been waiting for. It’s time to sneak into Over the Rainbow’s rooms: Kouji-san, Hiro-san, and and Kazuki-san’s! ...Whaa!? We’re out of time!? Aw shucks.... I... I’m sorry! It seems that’s all we have time for today... Sorry about that! See you next time!
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lunawings · 5 years
Young of Prism #10 Kakeru
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Read the original Japanese: http://www.pashplus.jp/anime/128891/ Previous: Hiro
Translator’s Notes: As you may have seen on my blog earlier, I struggled with this one because there was no furigana for Kakeru’s family member names. All of the other stories have had furigana, but for SOME reason, not this one. I got his grandfather Mantaro(万太郎)’s name from episode 4 of the SSS anime itself. I decided to go with Momojiro(百次郎) for his Dad because it seems most likely. For his Mom(千) though, I gave up. Being a simple, single character somehow makes it more difficult because there are too many possibilities... (Sen? Yuki? Chi?) If anyone finds a reliable Japanese source for these please let me know. 
Being a business man, or “salaryman” is a specific archetype in Japanese culture. A boring, tired shell of a person. Which is why the idea of a salaryman superhero is so funny (and kind of oddly endearing?). 
<#10 Kakeru>
“He lives in the suburbs of Kasukabe! He works at a minor trading company in Shinbashi, Tokyo! He has two kids! His wife works part-time at a local supermarket! He’s a businessman with a homeowner loan which will take 32 years to pay off! But... he has a secret identity... once he transforms.... BLAMO!”
With a loud crescendo the seemingly normal businessman took a swig of an energy drink, and with a sudden burst of dazzling light he began to transform...
“I will fight to erase debt! I will eradicate excess inventory! I am.... SUPER SALARYMAN ACE!”
* * * * * *
Wowie! Kazuo could barely contain his excitement. On the TV was the live action super hero program ”Super Salaryman Ace”! It was his absolute favorite DVD. He could watch it over and over again. For little Kazuo, since as long as he could remember was always studying with his private tutor for future exams, watching this DVD was the one thing he looked forward to the most. 
“Even if I only have 300 yen for lunch.... even if I keep getting my feet stepped on in a crowded commuter train.... even if I only get to drink happōshu once a week.... To protect my family, I won’t be letting any bad guys get in my way!”
Kazuo yelled out Salary Man Ace’s dialogue perfectly in time. 
“With my family photos kept close to my heart.... Take this! The once a month... Premium Beer Shower!”
“He did it!! He won!”
* * * * *
All of a sudden Kazuo heard the sound of the lock turning on the front door... Frantically he pressed the stop button on the remote and turned off the TV. Picking up the book he’d cast aside, he resumed reading.  
”Ahh where is it, where is it...”
It was his father Momojiro who came through the door. Kazuo breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh, were you studying?”
“Yep! Welcome home, Dad! What’s wrong?”
“I just forgot something... hm?”
Kazuo looked up at his father happily.  However, the “Super Salaryman Ace” DVD was tossed carelessly by his side. 
Kazuo did his best to hide the DVD case but he was too late.
“Heheh. You were watching it again, huh?”
Kazuo readily resigned to his fate. But for some reason Momojiro actually looked kind of happy. This was because the “Super Salaryman Ace” DVD was actually a secret gift from Momojiro to Kazuo. Momojiro had married into the Juuouin family and now was on the Juuouin Holdings company board of directors, but he was also just another businessman himself. He had sharp wits, a sincere heart, and rose to the top even among the mass quantity of fellow hires to become acknowledged by the company president, Mantaro. This was followed by being set up with his daughter, marriage, and a few years later the birth of Kazuo. Kazuo had inherited not only his father’s cleverness, because it turned out his father was also, a so-called.... “otaku”... 
Momojiro was an “otaku” before the term even existed. He’d hidden it from his wife for years. But then one day, while secretly watching a live action super hero show in his room, he was discovered by his son. Ever since then, under his father’s influence Kazuo had become a fellow otaku, and his weakness was watching such programs in his father’s room. Said room was a treasure trove of not only superheros, but also anime, trains, cars, robots, girls’ manga, video games, and idols galore. 
“I see, I see! So you really like it that much, huh?”
Momojiro had the same smiling face as Super Salaryman Ace did when he’d just solved a big case. 
“You know, your Dad likes this transformation pose as well...” Momojiro said as he skillfully struck the same pose as the hero on the DVD cover.
“Did you know? In episodes 13 and 14 the pose is actually backwards! That’s because there was a different actor in the suit. You see, at the live action show, they... oh!”
Momojiro suddenly realized he’d said too much as he noticed his son staring at him blankly. Kazuo hadn’t understood a word his father said. But even so, his eyes were still shining. 
“I want to be a great businessman when I grow up too!”
“I see, I see! ...But it’s pretty rough being a businessman, you know. You have to support everyone underneath you. Your failures are their failures. Even if you have a natural ability, you... ah, well, I should probably wait until you’re older...”
“No way! I like your stories, Dad. Mom’s stories are scary too, but... I like them!”
“Oh ho ho! I see, I see!”
Momojiro always spoke to Kazuo with a smile. Kazuo loved his Dad. 
* * * * *
Ka-ching! The sound of the lock turning once more.
Momojiro and Kazuo mirrored each other’s frantic reaction. Momojiro stuffed the DVD case in his breast pocket.
“Welcome home, Mom!”
“Good to see you, Kazuo! Have you done your studying?”
“Yes, Mom!”
Kazuo’s mother turned to face her husband as her husband in turn tried to disappear into the couch.  
“...Oh?! What are you doing goofing off here?”
“I uh, I just forgot something.”
“What are you thinking! Get your butt back to the company right now and perform the simulation for the stockholders meeting tomorrow!”
“Yes, ma’am!”
As Momojiro shuffled his feet to the door the DVD case slipped from his jacket but was quickly scooped up and hidden by Kazuo.
“Well than Kazuo, I’ll be heading out as well. Love you!”
Kazuo was delighted when his mother kissed him lightly on the cheek. It was only for one brief moment, but just now he had gotten a moment alone with both his parents, just the three of them, and that brought him joy. 
Next: Kouji
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prism-rush · 6 years
Prism Rush Main Story Episode 6 Chapter 1
Reach Out to Everyone! The Rainbow Countdown #1
First Previous Chapter
Translator’s notes: I decided to keep going into this chapter once I remembered this one is just a long conversation about the boys’ solo songs. So even though it’s the beginning of a new episode, it’s actually a better place to leave off than the last chapter. This one is the true ending to the story arc about the boys writing their solo songs, and the next story arc begins from the next chapter. So, I hope you enjoyed this run! I posted four chapters over about two days, make sure to check out all of them. Peace! ...Oh yeah, uhh not too confident about my translation of the title of Yukinojo’s solo song... Yukinojo has been giving me a lot of grief lately hasn’t he.... 
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Hijiri: Everyone! I’ve heard you completed your solo songs! 
Shin: Yup! Yu-kun wrote the music... 
Yukinojo: And all of us put our hearts into the lyrics! 
Kakeru: And since the Juuouin Group studio had an opening, we all finished recording as well! 
Yu: And, now the editing is done... 
Leo: Aah! I can’t want to hear them!
Hijiri: Hehe. Me too. Well all right then, let’s have a listen. 
Yu: Okay. First up is Taiga’s song... 
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Taiga: Why do I have to go first?!
Hijiri: The song title is... “Legend World” .... 
Leo: Wow! It’s just like Taiga-kun! It sounds so cool!! 
Hijiri: Taiga, what was your inspiration for this song?
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Taiga: Uh... nothing... really... I just thought... I definitely want to overcome Kazuki-senpai someday! Th... That’s all....
Minato: Yeah, I can definitely feel Kougami’s determination through this song! 
Yu: Well, next up is Yukinojo’s “Swallowtail Butterfly, Dance in Dreams Longing for You.”
Shin: Wow... Something about this song really makes my heart beat faster... 
Yukinojo: I really agonized over not being about to break out of my shell... But it’s only since I came to Edel Rose that I started to want to overcome my own weaknesses. Through the good the good times and the bad times, I learned the importance of my friends...
Leo: Yuki-sama....
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Yukinojo: And that’s what has made me stronger. If I can bring out these emotions, I can rise beyond my limits! 
Leo: You’ve always been amazing, Yuki-sama. But it seems you’ve somehow gotten even more amazing!!!
Yu: Next up is Leo’s song... um... “Pink-colored MAX Jump!”
Kakeru: Ooooh! This is great! What a chan-Leo song! 
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Leo: Eheh. Once I took a good look at myself, I realized something. What is really important isn’t manliness or something like that. There are a lot of good things about just me being myself! I learned about that kind of strength from Yuki-sama! 
Yukinojo: Just listening to this song is raising my spirits. It’s such a good and bright song, just like you Leo! 
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Kakeru: I’m up next! It’s “Groovin’ Chara-Emo Night” yo! It’s sure got a groovin’ vibe, right?! 
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Taiga: What the heck is this song?! It’s so cheesy this whole room’s going to become lactose intolerant! 
Yu: But it’s just like Kakeru, isn’t it? My genius is scary sometimes.
Taiga: ...Now that you mention it...
Kakeru: Even when every day is the same thing, you can’t let yourself look defeated. 
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I sang this song to make sure everyone who hears it can ride the groove train to sparkle town! 
Taiga: Well, I don’t really like the style but...
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 I guess it’s a good song for you, Kazuo. 
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Kakeru: Thank you!! ...Wait.
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...But it’s Kakeru, not Kazuo!
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Yu: Whatever, moving on. Now here’s Minato’s “Home sweet Home”!
Leo: Wow... Just listening to it makes me feel all warm inside... 
Minato: I’m glad to hear you say that.
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I wrote the lyrics with the same amount of heart I put into cooking for all of you! 
Shin: It does remind me of your cooking... Your kindness really shines through! 
Minato: Eheh. Ichijo, thank you. 
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Yu: Well, now it’s my turn! “Zeus♂ ~I am the ULTIMATE Star~”!
Taiga: The title is a bit embarrassing... 
Minato: Kougami, SHH!
Shin: Woah! Yu-kun, your song is so cool!
Yu: Of course! For a true genius like me, the melody just comes to me naturally... 
Leo: Oh... But when you were writing your song, didn’t you not sleep for three nights and three days? 
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Yu: N... No! I was... That was... 
Minato: To think you could write not just an amazing song for yourself, but such great songs for all of us as well. Suzuno, thank you so much. Well done. 
Yu: Don’t pat me on the head! I’m not a kid.... Last is Shin’s song. 
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Shin: Aah I’m so nervous... How is it? What do you guys think? 
Taiga: How is it, he says... 
 Yukinojo: All we have to do is listen, and we know... 
Leo: Yup. We can all feel your pure heart coming through. 
Yu: I wrote this song based on Shin’s straightforwardness. The title is “Sweet Sweet Sweet”. 
Shin: It was because you wrote me such a great song that the lyrics just came naturally... 
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I want so many people to learn about prism shows... I wanted everyone to feel how much I want to make people happy... Superintendent Himuro! How was it?
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Hijiri: .........
Shin: S... Superintendent Himuro?
Leo: Is he... mad?!
Kakeru: Could it be we didn’t do enough?
Yu: No...! It couldn’t be...!
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Shin: Huh?!
Kakeru: Superintendent Himuro... is crying bitter tears?!
Taiga: I’ve never seen him like this before... 
Hijiri: All of you have had to work so hard to make up for my shortcomings... 
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To think that you have all grown so much that you’re the ones supporting me.... Thank you all... so much... 
Shin: Superintendent... 
Hijiri: With such a great collection of songs, we just have to get them out there in a big way.... 
Taiga: Get them out there?
Hijiri: Yes! We did a Christmas concert, so of course what comes next is... A New Years countdown concert! 
Shin: A countdown concert?
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Hijiri: If we debut all your songs, Edel Rose will once again be back on the map... Don’t you think? 
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Shin: ...Yeah! This countdown concert is gonna be great! 
(Across town, later)
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Hiro: These are... the underclassmen solo songs... 
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Kazuki: Aren’t they great! They’re BURNING brighter than a supernova! They have really grown up, before we even knew it! We can really depend on them!
Hiro: No... that’s not true. 
Kazuki: Huh?
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Hiro: They are our rivals now. 
Kazuki: Hiro... 
Hiro: Among a galaxy of prism stars, only one can become the Prism King... 
Kazuki: ....
Hiro: If we don’t watch out, it’ll be our heads on a platter. Right, Kazuki?
Kazuki: Yeah, you’re right... At the Prism King Cup, prism stars battle other prism stars. Upperclassmen and underclassmen relationships don’t matter.
Hiro: All that matters is who becomes the Prism King and who doesn’t. 
Kazuki: Yeah! It’s a straight up showdown! And I’m gonna BURN it up! 
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Hiro: Kazuki... it’s ON!
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Kazuki: You bet!! 
(Outside Edel Rose)
Hijiri: To think the new students could come up with such great songs... 
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I can’t wait to see the look on Rei’s face!
Next Chapter.
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prism-rush · 7 years
Prism Rush Main Story Episode 3 Chapter 2
Beyond the Rainbow!! -sparkling acceleration to spring-
Episode 3: The Christmas Party brings the Scent of Danger #2
First Previous Chapter
Please check that you’ve read the previous chapters first! This is a series. (I’m really worried about y’all liking these out of order haha… really tho.) If you are new this is the original story from Prism Rush mobile app which connects the first King of Prism movie with Pride the Hero.
Translator’s notes: I had to Google what a “Dragon Flag” was for this one, and apparently it’s this. (I thought it was a Prism Jump at first, but nope ahaha.) If it’s called something different in English, let me know. 
If you noticed me calling this episode the “Taiga bondage episode”, you will very soon find out why. But that aside!! This chapter is gold for so many reasons I can’t list them all. But for one:  Leo has Aira’s clothes whispering ability. (It’s gotta be a direct reference to Aurora Dream and you won’t be able to tell me otherwise.) 
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Taiga: You bastard! Where am I.. and what is all of this?! 
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Why am I tied up?! Hey! Get this off of me!
Alexander: Chill out.
Taiga: What?!
Alexander: You’ll just have to wait patiently until the concert is finished. 
Taiga: ?! What the hell do you want from me?
Alexander: I don’t want anything. I just did what I was told. 
Taiga: WHAAAAAAT?! You can’t be serious! Are you actually trying to sabotage our performance?! LET ME GO! You dirty cheater! If you want to battle me I’ll take you on right now! Let’s do it fair and square! 
Alexander: Don’t flatter yourself. 
Taiga: ….?! 
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Alexander: I’ll say it again. I don’t give a crap about you or Edel Rose. 
Taiga: Wha….
Alexander: It’s all just business. But, well, if Kazuki Nishina happens to come to save your dumb ass….
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THEN it would make things even sweeter. HA HA HA HA! 
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Taiga: You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re underestimating Edel Rose… not just that, you’re underestimating me! You better watch your back!! 
Alexander: Oh shut up. Stop your crying. 
Taiga: …ug….
Alexander: You just sit tight there, have naptime, and stay out of my way. *huff… huff…*
Taiga: …Woah…. He’s doing dragon flags for muscle training… that easily….?! The steel 6-pack… He’s just doing some reps… but his aura is so intense… 
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Nevermind, I don’t have time for this!! If I don’t get out of here, I’m going to miss the performance… DAMMIT!!! Kazuki-san… if he were here… what would he do…. 
(Across town.)
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Yukinojo: *catching his breath* 
Kakeru: AHHH! What’s going on?! He’s not here either?! My poor little legs are going to fall off. 
Yukinojo: Is there anywhere else he could possibly be? If not, then perhaps Schwartz Rose really did…. 
Kakeru: ….take our poor Princess Taiga away to another castle? Come on, give me a break! 
Yukinojo: What now…? Maybe it’s time to call the police… 
Kakeru: Hold on. 
Yukinojo: What are you doing?
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Kakeru: Oh, just messing around with the company satellite.  ♪
Yukinojo: What?! You mean the kind of satellite… in space?! 
Kakeru: But of course. ♪ Taiga-kyun may have been captured by one of our security cameras…. *keyboard clicking* *ping!* Oh ho ho! BINGO! I’ve got him! 
Yukinojo: Really?! 
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Kakeru: We haven’t got a minute to lose! But… I’m tired from running so… HEY Limousine! 
Yukinojo: Kakeru… or should I say Kazuo Juuouin… to think that you have this frightening power bestowed upon you by the Juuouin Holdings Group… 
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I hope Shin and the others are alright. The show is about to begin. Right around now the guests should be arriving…. 
(Back at the stage.)
Shin: Yu-kun! Have you got all the wires hooked up? 
Yu: Yeah… just a bit more…. hrm… this cable… goes… uh…. 
Shin: Oh? Are you having trouble reaching? Here! Alley-oop! 
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Yu: ?! Shin! You can’t just go around picking up people whenever you feel like it! 
Shin: But you can reach now, can’t you? 
Yu: …..UGH!!!! It’s done! I plugged it in, so put me down! 
Shin: Of course!
Yu: Uff. Don’t you ever do that again. Everyone saw my belly button. Goddamn it. 
Minato: Oh Suzuno! Let it go! 
Yu: Waah!! Ahh! Minato stop squeezing me! 
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Minato: Ichijo helped you out. So. What do you say?
Yu: …um…. Thank you… 
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Shin: No problem!! 
Yu: …urg… Minato-san, how at the lights?
Minato: Oh, I think they’ll do. Since we’re just amateurs I think this is as good as it’s going to get. 
Shin: It’s gonna be OK. 
Minato: Hm?
Shin: We’re all going to light the stage with the illumination of our hearts! 
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Minato: ….
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Shin: ….Minato-san?
Minato: Ahahah! Shin, you’re great. I love you for that. Really great. 
Shin: Huh? R-really? Ahah…. 
Yu: Leo! How are the costumes? 
Leo: Almost ready! Stitch stitch…. stitch stitch…. 
Yamada: Your sewing is so clean, Leo. 
Leo: Yeah, I love sewing! To make our outfits happy, I have to be sure to fix them so they are even more glittery-wonderful than they were before! 
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Yamada: Even clothes have feelings, don’t they. Being able to hear the whispers of the performance costumes, that’s a skill only a true Prism Star can have.
Leo: Yup! 
Shin: Amazing…. as long as we all work together we can make the impossible possible…. 
Hijiri: Yes. There is a limit to what one person can do. But if we all combine our strengths we can ascend a whole new world which couldn’t be seen before by just trying to peek over the fence.
Shin: A new world..!! I’m really getting excited now! Today’s concert… will be great! 
Yu: Well good for you, but Taiga’s still not here. 
Shin: AH—! That’s right! I forgot! 
Minato: Don’t worry. He’ll be here. 
Leo: Yeah! Let’s trust in Yuki-sama! Okay?
Shin: …Did you forget about Kakeru? ….I just hope Taiga-kun hasn’t gotten hurt…?
(Back to the streets….)
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Alexander: *huff* *huff* *huff! huff! huff!* 1-2-3 Pack! X Pack! A kick to topple a wrestler back! A ticket for you to ride my 6 Pack!
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Taiga: He’s… composing some kind of a rap while doing side crunches?  …The hell…. But I can’t deny how ridiculous his aura is… I think just touching it could make me hallucinate again… I… I… I have to get to the concert… UUggh… I’m losing my strength…. 
???: Sorry to keep you waiting. 
Taiga: Huh!? Kazuki-sa–
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Kakeru: It’s your Prince Juuouin! Kakeru-kun here to save you! Didn’t mean to be late to the party! 
Taiga: KAZUO——–?!?!
Kakeru: GAH! Don’t call me that! You’re ruining my heroic, princely entrance! 
Taiga: Who are you calling princely you cocky bastard! And what are you doing here!
 Yukinojo: Settle down, Taiga. It’s because of Kakeru that we found you. 
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Taiga: Huh…? Did you put some kind of tracking device on me?! Like a Jeep-P-S?
Kakeru: No, nothing like that! UGH! Can’t you ever be grateful for once in your life! You know you’re happy to see me, my pure-hearted Taiga! 
Taiga: Well if only you would stop saying such weird things!! 
Yukinojo: We’ll have time for fighting and explanations later. Right now we have to get to the stage… 
Alexander: Hold it right there. 
Yukinojo: ?!
Kakeru: T…this aura… It’s like when we were on the banks of the River Styx… frightening and cold…. IT’S HIM! Alexander! EEEEK! 
Alexander: Although I couldn’t really care less about you all, I can’t let you take this guy.
Yukinojo: …..
Kakeru: Y… Yuki-sama? What’s come over you…
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Yukinojo: I see. If we aren’t able to talk this out, then we have no other choice. We’ll be taking him back by force. 
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Next Chapter
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koppekoppe · 8 years
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