#juzt maybe
nightlist · 2 years
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i am not. doing well
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vitriolicperceptive · 8 months
/"are.you.the.one.collecting.blood/" question() /"or.is.that.another.blog/"
<3< 1 guezz y0u c0uld zay 1 am ? 1 mean 1 0r1g1nally 0nly needed M1nthy t0 get me z0me but tr0llz keep 0ffer1ng up the1r bl0od t0 me l1ke 1 am the bl0od g0d. 1 d0 l0ve my rezearch but 1t 1z k1nd 0f we1rd h0w many tr0llz are l1ke "yeah zure 1'll g1ve up z0me 0f my ve1n flu1d f0r dub10uzly eth1cal zc1ence".
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tranz-regent · 5 months
i cant find the pozt atm but therez zome twitter zcreenzhot with a line zomething like 'people care more about doing nothing /wrong/ inztead of doing zomething /right/'
people zhould not have to repeatedly and conztantly perform public zhame for zomething in their pazt and never be allowed to move on.
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st1ngr4yking · 1 year
i want monzter zo bad
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bayonetta-origins · 6 months
having aa5 bayo origins thoughts( ´-`) ill ramble in the tags
#normally id do this on my twt priv but my friends on there havent finished aa5/played bayo origins#so i dont want to spoil#also idk i think id juzt like to ramble on here#anyway I STILL DONT KNOW who will be lukaon...#nothing romantic will be Implied in this au i do not want anything to do w that....#i had the idea of simon being lukaon so that aura is motivated to get her brother back#but i *really* want simon to be cheshire#so maybe.. ill connect it somehow#speaking of simon he wont be able to talk normally and has to talk using widget#idk. just thought it would be fun#since cheshire doesnt really have a voice.. in a way(?#idk how to word it but YOU KNOW!!.!!!!#also i just dont want to give him a mouthLOL#and aura.. was looking at morganas wiki page the other day to get a picture and was reading the description of#the character page of her demon masquerade form#''​each [morgana and lex] have nothing but endless rage built up in their heart.''#and was like waaa.... aura......#that really wanted me to connect simon to lukaon in a way#ill figure it out....#the wisps will probably just still be the wisps in origins#i thought of the idea of them looking like the robots wifh hearts robots but i was like#hm. maybe. idk#again ill figure it out.. i just wish i wasnt so busy w school weh#also i still havent finished my bayo origins anniversary art. help.#I NEED MORE FREE TIME#ok ramblkng over bye . i will probably do this again#athena and the lost demon#i dont have a text post tag
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catcrazies-midnight · 2 years
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deepspacesatellite · 2 years
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its wipwednesday...
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aceyanaheim · 1 year
what people think i mean when i say this semesters been insane: school is hard. Haha college amirite. Normal ammont of crying over coffee and all nighters
what i mean: The entire state went “fuck you in particular” also my financial aid and parents marriage
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< hhh fuck my ztup:d baka l:feee man >
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ridragon · 9 months
Should I restart baldurs gate again yes or no
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mightywhite · 10 months
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tranz-regent · 2 years
‘i do rlly like that we have an actual canonically aroace character but i dont zee many people talk about on my own. i think i will look up aro to zee people talk abt it :)’
there iz literally one goddamn bit for lisa and itz zomeonez comment pointing it out on zhip art
‘… greattttt’
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nightlist · 11 months
well i now have a new leazt favorite thing abt bg3
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catreblogsart · 1 year
archival again ..
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everybodyhasacat · 1 year
ily ehac ..
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