#k/da ahri x black!reader
liyawritesss · 2 years
Hey luv, I was wondering if you took requests and if you do I'd kindly like to request something. I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a K/DA Akali x female reader where they were childhood friends but lost contact over the years and when they reunited at a party, they did some catching up and Akali discovered that the reader is a songwriter and in a way maybe a singer but just doesn't have the courage the put the songs out into the public yet. Throughout catching up they grew feelings for each other and didn't want to admit it to themselves or each other but the other members of K/DA were noticing it and well they planned a little something to help them confess and then they got together.
If you can't do it that's ok. 😊
Have a good rest of your day/night luv💕🫂
ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ
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Pairing: K/DA!Akali J. Tethi x Black!NoLabel!Reader
Genre: Fic
Synopsis: In which Akali realizes the love she expressed in that snowy playground all those years ago has never faded.
Warnings: minor cursing, a bit of interpersonal homophobia, lyrics are from the song "This Town" by Niall Horan, I do not own any part of the song or lyrics they're just in use to creative purposes!!
A/N: I mayyyy have strayed away from the original plot at but at the end 😬 it was starting to get too long and I didn't wanna keep letting it sit in the drafts. I hope you stoll enjoy!!
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Tap-tap, tap-tap, tap-tap, went each end of the pen as it connects to the solid wood of the studio desk. On said desk, a half written song with only a base guitar melody and a few lines of a verse lie forgotten, and it’s writer sat on the studio couch, gazing into the snow-ridden park below the agency building. It’s winter, and if not for the imagery outside, one could distinguish the season by the volume and vibrations from the boiler room’s furnace that rung throughout the walls. Despite the warmth that flooded the building, the wild haired girl still had on a fleece hoodie and jogging pants set, with thick socks to keep her feet warm, and the hoodie sleeves long enough to cover her freezing fingers.
Akali had been in K/DA’s shared studio since the early hours of the morning, and had barely gotten her song done. The song was important, as it would be her solo for the upcoming album, and with only two days left to submit the final rendition, the pressure was high. She’s already gotten worried looks from Ahri and Kai’Sa, and most recently, a scolding from Evelyn about ‘this is not who we are’. Management, though they’ve always had faith in the firecracker, were also showing signs of doubt, as they’ve never encountered Akali in this state of mind before. And if she knew how to combat this form of seasonal depression, Akali would have told her bandmates and the company to not worry.
Everyone was a bit on edge.
Akali is entranced by the snowflakes that fall from the sky. They remind her of her youth, when she would play in the neighborhood playground after martial arts lessons, unphased by the cold, as winter was her favorite season. Her gaze was fixated on the playground in the park below, and from her imagination, the young rapper reminisced on the simpler times, when her childhood was pure, and her love was innocent.
“‘Kali, stop it, you’re gonna hurt yourself!” a young voice echoed from Akali’s brain as her mind made a turn down memory lane. A young Akali, no older than six or seven, stood high and mighty on top of the jungle gym, ready to show off her newest trick to her best friend, who stood worried on the snow covered ground. She should be used to Akali’s recklessness by now, but Akali never ceases to amaze the other young girl.
“If I make this flip, you have to promise me something, [Y/N]!” Said Akali, ignoring the worry her friend displayed beforehand.
“What is it?” replies [Y/N], curiously.
“You have to promise to marry me!” Akali replies in a confident tone, preparing herself for the flip of her life, while [Y/N] deadpans into her hand. “Just don’t hurt yourself, stupid!”
Of course, Akali lands her flip expertly - and [Y/N} lets out the breath she didn’t know she was holding - and as she stands up straight, the wild haired girl holds out her hand, pinky-finger pointed out and ready to seal the promise.
“Pinky promise you’ll marry me, [Y/N]?”
“Girls don’t marry each other, ‘Kali, they marry boys.” [Y/N] says matter of factly, causing Akali’s lips to form a point at her best friend. “Says who?”
[Y/N] paused, thinking for a moment. “My mom and dad. Don’t yours?”
A bored ‘booooooo’ left Akali’s lips, chapped by the cold. “Okay, fine - if we don’t get boyfriends when we’re older, then we’ll marry each other. How does that sound?”
[Y/N] paused once again, taking a longer moment to think about her answer. After a minute or two, she shrugged, and interlocked her gloved pinky with Akali’s bare one. “Okay! I’ll marry you then!”
A knock on the studio door brought Akali’s trip through memory lane to a pause. With haste, she got up from her seat on the couch and opened the door. Standing in the doorway was her bandmate, Kai’Sa, and the sight of the main dancer made Akali’s eyebrows raise in question.
“You’ve been in here for a while, yknow,” Kai’Sa began, “anything yet?”
Akali shook her head in defeat. “I haven’t had writer's block in a minute. This shit is killing me.” She said, rubbing her eyes that burned with exhaustion.
“Well, I have an idea….”
Normally, Kai’Sa’s ideas are very good and beneficial, but it was something about the way that the dancer said that sentence that sparked a sense of mischief in her gut. “And what is this idea?”
“Let’s say that a new club opened up in Hongdae,” Kai’Sa started, and though Akali knew where this was going, she found herself leaning against the doorframe to entertain her bandmate’s ‘hypothetical’ question, “aaaannnd let’s say that I got us some free access tickets into the VIP show tonight, that’s displaying a new singer-songwriter-producer with a new single performance….would you be interested?”
It’s always an adventure when Kai’Sa finds things to do in the cities that K/DA visits. She’ll ask so innocently, dragging the other girls into her random, exciting rendezvous, which always tend to spark new inspiration for music, dance and entertainment for the group. Kai’Sa didn’t have a mischievous bone in her body, but in certain situations, her adventures would end in an intense night of clubbing, drinks, and not-so-appropriate dancing.
“You’re trying to get me inspiration to write?”
“Maybe. But you’ve also had yourself holed up in here for a week, and I think you could let loose a little. We can’t have our hidden gem down in the dumps-”
“-so close to a comeback?”
“-in general, ‘Kali.”
Akali took in Kai’Sa’s words. Normally, that’s how her writer’s blocks would be cured - a quick trip to an underground event would have the rapper in good spirits in no time at all. However, a club is different than an underground event - theres more people that know people, with less etiquette and more entitlement - which is why Akali normally strayed away from those kinds of scenes.
However, it was two days before her shit was due, and she was becoming desperate to get something on the page.
“I can be ready in an hour.”
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The heavy base blasting through the walls of the club has Akali rethinking her decision of taking on Kai’Sa’s offer. There were many more bodies than she anticipated, many more flashing lights and floating drinks. She thinks she’s underdressed - her simple pair of ripped jeans, combat boots, white tee and black cap making her stand out like a sore thumb. Paired with the various rings on her fingers, wrist watch and silver chains and her signature dogtags, the rapper felt as though she was going to meet up with a friend, not enjoy herself at a club. A hand went to adjust her cap a little over her eyes to avoid unwanted eye contact with anyone who wasn’t Kai’Sa.
“Relax, girl,” said the main dancer, as Kai’Sa placed a hand on Akali’s back, “I can feel the tension radiating off of you.”
“It’s been a minute since I’ve been in a setting like this,” Akali responds, “It’s…a lot more people than I thought.”
“Don’t worry, just follow my lead.”
“Follow your lead where, exactly?”
“To the DJ Booth.”
Of course, it was like Kai’Sa to get in good with the DJ’s so that she could request a hefty amount of songs without an additional charge. She was skillful like that - and almost never dropped her band’s name for the benefit of her own.
Through the mass of bodies already tipsy from colourful shots and club music, Akali and Kai’Sa made their way to the back of the club, where the DJ booth was located, as well as the VIP section. All Kai’Sa had to do was flash her phone at the overly-buff bouncer for the two to be let in. Akali didn’t question it - she was too busy trying to get a feel for the club. She barely noticed when her hand was let go of, as Kai’Sa went to hug the DJ who had invited her to this event.
“‘Kali, this is the guy I was telling you about,” said the main dancer over the blasting music, to which Akali shook his hand out of respect. Small talk was made, until the DJ leaned into Kai’Sa’s ear, pointing in another direction while saying something. At that point, Akali had been babysitting a small fruity drink, having grown a bit comfortable into this new setting.
The dancer had leaned over to Akali next to relay the message: “This is the new rising artist I was telling you about earlier! They’re about to perform!”
Akali shifted her gaze from her bandmate to the stage, and suddenly, the music that was so deafening became a muffled memory, as the rapper took in the presence that was on the blue and purple accented stage. A face she had not seen in years, now appeared before her with a new sense of maturity and age.
It was [Y/N] up there, and what’s more, she was singing.
The next four minutes or so was a blur to Akali, and she was only able to refocus when Kai’Sa had given her a gentle shake on the shoulder, warning her about the new arrival to the VIP section. The arrival being [Y/N], who’s first move was to hug the DJ, who she could only assume had some relation to her. She shook Kai’Sa’s hand, and when it was Akali’s turn to be greeted, the rapper was still dumbstruck by the beauty in front of her.
Akali and [Y/N] made eye contact, and for a moment, it seemed like the world paused. The club and it’s loud, pulsating music became muffled, and the only thing Akali was focused on was the woman before her. It felt like a dream, really, the way everything died down around her and how her focus zoomed in onto the singer who was approaching her for a hug-
Shit, [Y/N] was coming in for a hug. She was coming in for a hug and Akali was standing still like an idiot. It wasn’t until the rapper felt the warmth from the other spread throughout her body that she was able to react.
“Holy shit, it’s been ages!” (Y/N) says into Akali’s ear, thankful of the close proximity so that she didn’t have to yell. “You’re a big shot now! How’ve you been?”
The rest of the night consisted of the two catching up on their lives prior to this (with subtle pop-ins from Kai’Sa, who’d taken to entertaining herself on the dance floor with whoever was willing to dance with her). There exchange of phone numbers and socials, and when the club finally became unbearable for Akali (and Kai’Sa having downed one too many shots), the two separated with a promise to meet up again.
Akali lays on her bed, lost in the thought of you. Emotions that had been unknown to her for some time had begun to swirl up again - emotions she believed she had pushed down long ago when circumstances caused her and (Y/N) to separate in their youth; but she was back.
She was back, and she was gorgeous, and Akali was falling in love all over again.
The next thing she knows, Akali is up again at the crack of dawn, where the sun is just beginning to peak over the horizon, and with her sudden alertness come the adrenaline she had been missing for her songwriting. Off went the blankets that covered her thin frame as she frantically stumbled over to her desk, littered with various papers of songs past, music sheets, and other instruments of music creation. The rapper managed to get a pencil steady in her hands and a clean sheet of paper, and began to write feverishly. She wanted to get it down before the inspiration was lost again. She did not look up from the paper until she deemed the song done, and when she finally did, the sunrise had taken it’s place upon the horizon. Akali found comfort in the vibrant oranges, soft yellows, and lazy purples that painted the morning sky, the blanket of night being stripped away for a brand new day.
A new dawn, a new day. Akali felt at peace in this moment.
Akali nods her head at Ahri’s question, anxiety shaking her bones like the cold from the winter that blanketed the city.
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“-and you said you wrote this, this morning?”
This song was all or nothing.
“It’s different from you, ‘Kali,” said the blonde woman as she examined the piece of paper with various scribbles of words into stanzas, her chin resting in the palm of her hand, “but I think it’s beautiful. Did you have a composition?”
“Uh, well- yeah, but not recorded,” replies the rapper as she gestures over to the guitar that laid against the wall of the studio, “I can play the chorus?”
Ahri looks back to Yasuo, the bands producer, who simply shrugs, “I don’t see why not. We can worry about recording it later for submission.”
Akali, in an attempt to shake off her anxiety, grabs the guitar, positions it on her lap, and fiddles with the tuning keys to get the instrument in the right tune to play. There’s a moment of hesitance, in which she glances to Yasuo and Ahri, who patiently wait for Akali to play.
“Take you’re time,” Yasuo encourages, “you can’t rush art, after all.”
Akali nods, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath to ground herself. The image of (Y/N) appears in her mind, and before the rapper knows it, she begins to play:
And if the whole world was watchin’
I’d still dance with you
Drive highways and byways
To be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
You still make me nervous
When you walk in the room
Them butterflies, the come alive
When i'm next to you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
Akali could hear the pumping from her heart furiously in her ears. She slowly peels her eyes open to see her bandmate and producer giving applause to her demonstration of the on-the-fly composition she just did.
“That was marvelous, ‘Kali!” announces Ahri, “That has to be at the top of the track list- Yasuo, it just has to be!”
She’s tugging at the older man’s green cardigan in excitement, which makes both Akali and Yasuo chuckle at her child-like behavior. “I agree, it’s definitely a good song,” He adds on, taking a sip from the coffee he had been nursing in his hand for a while, “‘Lover Girl’ Akali J. Tethi has a ring to it.”
“Please, stop, I’m not a lover girl,” the rapper whines, overwhelmed by the swell of compliments from the two as she lowers the bottom of the guitar onto the floor, taking to resting her chin on the top of the handle with her hands adding cushion to the wooden instrument, “and- I mean, I guess it’s good. I mean- I know it’s good, but…”
“We need the inspiration details!” Ahri asserts, dying to know what caused her bandmate to create such a beautiful piece. “Is it about something? About someone…?”
“Uuuhhmmm…” it was a futile attempt to stall, but the smile that painted Akali’s face gave her away completely. Ahri’s squeal and insistent tapping on the arm of her chair urged Akali to continue.
“Okay, so- there’s this girl…” The rapper began, her head tilting slightly to the side as she tried to find the best way to tell this story. “We’ve been friends since we were little…and I loved her. But we ended up separating- she moved away right before we were about to start middle school. But, last night- when Kai took me to that club, I saw her. I saw her, after so long. And I got to hug her- to hold her again, and- and everything came back to me. She’s one of the reasons why I started music; and when I hugged her, I just- I just fell in love all over again. Nothing had changed and- fuck, this is so embarrassing to say…”
There was a moment of silence. Ahri and Yasuo looked at each other, then back to the obviously love-struck rapper. “Akali, you’re in love.”
“Yeah, I got that part down - how do I deal with it?”
“You go after her?” Yasuo suggested, sarcastically albeit.
“I can’t just do that!” Akali retorted.
Yasuo shook his, mumbling something about how ‘young people are so dense, before speaking up again, “Look- the foundation is there. You have history. You just wrote a song about her. Besides anxiety, what’s really stopping you from finding this young woman and telling her you love her?”
“Uh, my pride if she rejects me,” Akali answers matter of factly, “and do you even have experience in order to give love advice?”
“That’s besides the point,” Ahri interrupts, holding out her hands to cease the two’s back and forth.
The blonde vocalist directs her gaze onto the young rapper, who she’s seen grow up so much in the past few years since their debut. There’s a moment of thought before she speaks. “Akali, lets think of it this way; do you want to be the girl who just writes the love songs, or the girl who acts on them?”
There’s a beat that passes. Then, Akali’s phone rings. She checks the caller ID, and it’s none other than (Y/N). She looks back at Ahri and Yasuo, who give her looks of approval.
“I think we can finish up the submission paperwork for you,” Ahri reasons, “you should probably take that.”
Akali rises from her seat, hurriedly propping the guitar against the wall, much more sloppily compared to its original position, and rushes out the door to answer her phone.
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sin-of-jess · 3 years
This is a basic start, I plan on prettying this up as I add more to my work!  If there’s any mistake’s or errors in the links please let me know so I can fix it!
                                                  Fairy Tail
NSFW-ish scenario-Playfulness
NSFW scenario-Dominating his disobedient/teasing S/O
Lucy Heartfilia
Headcanon- Reacting to Celestial spirits trying to get her and crush together
Headcanon-Flinching in a fight
Headcanon-Finds out crush is afraid of them
Headcanon-Crushing on the same person as Mirajane
Headcanon-Having a shy and sweet S/O
Relationship Headcanons x gender neutral reader
NSFW Headcanons x male reader
Headcanon-Flinching in a fight
Headcanon-Non Mage S/O seeing her magic after Mirajane hides it
Headcanon-Crushing on the same person as Erza
NSFW Headcanons x male reader
Relationship Headcanons x gender neutral reader
Headcanon-Finding out S/O can out drink her
NSFW headcanon x male reader
Relationship Headcanons
Headcanon-Overhearing people saying they feel sorry for her S/O 
Relationship headcanons
NSFW headcanons x male reader
NSFW scenario- Cockwarming x male reader
NSFW headcanon x male reader
Relationship Headcanons
NSFW headcanons x male reader
Relationship Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
NSFW Headcanon x male reader
Relationship Headcanons
NSFW Headcanon x male reader
Relationship Headcanons
NSFW Headcanon x male reader
                                                 My Hero Acadamia
Shouta Aizawa
SFW Scenario-Early mornings
Sero Hanta
NSFW Scenario- Cockwarming x Female Reader
Shoto Todoroki
NSFW Scenario
NSFW Scenario
NSFW Scenario
Mirio Togata
NSFW Scenario
Bakugo Katsuki
NSFW Scenario
Fatgum{Taishiro Toyomitsu}
NSFW Scenario
Hawks(Keigo Takami)
NSFW Scenario
Twice{Jin Bubaigawara}
NSFW Scenario
Tomura Shigaraki
NSFW Scenario
Yayorozu Momo
NSFW Scenario- Car sex x male reader
Pro-Hero Sirius
NSFW Scenario- Giving handjob in public
Fuyumi Todoroki
SFW Scenario- Injured!gender neutral x reader
NSFW Scenario- Rough shower sex x dom! male reader
NSFW Scenario- Mirror Sex x male reader
Himiko Toga
NSFW Scenario- Dom Toga x male reader
Nejire Hado
NSFW Scenario-Mirror sex x dom! male reader
NSFW Scenario- Facesitting x male reader
Mt. Lady
NSFW Scenario- x female reader
Rumi Usagiyama{Mirko}
NSFW Scenario- Touch starved Female x reader
NSFW Scenario- Kirishima-Sero-Kaminari foursome
                                                 Black Clover
Yami Sukehiro
NSFW Scenario
                                                 One Piece
Sanji Vinsmoke
NSFW Scenario- x chubby! Female reader
SFW Scenario- Fluff
Roronoa Zoro
NSFW Scenario
                                                 Fire Force
Benimaru Shinmon
NSFW Scenario
Maki Oze
NSFW Headcanon- x male reader
                                                Demon Slayer
SFW Scenario-Hearing their S/O say I love you for the first time
SFW Scenario-Hearing their S/O say I love you for the first time
SFW Scenario-Hearing their S/O say I love you for the first time
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Scenario- Edging x male reader
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons
                                              Hunter X Hunter
Illumi Zoldyck
NSFW Scenario
                                              Sk8 to Infinity
SFW Scenario-Fluff
                                              Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo
SFW Scenario- Fluff
Nanami Kento
SFW Scenario
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silvermystification · 4 years
Yo I want an Ahri x reader.
I don’t know much about Ahri other then the fact that she’s part of the group K/DA. 
Wikipedia had this to say
is a nine-tailed fox mage in League, and one of the most popular characters in League. In-game, her abilities allow her to dash, and charm enemies to walk towards her. In K/DA, Ahri serves as one of the two main vocalists
Based on that and watching the K/DA MVs I can give you a small little snippet. I’m going to slightly combine the worlds of LOL and KPOP here for you. Fair warning I know almost nothing about LOL except for (probably) stereotypes
How I managed to get this far I wasn’t sure. Backstage passes to the K/DA concert. It was pure luck I was able to solve the puzzle first and enter the code into the contest. 
“Is that what you dress for a pa-ty.” the Korean accent spilling through the voice of the Kpop star that stood before me. 
I must have blacked out for a second because I don’t remember Ahri approaching me at all. “I uuhh.” I muttered out as I looked down to my armor. Still covered in dirt and blood from the recent raid. I wasn’t going to raid before the concert for this reason, the nerves rising back up in me. My heart was pounding.
“I can equip a better outfit as you sing.” I finally was able to utter out, wiping the loose hair out of my face. 
Before her charms could effect me any longer the rest of the band came up, said hi to me before pulling their main vocalist away. 
While listening to perfect renditions of “The baddest” “Villain” and “Pop/Stars” I thought about what else I could talk about when the band returned. As always their music was excellent. 
“Come on.” The fox mage grabbed my wrist. “We have one MORE song.” her eyes shined with excitement as she pulled my reluctant self up an onto the stage. I was too entranced by her beauty to really fight it, feeling a soft touch nudging my back. Glancing over to realize it was her tail. Wait. She had that much control over it? Huh. 
She sure had a strong charm to her. I wanted nothing but to make her happy, besides I knew this song. And if I only paid attention to Ahri I’ll forget there was a large crowd watching me sing with the group.
I would be lying if I said I didn’t have any fun at all. By the end Ahri walked up to me, grabbing both hands and giving them a squeeze. “You did so good.” she praised. 
I practically melted into her touch. “Thanks.” I nodded my head as I tried to catch my breath. She was still staring at me with those eyes. So bright, so happy.
“Come friend.” she wrapped her arm around my waist, her hand gently placing itself on my hip. She was so close I could smell her perfume. “Can’t be late for the party.” 
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liyawritesss · 3 years
Dating the K/DA Members
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Pairings: K/DA! Akali J. Tethi, Evelynn, Kai’Sa, Ahri x Black!Fem!Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Synopsis: My take on the girls of K/DA and how they would be in a relationship!!
Warnings: some cursing, mentions of weapons (kunais in akali’s section)
A/N: When you want to create the content you want to see, you bets do it yourself. So, more K/DA!!
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Shopping sprees 24/7
She’s definitely going to spoil you rotten, and all she asks in return are headpats and cuddles
Has the world intrigued on who her partner is - your relationship is private but definitely not a secret
She posts pictures on social media with cute little captions like ‘waking up to my sun’ or ‘on a date, kinda nervous’
Interviewers try to trip her up to reveal your name, a fact about you, something that would give people a clue as to who you are, but she swerves them with precision and ease.
She’s cool with at home dates or going out for a night on the town, so long as she gets to hold your hand doing so
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Evelynn gives no fucks, she’s showing you off every chance she gets to
Buys you a new car for your 6 month anniversary
You’re her new makeup tester. You have marks of eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, contour, etc all on your poor arms and legs
Buys you a new lipstick every day just so that she can kiss it off of you
She takes you on every trip and tour she and/or the girls have, you’re almost treated as a K/DA member yourself with how much privilege she gives you
Down right tells interviewers to fuck off if they ask about you directly though.
If social media pictures aren't enough she doesn’t know what to tell them, cuz her mouth stays shut to the media about you out of respect for your life and privacy
If she deems you too far away she’ll use one of her tails to inch you closer to her. When you look at her with a raised eyebrow she feigns innocence. Cuz what are you so far away for??
Only the most exquisite for her lover. Five star restaurants and hotels, jet rides to any city you want to visit, and don't even let her catch you looking into a storefront at a new dress or a fresh off the line pair of heels. Cuz it can and will be shipped to your address with next day delivery
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Clubbing clubbing clubbing clubbing-
Will take you to every club in town just so she can dance on you
Feeding you is her love language, and since she’s lived in so many different places growing up, she has a wide range of recipes under her belt.
Let her ramble on abt her experiences in different countries and she will be putty in your hands
I feel like she prefers outside dates more than stay at home ones, since she’s constantly moving and on the look for new things and inspiration.
You're the first to see her dance choreos, incomplete with mistakes and all, since she trusts your feedback as a fan and audience member
Would want to introduce you to her parents depending on how long you two have been together.
Comes to your apartment in the middle of the night saying she can't sleep, and so you two are up til early morning just talking, cuddling, listening to music
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I feel like it takes a minute for akali to adjust to the concept of a relationship. She welcomes it wholeheartedly, but some actions and mannerisms dont come as easy to her as with the other three.
PDA is something she doesn’t engage in often, but holding hands is a constant thing that occurred even before you two started dating so it wasn’t that awkward translating that into your relationship
Matching damn near everything - outfits, jewelry, accessories, tattoos, piercings, you name it, you two have at least one matching set of it or there is matching set planned in the near future
Biker girlfriend aesthetic biker girlfriend aesthetic biker girlfriend aesthetic-
You have definitely stolen one of her bulkier biker jackets (despite you having your own custom made one) and fans instantly flood akali’s social media asking what the deal is
She never replies tho, she thinks the speculation is hilarious
Very much the music industry’s ‘it couple’ a few months further into your relationship when you two start appearing in public more frequently
“Left hand is steering, the other is gripping your thigh” kinda girl. The girls that get it, get it <3 while we’re on the topic she has some very attractive hands
Once she’s a bit more comfortable with y’alls situation, she doesn't mind making it semi-public. Gives her a reason to post those ‘private but not secret’ relationship pics she takes with you. 
Play with her hair, specifically the nape of her neck, she shivers a bit from the feeling but it definitely feels good. Will pout when you stop. And dont do it while she’s driving - just dont. Yall will crash.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don't be shy to send a request!
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liyawritesss · 3 years
ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴀɪɴᴛɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ꜱᴛᴀɢᴇ
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Pairings: K/DA! Akali J. Tethi, Evelynn, Kai’Sa, Ahri x K/DA!Black!Fem!Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Synopsis: If you were to stumble and/or faint on stage, how would the members of K/DA react?
Warnings: some cursing, mentions of weapons (kunais in akali’s section)
A/N: Totally not writing this to justify why i think Akali could totally deadlift something twice her size and weight
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In this music event, the group was performing POP/STARS, and it was the beginning of Akali and Evelynn’s joint verse that Ahri began to notice a slight change in your movements.
Make no mistake, Ahri is incredibly attentive and notices little things very fast and easily. And in your standby pose, you were suppose to be looking forward, proudly, hands on your hips in a sassy manner
Instead, thought your head was down, and your footing was off, and that wasn’t like you at all. She had a matter of seconds before her verse came, and so she tried to make eye contact with any nearby staff members that could assist you
She would alert the staff members to keep watch, and as her verse came up, she would do her thing but still try to keep you in her peripheral area. She watched as you pushed through the rest of the song with worry, and as soon as it ended and the group was directed off stage, Ahri made a beeline towards you
She can be a bit doting here, checking the temperature of your forehead, grabbing a water bottle and watching you chug it dry.
Gets you to a place where you can sit down until the rest of the event was over, checking in on you from time to time. Asks the managers to have a staff member with you just in case things go south again.
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In this scenario, K/DA was called to do a special live performance of ‘The Baddest’ at an award show.
Evelynn had noticed some change in behavior in you well before arriving to the venue, yet every time she brung it up, she was met with an ‘I’m fine’. She didn't push any further, cuz if you were able to handle it, who was she to stop you?
Evelynn started having second thoughts on her leniency after the group got onto the stage. Despite you pushing beyond your limit to make it seem like you were in tip-top shape, the older woman could sense that you were not doing good at all.
It was towards the end of the song, Kai’Sa’s verse just ending, when she saw you leaning over, missing one of your steps in choreo, but it was quickly covered up by one of her lashers. 
She made sure her lasher stayed close to you in the ending seconds of the song, so when the blackout occurred and you collapsed from exhaustion, it was able to catch you
Immediately is screaming for staff and a medical team to come and examine you. Her Diva persona is in full rage right here, her impatience showing very clearly on her face
Like Ahri, she begins to dote on you but instead of gentle and motherly, she’s very stern and commanding.
Practically barricades you in your room when you all get home, won’t let you do anything until the group gets the message that you’re cleared for work again
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Kai’Sa will definitely feel the most guilt out of all the girls, cojnsdiering she is the one who creates the choreography, and she is aware that many of the moves are intense.
That being said, the moment she sees you start to sway, she’s already making her way over to where you are positioned. 
Because she was in the back with you and the other three were positioned in front, she would be the first to notice your stumbling. When you collapsed, Kai’Sa was the first to your side, and the others soon followed. 
The group’s set had to be paused, Kai’Sa helping a staff member to carry off stage.
You had come a few minutes after, and after careful consideration with the managers and staff it was decided that the 4 other girls would reshoot while you stayed in the dressing room to recover, hydrate, eat, whatever you needed to do to recover your strength.
After the show, much like Evelynn, Kai’Sa wants to make sure you’re okay. Normally the girls order out after an event, but Kai’Sa instead cooks a balanced meal to set everyone's stomachs to rest.
She watches you extra close the next few practices to watch your movements, making sure you’re taking adequate breaks in between songs and dances.
Kai’Sa may also look into different methods of dance and pacing going into the group's next comeback to avoid this situation as much a possible
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At this event you and the girls were called to perform “The Baddest”, one of your most energizing and intense choreographies yet
The moment Akali sees you stumbling, she’s already by your side.
She’s kind of taken aback as this has never happened before, and fights with herself on what to do.
Then you collapse in her arms and there’s very little thinking in what she does next. At this point, the other girls notice that somethings wrong - the music stops, and there are managers and staff members approaching the stage
She surprises everyone by picking you up bridal style, the only thing on her mind is getting you into a safe area where you can recuperate. By the time you come to, the girls had finished the performance as a quartet, with Ahri and Evelynn making the official apologies to the press for the events that happened.
Akali pretty much attaches herself to you after the performance is done. She curls up next to you on the couch of the dressing room for the remainder of the show, keeping you entertained with tiktoks and silly jokes
The next few days that follow are like sleepovers in your room so that she can keep watch over you. She makes store runs for you if you want snacks and may even let you play with a kunai or two if you give her puppy dog eyes
Says she’ll use this whenever she needs a huge favor, and its become a big inside joke between the two of you now, and she always starts it off with “Hey, remember the time i deadlifted you off the stage-”
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liyawritesss · 3 years
K/DA General Headcanons
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Characters: K/DA! Akali J. Tethi, Evelynn, Kai’Sa, Ahri
Genre: Headcanons
Synopsis: My take on the girls of K/DA!!
Warnings: some cursing, mentions of weapons (kunais in akali’s section)
A/N: After being obsessed with Arcane, K/DA has become my new hyperfixation. And I barely see any content for these girls, so I think it’s time we change that.
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Material gorl!!!
Ahri isn’t labeled “The Queen” of K/Da for nothing. She has the looks, attitude and aura for it.
I feel like she still has a bit of childlike curiosity to her despite her elegance. Imagine her going shopping and she finds herself in a kids toy store like Build-A-Bear or something, exploring the different kinds of bears and what not
Is legally required to live in the Dior store
Has everyone's starbucks orders memorized to the T, even Evelynn’s despite her purposefully making it so complicated to get a rise out of people.
Her and Evelynn have roast sessions - Ahri once called evelynn ‘mother gothel’ and was then promptly chased around the girls shared condo for 15min straight
She hates the name ‘princess’ because it’s always been used in a condescending tone towards her. She might even curse you out for using it if she’s angry enough
Does a lil happy dance whenever she has her favorite candy, a lil shaky shake in her seat or a wiggle of the hips if she’s standing up.
Has an insane amount of expensive ass loose leaf teas that she drinks on bad days to help herself feel better. A cup of some white tea and a good book near the window while its storming? That’s heaven for Ahri right there.
Legally cannot say fuck, Evelynn will pop her mouth for it
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She did not sign up to be the surrogate mother of three mentally 5 year old adults
Ready to pop off at any creeps who get too close to the girls. See those claws on her fingers? They’ll go right in your gut, back tf up before you get smacked tf up
Also legally required to live in the Dior store. Scratch that, she OWNS Dior at this point
I feel like she sometimes has a hard time sleeping. Maybe like borderline insomnia or something like that. She wakes up in the middle of the night sometimes, no provocation. In cases like that, she takes to just sitting near the window and looking out at the sky above, thinking.
Can and will steal some of Ahri’s expensive ass tea to relieve her nerves a bit.
Has a very elaborate system for her make up and will scold to death anyone who fucks it up. Her vanity is her own little world and she notices indiscrepancies immediately
Once, Akali saw a new eyeliner that Evelynn bought and wanted to try it out super bad but the other wasn’t home, so she used it and put it back exactly in the right place
But when Evelynn came home to put away her new products, this woman saw that the tube was turned in an off direction and damn near went on a rampage
Akali fessed up quick and got scolded, but by the next day the same eyeliner was set pretty in a little bag on the counter near her plate of breakfast for when the rapper woke up
She made the mistake of letting her curiosity slip abt Akali’s bike, and was instantly dragged to ride it with her. Poor Evelynn was traumatized,
She does have several fast cars but they all had roofs on them, so having the wind whipping against her hair and the pressure of flying against it was very new to her.
She’ll never admit she liked it way more than she let on. Her search history totally doesn’t show searches of brand new motorbikes in jet black and magenta
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She is always in some kind of movement. Head bobbing, hip swaying, foot taping, you name it, this girl is always on point with her rhythm
This girl is also way too fucking fast for no reason. And quiet with it too!!
Akali remembers walking past the kitchen where Kai’Sa was, plopping herself on the couch, and exactly 10 seconds later Kai’Sa was peering over her shoulder asking what the younger girl was looking at
Poor ‘Kali almost had a heart attack, dropping her phone on her foot in the process
Because of this they often joke about Kai’Sa getting a bell or something to notify people of her presence because if not, they’ll never know where she is and when she’s coming
Kai’Sa is kind of like one of those cats thats been socialized around dogs most of their life, so she’s very quiet and stealthy but also energetic and eager in a sense.
Is an absolute menace in the practice room - strives for nothing but perfection for her and her group members. Mediocrity is not cute to her.
She is constantly studying dancing from different sources, cultures, etc. She’s also always on top of the latest trends on tiktok. She’ll drag Akali and Ahri to do tiktoks with her, and plays harmless pranks on Evelynn and records her reactions to things.
Which gains her playful hits and minor scoldings from the older woman.
Also makes ‘day in the life’ videos and does little skits with the members to different sounds, or to sounds she’s made herself
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Depending on what she was doing the night prior, Akali is not a morning person. She can barely function before noon, much less at 7am when their agency calls for meetings or for early morning practice.
Ahri once knocked on her door to give her breakfast, was met with two loud ass thuds against the door. She opened it to find that on the back were two golden kunais, and on the bed, a very grumpy and sleep deprived Akali with a pillow over her head, practically growling for her to leave
It was her fault, she was up playing League till like 2am knowing damn well she had to be up early as shit, but still!!
Ahri no longer knocks on her door for anything for that particular reason
Sometimes everyone forgets Akali grew up in a dojo, even herself. And then there are times where certain situations make sense given how she grew up. Take the instance above - who in their right mind has literal kunais on their bedside table? Gold kunais, to be exact?
Akali has gotten so confused in response to her fast reflexes, and then remembers growing up in an environment where she was taught to be alert always
Streetwear streetwear streetwear streetwear streetwear streetwear-
Lives for a good sweatset, her closet is practically filled with hella nike and adidas joggers and sweaters. A bit of a sneakerhead as well, has the whole bottom wall of her closet lined with those plastic stackable containers to keep her fresh kicks in
Akali is damn near a master of both her masculine and feminine energies, and hardly gets offended when people try to come for her saying she’s too manly. She has no time for misogyny and fragile egos.
She’s the youngest, the main/lead rapper, and the lyricist of the group - so she sometimes lets the stress get to her. The others comfort her in various ways to let her know she’s doing a good job. She’s still working on balancing work and self care
Random tiktok quotes as fast as she can come up with them. Evelynn has been so close to deleting the app off her phone so many times that it’s a bit embarrassing. Another pair that chases each other around the condo
Overall very chaotic, golden retriever energy from this one. Don't let her get coffee unless you want it to quadruple
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