#k'jhir tia
ishgard · 6 months
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MiqoMarch Day 31: Free Day - Miqo'te!!
I wanted to put all of my miqo'te in one big group picture but (I've got an awful migraine so) I had to settle for half + Kajh (@twelveswood).
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catramihgo · 9 years
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elympion · 10 years
solavellan & ahrujhir (lmao)
good, good, goodgoodgOOD CHOICES.
Solas. Fena’s not the sort to usually grab an umbrella, she’ll just book it through the rain. And prior to a relationship, if she did, she’s just a hands-on sort of person, control your fate, hold the umbrella (she’s also the one holding the popcorn during a movie).
But Solas is slightly taller, so more often than not it’s easier to just let him do it, and he’ll actually remember to grab one, or check the weather ahead of time to bring one along if it’s needed. I wouldn’t say she necessarily has ‘control’ issues, but it still speaks well of her comfort level with him (and that he’s competent at keeping them both comfortably dry) that she’s actually pretty content to let him.
who is the grumpiest in the morning
Tie. Solas is a quiet grump though, who doesn’t normally… outwardly project his grumpiness unless something comes along and prods him. Fena loves to sleep, but she’s always been more of a nocturnal person, snoozing during the morning hours, so she’s always flip-flopping depending on what her duties require of her; if she gets enough sleep she can be pretty chipper and enthusiastic no matter the time she wakes, and does genuinely delight in morning hours.
On the flipside, she can quite resemble the disheveled wolf snarling at every sunbeam and will endeavor to avoid any form of social contact until she’s properly woken.
who worries more when the other is sick/hurt
Visibly, Fena. Though, it needs be said, Solas is pretty good at looking after himself - so it’s a very rare occurrence, thus lending to any heightened reactions she might have. She usually keeps a level head while she flitters about preparing poultices or traditional Dalish soups, but where he’s concerned, her edges fray a little more, nerves frazzled - obvious moreso to those close to her than outsiders. 
Solas on the other hand, as ever, remains carefully at arms length, but the storm of concern is clear in his eyes to those who think to look. Losing her to something so small as injury or illness is out of the question, she is too unique, too great, to fall to something so insignificant. He’ll grow even more taciturn, turning most all of his focus on healing her ails. He reasons, if she dies, they are all doomed… or at least he tries to tell himself that’s the reason. The tiny rattle of panic in his chest tells him the truth.
who plays pranks on the other
Initially, Fena. Little things at first, to try and get reactions out of him on occasion. Sometimes Sera’s involved, sometimes Dorian. Sometimes they worked, sometimes he slyly sidestepped the outcome, and sometimes, she struck him with awe at having managed to dupe him. Him, the trickster. 
Needless to say he finds some small pleasure in returning her attentions.
who is always the first to suggest cuddling on the sofa
Absolutely Fena. Solas would avoid getting closer, avoid more familiarity if at all possible. But as always, he relents to her without much opposition, and once she’s got him he is always attentive, present and engaged in their shared moments. 
who insists on creating nicknames for the other
Neither, really. Fena “reclaimed” her identity as “Fenalin” as opposed to the name she was raised under (Ethera), so while she doesn’t mind and quite likes nicknames from Varric, Sera, and others, between the two of them, he knows she prefers to simply be herself. Not Giggles, or Inky, or Inquisitor or Herald or First or Ethera. Fena. It’s… very important to her deep down.
That said they both equally, lovingly jab at each other in elven from time to time. 
who drools on the other when they’re asleep
I’m gonna say Fena, she’s probably just a bit of a messy sleeper, strewn about in these big fluffly shem beds. 
who says ‘I love you’ first
Solas, which is huge to her. And he deliberately, strongly, says it in elven, which somehow just rang so much deeper. While she was the first to flirt with him, kiss him, grab his arm and pull him back - him saying this was unexpected but… cathartic. 
(I imagine it was said more than presented in-game between both of them, but if I were to take canon for gospel good gosh just imagining him saying he’s leaving and her, wanting so desperately to get it out, blurts it in the common tongue and it’s wrong, it’s so clumsy and wrong and he walks away.)
who holds the umbrella when it rains
Kajh, definitely. Ahru’s probably just running around all willy-nilly in it and he’s just following like Ahru plz. He’d probably just give up and run around with her in the end. And then they’ll be losers cooped up at the Canopy snuggling in bed with blankets pulled up to their red noses.
who is the grumpiest in the morning
Ahruuuuuu. She’s a halfbreed, so she switches around a lot, more of a “sleep or nap when it becomes necessary” gal, Kajh is a bit more disciplined. So Ahru’s the one who usually ends up hissing and spitting in the morning.
who worries more when the other is sick/hurt
They both have pretty good understanding of what the other is capable of, as well as how much hurts they can take. Kajh respects and all but reveres Ahru like a goddess, and the same could be said in reverse, but Ahru probably has more grounds for concern and worry given that she’s plenty fearful her lover could be taken under Ascian influence again. I wouldn’t say that places her as worrying more, just that she has more to worry about. Usually.
who plays pranks on the other
PFF. AHRU. AHRU AHRU AHRU. Leaving tonberry stuffed dolls in his bed, or tonberry lamps outside his door, or at the foot of his bed while he’s sleeping- Most of it’s tonberry-related. 
who is always the first to suggest cuddling on the sofa
Mostly it’s probably just a natural thing, no one has to really be ‘first’ or ‘suggest’ it necessarily, one of them would be sprawled out, and the other would just join them. 
who insists on creating nicknames for the other
Probably Ahru, but the image of them sitting at their table one morning eating breakfast and her with bags under her eyes and in pajamas crunching on some toast and him with his chin in his hand smiling at her suddenly calling her something atrociously cute out of the blue and her turning a most obscene shade of red. Yeah. That too.
who drools on the other when they’re asleep
Ahru, she’s usually worked herself to exhaustion before she finally heads to bed. She sleeps like a log when she’s somewhere safe and known.
who says ‘I love you’ first
I even asked Kristi on this and we agree it’s hard because they’d both say it with ease. For starters, Kajh wouldn’t feel… like he could. After all the shit he did to her when he was possessed. She gets comfier with HIM, easier, and he would just… hate to wreck it.
They’d say it with their eyes long before they ever did with words. With their hands, with the way they angled their bodies in a fight. They’d have known it already, and by the time those words were spoken, they’d have already been said in a hundred other ways. 
It’d probably be Ahru, in the Twelveswood, with a smile. Blood smeared on her clothes and sunlight shining through the trees around them. There’d be a sense of peace, of calm, and she’d close her eyes, take a deep breath, take in the comforting silence between them as they were hunting, feel it firmly in her chest before she turned and looked at him, told him. Like she’s told him countless times before. Because even though they know, she can think of no other way to tell him he’s so unlike any other than like this. That she long ago forgave him, that she never blamed him. That she wants him in her life like this forever. 
And the relief that would roll through his body, the visible release of an unknown tension in his shoulders and his face, the softness of his eyes and smile… would tell her his answer before he spoke.
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ishgard · 6 years
About the Muse
ONE PICTURE YOU LIKE BEST OF YOUR MUSE’S FC: (I don't usually do face claims with real actors, but one of my fav 'face/expression' inspirations would be Mordred.)
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TWO HEADCANONS YOU HAVE FOR YOUR MUSE: - Her right eye was cut out by cultists who believed some of her powers/gifts would be transferred unto them by the act of devouring it. (Dragon solidarity fist bump.) - Is generally very open-minded and accepting but has a deep, abiding, long-standing grudge and hatred towards sahagin. She’s tried working on it to better understand them (see: beast tribe quests) but it’s been... rough. (see: she hasn’t gone back in a while)
THREE THINGS THAT YOUR MUSE LIKES DOING IN THEIR FREE TIME: - Reading (so much reading. also: journaling) - Music; listening to the orchestrion, making music, etc. - Adventuring; seeing new things, new places, meeting new people, eating new foods - all of it!
SEVEN PEOPLE THAT YOUR MUSE LOVES/LIKES/RESPECTS: -Alphinaud Leveilleur - he is the light of her life, her anchor, her cornerstone. -Yulania Borael - bestgirlfriendo, she's stitched Ahru back together through so much -Dreyll Amestris/Kivaltas - silly bunnygirl, ray of sunshine, an inspiration -Thancred Waters -BEST FRIEND. misery loves company. -Regina Thorne - you've overcome so much she's so proud of you -Lyse Hext - PUNCH BUDDY -Gaius Baelsar - ya'll knew it was coming come on now -K'jhir Tia/Hiraeth - SPECIAL 8TH SPOT FOR THE SOMETIMES-HUSBAND, SOMETIMES-BEST FRIEND, SOMETIMES-HE-FUCKS-MY-PROTEGE... FRIEND.
TWO THINGS YOUR MUSE REGRETS: - Not being closer to her little sister, Fianah, especially while she was growing up.  - Letting Alphinaud go to Garlemald. -(super depresso bonus: surviving.)
A PHOBIA YOUR MUSE HAS: Somniphobia - fear of sleeping (perhaps not full-blown, but definitely borders on it)
Tagged by: @halla-la - thank you so much!!! this was a lot of fun ;; idk why it won't link to you properly orz Tagging: @twelveswood, @saintofblades, @maheeia, @aethernoise - and YOU!
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ishgard · 9 years
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This was an accident, and I love it.
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ishgard · 9 years
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ƒ α м ι ℓ у ; 
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ishgard · 9 years
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With some help from Kajh, I got Ahru a fat cat as a birthday present (for her and myself since I’m one of those people and we share the same birthday). Also pictured: Historia, K’jhir, and two particularly scantily clad young miqo’te. 
Also its name is Mochi.
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ishgard · 9 years
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Idle in Idyllshire
w/ twelveswood & aldenard
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ishgard · 10 years
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While she’s never held much reverence for the Gods, she’s prayed at their altars plenty. 
She came here before, often, when her friends were slaughtered, when she felt more alone than ever before. She didn’t know what she was praying for; vengeance, peace, answers. But she doesn’t think it was lack of faith or focus, as to why she didn’t get any of that. At least not from the silent Gods.
Returning is bittersweet. Memories swell up, some that are good, more that… aren’t so good. Old habits draw her to her knees, an almost contemptuous gesture - almost, but not quite.
This time though, she remembers, she’s not alone. 
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ishgard · 10 years
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know that you are (not) alone
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ishgard · 10 years
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S ɪ ʟ ᴇ ɴ ᴛ ʟ y oh, won't you carry me home?
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ishgard · 10 years
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we're leaving here tonight there's no need to tell anyone, they'd only hold us down. so by the mornings light we'll be halfway to anywhere.
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ishgard · 10 years
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just you and me, floating through the empty when the world ends.
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