#ahru things
arisenreborn · 5 months
character arc -
tagged by: a quick lil quiz I yoinked from my other fandom! tagging: @godwoken, @bearlytolerant, @fizzyghosts, @tautline-hitch, @pawnguild,
@riftstone-of-the-calm, @wraithwars, @hit-tab, @ritens, @elluvians,
@themanwhomadeamonster, @rosenfey, @pitiable-arisen, @soloavengers, @scorbutic-properties,
@beastren <3<3<3
quiz here!
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romance/friendship arc
you started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
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redemption arc
your story had a pretty rough start and you did some things you're not proud of, but you made the choice to change. i won't go through how important it is to accept responsibility and keep striving to improve or whatever because you know that already. what i think you should know is that your fuel does not need to be shame. you don’t need to stand over the bathroom sink with your blood in your hands until you can no longer make out your reflection. you will look at your face and you will see the person you used to be, but that person no longer exists. today, you are looking, and that makes all the difference.
Hilariously this fits OG!Rann more than Pawn!Rann but it could fit Pawn!Rann if I thought to flesh out his previous cycle 'incarnation' and the things he did to save Reverie :3c But I thought: 'That feels a bit more like Emrys, but I'm gonna go through legit and see what Emrys gets' and LAUGHED SO HARD.
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corruption arc
so. you got worse. and i'm not entirely sure i can blame you for it. maybe it was in you all along, hidden and waiting, or maybe someone planted it in you and watched it grow. either way, it's there now and you hold it in your fist like a second heart - this blood, this hunger, this thrill of having teeth and using them. perhaps you are right to. you are a mirror for the hardness of the world, and a mirror that we could all stand to look in more often. it's hard to watch the bleeding bring about more blood, but it is undeniable that you are very good at wounding.
yeah. that fucking tracks. 🤣
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ishgard · 2 months
...I may or may not be plotting out a whole-ass DT "re-write" in my head because one thought has led to another and idk if I can stop it now...
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ivanaskye · 2 years
“And then there’s Entangled Tongues….” // “A Holy of a Holy—“
And then there’s Entangled Tongues, the so-called ‘Holy bar’, although of course it doesn’t have any actual entrance requirements. Still, everyone knows. And it’s hard for drinks to be to everyone’s taste when they’re intended for a clientele that includes a number of people without taste buds.
i went through a tonnnn of possible names for this bar--even almost went a little out of the abrahamic purview and had a possible buddhism reference in mind (the jewel net), but i couldn't quite get it down to a good sounding bar name.
The wooden door opens with a slight creak to the darkened bar, where at least thirty people are piled on the floor.
“Hey, is anyone injured, does anyone need help?” Elīya asks.
There’s a moment of silence, one person starting to groan out a grumble—
But then Tamar shouts out, “So, guys, what’s up with God? Anyone have ideas?”
And at least twenty voices start talking, all at once.
this seems to be a favorite line for many, lol. one of my betas suddenly exclaimed "WAIT ARE HOLIES JEWS????" at this. i think more accurately i built the holies in general out of reasoning 'ok, what kind of person would make this choice--' but maybe that amounts to a fairly similar thing.
And Yairēn’s never met this many Holies at once before, and yet there’s something familiar about them, collapsed on each other and draping halfway down stairs as they are, lighting the room with fire from eyes and mouth and ears and glowing from the ember-char of burned limbs. They have seen someone—or heard Them, or spoke Them, or danced to Their song or grasped Their flame—enough to burn, and she knows what that’s like.
Knows someone who was so scared of something—not burning but similar—that they kept their very hand sealed away for years. Knows someone else who is nothing so hot but could fill you just as easily.
Yes, she thinks she understands the clientele here, just as she thinks she might suspect why they have all been knocked down in the way they have.
not much to say here
She sets the wheel-angel on a plush chair that seems like acceptable seating for someone of his shape;
tbh it's a little sad that it took me this long to get to a wheel-angel. love a good wheel friend.
Elīya props Tamar against the wall.
Someone nearby, legs like charcoal etched with shifting embers, maybe the most upright person here on account of their wheelchair catching them as they droop, notices the angel and shouts, “Hey, Wormwood, glad you could show up!”
Yairēn tilts her head at him. “You’re named after a… beverage ingredient?”
because, of course, that name wouldn't have any other connotations in this setting. (and in case you need the reminder, it's specifically one of the herbs used in absinthe.)
“Well—” he stumbles on this word and buzzes, then seems to shake himself, readjusting his wheels. “My real name’s Artiya’il, but a man can have”—his wing twitches, just like when it hit her in the face—“nicknames…”
i think andie suggested this name and i uhhhh may have forgotten why.
There’s people talking, raucous, shouting back and forth—Elīya’s in action, mostly fetching water for people, it seems—but Yairēn has nothing she needs to do and so she focuses on listening, though these are far from ideal conditions for one of her secondary languages.
So of course the first of the many overlapping shouting sentences she catches is, “God sounds like… there’s another Them?”
Yairēn straightens, her wings twitching. It is what she suspected, then. But how…? Jibril said They’d never really understood before…
yairēn's cute white birdlike wings, explicitly unlike angel wings,
“Oh, is it an evil twin, like in the books?” the Holy on the wheelchair says. “Because that sounds hot—”
whether they're referring just to evil twin books in general or a specific evil-twin-of-god trope is left to the reader
“Oh my God, Ahru, you are so predictable!” someone else shouts.
speaking of types of people who would choose to become holy,
“Pst, hey, not-Holy who wants to help,” someone says behind her, barely holding themself up by the stair railing. They’re eye-price like Tamar but are looking directly at her. “Can you help Enniš sit up? He’s tongue-price and can’t sign too well on the ground—”
“YOOO,” an ear-price suddenly shouts, “I CAN’T HEAR ANY OF YOU BUT I THINK GOD GOT HOLIFIED BY GOD?”
Yairēn was going to go help this Enniš, she really was, but now she’s stopped in her tracks.
Holified? By someone else? That’s not—that’s not a simple thing, not a casual thing—that’s something that would influence the world forever—
“Another… version of God?” “See, I’m saying there’s an evil twin—” “ANYONE UPRIGHT ENOUGH TO SIGN???”
extremely fun times in this bar :DD
From halfway across the bar, Elīya’s giving her a look. Shit—she’s pretty sure that’s the look that means she should actually be helping.
classic elīya moment, number who knows
But if the reason God finally knows is that… What kind of person would be that kind of God, would…
but yeah, these are important considerations
She shakes herself out of it and sets herself to propping the one guy upright, flames wisping and flickering out of his mouth, but irregularly. It seems irregular now for all the Holies, and this one angel she’s seen so far, which would make sense if—
God, she hopes whoever it is is someone Jibril can like. Can get along with.
'man i hope my friend who has the creator of the universe in their body is cool with this y2k network merger--'
And what does it mean for all these Holies, if God was made Holy to another, Themself? A Holy of a Holy—
i actually did not intend the 'holy of holies' reference :p
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dravania · 2 years
Fluffvember #2: Working Together
Pairing: Thancred & Ahru (ffxiv wolcred) Word Count: 381 Warning: they wanna bone, your honor AO3 Link
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“So, how is Drybone treating you?” Thancred asked as he walked up beside her, surveying the settlement from above. She’d been taking note of the various sloping entrances and exits, watching for anything that might immediately strike her as odd. Not that it’d be that easy, she knew.
Ahru laughed out loud, a gut-deep laugh that shook her body, unable to resist a salacious tone as she replied: “I’ve definitely had better,” and then shrugged, “It’s not so bad, though. Once you get used to the occasional body being lugged around.”
“Not exactly an atmosphere that makes you think ‘romantic getaway’, then?” he joked with a dry laugh.
She knew he didn’t mean anything by it, at least not now. Though half-unspoken, they were more or less in agreement on keeping things… professional between them. Particularly (or rather, specifically) when they were actually working.
‘Flirting is part of your job, though, isn’t it?’ she had teased him, and though he was recalcitrant, he couldn’t bring himself to deny it either. So she couldn’t help the smirk on her lips as she glanced over the settlement once more, before quirking a brow at him.
“I’m sure we could make it work for us.”
For a moment he looked slightly gob-smacked, brows raised and lips parted. Then came the hint of a smirk that reflected hers, as he ever-so-slightly began to lean into her challenge. When he spoke his voice came low - a single word, but almost a growl, the sort that made her want to bare her throat.
“Insatiable…” he started to say -and she wouldn’t deny it- but stopped himself and shook his head. The grin on his face that he couldn’t quite master gave him away, and her smirk widened, daring him.
She could feel that familiar gravity, low in the belly, strung through the chest - a cord that tugged her nearer to him. But she did not give in, and neither did he, instead sucking in a quiet breath and shifting his gaze away from her. The taut thread gradually went slack between them.
“To work, then?” he said. Not the most elegant change in topic, but a necessary one. With a hum of agreement she fell into step alongside him, and they made their way into Camp Drybone proper.
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hiraethr · 6 years
I'll probably write something out in the future a little more thought-out and put together, but for now, a headcanon;
Ahru's speech sometimes varies wildly, perhaps indicative of her diverse upbringing as well as her travels as an adventurer, speaking with peoples of all different languages and speech mannerisms. 
Generally there's little flare when engaging in casual conversation - though sometimes (perhaps a habit born of the Echo and/or speaking with Beast tribes) she has a habit of ‘mimicking’ certain verbal tiks and patterns. 
Owing in part to the earliest years of her upbringing, and in part after years now of plying a bards trade, she sometimes leans into inspired poetics. At times she does this for little more than dramatized comedic effect, but at others one might see a glimpse of the romantic she is at heart.
On the complete opposite side of that, under the right (wrong?) circumstances in which her mental processes start to short-circuit, she might display little more than a sailors eloquence.
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mintdrop · 5 years
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New Beginnings ;; 854 words
When was the last time she had been this busy? A busy-ness of her own doing, no less. Pots bubbled and boiled, the smells of freshly baked breads and meat-stuffed pies blending together in a cacophony one could compare to an ideal version of heaven if they wanted to. Half-prepped pastries sat along the counters and table, each awaiting their turn inside the small wood-burning stove tucked away in the Coerthan cottage as their creator happily hummed above the stove as she stirred one of the night's main dishes.
"You'll be gone for that long?" The question had been asked days before, in the least-sad tone she could muster. Although she was used to being away from a Estinien for extended periods of time, it never made the idea of it any easier to Mint. The two sat against each other on the couch in the den of their home, with the dragoon's long fingers brushing through the white mage's even longer hair.
"Aymeric is seeing to things near the Churning Mists, especially close to the Zenith. We may be at peace with the dragons, but I'm sure not all of them see the same as we do." His voice was apologetic, but both of them knew that it was something he would do, even if the Lord Commander had told him not to go. Mint wasn't one to keep him from his duties either, but to say she wouldn't be lonely would be an understatement, especially given that she had finally been given some freedom from her duties as a warrior of light. The Elezen looked down at her, only now noticing that she hadn't turned the page of her book in quite a while. "Perhaps you could take this time to invite your newly-found allies over. Isn't that something you'd been wishing to do?" The idea struck a chord with the Lalafell, and her face lit up as she turned her head up to grin at him.
"You're right! I had wanted to do it when both of us were free, but it's not like they can only be invited once." She beamed at Estinien, her face only obscured when he leaned down to press his smile against her own. Her cheeks flushed a healthy hue of red, and she couldn't help but look away after their lips had parted. "Can you come with me to the shops before you depart?" Her brows knitted together as she counted off on her fingers those she would invite. "I'll need... a lot."
A few weeks had passed since that conversation, though missives had been sent all over the realm. Initially, she had planned to invite partners along with the initial invitee, but had realized while scratching out the first invitation that she would most likely reignite her own loneliness. Instead, she wrote them out to each of her friends, with offers of fresh cooked food and an atmosphere to unwind.
While she had been reliant on the post moogle for the majority of the deliveries, Mint was able to employ a few middlemen for others; namely Alphinaud and Aymeric themselves. Alphinaud could easily relay a letter to Illya -- and by association of association, Laurelis, whereas Aymeric could give one to Yume before his departure, and Estinien could do the same for Shuri. For Lunya, Kiri, Ahru and Saoirse, the moogle was her saving grace. She'd also written an invitation to Kye -- that one miqo'te who was missing an eye until last week -- but realized that inviting him to a gathering of mostly women would be... odd, at best. Instead, she made a mental note to make him his own personal delivery and see it to him in the coming days, along with a good bottle of alcohol for them to share.
Wiping the sweat from her brow, Mint looked upon the fruits of her labor that now nearly overflowed along the long wooden table. Stuffed cabbage rolls, perfectly cooked steaks, and several stews that each had their own mixture of meats and veggies were only a few of the options that her guests could choose from, along with several fish dishes. Salads of different varieties lined up on the counters, sharing their space with freshly baked, hand-kneaded loaves of bread and an assortment of cheeses.
Sitting on the windowsill were large glass jugs that held different teas and juices, while bottles of rum and wine rested on a rack just below. The oven was host to pastries and desserts that left them at their perfect temperatures, while jellies and honey-crusted croissants chilled near an open window -- a window that now needed to be closed now that the first signs of her guests arriving were here; a heavy knocking on her door.
To say she was anxious would be an understatement, but it was easily drowned out by the excitement sitting within her chest. It had been so long since she could do this; so long since she'd had those she could call friends. With a smile so bright it could rival the setting sun, she opened the heavy wooden door to her home. "Welcome!"
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alamhigyoooo · 4 years
ooc “get to know me”
favorite colors: red, soft greens, and blues!
last song listened to: NOT BY THE MOON, got7
favorite musician/singer: bts, got7, monsta x, fletcher, puppet, kesha (what i listen to depends on the mood lol and i also really love kpop...)
last film watched: pacific rim, my all time favorite movie!!!!!
favorite oc: i haven’t gotten to explore many ocs here on tumblr just yet, but i really look up to @aethernoise‘s alyx, @ahlis-xiv​‘s ahlis, and @ishgard‘s ahru! 
as for my ocs (hallura doesn’t count i refuse to count her here LOL) i actually am quite proud of the ascian oc, poseidon, that my best friend and i worked on together through shadowbringers. (SPOILERS!!!!) poseidon is a “more whole than most” ascian, and sister to hades. she was in love with the 14th member of the convocation (tyche, hallura’s predecessor), and because of tyche’s sacrifice at the sundering, poseidon retained her memories and powers, but would never be the full ascian that hades was. poseidon was initially born as a joke because my friend sookie has it out for hydaelyn and we all called her an ascian….and then ascian confirmed happened so we rolled with it LOL
here’s a couple of pictures of her and hallura together! this is unfortunately all i have on hand atm but i’ll try to grab some more pictures of poseidon when i can haha
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sweet? spicy? or savory? sweet...i have the taste buds of a five year old LMAO
sparkling water? coffee? tea? all depends on the mood! i can roll with any of them, usually depends on the weather.
pets: a doggo! her name is popohau (snowball in hawaiian!) and she’s the love of my life. i’d never had a pet before her, and i honestly couldn’t have asked for a better first pet because she’s the sweetest thing i’ve ever known.
i jumped onto the open tag from @ahlis-xiv! i’m tagging @astralyehga, @earl-grey-hot, and @raenef, @gatheredfates @windupsanson and anyone else who wants to hop on!
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voidsentprinces · 5 years
Grats to Ahru and Gaius being together for a decade...also for Urianger and Beetle for rocking it also for 10 years. ( I just assume these things begin from their inception )
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whitherliliesbloom · 5 years
❀ - For Ahru, if you'd like! :D
We all rise from nothing.
Flowers for drabbles!
Looking upon Illya’s exceptional talent for magic brings back Ahru’s troubled memories of her past.. until she notices Illya struggle to lift a crate of metallic tools and near mental breakdown when she attempts to ask for help. [453 words]
For a moment, her brother was all Ahru could see within that girl. The oh-so talented genius of the healing arts, who could wield magic so naturally one would mistaken them as one of the padjal.
It was arguably worse in Illya’s case. Not only was she a famed white mage, who had apparently won the favor of the elementals despite not being padjali in race, but she also dabbled in a good number of other magical arts. 
Astronomy, black magic, even the red magic that Ahru had only managed to pick up on after sheer willpower and hard work. Illya was clearly a prodigy at all things aetheric and magical in nature. 
Truthfully, while she feels no resentment or envy, she cannot help but to still be reminded of the neglect she’d been put through simply because of her ineptitude for magic. Life for someone gifted with such remarkable magical prowess surely must have led a life far different than her own. 
And yet her impressions changed in an instance when she saw the lalafellin woman attempt to pick up a crate some Roegadyn had apparently instructed her to transport. Attempt being the key word, as after wrapping her short little arms around the wooden crate and heaving and huffing, the box didn’t even seem to budge an inch after Illya straightens herself up and frowns down on it. 
Whatever was inside that box must have either weighed of a carriage, or the strength within the girl’s arms was nonexistent. 
Ahru deigns to watch for a little while longer, noting with a furrow of her eyebrows as the lalafell turned her head from side to side. She’s very obviously scouting out her surroundings, wondering if there would be anybody around that would notice her plight and offer to help. 
Why could she not just approach someone herself? Such matter should only come naturally. 
For her, that is. 
While Illya’s violet eyes lowered down to her hands clasped together, her lips pressed into a thin line from nervousness, Ahru can only wonder what the girl must have gone through in her life to develop such fear of social interaction. 
They weren’t so different, the two - she only realizes now. Because for even most talented of prodigies, they came with their own crippling weaknesses that they must struggle against. For all their struggles, neglect and mayhap abuse they put up with as a result of their inadequacies, they shall rise up and grow stronger through sheer force and determination. 
That, more than anything, is what they heroes must share in common.
“Need help?” it’s only natural for Ahru to approach, lips curled into a smile as she lifts up the crate with ease. 
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twelveswood · 5 years
24. - Any doubts about the relationship?
Well because you said it in discord, I guess I’ll do Noa and Ren. The couple we’ve spoken about like one time. And just wing this.But, short answer: no. Though the relationship may take on different meanings, there’s no doubt there. They are bound to be together in one way or another.But to spice it up we’ll throw some others in there…Addie and Yul, I’d say maybe a little? Briefly? Like, when they first meet back up and Addie’s a lil heartbroken that Yul wouldn’t leave with her, but joined Ahru on her adventure. Of course this is just something they need to sit down and talk about and Addie will be understanding in the knowledge that Yul just wasn’t ready back then. And though Addie might have a dalliance here and there, she always loves Yul. So regardless of what stage their relationship is in, in her heart, she knows she loves her.Kajh and Arsh - oh yes probably. Like when it comes up that Arsh is an ascian. Kajh doubts most “good” things in his life, so this would be no exception. It’ll work out tho.
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sharksister · 5 years
How'about Alisaie and/or Alphinaud?
Ahru I am so goddamn sorry I keep forgetting about this prompt sitting in my fucking ask box oh my GOD i’ve even lost the post telling me the details about this shit, i think it was something about traits i like and dislike about them???
Alphi -- Likes:
he’s very earnest in his want to benefit the greater good, and he’s grown to not let his own ambition or naivety blind him to any faults in his plans or thinking
he’s good at admitting when he’s wrong and when the opposing party has a point, and taking that into account to revisit his original perspective with a wider or broader, more inclusive scope
Alphi -- Dislikes:
he can get caught up in the victory and not notice the costs that have achieved it. being someone who is a major player in the scions but also someone who lacks the echo contributes to it quite a bit, since he’s not actively taking part in the battles a lot of the time. it’s definitely gotten better from 3.x, since he joined us in sohr khai and beyond, but sometimes he still loses sight of what it costs the wol to win. (i.e “we beat emet!!! :D”)
Alisaie -- Likes:
my fuckimgn.... daughtert........... she’s always really intense and passionate, and she tries her best despite not having the mind to see the bigger picture. i fuckin relate to that lemme tell ya. i’ll fight anyone who hurts my family and friends. i’ll fight myself
she still has a huge heart and capacity for empathy, and it shines through every time she’s with the wol. she cares for them greatly and is often attentive to their emotional needs
Alisaie -- Dislikes:
that said, she can be very stubborn when it comes to seeing things someone else’s way, ironically
sometimes she can relate with an accuracy that makes it feel like she went through it with them, and other times she’s so blinded by the faults that she doesn’t see the other facets of the complex issue.
she’s pretty black-and-white that way, though it hasn’t been a major plot issue. yet.
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fheythfully · 5 years
🌈- A memory about when they first fell in love
silence descends upon the living room of her mist cottage as soon as the grand company representative disappears through the front door. it shuts heavy behind him—inside, she takes a deep breath and holds it for seven seconds. 
she breathes out.
one, she counts. two, three, four—
“of course you won’t be going.” her breathing hitches at arbert’s voice at the kitchen sink. she glances his way to see a scowl pulling across his face and a furrow between his brows. in his hand, the knife he had been using to prepare the night’s dinner is clenched tightly in a white knuckled grip. “what do they think you are, a warrior at their beck and call?” he scoffs and resumes chopping popotoes, a touch unevenly on the cutting board.
she stares at him for the span of a few moments, something heavy curling in her stomach. “I am,” she says slowly after a time. “that is what being a warrior of light means, arbert.”
she’s met with a guffaw. “for something as concerning as the world’s end, perhaps.” he still doesn’t look at her, too focused on the knife in his hand and the growing bubbling of water on the stove. “for something like this? please. they have summoning teams for this exact purpose.” 
the feeling in her stomach grows, and she almost says, did you just tell me no? on my behalf?
“and the gall of them,” arbert is continuing still, unaware of her gaze on his back—or perhaps simply ignoring it. “to walk into your house and not even give you the option of refusing? did they lose their manners somewhere between the last Calamity and the next?”
all of a sudden he whirls, knife still in hand and eyes boring into hers. popoto skin clings and curls to the knife and dangles in the space between them. “and you always have the option to say no, warrior of light be damned.” 
oh, she thinks. the feeling in her stomach unfurls blazing hot and electrifying. 
🏠- A memory about their childhood home/where they used to live
there’s a crater where the city’s market used to be. her mother had loved visiting them daily, moving from stall to stall and examining each new and exciting thing. their house had sat only a short walk away bordered by trailing grape vines and she thinks maybe she remembers it, after all: the cobblestones now ruined under her feet. the empty space smoking and cracked once filled with shouting merchants in the heat of summer. her mother clutching her hand as she jumped over tiny cracks in the path and penelope’s loving laughter. 
a hand claps onto her shoulder and brings her back to the world. ahru has come up behind her, mismatched eyes squinting in the blazing sunlight. “you alright?” the other miqo’te lingers behind with lia, the rest of their party having already gone on ahead. she examines her fellow warrior with a critical eye. 
lia realizes she can’t breathe. ahru’s hand on her shoulder is a scalding brand hurting her in rhythm with the beat of her heart.
“i’m fine.” she shakes the hand off and offers the woman a tiny smile. “just got dizzy from the sun, is all.”
ahru looks unbelieving, but someone ahead calls out their names, and both of them continue on into the destroyed city of rabanastre in silence.
I promise I haven’t forgotten the other asks sitting in my inbox! ♡ thank you Yvaine for these two! second ask features a quick appearance of Ahru, belonging to the lovely @ishgard (pre-their actual friendship).
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ishgard · 6 months
reading everyone's comments and appreciation for arr now i'm doubly like... I gotta go replay ARR.
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ephemeralrequital · 5 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy~! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~! ❤❤❤
akdjakldja thank you so much Ahru ;; ❤❤❤I. My mutuals/friends! Honestly, I’m a surprised anyone follows this mess of a blog, even more so is interested in Laurla at all. It makes me super happy, I can’t stress that enough. Laurla is,,, super precious to me, so to have people interested in her just makes my day. Likewise people wanting to engage in conversation/playful banter/ect with ME. Ya’ll are great ❤ II. Drawing! As stressful as it can be sometimes, I’ve been making art since I was 12? So 11 years of just continuous practice and striving for improvement has been hard, but at this point in my life, how far I’ve come with it, I’m super pleased!! ( shamelessly plugs my dA account and art tag on here. )
III. Supporting other people’s characters and pairings! It’s no secret that I feed ya’ll. Truthfully seeing my mutuals post stuff about them just make me SMILE LIKE YA’LL REALLY OUT THERE DOIN YOUR BEST AND HAVING FUN,,, No one could ask for more ;; seeing ya’ll get into them oc/oc or oc/npc wHATEVER like ya’ll are cute and keep doing you. Your characters are GREAT and every day you post and hc or answer an ask about them you guys are really are just super great and creative ;;!!IV. Video Games! JRPGs! FFXIV is actually my first official MMO (I briefly played WoW, but it was my parents accounts and I didn’t play long considering well,,, they wanted to play LOL) and it’s been a worthwhile experience! I’m mostly a console player though, and I’ve played just about all the FFs, and quite a bit of other series like Persona! I like immersing myself in a new world and new possibilities, plus gives good character inspirations!!V. Not to be super gay on main but my boyfriend. He does a lot for me, if I ask him for something he hardly if ever says no, and he bends over backwards to make sure I’m happy and safe, and that’s really just all anyone could ever ask for. I took a big leap in 2017 with moving into a WHOLE new world (I grew up in small rural towns my whole life, both in Tennessee and in Kentucky, so moving to the BIG APPLE New York was a huge change for me) but I haven’t regret my decision. I couldn’t be happier.
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dravania · 8 months
I have nothing deeper to add to it just feeling that vague sense of disappointment in XIV paladin quests again.
And by vague I partially mean I can only vaguely recall them at all, they were that uninteresting to me. (If you liked them I'm sorry, and I'm glad you did!)
I've always been pretty disinterested in paladins in general and xiv did nothing to help that. Until the playstyle got improved + I started getting into dnd more X''D And then I was like oh this can be really awesome actually!!
I have the basic HC that Ahru didn't go through the pld questline, she learned from Haurchefant and Aymeric... But now I'm sitting here wanting to think about a whole new paladin character (or maybe I can tack it onto a pre-existing/neglected one x'D that would be the smarter thing to do).
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kitsune-kirei · 6 years
Fact! Ahru, Slayer of Eikons, destroyer of armies and countless voidsent horrors, a well-traveled adventurer who's just about seen and done it all... is actually really, really NOT okay with spiders. If they're out there doing their thing is one matter but the moment they're in close quarters with her all bets are off and she's probably hiding in a corner in the fetal position. She's not a fan of yarzon, either, so might be a leg thing.
LOL homg I can totally see Ahru bristling like a kitty and jumping on a table or shelf if she sees one, I got a kick out of this thank you for sharing this amazing fact.
Saerumi isn’t scared of anything, but she doesn’t like animals very much, especially Chocobos. When she was a child her father’s Chocobos would harass her and peck at her long hair since she was new to the Eriha household, and ever since then she’s held a grudge against the large derpy birds. 
OC fact swap: Send me a fact about your OC and I’ll answer with a relevant fact about mine!
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