emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title: To Have Fayth For KacchakoCrossover Pairing:  Kacchako Rating: T Word Count: 2,350 Read on Ao3 Summary:  
While Uraraka performs the Sending, Bakugou can't take his eyes off the girl he wants to protect more than anything.
FFX x Kacchako crossover! Full fic under the cut! Thanks to @youaremynewdream for reading ahead!
With each step she took, the water cuddled her feet. The gentle pools rippled out around her, and it looked like she was floating.
Her brown hair caressed her cheek, the gentle breeze flowing around her skirt and the long sleeves of her robe. Against the orange and pink sunset, she looked like a goddess, an ethereal being no one should be allowed to touch.
She stood in the middle of the water, turning to the face the broken dock. She clutched the golden staff she held in her hand, her eyes shut as she took a deep breath
"What the hell is she doing?" Bakugou hissed, leaning towards Kirishima.
"Shh!" he said, and nudged him. "She's performing the Sending."
The Sending? Bakugou folded his arms over his chest. What the hell was that?
"Souls need to be guided sometimes," Kirishima said softly. "Otherwise, they'll never make it to the Farplane. Then they'll be stuck to our world as ghosts."
"So why the hell does she gotta 'send' them," Bakugou whispered. Everything about this world was so new. He was a stranger in a land he was familiar with, and yet everything was different.
"Uraraka is a summoner. It's her job," he muttered. "She's one of the only ones capable of guiding souls to their resting place."
Bakugou grunted, turning to watch Uraraka.
She bent down, her staff gently touching over the top of the water. She twirled around in a perfect circle, droplets of water flying around her long skirt as the water became her throne, pushing her up above the ocean.
She moved the staff in a circular motion around her body, her spine curving while she danced atop the water. Uraraka looked like a wave herself, her limbs curling and moving, like the motion of waves on the ocean. Her face was filled with sadness, her brown eyes glistening like the water beneath her. She didn't cry however; she kept her tears locked inside.
Even with the somber look on her face, she was beautiful. Bakugou's eyes were fixed on her, unable to look away.
From the depth of the ocean, brightly-colored, pastel orbs began to float up by her. Ghosts of those who passed on the island, before and during the last attack. She was covered in the rainbow colors, the orbs twinkling around her body.
Uraraka swooped down, dancing on the water, her body following the motion of her staff. The world fell silent, everyone watching as she sent the souls to their final resting place. The orbs twirled up to the sky, wisps of multi-colored lights disappearing into the air.
Her chest heaved, her hand pressed against her body as the water slowly brought her back down to the water, allowing her to walk back to the dock.
Immediately, her guardians were by her side.
"Ochako, are you okay? You need to rest!" Iida said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"We got you girl," Ashido nodded, placing her hand on her chest.
A Sending probably took a great deal of energy with how tired she now looked, but Bakugou kept his distance. He wasn't a guardian, he didn't have the right; he learned that the hard way.
"I'm fine you guys," she giggled softly. "I feel more emotionally drained than anything.
"The sending can be very taxing on both mind and body!" Deku said. "I really think it would be best if you rest for just a little bit. The fayth isn't going anywhere, we can complete the trial afterwards."
Bakugou really hated that guy. If Uraraka said she was fine, she was probably fine.
But what did he know, he wasn't a damn guardian. Fuck this world and it's fucking weird policies
"I-I know..." Uraraka muttered. She raised her head, her brown eyes locking with Bakugou's. She smiled at him and he turned away. He didn't know what to say to her, he couldn't stop her from making her pilgrimage.
Iida and Deku led Uraraka back to the small hut where her and Ashido would be spending the night. The two girls were given the bed, while the boys decided they could camp on the outskirts of the forest.
Tomorrow they would be climbing the mountain to the temple so Uraraka could pray.
There was something unsettling about it all, something that didn't quite sit right with Bakugou.
"You look, uh... more pissed than usual," Kirishima muttered, nudging Bakugou's side, watching them lead her away.
"Shouldn't you be helping your summoner out?" Bakugou snapped.
"Eh, I like to think I am. She worries about you, you know," Kirishima nodded, folding his arms over his chest. Apparently Uraraka did have an abnormal amount of guardians. Most summoners had one or two, but currently Uraraka had four; Deku, Iida, Ashido and Kirishima.
"Me? Why the hell is she worrying about me when she has herself to worry about?" Bakugou growled.
"Well..." Kirishima hummed, "you do seem a little crazy. Always talking about places that don't exist. I know you were really close to Sin's toxins and all-"
"It does fucking exist, you shit!" he snapped.
"Okay, okay," Kirishima said, raising his hands. "I get it.
Bakugou bit his lip. His hands curled into fists, clenching so hard. "I just... don't understand how the fuck you can support her doing this... knowing what happens at the end."
Kirishima glanced down, sighing heavily. "I... Whether we came with her or not, Uraraka was going to be a summoner. She's always believed it was the right thing to do, ridding the world of Sin. She believes she should do something... since she's able to."
"And she really fucking thinks giving up her goddamn life is the best way to do this?!" he snapped.
"In this case... yeah," he muttered. "Look, all of us have been friends since we were kids. Of course I don't wanna fucking lose her... but... I'm not going to abandon her while she makes her pilgrimage."
"Fucking dammit..." Bakugou hissed. "I can't fucking deal with this shit."
Kirishima frowned. "You don't have to stay. As soon as we get to Luca you can focus on blitzball with us and then do as you please."
"Yeah, right," he snorted and stormed away. It was just like Kirishima said. At this point, how could he abandon her now?
Bakugou sat on the edge of the dock, swinging his leg back and forth. His foot brushed against the top of the water and he focused on the orange and pink sky, the sun setting in the distance.
This world was so strange. Could this really be the future, people completely under the control of Sin? There was a small part of him that understood why Uraraka would want to sacrifice herself to save the rest of world. If it was something she could do, why wouldn't she take the chance to save all of humanity from this force which burdened them daily?
 Because, she, like the rest of them, deserved to live.
Maybe he would understand it more if it was permanent, but Sin just came back, over and over. It made him fucking pissed!
She was one of the first people he met here in this strange future. Uraraka Ochako, a summoner, a kind woman, far too kind for him. He didn't deserve her kindness or her trust. And yet, when everyone else assumed he was insane, she believed him and invited him into her traveling party.
She was strong too... and she kept fucking surprising him. First, she controlled aeons, creatures of the fayth, and they loved her, obeyed her every command. Then, today, she sent the dead to their place of resting.
She was... incredible, to say the least. What else could summoners do? What other talents were they taking away from the world when they ultimately gave themselves up?
It was all so fucking stupid, wasn't it?
He pressed his hand against the dock, his knuckles sore from pushing so hard against the thick wood.
"You're going to get callouses if keep grinding your knuckles against the dock. Maybe even splinters." A gentle voice called from behind him and Bakugou lifted his hand.
"Oi.. Cheeks," he growled, turning to glare at the summoner. "What the hell are you doing? You should be resting."
"Mmm Mina fell asleep and I wanted to explore a little," she giggled. "But when I saw you by the dock, I couldn't resist saying hello." She knelt down, letting her legs drape over the side of the dock, swinging with his.
"Tch..." he clicked his tongue. "Idiot."
She sighed, glancing out at the water. "Did you... watch the Sending?" she asked, softly.
"Yeah," he grumbled. She looked ethereal, perfect, stunning... a giant list of adjectives he would never actually say to her. "I still think you're a fucking idiot."
"I know," she laughed. "I appreciate that."
"You're so fuckin' weird, Cheeks."
"It's nice to know someone cares about my life enough to want me to stop."
Bakugou turned to her, looking at her gentle brown eyes, watching as she stared out at the setting sun. The ocean glistened against her cheeks, the fading sunlight almost sparkling on her rosy skin.
She really was beautiful.
"Those idiots... your guardians... they probably want you to stop too. They're coming with you because they don't wanna be without you... and they wanna protect you," he muttered.
"I know," she said. "That's why I chose them to by my guardians."
Bakugou turned away from her. This whole system was fucked. The whole world was fucked. Uraraka was going give up her life for something that would eventually return and fuck the world yet again.
"I know you're... still dealing with being in this time instead of your own," Uraraka began quietly.
"What? You're not gonna blame it on the toxins or whatever," he snapped, turning back to look at her.
She laughed, shaking her head quietly. Her brown locks gently brushed against her round pink cheeks, her face never losing the smile. "No. I already told you I believed you when you said Zanarkand exists... or existed. As a real city, I mean."
"It fuckin' does!" he yelled.
"I know!" she said and stared out at the horizon. "I only wish I could see it."
"Fine. I'll take you," he huffed. "No one else though, since they all think I'm fucking nuts!"
"You'll take me? To Zanarkand?" She blinked and grabbed his hand, smiling so wide. "That would be incredible!"
"Yeah... I'll take you to my Zanarkand. And then you'll get to see how fucking badass I am!" Maybe if he took her away, she wouldn't have to die.
"Well, I've already seen that plenty," she snorted. "I'm looking forward to you helping Kirishima in the blitzball game in Luca. Kirishima is so badass! He's a really good player, they just... get beat by other teams sometimes!"
"Can't be that fuckin' good then," he smirked. "Don't worry, I'll help his sorry ass."
"Good!" she said and nudged his side. "What do you think... you'll do after?"
It was like Kirishima mentioned, he didn't have to stay with them after the blitzball game. But Bakugou couldn't imagine going anywhere else. He had no idea how to get home and he didn't really know what to do.
"I just told you," he muttered. "I'm taking you to Zanarkand."
"Oh! Right!" she giggled. "You know... I would... be really happy if you came with us."
"I just fuckin' said-"
"To... our Zanarkand," Uraraka muttered, interrupting him. Her fingers glided over his, wrapping around his digits. "As... one of my guardians."
His heart pounded in his ears. He barely fucking knew this girl and she wanted him to be one of her guardians?! And if he agreed, did that mean he agreed with her choice to-
"I-If you want of course. I-I know this doesn't really seem like your kind of thing-"
"Do I gotta do some sort of weird ceremony?" he asked, tilting his head at her. He thought back to the Sending from earlier and beautiful she looked. He didn't know if he could handle her dancing around him or near him... else his heart might fucking explode.
"No," she laughed. "You just have to say yes."
"Fine," he hissed, wrapping his fingers around hers and squeezing her hand tight. "I'll come with you, until I can find a way to bring you to my Zanarkand or... find another way to fucking kill that giant ass Sin thing!"
"Another way?" she laughed, but her brown eyes looked sad. "Bakugou, I... I don't think there is another way. This is the only way. Any time something else is tried, Sin comes to attack stronger than ever. We've seen it countless times... The summoner's sacrifice is the only way-"
"It fucking can't be! You obviously haven't tried hard enough. You're fucking strong, Uraraka," he growled, holding her hand. "I know you can find a different way. I'm gonna fucking help you do it. Then we can both see the real Zanarkand together."
She smiled, the sun illuminating the glistening tears on the sides of her eyes. "Let's go together then."
"Yeah..." he said, looking down at their hands. "Together."
"Thank you, Katsuki," she whispered. "For believing in me." She slid her hand up to his cheek and pressed her lips to his.
He hadn't expected it, but he pressed his lips back, deepening the kiss. He would always believe in her, always believe in her ability to find another way, because he believed in himself and he wasn't ready to let her go. They had her whole pilgrimage ahead of them. He would find a way.
He was her guardian now, and screw whatever twisted definition of that this world had. He would protect her and keep her safe. Like hell he was going to let her sacrifice herself.
As the sun slowly set in front of them, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. For now, they could stay like this, basking in the light of the setting sun.
Together and alive.
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