#kaeloo stumpy's sisters
Do you think that the Kaeloo characters are stupid or insane
Stupid: Quack-Quack, Violasse
Insane: Mr. Cat, Pretty, Olaf, Poucave
Both: Kaeloo, Stumpy, Nombril
Neither: Shitty, Eugly, Ardoise, Lavanade, Cramoisie, Vitamine
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cotton-could · 15 days
Why most fans hate Pretty and think she sucks
I have seen some of her fans claiming her haters are holier than thou fake fans who hate ONLY her. But it's not because we feel morally superior, hence, we like a show full of jerks who treat each other like dirt! But why most fans hate Pretty? What's the difference between her and the other characters?
1) She never gets punished for anything
One of the biggest reasons why we hate her is because of how much of a karma houdini she is. She pressed many of Kaeloo's berserk button (hurting an animal, bullying people, do questionable actions to Mr Cat, etc...) and she wasn't even punished for it and the only time she was, Kaeloo felt bad about it and said "maybe we were too harsh on her 🥺" instead of saying she deserved it but ohh, Kaeloo has no problem to tell Stumpy or Mr Cat they deserved to be beaten/punished for actions that were not as bad as Pretty's
2) She makes Kaeloo an even bigger doormat than Kaeloo already is
In S1, Kaeloo was not afraid to put her foot down and be cruel, wether or not it was necessary but doesn't use that same energy on that rotten spoiled brat (Pretty). Why Kaeloo suddenly doesn't use her jerkass behavior on Pretty? What's so special about her? She can't fight without Eugly making the dirty work, doesn't have amazing powers like Kaeloo nor is super smart. Kaeloo acted like a jerk to EUGLY of all people, the only character who was never a jerk to her but can't defend herself againt Pretty nor bully her back? What kind of double standard is that?
3) No matter what she does, she gets support
When Pretty bullies the main four unprovoked, she gets an undeserved round of applause by her supporters (from the show). When she bullies her sister, nobody does nothing about it or laugh at Eugly with her. When Pretty SA Mr Cat, Kaeloo doesn't flinch. When Pretty excluded Kaeloo from her party and humilliated her, instead of giving a well deserved punishment (being excluded and alone) she gets underservingly and easily forgiven by her victim but if it were Mr Cat, Kaeloo would transform into Bad K and beat him.
4) She gets special treatment
Eugly protects and defends her no matter what, gets away with everything (and the times she's punished, it's unsatosfying or she drags the other characters with her), can be a jerk to QQ without being punched by Eugly nor Bad K, everybody likes her, is good at everything she does and so on... she's a creator's pet.
5) She's hard to sympathize
For being such a jerkass who gets away with everything, it's easy to understand why most people don't care about her problems.
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just-jayy · 5 months
Everyone is so quick to bash Pretty for her s2 behaviors, but I don't understand how everyone looks past s1 + s2 and the absolute atrocities the main four have done. Why aren't they held to the same standard? Why is just Pretty being shit on when everyone else has done far much worse?
I'm sorry, but did
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"It's just a cartoon", that it is, but there's a line that gets blurred when it comes to fiction and reality, especially in cartoons. Cartoons can get away with a lot worse than reality, and because they can do this, it can blur the line between what is okay and what isn't. This is plainly evident in season 1 because these jokes are played as just that-- jokes. Same with the examples from season 2, they're just played as jokes.
If the showwriters wanted to show more serious side to all of this, they would have and they would've done it respectfully. Beautiful Words, Chat Perdu, Tout Se Dire, Sleep Train, Investigative Journalists, and Kousinade shows that they can 1000% handle weighty topics with respect. If they REALLY wanted to show that Pretty's ridiculous personality from s2 was serious, they would've written MC's reactions with the similar intensity as they did with his mom saying his name in Avec Poucave. Pretty is tame compared to the main four. You can't be holier than thou when the characters you love are worse than the one everyone despises.
Kaeloo knows how to emotionally manipulate people, willingly or unwillingly. She doesn't understand the difference between what is okay and what isn't in terms of love or romance.
Mr. Cat is a psychopath who comes from a troubled childhood who consistently mutilates, blows up, and beats Quack Quack. He OWNS WEAPONS LIKE BAZOOKAS. JUST CASUALLY. He frequently would touch Kaeloo without her consent, try to force himself on her, try to kiss her when she doesn't want it, and always grabs her ass.
Stumpy was literally so stupid that he was willing to try any advice to give him the upper hand, even if it was freakish behavior like kissing Kae, sneaking dollar bills under her, or even going as far as to wanting to off himself if things didn't go his way. Not to mention-- Stumpy has shown to have thoughts of infidelity. He always used to flirt with Pretty, and that's because he's the stereotypical boy trope and she is the opposite.
Quack Quack has a yogurt addiction that is quite literally an analogy for drug addiction and is willing to lie to his girlfriend and treat her like garbage for his fix.
I'm not excusing that scene because it is a bit too far, but so was Let's Play House, that, to me, was way too far in comparison. Pretty's entire character is: being a crazed fangirl. She's a creepy stalker who loves the generic hot boy of the show while being the most insufferable type of person. That's the entire stereotype. But she also loves her sister and doesn't let anyone bully her (other than herself of course), she's a feminist, she's an activist who is really trying to better herself. She loosened up as the series goes on and hasn't done nearly as bad as MC's attempted r-pe, Kaeloo forcing kisses on MC, QQ's addiction, or Stumpy's cheating.
TL;DR: it's a cartoon. it isn't that deep.
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violet-periwinkle · 1 year
Finally finished kaeloo season 5 and here's my thoughts.
(spoiler alert + bad english, still learning)
I think my fav part is Kaeloo/Bad K development . We see them working on their relationship and it's so wholesome to see . They even ask eachother permission before transforming and I find it so cute . I also like the little bubbles idea.
We finally get to see stumpy'sisters. Honestly, I wasn't that hyped for them at first . I thought showing Ursula would be more interesting. But I ended up liking them . They remind me of my own relationship with my sisters and they're funny most of the time and quite enjoyable
La Règle/ The Rules was okay . Not particulary funny but I like her, I don't know why. I think it's a nice add to the show and allows the episodes to go even crazier since she can basically do everything she wants .
And Pretty... I know it's not a popular opinion but I liked her character this season. She's softer , kinder and finally not in love with mister cat anymore (btw, her friendship with him is cool to see)
TALKING OF MISTER CAT, I'm happy he finally get a therapist and became a lil' nicer too but man, he went through a lot this season . And the jokes about his abusive familly and trauma ...was so messed up ... Like, Yeah , I'm happy we know more about him and his backstory and I can't wait to see more but the treatment was ... a bit cruel???
Quack-Quack finally had more personality and is not just an over-powered duck . We do see him actually act like a friend to Stumpy and it's cool. Also, the episode about his past was just a MASTERPIECE and so creative visually .
And ngl, I'm lil' sad that we didn't see any Kaelat moment, or barely , comparing to the S3 and S4 . I know it's not supposed to be an imporant part of the show but they make me very happy okay ??? .Maybe next season.
Anyway, good season overall. It has some flaws but I enjoyed it a lot !
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chocochipcookiecake · 2 years
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Yayyy, more of my kaeloo lore ramblings: stumpys family edition.
More info and lore below:
- stumpy is the youngest with 7 older sisters, all of which took up most of his parents attention. His parents, both working full time jobs and helping prepare their daughters for adulthood one after the other, struggled to make time for stumpy, leaving him feeling neglected and unwanted, these feelings eventually culminating to him running off to smileyland. But after a few days, having befriended kaeloo and quack quack, he becomes homesick and seeks to return home, at least for a bit, but is scared that his parents didn’t even notice he was gone. When he returns, he is met with his whole family, parents and all sisters, grateful to the heavens to find him safe and sound. Though some of his sisters scold him for running off, his parents have separately come to understand their failings as parents. After an explanation and introduction of smileyland to his parents, they agree for him to spend his daytime there, as long as he returns in the evening for family dinner and movie night each day.
- After a few weeks of being in smileyland, stumpy began inviting quack quack to his home every evening. When Rosalie and Henri learned of the ducks backstory, they were left in tears and already willing to sign the adoption forms. They already had 8 kids, one more wouldn’t hurt. Since quack quack didn’t have any official documents, fake ones had to be created using smileyland magic, and since quack quack isn’t a proper name, Rosalie and Henri bestowed him with a new name at least when it came to the papers: corin. So every night, both quack quack and stumpy would return home to their parents and remaining sisters, to contribute to rekindling their family one day at a time.
-Rosalie is a red squirrel who works full time at a local bakery, having moved in with her secondary school sweetheart and getting pregnant right after turning 19. Thankfully she did have help over the years from her sisters when it came to raising her children while she would go out a look for work, later on earning a well paying job as the business partner of a popular bakery in the region.
-Henri is a rooster that works as a professional chef at a high end restaurant in the nearby city. He moved in with his partner soon after her becoming pregnant with her first born, putting him in a situation where for some years he’d take night school while in the day time help out at his family’s restaurant. Though it was a stressful situation for both of them, they both knew this was what they wanted and had no regrets with how things turned out.
- Rosalie is first generation Senegalese and Henri is first generation Thai.
-the parents aren’t officially married, but whenever formally introducing themselves to others they all simply go by the fathers surname as to avoid scrutiny. All the children have both of their parents surnames.
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chaifootsteps · 2 years
So it's called Kaeloo, 4 seasons (one got an Australian dub but because they were SHOCKED by its humor it was broadcasted late so nobody watched so it got cancelled ; you can find subbed later episodes on dailymotion), it takes place in a cutesy place called Smileyland with the main character, an androgynous (and confirmed hermaphrodite) frog named Kaeloo who wants cuteness, games and joys everywhere as long as you follow the rules (making her borderline depressed or despotic if you break rules) as well as a hypocrite who pretends to be pure when she actually can be a sadist and a pervert herself. She always comes up with games she introduces her friends Stumpy (a stupid and energetic squirrel who seems to have tourette ; he also has a long distance relationship with a girl named Ursula we never see and may or may not be cis since he loves dressing as a girl and even wished to be one once), Quack-Quack (a genius yogurt-loving duck who got experimented on to the point he is nearly immortal and basically dies 6 times a day), Mr Cat (a deadpan snarker as well as a sadistic psycho who loves to ruin the games and troll Kaeloo ; and MUTUAL HUGE CRUSH AND SEXUAL TENSION no matter her gender) as well as secondary character added from season 2 (a pretty but mean and borderline anorexic bunny named Pretty, her ugly but kind and shy sister she bullies named Eugly and a small penguin with a Russian accent who wants to conquer the world and is married to an ice cube he adores named Olaf). Needless to say every game as innocent as it starts backfires HORRIBLY with violence, insanity, puns and breakdowns with Kaeloo who has hints of a split personality turning into a huge muscley and masculine toad named Bad Kaeloo whenever she is angry and beating up the culprits of her anger (often Mr Cat who often does it on purpose because he is SOOOO horny for her manly toad form and a masochist) which she often regrets afterward. It's hilarious and has so many radar jokes I wonder how it still is running here because it's really THE most risque kids cartoon I personally know, only nudity is missing
Thank you France for whatever this is.
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grandiosetirade · 3 years
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my versions of their other forme in the comic ^^ i have a bunch of headcanon for them :
here's my headcanon for their alternate seves in the comics : - their personnalities are the opposite from their originals , but their relationships stays the same ( kaeloo and MrCat are still a thing , QuackQuack and Stumpy are still bffs , Kae is still a parental figure to Quackquack ) . Also their backstories are the opposite ( Stumpy is a rich kid , Mister Cat from a non abusive family etc ... )
- Kaeloo use He / they pronouns more and is confortable with their gender more , they are intelligent , manipulative and violent . I still don't know if i'm gonne keep their second personnalities ? since their are more chill ? idk ... they are Flirty with Mister Cat more and care less about his apparences
- Mister Cat is nicer and cuter than his original but can be somehow worst . He is like a " Kawaii / Yandere / sweet " psycho . He seems to doesn't notice Kae is flirting with him .
- QuackQuack is basically a fuckboy , he can talk and is not an experiment ( we can see in the comic that he doesn't have stitches )
- Stumpy is arrogant and really intelligent ( and he is the one we saw in Soj a etre fan )
- Olaf is a chill dude , Eugly a violent and confident Girl ( still mute ) and Pretty is shy and always hide behing her sister .
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feelkindadizzy · 4 years
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Random theory i had for a while! (trans hc here we go)
It’s about Stumpy’s siblings. I do think he has 7 siblings but all of them are trans so he has to learn to not call them his sisters anymore and he’s a bit confused sometimes but he got the spirit. Like, he had to repeat to himself "I don’t have sisters, I don’t have sisters" so eventually he began to respond this exact sentence to people.
Whenever he’s the one to talk about his "sisters" Kaeloo and the others are here to remind him that he doesn’t.
Also i think this could be linked to why stumpy feels free to explore his gender, it’s because he grew up in a rather positive space so he doesn’t mind trying stuff out (since every of his siblings did / is doing it)
anyways it was also a good excuse to draw all of them x) it took me so long omg
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I saw that a lot of Kaeloo fics said that you're the beta reader and I was seeing too many fics by toxic Pretty fans so I wanted to balance it out with some normal ones. Where can I send you my fic?
Send it to me at randomnesstotallyunlimited at gmail dot com. I'm happy to read any Kaeloo fic that isn't NSFW and doesn't involve ships with Pretty (since her being a sex offender and stalker makes me uncomfortable) or with Stumpy's sisters (since they are far too young to be shipped with the rest of the cast).
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I appreciate that Nombril's name in the English dub of Kaeloo is a pun but at the same time it being a normal name really takes away from the gag about Stumpy's sisters having ridiculous names. I'm really hoping the other sisters have outlandish names when we find out what they're called in the dub, or else I'm really curious about what they're going to translate all the name gags to.
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just-jayy · 3 months
If the fandom hates you and continues to harass you, why are you still in it?
Because this show, as stupid as it is, has made me feel seen in a way that nobody can understand. It's very personal so I'm not getting into the specifics, but it's the first time I've seen something I've struggled with (mental health and addiction; pills for me, alcohol in the show) be handled carefully and respectfully. Especially for Kaeloo, the character.
Kaeloo the character I see so very clearly as myself, a reflection of what it feels like being not "normal". Gender identity stuff, dissociation, memory lapses, emotional instability... These are things you'd never expect from a cartoon, especially nowadays.
My favorite episode will always be Beautiful Words. It spoke to me and continues to make me cry when I watch it because of how very real it is for me. Because I've been there in Kaeloo's shoes. I know how it feels to be so stuck emotionally when something sets you off, or even arguing with other parts for rationality only to find out that there is no rationale.
Mr. Cat (and QQ to a lesser extent) has issues with addiction and finding a reason to live. His world has been a constant slap in the face of multiple forms of abuse, which leads to him seeking for a bit of respite from this harsh reality. Even with friends, he still resigns himself to a lifestyle of parties and dosing himself in booze.
Stumpy is neglected by his mother, but he pretends to always be happy. He has to for his little sister's, who are all products of emotional stunted growth because of his mother's abuse.
To me, this cartoon isn't just a cartoon, it's a show and a story that takes very real struggles and handles them with respect that the topics deserve. Mental health is the key focus behind the characters, which I have a lot of respect for. People on this fandom, even the adults, can't see that. Instead they focus on blatantly hating an episode purely because a character appears or has a spot in it. They hate moments of the show that give us depth because their prefrontal cortex isn't developed to understand nuance yet. But I and many others can see the love and care that gets put into this, and we love the routes the storytelling can take us.
This is why I find it so funny when that half of the fandom says I'm not a real fan. People enjoy Bluey, an actual preschool cartoon, but they find a problem with someone like me enjoying a show that isn't even strictly for children, it's for kids and adults. That's why S1 has the humor it does. They don't like me in this fandom because I ship something they don't like.
That's it.
They've all convinced themselves it has to do with that document (which was a critique on fandom spaces and dysfunctionality as well as toxic cult behavior, which they see as a harassment campaign which just... you guys are actually not mentally okay) and can't use their critical thinking skills to listen to reason, purposely turning a blind eye and deaf ear to very real things that happened.
There's no other reason for these people to dislike me so much.
Edit post-publication: they also hate me bc the fandomhead took a very simple situation and twisted the story as they do.
They listen to that little voice of, "well if jay is right then I'd have to apologize and then I'll be ostracized from the group", because that's the kind of toxic culture that side of the fandom culminates. They try to bait me to respond when they send me messages (some of them forget to hit anon or the app glitches, that's always funny), or reblog my posts with incomprehensible walls of text, but I don't give in nor do I reply to people who should have no stake in this matter and purely exist to come to the fandomhead 's aide bc she isn't an adult who can handle her own problems.
Keep in mind, we're talking about adults with the minds of babies who think their opinions matter on the internet. They firmly believe that I send myself messages, that I post what makes me happy to spite them and not because I actually enjoy it, and whatever other batshit reasoning they want to say.
Keep in mind x2: I've had these people blocked since that doc was posted. I don't go on their accounts, I don't stalk their pages, I don't send them asks, I don't do shit. LIterally, what would I have to gain by doing any of that?
I guess what I'm saying can be answered with a counterargument: why in the world would anyone want to be in a fandom that is so hostile at the moment? If anything, people have been more happy that I've been posting what I want because they're sick of the repetition in the tag. I don't see anything in the tag other than Ink and my stuff because I have every single person and sock account blocked there, so I can't imagine what's been going on.
TL;DR: I don't give into bullies who hide behind anonymous or spam me with how much they don't like me. I still like the show because I like it. I don't associate with the fandom because the fandom is a horrible place for people. It's a toxic cesspool of idiots so stuck in 2019-proship-v-anti-mindset who will castrate you if you dare to open up about what you like. It's just a bad place, which is why I'm not in it.
I'm just a dude who likes the ships and content I make with my friends. I'm allowed to exist just as much as the fandom and the people in it are.
Anyway, free Palestine and go support vetted gfms!
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just-jayy · 3 months
What is your honest opinion of Kaeloo season 5?
This is a difficult one to answer.
Short answer: it's very mediocre
Long answer: I hate the writing, it's extremely weak and boring with the only stand out instances being "Lost Cat", "Quack Quack's Origins", and "You Have Changed" ("Opening Up" is an arguable addition).
And I don't hate the writing because it "isn't good enough", I hate the writing because it flat out makes no sense. Translating the rest of season 5 with a handful of French speakers had us all scratching our heads at how abrupt the endings are.
You have the sudden introduction of not just Game Rules, but Stumpy's 7 sisters, which makes 8 new characters (not including Law and Order). Then you have Pretty being portrayed drastically differently and a little boring with NO explanation ,which makes her a basic copy-paste Kaeloo with some added flare, Eugly is gone to art school, Olaf has a beard...
Stumpy has the most screentime out of any of the main four, which is extremely disappointing because from the get go of season 5's beginning, we get the introduction to an amazing set up for Mr. Cat's character arc while at the same time, wrapping up Kaeloo's. Let's not mention BadK, who is revealed to be more than what triggers him, and yet they do nothing to express this in the season minus "Being Funny".
I love Stumpy, but his sisters are the most boring and agonizing parts of season 5. A lot of people disagree in the fandom and like them, but you know why you like them? They're written to either be liked or disliked. The only true nuance to them is that they're all kids whose personalities are shaped around the effect child neglect has on children.
That's a sign of writers burnout. The fact that they wasted a whole season based around introducing characters that serve zero interest and exist only as filler is so disappointing. For fuck's sake, when Pretty, Eugly, and Olaf were introduced, they made them fun and likeable! The sisters, I just found very boring. Boring and very one note. This could've been fixed with more screentime, probably, but honestly after season 5 I don't want to see another Stumpy-centered episode for a long while.
The humor in this season is bland and very basic. Gone are Mr. Cat's weapons and bombs, now replaced with plungers (???), the slapstick is shown off screen or so miniscule that it feels like the visual effects do more of a job showing impact than the impact itself, and there's a huge lack of... I don't know how to say this, but, personality?
It doesn't feel like Kaeloo. It feels like a kids show trying to be Kaeloo. They even made an episode about this new censorship this season, and it felt like it was Rémi indirectly telling the fans that, "this is what the network wants" and what makes kids happy doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Maybe that's a bleak way to look at it, but that's all I can think about when I watch that episode.
With Xilam's acquisition of Cube, these changes don't surprise me though. Xilam is very family-friendly and anyone who has watched early Oggy and the Cockroaches knows the fate of shows acquired by Xilam goes. This accompanied by the season being made during COVID had an undeniable effect on the production of the season, and I wish people would understand this more.
There's so much to do with these nuanced characters, there's still so much to be done and explained, but we're never going to get it now that Rémi has left, and if we do, it won't be canon. The series should honestly, at this point, be cancelled. I have no faith in Xilam handling anything serious with these characters.
In small addition: I know the show wasn't just made by Rémi alone and he had a co-creator, but honestly, taking away the same creator and leaving it all up to one other creator, it can still have disastrous effects. You no longer have that same person who shares your ideas for the characters, the stories will start getting convoluted, there will be changes no one expects and can't be explained. In my opinion, losing one half of the creative mind that made the show can be just as bad as both people leaving.
Season 5 does have some upsides: Kaeloo and BadK have the best relationship and moments this season, which really resonates with me and my situation. The writers very clearly announce that Kaeloo does have DID and even show her inner world, which is very appreciated and I admire the effort they took to portray that realism.
Mr. Cat shows more emotion than any season, letting us see this new and vulnerable side to him that we never got to see before. We learn about his relationship with his mother, his fear of change, how he age regresses in response to change in general, and that he's sought the help of a therapist.
Quack Quack's origins is by far the best season 5 episode purely for the musical score and the BEAUTIFUL animation styles during his escape. A lot of questions get answered about him, and it feels like an episode made specifically for the die-hard fans who remember the subtle stuff from season one up to this point.
The animation and subtle music is breathtaking. Kaeloo has a new model which feels way more squishy and bouncy, they gave her a bit of pudginess that makes her feel like this Rounded Specimen™ of friendship. She's also extremely expressive, along with the rest of the characters thanks to the change in animation! The studio deciding to switch from Maya to Blender really shows, as there are a lot of animation changes and added weight to the characters that makes them feel more impactful to the environment.
In conclusion, season 5 isn't bad, but it's very mediocre when compared to its previous season.
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grandiosetirade · 4 years
To end this day filled with Kaeloo post i decided to show you guys playlists i made for the characters with music from my playlist . Some of the songs doesn’t necessarily matches their personalities , i just took songs that reminds me of them ^^ :
Pure imagination - Gene Wilder
Lollipop - Mika
Fine - Lemon Demon
Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez
Brick by Boring Brick - Paramore
I’m Walking on Sunshine - Aly and Aj
Afraid - the neighbourhood
Mr Cat
Shut me up - Mindless Self Indulgence
Can’t decide - Scissors Sisters
Hit me baby one more time - Britney Spears
SM - Rihanna
Mama - My Chemical Romance
Crazy = Genius - PATD
Cody’s Theme - Ajj
Pumped kicks - Foster the People
You’re gonna go far kid - the offspring
Animals - Neon Tree
Undisclosed desire - Muse
I’m Awesome- Spose
Just loose it - Eminem
Pretty fly - the offspring
Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus
Quack Quack
Come back down - Trevor Something
Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode
Immortals - Fall out boys
I am not a Robot - Marina and the Diamonds
Bubblegum Bitch / Lonely heart club- Marina and the Diamonds
Candle Queen - GUMI
Toy- Netta
Boss bitch - Doja Cat
One way or another - Blondie
Hot Mess - Natalia Kills
Prom Queen - Mxmtoon
Ugly - Nicole Dollaganger
Brave - Sara Bareilles
Moskau - Dschinghis Khan
Tribute to Soviet Disco
Amerika- Rammstein
Take me to Church - Hozier
World is Mine - Hatsune Miku
(Some of them are mostly jokes , also i’m sorry i don’t have a lot for Eugly .... i don’t listen a lot of cute songs ^^)
Feel free to had some if you want ....
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