#kafka: hmm i think they should like coats
aha-chuu · 1 year
I just had a minor thought but like I've been playing hsr and it's really cute that the trailblazer (Stelle/Caelus whatever) has an idle where they're playing a mobile(?) game. Like my trailblazer makes a little sound of achievement randomly and I'm like "dang I never sound that happy when I do spiral abyss".
Anyway, the reason I'm making this post is because Silver Wolf's trailer came out and she is (famously) also a gamer. Moreso than the trailblazer, but also they've only existed for like two weeks so I won't hold that against them.
It made me think - what if the trailblazer is a combination of the stellaron hunters? Like, they're the ones who "made" them and we've all heard the "Kafka is mother" jokes. What if when the stellaron hunters programmed the trailblazer's personality, they put some of themselves into them? Or perhaps they have leftover memories from their time with them despite the amnesia, nothing concrete but some habits that they picked up.
So they got gaming from Silver Wolf, and perhaps their playful side from Kafka. Like, in the Silver Wolf trailer Kafka memes on her somewhat and then also her nicknaming Blade "Bladie" does suit the vibes the trailblazer has. Maybe the trailblazer's violent impulses come from Blade, then, since it is comical how quickly they start beating random strangers with their baseball bat.
We don't know anything about Elio but he's known as "Destiny's Slave" and that's pretty fitting. As the player character, the Trailblazer has exactly no actual free will. Sure, unlike Genshin, a lot of the different dialogue options do come with unique responses, but there's not one choice the trailblazer can actually make. This holds true from the meta "we (the player) control them" and also in-universe everything they do is predetermined. Looking at this from a fourth wall perspective does make sense since Aha (Elation) recognises its universe - that being the universe of hsr - is part of a game.
Idk, I just found this interesting. Kafka implies the trailblazer knew her before she shoved the stellaron into their chest, but since their memories are gone I do like to think that Kafka manufactured our personality by using aspects of the stellaron hunters.
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pryllee · 3 months
Criminal babysitter on the run!
(Kinda) Babysitter! Blade x Fem! Reader
Kinda in like a modern-ish planet, Stellaron hunter + babysitter blade trying to keep kid safe and is planning to punish reader after the whole ordeal... If ykyk ;) ( [ F/D ] is Favorite Drink )
A/N: This is mainly just meant to be purely wholesome but it may have a tad sprinkle of spice so I hope it doesn't ruin it, but do let your imagination run wild about thinking it's your child that you made with him, or just a child from a divorced or whatever situation. The kiddo is Gender Neutral so yeah if you want a son or daughter then alright
Blade stared in confusion as the child gripped onto his pinky finger with your back facing him, slowly walking away. "[ Y/N ]...?" Calling out to you but you only waved ’goodluck’ in response.
Kafka, wondering why he brought your child along on the mission, "... Bladie? What are you doing with them?" She pointed awkwardly smiling. "I don't know." He said with the same usual monotone voice and face, lifting the child with one arm letting them sit up against his chest, peacefully sleeping.
During a little break, he laid the child on a bench on some sort of bus stop, going to find something for them to eat nearby. All was peaceful till they bursted in tears due to the fact they woke up to no one by their side, leaving passerbys extremely confused wondering if they should call CPS,
Finally coming back to 3 people and 2 officers gathering around the child, still crying with tears drooping down their chin did not leave a good impression on him. He hurriedly started walking over faster yet perplexed with the first thought of those strangers hurting them which led to him almost drawing his sword, "Oh uhm... Sir, is this your child?" The officers words made him stop in his track, nodding slightly seemingly doubtful himself.
"Ah seriously... I can see it might be difficult as a single father but you shouldn't leave your kiddo alone..." One of the strangers Pat his back, till the background of the bus stop lit up with wanted posters and bounties, with a heading; ’Dangerous people wanted’
"Uhmm...?" The people muttered, looking back and fourth at him and the poster, he could've just killed them yet dashed away like a madman almost dropping the food with the child in arms. "Oh Aeons, [ Y/N ], you are so dead to me." He mumbled as he plopped a few sticks of tanghulu in the childs hands.
He muttered in annoyance, with the child grabbing onto his hair and trying to push it away to imitate a hair flip, "Whos kid is that...? Don't tell me you resorted to kidnapping children? Ergh... Blade thats really—" "I did not kidnap anyone, and [ Y/N ] very much birthed and handed it to me." He interrupted, leaving Silverwolf in a state of confusion... "...it?" During this whole consversation, the child still continued to play with his hair, whilst eating the delicious sugar-coated fruit skewers.
After finally completing the mission, returning back to see you leisurely having a cup of [ F/D ], he sat the child infront of you, slamming his hand onto the table 2.83 milimeters away from you.
"Now tell me exactly, did you really have to leave me with them today?" He spoke with a stern tone; "Hmm, I recall us agreeing for you to take care of them in bed last night, unless you don't remember since you...—" He rushed to interrupt, "I don't recall such words being uttered with my very own mouth, and not infront of them." He irked up a smile, grabbing your wrist tightly dragging you to another room. When did he care about filtering dirty talk?
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butimnotasexyrussian · 4 months
1, 2, 7, 13, 18, 27, and 30. :D
So it turns out that I can only access my inbox from mobile because when I log in through desktop, Tumblr still says I have no asks, which is so fucking annoying but we're making do.
From the unique writing asks post:
1. What themes would you like to write about that you feel don't get explored very often?
I think it's the nature of fanfic that most people that stumble across stuff I've written are looking for romantic pairings, which is great because if I've written for them, it means their dynamic makes me want to chew concrete and I love being able to share that with readers! But as someone on the ace/aro spectrum (we're still figuring this out), I think it would be really interesting to explore themes of asexuality and/or aromanticism through characters in a respectful and meaningful way. I don't think I'm at the point in my personal development where I can do that quite yet, but I'd love to some day.
2. What are some common elements of stories you are tired of seeing? What would you avoid writing about?
This one's a tough one because I'm genuinely pretty open to whatever. Like whenever I'm like, hmm don't think I like that, something will come up and inevitably prove me wrong. I didn't think I'd ever be into cheating, but then there's like every canon Roisa fic ever. Also Rose being Luisa's stepmother is still weird but hasn't stopped me.
Oh, one trope I do hate though is magic babies. I spend most of my time in wlw fics and while I'm fine with adoption fics, I hate it when someone in a wlw couple magically ends up pregnant and everyone's weirdly happy about this and no one is freaking out about it. It just doesn't do it for me. It's a huge commitment and the fact that a biological baby is like the "next step" to fulfillment in their relationship and doesn't strain it at all is so icky to me.
7. Favorite description in your wip?
I am literally so bad at descriptions but please enjoy this brief excerpt from my gap princess diaries 2 au I haven't updated in a year lol.
Mon fidgets for a bit before Sam takes off her suit coat and drapes it around her shoulders.
"Oh," Mon says. Sam's wearing suspenders and that distracts her. It takes her a while to remember to say, "Thank you."
"You looked cold."
She was not cold. It's actually a pretty mild night. Mon does not mention this as she pulls the coat tighter around herself. It smells fresh, vaguely like saltwater air.
13. What traits do you share with your original characters or what traits do you wish you shared with them?
I think whenever I do end up writing original characters, they're always like plucky sidekicks who are only there to give the protagonists a kick in the ass. I'd like to be able to not overthink as much and just see the situation clearly and tell it to people as bluntly as my OC's seem to.
18. What writers have inspired you with their use of language? What are some of your favorite quotes?
It's been so long since I've read anything so my mind is blanking right now, but I'm always amazed by how much feeling poets can put into their words. I remember sobbing throughout Ocean Vuong's On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous. The older I get, the more I identify with everything Mary Oliver has written ever. My mentally ill boy Kafka is always a mood. I wish I could remember anything any of these people have ever written but I have nothing but dryer fluff in my head. I'm sorry.
27. Do you have playlists for your wip? What are some of the songs in it?
Sorry, I usually don't have playlists for writing! I should actually start though because it has gotten me over writer's block a couple times, but for the most part, I just play whatever song I'm currently obsessed with. My ADHD means that I tune the lyrics out and I'm just vibing with the beat, although if I loop a song enough times while writing, every time I hear that song afterwards, I'll always associate it with the process of writing that fic, which is pretty cool. I don't think I've written anything over the past twelve months, but my current song on repeat is Animal by VEAUX if you wanna check it out!
30. What is some of the best writing advice you've read or received? Why does it work for you?
The thing about advice for me is that I'm always seeking it out and hoarding it like wow, I bet this would work for me and then...not doing anything to implement it. One thing I did end up using though, is from a Tumblr post that was like, "order everything in your sentences the way a movie scene would play out so the emotional punch comes at the end, like she came into the kitchen, saw the creeping puddle of blood, and discovered her brother's body." I'm paraphrasing obviously because no one can find anything on this hellsite, but this really made me realize that I kinda just threw everything together and hoped it made sense (once again, probably due a little bit to the ADHD). I'm not sure if anyone's even noticed, but I like to think it's made my writing a bit more coherent and easier to follow.
Thanks for asking! I'm love you!
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