#kagome's an abusive bitch
shinidamachu · 7 months
Sid, why do you think people think Kagome is “so annoying” and “whiny?” How exactly did she earn this reputation among her (rather dumb) haters.
The world is not kind to 15 years old girls, and what is Kagome, if not the perfect representation of one?
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People forgot they can dislike a character just because and then move on. They'd rather grasp at straws to try and justify themselves, that way they can pretend they're being rational about the constant hate they're spreading when, truthfully, they're just being miserable.
Kagome specifically is in even greater disadvantage because her critics are, mostly, people who haven't read the source material and are instead basing their takes on a biased adaptation – which they probably watched ages before developping any critical skills – or people who see her as a threat to their ship and therefore are already prone to hate her.
The first group won't ever bother going out of their way to try and get a better grasp of her character by reading a 558 chapters long manga and the second group won't change their minds either way.
That's why they call her out for using the beads of subjugation even if: it wasn't her idea in the first place, it served to balance her relationship with Inuyasha at the beginning – since he was powerful and violent while she wasn't –, the rosary became a symbol of their bond, it saved Inuyasha a couple of times and he was always more annoyed than hurt by it, not to mention Sunrise blowing it out of proportion compared to the manga.
You never see Inuyasha getting bashed for hitting Shippo every other episode or Sango getting any heat for constantly slapping Miroku, because funnily enough people seem to understand it was just dumb, outdated, slapstick comedy, a courtesy they refuse to extend to Kagome.
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That's also the reason they call her “annoying” and “whiny”: Kagome’s most important lesson was that it's okay to have feelings, so naturally they twisted that into a bad thing in order to keep hating on her. It's not about how her character was written, it's about people using of bad faith and deliberately mischaracterizing Kagome to pass their internalized misogyny as valid criticism.
I know part of the issue is that audiences nowadays are under the impression that for a female character to be strong, she can't cry or be feminine, but you don't see anyone hating on Sango even though she does cry and she can be as feminine as Kagome depending on the circunstances and on her mood.
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The truth is that Kagome is playing a game she can never win, because the refs have decided they want her to lose before the match even starts.
If she stands up and sets boundaries for herself, she's annoying. If she doesn't, she's a doormat. If she feels jealousy, she's a bitch. If she shows kindness, she's boring. If she fights, she's overpowered. If she doesn't, she's useless. If any other character cries, it's heartbreaking. If she cries, she's whiny.
If she goes back to her own world, she's selfish. If she leaves that world behind to live the life she wants for herself, she's a stupid girl who left her family for a boy. If she does something grand, that's only because she's someone else's reincarnation. If she messes something up, the fault is hers and hers alone. She is, somehow, simultaneously a Mary Sue and a toxic abuser.
I've personally seen people slut shaming her because she got hitted on by Koga. I've personally seen people call her a "pick me" girl. Kagome. A pick me girl. Kagome.
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And none of this is fair, because she is the kind of character who does her best to see the good in others, to understand the reasons why they act the way they do and to offer them some grace, but she gets very little of that in return, be it in canon, be it in fandom.
They always hold her up to such an impossible standard, but they completely forget to ask themselves: would the characters I stan be able to match the expectations I set for Kagome? Scratch that: would the characters I stan even be able to deal with things the way Kagome managed to do? Would I? The answer is most likely no, so how about cutting her a slack?
You ask me how did she earn this reputation among her rather dumb haters, my answer is: she didn't. They're just incapable of understanding that if a particular nuanced, well written, female character is not their cup of tea, they can simply ignore her and focus their attention on the characters they do like instead of spreading their baseless, misogynistic takes on the internet.
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inukag-archive · 2 years
Is it too much to ask for some InuKag fic that treats Kikyo sympathetically? Not in the sense that she has to be portrayed as an innocent angel or that we can never acknowledge her wrongdoings, but I am getting real sick of seeing her being called an abusive bitch.
I would like my recs to be Sessrin free, please and thank you.
Hello and thank you for your patience, @lazy8blog. As you pointed out, it is a bit difficult to find stories (especially based in canon) that are primarily/endgame InuKag, feature Kikyo as an active character (as opposed to just mentioned in passing), and also treat her sympathetically. But after some digging, we were able to put together a list of fics that do just that! We tried to focus mainly on canon-based or canon-divergent stories, but in order to provide you with more reading material, we also included some (amazing!) AUs. We hope you find something you enjoy on this list!
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Graveyard Flowers by Kaononaitsuki (M)
I will make your pain eternal, I will make flowers bury you. I will make flowers your graveyard.
Five Stages of Grief by @kstewdeux (NR)
No summary provided.
If We Fall Anyway by @soliska (T)
What if the shikon jewel didn’t exist and Naraku never came to be? What if Kagome fell down the well anyway and met a gruff, young inu-hanyou. Would they still become friends? What would be their story?
A tale told in snippets.
Everything After You by thegirlwho_returned (T)
The jewel is gone. Kikyo has survived. InuYasha must now choose between the life he has promised and the life that he wants. Everything after you is a story about finding love again, even when you thought you couldn’t have it. InuxKag. Alternate ending.
Fever Dream by @clearwillow (E)
Four months have passed since Inuyasha got his act together. Naraku's gone. The jewel is gone. Things are supposed to be better, right? Maybe once the long list of things to do are crossed off. Inuyasha and Kagome a whole new mess of problems to deal with in the meantime. She wants to graduate. He wants...well, he wants a lot more than he's saying...
Mirror Images by TouchofPixieDust (T)
AU Kagome and Kikyo are two young women unhappy with their lives. One wish turns their lives inside out. Will they ever be able to set things right?
Your Lying Smile by @dawnrider (M)
A beautiful day by the river quickly takes a turn, taking control of her life completely out of Kagome's hands. Her "rescuer" becomes something else entirely before she can get a word in edgewise. Feudal-esue AU
Enchanted by @akitokihojo (T)
"Too bleak?" He asked.
"Not at all." Kagome answered, their eyes meeting. "There's plenty of beauty in embers."
A thud in his chest, a swelling in his diaphragm. He could feel the thin skin of his lips slowly part as he let her statement hang in the air. The stillness between them was comfortable, as was her stare, and he allowed himself a small moment to stop thinking, to stop trying to figure out what was happening and just relish in the peace he'd found. As the sun hid itself behind the distant mountains in the West, shadows filling the woods, Inuyasha pushed himself to stand.
Running to Stand Still by @boflicker (M)
They first met when the world was on fire, or so it felt that summer.
No wait, it was in the jungle; The hitching spot on the side of the train yard. His presence felt so familiar, like she should know his name, could taste the letters like flavors on the tip of her tongue.
Or was it in a time much earlier than that. In another life so different from her own.
Kagome’s Fateful Choice by @neutronstarchild (M)
After she realizes that Inuyasha has chosen Kikyo, Kagome returns the Shikon shards to the Sengoku Jidai in the dead of night, and vows she will remain in her time and never return. But there are some choices capable of setting the world on a different, darker path. When Kagome wakes up to an entirely new future, only she, with the help of Kikyo (who is now a fixture in her soul), can undo the tragedies to which her single choice gave birth.
Catharsis by lucie (T)
Sometimes moving on means letting go of things you never really had.
Inuyasha dreams and learns a few lessons about love along the way.
What is first love anyway?
Monster by @akitokihojo (E)
A murderous demon taints the world with unforgivable crimes, taking out his weakness in secret. Unfortunately for him, it isn't that easy. He thinks he's unstoppable, but his arrogance blinds him to the war blooming before him. Kagome and Inuyasha, both powerful in their own way, and even more so together, step forward to try to put an end to things.
Wish For Me by Vesper_ness (M)
Everyone's aware of Kagome's feelings for Inuyasha. What everyone's not aware of is how emotionally invested she is and that the one thing she longs for is Inuyasha's happiness. That wish will be her biggest test of strength. A one-shot on how Kagome deals with Inuyasha's feelings for Kikyou after he goes to see her.
Tomorrow’s Destiny by @sassybratt9791 (G)
After the battle with Naraku, Kagome counts the loss of life their adventure cost them. Now burdened with protecting the Shikon Jewel, she comes to a decision that would change the course of their history, and their future. Everyone would get their happy ending. Even if she wasn't a part of it.
Picking up the Pieces by @dawnrider and @lemonlushff (E)
Kagome and Inuyasha have both lost their spouses due to different calamities. As the parents of newborns, they now find themselves coming together to raise their children through sheer necessity, and learn to create a new family from the ashes of tragedy.
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inukag · 3 years
Anti kagome blogs on rise on tumblr
I saw that unfortunately 😩 Yashahime really brought back inukag vs inukik and kikyo vs kagome discourse for some reason... The most stale discourse of them all...
It's 2021 I wish people would realize you don't have to pit women against each other just because they love the same man. Don't get me wrong, there are very valid reasons to criticize both Kagome and Kikyo! I just rarely see normal arguments when it comes to these 2. It's always "Kagome is abusive!!" and "Kikyo is a bitch!!"
Anyway, here's a reminder that Kagome & Kikyo are both stunning, powerful and kind women who respect each other by the end of the series 😌
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avionvadion · 3 years
Yashahime just reminds me of that donkeyskin fairytale. Have you heard of it?
Well, if not, here’s how it goes:
Once upon a time, there’s a young princess. Her beautiful mother grows ill, and as she’s dying she tells her husband- the king- that should he ever remarry after her death, it should only be to a woman as beautiful as she. Driven mad with grief, the king does as suggested and scours the lands for a woman as beautiful as his deceased wife. He soon realizes that there’s only one person that matches his wife in beauty, and...
Yeah, you guessed it. His daughter.
Horrified and unwilling to marry her father, the daughter obtains a magical piece of donkeyskin that when she wears it she comes across as a hideous old hag. The princess flees to another country and some prince sees through the curse (pretty sure he caught her bathing, which is pretty gross but hey it’s a dark story so yeah) and she marries him instead to escape the fate of marrying her dad.
It’s fucked up.
It’s also literally Trashahime- what with Pedomaru r*aping the child he protected and cared for, forcing her to become a teen mom to a pair of twins, and then fridging her inside of a tree. He also clearly doesn’t give a single shit about the twins either, unperturbed by Setsuna’s death, and doesn’t care about Rin either or whether she lives/dies.
He hasn’t shown ANY emotion whatsoever after episode 1 of the first season, which really just goes further to show that this imposter isn’t actually Sesshomaru as Sesshomaru DOES have emotions and isn’t a fucking predator. A bully? Yeah, to his half-brother. Petty? You bet your beautiful ass. Is he someone who would condone sexual assault or pedophilia? Hells no. He doesn’t tolerate bullshit.
Why do you think he killed Mukotsu when he tried to r*ape Kagome? He said it was because Mukotsu didn’t answer his questions, but what questions did he ask him? “Where Inuyasha is?” Sesshomaru would know whether or not Inuyasha was there because of his superior sense of smell. He had no reason to head there. To kill Mukotsu. 
But he did it anyway, because he knew they were there and saw that they were in trouble and- just like his brother often does- strongly denies that he was there help. 
When Kagura is wounded and topless, he saves her from the river and does not look at her once after the rescue. He respects her privacy and does not violate it. And, really, why do you think he protected Kohaku despite how Kohaku previously tried to kill Rin? Why do you think he let Kohaku travel with him for so long? Why did he let Rin stay with him, too, when she offered absolutely nothing except flowers crowns and endless annoying questions, and was no more than another person to protect?
She was abused and she had helped him, so Sesshomaru took her under his wing and protected her. Kohaku was abused by Naraku and was being hunted by him, so Sesshomaru took him under his wing and protected him. When Kagura died, Sesshomaru willingly flew to her with the hope of saving her with tenseiga and was greatly distraught after it was revealed impossible. 
Oh, another question: why did Sesshomaru revive the dead father of a badger demon child, Kanta, if he didn’t have a heart for anyone except the little girl he kept unconditionally by his side? Why was Shippo, a fox demon child, able to convince him to use the tenseiga, and why did tenseiga react at all? 
After all, tenseiga only works for someone who has a compassionate heart. It doesn’t react unless something is going on in Sesshomaru’s heart. 
Sesshomaru is a petty little bitch and an absolute asshole towards his brother, but he’s kind towards children and protective over those who are loyal to him. He’s also protective over the half-brother he hates so much, as no one is allowed to kill Inuyasha except Sesshomaru himself, and whenever Inuyasha finds himself in too tough a spot or is not in the right place at the right time to save his friends... who steps in to help? To give some (albeit condescending and asshole-ish) advice?
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Just a pup (inuyasha)
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Kagome smirked as she looked out the window of her bedroom, watching as Inuyasha popped out of the well looking excited and blushing. It was the second Friday of the month, which per the agreement the two of them agreed on, meant it was Inuyasha's punishment night.
Many of their friends, and well, ANYONE who knew Inuyasha would of been shocked to learn that the bad ass demon slayer was a natural submissive, who got his rocks off being ordered around and teased by people weaker then him, and more to the point, being spanked like a naughty little boy. Lord knows Kagome had been shocked when he confess (Well shocked and amused) and she had agreed to humor the silly pup and spend the second and fourth Friday of every month making him a little bitch, the First and third were romantic date nights.
With date nights in the past (it was just easier to get a seat at a inn then a fancy restaurant in the present) and punishment nights in the present (So no one heard Inuyasha yowling for mercy, They timed it for when Kagome's mom and grandpa would take Souta out to a movie) it was working out to a point, though Inuyasha had started to phone in his half of the deal to Kagome's annoyance.
'Well after tonight he'll know what to expect if he can't measure up~' She thought with a evil little giggle, then went down to meet him at the door.
Inuyasha couldn't help but grin like a fucking school girl as Kagome answered the door, giggling softly. He didn't quite understand why he wanted to be dominated when he hated being hurt (a big part in picking Kagome to punish him, At her hardest she barely hurt his behind, though he played it up like she was killing him) But he knew he was at his hardest when she abused him.
"About time Pup. Your five minutes late." Kagome said, sneering at him and making his cock twitch in his pants.
He knew of course he was on time, it was all part of the role play.
"I'm sorry Miss Kagome, I couldn't help it." Inuyasha mewed, looking down at the floor, his ears drooping, and trying not to grin.
"Oh you'll be sorry alright~" She said and grabbed him by the collar and lead the way to her room. "Though I have a surprise for you my dirty little pup."
"O-Oh?" Inuyasha asked, though he was distracted by a scent in the air as they got to the second story of the house. it was familiar but there's no way it could be what he was thinking it was.
"A yup~ I've noticed that despite all the wailing and whining you do, I'm not really hurting your cute little butt." Kagome said, opening the door to her room.
And sitting on her bed, holding the fire harden wooden paddle with holes drilled into it to cut down on air resistance, was Koga.
"So I asked Koga to help me give you the punishment you sooo seem to need and want. Your welcome." Kagome giggled as Inuyasha froze, blushing and then snarling.
"Now now Pup, none of that!" Koga ordered. "We both know a fight between us would be a draw, but think of how much everyone back home would loooove to hear about what a little fucking wimp you are, that you beg to be spanked and stepped." Koga said, smirking and wagging a finger.
The thought of all of his other friends and well, everyone that they both knew knowing what a little bitch he was took the fight out of Inuyasha, even as his cock twitched and throbbed and tented out his pants, a small damp spot appeared from pre.
"I..but..Kagommmme! the deal wa-" Inuyasha turned his attention to his mistress/girlfriend, but was cut off.
"The deal was I dominate your subby bitch ass and get romantic dates in exchange. do you recall what our 'date' was Pup?" Kagome asked, frowning and shaking her head, and trying not to laugh at how hard Inuyasha was despite looking so mad and scared.
"W-We had a picnic by the lake an-"
"And you spent half of it whining about me not bringing any ramen cups and the other half chasing fish in the water because you didn't like the pasta dish I made for you." Kagome said, glaring.
"O-Oh uh..I'm sorry?" Inuyasha said/asked and poked his index fingers together.
"Like I said before, you WILL be. Koga here knows how to treat bad little pups like you and has lots of fun ideas planned out, and all he wants in return is a little loving." Kagome coo'ed.
"Y-Your not gonna.. with him..are you?" Inuyasha whined, but his cock was leaking big time now.
"Of course I am..Maybe He'll last longer then 30 seconds..Of course if you're THAT against me getting fucked by a real man, someone who doesn't need to be scolded like a naughty little boy..you could always ride Koga." Kagome giggled. "Lords knows you love it when I finger you."
"Heh, Hey I'm a open guy, as long as i get to fuck a nice tight hole i'm game." Koga laughed.
"but..but.." Inuyasha mewed.
"That's right, in your butt..or you mouth. actually yeah, Your gonna wanna suck it first." Koga said, chuckling and gesturing Inuyasha over with a finger. "Now enough of this huffing and puffing and whining, the longer you put this off, the more likely it is more people are gonna find out what a subby little bitch you are."
Inuyasha knew he should just storm out. or at least try and fuck Koga's shit up, even though the wolf demon was right that they were basically equals and would only in a draw. there was a lot of should of's.. but in the end Inuyasha's body betrayed him and he hooked his thumbs in the waistline of his pants and dropped, them, then walked over and knelled in front of Koga, who chuckled and patted his head.
"Good puppy."
Koga found himself a little jealous as he looked down at Inuyasha. just wasn't fair that a total bitch like him could have such a huge piece of fuck meat, 9 1/2 inches when Koga was only a 'mere' 7, though Koga's was thicker.
"Since you went and wasted time with all your whining and bitch, I think you owe me a little something to make up for wasting my time." Koga said, press his bare foot on the tip of Inuyasha's cock, not hard enough to hurt but the puppy let out a whimper even as his cock leaked on Koga's foot.
"Y-Yes Sir. I'm sorry sir." Inuyasha mewed softly.
"The bottom of my feet are dirty from walking to the well and coming though JUST to humor you, so I think they deserve a little tongue bath, don't you?" Koga asked, shifting his weight around on his foot and then switching up, Inuyasha's cock juice coating his soles.
"Heh, Really? I don't usually make him do THAT." Kagome giggled, sitting back and enjoying the show.
"Well I dare say he enjoys the idea." Koga chuckled, raising a foot for her to see the pre all over it,then held it in front of Inuyasha's face. "I'm waiting~"
He was actually testing to see how far he could push the little bitch, and if Inuyasha had outright refused well he'd just make up for it with the paddling. Instead though Inuyasha's cute pink tongue darted out, taking quick fast licks on the sole of of his foot.
"Pfttttt Bwhahahaha!" Kagome laughed. "No way!"
"Heh, good boy Inuyasha, however I want long heel to toe licks. so you get the full experience." Koga instructed.
"Y-Yes sir. Sorry." Inuyasha whined, closing his eyes and leaning in.
"Ah ah ah, and eyes open and looking at me while you do it. I know this is your first time worshiping a alpha males feet so I'm be nice, but we DO have to nip bad habits in the bud~" Koga chuckled.
The half demon nodded and locked eyes with Koga, as much as he could as he slurped and licked away on foot, only closing them when hitting super foul tasting spots on Koga's foot. when the first one was clean, Koga simply offered up the other one and made small talk with Kagome while Inuyasha worked, as if he was just a object.
when it was all over Koga held his feet up, using Inuyasha's shoulders to do see and had Kagome inspect them.
"Hmm yup, they're spotless. Good to know I have a good widdle foot licker I can count on to take care of my feet every night. you wouldn't believe how dirty and smelly they get walking everywhere." Kagome said and Inuyasha whimpered.
"Oh, you don't like that idea pup?" Koga asked, smirking. "It's ok if you only like to worship men's feet. I always figured you played for both teams."
"N-No! I'll lick Kagome's feet!" Inuyasha protested.
"Awww! that's so cute! you think you had a choice!" Kagome squealed and with Koga's feet down she was gonna give him a hug and a kiss, then pulled back and held her nose. "Yuck! foot breath!"
"Yeahhh you're gonna wanna keep lots of mints around if you wanna kiss him after he's been cleaning your feet." Koga laughed as Inuyasha squirmed. "That or just don't kiss him anymore."
"Hmm I'll have to think about that."
"I..but.." Inuyasha whined, turning back and forth looking at both of them.
"Pup, stop fussing and get over my lap, it's time for your reward for being SUCH a good little foot bitch." Koga said, patting his lap.
"...Yes sir." Was all the defeated by his own perverted desires half demon could say, and he got over Koga's lap.
Laying over Koga's lap Inuyasha could feel just how 'excited' this turn of events was making the wolf demon, Koga's manhood was poking him in the tummy.
'a manhood that'll end up in me..or Kagome..All because I couldn't be a good boyfriend.' Inuyasha thought.
He'd never pictured being spanked by anther man, or having to clean someones feet and yet here he was and the most damnable thing of it all was his hard-on wouldn't go away!
his leaking manhood was dangling as Koga kept his legs spread but Inuyasha was fairly certain he was gonna be cumming ropes before long.
'Maybe once I nut I'll be able to clearly..' He thought, then Koga's voice drew his attention.
"Now Inuyasha, as I understand it, Kagome spanks you for 10 minutes., a time length I'm willing to match but I will let you end it early if it's too much for you. All you have to do is say 'Daddy pwease stop!' However if you do that, Or if you wet yourself or cum, you're little bitch ass will be going in diapers for the rest of the night." Koga said and nodded to Kagome who tugged out a pack of thick, nursery print diapers and smirked.
"...What?!" Inuyasha yelped trying to get out of Koga's lap and being held in place with ease, his own submissive nature keeping him for going all out to break free.
"I didn't stutter. But hey, it's ALL you, all you have to do is keep your bladder and cock under control, and take my paddling like a good boy! You can do that can't you?" Koga challenged.
"Yes!" Inuyasha huffed while thinking 'No!'
"of course even if you pee or nut, the spanking will go on till the time limit is up, but every 'accident' means one diaper.. Hope you're not big on repeat performances because I WILL put your butt in that whoooole pack if you 'earn' it." Koga chuckled.
"Is it weird I'm finding the idea of him in huggies while we fuck hawt?" Kagome asked, biting her lip.
"Not at all, we all have our kinks!" Koga said cheerfully and tapped the paddle lightly on Inuyasha's butt. "Right pup?"
"Yes daddy!" Inuyasha said then covered his mouth as Kagome and Koga laughed.
Watching her boyfriend/bitch quiver over Koga's lap, Kagome had no doubt that Inuyasha was gonna be in at least 3 diapers, the little bitch liked to edge himself for at least 3 hours a day on the week when he'd be getting spanked.
'Hell, forget three, I might have to go out and get anther pack of diapers!' Kagome thought, her folds getting damp as she pictured Inuyasha in a massive diaperzilla hugging a teddy bear and watching her get fucked. 'Huh..Kink unlocked.' She mused.
She was drawn out of her little fantasy as the first swat stuck and she could almost feel the force of the blow herself and winced.
the effect on Inuyasha's was almost cartoonish, his semi bubble butt seemed to deform around the force of the paddle as Inuyasha's mouth dropped open and his eyes went wide.
Before he could even begin wailing (which followed quickly enough) Koga stuck anther 3 blows on the pup's backside, quickly turning it bright red and then the howling and sobbing came.
'Damn, 4 blows in about ten seconds..Inuyasha's not gonna be able to sit for a week!'
As blows 5 6 7 and 8 hit Inuyasha was a blubbering mess and couldn't even talk right as a massive cum shot hit the floor.
"Wow that didn't take long." Koga teased. "Kagome could you be a dear and keep count, I don't think our little puppy is gonna be able to."
"of course~" Kagome cooed, and ripped open the package of diapers, taking one out and setting it on the desk next to her, then she winked at Inuyasha. "I think you might wanna toss in the towel pup.. It hasn't even been a minute yet."
"I-I'll never gi- AH FUCK!" Inuyasha had been in the middle of declaring his iron will, how he'd never give up when the paddle started to come down on his red cheek and reduce him back to sobbing and crying, kicking his legs and pounding his fists but there was no way out for him.
Kagome gave up trying to count the blows and just watched Inuyasha's useless big cock swing back and forth and seeing it twitch and tremble at the 2 minute mark got ready to pull out a second diaper, and wasn't disappointed when he indeed fired off again.
"Wow Inuyasha, you much REALLY like being Koga's bitch! Normally you only cum ONCE for me!" Kagome teased. "Or was it worshiping his feet first just primed you up?" She snickered.
Inuyasha couldn't even try and reply, at least with words, but but his body did and Kagome pulled out a third diaper.
Koga had to give Inuyasha credit, the mutt had lasted five minutes so far, which was four more then Koga had counted on. Of course he wasn't going all out either as he wanted Inuyasha able to walk. The pup was up to 6 diapers, and Koga was glad Kagome had insisted on putting down a puppy housebreaking pad since only five of the diapers were from cum shots.
Inuyasha had stopped fighting and was just taking the blows now, and if Koga didn't know any better the half demon seemed to be raising his buns up to meet the paddle.
"C-Come On.. That all you g-got?" Inuyasha said, sniffling and giving a impish grin as he looked over his shoulder.
'Ohhh he's adapted to the pain.. heh..and thinks he's got my number.. adorable.'
"Actually I've been holding back..Trying to be nice. but since you want full force." Koga said,Smiling like he was offering Inuyasha a treat for being a good boy and trying not to laugh at the look of terror on Inuyasha's face.
"Y-Your bluffing!" Inuyasha squealed.
"Heh, I dunno pup, I think he has been, since he'd have to make this last 10 whole minutes." Kagome chimed in, a hand down the front of her panties. "But go ahead, flip that coin. I'm loving the show."
Koga raised his arm up and got ready to deliver a full on blow to Inuyasha's red and bruised back side when Inuyasha screamed, wet himself and JUST before the paddle could hit..
"Daddy pwease stop!" Came out of his mouth.
The paddle stopped though the force from it made the pup's red bubble butt ripple and Koga chuckled as Kagome huffed.
"Boooo!" She whined.
"Now now Kagome, a deal's a deal. Inuyasha, go and stand with your nose in the corner while we clean up and get your DIAPERS ready." Koga said, tugging Inuyasha up in his lap and trying not to melt as the sniffling and sobbing pup hugging him and nodded.. giving Koga a kiss on the cheek before going to the corner.
'If I didn't know any better I'd say someones getting a crush on me.' Koga thought, then him and Kagome started to take care of the clean up.
Nose in the corner and his butt on fire, Inuyasha fought the urge to rub his cheeks since good boys took their lickings. he was confused as to why he had smooched Koga and tried to just play it off as caught up in the mood though as he waited for the ok to come out of the corner he caught himself almost sucking on his thumb three times.
Between the claw on his thumb and how sharp his fangs were he knew THAT wouldn't end well and just shifted from foot to foot.
"Don't tell me you need to use the potty before we diaper you up little guy? You already did two super piddles!" Kagome asked, clearly mistaking his fidgeting for a potty dance.
"N-No Sowwy.." Inuyasha called.
"Well if you wanna try and uh-oh before you go back in diapers, let us know." Koga said.
"Oh? your gonna be that nice?" Kagome asked.
"..Do you really want your room to smell like a poopie diaper?" Koga pointed out
"..Touche...Inuyasha go sit on the potty and try and boom boom!" Kagome ordered, a little too fast.
Inuyasha didn't really feel the need to go, but knew better then to argue and walked by, seeing them laying out the seven diapers and cutting slits in the front and back.
5 minutes later, after giving it a honest try and just pooting on the bowl, Inuyasha walked back in and looked at the massive diaper they had put together for him, apparently taking the time to glue the diapers together to make sure they wouldn't sag.
"Ready to go back into huggies pup?" Koga asked, smiling and grinning, kneeling by the diapers.
Kagome meanwhile was Naked and on the bed, tapping her fingers on the bed frame impatient to get her fun for the night.
"Do I really have a choice?" Inuyasha asked, poking his index fingers together.
it was odd, he was still aroused but for some reason, his wonderful piece of fuck meat was drooping now between his legs.
"heh, not really." Koga said.
"So hurry up! Someone us wanna get laid tonight!" Kagome whined, then glared as Inuyasha blew a raspberry at her. "Koga, spank him again."
"Wait what!?" Inuyasha yelped, and his hands went to his poor bruised backside.
"I don't think I'll have time to spank him and fuck you Kagome." Koga said, sweat dropping.
"finnne just hurry upppp!"She whined.
"Sheesh, are you sure she doesn't need a diaper too daddy?" Inuyasha asked, grinning impishly as he walked over and plopped down on the diapers, feeling like he'd sat on a thick pillow and stirring up some baby powder.
"Hey!" Kagome huffed, blushing.
"heh, Inuyasha, be good. Kagome, settle down." Koga said, shaking his head a little and then quickly got Inuyasha tapped up nice and snug in the diapers and kissed his forehead.
He also reached and grabbed a stuffed dog he'd taken from Souta's room and gave it to Inuyasha to hug and cuddle, then stood up and started to strip.
"Alright Inuyasha, I want you to pay attention and watch how a MAN fucks a woman. you might ONE day be able to please a lady, though I think it's more likely your sex life if gonna be getting spanked and diapered from now on." Koga said, and winked. "and from the look's of things, you don't mind."
Inuyasha went to argue that and then looked down, realizing he'd gotten hard from the mental image of never getting pussy again.
He could of said it was the attention, he could of claimed it was because he knew he was about to get a show..but what Inuyasha did instead was hug the stuffie to his chest and nod.
"Yes daddy."
Somehow seeing her boyfriend reduced to a oversized baby had Kagome hotter then she'd ever been, and as long as he didn't fill the back of the diapers she could see A LOT fun in the future with him in diapers and being cucked.
Of course the fact that Koga was thicker then Inuyasha and would hopefully last longer might of had something to do with it.
Laying on her back and spreading her legs, she looked up at Koga with loving eyed and coo'ed out a plea. "Take me~" feeling like this was some sort of romantic novel...and only to have Koga show apparently all demons could be stupid as he got a confused look on his face.
"Uh..But I thought you wanted to fuck..where am I taking you?" he asked.
"..Demon's..Just stick it in me already." She muttered, face palming.
"Humans.." he muttered and then thrusted into her in one fast motion and grinned as she barked.
As Koga went to work and Kagome found herself unable to speak, she did have enough brain power as she was fucked into bliss think about how many, just maybe.. she shouldn't of assumed she could handle a thicker cock with ease.
Half a hour later and Kagome was left a quivering mess on her bed, drooling and eyes glazed over. Koga had given up trying to keep track of the orgasms she'd had compared to his but knew in the long run of things he was technicality the loser of the night, trailing behind Inuyasha and Kagome with a mere 3.
Licking her clean to improve her chances of not getting knocked up (He wasn't one of those prunes who couldn't handle their own flavor) he covered her up and opened a window to help get the sex smell out of the room, then looked over at Inuyasha.
the half demon had conked out early on in the love making, after squirting in his diapers and the stuffie was thankfully out of his grip even if it was damp with drool from Inuyasha making out with it.
'Now what do I do with him?' Koga thought, rubbing his chin, though his still ready for action cock had a answer even as he got dressed.
He had a inkling that it would be nothing but a headache for Kagome and the pup if he left him here like this, curled up on the floor in his diapers.
'I suppose it's my fatherly 'duty' to just take him with me.' Koga thought, smirking as he slowly scooped up the half demon.
There was no shortage of fun he could have with something like this back home, and heck, wasn't he always getting pestered to settle down and raise a cub of his own?
Two birds one stone.
He thought about leaving a note to explain to Kagome that he was taking Inuyasha with him, but then recalled that the chances of her being able to read wolf tribe were slim to none and besides, she was a clever girl.
Slipping out the window as a car was pulling in the driveway, Koga vanished into well with Inuyasha, musing how he had showed up to be a bull, and left a daddy.
The end
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lemonlushff-iy · 3 years
For freaky Friday Sess and Kagome untitled
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@liz8080 IT'S DONE!!!!! Wanna know what's going on? Click HERE!
“Do you deny it?”
His nostrils flared. She could hear it, with the way he inhaled sharply.
And she was pissing him all the way the fuck off.
“You deny touching him?” he demanded, and she felt his breath against her neck. His fangs gently pressed down on her throat, pricking it.
His tongue soothed her skin, as he pressed a hot wet kiss there.
Her reply had pleased him. To him, this was a confession.
“He had lint on his ear,” she explained, deciding to hell with the “Master” game for a moment. She didn’t want Sesshomaru thinking that she was doing something she wasn’t. “He tried on a few different sweaters, and a little fluff got stuck to it. I removed it - like a good bitch taking care of her pack.”
His chest rumbled, showing that he was pleased with that statement, and she knew that she was “forgiven”. He would still dominate her. Fuck her raw until she was screaming.
But it was no longer about proving dominance and reminding her that she belonged to him.
Now it was just about pure, raw, animalistic lust.
“You are a good bitch,” he agreed, and his fingers moved down to her pussy as he moved behind her on the bed. One hand began cupping her breast and playing with her stick aching nipple while the other sought out her abused clit and finally began rubbing it.
She sobbed in relief before begging him for more, all while he murmured into her ear again and again that she was his bitch.
“Say it,” he demanded, sliding his fingers back down towards her opening. “Say you’re my bitch.”
“I’m your bitch,” she agreed, turning her head towards his neck. “I’m yours and only yours…”
“You’re mine to touch. Say it.”
“I’m yours to touch,” she agreed, whimpering as he continued to tease her opening.
“You’re mine to fuck.”
“All yours.”
“Mine to breed.”
“Yes,” she whimpered, nearly sobbing in need. “Yours to breed…”
“Mine to dominate and discipline…”
“Yes Master!”
“Say the words,” he growled, his fingers still dancing around what she wanted.
“I’m yours to dominate and discipline!”
“Do you want to be dominated? Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want me to record it so you can see yourself being fucked?”
“Yes Master,” she begged her lips finding his neck and suckling. He tasted hot. Sweaty. She could feel the restraint he had been executing this entire time in the tension in his body.
Obligatory @wulfintheforest tag
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love-sapphirerose · 3 years
I never liked Kagome ever since I watched the series never liked her in the movies and still didn't liked her in the final act! Kagome is a bad example of how to treat a guy like crap by abusing him multiple fucking times with a necklace even in the later episodes her jealousy towards Kikyo is extremely annoying especially since kagome has no right to be jealous or angry towards inuyasha at all period when she and inuyasha weren't even a thing in the first place it or the fact that inuyasha's so called friends literally take her side and get mad at him whenever he goes and sees kikyo it's ridiculous it just makes me so angry that people praise this bitch like she's the queen of anime when she's not.
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foxxyluvblack-95 · 4 years
LONG POST. I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DO THE “KEEP READING” thing, sorry in advance. 🤷🏾‍♀️
What bothers me the most about all of this “discourse” is how y’all see everything in Black or White. It’s either “bad” or “good” when in actuality it’s neither. This is a shallow and close-minded way of thinking that doesn’t allow for nuance.
Have any of y’all ever read the manga for The Promised Neverland? (if you’re watching the anime/haven’t finished reading the manga, sorry for the spoiler) In it, some human children realize the “orphanage” they’re at is actually a farm where they are cultivated to be fed to demons.
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Some of those children escape and have experiences outside of the farm. They realize that there are a hierarchy of demons. Ones who only eat extremely smart humans to keep themselves smart and sentient, and ones who are lower class and eat dumb/invalid humans. If a demon gets to the point where they can’t eat smart humans, eventually they turn into a non-sentient monster. They see demons who have families and live normal lives, they eat to survive. The kids realize that they also hunt animals to eat so they can survive. So now they have a dilemma: how can they say that the demons are “evil” when they are simply doing what it takes to survive like the humans are?
What I’m saying is there are times when it is what it is and then there are times when there are multiple layers to examine.
SessRin happened and y’all are so adamant on antagonizing and seeing the absolute worse that you won’t accept a different explanation or point of view. Keep in mind that these are not YOUR characters. This isn’t YOUR story. These characters and their stories belong to one woman who comes from a rich culture and has her own life experiences and perspectives on things. I think it’s safe to assume that none of y’all know Rumiko Takahashi personally enough to assume that “she’s just doing what fans want” instead of realizing that this is what SHE wanted to do with the characters she spent literally DECADES of her life creating. It’s actually quite nasty and disrespectful of y’all. If I were her, I’d unlicense Yashahime AND InuYasha and all of my other work because y’all are ungrateful and close minded.
Y’all are vehemently trying to apply real world, modern, and human morals to mythical creatures. A dog demon. 10 years to us is like a day to them. So when Kagome is 55 and InuYasha still looks 16, are y’all gonna say that promotes ped*philia too?
Y’all are DETERMINED to say there’s “gr*oming” and “ped*philia” going on when there is...no proof of that. There just simply isn’t. We didn’t see what happened between Sesshoumaru and Rin to make that assumption, we saw Kaede take Rin in, Sesshoumaru giving her a kimono, and then we saw her give birth to the twins. All this other shit y’all talking? You made it up. That is your head canon. That is your personal issue that you need to unpack, not anyone else’s. You’re not morally superior because you only see the “problematic” aspects of something.
Also, not every relationship is the same. Love comes in unexpected and mysterious ways all the time. Just because someone’s partner is older doesn’t always mean the younger one was taken advantage of and manipulated or that the older one is an abuser. There is no same-age requirement to be in a relationship and y’all need to let that go.
Not every one has a baby at the “right” time either, and the “right” time for you is not always the “right” time for someone else. Yeah in modern times it’s not ideal to have a baby as a teenager, but it definitely still happens and it’s not the freaking end of the world.
If y’all are judging an animated show this badly I know for a fact y’all are some judgemental bitches to people in real life.
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kikyoisbae · 4 years
well, now that sessrin has been 100% confirmed to be truer than a blue moon (I will congratulate sessrin shippers always) maybe now the antis can shut the hell up and just leave. I’ve been in this fandom since I too was an impressionable teenager and lemme tell you, sessrin isn’t the intense ethical dilemma everyone bitched about. everyone had their thing and that was that.
these self-righteous bullies made this whole thing more upsetting than need be for others and themselves—with their needless fearmongering, harassment/abuse of people, and trivializing actual victims because they felt colorful lines were more important.
I’ve seen nothing in the tag but “I’m sorry to all you—” posts and it’s just the most pathetic thing to watch. you’re all acting like someone died or committed a horrible act against you when it’s just a dumb cartoon about fictional demons. it’s meant to be entertainment and entertainment only. yet you chose to get on a comically high horse about how you’re so much better than other people because your ship was more “wholesome” or “pure” or whatever you label yourselves with in the name of identity politics.
and, frankly, if they continue watching they, too, will be “CoNDOnInG a ShOw tHAT pRoMoTEs GrOOmInG aNd PeDoPHiLia” so, hey, I guess you kinda gotta go! oh noooo what a shame /heavy sarcasm
honestly, I tended to be a neutral party my whole life with this anime but the crap happening now? pfft. what nonsense. you people need to get over it or (finally) get out.
edit: oh! but I will laugh at how a lot of inukag and mirsan shippers acted as if they were better than sessrin shippers and kagome and sango were, unsurprisingly, for it. irony is delicious with bitter tears.
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sapphirestarxx · 4 years
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Customer Service
Find it on AO3
SUMMARY: Customer service is a thankless job, a fact Kagome knows well. Customers can be downright nasty; that’s just to be expected. What she isn’t expecting is for one of those customers to get physical or for a handsome and gruff stranger to swoop in and save her. How can she thank him? ONESHOT.
NSFW. SMUT. Lots of smut at the end. 
This is a birthday fic for @lavendertwilight89!! Her birthday isn’t for another couple days but I thought I would post this early after the terrible day she had yesterday. I hope you love it dear!~
Also, thanks go out to @neutronstarchild for helping me brainstorm some ideas out and to @fawn-eyed-girl and @hnn-wnchstr for being kind enough to beta it.
Tag Wall:  @lavendertwilight89 @hnn-wnchstr @cstormsinukagblog @fawn-eyed-girl @ruddcatha @liz8080 @itzatakahashi @kagometaishostory @neutronstarchild @bluejay785​ @ravisk @dangerouspompadour​ @omgitscharlie​ @arcprz​
Kagome was not having a good day. It had gotten off to a terrible start and showed no signs of improving with the day’s passing.
Her alarm hadn’t gone off, and when her eyes finally opened, she’d only had five minutes to throw on her things before racing out the door, skipping breakfast. She hadn’t gotten very far because her car hadn’t wanted to start and she had fought with it before finally resorting to shocking the engine with her reiki in a last ditch effort. It had appeared to work (much to her surprise) but she had no idea when the effects would wear off or if it would even work again. Not that she had had time to worry about that, because the whole ordeal had made her roughly forty minutes late to work, where she proceeded to receive a lecture on punctuality from her boss, even though she had never been late before. And then, to make matters worse, she had used her entire break trying to call auto places to get her car in. Turns out every nearby place was booked out for the next two weeks because of course they were. So not only had she been unable to schedule an appointment for her car, she hadn’t eaten all day either.
Her car was a mess, her mood was a mess, and her life was a mess. And her store was also a mess. 
Stifling a sigh of frustration, Kagome tucked the wayward strand of black hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear and straightened the apron she was wearing. Just another year… she just had to deal with this job for another year until she finished her Masters in Reiki Manipulation. In the meantime this job was vital for her income. Customer service had never been her first choice but beggars couldn’t be choosers.
She had been working at Shikon Styles for roughly four years, give or take a few months. After the first couple years as an associate, she’d been able to work her way up to manager. With that title came the guaranteed hours, benefits, and most importantly-- better pay. Still not even remotely close to what she felt like she deserved considering everything she had to put up with, but wasn’t that always the case?
She finished cleaning up the mess someone had left behind (because no one seemed to know how to pick up after themselves ), and scanned the store to see if any shoppers appeared to need help. Turning her head towards the entrance of the store she saw another customer enter and her heart stuttered in her chest for a few beats. The person who had just walked in was quite possibly the most attractive man that she, Kagome Higurashi, had ever seen in the entire twenty-five years of her life. 
He was tall with a lean but muscular build, the features of his tanned face chiseled and sharp. The effect was softened slightly by a mane of gleaming silver hair that hung all the way to his no doubt perfect ass, but more intriguing to her were the dog ears atop his head; white and fluffy, and her fingers twitched with the need to touch them. And his eyes . Even all the way across the store, the piercing gold of them was unmistakable. When those gold eyes turned her way, she felt the blood rush to her cheeks in equal parts awareness and embarrassment. She couldn’t have been more obvious about checking him out. She also couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away from his, completely caught in his spell.
His face had been set in a scowl, but at the sight of her blatant staring, the edge of his mouth kicked up, hinting at a smirk. She felt lightheaded for a second, her heart beating faster while butterflies stirred in her stomach. She flushed further, but this time for... other reasons. It was like everything around her had just fallen away and there was only her and him. She wanted to get closer, feeling an almost magnetic pull towards him. It was ridiculous and crazy but she couldn’t seem to help herself.
Her feet started moving his way as she licked her suddenly dry lips in preparation to give some semblance of a greeting, but the sound of one of her employees asking for help over the headset quickly curtailed that plan. 
“Can I have a manager up front please?”
Kagome frowned at the distress in the girl’s voice. Her momentary annoyance was replaced with concern. Normally a bright and cheerful girl, Rin sounded close to tears. The radio picked up the slight sounds of someone raising their voice and once it clicked off, Kagome could actually hear the irate customer from where she stood near the back of the store. Several of the nearby customers were turning their attention towards the source as well. This did not bode well. 
“I’ll be right there,” she responded.
With quick steps Kagome made her way to the registers, mentally preparing herself. With that much yelling, she wasn’t expecting a smooth resolution. As she drew near, she saw that the customer in question had his hands on the counter and was leaning close in a move meant to be intimidating. It was a boar youkai, and she held back a wince; they were not known for their sweet temperament. Rin’s eyes were wide and she had her hands raised in a placating gesture. When she caught sight of Kagome the relief on her face was palpable. Kagome pasted on her customer service smile and came to stand beside the young girl.
“What seems to be the problem?”
“The problem is this bitch won’t give me what I’m asking for! I’m a paying customer, dammit!”
The use of the word bitch had Kagome’s mind screeching to a halt as she stared at him in stunned silence. She'd had lots of customers get nasty before, but few had resorted to actual profanity. Finding her composure again, she attempted a polite expression, even though inside she was seething. How dare this youkai use obscenities, especially at such a sweet girl like Rin! She was one of her best employees and Kagome didn’t care for the way he was trying to bully her.
“There’s no need for such language, sir. I’m the manager here and would like to assist you if possible. What exactly is the issue?”
He scoffed at her rebuke, rolling his eyes, and her blood boiled. Asshole.
“You said you’re the manager?”
“That’s right.”
“Good. Maybe I can actually get some real help from someone competent, who knows how to take care of the customer.”
It was a struggle to keep her fake smile from slipping but she somehow managed. Ugh, she hated this man already. Rin was doing nothing to hide her own expression of displeasure and Kagome couldn’t blame the girl. 
“I’m listening,” she said.
“I’m spending 31,000 yen today but this dumb girl can’t give me any discount. I even have a coupon!! And she tells me you don’t have your gift-with-purchase available anymore and she can’t give me anything in place of it, either! My girlfriend was looking forward to it. You guys never have any left when I come in! This is BULLSHIT!!! I demand SOMETHING!!!”
Ah, profanity again. With more yelling.
“As far as the GWP goes, unfortunately they are only available while supplies last, and if you look closely on the back of the GWP coupon, it says it was only good until the 10th of last month. They tend to only be valid for a week before they end,” Kagome explained with a patience she did not feel.
A month. The man came in a month after it started and expected them to still have any left? She wanted to tell him maybe waiting too long was the reason he was always unable to receive one, but she held her tongue. Instead she reached her hand out for the other coupon he held, already sure of what it was going to say.
“May I see the other coupon, sir?”
He practically threw it at her and she blinked. Okaaaay…this man was seriously getting on her nerves. Feeling like her face was about to crack from the force of faking a pleasant expression, she picked it up and looked at it. Just like that, her customer service persona shattered. Her face went slack in disbelief. She looked up at him and met his angry red eyes.
“Sir...this coupon expired four years ago. On May 2016.”
“So? I’m here now!” He insisted belligerently, his lip curling as a nasty look overtook his face. The tusks on either side of his mouth stood out in sharp relief at his anger.
One thing working in customer service had taught Kagome was the sheer entitlement of some people. It truly baffled her, the things people thought she should do for them. They all thought that an exception should be made for them for whatever reason. You’re not special and the rules do apply to you, she wanted to say to them all.
And honestly, there was a similar public offer currently available on the website, and if he had been nicer maybe she would have mentioned it and taken care of him. But no. He was being a complete asshole so she wasn’t inclined in the slightest to help him in any way. She just wanted him out of her damn store.
“Yes, but the coupon you have is very expired. I’m very sorry but there is nothing I can do for you.”
“That shouldn’t fucking matter! You’re just as useless as that bitch, you damn cunt!!”
Alright, that was it. She was pissed.
“Sir, you need to leave.”
“Excuse me?!” 
“I said you need to leave this store now. We do not tolerate abusive language towards anyone.” There was an edge to her voice now, but she didn’t care anymore. Let him know she was angry. 
“Fine but I’m takin’ all this shit!!” The youkai snatched his haul off the counter after slamming down a few bills and started to stalk towards the doors. A quick glance revealed it wasn’t nearly enough to pay for the items he had grabbed and she rushed after him, cutting him off at the end of the registers. And then her bad day became worse.
“Sir, you still nee--” 
That was as far as she got before he pushed her roughly. She hadn’t been expecting to be physically assaulted and the move caught her off guard. Stumbling backwards, she fell hard on her side. There were gasps from her employees and the other onlookers. What the hell?!
“Out of my way! You want me to pay for them then give me my discount, bitch!!” He spat over her form.
Kagome was so angry she was literally shaking. Her breath was coming in pants and her reiki was beginning to swirl around her in a cloud in response to her strong emotions. If she thought she’d been pissed before, it was nothing compared to the rage that now coursed through her veins. 
“How dare you!!!” Rin was yelling at him while rushing over to her side.
Don’t zap him, don’t zap him, don’t zap him. Kagome chanted it like a mantra in her head, trying to tamp down the urge to fry the asshole with her power. You need the money, so far the only one here at fault is him. Don’t touch him
“You just gonna lay there like the pathetic bitch you are?”
Fuck it.
Pushing herself to her feet, Kagome was prepared to rain down fury on this customer, consequences be damned. Rin helped her up, then gasped, tightening her grip on Kagome’s arm. Kagome looked up to see what had elicited the sound of surprise from her employee. If this asshole had done anything else… Her eyes grew wide, the death glare slipping from her face as shock replaced it.
The hot guy from earlier was there and holding the nasty customer by the throat. It was a testament to his strength how he was able to lift the youkai off the floor with his grip alone. 
“Wh-what do you think you’re doing?” The boar youkai wheezed around the man’s grip on his neck. The merchandise he had been about to make off with lay at his feet in a pile.
 "You need to leave. Now. She's been nothin’ but nice while you've been a total dick. Get the fuck out," he replied in a dangerously low voice.
“I barely touched her.”
“You shouldn’t have touched her at all. Period.”
“Let go of me!”
“Are ya gonna leave?”
The sound was pitiful but Kagome couldn’t find it in her to feel sorry for him. She was still shaking slightly from the sheer force of the anger that had gripped her moments earlier. Her temper was now fading, the sight of this man serving justice in her stead somehow calming her down. Perhaps it was petty, but she took great satisfaction at his discomfort. It was what he deserved, in her opinion. Judging by how no one was protesting his treatment, everyone else in the store seemed to feel the same.  
She took a closer look at her savior while his attention was fixed upon the boar youkai. His dog ears twitched in irritation, the scowl back on his handsome face. He was even more attractive up close, the muscles of his biceps and triceps standing out in the red t-shirt he wore as he flexed his grip once more before releasing the customer. 
The boar youkai coughed a bit before glowering at her rescuer. 
“You’re brave for a half-breed, putting your filthy hands on a full-blooded youkai.”
Half-breed? Kagome frowned at the slur, wondering if it was impossible for a kind word to pass the other man’s lips. That must mean this man was a hanyou, and probably an inu youkai if she had to guess, based on the fluffy ears that were still calling her name. She longed to touch them but that would be all kinds of inappropriate.
The inu youkai scoffed at his words, seemingly unbothered by them.  
“Whatever. I could still kick your ass. Wanna find out?”
The boar youkai sputtered in indignation for a few moments before collecting himself, trying and failing to intimidate the hanyou as he puffed his chest out.
“That’s it! I’m going to leave a complaint!”
The hanyou rolled his eyes.
“I don’t give a shit. I don't work here so good fuckin’ luck with that. Now get the fuck outta here."
Walking back to the counter to grab the money he had left by the register, the man then beat a hasty retreat. He deliberately walked over the items he had left piled on the floor and Kagome rolled her eyes at the childish move, just grateful he was finally leaving. Never in all the days and years she worked there had she ever had someone lay hands on her. She would have to call her boss, who had already left for the day, and probably file an incident report about it later. What a pain in the ass.
“You okay?”
Kagome blinked, turning her eyes from the doors, where the man had just exited, back to the hanyou standing in front of her. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of molten amber and her heart rate kicked up again when she found herself swallowed up in his gaze. She cleared her throat in an attempt to find her voice.
“Yes, thank you.”
He turned and began to walk away and for some inexplicable reason Kagome felt her stomach drop at his absence. It was strange. As if fate had presented her with an opportunity that she was letting go to waste. She had no idea why she felt this incredible pull towards him, but the feeling didn’t appear to be mutual. And why would it be? She had literally just met this man. She didn’t even know his name. Why would he stay and chat?? You’re being ridiculous. The thought did nothing to dispel the notion that she had let this chance slip through her fingers.
“Get his number!” Rin whispered in her ear before returning to the registers to ring out the next customer. The show was over and people were ready to resume making their purchases. Rin was happy to gossip about it with all of them and Kagome didn’t have it in her to reprimand her about it. Instead, she chased the unknown man down.
He stopped, turning to look at her. A dark brow was raised in curiosity. She faltered a bit, her sudden confidence from Rin’s encouragement fading a little. It was hard to read the look that passed over his face but what appeared to be his trademark scowl was taking hold again.
His tone was laced with annoyance. Not exactly a promising response. Kagome tried to stay positive by reminding herself that the actual target of his ire had already left the store, so she didn't hold it against him. Much. He was just another customer, one who had stepped in to help her when he'd had no reason to. There had been nothing in it for him. She wasn’t sure why he had, but it didn’t really matter. 
“Um, I wanted to thank you. You didn’t have to step in but you did.”
“Keh. It was nothin’.”
“It wasn’t nothing. You probably saved me in more ways than one.”
“Listen, a thank you is fine. Don’t get all mushy on me. It was no big deal.”
“I would have probably lost my job if you hadn’t intervened. I was about to fry him with my reiki, I was so angry. So thank you. Really,” Kagome insisted.
She wasn't sure why he seemed so determined to brush aside her thanks, but her confession of potential violence seemed to catch his attention. He looked at her with new interest, giving a short laugh and exposing the tip of a fang. Amusement sparked in his eyes.
“Now I’m sorry I did.” 
“I’m not because I would have probably been fired.”
"Eh, don’t mention it.”
He looked a little embarrassed now. It was faint but there was definitely a light flush across his cheekbones. Kagome had to bite back a grin at the sight. Maybe he just wasn’t used to kind words from a stranger? She didn’t have a chance to ponder that too much, though. She wasn’t sure what possessed her, but she found herself speaking before her mind caught up with her mouth. It had to be Rin’s influence.
“I want to repay you somehow! Like...with more than words. What can I do?”
The scowl disappeared and in its place was that hint of a smirk she had glimpsed earlier at his entrance into the store. Her knees went a little weak while her breath caught in her throat. It wasn’t fair for someone to be so incredibly attractive.
“Do ya always ask out your customers?”
“I-I’m not asking you out! I’m just trying to thank you…” Kagome stammered, her cheeks flushing pink. Ugh, she was failing miserably at this. “Like maybe a drink?”
Something shifted in his eyes that she couldn’t quite put her finger on while she waited for his answer. This wasn’t like her at all. She didn’t chase after guys. But she really did want to thank him and if that meant she got to spend more time with him in the process and learn his name then so much the better. It wasn’t like this was going to be a date; it was just a show of appreciation for him saving her ass.
“Your boyfriend won’t mind?” he asked, his scowl deepening.
“I-I don’t have a boyfriend,” Kagome answered, blushing harder.
He considered her words, his expression lightening at that.
“Fine. You can buy me a drink if that means you’ll shut up about thanking me.”
Okay, not the most encouraging response but she would take it. At least he wasn’t scowling at her anymore.
“What’s your name? And your phone number?”
“Inuyasha Taisho. Gimme some paper…” He peered at her name tag and grinned. “Ka-go-me.”
She had no idea why he had said her name in such a drawn out way but she decided right then that she loved it, and she wanted to hear him say it again. And again. God, what was wrong with her? She had met plenty of attractive men before, and her exes had all been pretty good-looking. But none had ever affected her so strongly before.
Retrieving a sticky note from her apron along with a pen, she scrawled her name and number onto it, then held it out to him.
He took it from her, his fingers brushing over hers. A tingle of electricity ran through her at the contact and sent her heart racing. His golden eyes sharpened and it occurred to her then that with his inu youkai senses he could probably pick up on little things like that. She was so obvious.
“Um...I should probably get back to work. Unless you need help with something?”
“Nah, I’m good. I have everything I need.” 
He held up the piece of paper with her name and number, the tilt of his lips turning into a devastating smirk, then walked away to continue shopping. She wondered for a minute if there was a double meaning behind his words or if she was reading too much into it. Shrugging it off, she resumed her managerial duties, continuing to make sure everyone on the sales floor was taken care of. After several minutes she realized she had forgotten to get his number, too, and glanced around. She caught sight of him just as he was leaving and sighed. Chasing him down once was enough; she wasn’t about to do it twice. Oh well. If she didn’t hear back from him then that was that. 
A few minutes later as she was finishing up with another customer she heard her phone chime and glanced at it. It was a text from an unknown number. 
[Hey it’s Inuyasha. Text me the days you’re free.]  
He had texted her! A flood of giddy excitement rushed through her.
“So did you get his number?” 
That was Rin’s coy voice over the headset. Kagome couldn't contain her smile, feeling a sense of triumph. At least something had gone right today.
“I did.”
She could hear Rin cheering loudly all the way from the front of the store.
 “It’s not a date.” Kagome told her roommate and best friend for the fifth time.
“It sounds like a date,” Sango insisted, sitting on the foot of her bed as Kagome finished up her makeup, sipping her soda. “Look at you. Putting on makeup, dressing up. Going for a drink. With a man you find attractive. We call that a date, Kagome.”
Finishing the swipe of cherry-red across her lips, Kagome capped the tube of lipstick and turned to face her friend. Ok, so maybe Sango had a point. She had definitely dressed a bit more flirty than casual attire called for, wearing a pleated knee-length skirt in green that flared at the hem and a white off-the-shoulder blouse to go with it. Her long hair was hanging free in natural waves, the silky black a stark contrast to her porcelain skin. 
“It’s just a thank you. He basically saved my job,” Kagome mumbled, but even she wasn’t convinced anymore. 
Sango rolled her eyes. 
“Well have fun at your not-date. Maybe it will lead to an actual date.”
"Yeah, yeah. Alright, out of my room. I'm leaving."
Sango laughed and threw her a wink before rising to her feet. 
“I want to hear all about it when you get back home.”
“Sure, sure.”
Kagome grabbed her purse and car keys, slipping out of their apartment. Sango managed to get in one last remark just before the door shut. 
“Let me know if he has any cute friends!”
“Good bye! ”
It had been three days since her encounter with the hanyou at her store, and aside from the rather short texts asking about her availability and figuring out the where and when to meet, there had been no real conversation between them. She had been hesitant to come across as too eager and he hadn’t exactly been forthcoming either. It’s not like it’s an actual date, so it doesn’t matter.
Maybe if she told herself that enough times she would start to believe it. 
She hoped that maybe texting just wasn’t his thing. A lot of guys were like that, after all. Also, he hadn’t exactly struck her as the talkative type, but more so a man of action and gruff words. It was also entirely possible he had just been busy. She had no idea what he did for a living, or anything else about his life, for that matter.
Whispering a quick prayer, Kagome turned the key in the ignition. When her car started, she released a relieved breath, beginning to drive to the bar they had agreed upon. Her car hadn’t given her any problems since that day, but Kagome knew it was only a matter of time. Most of the drive it behaved...until it didn’t. And then, as if her thoughts had summoned everything terrible in the universe, her car shuddered and started making a sound she was pretty sure cars weren’t supposed to make.
It sounded like a cat was dying beneath the hood.
“No, no, nooo! Come onnnnn.” 
The car remained unmoved by her desperate pleading. A glance at the dash revealed every warning light lit up like a Christmas tree and flashing at her. The engine stalled and her car began to slow, despite her frantic pressing of the gas pedal. Admitting defeat, she turned on her blinker and managed to pull over onto the side of the street right before it idled then completely died.
She turned the key again and nothing happened.  
Giving the steering wheel a smack of anger, Kagome then lowered her head to rest upon it for a moment, releasing a scream of all her pent up frustration. She banged on the dashboard some more. Her eyes grew wet with the promise of tears and her throat hurt from the effort of holding them back. Why did everything always seem to go wrong for her? This sucked. She had almost made it there. Well, halfway. Digging her phone out of her purse she typed out a text to Inuyasha.
[I’m so sorry but my car broke down. I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it.]  
Wrapping her arms around the steering wheel, she lowered her head back down and just sat like that for a bit, sniffling. She was allowed to wallow in self pity for a few minutes. Surely she deserved that much. Her phone chimed in her lap and she groaned, unlocking it and looking down at the new message.
[Yeah I can see that. Look up.]
Kagome raised her head and yelped in surprise. Standing in front of her car, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, was Inuyasha. His hands were in his pockets and he looked like he was fighting to keep his expression neutral. With a growing sense of horror she wondered if he had witnessed her mental breakdown. The answer was most likely yes. She groaned again. Way to make a favorable impression, Kagome. Meanwhile he was just as hot as she remembered. As she stared at him confusion mingled with surprise. How…? 
He walked around to the driver’s side and rapped on her window with a knuckle. Sighing, Kagome undid her seatbelt and opened the car door. He moved back as she stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut harder than perhaps necessary. He raised an eyebrow at the excessive force and her bleak expression.
“Having another bad day?”
“It was going fine until my stupid car decided to break down!” Kagome answered darkly, giving one of the wheels a solid kick.
“Kickin’ it ain’t gonna help.”
“Well it’s helping me because it makes me feel better!”
“What’s wrong with it?” Inuyasha asked, grinning at her antics.
“I don’t know! Everything!” She wailed.
“I can take a look at it, if ya want.”
Kagome threw him a sidelong glance.
“How did you find me out here, anyways? Are you some kind of stalker?”
She wasn’t sure how she felt about that, to be honest. Inuyasha scoffed, looking offended at the idea.
“Please. I got better things to do than follow ya around.”
“So you’re telling me you just happened to be here?”
“Listen, I live nearby. I was walkin’ to the bar when I heard that god awful screechin’ your car was makin’. Looked over and saw it was you.”
Yeah, he had definitely seen her mental breakdown. Perfect.
“You want me to take a look at it? I’m a mechanic,” he offered.
“I can probably fix it for ya.”
“No! Absolutely not. Then I’ll owe you even more.”
He paused a moment, seeming to hesitate before speaking again.
“Just call this a date and we’ll call it even, then.”
A date? All the blood rushed to Kagome’s face as her cheeks reddened. He had managed to make it sound so casual, despite his slight hesitation. Had he thought she would say no? The thought was oddly endearing but did nothing to dispel her nerves. She stammered a little bit before finally managing a response.
“O-okay,” she squeaked.
He graced her with one of his fanged smirks and her heart pounded wildly, trying to escape her ribcage. A thrill of excitement zipped through her and she silently conceded that Sango had been right. He’s actually interested in me, too!
Although she had hoped for it, she hadn’t really been expecting it. His demeanor around her had been less than enthused, after all. But then again, he had come to her rather valiant rescue days earlier. And he had seemed pleased when she had given him her phone number. Maybe the trick was learning to read between the lines with him.  
Inuyasha pulled his phone out and made a quick call. Kagome tried not to be too obvious but it was impossible not to listen in.
“Hey. I need ya to come out here. Her car broke down.”
Inuyasha’s expression darkened before he rolled his eyes in response to whatever the person on the other end of the line said.
“Look, just get the fuck over here with the tow truck, would ya?...I don’t fuckin’ know, Miroku. Ask her yourself.” He made a disgusted sound. “Damn straight, you better.”
He rattled off the street they were at and then hung up the phone.
"It's a shame we won't actually make it to the bar because I could really use a drink right now," Kagome said morosely as they stood there.
Inuyasha barked out a laugh and Kagome found herself taken in at the sound.
"Yeah, it's too bad. Maybe another time."
"Mmm. So who was that on the phone? You sounded close."
"My friend. We work together," he said by way of explanation.
"Surprised you have friends with that surly expression you always wear," she teased.
"You tryin' to pick a fight?"
"No, just stating a fact. Your glare could make small children cry."
"Oh yeah? Well at least I didn’t stare at a mirror so hard that it broke, Miss Misfortune."
“Are you calling me UGLY?”
His ears twitched as he realized how it sounded and she did her best to keep a straight face.
“No, not at all. Just tryin’ to figure out how many black cats you pissed off.”
Kagome gave a mock gasp, feigning offense, and Inuyasha grinned.
“I hope you step on a Lego,” she said, unable to contain her own grin.
“Really? That’s all you got?” He chuckled. “I think your luck has been cursed enough for us both, girlie. Don’t tempt the Lego Gods.”
They were still trading barbs when a tow truck pulled up to their side of the street in front of where they were standing. They were so engrossed in each other that it wasn't until the man in the truck rolled the window down and spoke that they realized he was there
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," he said cheerfully.
Kagome turned her gaze to the newcomer and took in his appearance. He was handsome, with dark brows, high cheekbones, and full lips. His most striking feature, however, were his indigo eyes, brimming with amusement at the display before him. A light breeze floated through his open window and teased the strands of his black hair, currently pulled into a short ponytail. His arm came up to rest on the window sill almost lazily.
"About fuckin' time," Inuyasha greeted him rudely. The other man, presumably the Miroku from his phone call, just shrugged.
"I got here as soon as I could," Miroku replied, unperturbed by Inuyasha’s attitude. 
"Um, hi. Thank you for coming out here on such short notice," Kagome said politely.
At her words his attention turned to her. He blatantly looked her up and down before settling his indigo gaze back upon her face, smiling pleasantly.
“My pleasure; I’m Miroku. You’re the girl?”
“Um...yes...?” The girl? Had Inuyasha been talking about her?
“I can’t believe you agreed to go on a date with this brute here.”
“Hey!” Inuyasha protested. “I don’t want to hear that from a pervert like you.”
"He seems feral but I promise he's house-trained," Miroku went on.
"He doesn’t seem too bad to me, aside from his permanent scowl." Kagome felt compelled to defend him but she couldn't keep the smile off her face at their banter.
“You’re far too lovely for my friend. Are you sure you have the right guy?”
“At least I don’t flirt with anything female,” Inuyasha shot back.
“Please, I only do that to see their faces light up. Meanwhile, you make every woman run away crying. Except for this one, apparently.”
“At least I have standards.”
“Hey! I have standards, too,” Miroku insisted.
“Then you need to raise them.”
“Perhaps you’re right,” Miroku agreed amiably. “I’m turning over a new leaf tonight.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it,” Inuyasha scoffed.
“So you're clearly off-limits, but do you have any pretty friends?” Miroku pushed on unabashedly, turning his attention back to Kagome.
She giggled and Inuyasha glared. 
“It’s funny because my roommate said the same thing." 
"Same thing?"
"To let her know if Inuyasha had any cute friends,” she explained.
Miroku looked delighted.
“What is this roommate’s number?”
“Don’t you have a job to do?” Inuyasha cut in, rolling his eyes.
“Of course. Can’t keep a lady waiting.” He winked at Kagome and it was her turn to roll her eyes.
Together, Inuyasha and Miroku got her car loaded up. And by ‘together’ it was mostly Miroku doing the work while Inuyasha stood on the sidewalk making disparaging comments about Miroku’s skills. He took it in stride and made some cleverly sharp comments of his own right back. 
“Sorry about the tight squeeze,” Miroku apologized as they all piled into the truck. “This isn’t exactly made for three people.”
“No, it’s totally fine. I appreciate this. Both of you,” Kagome replied.
She was squished against the door with Inuyasha sitting to her right. He had refused to let her sit in the middle lest she be pressed up against ‘that damn flirt.’ She didn’t particularly care, to be honest, but his slight possessiveness warmed her. Or maybe that just was his body heat seeping into her, making her skin tingle in awareness.
The drive passed surprisingly quickly and they arrived at the garage as the sun was starting to dip below the horizon. The place was quiet and Kagome realized it must be after hours for them now, which made sense. She suddenly felt kind of bad about Miroku coming out after what had likely been the end of his shift. 
“Sorry, you were probably about to head home when you came to help me out,” she said, her voice contrite.
He waved her apology off. “It was no big deal.”
“Is that why you bitched to me about it over the phone?” Inuyasha snarked.
“Now now, let’s not split hairs. Dealing with you is different than dealing with a pretty lady.”
Inuyasha snorted.
The two of them got her car set up and then Miroku turned to Inuyasha. “You want me to stay and help?”
“Nah, I can handle it,” Inuyasha replied. “Get out of here.”
“Then on that note, I’ll take my leave. It was nice to meet you, Kagome.” Miroku said, giving her a nod.
“It was nice to meet you, too.”
“So about your roommate’s number...” He let the sentence trail off, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“I’ll ask her about it. Goodbye!” Kagome said emphatically, but she was giggling.
After Miroku had taken off, her attention returned to the hanyou examining her dumpster fire of a car. He had removed his t-shirt, leaving him in a white wife-beater and a pair of jeans. His back was to her and he was putting his hair up in a bun to keep it out of the way. She watched his motions, observing the way the muscles of his back moved beneath the fabric, the corded strength in his arms as they bunched and flexed. A rush of warmth pulsed through her as he popped the hood of her car.
“Fuck, woman. When’s the last time you got an oil change?”
“Huh?” She looked up, snapped out of her reverie; she must have zoned out for a minute. “Um...I’m not sure, to be honest. Maybe a year or so ago?”
“You fuckin’ serious?”
“What?” She said defensively.
“You need to be gettin’ it changed every 5k miles. Everybody fuckin’ knows that. And that sticker on your windshield? It tells me ya should’ve gotten it done 3k miles ago.”
“I’ve been a little busy to think about things like that!”
He scoffed harshly but said nothing else as he...well she wasn’t entirely sure what he was doing, to be completely honest. She knew next to nothing about cars. The same was obviously not true for him, which was fortunate for her. He leaned over, getting a good look at her car’s inner workings and giving her a good look at his ass. It was perfect, just as she had suspected. 
“You seem more relaxed around me than you were before. I thought you didn’t like me,” he commented as he continued his work.
Kagome’s eyes snapped from his ass to the back of his head, feeling almost guilty about the way she had been checking him out. 
“I thought you didn’t like me ,” she admitted.
He turned around and gave her an incredulous expression.
“Why the fuck would you think that?”
She just looked at him and he sighed.
“Right. I s’pose that’s fair.”
“You seemed so...annoyed when we first met, and I didn’t know if that was because of the customer or me,” she explained.
“Definitely wasn’t ya. Sorry you got that impression.”
“It’s okay.”
“When you insisted you weren’t askin’ me out, I thought...well...”
“Because I’m a hanyou.”
“But that doesn’t matter to me. It was because I just didn’t want to seem...forward, I guess. I don’t know, this kind of stuff doesn’t really come easily to me.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“Because you’re fuckin’ beautiful.”
Kagome blushed furiously and he looked a little embarrassed at his honesty.
“Th-thank you,” she stammered, caught in the spell of his amber eyes. She resisted the urge to bite her lip out of nervousness. “I guess I just don’t tend to think of myself that way.” She gave a slight shrug.
“Well, ya should.”
With that pronouncement he turned back around and resumed his work on her car. His words had warmed her more than sunshine on a cold day. As she watched him work, something else began to warm her. She walked closer to get a better look at what he was doing and to keep her eyes from wandering to places they shouldn’t be.
“Why the fuck didn’t ya get this fixed sooner?” Inuyasha demanded suddenly, raising his eyes to meet hers. “This is a mess.”
She blinked.
“Well...I mean, it’s been giving me problems for a while, but every place is booked out for weeks now. I don’t have the time between work and school to drive far away to an auto place in a car on the verge of breaking down. With my luck it would die in the middle of the highway.”
“You have a point.” He laughed, and she suppressed a shiver at the sound. It washed over her in a wave, husky and rich.
"You know, your customer service is lacking," she teased. "Do you talk to all your customers like this?"
"Sometimes. Miroku usually has to smooth things over," he admitted.
"You could learn a few things from me."
"Yeah? Like what?"
"Not cursing at your customer, for starters."
"But you're not really a customer, are ya?"
"I guess that's true." She smiled.
She didn’t know how much time passed as he worked. The conversation between them was light and fun and didn’t touch on anything too serious. He took parts out of her car, put parts in, occasionally asking her to hand him a specific tool then making fun of her when she didn’t know which one it was. At those moments she would jokingly threaten to zap him with her reiki if he wasn’t careful and he would just chuckle at her empty threats.
The longer he worked on her car the harder it was to keep her mind from straying to less-than-innocent places. There was a fine sheen of sweat coating his arms, making his muscles glisten faintly. Her eyes took in every dip, curve, and swell, her mouth going dry at the sight. The way he was handling himself with confidence and ease spoke of his skill and it was...attractive, to say the least.
“So. A miko?”
Kagome mentally shook herself, trying to fight her growing arousal.
“It seemed like the natural choice; it’s always come so easily to me. It’s like flexing a muscle, an extension of myself. It’s part of who I am. While I could have chosen something else...why would I?”
“Makes sense,” he grunted.
“Did you always want to be a mechanic?”
“Well, I’ve always been good with my hands,” he shrugged.
I’m sure you are, she thought, biting her lip, her eyes inevitably drawn to those hands now. They were large and covered in black grease, tipped in claws. She wondered idly what those claws would feel like tracing the lines of her body and felt heat curl low in her belly.
Inuyasha inhaled, his nose twitching, and jerked upright, nearly hitting his head on the hood of her car. She frowned for a moment, wondering what had caused him to jump. Then realization dawned and she turned tomato red. Oh God. Embarrassment filled her.
Inuyasha was an inu youkai hanyou. He could smell her. His gold eyes practically burned as they turned her way.
She swallowed, fidgeting with her hands, and her cinnamon eyes skittered away from his form, hoping that would help to quell the rising desire in her. A desire for him and his touch. The force of it surprised her; she barely knew him! Despite that, everything with him just came so...naturally. She felt like she had known him forever, and feelings that normally took days and weeks to form had taken mere hours. It was insane, but she couldn't deny it.
She liked him so much it was crazy. 
Silence stretched between them as her mind cast about desperately for something to talk about. Something to divert attention away from the change in her scent and what exactly that meant.
"So, have you taken many dates to your garage?"
"Nah. You're the first lucky lady who's had the honor," Inuyasha replied with a fanged smirk, giving her a long look before turning his focus back to her car. 
Kagome breathed a soft sigh of relief and let out a small laugh at his answer.
"They really missed out. This is so romantic," she joked, gesturing about with a hand for good measure.
"Yeah, sorry." He lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. "This is probably a shitty date, but at least your car will work tomorrow."
"It's not, though," she told him sincerely. "I'm actually really enjoying myself. I have had way worse dates than this. This doesn't even rate on the scale."
And no date has ever had me so ready to be pressed up against the nearest surface with the need to have their hands all over me. Her mind was veering into dangerous territory again. She was completely ready to forget all propriety. Not good.
"You're kiddin'."
"Definitely not."
"Yeah? Then what's the worst date you ever been on?"
"Oh, let's see. There are a few contenders for that spot."
Kagome seized on the question. Talking made it easier to focus on something other than the way his lips would feel against hers. Or the way he might use his fangs to gently nip at the sensitive skin of her neck…
She needed to get a grip, and fast, or he was going to start smelling her again. She hastily tried to tamp down her libido with minimal success.
"There was the time I went on a date with a guy and he got so drunk he kept falling asleep at the bar,” she said, relieved when her voice came out steady and not breathless.
“Shitty, but not that bad.” 
“Oh, it gets worse. So I paid for my tab while he was in the bathroom; I just wanted to get out of there. As I was getting in the cab, he came running out after me, trying to keep me from leaving.”
“Guy obviously couldn’t take a hint.” 
Kagome gave a small laugh. “No. And well, just as I closed the door he projectile vomited all over the cab window.”
Inuyasha laughed so hard he had to stop what he was doing for a minute and Kagome grinned at his obvious amusement. It had been a gross and terrible experience at the time, but it definitely made for a hilarious story now.
“Ok, shit. That’s pretty fuckin’ bad.”
“It was horrifying. Then he texted me the next morning asking about a second date.”
Inuyasha laughed harder and Kagome began to laugh too.
“Needless to say, I said absolutely not.”
“Somethin’ tells me he didn’t take no for an answer,” Inuyasha grinned.
“I ended up blocking him,” Kagome confirmed. “So what about you? What’s your worst date story?”
Inuyasha straightened, surveying the innards of her car and seeming to come to some sort of conclusion. About what, she had no clue but he seemed satisfied, giving a short nod. Then he faced her, the corner of his mouth tilting up.
“I dunno about the worst, but probably the weirdest. I went out with this chick, and after we had dinner she said she just had to pick somethin’ up. We stopped at her twin brother’s place and there was the weirdest vibe goin’ on between them.”
“You don’t think…?” Kagome gasped.
“Fuck, I got no clue but they both basically ignored me and focused on each other ‘til I said I was leavin’.”
Kagome giggled. “Yeah, that’s pretty weird.”
Inuyasha lowered the hood of her car then grabbed a rag and wiped the grease off his hands before tossing it aside into a bin. When he looked her way again he stretched and his shirt rode up, exposing a tantalizing glimpse of his taut stomach. It whet her appetite for more and with a jolt she realized she was staring. She was also more than a little turned on. Even if she hid it well, there was no hiding her scent; Inuyasha would know exactly what kind of shameless thoughts were circling in her head. There would be no shrugging it off a second time.
She wasn’t that type of girl! But something about Inuyasha made her want to be.
“All done a-already?” She stuttered out, her eyes fixed firmly on the floor in front of her now. Her heart was beating faster, making it nearly impossible to keep her breathing even. She cleared her throat.
“Yup. All done. Was a fuckin’ mess but thankfully I know what I’m doin’,” Inuyasha answered.
His feet came into view as she continued to stare at the floor. They stopped right in front of her, but she didn’t need to see his feet to know that. Her awareness of his body so near to hers was a signal all on its own. His aura brushed up against hers and she swallowed nervously, her cheeks warming.
“Y-yeah, for once luck was on my side. Thank you so much,” she said, still looking at the floor.
“You thankin’ the floor?”
She hesitantly raised her eyes to his face and heat flooded through her at his expression. An answering heat burned in his golden orbs while a smirk teased at his lips. He knew. He knew and he was not going to let her off lightly. Not this time. That thought allowed some of her ardor to cool and she scowled. He was standing incredibly close so she pushed against him, her hands lingering on his stomach, noting the ridges of his abs beneath the thin fabric of the wife-beater he wore. He retreated a single step and no more.
“Thank you,” she said again, this time looking into his eyes as she spoke, and his smirk widened. She wanted to be annoyed but that look was giving her butterflies and making her knees weak. Or maybe it was the look in his eyes that made her feel almost hypnotized.
“You hungry?” he asked in a low voice.
“A little,” she replied, unable to look away. But I’m more hungry for you.
“There’s a takeout menu on the fridge in the living space through that door. Go ahead and order whatever ya want.” 
Without breaking eye contact, he pulled his wallet out and removed a card, then reached down to grab one of her hands. Her breath caught as he placed it in her palm then curled her fingers over it, his claws lightly scraping over the skin of her wrist before pulling away. She couldn’t suppress the shiver it caused.
“What? Ya need help orderin’ food?”
“No! Of course not.”
Kagome tried to muster up a glare but failed miserably. Inuyasha just looked terribly amused and smug. Ugh.
“While you order I’m gonna go take a shower.”
“You need help with that?”
Kagome tried to make it sound like a joke, to play off his previous words, but her voice came out breathless instead. The teasing smirk disappeared from his face and his eyes sharpened as he crowded her space, standing so close his body heat warmed her. Leaning down, he spoke, his breath brushing over her lips.
“If you’re offerin’.” 
Kagome’s eyes widened and she opened her mouth to reply but no sound came out. All the desire she had been trying to keep at bay rushed back, overwhelming her senses for a moment. Her brain short-circuited as lust flooded her, making it impossible to fight.
“I-I wasn’t being serious,” she finally managed. “Your customer service needs work.”
He leaned closer, and she became acutely aware of how little space there was between their lips. 
“That’s not what your scent is tellin’ me.”
He definitely knows. Oh God. Mortification and arousal vied for dominance, arousal winning out. And Kagome suddenly found she didn’t care that he knew anymore. For once, she didn’t want to be a good girl; she just wanted to give in. But still, she couldn’t make the first move.
“What is it telling you?” she whispered, hoping he would.
And he did.
Instead of answering her, he closed the last bit of distance between them and pressed his lips against hers. It started out soft at first and she sighed in bliss, leaning into his kiss while her hands ran up his stomach to rest upon his broad shoulders. His credit card dropped between them onto the floor, forgotten as they kissed. The taste of his mouth sent her head spinning. His hands reached up to cradle her face as their lips moved against each other and she shivered at the delicious heat spreading through her body.
It quickly turned from sweet and hesitant to something more demanding and deliberate. Kagome offered no resistance, opening her lips to him almost reflexively. His tongue dipped into her mouth while she traced the length of his fangs with her own and he growled in approval. At the same time, her hands moved to his head, reaching back and undoing the bun holding his silver hair in place. The silky mass tumbled down his back and she ran her fingers through it as their kisses grew more insistent. Her blood was singing in her veins for his touch and, as if he could read her mind, his hands began to roam her body. They slid from her face to her shoulders, down her back, skimming her waist and coming to a stop on her ass.
His hands cupped her, pulling her flush against him and allowing her to feel the evidence of his own arousal. A soft whimper caught in her throat and she clung to him tighter. He dragged his mouth away from hers, his eyes almost wild, as if surprised at the force of the connection between them. They were both panting as they stared into each other’s eyes.
“It’s telling me you wanted that. And more. Fuck, I want more,” Inuyasha said, his voice husky.
“So do I,” Kagome told him hotly.
“If I kiss ya again, I dunno if I can stop.”
Kagome smiled at him shyly, her cheeks heated with a blush.
“What if I said I didn’t want you to stop?”
She wasn’t the type to have sex on the first date, but whatever was building between them was undeniable. For once, she wanted to throw caution to the wind and indulge herself, and if the bulge she felt in his pants was anything to go by, he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. And this thing between them was more than physical; at least it was for her. She only hoped it was the same for him, too.
“Then I ain’t gonna stop.”
“I-I don’t ever do this, especially not on the first date, but I just feel something so-- so--...”
“I feel it, too.”
That was the only reassurance she needed. Her hands moved across the expanse of his muscled back while his lips captured hers again. She felt like she could get lost in the feel of his mouth over hers, the taste of his breath, the way his fangs nipped at her bottom lip. The need to touch him was strong and she tugged at the wife-beater he wore in silent demand. Breaking the kiss, he smirked at her and removed it in one fluid motion. She stared, transfixed, her eyes charting every ridge and dip of his abs and pecs. 
He was beautiful . 
Before she could lose her courage, she leaned forward and ran her mouth over his skin, pressing kisses over his bare torso while her hands mapped his body. His breathing quickened and he growled, the verberation from the sound tickling her lips as her tongue darted out to lick the sweat from his skin. 
While she explored him, his hands went to work, running down her back in a caress before gripping her ass possessively. He squeezed, relishing the feel, then surprised her by using his grip to effortlessly pick her up. She squealed, instinctively wrapping her legs around his waist and pressing her core right against the hardness of his cock. Gasping at the sensation, a rush of hot arousal raced through her system and left her lightheaded. She barely registered him carrying her until he set her down on the hood of her car as he kissed her. Then his lips trailed from her mouth to her ear, down to her neck, where his fangs played at the sensitive skin there.
“You smell so fuckin’ good,” he said, his breath hot. He inhaled deeply, breathing her in.
Moaning softly, she shifted her hips against him, hoping to ease the ache that was beginning to build at the apex of her thighs. Heat jolted through her core at the intimate contact as he groaned. 
"Clothes...off…" Kagome managed, her mind in a haze.
Inuyasha complied, removing her shirt and tossing it aside. Without wasting any time, he reached behind her to unclasp her bra, his claws lightly brushing against her porcelain skin as he slid the straps from her shoulders. Nervousness gripped her again as her bra fell away and left her bare to his gaze, but excitement quickly replaced it at the hunger in his eyes.
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” 
She held her breath in anticipation for his touch while he stared, drinking her in. The look in his eyes made her feel like a goddess. He didn’t keep her waiting long, his large hands reaching for her and lifting her breasts, savoring their weight as a calloused thumb brushed over each nipple. They pebbled beneath his touch and a soft sigh passed her lips as he repeated the motion before massaging the globes. Then his mouth took the place of his hands and Kagome cried out as he sucked at her nipples, his fangs gently scraping over the sensitive buds. 
As he lavished his attentions on her breasts, her hands buried themselves in his hair, holding his head in place. Unable to help herself, one hand freed itself to stroke along his soft ears and his grip tightened on her in response. She grinned wickedly; they were clearly sensitive. Lightly running her tongue along the edge of one of his furred ears, she gave it a small nip. He growled, the sound rumbling through his chest and sending pleasurable vibrations through her body, making her moan. Liquid heat pooled between her legs.
Slowly, he kissed his way from her breasts all the way down her belly until he reached the waistband of her skirt. He gave it a playful bite while the longing in her grew stronger.
"Inuyasha…" she breathed, his name a plea.
Sliding his hands beneath the green satiny fabric, he ran his palms up her smooth thighs and took hold of her panties. She lifted her hips in consent and he removed them, his claws trailing along her pelvis and the inside of her thighs. A small whimper lodged in Kagome’s throat as the tension inside her built.
Rather than toss them aside like he had her shirt, Inuyasha held them up to his face. The crotch was soaked with her arousal and she watched as he slowly and deliberately dragged his tongue across the wetness, closing his eyes as if savoring the taste. Then he gave her a wicked smirk, locking eyes with her.
It was the hottest and most erotic thing she had ever seen. Lust gripped her, hot and immediate. The pressure was almost unbearable now, she was so fucking turned on. She throbbed with the need to feel that tongue licking and teasing her dripping pussy.
"You taste amazing. But it'll taste even better right here," Inuyasha said, dropping her panties to the floor in favor of spreading her thighs.
"Do it. Taste me," she panted, her fingers curling into fists at her side to keep herself from grabbing his head and pressing him into her.
Then his mouth was on her and oh. Fuck. Her skirt bunched around her waist as his tongue lapped at the juices pouring from her opening, darting in and out and making her breath catch. After teasing her entrance, he gave her pussy a long, slow lick, flicking the tip of his tongue over her clit. Kagome gasped, her thighs tensing, as he spread her folds and licked at her faster, mercilessly tonguing her bundle of nerves. She cried out, her back arching.
“Ah! Ahh! Yes, oh fuck!”
Tracing fast and hard circles around her clit with his tongue, he positioned one of his hands at her opening and slid a finger inside her, being careful of his claws. Her response was instant, her hips bucking up against him to take his finger all the way inside her as she moaned loudly. Yes. God yes. 
Inuyasha gave a growl of approval at her reaction and the vibrations went straight to her clit, enhancing the pleasure. It was pure bliss. His tongue worked her nub furiously as he fingered her, adding a second digit to the first and causing a cry to escape her again. His fingers moved in and out in a quick rhythm, stretching her and making a slurping sound as wetness continued to spill from her. As he continued to devour her hungrily.
Her head fell back as she lost herself to the sensations, feeling the coil of her release wind tighter. The cool metal of the hood of her car against her skin was a stark contrast to the heat of her body as she burned from his touch. She couldn’t believe she was doing this , here, on her car, but she was too far gone to care anymore. Fuck, she was so close .
And then he began to suck on her clit while his tongue and fingers continued to stroke her and Kagome lost all control of herself. Moaning incoherently, uncaring of how loud she was being, she writhed under his mouth. When he gently scraped one of his fangs over her sensitive nub she came apart, her hands grasping for something to anchor her while the ecstasy took her sky high.
“Ah! Ahhh! Inuyashaaa!”
“Delicious,” she heard him say, and thought he might have been licking his fingers of her essence. She wasn’t sure.
The world spun for a minute while she panted, trying to catch her breath. When her eyes refocused she looked up and saw Inuyasha had divested himself of the rest of his clothing and stood in front of her, gloriously naked. He looked like one of those statues of a Greek god, his body chiseled and well-defined with muscle. There was one notable difference between them and him, however, and it was the rather large appendage jutting out from between his legs.
Kagome stared for a second. He was definitely bigger than average, and she wondered for a moment if he would even fit inside her. Her eyes must have given her away because Inuyasha chuckled, pulling her close and kissing her senseless, and any doubt regarding that faded away. 
He was going to the best she ever had: she just knew it. 
As he kissed her, her hands caressed his ears again, rubbing the edges between her fingertips. Inuyasha’s own hands traced patterns up and down her back, one of them breaking away to grab a fistful of her hair. Languid warmth bloomed inside Kagome from the way he was making her feel and she wanted to return the favor.  
“Your turn,” Kagome whispered against his lips.
Holding onto his shoulder to steady herself, her other hand trailed south across his skin. The muscles of his abdomen clenched under her feather-light touch before she reached her target and gripped his cock firmly. Squeezing, she ran her hand along the length of him, the pad of her thumb pressing against his tip and spreading the precum around in soft circles. He hissed out a breath, snarling softly.
“Fuck, your hand feels so good,” he groaned, burying his face in her neck.
Dragging her fingernail gently up the side of his cock as she pumped him, her hand tightened its grip, moving faster. He grunted out his pleasure, thrusting in time with the rhythm of her hand while his tongue rasped over her neck. Her head lolled to the side, allowing him better access as she stroked up and down, her hand giving a twist with each upward motion. His breathing became harsh, coming in pants, and Kagome gave a moan herself at the way his fangs scraped against the column of her throat.
She was already wet for him again.
“Smell amazing...fuck, gotta stop or I’m gonna....”
His voice was thick with desire and the sound sent tingles down her spine. Giving her neck one last nip, he raised his head and, reaching down between them, grabbed her hand in his, stopping her. She looked at him in confusion, uncertainty quelling her own desire, but the look in his gold eyes put any insecurities to bed. They were molten embers that burned for her and made her ache for him. A slow smile spread across his face and her body flushed.
“Why...why did you stop me?”
“I’m not gonna cum in your hand on the first date.”
But I came on yours . The words never made it past her lips as he spread her legs wider and rubbed his cock over her soaked pussy, pressing the head against her clit. She whimpered, falling back against the hood of her car as he repeated the motion before lining himself up at her entrance. She held her breath, waiting, and looked into his eyes. It might have been her imagination, but she thought she saw a hint of red at the edges and it thrilled her.
Then a thought occurred to her.
“W-wait! What about-- about protection?” 
“Not to be weird, but I can smell ya, and you ain’t fertile right now.”
She blinked, absorbing this information, and felt equally aroused and appalled that he could apparently smell every facet of her being.
“You still want this?” His voice was a deep rasp.
“I still want it. I want you,” she answered.
The blunt head of his cock pressed against her and, at her consent, he slowly worked his way inside her until every inch was sheathed within her hot, dripping core. She moaned as sparks of pleasure danced over her skin and he gave an answering groan of his own. He was stretching her to the limit and the feeling was incredible. It made a delicious ache begin to swirl within her, radiating out from where he was buried so deep inside. And he hadn’t even moved yet.
“Ah, God,” he breathed, holding still for a moment as her body adjusted to the size of him. His hands were on either side of her head as his body loomed over her. “Fuck, you’re so tight. You’re not--?”
“--no. But it’s been a while,” Kagome breathed back. “Please, keep going. Don’t stop.”
Inuyasha growled and withdrew before thrusting back into her and she gasped, her breath hitching on another moan. And he didn’t stop, pumping into her hard, while her wet pussy gripped his cock tightly. She shifted her hips up against him with each thrust, trying to take him even deeper. The demanding ache inside of her was building and it needed more. She needed more. The shaft of his cock rubbed against her walls with each urgent movement, pressing against places she hadn’t even known were sensitive until they began to send jolts of ecstasy through her body while he fucked her.
Some distant part of her mind registered that Inuyasha was fucking her on her car. And she didn’t care. She loved it, wanted more, all her inhibitions slipping away. Each fierce thrust was making her breasts bounce wildly, something that didn’t escape his notice. Her back arched into his touch as he brought a hand up to possessively grasp one of her breasts, claws playing with her nipple as he squeezed the flesh.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he grunted as he pounded into her. “Uhn!! So fucking good!”
She didn’t even realize she was crying out at first, but she couldn’t seem to silence herself either, helpless against the way he was making her feel. Looking into Inuyasha’s face she decided she didn’t want to, anyways, because at each sound of pleasure that fell from her lips his eyes seemed to glow brighter, his breath catching, and his thrusts coming faster.
“Ahh! Ah! Inu-Inuyashaaa! I-- please-- Mmm! Yes!”
The coil of her release was wound so tight she was going to come apart any second. Inuyasha leaned down to scrape his fangs over her exposed neck, his tongue licking away the sting. When he moved his other hand from her thigh to her clit, rubbing in taut circles, the feeling sent her over the edge. She came hard, her legs trembling as she moaned loudly, her whole body shuddering.
“That’s it, Ka-go-me,” he panted at her, still thrusting into her wet, hot core and she whimpered.
Then he withdrew from her and she blinked, in a daze, wondering why he was stopping; he hadn’t reached his own release yet. She never got a chance to ask, his lips claiming hers in a kiss so tender that it belied the intensity of the way he had just been fucking her. Pulling away, his hungry eyes traced the length of her body before he gently picked her up, putting her feet on the ground, and flipped her over so her stomach was now against the hood of her car, her back to him.
Hands spread her thighs and in one swift motion he was buried inside her welcoming heat again. She whined as his cock stretched her, her fingers fisting. God, he made her feel so fucking good. Those strong hands of his held her in place as he began to thrust in and out, one splayed around her waist while the other slid around her front to play with her breasts.
“Ya didn’t think I was stoppin’, did ya?” His breath teased the shell of her ear.
A shudder of need ran through her at the feeling.
“Good...don’t stop!” She managed before the pleasure took her over again.
All she could do was moan his name as he fucked her harder, his cock hitting deep. Filling her up in the most delicious way possible. With each rapid thrust she was pushed up against her car, causing her clit to rub up against it and sending tiny shocks of euphoria through her body that left her gasping. The delicious friction of his cock pistoning inside her, coupled with that, had her crying out again, moving her hips back into him as she keened.
Inuyasha was groaning and grunting behind her and the sound turned her on even more. The noises he was making were almost animalistic and it excited her. Desire shot through her, the evidence of how good she was making him feel intensifying her own arousal, and the coil of her release tightened in response. 
Raising her head, Kagome caught sight of her reflection in the windshield of her car and her eyes widened as she stared. Transfixed, she watched, her breath coming faster. Watched as she was fucked from behind, against her car, by the only man who had ever made her act in such a way. A man who should by all rights be a stranger, but who made her feel like no one ever had before. She had never witnessed anything like it, and a hot, sharp wave of lust pulsed along every nerve-ending before coiling low, right at her core. 
The blissed out look on her face, the almost feral expression on Inuyasha’s... It was such an erotic vision, one she couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away from. More liquid heat pooled between her legs as her arousal and need heightened, the pressure building to unbearable levels.
His rhythm quickened, his breathing turning shallow, and Kagome could tell he was close to his climax. She was close, too. Her heart was a staccato beat in her chest, her breathing ragged, her skin slick with sweat. The slapping sound of skin and their moans, harsh pants, and gasps permeated the air. Reaching behind her, she grabbed onto his perfect ass, rolling her hips back into him, meeting his hard and deep thrusts.
“Inu-Inuyasha--ahh! Ah! Oh fuck, yes!” she cried out.
“Fuck...Kagome, I’m gonna--” Inuyasha grunted, leaning over her to wrap his arms around her as he thrust. Harder. Deeper. Faster. His mouth found her neck again and she threw her head back.
“--do it! I want it!” she said breathily.
His body went rigid behind her as he spilled himself inside her, breathing heavily and groaning from the force of his release. The warm sensation of his cum shooting up inside her combined with everything else sent her over the edge and she came right after, her orgasm almost blinding her in its ferocity. It spread through her like wildfire, strong and immediate, more intensely than she had ever felt before. For a moment, she saw stars and the world fell away. When she came back to herself Inuyasha was smoothing her hair to the side and pressing kisses to her shoulder.
“You good?” he rumbled into her ear.
Kagome smiled, almost laughing at the question. She was completely sated.
“More than good.” 
He pulled out of her, turning her around so that she faced him. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her tightly while she waited for her legs to support her again. As the languid heat of her satisfaction began to dissipate, other thoughts took hold again, making her heart beat faster for an entirely different reason.
“Oh, God,” she whispered, suddenly feeling almost horrified. It made no sense after everything they had just done, but her sense of shame was returning along with her good sense.
Inuyasha frowned, his ears flattening.
“What’s wrong?”
Kagome buried her face in his chest as she spoke.
“I--I can’t believe I just… I mean, I know I said I wanted to, and told you not to stop, but--”
“--you regretting it?” His voice was low. 
Kagome didn’t miss the underlying emotion of hurt beneath it. She rushed to explain.
“No! No!! Not at all. I just… I never do this. And I did. On the first date. I just feel something so-- so strongly for you, and I wanted it so much, but-- God, I can’t imagine what you think of me...” 
Inuyasha seemed to relax at her confession, and he had the audacity to laugh. She glared against his chest.
“You said somethin’ like that before everything got heated. Listen, I told ya already. I feel it, too. And besides, I think you’re the hottest, most interesting woman I ever met.”
She raised her head from his chest to cautiously peek at his face. He gave her a fanged smile and she relaxed against him, sighing softly. 
“You mean that?”
“Absolutely. Though your luck is cursed and the way you take care of your car is a crime.” 
“Such sweet words. Keep talking to me like that and I just may believe you,” she teased, smiling back at him now.
“So...would it be weird to ask ya for another, actual date, now?” 
“Not at all.” 
She leaned up to kiss him and he returned it with interest. His mouth on hers, his body pressed against her...it was intoxicating. It was perfect. When they broke apart they were both breathing heavily again.
“Now, what was that about my customer service lacking…?” Inuyasha said, his gold eyes burning for her.
“I changed my mind. Five stars. Glowing reviews,” Kagome replied, her smile turning seductive.
And he proceeded to earn every word of praise.
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shinidamachu · 3 years
It’s always so funny to me when people try to pass Kagome as this abusive, manipulative bitch who is keeping Inuyasha hostage on a toxic relationship, because, first of all: she isn’t.
But second of all: Inuyasha would be like “oh, you think she has red flags? Good. Then I’m a fucking bull.”
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chaos-in-the-making · 4 years
Look, I get it. I totally get it. I have such fond memories of Sesshoumaru and his relationship with Rin. How it changed him. How this tiny little human brought softness and compassion to a cold hearted individual. I understand how thinking of a child growing up and making her own decisions is hard to reconcile with the picture of innocence that she represented. I totally get why people would be against Sessrin.
But i just read an opinion that SessRin shippers only ship them because they substituted Rin for THEMSELVES and that allowed them to fantasize being with Sesshoumaru.
First of all: no. No, I have my own oc that I created myself who was Sesshoumaru's love interest, who was never a child, or a ward, to begin with. Two: even if they did, who the fuck cares. They imagined becoming involved with someone who made them feel absolutely safe, and was never their parent. Tell me what is wrong with that.
I love the father/daughter dynamic. Its adorable and sickeningly sweet to imagine. I adore protective Sesshoumaru of his tiny human.
BUT I also love the idea of how MUCH Rin has changed him. Instead of just tolerating humans, over the years of interacting with Rin and forced to interact with Kagome and the others, he actually??? Starts to know??? What love is???
When did Sesshoumaru ever learn about love? His mother was just as emotionally cold as he was. He idolized his father, who was a strong demon, but never understood why his father fell for a human woman. He considered love a weakness.
So to go from THAT to falling into the same pattern and finally understanding OH! THIS is why my father gave up everything! I understand now! Who else would have taken him down that road except for the tiny girl who 'rescued' him when he was weak, who lost her life to follow him and got it back again. The only thing that made Sesshoumaru invest in Naraku's termination was the mistake of kidnapping RIN.
Guys there is SO MUCH THERE. it's rich and deep and meaningful, and its so much more than "ew gross he knew her as a child." Its a different time, and bitch you don't understand what arranged marriages are at ALL. This is not a CHILD MARRIAGE. Rin is an adult, by the standards of the time period, so get over that.
In conclusion: SessRin shippers have no cause to feel ashamed for liking their dynamic. Take it from your favorite thorki shipper and let that shit go. Ship who you want. You're not endorsing abuse or child p*rn or any of that bullshit. To call Sesshoumaru abusive is not only a massive stretch, its straight up wrong.
I will adore Sesshoumaru with child Rin, and I wholeheartedly ship them as adults. Also I will be fucking feral when we get to see him with his daughters.
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mamabearcat · 4 years
The Importance of Ramen + 4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
Hoo boy. I’ve been such a neglectful mother with this fic. And I know why. Because we’re about to ride the angst train, and I don’t wanna hurt my babies.
I have poured a lot of myself into this one. Mama Higurashi is pretty much me with a few tweaks here and there. So I do love all her interactions with Inu.
But, I’m going to choose this piece of dialogue between Inu and Kagome towards the end of Ch 12: Bon Odori, which is fairly pivotal to the plot. I rewrote this so many times. And I’m still pretty happy with it.
"I'm not very good at talking about this stuff", began Inuyasha, and then paused, hurt, when Kagome rolled her eyes at him, and sighed melodramatically.
"You know what? Fine", he said, tight lipped. He moved her off of his lap, not roughly, but not with quite the same gentleness as before. "I wanted to talk, but obviously you know better. I mean what would a hanyou know about feelings and relationships and stuff like that when they don't deserve to have them in the first place?"
"That's not what I meant, and you know it you jerk! You always make that excuse, that you're not good at talking about feelings."
"For fucks sake Kagome, I say it because it's the truth!" He stood and began pacing in front of the bench, his hands clenching and unclenching in fists by his sides. He glared at her.
"You wanna know why I never spoke to you about Kikyou? Even with you prodding me with hints about it all the time?" He chuckled, but his voice had no humour it it.
"I didn't talk about it because I didn't know what to say. Because I didn't know how I felt! How was I s'posed to put it into words if I couldn't even get it straight in my own head?" He went back to pacing stiffly in front of her. "She was dead, and then she was alive. She was a sweet gentle person who I loved, and now she's a homicidal bitch, but it's not her fault because she never asked for this. She never asked for any of this."
He halted his pacing to stand directly in front of Kagome, leaning over her as she gazed up at him with wide eyes from her seat on the bench. "I can't just leave her alone! She doesn't deserve that. I know what it's like to be lonely Kagome, to have not one fucking person in your corner to care about whether you live or die. I can't do that to her."
Kagome reeled back as if Inuyasha had slapped her, and slid off the bench to the ground, her arms wrapped around her knees. There was a faint noise of static in her ears, and she felt dull, lifeless, emotionless. A sharp pain blossomed in her chest, as if her heart were actually cracking. How had it all gone so wrong?
"I understand", she said in a monotone voice. "You choose her."
"Dammit Kagome!" Inuyasha dropped to the ground in front of her, placing his palms on her cheeks. When she tried to pull away, he held onto her more strongly. "No Kagome", he growled. "This ends right now!"
At the word 'end', she couldn't help the fat tears that began pouring down her cheeks, or the sobs that constricted her chest. She didn't have it in her to fight anymore.
"If you were always going to go back to her, why did you kiss me?", she moaned. "Why did you let me believe I had a chance at all?" She slumped forward and didn't even struggle when Inuyasha pulled her onto his lap.
"Stupid wench", he muttered, his own voice thick with emotion. He tucked her head under his chin, rocking gently to try and calm her sobs. "You better listen now and listen good to what I have to say. I'll say it every day, every hour, every minute if I have to, until you get it into that pretty little head of yours." He took a deep breath.
"When I look at Kikyou, I see death. I see sadness and regret. I see a woman I once cared about who has been abused by evil through no fault of her own, and I can't help but want to set her free, but that's all I want. When I look at her, I see my past. But my Kagome, when I look at you…" his voice choked for a moment, and he cleared his throat.
"Kagome, when I look at you, I see strength. I see determination to put things right, even if the odds are stacked against you. I see caring and empathy for others, no matter who they are. I see the first real friend I ever had, because you accept me as I am, and don't want me to change."
He kissed away the tears that were slowly rolling down Kagome's face. "I see an inner fire that makes me want to fight for you and keep you safe. I see a heart that beats for me, like mine beats for you." He kissed her on the lips tenderly and gazed into her eyes. "I was born to find you Kagome. When I look at you, I see my future. I don't know what else I can say to prove to you how much I love you."
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Inuyasha girls rated on smashability 1-10
Hello Inuyasha fandom! It’s your secondhand fan back again!
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So @noviceotakus-blog​ and I were happy with the way my Inuyasha boys out of context post went, so I’m back to rate the girls, because guess what? I’m bi, bitches, so I’m gonna rate EVERYONE MWUHAHAHAHA!!!
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Kagome: Our protagonist, I’m sure she’s great and all, but she’s also 15, so automatic 0/10 because I’m not a pedo
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Ayame: Ok she is CUTE!!! She looks like she’ll kick some ass, throw some wicked shade, and look like an adorable princess while doing it! Only downside is she looks barely legal so I’m docking some points 7/10
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Ayumi: Once again, jailbait, so automatic 0/10
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Eri: And more jailbait, 0/10 She reminds me of me tho
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Izayoi: She looks like a literal goddess who will heal all my wounds and cleanse my soul lady TAKE ME INTO YOUR ARMS!!!! 10/10
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Kaede: Ummmm...a little old for my tastes 0/10
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Kagura: She looks evil but you know what she could fuck me up anytime! She looks like she’s got a couple of tricks in bed too ;) 8/10
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Kanna: Ummm, Novice, this is a child. Like, a literal child. No. Why? 0/10 Also she looks like she’s being abused! I want to take her and find her a better family!!!! T_T
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Kikyo: This lady looks like if Kagome and Izayoi made a baby and it WORKED!!! Absolutely beautiful please take me!!! 10/10
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Mama Higurashi: Not at the top of my MILF list, but still MILF 6/10
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Midoriko: Goddess of beauty. Could get lost in her eyes while I run my fingers through her hair endlessly. I saw some gifs of her slashing her enemies with a sword and tbh she’d probably do the same to me and I don’t think I’d mind 10/10
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Sango: OMG so cute!!!! She looks like ride or die wifey material, would smash, might fall in love 10/10
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Sara: She looks kind of unapproachable and sad, but mesmerizingly beautiful. Physically she’s my type, but she also looks emotionally fragile and I’d be afraid of hurting her 5/10
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Shunran: She looks like she’ll kill me in my sleep and then grow flowers to bring to my grave.I mean, that’s never stopped me from thinking an anime girl is cute, but her age is questionable, Edit: After consulting Novice, it seems she’s one of those ageless immortal types? Still looks a little too young for my taste 5/10
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Toran: She looks like she would only have me if I agreed to train in her ways of the sword, and tbh I’m down. Also, I saw pictures of her icebending?!?!? She’s like a non G-rated version of Elsa! 8/10
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Tsubaki: I can’t tell if she’s an edgy gray haired young adult or the world’s most youthful MILF but either way I’m down, she looks like she’d tear me apart and I give full consent! 8/10
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Yuka: 15 years old, so automatic 0/10. She reminds me of Novice in high school lol
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Yuri: She’s not exactly my type, but she’s objectively attractive and looks like she’d tie me up in bed so I would not say no to a smash! 7/10
So there it is, my girls of inuyasha smashability list! Thanks for letting me intrude on your fandom a bit more :D
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van-whorenheim · 4 years
So I’ve been wanting to make a post comparing my two favorite characters because even though they’re VASTLY different, they also have a lot of parallels so strap in and get ready for a purely self indulgent post no one asked for.
I’m going to compare Daenerys Targaryen (GoT/ASOIAF) and Koga (InuYasha)
Blood of the Dragon/Blood of Wolves
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So, Daenerys’ blood relation to dragons comes from the blood magic valyrians used to bond with their dragons, it doesn’t strictly have to do with being a Targaryen. Valyrians have been doing this for yeeeears before the Targaryens. Valyrians were very close to their dragons and were able to almost communicate through them. They created close bonds with their dragons and vice versa. A dragon chooses their rider and sticks with them until their rider dies, they will even attack others who try to replace their rider. Because of the fact that dragons live for a very long time, they will have more than one rider in their life time, but they will be fiercely loyal to them. The same goes for wolves, somewhat. Koga can be seen communicating with his wolves, even though it’s in a spoken language rather than barking. Although I think the very first instance we ‘hear’ him, he’s howling back to his wolves after hearing their distress call. Ginta and Hakkaku can be seen speaking to the wolves by barking and whining, but it was a filler episode. STILL! It’s enough. Sango also stated that “they may look human, but they’re no different than the wolves they command.” The Targaryens are no different than their Dragons just as the wolf demons are no different than their wolves.
Their Children/Family
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If there’s something Daenerys is known for, its for her children. Daenerys being the mother of dragons is essential to her character arc/story. The world hadn’t seen dragons for hundreds of years and were thought to be extinct until she stepped into the burning funeral pyre and emerged with 3 dragons. Even though they’re technically not biologically hers, she birthed them and treat them as her own. She loves her children more than anything, and would do anything to protect them. Her mothering nature towards them never falters, even as they grew up to be the fiercesome beasts they’re fabled to be. She is also not only the mother of her children, but she is a mother to her people. She held Irri to her breast as she mourned the death of her brother, when she freed the slaves in Yunkai, they called her Mhysa (mother in old Ghiscari). Koga, on the other hand, is quite different. It’s not in the show but in the manga, right when we first meet him, he refers to his wolves as his “children” and “darlings” when Inuyasha and the gang are fighting him off. Now, I haven’t read different translations of the manga except for the one I have at home, but seeing this caught be off guard. It changed my whole perspective of him and how he handled the whole “killing humans” thing. I’m not giving Koga a pass for what he did, but I don’t think he did it because he hated humans. Demons have a general distaste for humans, that much is known, but when Inuyasha asked why he was doing this he said “they gotta eat.” He was only doing what he thought was best for his family. Could it be because humans were always a reliable source of food during the winter? And all around? Who knows. I just wished they kept that line in the show instead of him referring to them as his “underlings.” That line alone gives sooooooo much depth to his character and I will be forever mad about it.
How they react to the death of their loved ones
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So Daenerys’ case is slightly different, and I’m going to ignore the absolute SHITTY writing of the last season. But to make it short, the reasoning for her burning kingslanding was the buildup of everything that had ever happened to her coming into fruition. Her father’s death (even though she knew he was evil), the life she had to live because of his death, the abuse from her brother, the death of her 2 children, the death of Missandei and Jorah, the treachery and betrayal of her followers, her claim being threatened because of a male bearing Targaryen blood (even though she’s a true Targaryen) etc. In that moment, she was sick and tired of everything, sick and tired of seeing people die all around her and seeing her followers (people who were once devoted to her) leave for a male ruler who didn’t want anything to do with the throne. She was mourning the death of her best friend and child and no one came to help her grieve. She was met with treachery and schemes. Everything was taken from her so she took everything back with fire and blood. Koga’s is slightly similar in the sense that it’s a buildup of all the death that has happened around him. When we see him talking to Kagome, you can see he’s already been affected by the deaths in his family from the birds of paradise, only to run into almost the entirety of his family slaughtered by someone he was starting to somewhat trust (even though it wasn’t InuYasha but he was covered in their blood). The ferocity and viciousness both of these characters exuded because of the death of their loved ones was a build up of all of that grief/trauma and frustration.
So that’s that lmao
Edit: y’all thought this was over nah bitch I forgot an important detail!
Taking what’s theirs
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Daenerys grew up around shitty and pretentious men who thought they knew how to run a kingdom/city. Men who believed that they were right and that she was wrong (for obvious reasons). We see the first of these men being her brother Viserys, and then we see the men in Mereen, Astapor and Vaes Dothrak. Once she had built up confidence thanks to her followers, she took the realm AND her people from the ones who didn’t deserve it and weren’t fit to lead. It didn’t matter that she was a young woman. She took them because she could. Now in Koga’s case, I’m going based on the theory that he became the leader at such a young age due to the elders in the tribe being shitty (which is why I think he was so against marrying Ayame, other than the ‘lunar rainbow promise’ bullshit). Perhaps he had no rights to the leadership, perhaps he was considered weak by the elders. It didn’t matter. Both Daenerys and Koga had a vision for a better life under a better ruler, and the rulers were themselves. They both won through the love of their people and through blood.
OK THATS IT (I think)
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phoenixwrites · 4 years
Why doesn't SessRin bother you?
It doesn’t bother me because I’ve been in this fandom for 17 years and it’s literally just...been a thing for 17 years.  The hand-wringing over it is not discernable from the hand-wringing in 2002.  
It was never my ship...I read a few fics here and there, but I was more of a Kohaku/Rin shipper than Sesshomaru/Rin.  I kind of enjoyed it as a paternal relationship.  
However, I did feel strongly that if Sesshomaru were to fall in love, it should be with a human.  Rin is kind of the only candidate in that case.  
A lot of people are acting like Sesshomaru raised Rin into adulthood, when he...didn’t.  She spent a year with him and then was raised by Kaede.  Sesshomaru sporadically visited her a few times a year, possibly less.  This does not equate to grooming.  
So, it’s very possible that Sesshomaru left Rin for a while, came back when she was an adult, and was like ”.........wait.”  Honestly, Sesshomaru being thrown by the concept of linear time is very funny to me.
Now look, if for whatever reason the ship triggers you, that’s valid.  You can’t help your triggers.  You can be disgusted by the ship and just avoid it if you want.  But just because something triggers you does not mean you get to call fans of the ship pedophiles or romanticizing abuse or whatever.
The fact is, SessRin is very likely to be canon.  It’s established that Towa and Setsuna are half-demons and that Sesshomaru is their father.  That means their mother is human.  
Kagura, despite her previous feelings for Sesshomaru (which I never really bought were mutual, but sure, whatever, let’s just go with it) was not a human.  She was a demon.  And she died.  If she comes back, awesome, but I just do not see any legitimate chance of her being the mother.  I’m sorry, Kagura fans.  (Also, what on earth makes you think that boss ass bitch Kagura would even WANT to have kids?!)   
If Towa and Setsuna’s mother is a different human character that we haven’t met yet--awesome, Imma go back to hardcore shipping Kohaku and Rin, especially since Kohaku aged like a fine wine my friends.  But considering Rin is the one trapped in the tree and Sesshomaru is...well, aware she is trapped in the tree...it kinda seems like they’re ramping up to a tragic romance kinda deal.
Kagome DID meet Inuyasha when he was pinned to the Tree of Ages in an enchanted sleep.  Rin is clearly trapped inside the Tree of Ages in an enchanted sleep.  
The mirroring here is...not subtle.  
Anyway, I’m just accepting the inevitable.  I just wish OTHERS on the tag would chill the fuck out and stop being horrid bullies to the SessRinners.
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