#kahuna kunze
Welcome Germany 🇩🇪 to the Sail GP League and Season 4!
Some great sailing talent in Erik Heil and Kahena Kunze!
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earthstory · 6 years
10k followers! Just *THANK YOU* to all who do and contribute and enjoy this world of wonder 🙏🏼 | So a short video, but a killer! Spodumene! Described in 1903 by George F. Kunz (American Mineralogist and vice president of Tiffany and Co., New York) the new lilac variety of spodumene also named in his honor. An ore of lithium but also a beautiful gem material. In the Ocean View mine (Pala, San Diego Co., California) in December 2010 in an area called the Big Kahuna II zone, a major find of deep purple kunzite was found. This one called the “Big Kahuna” is the largest and most likely largest gem quality crystal of the species from the USA, 28 x 15.6  x 2 cm and 2.2kg (!) A beautiful and typically striated  flattened crystal, of great colour that due to its pleochroism deepens to a beautiful deep lilac down its top (you should see it lit up the c-axis 😳). Also, that amazing ‘herringbone’ pattern and the slight re-entrant angle? Looks like a twin to me! When the box opened and I first saw this I was speechless. I have seen the great crystal at Harvard and the American Museum, but this one is BIG! I was lucky enough to have a private trip down the mine and see the ‘pocket zone’ hole it came out of, what an amazing experience, wish I had found it! But these things don’t come along often 😎. | Private Collection |
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