#SailGP season 4
The gushiest article ever…
SailGP paying for coverage me thinks.
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For World Oceans Day – well, really every day – SailGP stands united with millions around the globe in celebrating our oceans' invaluable role in sustaining life and its unparalleled beauty. As an organization whose very essence and competitive spirit are tied to the health of the world's waters, SailGP has a profound commitment to safeguarding our seas.
The ocean is our racetrack – the arena where our athletes push the limits of human and technological potential. The conditions and health of the water directly influence our events and our athletes – highlighting the symbiotic relationship between SailGP and the marine environment. 
But beyond being the most epic arena, the ocean is a critical component to life. It produces more than half of the world's oxygen, absorbs vast amounts of carbon dioxide, and is home to a diverse range of life that directly impacts human communities globally. The health of our oceans is directly linked to the health of our planet and our futures.
Climate change is an ever-present threat to coastal communities around the world. Adverse weather conditions, flooding, threats to marine wildlife, food security and ocean acidification all have a significant impact. SailGP hosts Local Impact Projects at select venues in Season 4 and has committed to focus on projects aligned to ocean health including ocean conservation and protection of coastal marine ecosystems through coastal improvement projects, and supporting blue carbon projects aligned to further improve our climate positive status. This also aligns with the recently signed High Seas Treaty to place 30% of the world’s seas into protected areas by 2030 in order to safeguard and recuperate marine nature (signed March 2023).
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SAILGP New York 2019 – Japan takes first ever SailGP event win in New York In front of fan-lined shores, Japan beat Australia to sit atop the leaderboard by one point NEW YORK – June 22, 2019 – In front of large crowds lining the waterfront in downtown Manhattan, the Japan SailGP Team – helmed by double Olympic medalist Nathan Outteridge – beat off strong competition from Tom Slingsby’s Australia SailGP Team to win its first event in the inaugural SailGP season. An intense final match race took place between the two notorious rivals on the Hudson River racecourse, which saw drama before the start as the high-powered F50s, capable of intense speeds, made contact. A penalty to Australia saw Japan eventually get the better of the season’s leaders and take the victory in New York. “Here we knew it would be a challenge and what I am really proud about is that our whole team focused every single step of the way,” said Outteridge. “I am relieved because we really needed a win, we deserved to win, and I am proud of everyone’s effort. The Aussies are, without a doubt, the team to beat, and I think now we are starting to even out the playing field and can’t wait until Cowes.” New York’s urban landscape provided an extra challenge for the world-class athletes this week as they battled shifting breezes and varied wind speeds on a smaller, more challenging racecourse. Boat handling and maneuvering on the foils was significantly more of a factor than ever before as the boats flew around the Hudson at the fastest speeds yet seen on SailGP, with the Australia team hitting a top speed of 48.69 knots (nearly 60 mph). It was the superior adaptability of the Japanese team that won the event on the Hudson. “It was tough conditions, but the Japan team was better. They’ve been better than us the last two days, and they deserve the win,” said Slingsby. “The way this sport has gone, and the way Nathan and my careers have gone has been amazing, and we’re so happy to be here racing each other; unfortunately, it’s on different teams, but it also makes it more fun.” The United States SailGP Team, led by Rome Kirby, gave the estimated 30,000 people lining the shore a reason to cheer when they crossed the finish line first in race five. Scoring its first ever SailGP win on home turf was a special moment for the United States SailGP Team, and a move that placed the crew third overall at the event. “The boys were pretty fired up to go racing today, and it showed,” said Kirby. “To win a race is awesome but we want to win events. But we’re happy to be on the podium, and it was awesome to see the crowd out there.” Only one point separates Japan and Australia on the Season 1 leaderboard, but now four teams have proved they are capable of winning races, putting the pressure on for the next event in Cowes. One team that will be looking forward to racing in Cowes is the Great Britain SailGP Team, which suffered a capsize on the Hudson that significantly damaged its wingsail. The British will be eager for redemption in front of their hometown crowd at the first European event of SailGP’s inaugural season. “It’s been a disappointing weekend all in all for us – we learned a lot from our capsize yesterday, and I’m proud as a team of how we came back after that setback,” said helmsman Dylan Fletcher. SailGP’s next stop is Cowes, UK, over the weekend of August 10-11, when the home of British sailing will be able to witness the intense racing and awe-inspiring speeds of the F50s. New York SailGP Results 1 // Japan // 49pts 2 // Australia // 45pts 3 // United States // 37pts 4 // China // 33pts 5 // France // 32pts 6 // Great Britain // 27pts
Sail GP NY
All photos and text from www.catsailingnews.com
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Some great photos in this link.
Great memories from Season 4.
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The hype has started for June 1-2, 2024 in Halifax-Dartmouth
Hoping for a great turnout.
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Yup - He added: "I think (Sail)GP is quite influenced by F1 and the experience around F1 and they want their sponsors to be able to experience that kind of thing."
Bye-bye Auckland for 2024.
Very disappointing, but according to the NZ Herald, the event in March could still be hosted elsewhere.
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For those of you that get a charge out of replaying accidents
The audio is interesting!
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An economic boom for Halifax. Well done.
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A button push or not a button push…
… that is the question.
At 1:27, Jason Waterhouse presses a button, but this appears to be after the wing inverts and they were well on their way to capsizing. So, I am inclined to believe Tom Slingsby’s explanation of this situation.
Boy, do things go wrong quickly out there. And good on the Spanish and Danes on avoiding the boat in the middle of the course.
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Nice mural Halifax!
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Better viewed in the video link below.
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Real racing on the edge!
So calm on board.
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Great article outlining all of the events at the upcoming Halifax SAILGP event.
Too bad we had to hear about it from an Italian website.
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Well, that was a beautiful weekend of racing on the Great Sound of Bermuda.
Congrats to Spain for a well deserved win. Impressive, confident and clean sailing.
🇨🇦 did well, but not quite consistent enough to make it into the final. Hopefully this event will light a fire under them for the rest of the season. Same with the Danes.
The video above has great footage of the USA capsize and showed why they couldn’t race this weekend. USA team are clearly in a beginning learning phase and we won’t see them anywhere near the top for a long time.
Congrats to Australia 🇦🇺 and New Zealand 🇳🇿 for making the final too. Unless something drastic happens, they definitely will be in the Grand Final in San Francisco.
Petition to have EVERY America’s Cup BE held IN BERMUDA. It is simply the most beautiful and reliable sailing venue around. I had an invitation to visit in 2003, but couldn’t go. Time to rectify that!
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Pete giving a quickie tour of Amokura!
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New Zealand SailGP team announced new brand name “Black Foils” ahead of Christchurch event.
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From Stuff.co.nz:
An investigation is underway as to why the wing came out of alignment which caused the structural failure to happen.
"We will be working hard to determine what happened and how to prevent future occurrences. In the meantime, while we determine the facts we will not use the 29m wing configuration,'' Sail GP said in a statement.
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