#kaiju kafka
tytroik · 2 months
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I saw the original meme by sweepswoop on Twitter(‘X’) and I just— I HAD TO
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harlistar · 2 months
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Kafka 😫
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oxandthorn · 29 days
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my boyfriend is a giant kaiju, but he has a great personality, so it's okay
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amirayray · 3 months
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He's so cool :0000
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sonicasura · 3 months
Hilariously fucked up idea but what if Kafka's kaiju had a starfish moment?
Like when Hoshina cuts off his arm during their fight in episode 8, the limb just turns into a mini baby version of the himbo's Kaiju form while they are unaware. Nobody notices until two possible scenarios occur. (Both will have at least two months for shenanigans before No.10 shows up.)
1. Hoshina finds the whelp as he hears it rummaging through the garbage. He was gonna bring back the arm he'd cut off from No. 8 only to notice it strangely gone. Imagine his face when he goes to investigate only to see a little chibi skull look back at him with puppy eyes.
The 'Oh fuck' look as he realizes what he inadvertently created especially when the whelp starts happily chirping at him. Hoshina brings the baby back since those puppy dog eyes pretty much sniped any willpower to snuff it out and it might help the Defense Force understand No. 8 better. Yes, Mina is definitely picking on him once she sees the whelp. (Gonna call them Skully for now.)
Poor Kafka gonna have a major inner freakout for two reasons. Skully pretty much is like a koala and throws a fit if away from Hoshina for too long so the entire 3rd Division sees them. The other reason is the whelp immediately knows who their momma is thus has a tendency to sneak away to see Kafka.
2. Our himbo suddenly senses something strange after he escapes Hoshina. Following his instincts, Kafka soon finds the newly born Skully munch on one of the dead kaiju corpses. The baby immediately begins to chirp happily at the stunned himbo.
Kafka ends up hiding Skully in a bag he takes off the street and goes to Kikoru for help. She absolutely has a freakout cause the man is really pushing his luck with a mitosis kaiju baby in a battlezone! (Kafka does try to defend himself since he didn't know how freaky these powers were gonna be.)
It's the three stooges with a kaiju baby time as our himbo needs all the help he can get. Even moreso when Skully likes to wander off in order to find their 'papa' Hoshina. The baby already gets fussy if Kafka is absent for too long and his kaiju instincts hate leaving them alone for similar reasons.
With either scenario, someone is gonna face the struggles of parenthood. Lol
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vannliam · 4 months
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• He’s a kind of boyfriend who would tell you nicknames too cheesy but cute just because he’s Hoshina, for example, he would tell you something like: baby, princess, darling, my honey, love, my girl, etc… (and mommy but in special circumstances )
• He’s very cute with you. 🥹
• He would always give you many letters, he knows how to express very well the love he feels for you. He loves that you tell him “i love you “
• He is ur omg good looking boy.
• Hoshina would sometimes do scenes of jealousy, he is not so jealous but if anything, he always says that you are his. Sometimes he try to fight with Kafka because he thought he was flirting with you, so he said that you were his, the next day, he was glued to you all day.
• He would protect you from any kaiju, you are his world, his light, the love of his life, his flower, little girl, he would never allow something bad to happen to you, he would give his life for you...
• He’s a gentleman with you!!! 💗
•Hoshina loves to give you a lot of kisses.
• He is very strong, he would invite you to watch him train, although sometimes he does it for another purpose, you love to see him.
• He loves the cakes, give him a cake and he will be doing everything you ask him to do.
• He’s so good with you, nobody else, only with you.
• For Hoshina, you are her safe place.
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guys… I love Hoshina 💗
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talesofsonicasura · 4 months
I'm Still Me
Sorry for not responding to this blog for awhile! Life has been nuts and I been getting asks on my main blog so there's that. Currently suffering writer's block hence the lack of stories or character scenarios too.
Doesn't mean AUs and worldbuilding headcanons are affected. I got a new one from an series that has finally gotten some attention, Kaiju No 8. You can tell it was about time we gotten a Shonen which doesn't follow the standard rules. And this AU involves are lovely 32 year old himbo main character Kafka so please enjoy!
The premise of Kaiju No 8 is when a cleaner with a dream to standby his best friend gains the power to become the very monster said companion faces: a Kaiju. Now in canon, Kafka becomes human again after his first fight and has to maintain a double identity. What if he didn't change back?
Kafka is now forced to navigate life stuck in the body of a Kaiju. Trying to understand his new physiology, instincts and abilities with the (slim) hope he can become human again. Luckily Kafka isn't alone in this new struggle.
He has Reno and his fellow Monster Sweepers to help him. The latter group find out the truth after Kafka doesn't show up to work for multiple shifts. All of them were obviously shocked to see their long time friend/coworker had become a kaiju but still have his back. (The himbo absolutely cried from the support.)
Reno shoulders Kafka's dream on his back as the group knows the Defense Force might never accept a Kaiju into their ranks. To him, it wasn't fair for his friend to be denied this last chance by fate and the young man will do something about it. Luckily Kafka is willing to help train Reno whenever possible.
He tries to get his life back together while his younger friend aims for the Defense Force. The Monster Sweepers help Kafka acquire new clothes and necessities needed to live with a kaiju body. Looking for ways that can allow their friend to still be apart of society without jeopardizing his life.
It doesn't mean the human turned monster was safe from the events to come. A certain Kaiju interfering with the Defense Force leads Kafka no choice but to get involved as his friends are caught in the crossfire. The man soon becomes a target for both sides.
Defense Force who wishes to learn the truth about Kaiju No 8's mysterious nature and the Kaiju that want to tear apart the traitor against their kind. Meanwhile Kafka struggles to hold onto his identity as he tries to understand his new powers. They call him Kaiju No 8. He knows he is Kafka Hibino.
Yet is the man really either? Is he still human? Has Kafka really become a kaiju? Or is he something completely different? It is up to Kafka to decide that he is still himself. Hopefully the conclusion leads the human turned kaiju one step closer to the humanity he once had.
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discoknack · 3 months
Super rough thinky-sketch of my headcanon designs of Kafka's Kaiju-hive forms - for lack of a better word? - from @sonicasura's Skyscraper Softie AU. Fanfiction of fanfiction, my head is spinning...
Anyway just messing around.
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apparently-artless · 5 months
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hibino & ichikawa being a chaotic duo ( ˙▿˙ )
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momojiji-radar · 3 months
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kaijuno8 i really liked this show every week lately
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qweaenr · 3 months
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KAIJU #8 - ex
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crimson-chains · 1 month
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Drawing a lot of headshots! Just for funs, and gonna make small prints later :D Here's some Kaiju No. 8 boys!
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harlistar · 2 months
Me when mina or kafka 😫😫
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oxandthorn · 1 month
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does hoshina want a kiss? a hug? or uppies?
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sonicasura · 3 months
Raising Skully
Some ideas around Kaiju No 8.5 Skully. This includes both versions which will be marked with either a 🌺 for Hoshina or a 🐞 for Kafka. Please enjoy!
Skully can eat normal human food as their baby teeth is sharp enough to chew the stuff but also digest it with no issue. They really like peanut butter, fish, apples and chicken the most. Skully also requires twice the amount of food a normal human child needs. (Rip Kafka's wallet.)
The baby kaiju's biology is quite different from their parent. It's more than just a chubby gecko like tail. Skully converts any waste material into a sludge that they can spit out as a self defense mechanism. Their diet affects how corrosive or sticky the stuff is and at worst can weaken the hardness of even the toughest kaiju hide.
Skully showed this ability once when a spider spooked them. The room was temporarily quarantined afterwards until the sizzling puddle was cleaned up. Both sides might've preferred changing diapers than deal with acidic sludge.
🌺 Whenever Hoshina has to go on missions or leave base, Okonogi is in charge of Skully. The baby is surprising well-behaved in the monitoring room as they sleep or watch her work. Skully however will run out to Hoshina if they sense he's in terrible danger. Or how No. 10 got a sludge bomb to the face.
Skully's fortitude is a 2.8 but will raise to a frightening 7.5 if enraged. They only enter this stage should their respective parent be in grave danger. Horn nubs sharpening, back spines elongating, finally their eyes glowing a hazardous green are signs of 'combat mode' activating. Skully has the ability to enhance those they cling onto and even form a barrier once in 'combat state'. They however fall asleep after 3 minutes from exhaustion.
🐞 Kafka tends to shift into Kaiju form whenever tending to Skully. He's more open to expressing his inhuman instincts such as licking, purring, and chittering back at his whelp. If Reno or Kikoru sees him doing this than they won't say a word.
Skully loves art especially finger painting. Best to keep an eye on them and lock up any materials such as ink. The 3rd Division woke up to all of their walls covered in childish drawings over night.
🌺 Hoshina once mused over the idea of having Skully lead him to his 'mama'. Teaching them the word and pointing at a Kaiju No.8's picture. It was shoved aside by Okonogi who thought it was a little too insane.
Skully aids Hoshina in his fight with No. 10. Trying to clean up the blood off his face by licking it would later grant them the ability to take a human form. (Their saliva has minor healing agents.) A visage that looks like a mix between Hoshina and Kafka.
🐞 The Monster Sweepers help babysit Skully when needed. It usually happens if training ends up being off base or a mission were to happen. They even gotten modified baby clothes and toys for Skully.
Kafka immediately calms in the presence of his whelp. Even the most intense rage will die with a soft chirp from Skully. Don't dare try to harm the baby when Kafka's around or else. (Same goes for Hoshina after awhile.)
First words are said at the two week threshold. Skully will call Kafka 'mama' and Hoshina 'papa' whenever possible. (The former secretly cries in joy.) Skully also calls those they don't like or doesn't trust 'Bada'.
Learns to walk on two feet in a week. (It definitely was recorded.) Skully prefers to roam on all fours and half the reason being they can stick to walls like a gecko better that way. They still remain a very fast mobile disaster either way.
I'll be drawing Skully soon so stay tune for that.
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@drmarune @popipopipopipopipo000 @renard-dartigue @discoknack
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iizuumi · 4 months
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forgot how to draw my kn8 blorbos help
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