fall-or-rise · 2 years
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cjstar01 · 7 years
I MADE THE VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so happy.
I also believe that theses two would be the perfect couple.
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petersheart · 10 years
Okay so here´s the snippet/first drabble of the kol/kai fic im writing for those who were interested! tell me what you think about it and please please tell me if you have any ideas on what could happen like ive got some plans but i ALWAYS gets writers block so anyway this isnt like an official start but kind of like.. a teaser?? just to see if people actually are interested. I´ve put it under readmore cause its like 1k long
“So I heard there was a new psychopath in town.”
Kai´s keeps a straight mask, even though he´s never heard the voice before. He turns around, the hand not holding his groceries ready to put out a spell if needed. A young man is watching him with a smirk on his face. The man seems to spot Kai´s hands slowly getting ready for that spell that is one the tip of his tongue and raises his hands.
“I´m not here to fight you,” the man says with a thick british accent.
“Who are you then?” Kai asks, and lets his hand fall down just a little. The man smiles, “I´m Kol. I need your help, and you might want me on your side,” the man - Kol - says.
Kai laughs.
“I don´t need any help nor friends,” he tells Kol and turns to leave. “You might not need friends, but an alley is always good to have. My family, they are rather powerful,” Kol says. Kai stops. He wonders if this Kol person actually knows who he is. But still, he knows fighting and knows that powerful people owning you a favour is always good.
“You´re brave,” Kai says instead of yes and turns around, again. He studies the man. He looks younger than himself (even his current state where he´s been 18 forever). Yet, there´s something old and proud in the way Kol holds himself.
“Or I know who I should fear, and who I should respect,” Kol says. The words pleases Kai, but he´s still vary of this man. “And which category do I fall in?” Kai asks, and takes a step closer to Kol. There´s a guarded smile on his face. Kol looks him up and down for a second.
“I´m not quite sure yet.”
Kai looks at Kol, before letting his face fall into another smile. “So are you gonna invite me to your apartment so we can chat, or what?” Kol asks, a cock smile on his face. Kai wonders if he would sound just as awesome as Kol with a british accent.
Kai leads the way to the apartment. It´s not far, not really. Kol walks beside him, looking around like it´s just another day. Completely normal. Kai wonders how. If Kol knows who he is, what he is, why isn´t the little wimp shaking with fear?
When they (accidentally) brush hands though, Kai can feel the magic. His hand jerks just enough for his reaction to be visible. He´s a little surprised by the magic because usually he can quickly feel when there´s another witch close, but he tries to pretend he isn´t. It´s all a beat to late. Kol just smirks at him again, like he knows that Kai didn´t know.
“Here we are,” Kai says as he swings the door open. It´s not a big apartment, it´s not like he had loads of money after being stuck eighteen years in a prison. Truth be told, he may have used magic to rob a bank. Just a little though. Nothing.. to big. Nothing that could be traced back to him anyway.
Kol follows him in the door, and before Kai can say anything more Kol is already falling down on the couch looking like he´s over at a close friends. Kai just kinda nods, and pretends that he´s cool. He´s okay with this. He´s killed lots of people before, some wierdo witch isn´t gonna put him out.
So he carries his groceries to the kitchen side of the room and starts putting them in the cupboards and in the fridge. “Why don´t you just use magic to do that?” Kol asks from where he´s still sitting on the couch.
Kai´s happy he´s back is turned against Kol, so Kol can´t see his frown. He recovers quickly though, “We´re not in some idiotic disney movie!” is his response. Kol snorts, and Kai can hear him whisper some words. Suddenly all his groceries are flying around in the kitchen and Kai is about to yell, tell him to stop cause he is not walking down to the grocery store again - when the cupboards and fridge opens and everything flies into them.
It actually seems to work. Things seems to be sorting themselves. Kai waits until the last cupboard slams shut before he says anything.
“I may not be completely used to having magic again,” he says as he walks back to Kol. Kol grins up at him, “what´s fun with magic if you can´t have fun with it?” Wow. This guy kind of gets it. Kai finds himself smiling and fuck, Kai doesn´t smile. Not real smiles at least.
“So what do you want?” he asks and sits down in the chair beside the couch. For the first time this night, Kol seems unsure.
“I need your help,” Kol starts. Kai rolls his eyes. “No, listen now. This is not my original body. Jeremy and Elena Gilbert burned it to a crisp. Now, I want it back. And to do that, I need a powerful witch that doesn´t have any feuds with my family,” Kai sits still and lets Kol talk. The boy seems to be talking the truth, even with the guarded expression Kol has Kai can see the emotion in his eyes. And also, something more. Fear.
“Who´s your family?” Kai asks, even though he´s the last person who should be asking about that, or even thinking about judging someone based on their family. Kol smiles.
“The Original Vampires.”
Kai can´t help but raise his eyebrows at Kol.
“My mother resurrected me after my unfair death, and put me in this witch body so I could be her little soldier. I didn´t like that, and now I want out.”
Kai thinks that if he could raise his eyebrows anymore they would probably disappear into his hairline.
btw i dont have a beta yet so yeah grammar mistakes all the way
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fall-or-rise · 2 years
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fall-or-rise · 2 years
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fall-or-rise · 2 years
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fall-or-rise · 3 years
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fall-or-rise · 3 years
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fall-or-rise · 3 years
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fall-or-rise · 3 years
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fall-or-rise · 3 years
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fall-or-rise · 3 years
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fall-or-rise · 3 years
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fall-or-rise · 3 years
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fall-or-rise · 3 years
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fall-or-rise · 3 years
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