thecharmedmechanic · 6 years
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“I don’t understand. How do you know who I am? Have we met before?” she asked, somewhat confused. She blamed it on her working so much at the shop. She often forgot about her other life away from wrenches and engines. She scratched her head. “Sorry if I’m not understanding. Its been a long work week.”
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doctor-clair-pine · 6 years
🎸 -stranger danger & teasers;pleasers
Send a 🎸 to my ask box...
And I’ll make a short 3 song playlist for our muses. ( You can also specify if you want it to be a shippy or platonic playlist )
Jay x Clair;
Jasmine Thompson - Ain't Nobody
Annie - Tomorrow (because dramatic hand gestures are a thing)
Kiss - I was made for lovin’ you 
Andrew x Talia;
The Rolling Stones - Paint it Black
Hannah Trigwell - Troublemaker
Kid Cudi & Dot Da Genius (WZRD) - Where Did You Sleep Last Night?
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smallseer · 6 years
@kalonice-daughter-of-iris-rp liked for a starter
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      “Well, this is awkward.” The small vampire states as she stands,wiping a bit of dirt that rested on her hands onto the fabric of her dark stockings. She licks the blood from the deer that lingered on her lips. “I’d offer to share but..” a giggle escapes from her lips as she shakes her head. 
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flamegene · 6 years
@kalonice-daughter-of-iris-rp liked for a starter
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     “I’m not going to do anything until I finish my ice cream. I mean unless someone is dying or something. Are you dying? What’s wrong?”
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notastudentlighter · 6 years
@kalonice-daughter-of-iris-rp & continued
Chris leaned against the bar. He had intended to get just a drink but then she caught his eyes, looking kind of miserable. His caring nature had made him go over and inquire. “Name’s Chris, what’s yours?”
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alxnetxgether-moved · 6 years
⚘⚘ send this to ten RP blogs you think are amazing. spread the love. ( ノ ꒪▿꒪)ノ*
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sasslightertm-a · 6 years
kalonice-daughter-of-iris-rp replied to your post: kalonice-daughter-of-iris-rp replied to your...
Definitely unchanged future Chris got a lot more love than baby Chris, after they found out who he was. But also, second children almost never get all of the attention??
I mean... the thing that also annoys me about that is this: even after finding out he was family, they never addressed how they’d treated him beforehand. Ever. Including Leo stalking him, threatening to kill him, threatening to send him back to his own time or to have the Elders clip his wings and recycle his soul. They also kicked him out of the house when he was forced to tell them he’d come back to stop Wyatt from turning evil and that in his future Wyatt grows up to become an evil dictator. (And made snarky comments behind Chris’s back about him being bitchy, neurotic, and complaining about him sending them out to vanquish demons on the off chance that this could be the one that gets to Wyatt—because he genuinely does not know what turned Wyatt evil and was trying to cover all the bases). Also the fact he’s, y’know, living in the back room of Piper’s nightclub instead of a spare room in the Manor where he can keep a closer eye on Wyatt.
And even after finding out his true identity, Phoebe never changes her attitude toward him: she suggests that Chris isn’t meant to exist, that his only purpose was to come back and warn them about Wyatt and that’s it; she completely dismisses all of Chris’s traumas in his future as his big brother picking on him; and she completely takes away Chris’s agency in revealing who he is to his own parents—Paige is the only one who he reveals his identity to on his own terms (he only told Phoebe in the first place because she figured it out from a vision she’d had and confronted him about it).
On your second point... eh... I was four when my younger sister was born and since I was perfectly happy to amuse myself, she got a lot of attention and would throw fits whenever I would want to spend time with Mom and/or Dad. (She still kind of does this whenever I’m home on break from university and want to just relax with Mom, but... *shrugs* both Mom and Dad have called her out on it and it hasn’t really done anything.)
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evora-eriu-mclaggen · 6 years
Are you open to starters atm?
Always open to all kinds of stuff!
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chriscrosscd · 6 years
Scarlett smirked at him. "How about you take a seat over there and I've give you a strip tease that'll have you begging me to ride you?" She placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed him lightly over to the chair.
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Chris raised an eyebrow at that but said nothing. Instead he followed her suggestion, her light push, and lowered himself down into the proffered chair. 
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doctor-clair-pine · 6 years
∞ S.D.
Mun2Mun Meme
∞ — I ship our muses as soul mates.
//I think that sums them up perfectly. 
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@kalonice-daughter-of-iris-rp continued
“Lilies are always lovely.. I love the smell of fresh flowers.” Amelia smiles, staring up at him. “Merci.” The witch thanks him.
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ericbrandonrp · 6 years
@kalonice-daughter-of-iris-rp: "We could always find something to get angry about." *wink*
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“I don’t loike bein’ bossed ‘round, if that helps.”
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@kalonice-daughter-of-iris-rp liked for a smutty starter  2. ‘make up sex’
She hated fighting, she really did. They didn’t do it often, but when they did, it could get messy. Fortunately, however, things tended to clear up relatively quickly, much like now. With whispered ‘sorrys’ between passionate kisses, Neve’s arms wrapped around Jay’s shoulders and her hands tangled in his hair, breathing heavy and eyes stinging from her tears. 
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evora-eriu-mclaggen · 6 years
Is there a particular era that you would want to write in for a Hogwarts AU?
I’m a slut for Hogwarts shenanigans and that’s what I’ve been writing so far. As long as I get to laugh at how dumb kids are I don’t care which timeline it is :D
I’m open to plotting deeper/darker stuff tho, things that could really use a specific timeline. Hit me up!
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chriscrosscd · 6 years
"Tell me what you want me to do and I might consider it." Scarlett teased his earlobe, resuming the strokes on his shaft. She occasionally rubbed a finger over the tip and pressed against the sensitive hub of nerves that rested there. Her other hand traced circular patterns across his tight stomach.
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“Whatever you want.” A shiver ran through him; he groaned softly, closed his eyes. “I’m yours for the night, remember?”
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the-black-poppy · 6 years
RULES: Answer the twenty-three questions and then tag twenty (ish) people you want to get to know better!
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
HEIGHT:  1.73
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish and starting next month hopefully French. 
NATIONALITY: Brazilian+1
FAVOURITE FRUIT: Pineapple now. 
FAVOURITE COLOUR: Red, black and purple.   FAVOURITE ANIMAL: RED PANDA!!!!!!!!!! and all rest. 
DREAM TRIP: To do a euro trip, hopefully maybe next September.
LAST MOVIE SEEN: The Lazarus effect.
SONGS YOU’VE HAD ON REPEAT:  everything in my car XD
SONG ONE: – Madonna ‘Like a prayer’
SONG TWO: – Pink - ‘Beautiful Trauma’ 
SONG THREE: – Kasabian - ‘Vlad the impaler’
RANDOM FACT ABOUT YOU ONE: My youngest niece’s name translates to Palm tree. I always find it funny.
RANDOM FACT ABOUT YOU TWO:  I used to have a pet rabbit growing up - she was eaten by a falcon :<
RANDOM FACT ABOUT YOU THREE: I’ve become obsessed with incense when I got back from Singapore and I light one on when I get back home from work everyday and another one before I go to sleep. It relaxes me.
TAGGED BY: @kalonice-daughter-of-iris-rp TAGGING: YOU!!!
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