astarionsknife · 6 months
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That’s God-ish,
unfair that’s God-ish
"My God"
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awesomeuchuu · 2 years
(not sure which one you wanted to reply with ;D)
😏   //   give  my  muse  a  hickey . (yuzuru->ibara)
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How had they ended up like this? Him and Yuzuru. Ibara with his back against the wall and their hands touching and touching and... Touching.
He leaned his head backward, stretching his neck as Yuzuru's lips came to it, attacking it mercilessly. "Y-you're going to leave a mark," Ibara somehow managed to croak out, his voice breathless.
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kageira · 2 years
personally,    mika  had  thought  they'd  had  a  very  good  live  performance  this  time  around.      he'd  had  not  a  single  step  out  of  place  or  late,    and  he  swears  he'd  seen  shu  nod  at  him  once  or  twice  in  the  middle  of  it.      all  in  all,    he  feels  very  good  about  it,    and  had  bounded  off  the  stage  in  soaring  spirits,    only  slightly  exhausted  from  their  footwork.      though,    when  he  spots  shu  making  a  beeline  straight  for  him,    it  falters  just  slightly.      he  turns  to  attention,    straightening  his  back  on  instinct  and  tucking  an  arm  behind  his  back.      he  sways  on  his  feet,    sniffing.        ❝        -           ?        ❞
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@kamipoina​​.    "  hold  still,    kagehira..    your  collar  is  being  a  mess  ",    shu  says  as  he  tugs  on  the  fabric  and  straightens  it  until  he's  satisfied.    he  huffs,    looking  into  the  eyes  of  his  partner.    "  please  pay  attention  next  time,    you  hear  me?  "
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he  looks  at  shu  now,    his  chin  lifted  to  a  point  where  shu  can  easily  see  his  own  hands  messing  around  with  his  collar.    he  doesn't  meet  his  partner's  eyes  for  long,    quickly  glancing  away  and  up  at  the  ceiling,    as  if  unwilling  to  meet  the  obvious  judgement  in  shu's  eye.    he  doesn't  really  mind  it,    but  he  does  feel  ashamed  of  himself,    because  he's  sure  he  really  should  have  been  paying  attention.    that's  what  oshi-san  always  reminds  him  to  do  !      and  he's  failed  at  that.
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❝        nnaagh,    sorry,    oshi-san  !      i  was  really  payin'  attention  while  we  were  performin',    really  !      but  i  got  all  into  our  performance,    like  ya  said  i  should  !        ❞        he  looks  at  the  wall.    then  he  look  at  the  ceiling  again,    and  then  his  gaze  flickers  over  shu's  face.    and  that's  his  mistake,    because  the  moment  he  looks  at  him,    the  moment  nearly  all  his  shame  disappears,    melting  into  relief  and  comfort  and  everything  else  he  feels  around  shu.    swelling  happiness.    adoration.    affection  that  fills  his  chest  so  full  that  it  feels  like  it  will  blow  his  entire  ribcage  apart.    if  that  happens,    then  so  be  it.
he  lets  out  a  long  breath,    and  the  feeling  deflates,    but  doesn't  vanish.        ❝        i'll  pay  real  close  attention  durin'  our  next  one.        ❞        he  reaches  up,    brushing  his  hand  up  against  shu's  before  settling  his  fingers  at  his  collar,    a  puckish  smile  at  his  lips.    his  gaze  meets  shu's  now.        ❝        ehehe  ~  promise.        ❞
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* . ゜ unprompted  !                   𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗. 
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diamondborn · 2 years
❛ okay stop asking me if i’m straight, gay, bi, whatever. i identify as a fucking threat. ❜ (chuuya lmao)
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incorrect quotes.   /  CURRENTLY ACCEPTING!
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        ‘    are ya freakin' kiddin' me  ?  they don't have that option on the drop-down menu so can ya'answer with what I asked?!  I  ——  ya'know what  ?  okay  .  ’  that's it  ,  it's going in there .  you're just going to put it in the information section .   ‘   my name is chuuya nakahara , I identify as a threat  -----  yeah  ,  really 'bout to get ya'some hits ,  alright  .  ’  
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ryusxnka · 2 years
✏️✏️✏️ :)
Send ✏️ if you like my writing.
Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey. -- Thank you so much!! We haven't been following each other long since the past, but know that you are  super duper superb and a great addition to my dash -- to anyone's dash. <33
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
“Alright, just leave it to me. I don’t mind.” (ichiro->ramuda)
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“For realsies?? Thanks soooo much, Ichiro~!” Ramuda bounces closer, clinging onto Ichiro as much as he can. Hm... little change in body weight, from the feel of the hug. Nothing to be concerned about, there. Still...
“Oh, oh! After that, can you help me out a teensy-weensy bit more? While I was on my business trip I like, got super carried away and bought toooons of tasty-looking stuff! But I can’t eat them all by myself, and Dice is hanging out with Rio over in Yokohama, so he can’t eat them for me!” :((( “Can you pwease pwease pweaaaase take some stuff home with you???”
He looks up at Ichiro, making his cutest pleading expression.
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shouga-nai · 2 years
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candyn-gutz · 11 months
ok anyway i promised u my internet idols and i am here to deliver. don't mind that there's going to be a lot of the same song... ehehe... i also haven't listened to the unit songs for the two units so like. i cannot send u any of those until i do
so !! lets just start with strpri (strawberry prince) guys i listen to! (riinu's my favorite from strpri btw)
riinu ! the red one. transmasc and i love him so much. if riinu can do it i can do it ! his liddle guy is a dogboy :). shoujorei, magical girl and chocolate, loveit
root ! the yellow guy. very soft kinda voice. love this guy. his youtube channel is mostly minecraft its funny. darling dance, bug
colon! little blue guy. also got that soft kinda voice that i enjoy. devil janai mon
satomi ! pink. has a more mature sounding voice compared to the other three. got a nice bit of power while still being kinda smooth. kinda nice tbh. shoujorei, kamipoina (godish)
nanamori ! purple. had to stop being a utaite for a bit after he kinda got doxxed or smth. like satomi has a more mature voice but still has that smoothness to it (also his voice just sounds neat) one of my faves tbh. he does solo stuff more now :) also he's the founder of strpri!! yellow, loveit, vampire (rlly shows off his power)
nanamori technically isn't active in strpri itself anymore, but he's still active as a utaite and as strpri's like. manager? kinda? so he counts. to me <3
also! lavie (root, colon, satomi, riinu)
KnightA! lets ignore that my favorite enstars unit is knights, and just move on...
vau ! red guy. leader of KnightA. i have mixed feelings on his voice but he has such a unique vocal style that i listen anyway (and im coming to enjoy his voice...). he's got a lot of interesting vocal stuff he does. gets very loud and growly sometimes its impressive. devil janai mon (he sings in a lower and a higher register to mimic deco and pino's styles, and even while singing high he can still growl and emit so much power behind that voice), loveit
soma! yellow. soft but mature voice! usually sings in his normal register but has a few times where he gets a little higher or a little deeper and growly. knightA loves their powerful voices with those growls man. ough. bug, non-breath oblige, gehenna
mahito ! blue. he doesn't do solo stuff very often but has a kinda unique voice to me... very smooth yet a bit low. you don't expect the voice that comes outta that liddle blue guy. goodbye declaration
teruto ! pink. very soft and gentle voice. i enjoy it a lot actually. he does a lot of solo stuff and has covered a lotta songs :) kyukurarin, please play-bite, magical girl and chocolate, goodbye delcaration
shiyun ! green. VERY powerful voice. loves those screams and growls. he gets growly a LOT. when not being all growly he has a very smooth voice, kinda high at times but he's also very good at singing lower ! usseewa, bug, apocalypse now, n ah ah (vocals on this one are very whispery and airy, and then he gets loud for one part towards the end :3)
yukimura ! purple. not actually part of KnightA anymore bc they wanted to go solo, but left the group on good terms! very soft voice. almost feminine sounding? good at hitting highs bc of it. very pleasing to listen to them tbh. also they're kinda controversial in japan bc they're uh ! a fucked up little guy ! read their page on the utaite wiki abt that lmao. also their gender isn't known so :3 ! tensei ringo, ifuudoudou, shoujorei, devil janai mon (w/ utu-kun)
multisongs ! unfriendly haters (shiyun + teruto), identity (vau + yukimura - their voices contrast SO much)
and !! misc guys.
utaranuki ! tanuki guy. got a nice voice. i don't have much to say abt him skdghds. urataneko, ifuudoudou, lavie, magical girl and chocolate
utu-kun ! name literally means depression-kun. most low energy covers ever i love it. also if you run his titles thru google translate they are literally so funny. smooth voice, pleasing to listen to :3 internet overdose (this song in utu's low-energy vibe is so funny tbh), lavie, vampire (shows off his low-energy vibe so well. also the full title is "i, who is afraid of blood, covered [vampire]"), bug (blood in the image, btw),
soraru ! you know soraru. everyone know soraru. soft and smooth voice. ghost city tokyo, kamipoina, menhera janai mon (w/ mazeta)
mazeta! i didn't listen to a lot of his stuff but like he has such a unique vocal style a lot like vau. soft voice with an interesting accent but also just fucking goes ham sometimes. hibana, ego rock (w/ utu-kun. shows off his "go ham" voice where he gets growly and like. sharp. for lack of a better term), usseewa (got some Go Ham mazeta in it :3)
ivudot. i don't listen to a lot of his stuff. has a very smooth like. anime protag voice. but also can sing in a higher and kinda softer register ! nee nee nee, shoujorei
whalewood! fascinating name tbh. i haven't listened to a lot of his stuff tbh but ! soft smooth voice. does some fun vocal stuff at times mostly w/ post-processing effects. gekkou (w/ suisoh), villain, traffic jam
suisoh ! also soft !! i do not listen to a lot of suisoh's stuff though so. yanno. ph, venom
visibly exploded when i saw this in my inbox/pos
thank you so much for being so through with them!!! i love hearing the thoughts. that are being thunked oughbnn ♡♡♡ i will definetely update u as i go through them hoho
but for now i'm really eepy so gonna try to get some sleep...
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sinwrote · 2 years
Ok I’m glad my cat woke me up at 3am I got to see @kamipoina post my ask at top speeds
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gigglyrasberries · 1 year
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awesomeuchuu · 2 years
❛ i really want to kiss you right now. ❜ (jun->ibara)
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Ibara turned away from the stove where the stew was bubbling away happily, spreading a warm aroma of garlic and herbs in the dorm kitchen. Blinking at Jun, he turned the heat onto low before he walked on over to the bluehaired man. "What's stopping you?"
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aceofhrts · 2 years
@kamipoina​ said: ∗ 13﹕ sender  takes  a  [ picture / video ]  of  receiver . (cater!) || meme
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     Taking pictures wasn't his strongest attribute. Most of the time he kept to taking simple photographs with his phone. They weren't anything special, but they did what they were supposed to - be clear enough to look at. He wasn't familiar with what made a picture look good, or how to take one with favorable results. While having a general understanding was good, at times it didn't seem like enough. That's when the genius of others had to come into play, or rather an appropriate skill set. When it came to taking photos of any sort, there was only one person he had in mind. After all, a social media enthusiast ( or perhaps an addict? ) like Cater would be perfect for the job.
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     The younger teen sighed as he stood in the middle of NRC's gym. He was dressed in his usual sportswear that he'd change into for his basketball club practice. There was a slight frown present on his face as he stared at his upperclassman. Supposedly, the other was tasked with taking some Magicam worthy pictures for the school. Things like clubs, events and other activities were of special interest, or so it seemed. Thus, Ace found himself posing for a multitude of pictures to represent the basketball club. He wasn't the best model, which showed both through the results as well as the sour look on his face. "How many do you need to take anyway? It feels like you already took a thousand by now…" he grumbled. "Are you making sure I look cool enough?"
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pyonpyonpyon · 2 years
[ MORNING ]  for sender to wake receiver with a kiss.  (gentaro->ramuda)
It hasn’t been a good night by any means. A half-night of nightmares, followed by uneasy sleep until morning. The following routine will be as such: wake up feeling unrested, get coffee and candy, and work until he feels useful (and by extension, like he won’t die).
Well, that would be the plan, if it isn’t for the fact that it was disrupted on the very first step.
Gentle pressure upon his lips is what pulls him out of his fitful slumber, and the strangeness of it all dampens his immediate need to work. His eyes barely open--just enough for him to see Gentaro above him. As if by magic, his learned needs fall quiet, overtaken by the gentle affection budding from the tip of his tongue.
He greets Gentaro with a soft, sleepy smile, hands reaching up to cup his boyfriend’s cheeks. There’s no effort to move beyond this, within the blissful bubble of just the two of them.
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“Morning, Gentaro...~” His affections are singsonged into existence, and he tugs his boyfriend down for a kiss. “You gotta let me greet you back, silly~”
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bloodymoonxvampire · 2 years
A big thank you to @kamipoina for the icon.  ♥
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sinwrote · 2 years
hi i love @executegod and @kamipoina that is all.
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awesomeuchuu · 2 years
"do you have a map? i just got lost in your eyes." (kaoru->kanata)
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"Hm? I don't see how you could..." Kanata fell silent as the meaning of the words dawned on him and a flattering blush crept to his cheeks and he giggled, looking down demurely for a moment as he collected himself, then he shyly took Kaoru's hand and squeezed it gently. "That was very poetic, Kaoru... This is what one calls 'bad pick-up lines', no...?"
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