#kanatsu nakaya
solarmiracle-makeup · 3 years
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11. Kanatsu Nakaya 
12. Mizuki Watanabe
13. Mayu Tamura 
14. Miyu Otani 
15. Akiko Miyazawa
16. Kana Nakada 
My Sailor Venus ranking (1993-2019)
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seramyuconfessions · 4 years
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Emika and Kanatsu are super cute ♡.
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sailorzakuro · 4 years
Venus 💛 Ranking - April 2020
I think this one might be quite different to last time I DON’T REMEMBER.
16. Kana Nakada
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Said it before don’t need to say it again.
15. Mayu Tamura
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I like Mayu but... not at all as Venus XD.
14. Mizuki Watanabe
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Watching her gives me a sugar rush and I wish I was joking.
13. Akiko Miyazawa
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Not too bad XD.
12. Kanatsu Nakaya
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Again, better than I thought XD.
11. Nana Suzuki
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She’s not bad lol these ones are just “not bad” I don’t have strong attachments to them XD.
10. Miyu Otani
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She was adorable lmao.
9. Yuki Nakamura
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Yeah, uh... idk how she’s only 9 cos I LOVE HER.
8. Erika
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My dear sweet Erika I will always defend XD.
7. Momoko Shibuya
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I mean her Minako is literally me when I watch Halestorm it’s hilarious.
6. Rimo Hasegawa
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5. Chizuru Soya
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I have always loved Chizuru and idk why I once put her IN 10TH PLACE she’s a queen and belongs up here facts.
4. Nao Inada
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3. Shiori Sakata
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I’ve been unhealthily obsessed with Shiori recently I think I used to put her lower down cos I had a thing against the 2013-15 cast (still do but like) and even though I loved Yuu and Shiori I found ways to keep them lower down but FUCK I STAN SHIORI SAKATA I’M SORRY I EVER TRIED TO KEEP YOU DOWN XD. Also I wife 😍.
2. Hina Higuchi
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My queen, my wife, the love of my life, she radiates Minako and I absolutely stan MY FAVOURITE NOGI MEMBER AND MY SECOND FAVOURITE VENUS I LOVE ❤️😍.
1. Ayumi Murata
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Like Miyuki I also feel like Ayumi’s just never going to change... she is forever number 1 Venus I love her WAY too much omg.
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naruseii · 5 years
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Myu review 6: 1997 Sailor Stars Kaiteiban (Easter special!) . . First impression: Extremely curious as to how they decided to revise this! Since the first Stars was kinda messy, I was hoping the story would be changed up a bit. • • •
Impressions: Actors/Actresses
Anza Ooyama (Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon/Neo Queen Serenity)- My gosh, I LOVED ANZA SO MUCH IN THIS MYU. She pulled off such an amazing Usagi AND Sailor Moon!! She also improved so much from last time; making her Usagi/Moon less dramatic. The way Anza portrays Usagi can vary for people but I honestly think she was soooo into character for this Myu. She really showed off Usagi/Moon’s tragic/serious side extremely well and just as good as her silly side. She was perfect for all aspects (singing, dancing, acting) and I can’t wait to see her performance in Eien!! 💕
Ayako Morino (Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury)- I think I liked Ayako here better than the original Stars! Unlike the before, she got to play Mercury (or had more to do as her) more than she played Ami and I still love her Mercury! I still don’t like the “boy crazy” aspect of Ami but, what can you do. I do think she sounded great in most of her songs but her voice was just a bit off in Sorezore no Elegy. She still dances pretty well and overall I think she did great!
Misako Kotani (Rei Hino/Sailor Mars)- I’m really loving Misako now!! She seems to have improved a lot even on the little things which makes her Rei more lovable! Her Rei and Mars resemble her anime counterpart and I noticed that during the trial scene. I loved her chemistry Hiroko and with her other cast mates as well! Misako was great!! ❤️
Emika Satou (Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter)- Again, Emika played a very minor role but I still found her to be really enjoyable!! Though there’s not much to see, her Makoto was really good! Her Jupiter was barely present so I won’t talk about that. She has a very nice Mako sounding voice and she’s great at singing as well! She’s a good dancer and a great actress and I enjoyed her performances for both the Stars Myus!! I wish she stayed longer 💔.
Kanatsu Nakaya (Minako Aino/Sailor Venus)- Just like Emika, Kanatsu played a minor role but that didn’t stop me from enjoying her performance! Her Minako felt more like Minako in the sense that she has more energy & quirkiness in her which is a big improvement from last time! And there’s not much from her Venus as well but, overall she was really good in all aspects! 💛
Yuuta Mochizuki (Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask)- Yuuta barely had a role as his actual character but his overall performance was great! I loved his duet/interactions with Anza be it as Moon/Usagi and Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru or Kin-san and the “Rat Boy”. His role in the Edo period scene was so good and so funny as well!! I’m so glad they gave him more to do for this Myu because he’s so fun to watch!!
Sanae Kimura (Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus)- Sanae definitely improved a lot since her past performance! She had more emotion (especially during Neptune’s death) and she seemed really into her role!! I can agree that her Haruka isn’t much but I think her Uranus is passable! So far, this is where I think Sanae was at her best for this role but I’m looking forward to her next performances!!
Hiroko Tahara (Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune)- I love Hiroko oh my gosh. I love how strong and mature her Neptune is. She barely got to play Michiru but, her Michiru was so poised and even funny at times. She really reminds me of anime Michiru/Neptune (but more on Nep). I love her voice and the way that she dances and I love how she knows when to be reserved and when to be dead serious. I don’t really care much for Neptune but Hiroko makes me like her a lot!
Rei Saitou (Setsuna Meioh/Sailor Pluto)- I looove Rei!! I love how funny and motherly her Setsuna is and I love the seriousness of her Pluto. I especially loved the way she acted during the Edo period scene! Rei really knows how to make Setsuna and Pluto seem like two separate beings and how she expresses her emotions which are what I love about her acting ability! Singing and dancing, they’re all still amazing!! Super love Rei!!
Keiko Takeda (Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn)- I loved Keiko but I feel like she had less of a role here (probably due to the revised story line). Her Hotaru seemed better here though! I loved her little bonding moments with Mao and it really seemed like she was a kid unlike last time. Her Saturn was also really good! It reminded me of manga Saturn at the ending of the Dream Arc. She still has a nice voice and her movement/dancing has gotten better! Overall, she performed really well!
Mao Kawasaki (Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon)- I kinda liked Mao in this Myu!! She’s very different from Tamaki which makes their Chibiusas unique. I do think that Mao has a kiddie feel to her Chibiusa while Tamaki has more maturity but regardless, Mao pulled off her character well!! She still sings and dances nicely and although she can seem “out of it” in her acting at times, I still liked her Chibiusa nonetheless!
Sayuri Katayama (Seiya Kou/Sailor Star Fighter)- I’m so in love with Sayuri’s Seiya and Sayuri as Seiya. She really gives life to Seiya and she embodies her so well, it’s like she actually is Seiya. Her presence looks so warm and friendly and that’s what I liked most about her in her performance. Her Star Fighter was really good as well!! Singing, dancing, it’s all perfect. Much love for Sayuri!! 💙
Hikari Ono (Taiki Kou/Sailor Star Maker)- (I’m gonna try my best to not make this sound super biased) Taiki isn’t that much of an interesting character in general but Hikari gives her that aspect. She gives Taiki the qualities she lacks (or basically, she brings the character to life) which I really liked! Not much to her Star Maker but she was definitely more serious. Her singing and dancing’s still great and I’m really loving Hikari in this role! 💜
Momoko Okuyama (Yaten Kou/Sailor Star Healer)- I love Momoko’s Yaten so much :(( . She makes her so fun/quirky and a bit of an airhead which is different from how Yaten’s usually portrayed! Her Star Healer was the more serious one and she pulled her off well! She still sings and dances well (and is cute while doing so)!! Looove Momoko!! 💚
Saori Sara (Sailor Galaxia)- I think Saori pulled off Galaxia really well here! Her Galaxia had more power and more emotion than last time. She has a powerful singing voice and I love the way she moves/dances. She had such a big improvement from last time and I really loved her performance! 💛
Shadow Galatica (as a whole)- I think Shadow Galactica was better here!! They were kinda all over the place before but here, they seem fully fleshed out. In place of Shadow Bee, Bug and Mantis were Sailor Theta, Chi and Phi and they were really good dancers! The Animamates were really good as well although, I prefer Rei over Junko for Pewter Fox. Ryuji was great as always and…we don’t speak about Sailor Buttress… . . . The story:
Act 1: This part was almost the same as the original. There were a few changes to the events like how the characters spoke to each other, how they felt during some scenes and much more minor things. One noticeable change (in terms of songs) was in Sailor Busters wherein Makoto and Minako’s “solos” were removed. This act ended the same way as before which is with the Sailor War Supreme number (which I still love)!
Act 2: There were quite a lot of changes in this act! During the music festival, MC Fly has his monologue and it goes straight into Knockin’ Down Hesitation; completely removing Usagi’s nervous “breakdown” and Chibiusa and Hotaru’s audience participation. Mamoru also makes his early and very subtle appearance after It’s Chou Very Bad. The Edo Period scene has completely changed but I’ll leave that up to you to watch ;) ! And the very surprising addition to the labyrinth scene was Princess Kakyuu (although she didn’t say anything)!!
The rest of the scenes were played out the same way as Nehelenia’s trials from the Stars anime! Neptune, Jupiter and Venus are the only ones who pass meaning Uranus was spared and was a part of Sorezore no Elegy! Everything else is the same throughout until the battle scene with all 10 soldiers and the Starlights together, they sing Solar Miracle Make Up instead of La Moon. Galaxia actually dies in this version but, Sailor Moon gives her a second chance at life and Galaxia is reborn elsewhere. And finally, L'Amour D'Amour Moonlight was the closing song instead of Usagi Circus Show Time. • • • Overall opinion: I’m really happy with how they revised Stars! I don’t know if it’s because I’ve seen the original Stars Myu but this version was much easier to follow!! So far, this is my most favorite Myu of the First Stage but, let’s see if Eien Densetsu and it’s Kaiteiban will change that ;) . . . AAAAAA I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!! Also sorry this review is really long in general, it’s been a while since my last one. Anyways, this wasn’t meant to be an Easter special but life gets complicated sometimes. As I mentioned before, I watch Myu on my phone now and it’s really difficult!! So I’m really trying my best with these. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this review and feel free to share your thoughts!
((Character profiles are from @myu-resource , screenshot is from Sea Of Serenity , posters are from vk.com ))
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kosmosinusa · 6 years
Current Venus Ranking
10 is joint!
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Chizuru Soya Background Venus. Not much to say, and her version of Mori de Tanoshiku was pre-recorded by Sakae. Her live version wasn’t bad or good. Just there. She was a good dancer, though!
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Kanatsu Nakaya Background Venus. Not much to say. She really is barely rememberable.
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Akiko Miyazawa Another background Venus. She got her time to shine in future musicals, but as Venus, we barely got to know her or hear her, so she’s very low for that reason.
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9. Miyu Otani Miyu isn’t bad! She was just mainly in the back. Her one single solo is very good, and she’s very cute. If she had more time to shine, maybe I’d like her more.
8 is joint!
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Yuki Nakamura Didn’t have much time to shine, but what we do get of her is good. She has a good singing voice and a cheerful personality, but it often feels more acting than natural.
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Mizuki Watanabe She’s good too. But, she definitely over acted a LOT. But she was cute and had a good voice. She’s really hated, but I actually like her.
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7. Nana Suzuki CLASSIC VENUS. I really like her, though! Her voice is really nice (Maybe not exactly fit for Venus, but whatever. xD) and she’s very sweet. She’s definitely too calm for Venus, but I enjoy Nana. Her smile is very contagious!
6 is joint! (Again. xD)
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Nao Inada She’s very good! Her voice is very Rika Fukami-ish. I enjoyed her in the Kaguya musicals and Last Dracul. Her acting felt genuine, but I always felt her trying to be a more “sexy Venus”. xD
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Erika Erika had a fun and bubbly personality that I really liked! She felt very Venus-like, but one big downfall was her unpolished voice. It wasn’t TERRIBLE, but especially in the Shin Kaguya fankan, she REALLY struggles. She improved by Shin Kaguya K, and had we had more time with her, I’m sure she would’ve been higher on this list. I love the fact that she’s also American and her English is SO good and it makes me very happy. xD
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5. Momoko Shibuya SO CUTE. I LOVE HER. <3 Momoko is a very unique Venus, she’s cute and fangirly. Yet, her voice is very strong and powerful and I really like that about her! Momoko’s a precious bun and I adore watching her. <3
4 is joint! (FINAL ONE, SORRY. XD)
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Kana Nakada SUCH ANOTHER CUTE. I love Kana so much! I didn’t think I was going to like her that much when the photos came out (She just looked uninterested) but they say don’t judge a book by its cover, cause on stage she is so fun. I love her on stage and she really enjoyed her role. She’s precious and I adore her. <3
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Hina Higuchi I expected to love Hina, and I was right. xD I was a TAD bit underwhelmed by her voice, but she was still really good and her 2 different ranges were really nice to hear! <3 She’s super pretty and fun on stage!
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3. Rimo Hasegawa OH MY GOD MY RIMO BABY <3 She’s SO FUCKING CUTE LIKE YOU’RE AMAZING RIMO-CHAN <3 Sorry, from this point on I’m fanboying like hard cause Venus is my favorite inner and THESE TOP 3 ARE SUCH QUEENS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Rimo’s just SO cute. Her voice was unpolished, but wasn’t terrible! She always seemed so happy and bubbly as Venus and just... Okay, I’ll stop. xD
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2. Ayumi Murata MY OG VENUS QUEEN. <3 Ayumi is SO Venus-like and I love it. She’s bubbly and fun, kick-ass, and has great singing! She put Traditional the Grace on the MAP and she very much fit in with her cast. I just love Ayumi, she makes me so happy to watch. I feel more relaxed with her, but, it’s like your old friend that you love so much, but you’re like chill with. That’s Ayumi to me. xD
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1. Shiori Sakata FUCKING.QUEEN. I ADORE SHIORI SO MUCH. SHE WAS VENUS 100% AND I HOPE SHE IS HAPPY AND HEALTHY THESE DAYS I MISS HER SO MUCH. ;O; She just ALWAYS felt like Venus. She had that leader quality that most of the Venus did not have. She is absolutely amazing in every way. I fanboy over her 100% and I gives not a single fuck. xD
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myu-resource · 6 years
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Anza-Moon DVD Box Set 2 (Sailor Stars Kaiteiban) - Inner Senshi
Original pictures
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It’s Kanatsu Nakaya’s birthday but I have no Kanatsu derps but I do have Nao happy birthday Kanatsu (and this is really becoming a sign I need to get derps for birthdays XD)
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theheartsofheroes · 4 years
[ @shoutaimu and I finally finished watching all of the Bandai Sera Myus. And since I don’t feel like sharing the document, here are our rankings for the Senshi actresses (plus Kakyuu) as well as ranking the roles of several recurring cast members. For double castings of Chibi Moon we put them in the same slot. I might come back and make another post with our explanations for the rankings but for now. Just have this list]
Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon
Anza Ooyama
Marina Kuroki
Miyuki Kanbe
Fumina Hara
Mizuno Ami/Sailor Mercury
Ayako Morino
Chieko Kawabe
Minami Wakayama
Hisano Akamine
Yuikiko Miyagawa
Mariya Izawa
Rei Hino/Sailor Mars
Misako Kotani
Eri Kanda
Megumi Yoshida
Risa Honma
Aiko Kawasaki
Asuka Umemiya
Horoko Nakayama
Hiromi Sakai
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter
Emi Kuriyama
Yuriko Hayashi
Akari Tonegawa
Emika Satou
Mai Watanabe
Ayano Sugimoto
Chiho Ooyama
Kaori Sakata
Takako Inayoshi
Marie Sada
Karina Okada
Minako Aino/Sailor Venus
Ayumi Murata
Nao Inada
Mizuki Watanabe
Nana Suzuki
Akiko Miyazawa
Momoko Shibuya
Kanatsu Nakaya
Yuki Nakamura
Miyu Otani
Chizuru Soya
Sakae Tamashita
Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus
Nao Takagi
Sanae Kimura
Akiko Nakayama
Asako Uchida
Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune
Yuuka Asami
Hiroko Tahara
Tomoko Inami
Sara Shimada
Takayo Ooyama
Miyuki Fuji
Kahoru Sakamoto
Chikage Tomita
Setsuna Meioh/Sailor Pluto
Rei Saito
Yuuko Hosaka
Seiko Nakazawa
Yukiko Nakae
Miho Yokoi
Teruyo Watanabe
Yuki Kamiya
Miwa Hosoki
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn
Ruria Nakamura
Keiko Takeda
Ayami Kakiuchi
Mao Mita
Chihiro Imai
Mario Tomioka
Eriko Funakoshi
Yui Iizuka
Asami Sanpei
Chibiusa Tsukino/Sailor Chibi Moon
Ayano Gunji
Tamaki Dai Shirai/Natsumi Takenaka
Mao Kawasaki/Ai Miyakawa
Noel Miyazaki
Kasumi Takabatake
Nanami Ohta
Moe Oosaki
Mao Ohno/Mina Horita
Arisu Izawa
Aisha Yamamoto
Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Kamen
Yuuta Mochizuki
Hironari Amano
Hidemasa Edo
Kenji Urai
Yuu Shirota
Yuuta Enomoto
Gyo Miyamoto
Mizuki Sano
Seiya Kou/Sailor Star Fighter
Sayuri Katayama
Chinatsu Akiyama
Taiki Kou/Sailor Star Maker
Hikari Ono
Akiko Nakayama
Yaten Kou/Sailor Star Healer
Momoko Okuyama
Mikako Tabe
Sailor Galaxia
Tamami Matsumoto
Yumie Sakaguchi
Saori Sara
Princess Kakyuu
Sakoto Yoshioka
Ai Toyama
Recurring Cast Members
Ryuuji Kasahara
Tiger's Eye
Gilles de Rai
MC Fly
Death Ra
Dark Nibiru
Prof. Tomoe/Undead Berserk
Kunzite [only at the bottom because we didn’t get to see this performance]
Ado Endou
Centi/Hanako Hoshino
Sailor Lead Crow/Manila Karasu
Dark Menorah
Demon Lillith
Roi Malkuth
White Crow Ado/Dark Maya
Ensemble Roles ~ Death Nightmare ~ Lemures ~ Shadow Bug ~ Sailor Theta ~ Dark Moon
Miki Kawasaki
Le Fay/Olam Tiphareth
Dark Mirror
Zilpah Sapphire
Dark Sumer
(Death) Nightmare
Yoshiya Yukimura
Damask/Shintarou Hoshino
Hemachirou Taitou/Hematite
Death Pe
Nobitarou Oki (Crooked Ref)
Akiko Miyazawa
Elizabeth Bathory
Queen Beryl
Bilhah Emerald
Minako Aino/Sailor Venus
Hikari Ono
Taiki Kou/Sailor Star Fighter
(Prince) Demande
Bloody Dracul Vampir
Roof Merrow
Hawk's Eye
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landofanimes · 7 years
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MYU Sailor Venus (1/2)
Nana Suzuki (1993-1995)
Sakae Yamashita (1995; CD only)
Chizuru Soya (1995-1996)
Kanatsu Nakaya (1996-1997)
Akiko Miyazawa (1997-1998)
Miyu Otani (1998)
Nao Inada (1999-2000)
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wikimoon · 8 years
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December 23 is the birthday of Kanatsu Nakaya, the third actress to play Minako Aino/Sailor Venus in the Sailor Moon musicals. She performed in Sailor Moon Sailor Stars and its revision.
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sailorzakuro · 5 years
💛 Venus Ranking as of NogiMyu 2019
Yay last one! For this one I’ve been REALLY honest with myself about a couple of people but I’ll probably say this throughout but I DO LOVE MOST OF THEM. LEGIT. K again doesn’t include Super Live or Shining Moon Tokyo!
16. Kana Nakada
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SNS. I’m all for loving underrated actresses and that, but...
15. Mayu Tamura
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As I said in my video she only had the slightest moments of Minako. And amongst all these queens she just doesn’t come out good.
14. Mizuki Watanabe
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Just too cute for me to take seriously. I almost felt ashamed for Ayumi watching her do Traditional The Grace in MGK cos of how sugary she was making it.
13. Kanatsu Nakaya
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I really don’t hate her, she wasn’t awful. But again she just doesn’t hold up amongst everyone I love.
12. Miyu Otani
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Don’t ask me why but I’m drawn to her Minako. Victim of bad writing lol (I should make that a club...).
11. Akiko Miyazawa
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She had crazy Minako and I LOVE Akiko in general, but I always think she suits villain roles more. Her voice suits them so well XD.
10. Nana Suzuki
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She was calm, yeah, but again I just like her for some reason XD. SAKURAKKO ALSO SAVED HER she SLAAAAYS in Sakurakko T_T.
9. Erika
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From now on I love them all. But with Erika I had to be COMPLETELY honest with myself and put others above her. She was great but others are just better, and I will forever defend Erika because she was so good in my eyes but she just comes in here.
8. Yuki Nakamura
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Oh her Minako was AMAZING. Her voice was great too, she’s just down here because of her dancing. I HAD TO PUT HER DOWN FOR DANCING THAT’S HOW TOUGH THIS COMPETITION IS PEOPLE.
7. Momoko Shibuya
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Yeah she beats Yuki cos of dancing. THEY’RE THAT CLOSE TOGETHER. Momoko just slayed crazy Minako she was GREAT.
6. Rimo Hasegawa
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She did better as Minako but still did GREAT as both. The next one is the exact opposite and I love them both XD.
5. Shiori Sakata
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Like I JUST said, better as Venus but great as both. Her Minako could lack a little bit but her Venus makes up for ALL OF THAT and I love her voice and she’s one of the ones who makes early Nelke Myu watchable XD.
4. Chizuru Soya
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She SLAYS crazy Minako her talent is underrated and I just LOVE HEEEEEER.
3. Nao Inada
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Similar to Chizuru but she has more of a Venus quality about her that makes me ADORE her. I want more of heeeeeeer T_T.
2. Hina Higuchi
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YEAH I’M ALSO NOT SORRY FOR STILL LOVING HINACHIMA. She’s my wife she’s my queen she RADIATES Venus and she owned Team MOON (omg as I’m typing this Yokubo no Reincarnation came on SPOTIFY KNOOOOOOOOWS...) Hina just slayed my life and while she is the more popular NogiMyu Venus I WILL NOT APOLOGISE FOR LOVING HER. JUDGE ME ALL YOU LIKE BUT SHE’S AMAZING TO ME.
1. Ayumi Murata
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I feel like Ayumi is all the best qualities of all the Venus actresses I love in one QUEEN. Ayumi slays my life and I fucking STAN HER ENERGY. I’ve expressed my love for Ayumi SO many times but it’s still not enough to show HOW MUCH I LOVE HER.
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sailorzakuro · 5 years
Yes I’m ranking Venus again
Haha I did Moon and Mars then forgot to carry on so... here you go XD. As usual this is my opinion so... basically if you like Kana I’m not telling you you can’t XD. Still only goes up to NogiMyu! (even though I love Yu Nakanishi’s performance so far XD).
15. Kana Nakada
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Bite me I still don’t like her XD. Hopefully my little, um, rant in my Synchronicity CDs video explains this as well but as Venus I just think Kana was flat, fake and awkward. Her voice does not match, she doesn’t have the grace and I just can’t see her as Venus. Just my opinion.
14. Mizuki Watanabe
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I think I like her more than I used to now definitely, but I’m still not crazy. She was a VERY cute and sugary Venus and it got annoying XD. But her serious Minako is quite good in Usagi to Yonin XD.
13. Kanatsu Nakaya
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She’s also grown on me a little bit XD. I liked her in Sailor Busters she seemed like she was trying to be a crazy Minako but wasn’t quite there XD.
12. Akiko Miyazawa
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She’s a GREAT excited and crazy Minako, I think if she’d had the chance to show a serious Venus she’d be higher up XD. Apart from that I don’t think she completely suits Venus?? Idk maybe she just has a villain face to me XD. Not in a bad way at all omg XD.
11. Miyu Otani
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Similar to Akiko, a great Minako but I wish she’d had more chance to show Venus XD. I just like her a little bit more for some reason XD.
10. Nana Suzuki
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Although she was a calm Minako I really liked her XD. Her Venus was also really nice in Gaiden XD.
9. Momoko Shibuya
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Yes she’s at 9 but omg I love Momoko XD. Her Minako was PERFECT, I loved her voice and her Venus was really nice XD.
8. Yuki Nakamura
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I love her Minako so muuuuuuuch T_T. She’s SO good omg I’m so sad she was only in one musical cos she had SO much potential.
7. Erika
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Another one of my underrated queens of Venus I’ve always loved Erika her Venus is great and I LOVE her voice XD. She just has the absolute grace of Venus and I love her XD.
6. Rimo Hasegawa
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Rimo’s gone down but I still love her!! She had Minako spot on but unfortunately she lacked in a graceful Venus which has put her lower. I did like her Venus, she was just stronger as Minako IMO.
5. Shiori Sakata
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I’ve explained before but Shiori does beat Rimo now XD. Her Minako could be a little tame at times but her Venus was amazing!! She had the grace while keeping up the bubbly and fun side XD.
4. Chizuru Soya
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CHIZURU IS A QUEEEEEEEN her Minako was AMAZING and she had nice Venus moments XD. Her actual singing voice (from Kaiteiban when she wasn’t lip syncing to Sakae) is so similar to Rika Fukami’s voice and she’s super talented I love heeeeeeeer T_T. She was robbed I say ROBBED.
3. Nao Inada
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I think Nao is v similar to Chizuru but she feels a bit more Venus like to me XD. Her Minako was perfectly excitable but not cute and she had a nice Venus XD. Her voice was great and she felt very Minako <3.
2. Hina Higuchi
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MY WIFE HINACHIMAAAAA still adore the shit out of this woman her Venus was so warm and friendly and sweet and leader-like then her Minako was crazy and fun and she just gave the best performance out of EVERYONE in NogiMyu that’s it she owned that entire era of Myu FUCK I LOVE HER 😍.
1. Ayumi Murata
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Ayumi is still my queen her Minako was perfectly crazy her Venus was perfectly graceful her voice was amazing she was just... I have no more words honestly how do you describe PERFECTION.
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naruseii · 6 years
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Myu review 5: 1996 Sailor Stars . . First impression: Of course I was excited for this Myu!! I love the Stars arc and I felt this was gonna be really wild for some reason. • • • Impressions: Actors/Actresses
Anza Ooyama (Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon/Neo-Queen Serenity)- I have a somewhat divided opinion on Anza. There were times where I really liked her but sometimes, she was just being unnecessarily dramatic. Her Usagi was mostly good although she can be over dramatic at times. She kept Usagi’s personality consistent from the last Myu and I really liked that! She was also really funny as Usanosuke!! As Super Sailor Moon, she was a bit over dramatic but not too much. What I loved most was her Eternal Moon (again). I just think she pulls off that version of Moon the best and I don’t really know why. When she showed hatred for the first time, it really made me fall in love with Eternal Moon even more. Love her singing, still a great dancer and acting could be somewhat better!!
Ayako Morino (Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury)- Ayako was better as Mercury than Ami and I can’t tell if it’s because of the writing or not. I really dislike the “boy crazy” aspect that’s given to Myu Ami and of course, it bothered me seeing Ayako act it out. Ami’s overall vibe just felt different and seeing as Ayako is a bit more timid/soft spoken (in my opinion), she didn’t really suit her character. As Mercury, she did really well especially in her scene with Uranus. Singing and dancing wise, she’s still pretty good! Her acting is decent it’s just that it didn’t really suit her/her character.
Misako Kotani (Rei Hino/Sailor Mars)- Misako was WAY BETTER in this Myu than her last one. She toned down her Rei without completely removing the loud/sass aspect from her and, her Mars was more serious this time!! The scene with her and Hiroko (doing Akuriyo Taisan) and in Sorezore no Elegy really showed how she changed up her character! Her singing is still really good and she’s better at dancing as well!! She did really great!
Emika Satou (Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter)- I LOVE EMIKA. She didn’t really have that big of a role but she was still really good!! Not much for Jupiter but her Makoto was so cute! I think she had a good balance of her Makoto which made me like her a lot! She has a really nice voice, good dancing and great acting!! I love her!! 💚
Kanatsu Nakaya (Minako Aino/Sailor Venus)- Just like Emika, Kanatsu was pretty good for the little role she had!! She didn’t really do much as Venus but her Minako was great!! She wasn’t as fangirly as I hoped her to be but it wasn’t bad! I can’t say much on singing (no solo) but she harmonizes well with the others!! Her dancing wasn’t too bad and I think her acting is okay! She was good!!
Yuuta Mochizuki (Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask)- Okay for starters, he was gone for (almost) the ENTIRE Stage 1 so I’ll be talking about him in Stage 2. Even in Stage 2, he didn’t really do much. He still sings pretty well (A Knight For Sailor Soldiers) and still has good movement. His relationship/dynamic with Anza is still pretty good even if they barely got to interact. All in all he was great even if his role was small!!
Sanae Kimura (Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus)- Sanae was…okay!! She had her moments but she wasn’t really “out there”. As Haruka, there was nothing much. As Uranus, she was doing pretty good until her death scene. I found it a bit bothersome that she wasn’t deeply affected by Neptune’s death than she should’ve. She also seemed to be saying her lines without really feeling anything. She still sings and dances well but her acting wasn’t at it’s best for this Myu…
Hiroko Tahara (Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune)- I honestly loved her Neptune/Michiru!! She had a good balance of being kind and charming as Michiru but strong and elegant as Neptune. She definitely has a talent for singing because her voice sounded so beautiful!! She’s also a really good dancer and her acting was amazing! Although it was her first time to play Neptune, it looked like she had a connection with her Uranus which I thought was really nice! She’s the first Michiru/Neptune I really like so far!!
Rei Saitou (Setsuna Meioh/Sailor Pluto)- I LOVE HER!! She was SO AMAZING in this Myu. Her Setsuna was so motherly and had a great sense of humor! She was also protective which made her portrayal really good!! Her Pluto was sooo good. The scene where she bends time really showed how much she was into her character. Her singing, dancing and acting were all great!! I love Rei so much!! :(
Keiko Takeda (Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn)- Her Saturn is really good, I really like how she portrays her character!! However, her Hotaru kinda doesn’t work out since Hotaru is a bit younger in Stars and Keiko seems a bit mature. But it was clear that her Hotaru was playful and her Saturn was serious. Her singing is still great and her dancing got better!! I really love Keiko :( . 💜
Tamaki Dia Shirai (Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon)- I did feel that Tamaki was better here than she was in the SuperS musicals but, she still didn’t hit it for me. She’s still great in singing and I liked her dynamic with Keiko but sometimes her acting fell short. It was better than before, but she sounded so fake/flat like you knew she was acting. This isn’t the first time she’s done this but I’m glad she got way better for her last performance! 💖
Sayuri Katayama (Seiya Kou/Sailor Star Fighter)- Sayuri’s Seiya literally stole my heart. Her Seiya was so cool and charming and her Star Fighter was brave and caring; she carried her role as a leader so well!! Her singing and dancing were amazing and her interactions with Usagi/Moon gave me flashbacks to the manga. I really love Sayuri!! 💙
Hikari Ono (Taiki Kou/Sailor Star Maker)- 👀 . I MEAN, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY. My wig was stolen and I had the hardest time ever watching this Myu because of her. Taiki is kinda like a background character in the Stars arc (manga) but she really made her stand out more!! As Star Maker, she didn’t really do much but she was okay! Since she got to do more in this Myu, she really got to showcase more of her talents which were all amazing!! :(( I love my girl.
Momoko Okuyama (Yaten Kou/Sailor Star Healer)- Her Yaten was SO GOOD AND SO CUTE!! She really showed her cool side but she gave her a playful side as well. Her Star Healer was like an “anger child” in a way. She didn’t really do much as her so I can’t say a lot. Her singing and dancing were great and she did really well!! I love her!! 💚
Saori Sara (Sailor Galaxia)- I think she did pretty okay as Galaxia!! I honestly can’t blame her for not being in her element sometimes since Sailor Stars (the anime) hasn’t explored Galaxia’s character much at the time so some things wouldn’t make sense. I do think she had late reactions and no emotions at times but they weren’t so bad! I liked her!!
Shadow Galatica (as a whole)- they were interesting!! I was surprised to see Pewter Fox and Titanium Keroko in place of Aluminum Siren and Lead Crow but they really played their characters well! Iron Mouse and Tin Nyanko didn’t really have much to them. Out of the Animamates, I liked Pewter Fox the most! Shadow Bug, Bee and Mantis were also pretty good despite not doing much! MC Fly was amazing of course (and really funny). And Sailor Buttress was kinda annoying at times and highly reminded me of Yellow Pearl from Steven Universe. . . . The story: To be honest, my only problem with this is that the story was so messy. It was good but, it was so hard to keep up with sometimes that you can’t even remember what the main objective was. Anyways, let’s move on!
Stage 1: I love how it started with Overture and it’s transition into Chasin’ After You, it really reminded me of the manga! Later on, when Ami got really upset about Usagi singing with Seiya, I was quite annoyed. I understand why everyone would be jealous, except Ami. The next few scenes were somewhat manga accurate which I can really appreciate!! The rooftop scene with Usagi, Setsuna and the Starlights was really funny and probably one of my favorite scenes in this Myu! Chibiusa’s arrival was quite sudden and marked the beginning of the messy story line. The Sailor Busters segment was also really fun to watch! And the fight scene after was quite boring to watch for me and it got better when they sang Sailor War Supreme!!
Stage 2: The Shadow Galactica meeting is something I really can’t describe. But I liked how Anza got to play Neo-Queen Serenity even for just a short time! The music festival was really fun to watch since it really felt like you were there!! All the songs were great and really catchy! But then things go bad and this is where Pluto bends time which ends up separating all the Sailor Senshi from each other. Hotaru and Chibiusa’s scene in the Edo period was really cute! Then things got darker when Uranus, Neptune, Mercury, Mars, the Starlights and Usagi were wandering the maze. Jupiter and Venus died early on but Usagi got to watch Uranus and Neptune pass as well as Mercury and Mars (Sorezore no Elegy) which was a really striking scene.
Later on, Usagi was able to transform into Super Sailor Moon and broke into the Shadow Galactica base. Tuxedo Mask finally makes his return together with Chibi Moon, Saturn and the Starlights. Moon then expresses her hate for someone for the first time then transforms into Eternal Moon which really struck me as well. Then there was a fight scene and Shadow Galactica (except for Galaxia) got defeated through the Double Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss. And since this whole thing was long and quite traumatic for the Senshi, this is when they sing Densetsu Seitan which concluded the story really well. • • • Overall opinion: This was a really good Myu!! Despite the messy storyline, I really enjoyed it! The portrayal of the Starlights in this Myu really made me love their characters even more and I also wished they had a Kakyuu and Chibi Chibi with them!! The songs were really great (although some were kinda annoying) and the plot was very creative (just not presented well)! I really hope they get to fix some of these in the Kaiteiban and I’m really looking forward to it!! . . . THE MUCH LONG AWAITED STARS REVIEW. I’ve been working on this since December but I’ve just been so busy, I couldn’t get to finish it in time :^( . Anyways, did you guys like this Myu? Do we agree on some stuff?? Please feel free to leave your thoughts! ((Character profiles are from @myu-resource , screenshot is from Sea of Serenity on YouTube, posters are from vk.com))
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sailorzakuro · 6 years
Get ready for A LOT of praise XD unless you like last place, in which case... sorry :/ XD
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myu-resource · 6 years
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Anza-Moon DVD Box Set 2 (Sailor Stars) - Inner Senshi
Original pictures
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myu-resource · 6 years
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Sailor Stars Program - Inner Senshi
Original pictures
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