#kang joo-he moodboard
lizversion · 1 year
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﹫ 𝗅᥆𝗏ᥱ𝗋! (𝗋᥆𝗍𝗁𝗒'𝗌 𝗏ᧉ𝗋𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇) 📕♡🏹
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bldreamer · 4 years
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- Hogwarts Moodboard : BL Edition -
WHERE YOUR EYES LINGER KANG GOOK → Gryffindor : Brave, Valiant, Practical → Slytherin : Resourceful, Adaptable, Assterive
▴ Pure Blood.
▴ Sixth Year student.  
▴ A Gryffindor at heart masquerading as a Slytherin to protect his master.
▴ Tae Joo’s bodyguard, servant, care giver and moral compass. 
▴ A master at all forms of combat. Both magical and Muggle. 
▴ Has been preparing for his post since he was a young boy. Through rigorous years of training, his mind and body can withstand many forms of control and torture. 
▴ Professor McGonagall is the only one at Hogwarts to know the truth. Not even the Sorting Hat is aware he was deceived and blurted out the wrong house some five years ago. 
▴ Takes an elixir daily, specially concocted at the request of Tae Joo’s father to make him stronger. He can feel it slowly eating away at his soul but he doesn’t tell Tae Joo. He’ll make him stop taking it if he knows. 
▴ For three years they were able to avoid anything more serious than the occasional cocky school thug who soon learned his lesson. Until a trip to Hogsmeede he had warned Tae Joo was a bad idea resulted in them being jumped by a gang of five masked wizards. The day ended with several broken limbs (not theirs) and a warning from Professor McGonagall that should they get involved in another fight outside of Hogwarts, she could no longer guarantee their safety.
▴ Most students (and teachers for that matter) have avoided them since that day. While Tae Joo sulks they need more friends (minions he means), the lack of interaction with others serves them well and keeps his master safe.
▴ He doesn’t know if his growing feelings are just another side effect of the elixir or if they’re the only thing that will save him from completely losing his mind. What he does know is that his master isn’t just his boss. Tae Joo is his world.  
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