#kang maybe jumped in to protect her and got roughed question mark?
bdrmhymnz · 2 years
i get myself half-killed for you and you reward me by stealing my assignments. - from Kang to whoever you feel at the moment.
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" i didn't ask you to do anything, dummy. " nayul looked royally pissed off by this accusation, like somehow she was the one wronged in this situation. the whining tone contrasted almost comically with the way she was pressed up against a wall, still filled with adrenaline from- whatever the fuck just happened. " i don't even know what you would consider an assignment ... i just did what i thought i had to. " typical nayul, shifting the guilt and victimising herself as much as possible. maybe she'd cost him something big just then but she really had no clue. or she didn't care. probably the latter. the camera she'd used to crack the random guy on the back of the head was still laying by her feet. it did have blood on it but he probably wasn't dead ... probably. fucks sake, she was just trying to do her job and scrape together content for her blog and of course now she was going to have to get a new camera.
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bang-exo-tan · 7 years
The Omega’s Secret
Warnings/Tags: None I don’t think, a lil angsty again but that’s about it
Chapter 4
          “What do you think you’re doing?” you heard a voice ask from the couch behind you. You turned from the front door and your eyes widened at what you saw.
          “Yomin,” you whispered as you scanned the room making sure that everyone else was asleep. Yomin was sitting on the far end of your couch, dressed in tight black jeans, a white button up blouse, and black and white oxford shoes. Her arms were folded across her body and if you didn’t know otherwise, you would expect lasers to be coming out of her eyes.
          “What are you doing, Miyeon?” she sternly repeated.
          “Do you know what’s happened?” you quietly asked her and she replied with a quick nod. You kept your voice low to make sure no one in your house woke up. “Everything?” you questioned and were again given a nod in response. “Okay then I don’t have to explain. I’m going to find help.”
          “You need to stay here,” Yomin quietly growled, you guessed she was trying to compel you – apparently something normal omegas succumbed to – but it wasn’t working.
          “I can’t. I’m going to go find help,” you repeated as you attempted to open the door but Yomin had jumped up and placed her hand on the door keeping it in place. “Let go Yomin.”
          “You need to stay here where it’s safe,” Yomin explained.
           “Safe for who?!” you said rather loudly but then you calmed yourself down. You didn’t hear anyone waking up so you continued. “Will it be safe for me Yomin?” you snapped as you glared at her. “For how long? Until you guys die off one by one trying to protect me? Until I see my dad, Amber, you, even my little brother lying motionless on the floor?! Do you expect me to sit back and do nothing?!”
          “Miyeon, that’s not gonna happen,” Yomin started, but you cut her off.
          “They hurt Jungkook!” you choked, you felt tears in your eyes as you tried to say what you were feeling in your heart. “My little brother got scratches and bruises all over him, when we’re not even connected by blood! I’m supposed to be protecting him Yomin! They didn’t even have to take me in when I was little. When the people who birthed me abandoned me… mom and dad were my saviors. But they didn’t ask for this! If they had just left me back in America… then they wouldn’t have to see their son hurt like this. Dad says he’s willing to die for me and I’m supposed to sit back and do nothing?!” By this point you were crying and you felt Yomin’s arm lift off the door and both of her arms came to wrap around your waist.
          “Okay. I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she said as she squeezed tighter, “What are you going to do?”
          “If I can make it past the territory border,” you explained as you pulled back and wiped the tears off your face. “Maybe I can find someone, alphas, anyone to help with Kang. I’ll find someone authority to bring Kang to justice for what he’s done. For what he’s trying to do.”
          “What if you can’t find that person,” Yomin asks.
          “Then… I’ll come back by myself,” you whispered.
          “And do what exactly?” Yomin whispered back asking for clarification.
          “Give up,” you blurted. “Let him have me.” She looked at you with wide eyes and continued, “I won’t see everyone hurt because of me. I’ll only have to deal with him for a little bit. He’s already old, he’ll die eventually.”
          “Miyeon…” she sighed and looked up at your determined face. “Fine. You’ll need this.” She said as she tossed a flesh colored wrap at you. “You’ll get jumped if they know you’re the quintessential thing. So wear this so it’s not as obvious.”
          “Where am I supposed to wear this?” you asked looking at the foreign object.
          “Wrap it around those,” she said pointing to your chest. “They’re a dead giveaway that you’re an omega.”
          “I need to hide being an omega?” you asked.
          “I don’t know,” she shrugged. “It’s just in case you do.”
          “Okay thanks,” you said as you tried to open the door but Yomin pushed it shut again.
          “They’re out there you know,” she informed, “How are you going to get past them? What’s the plan?”
          “Well since you’re here now,” you smirked as you reached in your bag. “Put these on,” you ordered as you threw the jacket you had packed at her. You grabbed the bottle you took from Dr. Yixing’s office and popped two suppressants in your mouth almost gagging as you had to swallow them without anything. You figured that if one suppressant would knock out your pheromones, two would kill the smell completely and make you normal, like a human.
          “This isn’t my style,” she said as she held your pink plaid jacket with fur around the hood between two fingers.
          “Everything else has been washed. But this hasn’t, it smells like ‘omega’,” you giggled as you dropped the suppressant bottle back in your bag along with the wrap, and tied it back up. “Put it on, go out the front and distract them.”
          “You’re sacrificing me?!” she complained even though she was still putting on the jacket.
          “No! I just need five minutes of distraction and then I will blast my pheromones to get them distracted so you can get back in the house. Besides,” you joked, “you’re the strongest alpha I know. Can’t you take care of yourself for five minutes?”
          With her ego slightly bruised, she scoffed and took her place at the front door. With her back turned and her hand on the doorknob, you wrapped your arms around her waist. “I love you Yomin.” you whispered as you felt your heart pang in your chest.
          “Ewwww,” she groaned, “you’re not my type!”
          “What is your type then,” you mocked.
          “Obedient,” she giggled, “and maintenance free.”
          “Whatever,” you chuckled. “Hold your breath, I’m gonna give you some more pheromones.”
          She took in a gasp of air as you forced some more pheromones on her so that she was oozing ‘omega’. When she finally breathed out, she pulled your hands from around her waist and opened the door. “Come back soon,” she ordered as she closed the door.
          “Now that one, I’ll obey,” you replied as you made your way to the back door.
          As you opened the back door you saw a man walking toward the front of the house toward Yomin. You glanced around you and when you saw there was no one left, you slowly walked through your backyard and climbed up the steep incline behind your house. A perk of living in the little house was that it was the closest house to the end of the territory border. After the incline, there was the forest that outlined the territory.
          As you made it past the first couple of trees, you could peer down the slope and see into your front yard where you saw your pink coat surrounded by what you assumed were men, so all you could tell that there were distinct dark figures around her. You quickly counted 9 men before you heard one of them speak. You were about half a mile up so the sound was very faint, but you could still understand what he was saying.
          “I’ve got her, let’s bring her to boss,” one cheered.
          “It smells like omega… but I don’t think it’s her,” another blurted while skeptically sniffing around Yomin.
          “Yeah, isn’t she supposed to be fat,” a third interrupted and came from the back pulling the hood off of Yomin’s head. “This one is too skinny.”
          “Let’s just take her anyways,” the second continued as he started pulling Yomin’s arm. “If it’s not the right one, it definitely knows where the right one is. We’ll just come back.”
          “Yeah, I’d like to rough up that little alpha one more time,” the third one said.
          With the threat to your little brother you felt a fire deep in your heart as you wafted your pheromones on full force and screamed at the top of your lungs, “Come and get me if you’re brave enough!”
          You slipped the rope attached to your canvas bag around your neck and shifted into your wolf form so you could run faster. As you turned around and started running you heard them yelling and shifting as well.
          “That’s her!” one screamed. “Get her!” ordered another.
          You paused for a second after you heard your name being called and when you listened hard you could hear your brother yelling that you were gone, and your father and mother running outside and calling your name. When you snapped out of your trance, you saw the wolves fast approaching you and you turned again and continued running.
          Rain started to pour which only made running that much more difficult. You felt the wolves fast approaching and felt familiar sting on your back.
          It must have opened up. You thought as the pain caused you to slow down. With the slower pace you could hear the wolves catching up to you fairly easily. You took deep breaths through your nose as you tried to focus on other things instead of the pain.
          You focused on the crunch of leaves, the sound of the dirt squishing between your paws, the sound of your mother crying and calling for you.
          “Miyeon! Come back,” you heard her call for you and you whined knowing that her calls would go unanswered.
          I can’t. I WON’T! I’m so sorry…
          You answered her internally even though you knew she couldn’t hear you. You were soaked by the rain which made your body all the more heavier to pull forward.
          I won’t sit back like the good little omega I’m supposed to be and watch you die for me.
          With your resolve set, you gathered all of your strength for the last push of energy.
          Just a mile to the border, just one mile till freedom.
          The chant echoed in your mind as you raced toward the territory border.
          Because of the rain, the ground was especially slick and you had to dig in your claws in to get a grip as you pushed off with every movement of your legs. The smell of moist, freshly kicked up dirt mixed with blood was heavy in your nose. You had a feeling that if you could make it across the border, you would come to hate this smell. 
          You could hear the breaking of sticks and growling coming closer as you began to see the large rocks that marked the edge of the territory.
          Please no! I'm almost there!
          You felt teeth on your neck as your claws began to lift of the ground. The rope attached to the bag that had been hanging around your neck tightened and you felt the air that was reaching to your lungs diminish by half.
          Tears were streaming down your face as you felt the hope fade from your body. You looked toward the territory border, the border you almost reached. You realized that you couldn't have been a quarter of a mile from it now. You tried to plead for mercy, plead for freedom, but the sting from the rope around your neck made words impossible. You looked again and memorized those stones.
          I was almost free-
          Your thoughts were interrupted as you felt wind blowing through your fur. You blinked a couple times through your tears as the border you had almost reached was getting closer with amazing speed. You turned your head as much as you could, which in turn caused the rope to tighten even more. You tried to glimpse the perpetrator who had grabbed you up, and out of the corner of your eye you saw fur as black as the night and one brown eye, before your world went into shadow.
          When you woke up you were startled to see two eyes staring into yours. You jumped back and – realizing that you were still in wolf form – tried to growl at the other, but your voice didn’t come out.
          “Jinsin, she doesn’t like me,” the owner of the eyes whined and as you tried to voice a growl but again, nothing.
          She had short brown hair cut off at the same length as her chin, and dark blue eyes that looked almost black. If you weren’t on the defensive, you probably would have noticed that by all societal terms of beauty, her face definitely fit the profile of beautiful. You followed the stranger’s eyes only to find another stranger a couple of feet away from you, with his hands in a river.
          “I found her running for her life. She’s probably scared to death,” the man replied. You stared at the man’s bare back trying to ascertain who you were dealing with. You noticed that his back was toned but not overly muscular, and it was the same with his arms as well. His skin was a gorgeous medium tan color and he had red colored hair with black tints to it.
          “Probably because you almost killed her Jinsin. What do you think she is?” The girl asked reaching her hand toward you. You didn’t know what she was intending so you pretended to bite her. Of course, you were aiming beside her hand because it seemed the two weren’t a threat, but you weren’t sure yet. “Ow!” she yelped reaching her hand back, “she bit me!”
         .I didn’t bite you, I bit the air beside your hand. You thought, though you knew no one could hear you.
          “Solbi, she didn’t bite you, she bit the air beside your hand,” the man explained. You looked at him confused and realized he was walking toward you and the one he called ‘Solbi’. “And you should ask her what her status is, not me!”
          You didn’t know if your mouth was wide open but it probably was, because the man who came to sit beside you had the kindest face you had ever seen on a person. His face was flawless but what was really important was his eyes. When you looked up at them, you felt warmth. Like no matter what, as long as you looked into those eyes you would be completely safe.
          “If she’s an omega, I call dibs,” Solbi said as she licked her lips and you tried not to act shocked and give yourself away.
          “No you do not Solbi,” the man said with stern eyes focused on the woman. “We do not call dibs on people! Besides, I don’t think she’s an omega. She would have a scent and they wouldn’t be chasing an omega. Omega’s are treasures, not something to be treated bad enough to have to run away.”
          “I’m sorry” he whispered as he came to sit down with his back to a tree that was beside you, “I didn’t know the bag was choking you.” He pulled your bag from behind his back and placed it beside you. “I was just trying to get you away from those jerks that were chasing you.”
          You looked at him suspiciously. You didn’t trust them yet, even if he had kind black eyes that felt like they could see straight through to your soul.
          “We didn’t look in it.” He explained obviously understanding that you didn’t trust him, “You don’t have to be afraid of us. That’s Solbi,” he said pointing to the woman who had made her way to the river. “And I’m Seokjin. We’ll protect you from now on, you’re safe now.”
          “Maybe, she should shift into human form so she can talk to us,” Solbi suggested.
          “Solbi’s right,” he said as he turned and pointed behind you, “there’s a big tree over there. You can change behind that.”
          You grabbed the bag in your mouth and headed for the tree. You were debating if these people were trustworthy or not, and if you should just run for it, but something in your heart told you that you couldn’t leave. So, you walked behind the tree and tried to shift, but you couldn’t. After a couple more tries, you noticed that the sun was starting to go down and you gave up your attempt. You crawled out from behind the tree, only to be met with a disappointed face from Solbi.
          “Jinsin, something’s wrong,” Solbi said as you walked back toward them.
          “Can’t shift?” Seokjin asked as he patted the ground beside where he was sitting. You took your place beside him and whined in response.
          You were startled by your response, Did I just whine?! What is wrong with me?! I must be sick…
          “You’re probably weak,” Seokjin said as he put his hand on your head, you shivered by the warmth along with the cold that was slowly growing by the lack of sunlight. You looked up as you felt the lack of warmth from his hand and followed his torso with your eyes as he walked behind the tree you had just come from. You wanted to wait to see what he was doing, but you were too weak from trying and failing to shift. A couple minutes later you felt a heaviness and warmth surround you, which caused you to fall deep into a sleep. 
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