#kara you ain't fooling anyone
forbeswho · 1 month
"For a friend like you, there are no boundaries?" Kara just admit that you're in love
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lesbischhh · 7 years
I can't get over the fact that when Kara was talking to Cat she said she lost someone she liked and then tried to correct herself and say loved lmao
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slowpinesan · 7 years
Tbh I've always seen Totty as one of the strongest brothers, or at least the most fit, since he goes to the gym and goes for walks. And this was Kara on Ichi's sudden "courage": "Brother, you tried to dump on a table during a mixer rehearsal out of anxiety, you ain't fooling anyone here."
Yeah, I think Totty’s the only one who goes to the gym regularly to stay fit. Jyushi does Jyushi Things to stay active but the other 4 aren’t consistent and/or don’t bother.
With Choro it’s less about how fit he is and more about how weirdly scrappy he is at like any given time lol. It feels like a lot of the fandom is so quick to assume that most responsible = wouldn’t start a fight/be violent and I’m just like... nah (see “Accident” for canon proof that he’d start shit for illegitimate reasons).
Basically everyone knows how to fight (some better than others possibly) either because of all the troublemaking they used to do or because they’ve all fought each other.
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