kardamaeloise-25 · 11 months
Kardama Dead Child (Kardama The Ice Queen) Creepypasta
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kardamaeloise-25 · 11 months
Kardama Dead Child Creepypasta
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Kardama, a strange creature of humanoid appearance that exudes a pure winter in its body, this creature is an extremely rare Demon, in addition to being rare it is totally different from other common demons, it does not have horns or the color of blood on its skin, this one young creature was a princess of an icy kingdom from another dimension that was ruled by these demons of great power and that was in conflict with the lands of the cruelest demon of all Zalgo (Z'algatoth ), his father was the king of this world and his mother the queen. The Queen was kidnapped by Zalgo, she was cruelly murdered and that made the king declare war between the lands of this cruel monster so that this way ended once and for all the mortal hatred that they had caused for years. While Kardama, she wanted to stop this war, the war was going to lead to the extermination of the entire kingdom, her father imprisoned/sealed her in the castle where it was impossible to leave, so that she would not interfere in the fight. Her prediction was right, all the subjects of the frozen kingdom lost the war, the king unfortunately died in the hands of evil himself and they were exterminated with only her left, the poor creature was trapped in the seal for 200 thousand years, with no way out, her powers didn't break the doors or the walls of the place (as it was done as punishment when she didn't obey her creator). After centuries, someone frees her from the seal, it was someone least expected by the young creature, a woman with a sword that belonged to the angels, black eyes, managed to open the door with that sword and saw the creature in the corner of the room with deep hatred. When she got close, she felt the frightening power of that creature, but Kardama did nothing with the woman and she finally got out of that prison. The creature princess looked throughout the castle and kingdom to see if anyone survived; unfortunately he had no one but ruins, his home that was intended to govern his subjects has now become an empty place. Since she doesn't have anyone else, only the lands were her property, hatred was transcending in her icy body, in her eyes came out dangerous tears that if they had contact with human skin would turn to dust, she discounted her anger using her weakened powers (due to the years she was preserved inside the seal) in her lands, the woman with the sword defended herself from those attacks and tried to stop her. Suddenly, the creature stopped when she felt something strange in the environment around her, it was dark and her body felt tingling. She came across an inexplicable being that was in her conscience. the creature stopped when he felt something strange in the environment around him, it was dark and he felt his body tingling. She came across an inexplicable being that was in her conscience. the creature stopped when he felt something strange in the environment around him, it was dark and he felt his body tingling. She came across an inexplicable being that was in her conscience.
"My little creature, everything has been ruined, there's nothing left to go on, the thing you feared the most happened because you weren't able to change fate and now you're going to let divine fate guide you without regrets." - said by an unrecognizable and frightening voice by a being that has a form of smoke of darkness.
What is my divine destiny then? - she answers confused and firmly so as not to be afraid
"It's me" - after this short speech of this enigmatic being, he hypnotizes her, causing him to have total control of the creature's mind and then he soon gives his command where he would completely change the rare species of demon.
After she got back where she was, she kicked the black-eyed woman out of her property, almost killed her with that blow, Kardama entered back into her castle, trying to look for something inside the place, she found her experiment she planned use in some year, a potion that served to increase the strength of her powers, but it was a failed experiment that would lead to death if she drank it, with all the feelings of hatred and resentment that inhabited the creature, she took it without hesitation (probably that was the command of the enigmatic being). At first she hadn't felt anything, until she caused an extreme itch on her oily skin that almost ripped from her claws, her throat was hot, her eyes burned, her appearance changed bizarrely and she writhed nonstop. The pain lasted a long time until I felt nothing and fell dead on the ground. The environment where it was was in frightening silence, around the creature's body, Zalgo's demons appeared to finish their work, they soon prepared their claws for it to become stung until when they got very close to the creature their body began to slowly freeze from painfully, they could not breathe and gradually lost their movements. When they died, the creature they were going to kill would rise from the ground, in their last vision, they will see that the creature had a different appearance than those they killed in the war, the hair was white as snow (expected from a being of ice), now they were so dark that not even light entered them, her eyes were blue and bright like diamonds, now they darkened and finally her skin was pale and oily, then it grew paler even closer to the white and rough texture. What the hell did that creature become? no longer resembles its species, we conclude that the rare species has gone extinct forever, the surviving creature has changed, and its already troublesome behavior has increased to extreme danger, the new Kardama has destroyed Zalgo's henchmen, he not only wiped out their bodies, they no longer exist, nothing will recover them, and so this is the origin of a new problem in space. The youngest creature of all cosmic beings (hence "child") kills everyone in its field of vision and just wants to play the most sadistic actions imaginable forever. Kardama Dead Child.
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