#karen harley ft maya hart ( verona )
liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝ can’t sleep? ❞  | @saviorscrossed​​ | meme ( accepting ) karen&maya
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           Karen’s lips twist lightly, as she lets out a soft sigh but she gives a light of her head. Lately sleep has been hard for her, barley getting a good two hours most nights. “No,” Karen answers honestly, because she’s tired and Maya is one of the few people outside of her family that she trusts. “Yet, I’m just so fucking tired.” A defeated sigh falling past her lips.
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
quick tag drop! i will end up going through the old tag and retagging everything... i think the only one i will cry on is either the reg/maya or the farkle/maya bc knowing me those two have a lot
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