#karin ball
gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Karin Ball and Ady Berber in Dead Eyes of London (1961)
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danthepest · 5 months
You know what's really funny in Dragon Ball?
So you know that moment where Vegeta talks to the Earth and asks them to lend their energy for the Spirit Bomb against Boo? And the only ones who do it are the Dragon Team (and that one dude who did it out of curiosity) until Goku speaks up and we see people from Goku's childhood contribute?
What I find funny is that Karin, Yajirobe, #17, Chaozu & fucking Tenshinhan didn't raise their hands when Vegeta asked them to. #17 I can give a pass because it was intended to be Lunch and she never met Vegeta. But the others?
Were all four of them collectively thinking "you know what fuck that guy"? Were they willing to die and have the Earth obliterated again because they don't like Vegeta? It seems petty on the side of Karin & Yajirobe, regardless of how understandable it is to not like Vegeta.
Chaozu isn't even so much a real character as he is a prop.
But Tenshinhan? Dude never really let go of his grudge against him for what happened during the Saiyan invasion, giving him shit even during the Cell arc.
Tenshinhan didn't raise a pinky when Vegeta was begging. But when Goku spoke up he was all "TAKE ALL OF MY POWER AND DEFEAT BOO GOKU"
When Tenshinhan holds a grudge, he fucking holds a grudge. The universe be damned. And it is hilarious to me.
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
who do you think is the best teacher in Dragonball?
That's a tough question. But I'm leaning towards Mr. Popo.
Our journey through teachers begins, of course, with the Muten-Roshi. Goku's only with Roshi for about eight months so we don't get to see a lot of his teaching, even though other Kame-senryu students are with him for longer. In that time, he's able to instill a very important philosophy in Goku that will guide him through his life.
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It's the Muten-Roshi who imparts Dragon Ball's central theme of never being satisfied with yourself and always striving for self-improvement. He went to great lengths to instill that in his pupils - lengths so great that even Roshi questions whether they were truly necessary.
And he does have other good things to teach. Most notably, he's the one who teaches Goku the value of mental discipline and rest.
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This well-balanced approach to self-improvement is something Goku carries with him. Part of what makes him so exceptional as a martial artist is that he understands that training and technique honing is only part of the process.
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One of the things that makes Goku a great martial artist is that he understands your body needs time to recover and grow after exertion. That is the turtle master way.
But for all his benefits as a mentor, what the Muten-Roshi sucks at is fucking teaching martial arts. In terms of philosophy, he has much to impart. But when they ask him, the Muten-Roshi, the Old Heavenly Master of Martial Arts, to teach them martial arts?
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He just gives them bodybuilding instruction. Roshi tells them that this is all the Kame-senryu is: Extensive strength training to become so physically tough that you can knock out a foe with one punch. He is, however, full of shit.
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Despite claiming that martial arts is just being really strong, his fight against Goku in the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai sees him pull out all kinds of esoteric techniques and skills to level the playing field against Goku's insurmountable might and analytical brilliance. The Muten-Roshi knows a ton of practical martial arts technique. He's just not sharing.
I'm half-convinced he held all this stuff back on purpose just so he'd have a few aces up his sleeve in the tournament proper. Which even Roshi isn't sure was actually necessary.
His next teacher is Karin, the God of Martial Arts. Karin has some useful wisdom to impart with regard to anticipation.
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And he introduces one of the most important items in the Dragon Ball series.
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Thank you Viz for the redundant translation of "Holy Hermit Bean Bean". I don't get enough migraines from the dub constantly calling them Senzu Beans. This is the Chai Tea of Dragon Ball.
Goku is with Karin for about three days, and it goes pretty well. Karin presents Goku with a challenging test to overcome, which he must do by getting lighter on his footwork and learning to anticipate Karin's moves.
But for the most part....
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It's still just strength training. Tenshinhan's out there learning secret Tsuru-senryu techniques to levitate in the air and nobody's willing to do more for Goku but bulk up his muscles. Speaking of which.
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This guy tried to murder his own students because they wouldn't do an assassination for him. Fuck this guy. He sucks. Get out of here!
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When you get to the moon, tell Toninjinka that his mochi needs wo-- Oh, wait, the moon's gone. Uh. Have fun in space.
Goku's next teacher would be God. Or at least he would be if God ever bothered to teach him. Which he didn't. Goku has never studied under God.
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He made Goku stay at his Temple for three years to prepare for his rematch with Piccolo. But he gave up on that after deciding Goku didn't have what it takes to do what he felt must be done: Kill Piccolo and let God die with him. Goku's soft heart wouldn't allow him to do it.
So he dumped Goku on Popo and went, "You deal with this, I'm busy," and then went off to pursue the Mafuba/Evil Containment Wave instead. Goku's training was a scrapped project for him.
Nonetheless, Goku grew substantially during his time in Heaven. (Look at him! He's so much taller-- No, I jest.) Popo is the first teacher to offer Goku something that isn't strength training.
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It's almost like he's never had a master teach him spirit or skills before. It's almost like.
Mr. Popo doesn't offer Goku more strength training. Instead, for the first time, Goku has someone who wants to teach him technique.
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This is some of the most game-changing instruction Goku ever receives in his career. Over the next three years, Popo sharpens Goku not just physically but spiritually.
He technically doesn't learn to sense ki here; He gained a rough comprehension of it from drinking rat poison earlier that day. But as Popo demonstrates here, there's a world of difference between "Oh cool I can sense your ki" and "I feel Yamcha's ki 700 km in that direction. He's sitting in his home eating breakfast Wheaties and scratching his butt. Puar's preparing to make eggs aaaaaand now he's a frying pan."
This is where Goku makes the transition from martial artist to Heavenly Martial Artist, and the difference is stark. When he shows up to the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, he's on a whole different playing field.
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He no longer experiences reality the same way as everyone else. He's ascended to a higher plane of understanding. All because of Popo, since God abandoned this project and ran off to do his own thing instead. Goku is literally the "Dr. Gero's computer kept working and completed Cell anyways" of martial arts.
Great work, Popo. Gold star.
Kaio is next on Goku's list of mentors. He's working on a bit of a time crunch; Goku only has six months to spend with him. Kaio's training emphasizes two things. One is, of course, more strength training though this time there's an interesting twist to it.
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Planet Vegeta's gravity is at least as strong as the gravity on Kaio's world. This is where Goku's introduced to the concept of gravity training for the first time - Something that, ironically, Vegeta would cling to more heavily than Goku. Goku's been doing weight training since Roshi, but the idea of increased gravity as a substitute for (or in addition to) weight is introduced by Kaio.
Goku himself would incorporate this gravity training into his later efforts to more fully master the Kaio-ken on his way to Namek. Speaking of which, that's the other thing Kaio imparts on him. From him, Goku learns the Genki-Dama and the Kaio-ken.
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Kaio pretty much became Goku's forever teacher after this point, but we rarely see him do more than supervise. Which makes sense, since Goku officially became a Master himself as of the Namek arc. Though all of Goku's teachers will always be looking out for him, his art becomes truly his own from this point onward.
That brings us to Piccolo.
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Piccolo comes from the "My Daddy beat me and I turned out fine" school of shaping young minds. It's to be expected; He was literally Evil Incarnate just eight years ago.
While Piccolo's journey of redemption is heartwarming to see and he does succeed in honing Gohan into a weapon, his skills as a mentor leave something to be desired. He fails to consider Gohan's psychological needs. He builds Gohan's strength and teaches him technique, but fails to grasp that this four-year-old child does not have a warrior instinct to get out there and throw hands with planet-killers.
He throws Gohan into the deep end and Gohan sinks like a stone. Failing to develop his bond with Gohan and offer the kid the encouragement he needs to get out there and do this is a fatal error in his training.
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Piccolo pays for this mistake with his life.
Finally, that leaves Goku himself.
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As a Master in his own right, Goku has so much to impart onto Gohan. At least, whatever Piccolo hasn't already. As a teacher, Goku is encouraging of Gohan and offers him clear and unmistakable guidance.
He talks things over with Gohan, explaining ahead of time what their goal is and how they're going to achieve it.
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Like Popo, Goku's pretty great as a teacher. There's just. One. Small. Problem: He fails to consider Gohan's psychological needs. Yeah, that's right, Goku walks face-first into the same error that Piccolo died for, which is why Piccolo freaks out on him for it.
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It helps that Piccolo not only has personal experience making this exact same mistake, but also the wisdom of God now.
Like. It's important to note that it's not that Goku misunderstands Gohan. He knows, intellectually, what kind of person Gohan is. He knows Gohan's passions lie elsewhere.
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Nonetheless, Goku sees too much of himself in Gohan, overlooking the reality that Gohan was so gung-ho about training with Goku because he thought he was helping his dad. Despite clearly conveying the mechanisms and goals of their training, Goku never even thought to broach this topic with him because he just. Assumed.
Even though he knew Gohan longed for academia, he assumed Gohan also had the spirit of a martial artist in him. That Gohan was still driven by the same fire that he is, compelled to push his limits and test himself against mighty foes. He makes that fatal mistake that so many parents make, of projecting himself onto his child.
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Goku pays for this mistake with his life.
Android 16 is able to salvage Goku's mistakes and make this work, much as Goku once salvaged Piccolo's. And to his credit, Goku learns and is able to offer Gohan the emotional support and direct coaching he needs to finish the job.
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I particularly love "Show me the power that we made together" because it puts the emphasis on his and Gohan's bond, rather than Gohan's fighting. It demonstrates the expansion of his understanding of Gohan's motives.
Nonetheless, this was a pretty significant error too make as a teacher so I can't give Goku full marks.
With that in mind... I gotta give it to Popo. Popo took God's castoff dumpster-project, poured himself into it, and gave Goku some of the greatest instruction of his entire career. A+
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kaijudyke · 2 years
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The greatest magicians have something to learn From Mr. Mistoffelees' Conjuring Turn!
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freezebobs · 7 months
Entering Dragon Ball era
hello tumblr...here are some of my dragon ball doodles i have made :)
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textfromthelookout · 1 year
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Vers 2328, environ 300 ans après la mort de César, le « Moïse » du peuple des singes, plusieurs clans de primates se partagent désormais le havre de paix où leur chef historique les a conduits. À l'extérieur, les humains ont régressé à l'état sauvage.
Noa est un chimpanzé d'un clan de singes dresseurs d'aigles. Koro, le père de Noa, est l’un des anciens et le chef du village. Avec ses amis Anaya et Soona, Noa se prépare à un rite de passage à l'âge adulte. Pour cette cérémonie très importante, ils doivent collecter des œufs d'aigle en prenant d'énormes risques pour accéder aux nids. La nuit précédant la cérémonie, Noa repère un humain à la recherche de nourriture. Un bref contact entre les deux casse par inadvertance l'œuf de Noa. Il est obligé d'aller rapidement dans la nuit chercher un œuf de remplacement. En chemin, Noa rencontre un groupe de singes guerriers se disant être au service de César et utilisant des armes à la technologie étrange. Les guerriers, masqués, ont tué l’éclaireur du village de Noa. Ils découvrent ensuite son cheval, alors que Noa reste caché. Ils utilisent le cheval pour retrouver l'emplacement du clan. Quand Noa rentre chez lui, à pied, il trouve le village en feu. Il aide son père à libérer les aigles et tente de riposter, mais le général singe Sylva tue Koro. Noa, inconscient après une grosse chute, est laissé pour mort.
Noa se réveille le lendemain et découvre que sa famille et son clan ont été enlevés. Noa enterre le corps de son père et se lance à la recherche des siens, suivi de loin par l'aigle de son père, Aigle-Soleil. Dans les ruines de l'aéroport international de Los Angeles, il rencontre un orang-outan nommé Raka. Ce dernier explique que la bande de pillards a perverti les idées de César et raconte à Noa les véritables enseignements de l'ancien. Il décide finalement d'accompagner Noa. Ils remarquent rapidement qu'ils sont suivis par une humaine. Raka lui offre de la nourriture et une couverture, malgré les réticences de Noa, et la nomme « Nova ». Dans un observatoire abandonné, Noa est subjugué par ce qu'il voit dans l'immense télescope. Au cours de leur voyage, ils rencontrent un groupe d'humains primitifs avant que les singes masqués les attaquent soudainement. Noa et Raka sauvent Nova, qui, à leur grande surprise, sait parler. Elle leur révèle que son vrai nom est Mae et que les singes ont détruit son village. Elle explique également à Noa où ont été emmenés les membres de son clan : dans une colonie autour d'un ancien bunker humain.
En route vers cette colonie, ils tombent dans une embuscade tendue par Sylva, alors qu'ils tentaient de traverser un pont au-dessus d'une rivière. Dans le combat qui s'ensuit, Raka sauve Mae de la noyade mais est emporté par le courant. Noa et Mae sont capturés et emmenés dans l'immense camp des singes sur une plage. Noa y retrouve son clan dont sa mère, Dar, et ses amis Anaya et Soona. On le mène ensuite devant le roi des singes, Proximus Caesar. Ce dernier cherche à « évoluer » en utilisant la technologie humaine apparemment enfermée dans le bunker situé sur la plage. Chaque jour, Proximus pousse ses singes essayer d'ouvrir les portes blindées du bunker, en vain. Proximus invite Noa à dîner avec Mae ainsi que Trevathan, un humain qui s'est allié aux singes et qui divertit le roi chaque jour. Proximus pense que Noa est utile et exige de savoir quel est le plan de Mae et comment ouvrir le bunker, informant Noa qu'elle veut seulement en profiter pour elle-même.
Noa s'oppose à Mae et exige de connaître la vérité et ses réelles motivations, en échange de son aide. La jeune femme révèle qu'elle connaît une entrée secrète pour pénétrer dans le bunker et qu'elle recherche un livre qui pourrait ramener la parole à l'Humanité. Noa espère détruire le bunker à la suite de cela et ramener son clan chez lui. Noa, Mae, Soona et Anaya placent alors des explosifs autour d'un barrage devant le bunker. Trevathan les interrompt et veut avertir Proximus, mais Mae le tue et jette son corps à la mer, à la grande stupeur des trois singes. Le groupe escalade ensuite une falaise verticale vers l'entrée cachée. À l'intérieur, Mae découvre une réserve d'armes et récupère son « livre », qui est en réalité une clé de déchiffrement d'un satellite. Pendant ce temps, les singes découvrent des livres d'images dans le bunker, qui décrivent les humains comme l'espèce autrefois dominante avant les singes, ce qui les amène à se méfier de Mae.
Alors qu'ils sortent du bunker, le groupe est confronté à Proximus et ses sbires. Il menace de tuer Soona, mais Mae tire et tue Lightning, le singe qui tenait Soona en otage. Proximus accepte de laisser partir Noa si elle leur dit où se trouvent les autres armes dans le bunker. Mae refuse et déclenche les explosifs, inondant le bunker avec Noa et les autres singes toujours à l'intérieur. Alors que l'eau monte rapidement dans l'édifice, les singes grimpent le plus vite possible vers la sortie. Noa affronte Sylva. Il parvient finalement à le piéger et le regarde se noyer. Lorsque Noa s'en sort, il est attaqué par Proximus. Alors que Proximus ordonne à Noa de s'agenouiller devant lui, le chimpanzé maîtrise enfin les chants d'aigle de son père et parvient à leur faire attaquer Proximus. Les aigles l'assaillent et le font tomber de la falaise.
Le clan des aigles revient ensuite sur ses terres et y reconstruit son foyer. Mae fait ses adieux à Noa, en cachant derrière elle une arme à feu, au cas où. Elle explique qu'elle pense que les Humains méritent à nouveau leur chance car ils étaient à l'origine l'espèce dominante sur Terre. Noa lui demande quelle liberté auront alors les singes dans ce monde. Au lieu de tirer sur Noa, elle s'en va. Elle se dirige ensuite vers un établissement humain situé dans une base satellite, où elle livre la clé de déchiffrement, permettant à son groupe de réactiver les satellites et de reprendre contact avec d'autres humains. Alors que l'établissement humain rétablit une connexion satellite, Noa et Soona regardent à travers un télescope fixant avec inquiétude un objet invisible dans le ciel.
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gauthiercolin · 6 months
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Sketchbook dump
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scoots-canoe · 6 months
OMGGGG TIEN !!!!!!!!!! YAYYAYAAYYAYA (DB ep 121 spoilers)
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he was relegated to sideline commentator most of the fight and iwas like "sadge 😔" BUT THEN HE COMES IN WITH THE FUCKIN SAVE!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHH
Why havent goku and co like, asked Tien how he does that. Especially with Gokus habit of mimicking techniques, you would think they would have shown some curiosity in learning that technique by now.
Whatever its fine we got a top tier tien moment i am LIVING
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
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“Bee Balling”
by Karine Aigner
2022 BigPicture Competition
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p-eztt · 1 year
I tried to draw some Dbz characters from memory-
And I took the opportunity to add my own drawing style
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cornplateur-fritz · 2 years
Sharpner: hey Gohan, how does it feel to be God's favorite? *referring to gohan being the first guy Videl entertained*
Gohan: *genuinely* I'm sure Piccolo-san or Mr. Popo is his favorite.
Sharpner: ??!?!
Sharpner, internally: didnt know he was religious, aw shit, did i say something offending
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
On the topic of funny Viz translations, have I got a glass of water for you.
Also Korin is a god and Kami's Lookout doesn't exist in the same physical space as the rest of the Earth.
Goku first begins his relationship with the divine when he nearly gets killed by the assassin Taopaipai. In order to become tough enough to take on Taopaipai, Goku climbs Karin Tower, the unbelievably tall spire that ascends from the Sacred Land of Karin.
He climbs the tower because he's been told of a legendary elixir that will make him powerful.
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Inside that bottle is Choseisui. The word is a composite of "Cho", meaning Super, "Sei" meaning Sacred or Holy, and "Sui" meaning Water. This is the Super Holy Water, an elixir of the gods which will bestow incredible power upon whoever drinks it.
The trick here is that it's just some normal water. The true training is the attempt to drink it - An attempt that requires you take the bottle from its guardian, Karin.
Note that it's not the water that makes this the Sacred Land of Karin. It's sacred because of Karin. Karin is the first deity Goku ever meets.
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Karin's official title is the "Bujutsu no Kami", which Viz faithfully translates here as the God of Martial Arts.
Do note that Karin is the second character to be introduced as the Bujutsu no Kami. The Muten-Roshi likes to throw that title around for grandeur, which his relationship to Karin implies he straight up stole it.
But Karin has a much clearer claim to divinity as an ancient hermit who grows heavenly manna known as Senzu and lives halfway between Earth and Heaven.
Which is. Well. This place.
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Have you ever noticed that nobody ever flies horizontally to the Lookout? To enter the Lookout, you must travel to Karin Tower and then go up. To leave, you have to go down until you reach the Tower, then fly outward.
Well, there's a reason for that. What the dub calls Kami's Lookout is the Kami-sama no Shinden, or the Temple of God. The Temple exists in Tenkai, the Heavenly Realm - which can only be accessed by ascending into Heaven from Karin Tower.
From his Temple, God is capable of looking down upon the entire mortal plane below. Anything he needs to see is within his purview, because this space is outside of the mortal plane.
This is precisely what made it such a great place to hide out from Buu - and made it such a big deal when Buu managed to find them in Heaven.
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Foreshadowing Pure Buu's later trespass into the godly realm of the Kaioshins.
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Majin Buu cares nothing for propriety in the face of the divine. He will violate however many sacred boundaries he wants!
In any case, halfway up to the realm of Heaven lives the God of Martial Arts, Karin and the sacred beans he grows. And his sacred water trial, which serves as both a form of training anyone who proves their merit by making the climb, and also teaching a bit about anticipation while he's at it.
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But - partly because Toriyama liked the Karin Tower plot so much he copied it like four times over the course of the series - there is more to Karin than only offering this trial and guarding the gateway to Heaven.
In what is honestly one of the laziest writing choices Toriyama ever made.. there is the other, for realsies, super water that's actually super water for realsies.
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This is Choshinsui, the Super God Water. It really, truly, actually does have the ability to bring out incredible power in its drinker.
Uh. Allegedly.
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Yajirobe asking the real questions here. If nobody's ever survived it before then there is no reason to believe it works. Karin kicks the can down the road to some heresay he's heard. A second cousin of his great grand-predecessor in the Martial Arts God role swears he has an uncle who worked at the distillery who says it powered someone up once. Honest!
There is a non-zero chance that this jug is full of rat poison, and Goku just got a Zenkai boost off of it.
But in any case, the obvious lazy recycling of the Karin Water plot is incredibly obvious and lazy, and can make distinguishing between the two confusing.
In Japanese, the two waters are Choseisui and Choshinsui.
The dub translated them as the Sacred Water and the Ultra Divine Water.
And Viz? Well, they have their own tongue-in-cheek name for Choshinsui.
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XD HAHAHAHA You can feel the sarcasm burning. Might want to put some Superest Water on that.
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thecraggus · 4 months
Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes (2024) Review
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes offers a formulaic yet entertaining quest to explore the seemingly unending cost of human hubris. #Review
Apes together aren’t strong enough to resist the cliché of the hero’s journey KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES invites viewers back to a world where human hubris has seen the species fall while simultaneously helping our successors, the apes, to rise. Set generations after Caesar’s era, the film follows Noa (Owen Teague), a young chimp of the Eagle Clan, as he embarks on a perilous journey to…
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x1000mega · 2 years
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textfromthelookout · 1 year
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