#karl pinkerton
thsc-confessions · 10 months
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"Confession, I enjoy rare pairing that people ship! My favourite art requests are rare pairs where I don’t even know who the characters are so I get to learn about them! I also get to explore how the paring would work! It’s quite nice and designing the characters into my style is fun. I also enjoy the crack ships, the ones where you question “why and how” but also start questioning the universe on “why do they work so well??” I want more fun ships and have gotten a big bored of the popular ships."
"Note nothing wrong about them I love the popular ships and ship them myself lots. I just enjoy new and fresh ships that keep things interesting. I can only do so many Henry centric ship prompts before I decide to toss him around like a rag doll… actually didn’t I already do that? (:"
From your,
Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Horror <3
submitted by @howlerlight
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I... wrote something. I am so sorry-
Warning: There is a fair amount of usage of the word 'fuck' and it's variant with '-ing'. Panic/PTSD attack.
Walking towards the stranded building, shivering ruthlessly from the cold that attacked his warmth in anyway. The male tugged his jacket close to him, finally making it up the hill to the building and swinging the door open, shutting it as soon as he was inside.
"Welcome. We don't see outsiders here often." A chipper voice spoke, as the male that walked in shook the snow off of him, before walking over to the bar area. A man, drunkly passed out near the end, one bartender, a few strangers around and about, but there were some interest. Like Toppats, Wall guards, a few known criminals. "Before I let you order anything, there is one rule about this bar. Anything that you hear here, stays in the bar. If anything is muttered about you giving information away, you'll be hunted. Understood?"
The male in question gave a nod, before he moved to sit on a stool. "Good fella. Now, what can I serve you?" The man thought for a moment, looking to the board. "Do you serve food here..?" A short laugh left the bartender. "Of course we do, what are we, animals?" Laughing rung around the bar at his joke, seeing that many hadn't been able to hear it often. "I'm kidded, we got anything ranging from nachos to chili-dogs. Whatcha want, kid?"
"A burger has never sounded better right now.." The male said, a chuckle leaving his dry throat. "That and just some water.." The bartender shook his head. "You are about the most simple person I have ever seen." He said, jotting down on a notepad. "C'mon, a drink on the house. Get yourself something more than just water, yeah? I don't give a shit if it's soda, just something more."
The male gave a chuckle, glancing to the cooler and only spotting one thing that interested him. "Do bottled drinks count on that?" He asked, with the bartender nodding. "The bottled root beer.." He added on, with the bartender giving a chuckle. "There we go, something more."
A bit more discussion, and his order was in, with the bartender going to the back to alert the cook of the order, before he came back. He grabbed out the bottled root beer and set it down, before grabbing the bottle opener and popping it open. "Say, kid, what's your name? I get to know everyone 'round here."
The male looked up to the bartender, giving a slight chuckle. His hair was a dark brown color, not dark enough to be seen as black but not light enough to be a true brown color. It was short enough to cover his right eye, having an under-shave that was in need of a shave. One eye was visible, being a rich honey color, the other eye was the same color, but given the nature of it being nearly close naturally, it was hidden for now. Half of his face was covered by a mask, decorated with little wet spots from the snow outside, the coloring being a mix of blue and red, two of his favorite colors. "Malli... You can call me Malli."
"Malli, uh? Short for something?" The bartender asked, with the patron nodding. "It's short for Malcolm, but I prefer Malli." He looked to his drink, grabbing the base of the bottle and pulling it closer, before lifting his mask up from underneath and setting his lips on the rim. "Ain't no one gonna judge you, if you're worried about that." The bartender alerted while Malli drank some of the cool liquid, it stinging his throat a bit from the carbonation, before he tilted his head and the bottle back down, setting the root beer down fully. His mask fell back down his face, tucked right back where it belonged.
"No, I'm not worried. I almost never take it off, habitual at this point." Malli said with a hum, giving a nod when the bartender had to walk off. He shifted his backpack off of his back, moving the bag in front of him and on the hook underneath the bar, before he lifted his hoodie up over his head and covered himself. Small shivers left him, laying down against the bar table and relaxing as much as he could to battle the cold feeling he felt. He heard talking, whispers, and faint music being played, but ignored all of it and just focused on his own breathing. It wasn't until he heard the squeak of a chair beside him and the table underneath him shift slightly.
"Oi, you.." Malli couldn't help but hold back a chuckle. It was similar to how one of his cop buddies, Rupert Price, would speak, only this time, instead of an unknown accent he couldn't even pin down, this was a very thick Russian/Canadian accent. The male lifted his head, his hair being moved out of the way just from the motion of going up and down, spotting a Wall guard beside him, giving a trusting smile, but underneath it was a sort of mischievous smirk. "What brings you along 'ere?"
"Quit my job as a cop, after a convict got out, packed my shit and all of my money saved over, and.. Basically disappeared off of the face of the planet." Malli said with a shrug, with the Wall guard setting his hand on the American's back. "Need a place for work?" He said, and winking to the other Wall guards when Malli turned away. "Work.. Yeah, eventually.. I don't have a lot of cash to my name."
"Well, I know a good place-"
"Off, Gnewt. Let the kid get a feel around before you start your propaganda."
The bartender said, shooing the Russian off of Malli, who grumbled under his breath and stood up from the stool, back over to his friends, them resuming their whispers in Russian. "Don't worry about them, eat up." He said, pushing the plate towards Malli, before the other smiled under his mask and gave a 'thank you'. Only then, once receiving his food, did he take his mask off and tuck it away. There were a few, deep scars on his cheeks, three that looked like it was a claw scratch across his left cheek, one across both of his lips on the right side, and another that crossed over the bridge of his nose.
As he ate, making sure that his hood hid his face as much as possible, he listened to the foreign whispers of the group in the corner, he further hid himself away from the word. He ate down his food fairly fast, faster than he anticipated, soon grabbing out his wallet to pay for his food.
"Ah-ah, let me take care of it, yeah?" A male spoke, startling Malli as he looked to them, hiding his cheek with his hood and hand. "No-no, I got it." Mallie said, with the man patting his shoulder. "I insist." The, surprisingly, British male said, holding out his card to the bartender, who understood and grabbed it, using it and giving it back. "My name is Karl. 'ow about you come with me and my buds, we take you to try and get a job, yeah? You got the experience for it." He said, trying to sweeten the deal as much as possible.
Malli glanced to the bartender, who gave a nod in response, before Malli looked to Karl and grabbed out his mask, putting it on his face quickly, before he agreed. "Alright, I'll trust you.." He said, grabbing his backpack as Karl moved out of the way. Malli then set his backpack on his back, before hopping down off of his stool. Standing at a slightly-above average of 6'2", he was basically staring Karl in the eyes. The other two, Gnewt and whoever the third guy was, they were taller than Karl and him.
Malli was then led to a truck, getting in the back seat with Karl, while the unknown member got in the drivers seat and Gnewt in the passenger. "Allow us to introduce ourselves," Karl said, before motioning to himself. "Karl Pinkerton, nice to meet you." The two shook hands, with Karl getting situated in his seat. Malli then buckled himself up, looking to the two up front.
"Names Gnewt. Gnewt Stoneheel." Gnewt, the original that came up to him, spoke with a nod, glancing back to the American male. "You were a cop, and yet don't look like much of anything." He said, throwing an insult that didn't deter Malli. "My shot makes up for my strength." Malli remarked easily, grabbing the handle of his bag between his legs as a reminder that it was there.
Gnewt mumbled something, causing the other two to chuckle slightly. The driver then decided to speak up. "Name's Franz Pferd." He spoke, his accent being the thickest out of the three. He probably spoke in broken or limited English, so Malli didn't worry about giving much of a fuss. "How about you?" This got Malli's attention, looking to Gnewt. "Got to make sure the warden knows who he's meeting.."
Signed up, now under the Wall's rule, he had a whole wardrobe change, a strict set of rules, and a close eye for being one of the few Americans in the institute that was named The Wall. His mask was changed, from red and blue to a grey with a red and gold outline, clothing now from typical Arizona patronage to a very grey and bleak outlook. Black pants, his normal white, dirtied shoes, a black tank-top, and a company jacket, which was an odd wash of grey-blue, with the logo on the breast.
The Warden that Malli got introduced to, Dmitri, wasn't exactly pleased with the group bringing him in, but he soon sent Malli through the necessary requirements and regulations, and he ended up passing. Barely. For Dmitri's standards. The only thing that held him through was his sharp aim, stamina, and speed, things he had to buildup to be a police officer. The only thing that impressed Dmitri was his aim. Once again, barely.
Of course, Malli did as much as he could, getting his job done with no help and very little Russian lessons. He did get help from the German side, using it as his cheat sheet to read everything as much as possible. He was set often to move boxes around, which he didn't mind. It kept him busy, out of the way, out-casted..
After a month of being set on moving boxes around, he realized this last part. What further proved it? Well..
Grigori, the second in command at the wall, looked pissed when he came up to Malli. The American didn't see this, however, as he got another box sat down on the floor, shoving it in place, and giving a huff when he stood up.
"MALCOLM!" Malli jumped a good foot in the air, turning quickly to Grigori, and before he could utter a word out, he got grabbed up by the elbow and dragged away. Grigori was much stronger than him, his grip like iron on his elbow, that Malli was sure there was going to be a bruise there for a long while. He couldn't stammer much out, following the commanding second with wide eyes and fear rushing through him. He knew he was in trouble, but he didn't know what for yet.
As soon as Grigori and Malli got to Dmitri's office, Grigori opened the door and shoved Malli in. This caused the weaker male to stumble over himself and catch himself on the desk, straightening himself up and looking, reluctantly, to Dmitri. The other looked furious, which only made Malli gulp and take a small step backwards. He was too afraid to speak at the moment, thinking that he'd get himself in more trouble if he did. His hair was tucked behind him, in a ponytail, so he wouldn't be able to hide his face in anyway, shape, or form. He was fucked. He'd only been here a week and he was FUCKED. He's going to lose his job, lose everything right in front of him, more than he already has, and he wasn't ready. Fuck, no, he wasn't ready at all.
Dmitri only gave a slight smirk as he saw the fear in Malli, slamming his hands on the table to help him stand. The slam made Malli jump again, keeping as stiff of a posture as he could, and soon Dmitri was talking slow and quietly, but it progressively got louder, and louder. Malli couldn't be fired within the first month, and Dmitri was making it clear, that more fuck-ups like he's committed (and hasn't committed, as blame keeps getting set on him), he would be fired as soon as the month mark hit, right down to the very second.
Malli stood there, listening to his words, as his eyes flickered all over the place on Dmitri's face. They were wet, causing his vision to blur, and soon tears were falling down his face and soaking into the mask he wore. This gave Dmitri another reason to yell, as Malli silently cried in front of his boss, feeling helpless and defenseless. One raise of Dmitri's hand, Malli finally crumbled to the memory that came to the forefront of his mind, throwing himself down to the floor and backing up to where he back hit the wall. His arms were over his head, profusely apologizing and promising that he would do better, his breathing quickened and sobs finally coming through his throat.
It wasn't until he felt Dmitri grab his arms and yank him upwards did he look up to the warden, biting back his sobbing as much as possible and steadying his breathing, did he realize that Dmitri's natural scowl had softened just a bit. Not much, and barely noticeable, but there was something there. Possibly guilt? More than likely guilt, as he had never gotten this kind of reaction out of any of his workers, none of them never feared like this in front of him and acted fine the next second.
"I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. One chance." Dmitri spoke, letting go of Malli's arms once he knew the other was standing up. He walked over to his desk, stopping Malli from leaving and grabbing something out of his desk. He tossed it on the other side, motioning for Malli to sit down in the chair as he looked at the computer monitor on his desk. "Compose yourself before you leave out. Take that book with you. Russian-English translation." He stated firmly, before he began typing.
Malli moved slowly from the wall, going to the chair and finally sitting down in it. He grabbed the book up after a few moments, listening to Dmitri type on the keyboard, while he began to read through. As he and his mind calmed down, he steadily began to realize that Dmitri hadn't been yelling in the first place. Grigori was pissed, but all he did was get him in here, and had yelled his name to get his attention. Dmitri had spoke in a steady and calm voice, only raised by a bit when he thought Malli wasn't paying attention, his hand in a point and not sprawled.
Now he felt like an idiot. "Boss..?" Malli finally broke the silence, looking to the desk rather than Dmitri. "I'm sorry for my reaction... It was uncalled for from the beginning.." "Get yourself calmed and out of here, Till."
With that, Malli pocketed the book and walked out of the office, his head dipped to where no one could see his face. He heard the distant whispers and chuckles, reading through the notepad he had and fixing up some errors he had that caused the visit, before he began to work on the boxes again. Determination filled him now, he WAS going to get this right.
Barely. Just fucking BARELY, did Malli get to keep his job for another month, impressing Dmitri just that little bit more. Grigori still held a grudge, but there was plenty of room to impress him. God, Malli was just thankful to be a-fucking-live.
"Malli. Come here." Dmitri spoke, purposefully keeping his voice low. After that first visit, Dmitri tried to keep his tone just that bit lower. He didn't change it past that, as he knew Malli was bound to tear up regardless. Malli turned to Dmitri, going up to the warden that was located outside with him. "Since you are here for a bit more, we might as well get you known with our laison. He works for the CCC, as we are bonded with them."
This made Malli perk up. "The CCC?" He asked, with Dmitri raising his brows briefly. "Familiar?"
"Yessir. At.. This point, I know the entire CCC, since I babysat one of their kids for a long time." Malli admitted, with Dmitri giving a deep groan and nod, before leading Malli to the CCC office building, where the laison was. There was someone completely random, with Malli giving a dumb-founded look.
"You? Out of all people, your the laison?" Malli said, with the guy jumping out of his seat. "Are you even reading chaos readings?" He pointed out, with him stammering in his spot. "Listen, Malcolm.."
"Don't you 'Malcolm' me, mister." The parental tone in his voice indicated that this was NOT the first time he's had to deal with him in a situation like this. "Is Bill even okay with this?" This made the guy look away nervously, with Malli's eyes widening. "He doesn't know, does he?"
Dmitri took over, calling up Bill about this whole fiasco and getting the fake laison out of there, as well as making sure the real one was on his way. After that long, begrudged phone call, Dmitri turned to Malli. "You are more useful than I thought.." He said, out loud and to himself. "Thank you?"
"We'll keep you around. Welcome to The Wall." He had gained the Warden's trust.
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I told you I would return When the robin makes his nest But I ain’t never coming back I’m sorry
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mitjalovse · 3 years
Weezer's highly successful debut got them on the path not many assumed they would be on. Particularly after a peculiar failure of their inauguration's follow-up, Pinkerton. You see, the disc lacked the predecessor's easy going charms, the band basically made a post-fame album with all that the phrase entails, so we shouldn't be surprised the LP didn't reach the commercial heights of The Blue Album. Moreover, the group felt upset by the platter at first, they almost disowned the latter, but a funny thing happened later on, since Pinkerton became accepted as an incredibly brave record, the sort Weezer never dared to tackle. I mean, their career would have been much different than the one they currently have, had this collection of tunes achieved a greater triumph.
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riverscuomohhh · 5 years
Weezer at Brixton Academy, 29 June 2019
Where to even start?! Thanks to Karl for blessing my rains and letting the fanclub in first I got my perfect spot at the middle of the barrier and I about died and went to heaven. This is probably gonna be long but fuck it, it’s my blog
While we waited they played oldies and I imagined Rivers had selected the playlist - My Girl, The Contours’ Do You Love Me, and loads of 60s/Motown classics which I was loving! We saw one of the roadies putting out his lyrics sheets and a sign that said ‘London, UK’ - one of the lads we chatted to said, “well, in case he shouts out ‘hello London, Ontario!’”😂
When he came out in that crazy golf outfit I screamed OMG!!! I love that he had a new outfit and that he dresses up. Although I have to say, and this is not me taking the piss out of his height bc y’all know I love me a smol boy, but the big squares on the pants made him look so SMALL! Bit annoyed at the hat bc it was casting a shadow on his face for a while, til he discarded it during “they say I need some rogaine to put in my hair”😆
He looked so happy and smiley and got more and more into it as it went on. He was chatty too, saying things like “we are your friendly neighbourhood weezers” and “There’s a lot of cool stuff happening this weekend but you came out to see Weezer” and did this lil punch the air move that was so cute I had to make a gif from my own video:
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Reminds me of this:
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He was having so much fun he kept missing his cues bc he was up front dancing and interacting with the crowd and kept having to run back to the mic but it didn’t matter we all filled in for him☺️
Some of my fave moments:
- the call-and-response in The Good Life Rivers: “screw this crap, I’ve had it” crowd: “I’ve had it!!”
- “I asked you to go to the WEEZER concert” (and knowing it was coming)
- all his signature moves and had a few new ones. He did this lil hip gyrating thing for “shaking booty, making sweet love all night long” but I’m pretty sure I didn’t film that😔
- noticing Karl at the side/back of the stage filming/photographing. And especially when I was holding up my ‘=w= is for girls’ sign, I turned it towards him and he held the camera in our direction. I asked him on fb after if he’d seen it and he had!!
- getting my wish of TGFG and Perfect Situation, plus covers-wise I wanted Take on Me and got it!! Think IYWIIWYT(IWYT) would have ended me!
I still can’t believe we got pink Triangle! And Why Bother. I knew there’d be some from Pinkerton but expected El Scorcho and The Good Life, which we did get too, but four Pinkerton was a treat.
Courtney is back to white, nice and clean with no Farrang sticker. Guess he’s finally decided he’s not a “creepy white foreigner” anymore👍
I feel like a proper fan now. I have arrived. Being crushed at the barrier is like a rite of passage. I feel like I’ve been branded by Weezer and it feels fucking good.
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imisstheoldweezer · 7 years
This one might be cheating a bit?
We opened for Weezer First time on the road Some of us had never Even been in the snow Following along In our rental van Back when Matt Sharp Was still in the band called... Weezer, watching every night From the crowd Saw a kid rush the stage And take the bass amp down The Wawa ruling Over 7-11 It was Nerdcore heaven In ’97 with... Weezer, whoa-oa-oa Singing “Say It Ain't So-oh-oh-oh” Whoa-oa-oa-oa And the kids kept singing along Whoa-oa-oa-oa In the Pittsburgh snow-oh-oh Whoa-oa-oa-oa We opened for Weezer, It was a dream come true Our video was playing On the MTV2 Right about the time That Buffy started slaying We were on tour And we were playing with... Weezer, they were Singing the blues Pinkerton was getting Some bad reviews The guy from Rolling Stone Didn’t like the songs The guy from Rolling Stone Was totally wrong about... Weezer, whoa-oa-oa Singing “Say It Ain't So-oh-oh-oh” Whoa-oa-oa-oa And the kids kept singing along Whoa-oa-oa-oa In the Pittsburgh snow-oh-oh Whoa-oa-oa-oa The Chameleon in Lancaster, Asbury Park The Metropol in Pittsburgh, Raleigh and Marrz Winston-Salem, Charleston, Charlotte and Louisville (Louisville!) The Flood Zone in Richmond, Norfolk, VA Columbus, Ohio, The Newport Music Hall The Rave in Milwaukee, the Barrymore Theatre in Madison Wisconsin, Wisconsin, Wisconsin! We opened for Weezer First time on the road Mid-Atlantic states Watching every show Following around in Our rental van Half Japanese girls, Singing God-Damn... With Weezer Matt, Pat Brian and Rivers Butterfly song giving Everyone shivers Karl was rad And Karl was gnarly We were sitting backstage With Mykel and Carli and... Weezer, whoa-oa-oa Singing “Say It Ain’t So-oh-oh-oh” Whoa-oa-oa-oa And the kids kept singing along Whoa-oa-oa-oa In the Pittsburgh snow-oh-oh Whoa-oa-oa-oa And the kids say you might as well (Jump) Whoa-oa-oa-oa Singing “Say It Ain’t So-oh-oh-oh”
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dorkery · 7 years
*Forming Labor Unions* US Labor Unions History originally started with skilled workers and limited membership (trade union) but as the number of unskilled workers and laborers increased other unions for unskilled were established. There was considerable opposition and problems to the establishment of labor Unions. There were no laws that gave workers the right to organize a union There were no laws that required employers to negotiate with a union Workers who tried to organize a union were fired and placed on a blacklist -  'trouble makers' or complainers could be easily replaced Courts of law often ruled that strikes were "conspiracies in restraint of trade" Courts of law fined or jailed Union labor leaders Secrecy surrounded the early union, members were required to sign an oath and participate in secret rituals. Secret codes was also used by members *Industrialist Opposition to the Labor Unions* US Labor Unions History was paved with difficulty and the actions of the wealthy industrialists and employers in the late 1800's employed various tactics to prevent the formation of a union. Workers required to sign contracts stating they would not join a Union - these were called a 'Yellow-dog contract' Pinkerton Detectives were hired to infiltrate a union to help break a strike and inform on the identities of members Lockouts: Companies used lockouts to break a union by preventing workers to enter a premises and stopping wages Blacklists: Trouble makers were fired and put on list that prevented their future employment Immigrants and Strike-Breakers: Companies employed vast numbers of immigrants who were just glad of the jobs and were paid less than Americans. Immigrants were used as strike-breakers *Strikes - State and Government action* Union protests, rallies and demonstrations turned violent and riots occured. US Labor Unions History saw state militia and government action taken against strikers and rioters. Local militia were sent out to quell the riots - but many of the militia openly sympathized with the strikers Federal troops consisting of infantry, cavalry and artillery were sent in There were deaths and serious injuries Properties were set on fire Labor leaders and strikers were arrested, fined and imprisoned *Social Opposition to the Labor Unions* US Labor Unions History also faced opposition from ordinary Americans. The ideas of Karl Marx had become highly influential in Europe. Marxism was a form of communism, an economic and political philosophy that advocated revolution and anarchy and American feared that this was a goal of the unions and that members were anarchists Many Americans believed that the strikes and terrifying riots that occured in the 1880's were organized by anarchists and became increasingly suspicious of unions *Opposition to Immigrant Labor* During the period of early US Labor Unions History there was a massive influx of immigrants. The immigrants were competing for jobs with Americans and accepted lower wages. A wave of Nativism in America during the 1880's was fueled by labor unions. Nativism encompassed the belief that the interests of established US residents should be given a favored status compared to new immigrants. Union members were opposed to the employment of immigrants would work for lower wages or would become strike-breakers and undermine American workers and Labor Unions.
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laesbilla · 7 years
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Hombre, Peter Wiechmann/Rafael Méndez, Alemania, YPS 1978, Aleta Ediciones 2015
Entre la fantasía de pseudoverismo de Karl May y el impacto de Las aventuras de Jeremiah Johnson, una colección de repetitivas aventuras del Oeste,  donde el intachable héroe pasa por todos los paisajes y tipologías del género deshaciendo entuertos. Si el guión es básico, el dibujo (perdido el color de los originales en la YPS alemana y reproducido en sepia) contrasta por su capacidad para recrear paisajes naturales y rostros pintorescos, así como por la fuerza en el trazo detallista y la vigorosa representación de la violencia. El conjunto va perdiendo energía  y en la segunda mitad algunas de las historias se resuelven de cualquier manera hasta cerrar la saga a trompicones, dejando una nota homoerótica en la conclusión de la relación amigo/enemigo entre Hombre y el agente de la Pinkerton que le persigue durante años.
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scandalousnunnery · 5 years
finna delete my goodreads account
0. Healing Earth: An Ecologist's Journey of Innovation and Environmental Stewardship
1. Capitalism Realism: Is There No Alternative by Mark Fisher
2. Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 by Karl Marx
3. The Theory of Capitalist Development by Paul Sweezy
4. Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes
5. Local Food: How to Make it Happen in your community by Tamzin Pinkerton
6. The Transition Companion by Rob Hopkins
7. Natural Capitalism by Paul Hawken
8. Golden Gulags by Ruth Wilson Gilmore
9. Gaviotas by Alan Weisman
10. Joyce’s Rare View by Richard Beckman
11. Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean by Peter Winn
12. Mathematical Method of Classical Mechanics by Vladmir Arnold
13. Veblen in Plain English by Ken McCormick
14. Essays in Our Changing Order by Thorstein Veblen
15. Classical Dynamics by Donald T. Greenwood
16. The Forest Garden Greenhouse by Jerome Osentowski
17. Earth User’s Guide to Permaculture by Rosemary Morrow
18. Remaking the Rural South by Robert Ferguson
19. Cooperative Commonwealth by Stephen J. Keillor
20. Decline of Agrarian Democracy by Grant McConnell
21. Technics and Civilization by Lewis Mumford
22. Understanding Power by Noam Chomsky
23. Manufacturing Consent by Chomsky
24. A Perfect Spy by John leCarre
25. Smiley’s People by leCarre
26. Garfield: his 9 lives by Jim Davis
27. The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
28. Middlemarch by George Eliot
29. The New Human Rights Movement by Peter Joseph
30. Category Theory for Scientists by David Spivak
31. Soviet Technology and Soviet Economic Development by Antony Sutton
32. Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution by Antony Sutton
33. Gaia’s Garden by Toby Heminway
34. Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual by Bill Mollison
35. Harmonic Analysis and Fractal Analysis over Local Fields and Applications by Weiyi Su
36. The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
37. Negative Dialectics by Theodor Adorno
38. Cultivating Food Justice: Race, Class, and Sustainabilityby Alison Hope Alkon (Editor), Julian Agyeman
39. History of Religious Ideas, Volume 1 - by Mircea Eliade
40. The Walmart Book of the Dead by Lucy Biederman 
41. Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell
42. The Reindeer Chronicles by Judith D. Schwartz 
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idealconservateur · 4 years
MADAME BUTTERFLY Puccini – Royal Swedish Opera
A guileless Japanese girl gives up everything to marry a lieutenant in the US Navy. But when he suddenly leaves the country, she is determined to wait patiently until he sails back into harbour. The last of Puccini’s ‘big three’ operas, Madama Butterfly is as beautiful as it is heartbreaking. Lithuanian soprano Asmik Grigorian sings the title role in this colourful production from the Royal Swedish Opera set amongst the glitz and kitsch of postwar Japan. Streamed on OperaVision on 17 January 2020 at 19:00 CET and available for 6 months: https://operavision.eu/en/library/per... CAST Cio-Cio-San: Asmik Grigorian Suzuki: Katarina Leoson Lieutenant B. F. Pinkerton: Daniel Johansson Sharpless: Karl-Magnus Fredriksson Goro: Niklas Björling Rygert Prince Yamadori: Magnus Kyhle Kate Pinkerton: Kristina Hanson Bonze, Cio-Cio-san's uncle: John Erik Eleby Yakuside, Cio-Cio-san's uncle: Ian Power The Official Registrar: Henrik Hugo The Imperial Commissioner: Andreas Lundmark Cio-Cio-san's mother: Kristina Wennberg Cio-Cio-san's cousins: Cecilia Nannesson, Jessica Forsell Clarhäll Cio-Cio-san's aunt: Anna Danielsson Cio-Cio-san's child: John Österlund Chorus: Royal Swedish Opera Chorus Orchestra: Royal Swedish Orchestra Music: Giacomo Puccini Text: Luigi Illica, Giuseppe Giacosa Conductor: Lawrence Renes Director: Kirsten Harms Set Designer: Herbert Murauer Costume Designer: Herbert Murauer Lighting Designer: Torben Lendorph Dramaturg: Katarina Aronsson Concertmaster: Tale Olsson
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waitjennawhat-blog · 13 years
alright last one - I just cannot get enough of these 3 guys together. This is a clip from An Idiot Abroad
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riverscuomohhh · 5 years
Had a very productive 24 hours
And when I say that I mean this kind of productive:
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I’ll get all the gifs and stuff posted soon. I watched most of Video Capture Device and I’m still processing. Hnnnng a lot of it is super grainy, hand held footage and just really bits that have been edited together DIY-style, but since I’ve realised Weezer don’t really do highly polished productions, big budget films, or massive amounts of talking to the camera and and chatty interviews like other bands I follow do, I’ve come to be super appreciative of whatever content I can get my grubby mitts on. And I am very grateful someone (mostly Karl) bothered to film anything and compile any of it at all.
Some of it is out-and-out thirst watching for me, if I’m being honest. Like, I CAN NOT get enough of the glorious gifs I’ve managed to make from such small fragments of footage. But other performances, and the making of Pinkerton, woah, they’re emotional, hard to watch. Mainly because Rivers looks so withdrawn, and the Letterman performance with him in the leg brace is heart-wrenching.
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So on a cheerier note, it was record store day today and I got myself my first piece of Weezer vinyl😍 I was totally unprepared and got there very late but I don’t think we would have had all the releases here in the UK anyway. But it’s cemented my notion of buying all their stuff on vinyl and, like so much with this band for me, re-ignited an old passion: collecting vinyl. It’s so nice to have something tangible to hold in your hand, to have the album artwork be so big and bold, and to read the thank-yous and liner notes. Plus, and this is something I think all vinyl purchases should come with, a digital download of the album so I have it on iTunes too. It’s all very fitting as this was the album that led me back to this band after a 20 year hiatus. Just treated myself to ordering the Black album on coloured vinyl.
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waitjennawhat-blog · 13 years
This is the 2nd part to The Ricky Gervais clip I just posted: Karl's movie idea.
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waitjennawhat-blog · 13 years
I love the Ricky Gervais show. This is one of my favorite clips from the new series. It's Karl's idea for a movie...featuring Clive Warren - HAHA!
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