#karma later bit Eva in the ass when Kim Lee hit a growth spirt and became taller
doodle-do-wop · 2 years
Hi, yes im aware october is over but I’m still going to write for the promptober prompts until I catch em all(They probably wont be in order tho so apologies
Anyway, here’s Taking The Kids Trick Or Treating but it’s less taking the kids and more so just the kids
takes place pre-Gallagher and stars tiny Eva and Kim Lee
Eva sighed and rested her head on her palm as she watched dutifully over the sidewalk, balancing the bowl of candy on her knee and stared at the families that passed by her in joyous skips and trots. Mothers and fathers, running after their kids or holding their hands as they marched from house to house. Moms and dads, alive and well, standing by their child’s side with smiles that could last an eternity. 
“Mija!” A shrill voice called and Eva turned so she could look at the window beside her, staring back at her Abuela through the window screen. 
“Aquí estoy.” Eva replied, where else would she be? Besides, it’s not like Eva could sneak away without her Abuela noticing, grandmothers saw everything but Eva's Abuela wasn’t like the other needle knitters at the community center. 
“¿Necesitas más dulces?” Abuela asked, shaking the spare bag of candy they had shopped for earlier and Eva shook her head. There wasn’t any need to put more candy in the bowl, it was still(to Eva’s dismay) three quarters full. 
“Estoy bien Nina.” Eva called back and waited until the curtain fell back down to go back to her brooding and grumbling. She allowed herself the pleasure of slouching as she watched over the street again. 
Eva gently slammed her head back against the wall behind her and looked up at the mocking sky that had only just turned dark at her displeasure. 
Normally Eva loved the spooky holiday, she longed for the years past where her abuela would take her up and down the very same neighborhood and trick-or-treat for candy she’d have to wait with agonizing patience to eat after a thorough inspection(no one knows how to grill information out of some Whoppers like her abuela). But Eva was about to be a sixth grader, she was going to go into middle school which meant unfortunate maturity of the body and soul. Eva was old enough to fully understand the meaning behind the calaveras that sat on their ofrenda. She was old enough to fully take in the weight of the names written across the foreheads of each skull, to know why her abuela shed tears at the sight of old photos. 
Eva lifted the pirate hat off her head and scratched where the itchy material touched her. It was bad enough that she had to sit out here like a garden gnome, she would have at least been less grumpy if she wasn’t made to wear a ‘costume’. A striped shirt and a pirate hat weren’t Eva’s definition of a costume.  
She was thankful no one in her future middle school class would see her like this, dressed up like an elementary schooler, handing out candies like some old lady(no offense Abuela). 
The thudding of quick steps caught Eva’s attention and she turned her head to stare at the most ridiculous looking girl she had ever seen in her life. She blinked and watched the bounce of chains and listened to the jingle of metal on metal on metal as a girl dressed in all black ran over with two older kids in tow. 
The girl skidded to a stop right in front of Eva’s three small steps and grinned at her like a maniac, her eyes were surrounded by a black powder that looked like she stared through a pranked eyeglass. Her hair was short and inky black, gelled so it was almost completely standing on end. 
“Hi!” Her voice was high and squeaky, like the 7th graders Eva had passed by when she and her Abuela had gone to the park by Eva’s future school. 
“Uh, hi?” Eva waved because her Abuela drilled manners into her skull like the metal spikes that jutted out of the small girl’s black jean jacket. 
“I’m Kim Lee,” the girl, Kim Lee, said with the utmost importance. You’d think she was introducing a magician and not herself. “I’m new.” She swayed in her spot, looking a little shy but then perked right back up like a bouncing ball. 
“I’m Eva and I live here?” Eva hadn’t meant for it to come out as a question but usually little kids as small as Kim Lee were accompanied by grown ups, people with mustaches and jobs and taxes to pay, not the two lanky 8th graders that stood behind her like the silent pillars they were. 
“Cool!” Kim Lee piped and then leaned against the metal handrail of the steps. “What are you dressed up as?” 
Eva never felt more embarrassed to be seen outside her own home as she did then, if it was just Kim Lee she wouldn’t have felt so silly in her striped shirt and hat but there were 8th graders present. 8th graders who turned into high schoolers who turned into the coming of age hotties of Hollywood movies everywhere. 
“A pirate,” Eva whispered as she begged the earth to swallow her whole(but to spit out the hat). 
“I’m a rockstar!” Kim Lee said, ignoring Eva's pathetic response and doing a little spin for Eva, showing off the wild writing on the back of her jacket that read ‘Lee’. 
“I thought Snow White was popular with fourth graders.” Eva blinked and recalled how she had seen over three singing princesses in the classrooms she had passed earlier that day. 
Kim Lee froze in her spot and then seemed to deflate, gone was her electric energy that screamed ‘sugar rush’ and now there hung an awkward low in the air. The two 8th graders behind Kim Lee turned to each other and started to giggle, shaking as they burst out in laughter as Kim Lee hung her tiny head. She wheeled around on the two older kids and swatted at them with her hands like flies. 
“Shut up!” She squealed but that only made them laugh harder, one of the kids, a boy, reached down and patted Kim Lee’s spiky hair. 
“But you’re such a cute fourth grader!” He laughed and Kim Lee let out a high pitch groan of frustration. She turned on her heel and glared at Eva, marching up the three small steps like a warrior on a mission. 
“I’m going to be a sixth grader next year you know!” Kim Lee bellowed, trying to keep her voice as low as the boy behind her but it cracked and squeaked causing the kids to laugh some more. 
“You- what?” Eva sputtered and looked at the tiny girl in front of her. Most fifth graders were at least a head taller than Kim Lee was, hell, if Eva stood right now she’d be half a head taller and Eva was the shortest girl in her class room. 
“I’m going to be a sixth grader,” Kim Lee repeated. “As in middle school.”
She made the words sound like she was talking to a third grader and Eva was not about to let this tiny punk talk to her like she didn’t know long division. Eva stood and crossed her arms. 
“I know what middle school is. I’m going next year.” Eva said proudly and Kim Lee scoffed, turning her nose to the side like she smelled a fart. 
“Oh yeah? What school?” Kim Lee sounded like she would hunt down every school district and hallway to find Eva and prove her point of being a future sixth grader and Eva(with her half a head vertical advantage) scoffed right back at her. 
“Wright Middle.” Eva stood up straighter and watched from her tall perch as the wheels turned in Kim Lee’s eyes. The girl seemed to pause and ponder this, as if searching through a metal map of the county to find Eva’s school. She blinked and then looked back up at Eva, a strange expression on her face. 
“I’m going to Wright Middle.” She said softer now, all the huff and puff gone from her little body. 
“You are?” Eva blinked and Kim Lee nodded slowly. She tried not to let Kim Lee have the last word so she shrugged like it was no big deal. “Everyone in this neighborhood is going there.”
“We’re going to be classmates.” Kim Lee whispered and the boy behind her spoke up again. 
“No duh genius, hurry up I wanna go home already.” He whined and Kim Lee turned and said something to him so quickie Eva took a moment to understand she had just called him a ‘dumb poophead’ before the two broke into argument. One talking faster than the other and Eva grabbed a snickers bar out of the bowl and watched. 
She assumed the two were brother and sister and whoever the other kid was could be either a friend or another sibling. Either or, Eva was glad to be an only child. She couldn’t imagine the horrors of sharing her room with someone, having someone in her business constantly as all TV siblings do. She didn’t have to worry about a snotty nosed younger brother or sister bothering her to play, no older brother to yell at for being gross and obnoxious, no big sister to kick out of her room when all she talked about were boys. Eva considered herself lucky as she watched Kim go red under her black makeup. 
Eva grabbed a kitkat and took aim. 
“Hey Kim Lee.” Eva called and Kim Lee turned to look at her as Eva gently tossed the candy at her. Kim Lee snatched it out of the air halfway through it’s arch and Eva blinked in amazement. Wondering if years of siblings had gotten her reflexes so sharp. 
“See you in class.” Eva smiled and sat back down in her chair, Kim Lee paused and looked at the candy in her hand and then gave Eva a toothy grin. 
“See you in class.” She called as she walked down the steps, metal on meta on metal jingling as she walked towards the two kids and down the sidewalk. Eva smiled as she figured that if middle school was going to be the hormone filled hell that TV shows always made it out to be then at least she’d have Kim Lee around as a friend. 
Eva blinked as something small and hard hit her shoulder and she turned to stare at her Abuela through the now fully opened window. 
“No te robas los dulces.” She scolded but then smiled as she followed where Kim Lee went, an odd knowing look in her eyes Eva sometimes caught her doing toward her.
“Your new friend, yes?” She asked and Eva shrugged. 
“I guess.”
Her abuela nodded approvingly and smiled as she started to close the window, mumbling Kim Lee’s name under her breath. Eva rubbed the back of her neck and sat back down, looking at the candy bowl and blinking in confusion. She could have sworn there were more Snickers in the bowl just moments ago. 
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