#kas!eddie x croptop!demogorgon
panickinganakin · 2 years
stitches // steddie (ch 11)
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a/n - hello everyone! i just wanted to say thanks again for reading! feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. this chapter 11 in an ongoing steddie fic, you can find the rest here!
cw: cursing, mention of blood
1k words
Steve and Dustin sat in the basement at the Wheeler's home; like so many times before. Steve had one leg crossed over the other and he was starting to feel anxious. He had left Robin and Eddie back at the lake house. He knew they would be okay but if he was being honest with himself; he was realizing that he didn't like being away from Eddie.
He was confused at what was going on with him. The more he was around Eddie, the more he didn't want to be away from him. Even though Eddie was constantly making remarks at Steve that made his heart pound and hands sweat. Even though he would always smirk and look at him with those big stupid eyes- "Steve?" Dustin said, ripping his mind away from the long haired hunk. Hunk? What? Is that really what he thought? "Steve?" Dustin questioned again.
Steve looked up and around the room, he hadn't realized everyone else was there now. Damn, he had been way too deep in his thoughts. Everyone was staring at him with their eyebrows raised. Jonathan was the first one to speak up, "So? What's up? Dustin said you had an idea?"
Steve looked at Dustin, "It wasn't just my idea. It was his then I caught on."
"So what is it?" A guy with long black hair said.
"I'm sorry, who is this?" Steve asked, looking around at everyone trying to figure who this guy even was.
"Oh, names Argyle. What's up man?"
"Argyle is from California," El confirmed for the room.
Steve heard the basement door shut then feet pounding down the stairs. Mike jumped off the last step and took a deep breath, "Sorry. What I did miss?"
"We don't know yet," Will shrugged, glancing at Mike then taking a few steps toward the wall.
Steve shook his head, there was too many people here and he was losing his concentration. "El, we need your sister."
El's face twisted in confusion before she tilted her head slightly, "Why?"
"Our friend, Eddie.." Dustin stopped, he glanced to Steve who nodded to encourage him to keep going. "Well... You know, the one wanted for murder and stuff.. Well. We need to clear his name."
"And Kali helps with this how?" Mike asked defensively, crossing his arms.
"It helps Eddie, who is your friend too, I should add, by clearing his name. If we can get Kali down here... She can make people see what she wants. We can work out the kinks. We need to clear Eddie's name and she came make the police see whatever they need to see to make it happen."
"He deserves it. We owe it to him. If it wasn't for him we may have not as got as far as we did with Vecna. He kept all those bats distracted and helped save this stupid garbage town. We owe it to him to try everything we can possibly can." Steve was sitting up straight now, trying to not be angry.
"Calm down, Harrington. We'll help your boyfriend," El said taking a seat on the floor.
Steve whipped his head towards her and stared at her. Jonathan and Argyle both laughed and Dustin sighed, "That checks out, actually. Anyways. Do you think you can maybe like, contact her with.." He trailed off and held his hands by his head.
Checks out? What the hell did that mean? Steve felt his face turning red. He had never been so confused in his life and this only made him more so. He felt himself becoming quite irritable. He needed to talk to Robin; she would know exactly what to say.
Steve looked up to see Mike taking a few small steps to El, "Don't push yourself, El. It's okay if you can't."
Steve bit his tongue for a moment then took a deep breath,  but Dustin stood up and moved toward Mike; speaking first. "No offense, Mike. But, if she's able to, Eddie needs help. I know you missed everything that happened but he's literally wanted for murder. They think he killed Chrissy, Fred and Patrick. He's a wanted man, Mike. A wanted man! He almost died, I thought he was dead. He can't even see his uncle. Wayne doesn't even know he's still out there. He's supposed to graduate in a few months. So, we all need to pull together and help him."
El glanced between Dustin and Mike. "Don't worry. Just be quiet. I can't focus with all of you yelling."
Will walked toward El with a strip of black cloth, "Here."
El took the cloth and smiled at Will, "Thanks. Now. Shh."
Dustin turned on a walkie talkie, changing the channel so it was full of static then sat it next to El. The room went completely silent except for the white noise. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath. For a few moments El was completely still but Steve could see her eyes moving beneath her eyelids through the cloth. After a moment she took a breath, "Kali."
Steve bit the inside of his cheek nervously; he wanted to know what was happening. He hated that El was having to do this; he always worried about her. But, Eddie needed help. He was so scared that this wouldn't work. He had no idea what they would try next. Steve knew he would try anything and everything. Even if it meant running away with Eddie.
"We need your help. Where are you?" El locked both her hands together and waited a moment. Steve could El's face of confusion and his chest twisted slightly. Please be somewhere reasonable. "Chi..cago.."
After a few moments El didn't say anything. She pulled the cloth from her eyes and blood slowly trickled down her nose. "Chicago," Eleven glanced at Steve then to Dustin. "Only for tonight. She said she won't wait."
"What are we waiting for? To the van my dudes." Steve looked up at Argyle who had hands in the air. "Are we just gonna sit around or are we gonna save your murdering boyfriend, Steve?"
Steve sucked in a breath. He had no idea who this guy was still but he was obviously more productive than anyone else in the group. "Not my boyfriend.. But," he shook a finger at Argyle, "I like your enthusiasm. You all could use a bit of that, by the way," he said, addressing the rest of the room before heading up the stairs.
taglist: @ohmyitsfaith​
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