panickinganakin · 2 years
the weight of you
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a steddie oneshot in which they connect when steve has to give eddie a ride home. 
a/n: this fic mentions blood, death etc. it is intended for mature readers only. this fic does not have a hea. 
4.4k words
Steve remembered the first time he met Eddie Muson. Dustin had joined the Hellfire Club and he was all Steve heard about for weeks. He was a little jealous but he would never admit that to anyone out loud. The first time he actually met him though was when he and Dustin had come into Family Video to rent a movie one night.
“Hellfire is having movie night, we need something good.” Dustin said after slamming his fists down on the counter.
“Trying to break my property won’t get you anything, Henderson.”
“And asking this dingus won’t get you a good movie, follow me.” Robin walked to the other side of the counter and Dustin followed her.
Steve looked at Eddie who was lingering at the counter. He had his hands stuffed into his denim vest and Steve crossed his arms, “So, you’re Eddie?”
“Wounded, Steve Harrington. Do you not remember us having chemistry together?”
Steve watched as Eddie shifted his weight from one leg to the other. Steve shook his head, “I don’t remember anything from chemistry.”
“That’s okay, I don’t really either.” He gave Steve a half smile then looked around the store before taking a step toward the black VHS rack closest to the register. “Employee recommendations,” he read.
For whatever reason Steve started to feel a little nervous. He didn’t want Eddie to see what was under Steve’s section. What if he thought the picks were lame? Why did Steve even care? “Uh, they just kinda stick whatever over there,” Steve said cooley, rocking back on his heels.
Eddie turned back to look at him with a grin, “So. The Goonies isn’t your number one pick?”
Steve felt his face turning warm and he shrugged, “Oh, I don’t know. It’s pretty good but-“
“But it was just stuck there?” Eddie asked, stepping to the section where Robin’s choices were.
Steve scrunched his nose then rolled his eyes. He couldn’t believe he was jealous of this guy; he was sort of a douche. “It’s just a movie man.”
“And I’m only kidding, man. Hm, Dustin said you were sensitive. I just wanted to see for myself.”
Steve moved his head back, a little offended and scoffed quietly, mumbling under his breath. “Got one!” Dustin announced, joining them back at the counter.
After that first night he had thought about the encounter often. Until eventually he brought it up to Robin.
“I don’t even know why I care what he thinks. He’s just a friend of Dustin’s. He’s not even my friend.” Steve told Robin.
“I think it’s because he’s Dustin’s friend that you care. I think that you are worried that Henderson is going to replace you on his totem pole. You are worried that Munson is gonna kick you down a few notches.”
Steve scoffed at his friend and turned on his blinker to turn left. Even though he graduated the previous year he still woke up every morning to take Robin to school. Robin was his best friend and it was nice having someone to talk to. “I don’t care if Henderson likes Munson better than me. He’s a kid anyways…  Besides, that would never happen. Dustin and I have been through so much together; there’s no way he’d pick him.”
“Why would he need to pick?” Robin asked. She unclicked her seatbelt and put her hand on the door. “Listen. Henderson would never replace you. He loves you, dingus. You worry too much. Now, I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
“Fine.” Steve waved Robin out the door and pulled away from the school. The truth was Steve was scared of being replaced by Eddie. Steve was always scared of being replaced. It was like his own personal hell he lived with. He was no longer friends with two of the people he used to be closest to. Not that Tommy and Carol mattered; they were assholes. But, still. Then, he had been replaced by Nancy. Steve was happy for her and Jonathan of course but it was still a loss that stayed with him. He had only ever felt replaceable or overlooked. Insignificant. So, yes. He was terrified of not being important to Dustin anymore.
Thursday’s Robin had band practice after school so he worked at the video store alone. Luckily it worked out because Thursday’s were the slowest nights of the week. Steve was organizing the snack display behind the glass when he heard the bell to the store chime. He looked up and noticed Eddie walking in. He stood up the display and nodded toward him. “Munson.”
“Harrington, how goes it?” He asked, walking toward the counter.
Steve noticed that he wasn’t in his attire he had been last time. The denim vest and leather jacket were both gone. He was wearing light colored jeans with holes in the knees and grease marks all over them. His shirt was a cream colored camel shirt that had seen better days. There were tiny holes all in it and it was cropped at the hem, exposing the skin above Eddie’s waistline.
Steve looked down at the register, worried about staring at Eddie. His heart rate seemed to quicken. What the fuck? What the fuck? Eddie Munson was hot. He had just thought that in his head. He had never thought a guy was attractive before, had he? “You good?” Eddie asked.
Steve scolded himself; Eddie had asked him a question but he had been too flustered to even speak. “Uh, yeah I’m good. Sorry. It’s fine.. Things.. Are slow. As they typically are here on  Thursdays. What are you.. Uh, doing?” Steve looked up at Eddie, who had the same grease on his pants running down his forearms.
“Well. I was on my way here earlier when my van broke down. I tried to fix the piece of shit but eh, I’m gonna need a part. I know it’s a lot to ask but do you think you could give me a ride home maybe?”
That was the first time Steve had seen him since he had come into the store with Dustin. It was also the first time they really hung out.
“So, this is your place?” Steve asked, shutting his car door behind him, staring at the trailer.
Eddie was walking up the steps and he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, “Yeah. It’s not spectacular or anything. Probably really pales in comparison to what you go home to everyday. But, nonetheless, it is home.”
Steve followed him through the front door and looked around. It was nothing like he was used to, Eddie was right about that. It felt better. It felt lived in and like it was actually a home. There were personalized touches everywhere. There were hates, guitar tab books, guitar picks… Just a lot of things Steve’s mom would have thrown away if he had left them laying out. “Thanks for the ride,” Eddie told Steve for the thirteenth time, holding a beer out to him.
Steve took the can and popped it open, “Feel free to have a seat. I’m gonna go shower all this grease and shit off.”
Steve took a long sip of the beer and cringed. He never understood why he or anyone else drank this shit. It quite literally tasted like piss. Steve could hear the water down the hall turning on so he took the opportunity to look around.
There were a few photos scattered around of Eddie when he was young and who. Steve assumed, was his uncle. They were sitting under a large red umbrella, squinting from the sunlight. There was a large plate of hotdogs on the table in front of them and two cans of coca-cola. Eddie was smiling big and his uncle had an arm thrown around him.
His curiosity continued to get the better of him and he made his way down the hall, pushing open the last door that was already cracked. He could see a guitar mounted on the wall and a pile of books on a dresser. The bed sheets were twisted and messy and there were multiple tshirts on the floor. A denim vest and leather jacket were thrown across the bed and Steve knew it was Eddie’s room for sure now.
He stepped the rest of the way inside and walked over to the small desk. There was a beat up copy of a book titled ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ and a notebook open next to it. Steve trailed a finger from the book to a small glass bowl full of guitar picks. He shuffled them around. Most of them were black, red or navy but there was one yellow one that was sort of transparent. It was different from the rest and Steve liked how it looked.
“Finding anything good?” Eddie’s voice startled Steve.
He took a step away from the desk and turned to the door quickly. He had to swallow. Eddie was standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was dripping water at the ends down his chest. Steve stared at him and tried to come up with something to say but he was completely speechless. “Uh-h. Yellow.”
“Yellow?” Eddie raised an eyebrow heading toward his closet.
Steve watched the muscles in his back flex as he lifted his arms to pull a tshirt over himself. He pulled a pair of boxers from a drawer and Steve swallowed hard, turning to face the wall. “The yellow guitar pick, I like it.” He tried to keep himself completely composed.
“Is that your favorite color or something?”
Steve didn’t even know what to say. He just nodded at the wall, “Yup.”
“Do you play?” Eddie asked.
Steve could see Eddie grabbing the guitar off the wall in his peripherals so he had guessed he had dressed now. He turned to see Eddie in the shirt and the boxers he had slid on. Steve felt his cheeks heat. “Uh. No, I'm musically inept.” Steve laughed lightly.
Eddie sat on the side of his bed, “Hand me a pick,” he told Steve.
Steve grabbed the yellow one and passed it to Eddie. Eddie held it between his fingers and started to pick softly at the strings. He did this for a few minutes, stringing together melodies that Steve couldn’t place. Steve remembered Dustin saying once that Eddie was in a band so it was probably their music. “You gonna sit, Harrington? Or you gonna stand the whole time?”
Steve took the few short steps to Eddie’s bed and sat at the other end, staring at him. He had never felt so fucking out of his element. He felt so fucking strange. He wasn’t gay. Why was he feeling fucking wrecked right now? He wasn’t gay. Right? Was he? Steve didn’t even know if he was gay. He didn’t know if Eddie was gay. Steve sucked in a quiet breath; Eddie probably thought he was fucking crazy right now.
“Here, hold her like this,” Eddie told Steve, passing over his guitar. Steve took the guitar and felt panic swell inside of him. What if he looked dumb? What if he wasn’t able to play it? He didn’t want to look dumb in front of Eddie.
Then again, why did it matter if he looked dumb in front of him? Steve’s head was swimming with thousands of thoughts and he was trying to push them all away as Eddie handed the yellow pick to him. Steve took it and realized his hands were shaking. He need to calm the fuck down.
“So far so good. Now, you’re gonna wanna put your hand like this,” Eddie held out his hand in front of himself so Steve could see. Steve’s brain was moving so quick he just stared at Eddie’s hand dumbfounded. He hadn’t noticed all the veins in his arm before. His mouth started to feel dry. He moved his hand slightly and Eddie chucked, “No. Like this.”
Eddie pulled his legs up on the bed and positioned himself so he was on his knees. He moved behind Steve and put his left hand on top of Steve’s moving his fingers for him. Steve went completely still as he felt Eddie’s chest against his back. He could feel Eddie breathing on his neck; heat spread through Steve. He was thankful Eddie was behind him because he was sure his cheeks were red. “Yeah, just like that. Now, do this,” Eddie instructed softly, moving Steve’s hands on the guitar again.
The two of them had spent the rest of that night with Steve trying to learn the basics of guitar playing. Steve left Eddie’s more confused than ever. He was terrified of the way he had felt around Eddie and even more scared that he had been making up all the tension and heavy breathing Eddie had been doing.
Eddie coming into Family Video on Thursday’s had been a regular occurrence after that. He would come in before closing and he and Steve would pick out a movie together. Then, Steve would go back to his trailer with him and Eddie would teach him a few more things on the guitar. None of the other times had been like the first time Steve had gone over there. Not until a month into their Thursdays.
“That movie was awful,” Steve groaned, closing his eyes and smacking his hand to his forehead.
Eddie was on the couch beside him laughing, “It wasn’t that bad. You just have to look at it with an artistic eye.”
Steve opened an eye to give a sideways glance at Eddie. He was wearing a black sweater that was tattered around the collar. Looking at him made Steve’s palms sweat. “Eddie Munson. You are so pretentious.”
“Oooh, good one, Harrington. Did Dustin teach you that last time you two practiced vocabulary together?” Eddie cracked a huge grin.
Steve rolled his eyes and picked up the pillow that was in between the two of them on the couch and chucked at him.
Eddie caught it by the corner and threw it back at Steve. Steve went to smack it away but missed, causing him to fall forward. Eddie grabbed his arm and wrapped his other around his chest just before Steve could fall completely off the couch and hit the coffee table. He yanked Steve up quickly and they were face to face.
Steve stared at Eddie’s big brown eyes. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. His eyes were so big and pretty. It was something that Steve had thought so much since they had started hanging out. Steve didn’t pull from Eddie. Eddie didn’t move either. They just sat there, inches apart.
Eddie finally moved his head forward, crashing his lips against Steve’s. Steve didn’t move for a moment. He was terrified. Then. It sort of hit him; how right it felt. The tension in him ebbed and he slouched against Eddie. He let his hands move behind Eddie, tangling his fingers in his hair.
Eddie made a soft groaning noise into Steve’s mouth and Steve’s heart felt like it was going to explode.
Okay, fine. Maybe he was gay.
Eddie pushed against Steve softly, making him lay back against the couch. Eddie’s lips moved quickly as if he was hungry. Steve matched his pace. He was terrified of it ending so he wanted everything to happen before it could stop. Eddie’s hands cupped Steve’s face and Steve couldn’t stop the small noise that escaped from him.
Eddie pulled away slightly and looked down at Steve, “I fucking it knew it.”
He pressed his lips back against Steve’s. Steve was confused but he couldn’t think about much with Eddie’s mouth and body against his.
After that night… Well.. Steve had been afraid it would end, but, It hadn’t. They were spending every Thursday together plus whatever other days they could without being suspicious to others. It wasn’t that they wanted to hide it.. They just… They wanted it to remain their thing. Plus, it just seemed like it would take a lot of explaining. Like how did they go from being snippy with one another to making out and constantly wanting to be together?
Steve liked Eddie. Really liked Eddie. He was awakening parts of him he hadn’t even known existed. Eddie made him happy. He was kind, caring and patient. He always let Steve nap laying  on his chest. He played songs for Steve, he read Tolkien to Steve.. He was perfect and Steve was in love to say the least.
However, with all good things. There were sometimes bad things. Steve remembered their first argument too.
“You know what’s crazy?” Eddie asked, straightening up the videos in the horror section.
“Hmm?” Steve asked, wiping down the counter.
Eddie always met Steve right before closing and helped straighten everything up so Steve could get out faster. “Chrissy Cunningham asked me about buying weed today.”
Steve scoffed, putting away some of the videos that had been returned that day. “Like goody two shoes Chrissy?”
“Yup. But, a customer is a customer.”  Eddie’s voice was so nonchalant it immediately irritated Steve.
“You aren’t going to sell to her, are you?” Steve knew Eddie’s income was based on the weed; that didn’t bother him. However, the idea of Eddie selling to her was unsettling.
“What o you mean? I’m supposed to meet with her tomorrow.”
“Steve? Are you jealous or something?”
Steve looked at Eddie and anger washed over him. “Really? Jealous? No. I’m not jealous. I’m concerned. She’s a fucking church priss. What if you do this and it’s like a set up or something? You sell to her and she runs and tells? Then what? You go to jail? You miss graduation again? Her parents press charges? Literally anything could happen.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide before he gave Steve a sideways grin, “Steve. I think you’re being a little dramatic. I’ve sold to athletes and church prisses before, okay? It’s going to be fine.”
“Really? That’s it? I’m telling you I’m uncomfortable with something and you’re just gonna brush it off and tell me I’m being dramatic? For what? Twenty bucks?”
“Jesus H, Harrington. It’s not like you’re my boyfriend or anything-” Eddie stopped mid sentence and Steve sucked in a breath.
This is exactly what he was scared of. What if after all this he had been just another thing to Eddie the way he was to everyone else? Just a fling… Or Eddie trying to figure himself out? Steve felt sick.
Eddie took a step toward Steve, “Steve I didn’t mean that.”
“It’s fine. You already said it. In fact. I think you should just go.”
“Steve. Don’t act like that. I really didn’t mean it. It’s just… I promise; I know how to look out for myself.”
Steve turned away from him and gathered the rest of the VHS tapes that were on the counter. “Goodnight, Eddie.”
“Really? That’s all I get?”
“What did you want? I tried to communicate my feelings with you and you said I was being dramatic-”
“Steve. I didn’t mean what I said.”
Steve kept walking, placing the videos in their correct places. He could hear the chains on Eddie’s pants hitting against one another as he kept pace behind him. “Steve. Steve. Fucking look at me Steve.”
Steve turned on his heel but before he could get a word out Eddie had his face in his hands, pulling him closer. His lips covered Steve’s and he melted. Eddie pulled away, looking into his eyes. “I’m sorry that I said that. I know what we are. I know how I feel about you. And I hope it’s how you feel about me too.. I just.. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
The day after that though… That’s when things became hard. He had picked Dustin up from the DnD campaign and dropped him off. Things seemed good. Dustin was as chatty as normal and when he dropped him out he told Steve goodnight. Steve had gone home and went to bed since he had to open the next morning.
Dustin had come into Family Video the next morning with Max and the two of them were frantic. They had told him and Robin about everything and Steve had felt so sick the whole time they called around. His mouth was dry and his hands were shaking. He just wanted Eddie to be okay.
When  they had finally found them and they had a second alone Steve had punched his arm.
“I fucking told you not to do that drug deal, Eddie!” Steve whisper-yelled at his idiot boyfriend in front of him.
“Steve.. Respectfully, shut up. I know that. I knew I shouldn’t have. I knew you didn’t want me to and I’m sorry I didn’t respect that. It’s just- she was so upset, Steve. She looked like she had really been going through something.” Eddie staggered back against the wall, running his hands over his face. “I didn’t think she would end up dead on my ceiling.”
“I know… I’m sorry. We’ll fix this,” Steve encouraged, his brain already searching for solutions to their problem like it always did.
“How? Everyone thinks I’m a murderer.”
“You aren’t though,” Steve frowned, reaching for Eddie’s hand.
“Explain that one to the town. Gay, satanic cult leader murderers church girl. Headlines. I can see ‘em now.”
Steve fought off a frown and sighed. “We’re going to fix this.. I’m just glad you’re okay. I was so fucking worried we wouldn’t find you.” Steve’s voice cracked and Eddie frowned, running his hand down Steve’s face.
“Harrington.. Did you think I would just leave you?”
“I.. I didn’t know what was going to happen.”
Eddie leaned forward to kiss Steve’s forehead before they pulled away from each other. The shed door opened and Dustin glanced between the two of them. “Are you coming, or?”
The few days after that had been the hardest for them. They were trying so hard to get to the bottom of everything while keeping Max alive and proving Eddie’s innocence. It was a whirlwind. They had spent a lot of time talking at night when everyone else was asleep. Steve wanted to tell Eddie so badly that he loved him. It had been a little over two months since their first time hanging out and he was still worried of scaring Eddie away so he bit down on the phrase; holding it in.
The weight of holding on to a fucking sentence.
Then; that night came. The night where they fought Vecna.
Steve and Eddie nailed a piece of wood into the trailer. Everyone else was around the front, finishing up their nail-in-the-trailer tasks. “I wish I was getting to watch you shred out there.”
“It sucks for you, you’re gonna miss a hell of a performance.” Eddie laughed lightly, stuffing his hands into his vest.
“Listen. Just.. Be mart, okay?” Steve asked him. Eddie nodded and looked around, checking for others. He pressed a quick kiss against Steve’s lips.
He followed Eddie back around front. “Guys listen, if things here start to go south. I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep ‘em busy for a minute or two. We’ll take care of Vecna. Don’t try to be cute or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just-” Steve was starting to feel panicky. He was worried about leaving Dustin and Eddie behind.
“Decoys?” Dustin interjected. Don’t worry. You can be the hero, Steve.”
“Absolutely, I mean, look at us. We are not heroes.” Eddie said in a low tone.
Steve nodded at Eddie; he wanted to tell him that wasn’t true. Eddie was a hero. He was a hero and a good person, he needed to know. But, they were running out of time. He turned back toward Nancy and Robin. “Hey, Steve.” Eddie said.
Steve backed around and could see Eddie swallow nervously. He stayed silent for a few moments, his eyes scanning the rest of the group. “Make him pay,” was all he said. Steve knew what he had wanted to say, though. He was going to say I love you. Steve knew it. And it felt like an ‘I love you’ to him. Steve gave him a small nod of understanding before turning back towards the woods.
Steve knew now how different things should have gone then. Everything changed after that moment.
“Dustin! Dustin!” Steve screamed as he ran through the woods. He had to make it back to the two of them. He couldn’t hear anything. Dustin finally came into view and Steve stopped abruptly. Dustin knelt on the ground, rocking back and forth holding a body.
Eddie’s body.
“Eddie! Eddie!” Steve’s voice ripped from his throat as he pushed forward. He fell to knees in front of Dustin and grabbed Eddie, shaking him. “Eddie! Come on man! Dustin! What happened?”
Dustin was sobbing, his voice was broken up. “He said he wanted to be a hero.. He didn’t want to run.”
Steve stared down at Eddie. There was blood all over him. His boyfriend was covered in his own blood. Steve stuck his fingers to Eddie’s neck, begging god for a pulse. Nothing. A coldness swept over Steve. His chest squeezed. Fuck. “No, no, no. No, Eddie, Eddie, no. Please god no,” he mumbled, pressing his lips to Eddie’s forehead. “Please, Eddie. Please wake up. I need to tell you. You have to say it back.”
Fuck. He didn’t even tell him he loved him. Eddie had always been the one to do something first. If he would have just said it.. Steve would have said it back. “Eddie,” Steve’s voice was barely a whimper. “Eddie… I love you. I love you. Please, please stay. Get up, Eddie. You have to say it back. I need to hear it.”
“Steve?” Dustin’s voice broke through Steve and Steve looked up, blinking away tears. He looked back down at Eddie whose blood was now smeared all over him. “Steve… Eddie said.. He said to tell you… He just said, “Tell Steve. He’ll know what that means. Just tell him I said to tell him.”
Steve fell forward, his head crashing against Eddie’s chest. He clutched his shirt in his hands and a sob felt like it was ripping his chest open. “Eddie. Eddie you fucking coward. Tell me to my face. Tell me…” He cried. “Fuck. I love you, Eddie.”
He felt arms pulling him away from Eddie’s body and he cried. “Please.. Don’t.. Just leave me with him. Just leave me..”
Now Steve sat at Nancy’s desk in her room, writing on a sheet of yellow paper. He remembered every moment of everything. He remembered every kiss, every laugh… The tears. The blood… All of it. And now he would have to remember writing Eddie’s eulogy.
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panickinganakin · 2 years
stitches // steddie (ch 11)
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a/n - hello everyone! i just wanted to say thanks again for reading! feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. this chapter 11 in an ongoing steddie fic, you can find the rest here!
cw: cursing, mention of blood
1k words
Steve and Dustin sat in the basement at the Wheeler's home; like so many times before. Steve had one leg crossed over the other and he was starting to feel anxious. He had left Robin and Eddie back at the lake house. He knew they would be okay but if he was being honest with himself; he was realizing that he didn't like being away from Eddie.
He was confused at what was going on with him. The more he was around Eddie, the more he didn't want to be away from him. Even though Eddie was constantly making remarks at Steve that made his heart pound and hands sweat. Even though he would always smirk and look at him with those big stupid eyes- "Steve?" Dustin said, ripping his mind away from the long haired hunk. Hunk? What? Is that really what he thought? "Steve?" Dustin questioned again.
Steve looked up and around the room, he hadn't realized everyone else was there now. Damn, he had been way too deep in his thoughts. Everyone was staring at him with their eyebrows raised. Jonathan was the first one to speak up, "So? What's up? Dustin said you had an idea?"
Steve looked at Dustin, "It wasn't just my idea. It was his then I caught on."
"So what is it?" A guy with long black hair said.
"I'm sorry, who is this?" Steve asked, looking around at everyone trying to figure who this guy even was.
"Oh, names Argyle. What's up man?"
"Argyle is from California," El confirmed for the room.
Steve heard the basement door shut then feet pounding down the stairs. Mike jumped off the last step and took a deep breath, "Sorry. What I did miss?"
"We don't know yet," Will shrugged, glancing at Mike then taking a few steps toward the wall.
Steve shook his head, there was too many people here and he was losing his concentration. "El, we need your sister."
El's face twisted in confusion before she tilted her head slightly, "Why?"
"Our friend, Eddie.." Dustin stopped, he glanced to Steve who nodded to encourage him to keep going. "Well... You know, the one wanted for murder and stuff.. Well. We need to clear his name."
"And Kali helps with this how?" Mike asked defensively, crossing his arms.
"It helps Eddie, who is your friend too, I should add, by clearing his name. If we can get Kali down here... She can make people see what she wants. We can work out the kinks. We need to clear Eddie's name and she came make the police see whatever they need to see to make it happen."
"He deserves it. We owe it to him. If it wasn't for him we may have not as got as far as we did with Vecna. He kept all those bats distracted and helped save this stupid garbage town. We owe it to him to try everything we can possibly can." Steve was sitting up straight now, trying to not be angry.
"Calm down, Harrington. We'll help your boyfriend," El said taking a seat on the floor.
Steve whipped his head towards her and stared at her. Jonathan and Argyle both laughed and Dustin sighed, "That checks out, actually. Anyways. Do you think you can maybe like, contact her with.." He trailed off and held his hands by his head.
Checks out? What the hell did that mean? Steve felt his face turning red. He had never been so confused in his life and this only made him more so. He felt himself becoming quite irritable. He needed to talk to Robin; she would know exactly what to say.
Steve looked up to see Mike taking a few small steps to El, "Don't push yourself, El. It's okay if you can't."
Steve bit his tongue for a moment then took a deep breath,  but Dustin stood up and moved toward Mike; speaking first. "No offense, Mike. But, if she's able to, Eddie needs help. I know you missed everything that happened but he's literally wanted for murder. They think he killed Chrissy, Fred and Patrick. He's a wanted man, Mike. A wanted man! He almost died, I thought he was dead. He can't even see his uncle. Wayne doesn't even know he's still out there. He's supposed to graduate in a few months. So, we all need to pull together and help him."
El glanced between Dustin and Mike. "Don't worry. Just be quiet. I can't focus with all of you yelling."
Will walked toward El with a strip of black cloth, "Here."
El took the cloth and smiled at Will, "Thanks. Now. Shh."
Dustin turned on a walkie talkie, changing the channel so it was full of static then sat it next to El. The room went completely silent except for the white noise. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath. For a few moments El was completely still but Steve could see her eyes moving beneath her eyelids through the cloth. After a moment she took a breath, "Kali."
Steve bit the inside of his cheek nervously; he wanted to know what was happening. He hated that El was having to do this; he always worried about her. But, Eddie needed help. He was so scared that this wouldn't work. He had no idea what they would try next. Steve knew he would try anything and everything. Even if it meant running away with Eddie.
"We need your help. Where are you?" El locked both her hands together and waited a moment. Steve could El's face of confusion and his chest twisted slightly. Please be somewhere reasonable. "Chi..cago.."
After a few moments El didn't say anything. She pulled the cloth from her eyes and blood slowly trickled down her nose. "Chicago," Eleven glanced at Steve then to Dustin. "Only for tonight. She said she won't wait."
"What are we waiting for? To the van my dudes." Steve looked up at Argyle who had hands in the air. "Are we just gonna sit around or are we gonna save your murdering boyfriend, Steve?"
Steve sucked in a breath. He had no idea who this guy was still but he was obviously more productive than anyone else in the group. "Not my boyfriend.. But," he shook a finger at Argyle, "I like your enthusiasm. You all could use a bit of that, by the way," he said, addressing the rest of the room before heading up the stairs.
taglist: @ohmyitsfaith​
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panickinganakin · 2 years
stitches // steddie (ch 13)
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a/n: hi everyone! hope you are all well. this is chapter 13 of an on going steddie fic, you can find all previous chapters here. 
1.3k words
tw: cursing
*Eddie’s POV*
Eddie shifted on the couch, wincing in his sleep. He had laid down for a few minutes to rest after taking out the trash but he had fallen asleep by accident. He was being shaken awake, "Eddie. Eddie, get up. We're back."
He groaned and rubbed his eyes before opening them to see Steve standing in front of him with his hand on his shoulder. He blinked up at Steve who had bags under his eyes; he looked exhausted. Eddie gave him a smile, "Welcome home, sweetheart. I always miss you when you leave."
Steve eyes doubled in size and he blinked down at Eddie. "Edward, we have company." Steve said through a closed mouth smile.
"My name is not Edward. It's Edmund." Eddie looked around Steve trying to stay nonchalant but he had just said that to him in front of what he now knew to be, a room full of people. Half of them were people he didn't even know.
"Eddie, hey man," a guy with long black hair threw up a hand. "Names Argyle. "Heard a lot about you from Steve," Argyle glanced at Steve and gave him a wink with two thumbs up. Eddie raised an eyebrow and looked from him to Steve. Had Steve really been talking about him? And, who the hell even was this?
"Right. Well, I'm gonna get some lunch going!" Steve clapped his hands together and Robin came around the corner of the hallway. Eddie barely had time to register she had something in her hands until a shirt hit him in the face.
"For your modesty," she said.
Eddie held the shirt up in front of himself. It was a mustard yellow color that definitely belonged to Steve and not him. Eddie shot a look to Robin then pulled the shirt over his head. "I'll help with lunch, Steve," Argyle was quick to follow him out of the living room.
Eddie surveyed the room again; he knew Mike, Dustin and recognized Jonathan Byers. A girl with shaved brown hair stood beside Mike, "You must be the one with the powers."
"Eleven. My girlfriend," Mike said quickly. Eddie raised an eye at Mike; he had never mentioned to him before he had a girlfriend. Mike eyed him back suspiciously then Eleven looked between Eddie and Mike.
"Hi," she said in a quiet tone. "This is my sister, Kali. She's going to help you."
Eddie's heart rate increased slightly. The thought of being able to come out of hiding made his chest hurt. The past few weeks had been crazy. He had been on the run since spring break started. In a matter of minutes his whole life had changed. He missed hanging out with his other friends, playing music with his band and he missed his uncle.
For the longest time Wayne had been all he had. His one and only constant was Wayne. He had always been there for him, cared for him and loved and accepted him. It killed Eddie knowing Wayne was probably sitting up all night worried about him. He couldn't even imagine the thoughts that were more than likely going through Wayne's head.
"I'm Eddie," he finally said, realizing he hadn't spoken yet. "It's nice to meet you guys. And you, I've heard so much about you," he looked at who he assumed, and hoped, was Will Byers. He stood from the couch and walk forward, grabbing Dustin and Mike's shoulders, "Every other thing out of their mouth since I've met them has been about you. And Sinclair's, wherever he is."
Eddie very distinctly remembered when the three first joined Hellfire they would always recount their previous campaigns with Will or talk about him a lot. If Eddie was being honest, he had been excited to meet Will and hopefully get to experience dungeons and dragons with him. It was unfortunate that meeting him was under such horrible circumstances.
"Does anyone here have food allergies?" Steve asked from the kitchen.
He was wearing the pink apron he had worn every time he cooked. Something that had been impossible for Eddie to get over. Steve was cute. Eddie was not afraid to admit that. Eddie raised an eyebrow at Steve who frowned slightly; his eyes sweeping over the room. "Is that a no?" He questioned.
"I'm not allergic to onions but I hate them," Mike said.
"Wasn't asking you. Was asking literally anyone else," Steve looked at Eddie then at Kali.
"I think everyone else is good," Jonathan said, flashing Steve a smile.
Steve gave a quick nod then disappeared back into the kitchen. "Can't believe you made friends with that guy. I was gone for less than two weeks," Mike groaned.
"Steve is cool; leave him alone," Eleven said to Mike, shooting him a glare.
"Steve is cool. He saved my life and your sisters life by jumping right through a gate and into the upside down. It was badass, he didn't even waste a second.  Then, he helped fight that Vecna asshole. So, you should show him some respect."
For the second time Mike rolled his eyes, Eddie shook his head. "So you really are boyfriends, cool," Kali said.
Eddie whipped his around to look at her and she grinned at him. For a second the room tilted, and his vision went fuzzy. Then, he was standing in the kitchen with Steve. Steve raised an eyebrow and waved a hand in front of Eddie's face, "Are you good, Munson?"
"Uh, yeah. I'm fine..." Eddie looked around the kitchen; everything seemed to be normal. Steve was still wearing the pink apron, he was still wearing Steve's yellow shirt. There were chopped vegetables on the counter and all the pots and pans were hanging above the kitchen island. Eddie looked over Steve and out of the window. It was so dark outside, he didn't think it was as late as it was. Maybe his nap had lasted longer than he intended? And what had happened? It felt like he had jumped time or something.
One moment he had been in the living room with everyone else and Steve had been in the kitchen with Argyle and Robin. Now, it was just the two of them. "Are you sure you're okay?" Steve asked a second time, stepping closer to him and resting a hand on Eddie's forearm.
Eddie's breath hitched, Steve took another step forward, holding his stare. His face was just inches away from Eddie's now. He watched Steve's gaze flicker down to his lips, "I'm s-sure," Eddie finally said back, voice much quieter now.
"Are you nervous, Munson?" Steve asked, his voice also barely a whisper now.
Eddie sucked in a breath; Steve's face was in his and for a change he was making Eddie nervous. More than anything Eddie wanted to lean forward and kiss him. But... He still didn't know if Steve was gay. What if Eddie was misreading the situation and ruined everything? They had started off not really liking one another; or, more like, not knowing one another. Then they had slowly formed a friendship and saved each others life. Now, this past week here, they had become so close that Eddie couldn't imagine breaking that bond. The thought of losing Steve made him feel sick. He couldn't let that happen; even if it meant suppressing his feelings.
The room tilted and spun again and Eddie was back in the living room right in front of Kali where he had been moments ago. He stared at her with his eyes wide. "Just a sample of my work." She said with an evil grin on her face.
Eddie's mouth fell open a little; how did she do that? Had anyone else seen? "God, fuck," Eddie heard Steve from the kitchen.
He looked back at Kali wondering if she had showed Steve the same thing. If so.. Did it make him feel the way it did Eddie? Even though Eddie would have thought it impossible, Kali's smile became more mischievous. She gave one small nod, "I think we should start forming our plan."
Eddie clicked his tongue. What he needed now was to smoke. He sighed and nodded, "So it begins."
taglist: @ohmyitsfaith​
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panickinganakin · 2 years
stitches // steddie (ch 12)
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a/n- hi! this is chapter 12 of an ongoing steddie fic. you can find the rest of the chapters here! enjoy 
1.4k words
cw/tw: cursing
Steve sat squished between Dustin and Will in the back of a whatever-the-hell-Surfer-Boy-pizza-was van. They were all elbow to elbow and Mike and Eleven sat in front of them. Argyle was driving and Jonathan was staring out the passenger window. "Still don't know why we couldn't have taken my car," Steve mumbled.
"Steve... For the hundredth time, the police are probably keeping an eye out for your car. You were seen running around with the Hellfire club. And, not all of us could have fit in your car," Dustin sighed.
"Not all of us had to come," He said under his breath.
"You're right, you could have stayed home." Mike turned around and narrowed his eyes at Steve.
"Guys, just cut it out! The whole point of this is to save Eddie, right? Arguing on a three hour car ride isn't going to help anything. You're just making it worse." Will snapped. Jonathan turned his head and nodded in agreement.
"Fine. Sorry," Steve mumbled.
"So, why does everyone keep saying Eddie is your boyfriend? What happened to your friend from the mall, Robin?" El asked.
Steve could hear Dustin laughing under his breath and Steve blew a breath through his nose. "Robin is still my friend, that's all she is. And Eddie isn't my boyfriend. I just care about him, that's all. He's a good guy who saved everyone."
"With nice hair," Dustin said.
"The best hair," Steve corrected without thinking and Will laughed with El.
"Hey man, I just want you to know  that if you like guys, I support that. Nothing cooler than being brave and honest about who you are," Argyle looked at Steve in the rear view mirror.
Steve groaned and Dustin laughed. "We all support you, Steve. Liking guys is cool."
"Really?" Will asked. Everyone looked at Will and he shifted slightly, pushing his back against the seat. "I mean, yeah. It's cool. No difference for me."
"I don't like guys," Steve was trying to wave the conversation a different direction.
"Oh... So is Eddie, like, not a guy then?" Argyle questioned.
"Oh for fucks sake. Eddie is a guy. He's not my boyfriend. We're just friends. I don't even like guys. He's just-" Steve trailed off. He wasn't sure why he was trying to defend himself at this point. He was attracted to Eddie. Why lie about it? Maybe it was the fear of Eddie being weirded out and not wanting to be around Steve anymore. But Eddie... The comments he was always making. Maybe he was attracted to Steve too. "Forget it."
The van was silent for a few moments then Dustin patted Steve’s arm. Steve glanced at him and thought that maybe Dustin knew something he didn’t. Or maybe Steve did know and Dustin knew it as well and wanted to affirm to Steve silently that it was okay.
Steve felt uneasy as they parked the van. They were in a dark alley. The street lights had green and purple hues and were flickering. When he got out of the van he could hear water trickling down from the all the gutters. "What the hell is this place?"
"Home." A voice said from behind him.
He turned quickly to see a tall girl with short black hair with  streaks of multiple colors. "Jane," she said, her eyes going from Steve to El.
Steve took a step to the side, blocking Jane from her view. He was sure this was her sister but he was still worried. Coming here did feel like a bad idea; something he wouldn't have ever suggested had it not been for saving Eddie. "Relax. I'm here sister; you're in my house by the way. And.... I think.. Only Jane and," her eyes scanned the group. "You," she said to Steve. "Only you two should come in."
Steve looked back at the rest of the group who were staring at her in disbelief. "We stick together," Jonathan said. Steve nodded in agreement.
"Then you can leave together." She turned but El stepped past him.
"C'mon," she tugged on his sleeve and Steve sighed, following behind her.
They were always getting themselves into shit.
Steve kept a cautious eye on his surroundings as he and El followed Kali. At the end of an alleyway there was a small black, metal door on the right. She pushed the door open and Steve stepped inside, looking around. It was a large tin room with rows of wooden crates piled at least eight-feet high. He was confused because he didn't see another door near them or an end to the room. He was face to the face with the crates. El looked around too, then turned to face Kali.
"Precautions. I'm sure you get it," she said before taking a step forward.
As he moved to follow her, he felt dizzy. His vision was twisting then suddenly, he wasn’t in the metal room anymore.
He was now standing on a carpet floor in a large room that resembled a living room. There were plastic cubicle walls separating different spots. There were rings of smokes coming from behind one section, and loud music coming from the other end of the room. By the door was a large plant and an old water cooler; both of which looked dusty and forgotten. “What the hell was that?”
“Her power,” El said with a bit of ‘duh’ in her tone. Steve glared at her and she shrugged giving him the, Don’t ask dumb questions if you don’t want dumb answers look that Dustin always gave him.
“This our home. For now. We relocate often.” A girl that was shorter than Kali said, joining her by her side. She had long wavy blue hair and a two lip piercings and eyeliner that went up in a sharp point.
“Izzi, meet Jane. My sister. Jane meet Izzi; my girlfriend.” Steve raised an eyebrow at the two of them. “And her friend…?”
“Steve,” he offered, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
Kali motioned for them to keep moving so they followed in silence. “So. What do you need?”
“Well. We have a friend who was accused of murder. Which, by the way, he did not kill anyone, just so you’re aware. Anyways, the police in Hawkins think he’s killed these people and we were wondering if you could help, like maybe set up a crime scene or something?” Steve started. Kali raised an eyebrow so he continued, “Like maybe we call the police station with a tip and when they get there you make them see someone who isn’t Eddie murdering someone the way those other people were murdered.”
“How will they believe it if there’s not body left behind to recover?”
“Well, see, they think Eddie is like in cahoots with the devil. They think he’s summoning him to murder these people.”
“So the police are delusion, what’s new?” Kali asked, flicking at a piece of lint on her jacket.
“That’s the thing; they are gullible. If they see someone die in front of them and the body just poof,” Steve snapped his fingers, “right in front of them? They won’t even question it. They’ll assume it’s the culprit.”
Izzie sat up straight, tilting her head, looking Steve over. “What if it doesn’t work? What if they think the guy is just Eddie’s partner or something?”
El raised an eyebrow and looked at Steve; Izzie was making a good point. The police could easily assume Eddie is just working with another person.  “There’s no proof Eddie is on the run,” El stated. Steve raised an eyebrow at her. “They think Eddie ran that night.. They believed Jason seen him at Lovers Lake but they don’t know it be true.. Jason was going insane, right? So why don’t we have someone call and tell the police Eddie is being held hostage.”
Gears began to turn in Steve’s head. That could work. They could create a whole story. The night after the game  the killer could have followed Chrissy. When she went to Eddie’s he could have taken Eddie hostage as a way to get the heat off his trail. Eddie could have been a decoy for a real murderer. “Eleven.. That’s actually a really brilliant idea.”
El smiled and Kali clapped her hands together. Her eyes lit up and a smug smile creeped across her face. “Great. Now, we should discuss payment.”
taglist: @ohmyitsfaith​
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