#kasia x spn
wernerherzogs · 4 years
i'm watching s8 for the first time and like. you all weren't joking. genuinely insane. dean resurrects his vampire sidepiece first thing after escaping from purgatory. sam and dean are at one of their most Bitchiest moments to date yet. dean yells at sam that benny's the only person who's "not letting dean down" at the moment but benny knows that he Very Much Isn't Cas (whom dean keeps pining for) but he's still very happy to be here. dean learns about the love of benny's life on a car ride to kill benny's vampire maker who everyone keeps calling Father because this show hadn't featured enough daddy issues at that point yet or something. anyway dean has an awkward chuckle about benny's girlfriend information and later in the very same ep he's the one who murders said love of benny's life. sam doesn't trust dean's new sidepiece while dean is bitter that sam hadn't searched for him when he was gone. sam keeps having flashbacks to his Female Love Interest from a year without dean while dean keeps having parallel flashbacks to cas who's apparently his own love intere-- (GUNSHOTS) like the flashbacks are literally paired off in a way that makes the audience view both those with sam's girlfriend as well as those with cas as romant-- (GUNSHOTS). anyway then dean has Literal Visions (parallel to sam's vision of je-- (GUNSHOTS).) of cas and cas comes back and dean says verbatim I DIDN'T LEAVE YOU and I FAILED YOU LIKE I'VE FAILED EVERY GODFORSAKEN THING I CARE ABOUT which means he Explicitly cares about ca-- (GUNSHOTS) and then cas is like no bitch i'm a person with AGENCY you can't save everyone even though you try ❤ i CHOSE to stay behind i needed to do PENANCE ❤ in the softest most gentle voice. and dean's heart breaks in real time. and then it turns out cas is being brainwashed by heaven already because the dude cannot catch a break. he went from godstiel to dead to crazy to non crazy but immediately sent to purgatory to pulled out from purgatory over the scope of like less than ten eps. i'm only starting 8x08 now ❤ spn off the shits for this season
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wernerherzogs · 4 years
ok so. supernatural episodes 13.01-13.06 is like. cas died at the end of the previous season (doesn’t matter why. that’s not why we’re all here for.) and dean thinks cas is gone For Good and that there is nothing that can be done about it, and sam is like. desperate times, desperate measures, so Have You Tried Praying?, and dean is like. bitch of course i did. 
dramatic cut to dean having SMASHED HIS FIST AGAINST A WALL TILL HIS KNUCKLES BLED because he’d asked god to bring cas back, and god didn’t listen.
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please notice how he mentions cas twice (2) before he even mentions his mum. absolute legend.
anyway afterwards dean is MOPING for a few episodes until sam I Don’t Get Paid Enough For This winchester is like. dude please admit you’re Not Handling It Well. Get Some Therapy maybe. and dean is like, I’m Fine. :) What’s Not To Handle Here. :)
also dean:
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meanwhile cas is trapped in super turbo mega hell (the empty) where said empty in the form of his doppelganger inflicts psychological warfare on him:
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so that’s cool. anyway sam later figures out that a way to bring dean outta his I’m Doing Fine And Not Missing Cas At All :) funk is some brotherly bonding that includes a hunting trip (just the two of them together like in old times!) and sacrifices such as sam googling the best strip clubs in the area that dean can go to and get drunk in. and at the end of it all dean finally admits that FINE. he is NOT doing well, he DOES miss cas, and HE JUST NEEDS A WIN. HE JUST NEEDS A MIRACLE. cut to CAS HAVING ANNOYED THE EMPTY to the point that it RELEASES HIM from super turbo mega hell. at this point we the viewers don’t know they had made a secret Deal about it. :( (eta: ok i have been reliably Informed that the deal happens later in the series, so it really was SHEER ANNOYANCE at cas that had convinced the empty to release him. 10/10 we stan)
HENCE the DRAMATIC REUNION. sam is like,
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and dean is like,
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in for a DRAMATIC HUG they GO. and cas asks, how long have i been gone? and dean says,
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later dean says to sam: i needed a win, and i got cas back, so <3. that’s his miracle! love wins etc. they all go on a kind of western themed job which makes dean downright GIDDY. this is the way everyone else feels about dean’s Obsession With Cowboys, btw:
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castiel: i’ve never met this man before in my life
the next morning cas tells his son (who’s also lucifer’s son. it’s complicated) about his husband’s sleeping habits:
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and then they roleplayed together
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nothing else happens during those six episodes obviously. this is destiel territory only. tl;dr cas was dead but now he isn’t so dean has put Depression on hold. thanks for your time see you in the next Season 13 Recap Installment
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wernerherzogs · 4 years
the amount of dramatic close ups here might make you think this is an episode of The Bold And the Beautiful but i am pleased (?) to assure you that you’re watching a scene from CW’s hit series Supernatural (2005-2020)
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jayankles · 7 years
Fallen Loves (Part 1)
Pairing: Castiel x Reader, Jack x Adoptive Mother!Reader
Part 1: Protect Him
Word Count: 1437
Summary: Kelly’s pregnancy is coming to an end, she leaves you and Castiel a dying wish. After she dies, she give you and Castiel the responsibility to take care of her son like your own but things will prove to be difficult when you’re left to protect Jack with a broken heart and broken Winchesters.
Warnings: Angst, Character Death, Season 12 Finale spoilers – Season 13 spoilers in the next part.
A/N – Title was thankfully given by @misticty – my bestie; I love you and thank you! - ‘To play on the fallen angel thing but also shows why jack is alone in most of the images’
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Your heart rate accelerated as Castiel had stormed past you to deal with Lucifer but you didn’t have time to dwell on it as the taller Winchester had to drag both you and Dean from stopping Cas. There wasn’t much you could do with the Winchesters as you jumped through the rift of space and time, waiting for Cas to return.
Tears were starting to form in your eyes as the time ticked on, your angel was in there for a long time. Cas stepped through the portal, smiling at you as you locked eyes with him. You breathed a sigh of relief, running towards him. Your happiness only lasted a millisecond before another flash came from the rift.
Cas’ eyes flashed as well as the place he had been stabbed in the chest, a sure sign that his grace was leaving the vessel he used.
‘NO!’ ‘CAS!’ Both you and Dean had said at the same time.
Your heart had leapt into your throat, you couldn’t breathe as Lucifer appeared with a smirk on his face, clearly happy with what he had done.
‘Well that was fun.’ He shrugged excitedly. ‘seriously guys. Points for trying super impressed but, uh, play time’s over.’
You all stood there in shock, Lucifer had just killed your angelic boyfriend, Dean’s best friend and Sam’s friend.
Boots were crunching and you heard her before you saw her. ‘Get away from them.’ You realised that her presence meant the death of Kelly Kline and the birth of the Nephilim; Jack.
Mary swagger past you and the boys with confidence, you knew in that moment that she would do anything to protect you and her boys.
‘Mary, right?’ Lucifer pointed at said woman. ‘Yeah, I’ve heard about you. You are certainly living up to the hype.’ He purred.
Lucifer continued to provoke the woman but Mary didn’t care. Her hands were tossed behind her back and then you saw it, the shine of the brass knuckle dusters that she must have retained from the British Men of Letters, she made a fist and they started to glow.
‘I owe you, kid.’ He indicated Mary with his finger.
You could feel the snarl that the Winchester matriarch was wearing, she stepped forward only to be stopped by Sam but she wasn’t having any of it. Her mind was set and she wanted to get rid of the devil once and for all; you couldn’t blame her either.
She turned her head to Sam, then Dean, and then even to you. ‘I love you.’
Strutting toward the devil, she pulled back her arm and collided her fist to his jaw, slightly knocking him back.
‘Cute but is that all you got mama.’
Mary’s teeth were bared as she repeatedly punched Lucifer in the face but when he felt the power the tear of space and time, his cunning, conniving brain set in and pulled at Mary’s coat, dragging her through the ripped seam. Once Mary and Lucifer had fallen through and disappeared, the seam sealed itself closed.
‘Mom! Mom!’ Dean’s voice sounded but you were still focused on the fallen body of Castiel.
Sam had looked over his shoulder and saw the orange light of the window Kelly had been in, the Nephilim had came to be and you didn’t know whether he had taken after his biological father.
You dropped to your knees to Cas’ side, a waterfall of tears pouring from your eyes, as you thought of the loss, you couldn’t lose him, you wouldn’t know how to live without him.
But now you may have to find out.
‘Cas? Baby, please, open your eyes.’
When he doesn’t respond, you can’t help the sob that escapes you. As time ticks on, you know that it is becoming more and more real. Your losing him. You’re losing Cas. Maybe it’s too late and he’s.
You can’t even bring yourself to say it, you refuse to say it because you can’t take anymore heartbreak in your life. You have already suffered enough in this hunting business to last anyone a lifetime, you wouldn’t wish it upon anyone else; not even your worst enemy.
Castiel’s body is void of any motion. Your fingers trailed over his face that was slowly losing its colour, his body losing its heat.
‘You can’t go like this Cas.’ Swallowing thickly, your voice cracked as you struggled to continue talking to your fading angel. ‘You can’t leave me, you put up with me when I was a pain in the ass, you’ve saved me, Castiel and I can’t lose you. Not now, not after everything you have done for me.’
Dean had slowly dropped to one knee then the other, all air had been knocked out of him and he spoke no words, he didn’t have to you knew exactly what he was feeling.
Cupping Castiel’s face in your hand, your threaded your fingers through the short strands of his hair. ‘Come on Cas.’ You choked as his name escaped. The tears that were falling, hit Castiel’s forehead. ‘You can’t just leave me here, I need you to come back, come back to me dammit. It’s too scary without you.’
‘He’s gone, Y/N.’
Dean had uttered three words- albeit in a broken voice, and they had the power to break your heart. His words only confirmed all the thoughts that had been flowing through your mind, you didn’t want it to be true but there was all the evidence, laid in front of you, in the form of Castiel, your angel.
Your heart began to race at the thought of never seeing Castiel’s piercing blue eyes again. If he was dead, you would never get to explain the simple things to him, you wouldn’t hear him speak and try to teach you Enocian any more; you would never be wrapped in his embrace after he saved you, after he protected you. He would never be able to do any of that again.
‘No!’ The stage of denial still coursed through you, you still couldn’t believe it, you didn’t want to believe it but how could you not when all the signs pointed to the fact that he was dead.
‘Y/N.’ Dean tried, he was tired, exhausted, he didn’t want to believe that his best friend had died either but there was no other explanation.
The tears wouldn’t stop falling from your eyes, you had lost the love of your life, someone who  actually gave it meaning, you couldn’t stop the shout that left your lips. ‘No, Dean, he’s not fucking dead! He can’t fucking die! No.’
Dean had licked his split and bloodied lips and his eyes glassed over with unshed tears, the force of his best friend’s death weighing on his heart - just as much as yours, but you hadn’t thought about him.
The life you had with Cas flashing behind your closed eyelids; all the soft kisses, the longing stares, the touches shared. All of it, you would never see it again. Your head dropped to the crook of his neck, quietly sobbing until you couldn’t any more.
‘It’s time to go, Y/N. Jack’s still in there.’ Dean’s voice had cracked.
The mention of Kelly’s baby boy’s name sent something rolling through you. It was Kelly’s voice.
‘When I give birth, when I die,’ she painted a smile on her face, the pain of the contractions the Nephilim was causing her face to contort as she did so. She shared a look between you and Castiel. ‘I need you both to look after him. Need you to protect my baby boy, love him like a mother and a father because he wouldn’t have any if the two didn’t take him in.
‘I know it’s a lot to ask of the both of you but please he needs someone to protect him. He can’t go into this world alone, unprotected. Jack needs a mother and a father and I need you to promise me that the two of you will be that for him.’
Leaning back on your haunches, you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, tearing your eyes away from Cas, you did nothing but stare blankly at the older Winchester.
There was a beat of silence between the two of you, no words, no crying, no sounds. Just the feeling of responsibility rushing through you in waves. You had to respect Kelly’s last wishes and take care of Jack, no matter how dangerous he could have been.
The wind - or Cas’ lingering grace - coaxing you to toward the house in search of the Nephilim.
Lemme know what you think...
Castiel: @thorne93 @becaamm @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @jotink78 @love-kittykat21 @hymnofthevalkyrie @kurosaki224-new-blog @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @iwantthedean @mrswhozeewhatsis @feelmyroarrrr @mizzezm @jesspfly @skybinx-blog @casbabes @plaidstiel-wormstache @lilasiannerd @ladydork @purplediamon @graceforme86 @nervousmemzie @percussiongirl2017 @percussiongirl2017 @oneshoeshort @whit85-blog @moonlover19 @emoryhemsworth @reallyverynodansi @captainemwinchester @ilsawasanacrobat @cojootromuelle @essie1876 @dancingalone21 @dslocum89 @atc74 @superwhomerlockinuum @spnbaby-67 @anitalasirenita @queencflair @weasleywinchester-blog @ria132love @nightlyinsomnious @easelweasel @grace-for-sale @roxyspearing
Fallen Loves:  @princess-of-erebor1992 @d34n-l0v3s-c4s @kasia-fields @kudosia @jessilliam-caronday @supernaturallymarvellous @spn-smut-destiel @erin654 @unleashthemidnight @worried-and-horny @goldenolaf25 @melonberri @kenmen02 @sorenmarie87 @sophiebobzz @ericaprice2008 @sinners-winchester @cxemilyxlopezxc @briannaaae3 @growingupgeek @scionofthestars @gone-to-fight-the-fairies @samwinchestergal @demonlover87 @lupine-princess @katrodriguez1234 @misha-hoechlin @thepallaspalace @maryartposts @everythingpumpkinspiced @lonelyfandoms @angelblazon @firefly124 @thatshellfiredean @plaidstiel-wormstache @poukothenerd @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba @kamaroon @madeinthenh @superseejay721517 @robecca-le-blog-des-citations @hillywooddestiel @walkerchick007 @angie-tomlinson @deanandsamsbitch @luthien-princessofdoriath @yeppudaasims @smileydolphinsml @sir-helen-keller @trashforwinchesters @wotinspntarnation
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