#katastrofic doodle
katastroficwriter · 4 years
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I barely post art here anymore, but I’m proud of how this one turned out. Originally posted on twitter.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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There were headcanons of Kaeya sleeping around to get the intel he needs. I drew this based on our discussion in the AllKaeya server where Kaeya gets his intel just by flirting so he never had the need to actually sleep with anyone.
Fast forward and he's about to do it with Childe, who had the impression that Kaeya had a lot of experience. He ends up confessing to Childe that he was very much untouched.
I haven't posted artworks here in a while, but here you go. Originally posted on Twitter.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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It’s been a long time since I last drew on digital, so pardon the rather plain coloring style. I liked how their details turned out, especially their facial expressions.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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Yeah, I don’t even know what I was going for this time around. ghkjhgk online class was boring and I was getting sleepy.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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In case it wasn’t apparent, I’ve been back into the Okegom side of things. So here’s me spreading more of my “Eticalb has the same energy as Kiibouma” propaganda. Now here’s Kiibo and Ouma dressed up as Kcalb and Etihw respectively.
A couple cosplay! The idea of it warms my heart always.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
Today’s mood is reminiscing the past.
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...Or in this case, thinking about one of my really old AUs that never got anywhere.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
I'd like to think this is what Sophie saw in Shirley's apartment.
Djdhhdjdd this is just some dumb idea based from the fact that my neck's been hurting a lot for the past few days from studying. Then I just randomly told my brother "You know, if Uri was planning to sell merchandise, the Crooked Man would make an amazing neck-support pillow."
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It's ironic, I know. And that's what gave birth to this skdhhdjd
I'll go see myself out now
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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I wanted to try doing a color swap for kiibouma. And well...I ended up going overboard for the sketch gfhdjkghdkghkg.
Uncolored sketch under the cut. If you want to give coloring this a try, just hit me up on Discord at Katastroficwriter#7411, and I’ll give you the transparent version. I’d like to see how you’d color it. Doesn’t have to be color swapped ^^
Just don’t repost my sketch anywhere else and claim it as your own. Please.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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Iruma-san hardly smiles, and seemed to be only capable of scowling. But whenever she visits the Professor, she relaxes visibly.
For a brief period of time, the look of regret in her eyes intensifies, before it leaves her face. All that remains is determination.
...I can’t say that aloud though, she might scold me for observing her without her permission.
That said, she had been working with the Professor for a long period of time. Even before he went into a coma. Her visits are regular and are far from unexpected.
That wraps up the small “arc” of Kiibo’s surveillance video observation. 
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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It was a mistake K1-B0 did not intend to make. When observing such a dangerous subject, the ideal distance for optimal observation would be at most 2-3 meters away from the tank.
His curiosity had brought him close. Far too close to his Subject.
And his last memory was the sensation of being dragged underwater and the sparks of his circuitry as not even his waterproof body was able to keep the water out of his orifices...
[Unit: K1-B0 has been deactivated.]
Happy Halloween from the Merman Observation AU.
My hand is alright, apparently my finger just got worn out from friction while I was drawing on my tablet so it got all weird. I'm still resting them of course, so I won't be releasing completed art works for the time being. But I can draw simple sketches once the mood strikes.
Anywho, here's a rough sketch of a what if idea where Kiibo approaches Ouma too soon without establishing any form of trust or bond between them. It's a what if, alright? Not canon to the AU story at all.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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「 D o Y o u M i n d ? 」
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
Today's mood is resting.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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Kaeya doodle for the soul. I like to imagine that his right eye is completely black due to the curse that ruined Khaenri'ah.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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I couldn't decide. So here's a slightly colored one, and an uncolored one.
@damecosquillas​ There, I finished it. Are you happy now? xDDD
Confession: The reason why it was half-done last time was because I was unsatisfied with how Kiibo’s hair looked like in the sketch, and no matter how many times I fixed it, it just wouldn’t come out right. But I did it! I managed to do it! :DDD
I’m proud of how this turned out.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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Chicken wing, chicken wing
Corpse has been a huge comfort for me recently, so I decided that I might as well draw him for today.
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katastroficwriter · 4 years
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This is Iruma Miu, one of the scientists in the laboratory. She also assisted Professor Iidabashi in my creation due to her expertise with creating technology.
From what I’ve heard, due to an incident years ago, she decided to assist the Professor in the rehabilitation of other Subjects. Naturally, she would do the same for Subject O-621.
Whenever she gets asked about her reasons for committing herself to this cause, her only response was...
So....I’ve actually had this in my drafts for quite a long time because I wasn’t finished with coloring the other panels. But when I got a good look at the dialogue, I realized that this artwork could actually stand on its own. Sorry again for the delay, but here you go! Another character joins the AU.
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