#katie gavin x soft!gf
gingerjolover · 10 months
happy not birthday - katie gavin (muna) x fem!reader
Synopsis: katie's gf hates her bday but loves katie <3
G's notes: i'm baaaaaaack, also its babygirl's bday everyone say hbd babygirl!!!! (y'all this isn't edited don't come for me ok?)
WC: somewhere around like 1.1k (hehe)
Warnings: RPF, negative bday talk, crying, hot girls cry on their bday, reader is afab, soft!gf coded, kissin', light touchin', no fundamental physical descriptors except hair that fingers can run thru??
It feels like a feather, soft touches moving over your neck and shoulder. Rousing you from your sleep, the touches tickle, and you hear a chuckle against your skin. Suddenly awake, eyes half opened, fingers resting on your forehead to block the sun, you only see the cracked window before turning your head and seeing your girlfriend's jawline. Katie's face in tucked into your neck, pressing small kisses and nibbles along your skin.
"G'mornin'," Katie says softly, her lips pressing to your cheek, turning your head towards her as she backs away and off the bed. From the nightstand, she grabs a chocolate cupcake, with pink and yellow sprinkles covering the mountain of frosting on top. She pulls out a lighter and lights a sparkly candle before starting to sing "happy birthday".
You groan, momentarily forgetting what day it was when she was kissing your neck to wake you up. "Katie..." you mumble, rubbing your face. You can hear them smiling as she sings, crawling onto the bed, and sitting on her knees. You sit up, your girlfriend's excitement enough to indulge her despite your feelings about your birthday. You smile softly as she finishes the song with an over-the-top elongated note. "Okay, okay, enough," you mutter, the smile widening on your face as she presses her knees to your legs.
"Thank you for indulging me, sunshine," she says as you blow out the candle, hands rubbing your eyes gently.
"You gonna take a bite?" "Now?" "Why not?"
"It's...7:30? Kay, why would you wake me up at the ass crack of dawn?" you ask incredulously, taking the cupcake from your girlfriend.
"We have plans today...don't be mad..." Katie says sheepishly, kissing your cheek and standing up from the bed.
"I don't want to do anything, baby, it's just Wednesday-" you start.
"No, it's not just Wednesday; it's your birthday, and I know how you feel about it, but I want to celebrate you. Please let me, just for today?" Katie asks, her voice almost pleading as she rifles through your shared dresser. If you weren't so annoyed by the prospect of plans, you would've commented on how pretty she sounds begging.
"Yes, peach?" she smirks, grabbing some jeans and a shirt and laying them on the bed before crawling over you. She takes her thumb, wiping some of the icing off your bottom lip before sucking the tip of her thumb and then kissing you softly. Your eyes struggle to open as she pulls away from your lips, lost in the taste of her.
"Don't start with that," you groan softly, finally opening your eyes and staring into her own. She chuckles softly, knowing how the nickname gets you riled up.
"I just don't get what the big deal is; it's just a birthday..." you start again, causing Katie to roll her eyes. "Fine, fine, it's not your birthday, it's just- it's just "you day," okay? So I'm gonna celebrate you, that okay with you?" they say softly, rubbing your cheeks cockily.
"Whatever," you mumble, fighting a smile as her lips move down your neck.
An hour later, you're both dressed heading out to breakfast. Katie's hand rests on your thigh as she drives to breakfast, the weather warm and sunny. You listen to the new gayotic episode while stuck in LA traffic that they recorded with Julien, turning to Katie every time you laugh at something your girlfriend or friends say. After parking, you walk into the restaurant hand in hand, your eyes immediately drawn to a large table; your friends and their partners sit, yelling, "surprise."
Your jaw drops, Kelli the first to greet you with a sneaky smile, holding a sash and a birthday headband. "Don't be mad at meeeee," she whispers before putting them on you and squeezing you tightly. Katie smiles at you, eyes shining with gratefulness as she greets Phoebe, before pulling your chair out for you. You sit across from Naomi and Lucy, Julien to the right of Lucy. You're squished between Kelli and Katie, Jo next to her girlfriend, Phoebe next to Katie, as your other friends and their partners are sitting sporadically in no real order. You fight back tears, overwhelmed but grateful. Ally squeezes your shoulders gently, kissing your cheek sweetly before putting a bag of cards and small gifts on your chair. "Happy not birthday," she says cheesily before returning to her seat next to Naomi.
After breakfast and many pictures, you and Katie head to the beach. Taking the long way, she holds your hand as she takes you the scenic route, letting you lean against the window, the breeze and sunlight hitting your face. You moved in with her several months ago and she'd been meaning to take you on a drive but with tour and the podcast, she's thankful she got you out on your birthday.
Katie sets out a blanket, leaning back against her tote bag, your head laying in her lap as you rest your eyes, her hands running through your hair gently, fingertips tracing the curves of your face. She lets you nap for a while before you both grab dinner and then head home.
You lay on the couch, your cat napping in your neck while Katie plates up your takeout. You think over today, how resistant you were to Katies eagerness to spoil you and celebrate you. The waterworks come before you can stop them. The anxiousness creeps in, getting older, the pressure of a perfect day, and unwavering attention are all things that overwhelm you. Or maybe its the opposite, it's knowing you oppose your birthday so you can't be let down. If your expectations are low enough, when people inevitably forget or plans change you can't be disappointed...right?
"Hey, hey," Katie says, crouching down next to the couch. You hadn't even noticed that she entered the room, the tears falling fast and heavy. "What's wrong, angel?" Katie asked, instantly nervous. You seemed to have a good day. They're mulling over everything they've said, thinking about where she went wrong with the minimal activities, the ones she knew you'd enjoy.
"I'm fine," you try to reassure, wiping your eyes quickly, brushing your cat's wet fur as you stare at her, giggling softly to try and wipe the concerned look off her face. "Really Katie, I'm- I'm good," you say, trying to sit up.
"Baby, don't lie. Was today too much?" Katie asks, sitting on the edge of the couch.
"No, no, I swear it was perfect I just- I'm overwhelmed, I had the best birthday that I've ever had I just don't know why I'm crying," you laugh, wiping more tears away.
Katie smiles sadly, giggling with you as she rubs your cheeks. "I'd like to make every birthday like today if you'd let me, darling,'' they say sweetly.
"For sure, if you'd let me," she says, her hand sliding down to interlock with yours.
"I'd like that... can we- do the beach again next year?" you ask softly,
"Yeah, baby, we can do it every year if you want," she laughs gently. "Now scooch, wanna eat and then hold you, that okay?"
G's notes (again): guys im rusty lol
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gingerjolover · 9 months
domestic katiegavs holiday content 😇🙏
only for you baby girl<3
a cheeky christmas morning walk - katie gavin (muna) x fem!reader (soft!gf coded)
sypnosis: christmas morning domestic pre-craziness vibes with gf!katie
A warm hand pulling your knees inwards rouses you from sleep, cold calves suddenly enveloped by the warm duvet.
"Fuck," Katie mutters softly, her lips near your cheek as you're cuddled together, their free hand picking up the duvet and tossing it further onto your body.
"Hm?" you mumble, eyes crusted shut, face hidden in the crevice of Katie's neck and shoulder.
"Your legs are cold, peach," Katie mumbles back, pulling your body closer.
"Sorry," you mumble before she's hushing you, her lips finding your own, leaving a series of little pecks on the corner of your mouth, moving to your cheeks.
"Go back to sleep," she whispers, warm hands caressing your back, both intertwined under the duvet and a Christmas blanket. The sun isn't even up yet; the faint sound of the heater and your dog's light snoring at the foot of the bed are the only sounds you hear besides Katie's soft breaths. The twinkling of the christmas lights from across the room on a mini Christmas tree provide little light in the dark room.
"W'time is it?" you mutter softly, Katie's nails scratching your back gently.
Katie turned over briefly, squinting as they tried to make out the time on the alarm clock resting on the nightstand. "4:48..."
"Oh," you say softly, already drifting back to sleep. "Mhm, sleep," Katie mumbled again, drifting back to bed, her hands caressing your restless legs as they intertwined with hers again.
A few hours later, the sun barely peeked through the sheer curtains when Katie's hands roused you from sleep again. You open one eye. Katie is kneeling next to the bed, dressed in brown corduroy pants, a grey sweater, and a beige scarf; your dog is near the door, and a leash is attached to her collar.
"Sweetheart... it's 8... do you wanna come on a walk with me?" Katie asks sweetly, kissing your nose and rubbing her knuckle down your face, finger tapping your pouty lips squished against the pillow.
"Is it cold?" you mumble, pushing yourself up a little.
"Mhm, but I have your jacket and some gloves for you... we can be quick," Katie breathes out, watching as you sit up on the bed, heart racing when they see the goosebumps rise when the cold air hits your exposed skin.
You shiver slightly, both from the temperature and Katie's hungry eyes. And you're quick, moving through your morning routine speedier than normal.
Katie is pulling on her puffer, like the sage green one you've pulled on, just dark brown, black gloves adorning her hands. You gently push her glasses up her nose before slipping your gloves on.
"Come on," Katie says, getting you out of the house. The midwestern air is cold, and your breath billows out before you. Your dog trots happily in front of the two of you, your arms wrapped around the crook of Katie's elbow, walking leisurely together, hands stuffed into her pocket.
"You too cold?" Katie murmurs, kissing your head.
You shake your head, smiling softly as you reach the creek, our dog exploring the new but familiar area. You can't help but glance at Katie, pulling your phone from your pocket, slipping your thumb out of your glove, and moving away from them.
"Smile, honey," you say softly, snapping a pic of Katie in her outfit, the barren trees and cold water in the background. You send it to her before moving back towards her, arms outstretched, ready for you to cuddle into them.
You walk for another 40 minutes, knowing it's the only quiet time you'll get until you both go to bed tonight, the air refreshing as you eventually make your way toward the house. Talking over the presents you still need to wrap, some arriving at Katie's family's home yesterday, and other last-minute Christmas details.
As you approach the house, Katie's sister stands on the porch, waving maniacally.
"Quiet's over," Katie jokes, bumping her hip with yours. You let your dog off leash to run back into the house, taking Katie's hand and intertwining it with yours as you walk back slowly.
"Merry Christmas, by the way," you joke softly; neither has said it yet.
"Merry Christmas, sweet girl," Katie smiles as you step onto the porch. "We can pretend there's mistletoe here, huh?" Katie teases, hands around your shoulders as they pull you into them, lips pressing against yours passionately but softly.
soft!gf’s pic:
Tumblr media
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gingerjolover · 7 months
all about you, darling - katie gavin x fem!reader
synopsis: katie gives her gf a lil valentine's night treat<3 she's so kind
word count: i lowkey stopped counting soz
g's notes: oh heyyyy
warnings: RPF, SMUT, guys...this is just...porn w half a plot, afab reader, thigh stuff, katie being a hottie, dom!katie, light degrading? light mocking, praise, pet names (good girl, peach, etc.), ummmm, no fundamental physical descriptors besides hair that can be tucked behind ear?
Katie's hand rests in the small of your back, pushing your forward slightly in front of her and out of the restaurant. LA is chilly, but suffocatingly humid from the crowds of people out on valentine's excursions. Thankfully, the stars aligned and Katie had found a close parking spot, her hand moving to yours, loafer-clad feet stepping next to yours in time as you both make your way back to the car.
Her slender fingers, soft and decorated in rings intertwine with yours, thumb rubbing your own tenderly as you both walk. Wearing similar outfits, a dress/tights/dress shoe combo, Katie smiles cheekily as your opposite hand pushes down the hem of your dress as the wind flirts with the fabric.
"Thank you baby," you smile at her softly, moving closer together as you turn down a side street, heading towards the parking lot.
Katie turns to look at you, gently pushing you towards the inside of the sidewalk as you move to cross the street, smiling gently. "Of course, anything for you," she says, her tone flirty.
Katie had gone out of her way to get a reservation at a restaurant that was high in demand due to its inclusive menu and cute aesthetic, a feat she had planned months in advance as soon as you expressed interest. She leans in, kissing your cheek softly as she breathes out a contented sigh. "Thank you for today," she says gratefully.
Since Katie decided to handle the "date night" portion of Valentine's, you had planned a day around Katie's interests and wishes. After waking her with breakfast in bed, you spent the morning pleasuring her tenderly, soft and slow in the early morning light. Then you ran her a bath, letting her soak in warm, lavender scented water followed by a few hours in the garden, lounging in the house doing crafts, and running a few errands. A quick make out session in the kitchen was succeeded by hair and makeup, complementary outfits, and a movie of your choice before Katie drove you to dinner.
"Did you have fun?" you ask, her hand sliding around her waist.
"Mhm, best day ever," she sighs, soaking in the afterglow of it all, basking in the alone time with you as you both decompress from dinner.
"I'm glad, you deserve it," you smile thoughtfully, leaning your head on her shoulder as you walk together, cuddling into each other's sides.
“You did so much for me today.” Katie says, her voice breaking a little bit, she has to clear her throat a little as tears well up in her eyes, trying her best to keep herself together, continuing on quietly for another moment before speaking again.
You stop Katie in the middle of the sidewalk, pushing a piece of her velvety red hair behind her ear, stroking her cheek softly. "You always do a lot for me babe," you murmur, leaning into kiss her gently.
Katie meets your lips, pressing softly, her free hand reaching up and behind your head to pull you in closer, bodies pressing against each other. The soft kiss turns deeper, more passionate as your lips separate, breathing into each others mouths softly, looking into the other's eyes, neither willing to look away.
Your eyes twinkle as you lean in again, Katie giggles gently, kissing you again before she pulls away, smiling. She squeezes your hip before grabbing your hand and leaning in to kiss you cheek, looking down at the ground for a moment, and then up at you again. "Are you ready to head home babe?"
“Mhm,” you hum, letting her lead you to the parked car, her smile cocky beyond belied. She opens the passenger door for you, gesturing you in. Once she settles, she leans over the middle console for a kiss, her hand on the back of your neck, the other on your knee.
“Mhm,” you moan softly, Katie’s tongue moving like she's trying to memorize the inside of your mouth. Katie pulls away for a moment to breathe, her hand moving to cup your jaw before she dives in again, her tongue searching for every inch of the space within your mouth, enjoying how it tastes, how it feels, wanting to feel close to you. Your chests practically pressed against each other, breath heavy, as you continue to kiss, hands sliding along each other's bodies like horny teenagers.
“Wanna feel you baby,” you whimper softly.
Katie's stomach flutters with butterflies hearing your words, she smiles excitedly, stroking your hair back, her eyes filling with dominance. "I would absolutely love to feel you baby. Let's head home then?"
Katie drives home, letting out soft, excited giggles as she rubs her thumb against your thigh, pushing your leg open gently to tease between your legs. You don't feel like Katie was speeding but before you know it, you're home. Half-ass greetings to your sweet dog and cat who lay asleep on the couch, not bothering to turn any lights on. Katie leads the way to your bedroom, just walking to the bed and sitting down, patting her lap for you to come over to her, sticking one thigh out.
She manspreads slightly, dress riding up her thigh as she holds her hands out for you. She waits for you to stand between her legs as she helps you pull down your tights, flinging them across the room with your panties.
Katie sighs, feeling the warmth and dampness from between your legs. "That's it," she murmurs as you situate yourself on her thigh, her hands moving to your hips. "Good girl, didn't even have to ask you this time, eh?" Katie teases, her hand moving to lift the hem of your dress lightly.
"Go on then, you just gonna sit here?" she smirks, her index finger traces your face tenderly, before her thumb starts tracing your lips, pushing it into your mouth. You moan softly, her other hand tapping your hip, wanting you to start moving.
Katie smirks, giggling as your jaw drops slightly, her thumb hanging out as you start to buck your hips, the texture of her tights against your clit causing you to tilt your head back, tiny whines escaping your mouth as she pulls her thumb out, dragging the wet digit down your neck, her hand settling on your throat.
"Look at me," she whispers, hand just resting on your neck, not squeezing. Your eyes shift to hers, already unfocused and dazed, too fucked out for how little she's touched you. "Good girl," she murmurs, flexing her thigh gently.
The feeling of Katie's fingers gripping your throat causes you to melt, whimpering in satisfaction, letting your head tilt further back, enjoying the feeling of Katie's fingers rubbing your skin. With Katie guiding you, your hips move back and forth, back arching slightly, neck tilting back further, legs tightening around Katie's thighs.
"Kay...please, I-," you whine. Katie laughs, her hand loosening it's grip as they move back to your hips, her fingers digging into your sides, rocking your hips back and forth diligently. "Beg nicely and I'll give you whatever you want," she smiles mischievously.
“I need more,” you whimper desperately.
Katie, satisfied with the desperate bucking of your hips, you panting like you're in heat, moves her hand to push your hair out of your eyes, running her nails along your scalp, her fingers lifting the hair from the sweaty nape of your neck.
Katie's tone full of teasing and condescension, her tender caress of your hair turns into tugs at your scalp "Is that all you have for me baby? A few whimpers and a whine? You can do better than that. Beg better."
“Pl-please, need more,” you choke out desperately, doe eyes looking to Katie’s narrow and dominant ones.
Katie's eyes light up with excitement at your begging (your half-ass attempt anyway), her lips curling up in a smug little smile, enjoying how you sound and look. "Better, but do better. Tell me what you need from me. Tell me what you have to have."
Your hips grind onto Katie's thigh deeper, desperate for relief.
Katie's smirk grows a bit wider at seeing your desperation, her voice becoming more demanding as she leans in for another kiss, placing her hands more on your hips as they guide you to bounce your hips against her thighs. One hand between your legs, thumb nestling against your clit.
Katie pulls away for a moment to breathe, her body shaking from both the sensation you on her thigh and from seeing the desperation in your eyes. "Good girl, such a good girl. Keep moving for me. Keep going."
You groan, cheek dropping to Katie’s shoulder as your hips move, losing rhythm as her thumb moves quickly against your clit.
Katie smiles, watching with satisfaction as your cheek flushes, sweaty skin pressed against her, both of you seemingly fully clothed but falling apart on top of her. The only sounds heard are your heavy breathing, and the sounds of your arousal between your thighs. "Just like that baby...just like that, you're fucking soaked."
You grunt with each movement, Katie's hand patting your butt gently as you adjust your angle.
Katie continues to stroke your ass, teasing you with gentle kisses on your cheeks and jaw. "Oh you're getting soooo close...such a good girl."
The sensations are almost too much. Between Katie's praise and her fingers digging into your skin, her hand between your thighs, you shake and shudder, losing rhythm quickly.
"Such a good girl, you'll have what you want in just a moment. Cum f'me peach, that's it, that's my girl..." Katie whispers talking you through your orgasm. Your forehead dropping onto hers, arms around her shoulders as you breathe, its almost overwhelming her thumb doesn't stop teasing you.
"It's too much," you mumble softly.
"Too much?" she asks condescendingly, removing her thumb and sucking it softly.
You can only nod. The rest is a blur, it could've been an hour or ten minutes but now you lay on Katie's chest, face clean and bare as you lay with Katie. Her fingers gently teasing between your legs, her other hand rubbing your back.
"You up for a round 2? I barely got to touch you," Katie teases, pushing your hair behind your ear, kissing your cheekbone.
"You want more?" you ask, eyes half opened as you peek up at Katie.
"Didn't even get to taste you peach, that's a crime," Katie giggles.
"Just need a nap, then I'm good," you mumble, flushing with embarrassment.
"Good, when you're rested its gonna be all about you, darling," she says definitively, smacking a kiss to your cheek. "You're so cute," Katie mumbles, leaning down to kiss your lips softly.
"I love you," you murmur against her lips.
"and I love you," she respond softly. "Happy Valentine's Day."
< 3
welp.... how y'all doin ig
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gingerjolover · 10 months
you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to but i was just wondering if you could use they/them for soft gf? not necessarily in a non binary way but just in a gender neutral way? that way it can include everyone :) if you don’t wanna do that, that’s cool! no hard feelings, just thinking out loud or wtv
this is something that i have started to implement in some of new stuff (that i haven’t posted yet😬) because i believe soft!gf is more of an idea than a person (like she is also a person in my universe) but i don’t even think you (like the reader) need to be “soft” to be soft!gf?? does that make sense??
i do have some pieces with they/them where reader is nb, but i will def be mixing in they/them just to make it more applicable/gender neutral!
does this make sense?
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