#i love writing
scrollonso · 18 hours
more sneak peaks
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beruxyz · 1 day
When the plot is not plottening
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swamp-cryptids · 3 months
I love how intentionally Kim and Harry are written to contrast one another down to the detail of Kim being an absolute skeptic who doesn’t entertain the idea of the supernatural vs Harry having actual real prophetic visions one of which is required to complete the game
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hyperactively-me · 6 months
halloween with husband!ghost 🍁🎃🍭
The chilly Halloween air nips at your skin as you sit on your front porch, surrounded by the faint glow of jack o' lanterns you and your husband had carved. The night is alive with the laughter of children, their costumes ranging from little monsters to miniature superheroes.
The sound of the front door swinging open and shutting pricks your ears, and you turn back to see your husband holding a large bowl of candy. You pull your sweater tighter around your frame, smiling to yourself as you watch him approach you.
"You're gonna catch a cold. Maybe we should go inside—"
"Simon! You promised," you scold gently, pouting your lips.
With a sigh, he begrudgingly sits down on the porch chair next to you, settling the bowl of candy in his lap.
Simon shifts uncomfortably in his chair, his hands clutching onto the sides of the bowl. He didn't really want to be out here in the first place, but you insisted on handing out candy to the kids this year. You wanted to be a friendly presence in the neighborhood, maybe get to know some new people. His reluctance was evident, yet you managed to coerce him into joining you. Besides, it could be fun! You're spending the evening just hangin' out with lil' ol' me! you had teased earlier that day. Of course, he had given in.
You catch a glimpse of his stern profile, the faint glow from the streetlight casting shadows on the edges of his face. He mutters something under his breath, likely a comment about the absurdity of Halloween, but you just chuckle in response, determined to make the most of the evening.
"Y'know, you can munch on those while we wait," you say, tapping his wrist lightly, motioning towards the candy in his hands.
Simon glances at the bowl of candy in his lap and then at you. With a dramatic sigh, he relents.
"S'pose a few wouldn't hurt."
He selects a piece of candy and unwraps it with deliberate nonchalance. As he munches, you can't help but notice a subtle softening in his demeanor. You hum, knowing that that man had an insatiable sweet tooth. His kryptonite.
A group of children dressed as witches and wizards approach your porch, their eyes widening at the sight of the mysterious man sitting there. You nudge Simon, urging him to play along. With a begrudging sigh, he reaches into the candy bowl, hand emerging with a handful of sweets.
"Happy Halloween," he grumbles in a barely audible voice. The kids exchange glances, half-terrified and half-amazed, before timidly taking the candy and scurrying away.
"See, Si, that wasn't too bad, was it?" you tease, elbowing him gently.
He settles back into his chair, trying to hide his smirk. "Don't get used to it, it's a once-a-year thing."
You laugh, appreciating his playfulness.
As the night progresses, more children in various costumes parade by, their eyes wide with excitement as they approach the enigmatic figure on the porch. Simon, despite his initial grumbling, starts to interact with the kids in his own unique way. Some ask about him, while others timidly compliment the carved pumpkins. The occasional chuckle escapes from the man next to you, and you can tell that, deep down, he's enjoying himself.
"Are you having fun?" you smile gently.
He raises an eyebrow at you. "Eh, it could be better."
But you know him well. Despite the tough exterior, you can sense the smallest grin creeping up on his face. You reach over, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "You're doing great. Besides, it's fun to see the kids' reactions. You're good with them."
Simon offers a subtle nod of acknowledgment, his gaze softening as he watches the neighborhood kids pass down the street. As the night unfolds, he becomes more animated, engaging with the children in playful banter and even managing a few lighthearted scares.
You can't help but smile proudly, reaching your hand to find his. You entwine your fingers in his, giving him a small squeeze. Simon glances at you, the faint glow from the jack o' lanterns highlighting the corner of his mouth as it quirks into a genuine smile. The warmth of your hand in his seems to be melting away any lingering reluctance, and he returns the squeeze, a silent acknowledgment of the unexpected enjoyment he's finding in the evening.
As a group of children dressed as superheroes approaches, Simon beckons them over. With a flourish, he hands out candy, mimicking powerful stances. The kids respond with laughter, their amusement evident. You watch, heart warmed, as your usually stoic husband embraces the occasion of the evening.
"You're a sweetie," you remark, laughter bubbling in your voice.
He grins back, his eyes crinkling at the edges.
As a group of little monsters approaches, he pretends to be frightened, eliciting giggles from the kids. You can't help but marvel at the sight—Simon, the serious and stern Ghost, has become the kid’s one stop spot for entertainment. Who’d have thought?
As the final trick-or-treaters make their way down the street, Simon looks at you, satisfaction in his eyes. Simon starts to rise from his chair, a smile still lingering. "Well, that's enough Halloween for one year."
You tease him, "Maybe we can make it twice next year?"
He chuckles, flashing you a sidelong glance, "Let's not get carried away."
You stand from your own chair, stretching a little. "You should give yourself more credit, y'know, Mr. 'I don't wanna hand out candy.'"
Simon shakes his head, leaning down to grab the empty bowl and some stray candy wrappers. "I dunno what you're talkin' about, love."
You giggle at his response as you go to hold the front door open for him. He walks through the threshold, the warm air inside your shared home warming you both up. Your cheeks felt a little numb from the nippy air.
Once inside, you both shed your jackets, feeling the warmth of your cozy home enveloping you. Simon heads towards the living room, and you follow suit. The soft glow of the fireplace casts a warm glow across the dark living room.
Simon drops onto the couch with a sigh, looking content yet still retaining a hint of his usual stoicism. You join him, settling beside him, and he instinctively wraps an arm around your shoulders. The flickering flames dance in the fireplace, casting a gentle glow over the room. Simon reaches to the side to drape a blanket over the both of you.
"That wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be," Simon admits, a glint in his eyes.
You giggle, leaning into him. "Told you."
He smirks, "Well, I might consider making it a twice-a-year thing, but only because you seem to enjoy it so much."
You nuzzle against him, savoring the warmth of his embrace. "I knew you secretly loved it."
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a moment, the crackling of the fireplace soothing you.
Simon leans down, placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head. "Thanks for makin' me do this."
"I loved spending tonight with you, Si," you whisper.
Simon's gaze softens, and he tightens his embrace. "Me too," he murmurs, his voice a gentle rumble.
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thefoxinyourforest · 2 months
Just saw a tik tok of this buff baker dude so fuck it, yandere baker with massive, huge fucking arms, built like a bear that’s ready to cuddle you until you accidentally suffactoate under their weight, who makes you go up in a pant size because of how much delicious fucking food they make for you, and it’s all just because they love you!!! Also they definitely own their own bakery where they carry like 50 pound bags of flour everyday so their buff as hell and can pick you up, and-
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im-secretly-a-frog · 3 months
I Just hit 15,000 words in the novel I'm writing!!
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cobwebgf · 2 months
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—save me, butch savior, niyah alashia
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embeccy · 6 months
"I want my solitude, my peace, the beauty of my house; I want to find my lightness and my joy again. Ecstasies without hangovers, without vomit."
- Anaïs Nin
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adeptune01 · 2 months
Dean slammed his hands on the bunker’s kitchen table in front of Cas. “A thousand dollars.”
Cas looked up from his copy of Don Quixote. “What?”
“A thousand dollars. Cold, hard, cash. In your hand.” Dean leaned closer, his shadow falling across Don Quixote’s infamous windmill fight. Cas gave up trying to read and closed the book. 
“Are you offering me your money Dean?”
“What– no–” Dean spluttered, “you think I’ve got that kinda dough laying around? Nah– Sam just made me a bet!” He sat down on the stool across from Cas with a smug look. 
“If Sam made you a bet for a thousand dollars why are you asking me about it?” 
To Cas’s surprise, Dean’s ears turned red and he looked down at his hands which traced scratches on the table. “Sam said it’s double or nothing so I need your help.”
His curiosity was piqued. “What do you need me to do?” 
Dean looked up in shock. “Seriously? That’s it?” 
“I cannot say I care for the money, I have nothing to spend it on, but you seem to want it badly enough to ask me– it’s the least I can do for you after allowing me to stay here.”
Dean rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “Shucks Cas, you’re welcome anytime– I mean, it’s your place as much as Sam's and mine. We’ve got space.” 
Cas blinked at him but didn’t respond.
“Alright then– the bet.” Dean clapped his hands, “Look this is gonna sound really weird–”
“Dean, you’ve killed Hitler, fought a sentient teddy bear, and shared a meal with Death. I hardly think your request, whatever it may be, will be anywhere close to the top of the list of ‘weird’ things you’ve done.” Cas said wryly. 
“Touché. Now hear me out– and let me explain before you freak.” Dean paused, expecting an interjection but Cas was silently staring at him again. He took a deep breath, “Sam dared us to go to couple’s therapy because he said we couldn’t go a full week without the therapist noticing we weren’t a couple.” 
Cas said nothing. 
“Dammit Cas, say something!” The tips of Dean’s ears were burning now. 
“Why would I be embarrassed about pretending to be in a romantic relationship with you, Dean?” 
“It’s-that’s-” Dean spluttered, “that’s not how we,” he said gesturing across the table between the two of them, “work. Normally. I mean we’re not usually out here pulling some Solo and Leia crap.” 
“I don’t know Dean, you do seem to share Solo’s proclivity for adventure.” Cas grinned at him. 
“You’d think I’d tell you to shut up but you know what? I’ll take it.” Dean relaxed into his seat. “So you’ll do it? For a thousand dollars?” 
“Yes, Dean. For a thousand dollars.” 
Neither of them mentioned the emphasis on the reward. 
A little sneak peek at my new (and first) SPN fan-fic up now on ao3! Link here for more!
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x-gon-give-it · 3 months
🍐 your fics are simply a m a z i n g and I wish I had more spideypool published so I had an excuse to chat with you / run into you online / be mutuals!
I do have more planned though, so... maybe it's possible in the future :)
༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ This is so sweet T.T
I'm crying tears in the club tonight.
You don't need to write Spideypool as an excuse for us to chat or do anything else! Being Spideypool fans is more than enough ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) That's fandom community, baby!
Although, I'll never say no to more fanfic.
Please accept this lil Spideypool pic as a token of my love <3
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-Orion Pax's Diary-
Is there a right way to love? Or is love subjective to the one experiencing it? It is not often me and Megaronus speak on the subject. He thinks it is something only those privileged enough to not worry about death are allowed to feel and pursue. But that doesn't mean we haven't talked about it.
I have heard, whether he knows it or not, the exact way he'd love. He'd not be shy on compliments. Megaronus would admire the one he loves from head to pede and say out loud how beautiful they'd be. Gorgeous. He'd admire their frame silently, too. His optics full of worship.
It has me thinking about the way I love him. I feel like I'm lacking. I know subjectively that Megatronus is a very attractive mech, yet that's not what I think about when I'm with him. I think on the way he makes me feel, how his presence draws me in, and how his words always capture my attention. He is a melody I'd never tire of hearing. A flawed painting that I'd never tire of seeing. But even so, do I truly love him if I can't even compliment his looks? It feels like a no-brainer in my processor. Megatronus is undeniably attractive. But I feel like since it's such an obvious thing that it would be alright to not mention it. Primus, why am I even thinking about this? Megatronus doesn't love me. But.. if we were to be together. Would this be the cause of some problems? Would he want to receive compliments but find none with me? I don't want that. I want Megatronus to always know how much I love him! But do I really love him? Well, the answer is yes. But what if it's just deep admiration? Sure, my spark aches to think him betrothed to another, and I might already be planning a lonely future for myself where he's already conjuxed, and I can't let go of these feelings. But what if they're just that? Daydreams? Could I be in love with how unattainable he is?
My reason for thinking this is how often dreams I'm having include me and Megaronus possibly being together. Megatronus confessed to me in one of them, yet I felt conflicted. I wanted to emediatly say yes, but another part of me felt speechless. I didn't want to accept, but I didn't want to deny either. Neither I nor him are ready for commitment. He himself has told me that. I wouldn't want to selfishly jump into a relationship that won't last. I want me and Megaronus to be together for a long, long time. But these dreams keep reminding me how I'm likely not going to want a relationship with him without that trust that I'm not just a spur of the moment choice.
It's foolish and an insult to Megatronus to think him so shallow. He would definitely put a lot of thought into his decision. But the anxiety in my spark can't help but think that I'm not going to be worthy of such thought. That if he were to confess to me, I would just be the easy option because of how much I want to be with him. It hurts. I have never felt such conflicting feelings inside me. Would others judge me? "Why love a mech you can't trust?" Or "If you don't want to be something with him right now, why still pursue him?"
I love him, and I do trust him. I just don't trust myself. Who would love and cherish the thoughts and ideas of a boring librarian like me? I'm not even that attractive, nor am I strong. He would definitely want to be with someone as strong as him. His equal. Megatronus has a mind like no other. I hope that, if I try hard enough, I can stand together with him. At least in that regard.
He challenges my thinking, my way of life. I love how he inspires change in me like no other. Perhaps I have tunnel vision, but I see no other future I'd rather have than one where me and him are together. There would never be a day I wouldn't thank Primus for letting me be lucky enough to be with him. Where I wouldn't try my best to let him know how much he is loved. How he is worthy of every achievement. I would comfort him, too, to the best of my abilities when something is wrong.
I just.. want to experience all the good and bad that life has to offer with him. Forever. It's just.. not the right time.
Will there ever be a right time?
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slvttyplum · 2 months
i’m up late thinking and writing as one does and my mind crossed over to this. i pump out fic and one shot out from my beautiful body everyday and none of you want to confess your love for me? like not one out of the 7,000 of y’all is madly in love with me??
i know one of you is in love with me, come on guys, come on out…
alright this is my last time doing… whatever the fuck this is, i need to get a life, god.
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temmtamm · 1 month
Strength in Numbers
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dreamlifebunny · 6 months
i'm currently manifesting a stupid amount of money so that i can spend all day making loa and dream girl life posts for y'all instead of going to work lol
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keysinthecouch · 3 months
Me when I realise I could warrant an age regression headcanon for Gillion Tidestrider because he canonically spent so much time training and being something he’s not that he never got to be a kid and at one point he involuntarily regresses and panics because this is new to him. And when jay and chip find him, it’s new to them to. But they grow and they learn together and it gets easier to handle and their all ok in the end you guys yippee
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tearsonthepage · 7 months
might fuck around and write an angst sprolden/ tori fic but idk if i should
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