#katie really isn't important and this will probably be the only time she exists ever
lacktastrophe · 2 years
I've got to say, Vero's comment on the page before this really soured me on Daisy as a 3-dimensional character. "She only defended Lucy a bit because Lucy made Daisy feel bad about Lucy’s own abuse. Which, I mean, fair enough! But just because you were abused doesn’t mean Daisy has to like you now :’D WHOOPS." It made Daisy a lot flatter of a character to me. It makes all of her interactions with Lucy retroactively so fake. Like, from what I can tell, Lucy has been a good friend to her since middle school. Supportive in her own way. The idea that Daisy is still grinding an Ax over childhood jealousy is so... petty.
I disagree, because this is an area that Daisy has yet to make any growth in and it really isn't like that at all; they aren't as close as people may believe. Daisy does respect Lucy and they appear amicable, but it's more because they share the same friends. Lucy represents some conundrums and personal insecurities and complexes that Daisy needs to overcome, and only when this is resolved can they be better friends. This was a real focus of the comic as far as Daisy was concerned for most Volume 1 but became less of one when she started dating Abbey and later when Lucy was no longer in the picture. It wasn't fixed. Now that Lucy is back and Daisy is single again, these issues have returned to the focus, and did so in 'It's all in the mind' and 'Moment's apart' when those bandaids were ripped off when's Daisy romances between both Paulo and Augustus were threatened and in jeopardy because of Lucy's existence again. So that axe is still sharp, and Daisy is now back at grinding away at it. It's not going to be an easy one to get over even now as Daisy agonises over moments when Lucy easily gets the boys to bend. As far as she's concerned, there's valid reason to be angry at Lucy while she thinks this 'innate ability' is a thing.
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They aren't the best of friends because this is keeping them from being closer friends -- and I'd have to assume it's like that because of past trauma, starting with how Sandy found Mike through her; she might believe herself to be this conduit for people to find friendships and love, but she instead loses out.
I figure I've probably upset a few people and rocked that boat suggesting they aren't good friends, but this really is the case -- I think the time between chapters often helps forget some of the nuance that shows they aren't as close as it would seem. The friendship gets tested an awful lot and there are a lot of examples which not only show this but show contention between them. If you can believe that Yashy is Lucy's mouthpiece in Volume 1, it's clear how Lucy initially acts towards Daisy while personally seeming indifferent. Meanwhile Daisy sees Lucy as a rival, albeit that idea doesn't concern Daisy's every thought. While we see some developments into their friendship, including sleepovers, you've gotta keep in mind Daisy is a little weird in that she invites strange people, specifically Katie. Outside of these moments they are hardly ever on the same page as each other. Lucy never thought Daisy's heart was going to be with Abbey as far back as the end of Volume 1. Although this was true and a keen observation, it still invalidated Daisy's feelings that it would work out, just some examples.
I think the chance of these two being closer friends may have got the deathknell in Moment's apart when Lucy chooses not to attend Daisy's Birthday party. Birthdays have been an important theme in the comic, so with Lucy choosing not to make time for a friend's birthday party but rather unpack, there's little reason to think they're that close. A present was given and I think that's enough of a reason or a symbol that things are friendly between them, but Lucy choosing not to make time and not be absent on her birthday is enough to give the impression that they just aren't as close as we'd hope.
Given how Daisy had decided to hang out with Mike initially in Witch Hunt it shouldn't be surprise to anyone that Daisy had decided to put herself in Mike's camp for better or worse, otherwise she would've sought Lucy out much earlier. But Sue appears to be the one who wants to be a much closer friend to Lucy. And the scuffle between her and Mike isn't going to be enough to convince her to switch either. Daisy doesn't willingly choose to be on Lucy's side of things unless it suits her own interests and that was evident looking back. She will always gravitate towards Mike.
So yeah, she's staying in the Mike camp. Sorry PauloxDaisy and LucyxDaisy fans...I don't think it's going to be possible for the former until Daisy is able to be convinced that he's romancable, and the later...well, Daisy's still in the Mike camp.
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malexfan10 · 5 years
What is it about Malex?
I was playing around on my phone at work (when I should have been working lol) and came across some article about the best TV couples. It was published in 2018 so Malex wasn't in it lol
But I was going through the pictures in the article and I saw a lot of the couples I've liked & enjoyed over the years listed. Pacey & Joey, Captain Swan, Haleb, Stydia, Kurt & Blaine etc.
I started thinking...what is it about Malex that makes them extra special for me? What is it about them that made me join Tumblr and Twitter for the first time? I never had either before this year. What is it about them that made me write more fan fic in the span of 3 months than I have in years of watching other shows? And I'm someone who studied English Lit in university and have written many novels, hoping to finally pursue publishing this year with one of them. But the amount of fan fic I've typed out the past 3 months? My hands seriously hurt!
So why is Malex so special?
(I made a collage below)
Is it because they're an LGBTQ pairing? There have been other LGBTQ pairings I've rooted for. Malex isn't the first and they won't be the last. Times are changing in TV land and we're seeing more and more representation. It's progressing slowly, but it is changing.
Is the reason Malex is extra special a shallow reason? The actors are both incredibly good looking. No getting around that. But I loved Haleb too and Tyler was one half of that ship. I adore Joshua Jackson and Dylan O'Brien. I think Holland Roden is beautiful. In the couples I've followed over the years, all the actors & actresses have been attractive in their own ways.
-- side note -- I know I put Destiel (SPN) in the collage below even though technically they're not a couple but some of their lines over the past decade, I mean come on! It's so obvious! --
Is it the chemistry between Tyler & Michael? I thought Katie & Josh had amazing chemistry. Only reason I watched PLL was for Haleb and the friendship between Tyler & Ashley. Some of the couples I've rooted for really sizzled on screen. Do I think Vlamburn has better chemistry than all the others? Not necessarily. I think they tie for first with some of my other faves (although I would probably rank them above right now just because they're current).
So what is it about Malex that made me so emotionally invested that I joined social media like this? That I've written a bunch of fics and have so many other concepts cooking in my head.
I think it comes down to the angst at the end of the day and how the story has been written.
I've directed a lot of disappointment and anger towards Carina and the writers since that finale because I'm afraid the triangle will grow and span multiple seasons. I'm afraid the writers will show Michael really starting to have deep feelings for Maria the longer M&M exists (I know Vlamis said in those last interviews that his feelings for her are already very deep but sorry Vlamis. I love you but I don't see that yet.) I'm afraid now that they know they were renewed, they'll drag this storyline out, pursure M&M and then Michael with other relationships if/once M&M ends with Alex just waiting in the sidelines, moping and heartbroken.
But despite all my fears and disappointments after that craptastic finale (seriously, I can write a 20 page essay), I have to give the writers their credit.
The story they wrote, the beauty they created in Malex, with that amazing angst and history and love is the reason I'm so invested.
"Where I stand, nothing's changed"
"I never look away"
"That I loved you and I think that you loved me."
"But you are mine"
"I don't look away Guerin"
"I love him. I probably always will"
I mean, these lines all exist. No one can take those words away. Yes, the writers can try and diminish it by shoving another relationship down our throats & attempting to give that relationship the same level of meaning and importance (sorry, not buying it. Hardly anyone is). But those lines will always be there.
The epicness of Malex will always be there.
That beautiful first kiss in the reunion will always be there.
Their connection in senior year, bonding over their painful childhoods and living situations will always be there.
Caulfield, although bittersweet, will always be there.
Michael Guerin wanting to be Alex's hero will always be there.
The angst and love between them is just unbelievable. I don't think any other couple I've rooted for over the years has had the same amount of angst or history. Their story is just beautiful.
I don't cry too much in movies or TV shows unless there's a really sad death that hits me hard. LOST was one of those shows where I sobbed constantly (Jin & Sun's death, Juliet's, Charlie's...I could go on).
But I cried after that last scene in episode 6, when Jesse destroyed such a beautiful and pure moment 🥺
I cried at that moment in Caulfield 🥺
I cried at the finale, watching Alex just waiting there while Michael....let's not remind ourselves 🤨
So yes, the chemistry is unbelievable between Tyler & Michael. How close they are offscreen shines through their performance and this is in a cast where everyone's close. But with Vlamburn, especially from Michael, he's so unfiltered when he talks about Tyler's eyes or the way he kisses or just how much he loves him. What can I say, they make me love Malex more ❤
Yes, they're both incredibly good looking but that's a miniscule, shallow reason. How good looking a couple is in no way compares to how much their emotional connection matters, at least for me.
So really, it's the story. It's the history. It's all that profound, made for each other, soulmates love that they share. It's the incredible angst that makes me root for them even more.
And yes, as much as Carina and crew have angered me after that finale and after their insistance of shoving this triangle down our throats and in our faces, they did create Malex so I have to be grateful for that. Vlamburn perfected it and made it epic but the concept came from Carina (trust me, it hurts to give that credit).
So as much as it still hurts with what happened, as much as seeing the M&M promos bothers me, as much as I'll be a sobbing mess once season 2 hits and Alex realizes what happened, I have to believe that this much care and heartbreaking angst was given to this couple for a reason. That reason has to be that Malex is endgame.
Can Carina change her mind about Endgame Malex? Sure she can, if she wants to lose a substantial percentage of the fandom. But I can't believe she'll do that.
I can't believe that Malex is anything but each other's ending.
I can't believe that this beautiful love story we've seen between 2 men who started as scared, lonely boys and are now broken men trying to put themselves back together is anything short of EPIC.
I can't believe that M&M, however painful and ridiculously unnecessary, is anything but a bump in this road for Malex.
All that matters is how the writers take us from point A to B.
Does their separation last for 4 more seasons (pending renewals) and Malex reunites in the series finale, season 5? God I hope not. I need to see them existing as a couple together on screen, not just a kiss and makeup moment last episode and assume they made it. So once this teenage level of triangle nonesense has been dealt with (please let season 2 be the end of it!!!!), I really hope the writers realize the amazing couple they created and give them their due justice by bringing Malex together for good.
Episodes 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, last Malex scene of 9, beginning of 10 and all of 12 point this show towards one inevitable ending with Malex and that's reuniting (did I get the episodes right?). Just keep your fingers crossed it happens sooner rather than later. Right now, that's where my main fears lie.
This fandom has been super great about lending support to one another when things get tough. Unfortunately, things will get even tougher next season so it will be good to have this great support.
As far as the promos and interviews we'll be getting between now and 2020, I'll try to only watch interviews that Michael & Tyler give together and avoid anything that seems like M&M promotion (outside of full cast interviews or festivals etc). I love all the actors on this show. They're all wonderful and talented and deserve our love and support (not commenting on that Nathan instagram thing).
But as a Malex fan, I have no place in my life for unnecessary stress from a TV show because honestly, as invested as I am, it's still just a TV show. No need to give myself more heartbreak before season 2 even airs by watching pro M&M interviews like yesterday. I'll just stay in my happy Malex bubble until then (and then die when I see M&M next year 😭).
In the end of this long post, all I wanted to say is that Malex is extra special, head and shoulders above others ships I've rooted for and that's mostly because of the beautiful story I've seen on screen but Vlamburn defintely plays an imortant part in making it epic ❤
I'm a Malex lifer. Nothing will ever change that.
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