#katoshi: the rules are more like guidelines
aerugonian · 4 years
hm ignore how i dumped a bunch of words at the end of the last one idk how to write cohesively.
just remembered another character who appeared for like two lines and its that kid who was recused by katoshi during the exam. who was he... what did he think about about his mysterious savior!! i guess it couldnt be that long of a piece to write about that kid but i do think of him and the other 3 reccomended students. i dont actually know who the others are besides momo and shouto sjdjf
do katoshi and erasermic talking about katoshis vigilante stint after the first year?? is it a comfortable subject to joke about (for erasermic)?? katoshi has all these scars and :( idk i feel like maybe they should Talk about it.... katoshi has become attached after all :')
!! also what could have happened at usj if it had happened?? since the event has passed i assume its ok to ask but i do wonded about it. what could have happened?? how would have katoshi reacted, how would have mic reacted, how would have aizawa post injuries if they would have occured reacted!!! aaaaaa for an au of going back to canon for a crossover canon divergence fic theres so much there... katoshi could have said 'fuck it my DAD (didnt) die (for the third time wtf) so im going to kill lov.' or he could have not!! theres a lot of branches of what could have been if usj had happened.
the canon recommended students are todoroki, momo, yoarashi inasa (who got first place overall but rejected the application), tokage and honenuki (in class 1-b)! all of the ones katoshi raced against were non-canon characters, though. it was pointed out to me in the comments of that chapter that while I thought there was no hard number of recommended students there actually was... but it was a little late to change it at that point. so in rtn there are six accepted recommendation students instead of the canon four. whoops. 
they don’t talk about it as much as they probably should, mostly because katoshi was initially very closed off about any inquiries into his past and/or motivations. he’d answer more if they asked now, though he’s pretty good at not giving the answers they’re actually looking for. katoshi would joke about it if he thought it would be funny but erasermic’s response would vary depending on the joke - what katoshi thinks is amusing is not necessarily something others would find funny. 
there are two drafts of USJ that were written before things went the way they did! one where he ended up in the water zone with izuku and tsuyu (though I scrapped this one pretty early on) and another where he ended up in the fire zone with ojirou. I might post those someday if I ever feel like finishing them as alternate universes / what-ifs, not sure. the sharingan would have made an appearance though because as much as he likes his secrets he’s not going to risk lives to keep them 
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