sc1ent1a · 10 years
If you don’t know your personality type, take the test here.
tagged by: uzumakiprophecy
Type: ISFP Explorer/Composer (Turbulent)
Rules: Find out what characters share the same personality type as you here and list the characters that you find relevant below. Then tag five friends and let them know you tagged them!
Jake from Adventure Time
Alistair from Dragon Age: Origins
Juvia Lockser from Fairy Tail
Harry Potter
Roxas from Kingdom Hearts
Link from the Legend of Zelda
Sam from Lord of the Rings
Nick Miller from New Girl
Disney's Pocahontas
Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls
Raven from Teen Titans
Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
Jane Bennet-Bingley from Pride and Prejudice
Jon Snow and Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones
Bertolt Hoover from Attack on Titan
Master Piandao from Avatar the Last Airbender
The Dude from The Big Lebowski
This was pretty dang cool. I'm gonna tag, @yourfriendlyneighborhoodfeminist (your url is apparently too long to be recognized), goldenfelix, nataleethelionheart, peachberrylove, and chelseamei
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why don't you EVER follow back?
First of all, I do follow back. I follow back the blogs that I enjoy. Some of the blogs that follow me are quality, but they aren't my taste and since the point of my dashboard is to show me things that I might like and want to reblog, I follow blogs I want on my dashboard.
Second, I don't follow blogs in hopes that they will follow me and I hope that my followers aren't following me to get more followers, but because they are interested in what I post.
Third, sometimes I don't see that someone followed me, since I post a lot and don't look at my follower count often. If you think that your blog is something I'd like, send me a message and I'll check it out. If I like it, I'll follow. 
I'm sorry if you somehow feel slighted, because you're following me and I didn't reciprocate. My best advice would be to remember that tumblr isn't about having 1,000 followers, it's about finding people who's thoughts you enjoy and sharing with like minded people. 
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raptorific · 12 years
What do you think about Americans Elect?
Pretty much the same thing I feel about the Mortal Instruments series: No matter how many times it's explained to me, I can't seem to remember what it's all about, and I just can't seem to muster up strong emotions about it in either direction. 
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