#kayce dutton!blackreader
sparklemichele · 3 years
Cowboys Offering
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“Bethany Dutton! If you don’t shut your mouth!” You laughed as Beth reminisced a moment in the past you would rather forget. Beth laughed and took a healthy swig of her whiskey. You took a healthy swallow of your glass, set it down on the coffee table and relaxed a little more on the couch.
“I’ve missed you bitch.” Beth told you as she pats your knee. “I miss you too. I wish you were still with the firm. I would say everyone misses you, but that would be a lie only Bob misses you.”
“I know.” Beth smiled at you. “Do you remember the last Utah Pride Festival we went too?” Beth asked with a huge grin on her face.
“Oh my God the fun we had! Do you remember when-“
“Who do we have here?” John asked entering the room interrupting your sentence.
“Hey daddy.” Beth jumped up and gave her daddy a kiss on the cheek. “This is Y/N. You remember my friend from Utah, and she is here to help us with our issue.” Beth looked over at her brother Kayce who walked in with John and was looking at you.
“Okay, honey. You do what’s best. I will trust you bringing outsiders into the family business.” He whispered so you would not hear. John gave Beth a kiss on the cheek and walked over to introduce himself to you.
“Don’t even think about it. She is above your pay grade. Plus aren’t you still in love with your wife who left you for her physical therapist. How sad.” Beth let out an evil chuckle. Kayce looked at his sister with hurt and anger in his eyes.
“Watch how you speak to me Beth. I’m not Jamie.” He harshly whispered at her.
Kayce walked away from his sister and went to introduce himself to you. You were in conversation with his dad, and he had a chance to study you. You were stunning. Now he loved Monica, but a man can take so much. His wife told him she needed time and during that time she slept with someone, and she continued to sleep with him. Kayce had begged to keep his family together, but he had enough of groveling at her feet. He needed to only think of his son Tate and make sure he was in his life. His father finally stopped chatting and went to make himself a drink. They both had a long rough day. Kayce took off his hat to introduce himself to you. Before he even opened his mouth you knew he was Kayce. Beth always talked fondly of her brother. His caring, beautiful eyes gave him away. However, she did not state he was so handsome.
“You must be Kayce.” You extended your hand and you both shook hands.
“Yes, ma’am I am.”
“Oh, please don’t call me ma’am. I know it’s a respect thing, but just call me Y/N.”
Kayce smiled and your heart literally fluttered.
The four of you sat in the living room with drinks and had wonderful conversation. You were very interested on how the ranch ran and the men were delighted to tell you all about it. You were a city girl, and the ranch was beautiful. Throughout the conversation you and Kayce constantly made eye contact. Beth told you about his situation with his wife and to be honest you wanted him. If he needed an incentive to get over her you would be happy to oblige.
“Evening.” A voice ranged out interrupting the conversation. You looked back and saw Rip, Beth’s man. You finally met him earlier that day. He was mostly quiet and intimidating, however respectful to you. You saw why Beth was in love with him. They were perfect for each other. He was the only man on this earth that could handle your best friend. Best friend…….you thought about that knowing you and Beth hated each other when you first met many moons ago. You both were just alike and eventually became close despite both never ever having close female friends. You both knew that the bond you shared was special.
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“Hey Rip.” John greeted.
Rip nodded at you, Beth and Kayce. “Sir, can I have a word.”
“Can it wait until tomorrow, Rip. We have company.”
“No, sir it can’t.”
John sighed as he put his drink down and got up from his chair. “It never fuckin ends.” He muttered under his breath. You felt bad for Beth’s father as it seemed keeping the ranch was taking a year off his life every day. What you and Beth had to deal with tomorrow was the tip of the iceberg.
“I think I will turn in. We have a busy day tomorrow, Beth.” You stood up to head to the guest room.
Beth looked up at you truly drunk. “No, I’m good.”
“You better be glad I love you because I don’t let anyone call me that.” Beth stood up and immediately stumbled. Kayce was out his seat in seconds and help you keep her steady as you both slowly walked her to her room.
“Kayce, I’ve been seeing the way you been staring at her. You can’t handle a woman like Y/N.” she slurred at her brother.
“Beth, don’t start.” Kayce tried shutting her up. It did the opposite.
“She is too much woman for you to handle. You are use to tiny, skinny Monica. What you going to do with all Y/N’s ass and thighs. You will run like a scared little boy.” Your mouth fell open in shock at what Beth said. You were going to kill her when she sobers up tomorrow. Beth drunkenly rambled more about how Kayce could not handle you while you both took off her clothes. Kayce turned his back as you dressed her when she was finally naked and ready for her night clothes.
She’s good.” You told Kayce once Beth was in bed and under her covers.
“I’m sorry about that. I’m sure you are use to it.” Kayce said just before giving his sister a good night kiss on the forehead.
“I am.” You cut off the light in her room and you and Kayce found yourselves in the hallway staring at each other.
“What she said isn’t true.” Kayce stepped closer to you his eyes blazing into yours.
“What do you mean?” Beth said a lot and you had no idea what he was talking about.
A small sexy smile spread across Kayce’s face. “That I can’t handle you.” He finally replied.
You raised an eyebrow amused at this white cowboy being a man an approaching you as most white men lacked the balls to do so. You were intrigued with Kayce, but what he just said sent your desire for him up several levels.
“Really now.” You stepped closer to him, and your fingers stroke his goatee. Kayce closed his eyes for a moment just to let the moment sink in. It had been so long since he felt peace and contentment and you were standing in front of him offering him that. Kayce pressed his forehead against yours and opened his eyes.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered.
You lifted your forehead from his and ran your fingers through his hair.
“Kayce, what do you need?”
“You.” Kayce let his fingers run through your back length braids. Without another word his lips came crashing down on yours and you eagerly accepted him. In seconds he had you pushed up against the wall kissing you passionately.
“No fucking outside my bedroom!” You both heard Beth yell from her room. You both laughed.
“Shall we.’ Kayce motioned down the hall and without hesitation you headed in the direction. You were ready to see what this cowboy had to offer.
@kmhappybunny240 @laketaj24 @imgoldielikehawn @readsalot73 @virgosapphire79
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