#kayce dutton x black reader
i-heart-yellowstone · 3 months
Kayce dutton x reader
Reader tells gator to have a day surprising everyone with lunch " I just want you to know I appreciate you and want to be a part of the family " reader said " you are part of the family " john said kayce gets down on one knee in front of everyone
Always One Of US
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The Dutton family always thanked Gator for serving everyone on the family ranch. He was a great cook and did an amazing job. But I decided that I needed to show my appreciation towards the family that I have been helping run their ranch for a few years. When Beth called me saying they needed a new ranch hand I instantly took up the offer. Making them all dinner and giving Gator the day off is the best way to show my appreciation and loyalty to the ranching family.
The front door opened while I was sitting the brisket in the center of the table along with some potatoes and some cookies that Tate had made earlier in the day for dessert. “Darling, what are you doing here. Did you help Gator do all this?” I heard Kayce’s voice enter the room where he removed his hat hanging it on the wall.
“Actually I made all of this. I gave Gator the night off.” I responded by turning around to face him, finally getting everything set out.
Kayce came over to me wrapping his arms around my waist bringing me closer. He leans down kissing me slowly and I lean up kissing him back since we hadn’t seen each other much today. “You didn’t have to do this for us.”
“I wanted to, Kayce. It’s not a big deal.” I ran a hand through his tousled curly hair smiling brightly.
The front door opened another time with John entering the dining room seeing us break apart from one another going to sit down at the table to eat our dinner. “This all looks fairly good.” John sat down at the head of the table with me and Kayce sitting across from each other in the chairs closest to him.
“Thank you for saying that, John. I made the meal tonight.” I explained swallowing the bite of meat I had in my mouth.
John had always looked up to me considering I had made Kayce realize that he could be better and run the ranch even if he wasn’t keen to the idea in the beginning. Kayce and I had gotten together a few weeks after he had finalized his divorce with Tate’s mother.
Our meal for the most part went fairly well. Kayce and I had cleaned up the dining table with John leaning in the doorway watching us for a few minutes before saying a word. “Y/n, I’m just curious as to why you thought you needed to make us dinner. I’m not saying anything in it was bad, it was amazing. But I just want to know why.”
“How about we go sit down and finish this conversation.” Kayce suggested and we all agreed moving back into the dining room sitting back in our sports we were in a few moments ago.
I sighed brushing my hair out of my face, eyeing the man who I admired from the first moment I had met him. This family means everything to me and I wouldn’t trade any of my memories here for something else. I just prayed they valued me as much as I did them. “I just want you to know I appreciate y’all and want to be a part of the family.”
John stands up from his head seat at the table. “You are a part of the family.”
“I am. I don’t understand.” I sent him a confused face.
Kayce lowered himself down on one knee right in front of me. Reaching inside his pants pocket he slowly opened a small black box showing me a simple gold ring. “Will you marry me, Y/n?”
“You bet your boots I will.” I removed my hands from my mouth wiping away the heavy happy tears that had began falling down my face.
Kayce slipped the ring on my finger barely giving me time to admire it when he scooped me up into his arms. I squealed as he twirled me around in a few circles of laughter coming from the both of us finally sitting me down on the wooden floor.
I tucked hair behind my ear, eyeing the ring on my left finger. “Kayce, you didn’t have to buy me a ring.”
“Funny enough I didn’t buy that ring.” He shrugged his shoulders with a light chuckle.
I felt like my voice went to a higher tone. “Huh?”
“I can clear up your confusion, dear.” John came to stand beside his youngest son placing a hand on his shoulder sending me a proud grin with tearful eyes. “That ring was bought years ago by me when I proposed to my wife Evelyn. It’s her ring that I passed down to him.”
I felt more tears slipping down my face, stepping around my fiancé so I could hug my father in law. “Thank you so much, John. I’m honored to call you my father in law.”
“I’ve been waiting for you to become my daughter in law for a long time.” He hugged me back and I mirrored his smile. Kayce opened his arms for me and I raced forward where he picked me up off the ground when I wrapped my legs around his waist.
Kayce led me outside for me to see two horses standing at the end of the wooden stairs. He took me to my horse and climbed on our separate horses with me following Kayce on horseback wherever he was leading me. I knew most of the ranch yet where we stopped I had never been before. “Kayce, where are we exactly?”
“It’s a place I don’t go too often. This - this is where my mother got killed on her horse.” He explained to me slowly walking up to the fence holding my hand in his until we reached the fence.
I squeezed his hand, sending him a weak expression. “Kayce, I’m sorry.”
“It's okay. I told myself that when I found the right girl for me. I'd take her to meet my mom.” He explained simply looking down into my eyes.
A question fell from my lips. “You never took Monica here?”
“Given my fathers reaction got me branded. I figured my mother wouldn't have liked to hear I knocked up a girl in high school.” He rubbed the back of his neck, throwing his head back pushing that memory away about the brand. “Besides she clearly wasn't the one for me. You are, Y/n L/n.”
“To be honest I’ve been waiting for you to say those words for a while, Kayce Dutton.” I turned to face the cowboy draping my arms around his neck nuzzling my nose against his own.
He grinned down at me, wrapping his arms around my waist tugging my body against his chest connecting his lips with my own. “Well I’ve been waiting far too long to call you wife, my darling, my Mrs. Dutton.” Leaning my body into the kiss we stumbled slightly into the wooden fence just getting lost in kissing the other.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Reader dutton x rip wheeler
Reader has a Stalker one night when the ranch is out doing something reader is alone at the ranch and the Stalker comes attacks her and rip gets a call from kayce after finding her
He’ll go to the Train Station
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Officially finished with all the requests in my ask box 😊
Coming back from town I shut the drivers door to my truck and gasped seeing someone I thought was gone from my life for good. Twisting the fabric of my jacket I gulped recognizing my ex boyfriend Mike who had to leave home when his mother got really sick. But he couldn’t get over the fact that I wouldn’t leave my family home to be with him. Mike was leaned up against the wooden post smiling at me yet all I felt from him was terror now. “Long time no see huh Y/n. I’ve been missing you something horrible in case you were wondering.”
“I’m not sorry to say that I haven’t missed you. What exactly are you doing here, Mike?” I questioned him crossing my arms across my chest slowly walking towards him but I avoided his gaze for the most part.
He pushed himself off the wooden stair railing coming toward me until we were almost pressed up against one another and I could smell some alcohol on his breath. “You should know exactly why I am here. I mean we did spend almost four years together. If my mother hadn’t gotten sick then I would have never left you and your beautiful body-“
“Don’t touch me, Mike. I thought you would have got my message after I ignored your hundreds of texts and the picture of me that I’m not even sure how you got them when you were supposed to be back in Texas.” He reached his hand up trying to tuck hair behind my ear but I smack his hand away before he could touch me.
Mike smirked down at me before he grabbed me by the waist and shoving me against the side of the stairs making me grunt at the impact. He ripped my shirt off of my body and it got covered in mud while I tried to kick him in between his legs. Yet he elbowed me in the gut and smashed his lips onto mine growing against my grunts. “You are mine and don’t ever think that anyone else deserves you. Nobody else can take care of you like I can. You belong to me - urgh!”
“Kayce…” I collapsed onto the dirt ground rummaging around and managing to get the shirt off the dirt ground seeing it was my younger brother who had pulled him off of me.
My brother sucker punched Mike to the dust before he could blink and he was covered in quite a few stains of blood and bruises. Kayce came over to me when I noticed that Mike had blacked out from how hard he had hit him, he pulled out his dialing my boyfriend Rip. “Rip, somebody came after my sister Y/n. I’m gonna check her out but thought you should know.”
“Kayce, I don’t know how he found Mel but he did. I can’t believe that I didn’t think he would. Is he..dead?” Holding the back of my head I drew my hand back seeing some blood on my finger tips. “Shit, he got me harder than I thought.”
Kayce bent down on a knee sweeping me up from the ground and into his arms bridal style and carried me inside my bedroom inside the main house. He comes back with a wet rag and had me press it to the the wound on the back of my head just watching me for a few minutes in silence. “Rip should be here in a second. He just saw my phone call. Can I get you anything, sis?”
“Nah I think I’m good.” I shifted the pillow trying to get comfortable hearing someone running up the wooden stairs meaning it had to be Rip for sure.
The door creaked open and he rushed to my bedside when my brother stepped out of the way knowing I would find more comfort with him now. Yet Kayce still stayed in the doorway watching our conversation just in case I needed extra help. “Sweetheart, where is the asshole whole thinks he can hurt you and not pay the consequences?”
“Rip, don’t worry about Mike. I’m fine and my head only hurts a little. Look, the bleeding has stopped.” Pulling the rag away I showed him the dry blood on it but he wouldn’t take that as a good enough answer.
He shook his head lifting his hands up to the sides of my face cradling it like I was a piece of valuable china that royalty would use. Too afraid he might break me but he never could do such a thing. "I just need to know that you aren't hurt. That asshole...he should have never laid a hand on you in the first place."
"I'll have the police arrest him for attempted rape." Kayce turned on his heels to leave.
Shooting forward upright in the bed I winced where Rip rubbed my back, trying to ease the pain. "Kayce wait. Jail doesn't excuse all the pain he gave me. He's...he's been stalking me since the day we broke up. He will just keep coming until he thinks I'm getting back together with him."
"No way in hell!" My brother spat in disgust.
Holding my hands up in front of me I cut them off before either of them could protest any further. "Woah, hang on. I'd never go back with someone like him. What I am saying is that I want him to be gone. Gone where he can't hurt anyone else...to the train station."
"We can do that. Right Rip?" Kayce asked our fathers top ranch hand.
Rip leans forward kissing the crown of my head gently wrapping his arms around my waist holding me against his safe embrace. "Done deal, darling. He'll go to the train station."
"I love you...both of you." Lifting my head up a little I shifted my gaze from my brother and back to Rip's brown eyes.
He smiled before I wrapped my arms around his neck and gripped the fabric of his jacket in my fingers letting some tears fall hearing him whispering in my ear the moment Kayce had left the room. "I love you too, Y/n."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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pretending-ican-write · 6 months
Cowboy Up - Pt.7
Here we are! Finally into the series itself. Cowboy Up will be a combination of me inserting the reader into scenes from the show and putting together some scenes myself that I imagine happen around what is seen on screen.
Disclaimer that I am not a horse trainer or qualified in any way but I've spent a good part of my life around them so my experience is the basis for anything in the fic about horses.
Pairing: Ryan (Yellowstone) x Dutton!reader
WC: 1121
Previous part - Next part
John Dutton stopped his truck in front of the round pen where Kayce was working a horse and got out to watch his son work.  He was confused to see that his youngest daughter’s truck was parked in front of the house.  He knew that she had the day off from the ranch but John wasn’t aware that she had been visiting her brother all those years.
From inside the house, y/n was on the sofa keeping an eye out the window where her twin and father were having a tense conversation that she assumed was about the cattle that had ended up on the reservation.  Monica was next to her watching her son play on the floor in front of them.
“I know he’s my father and all but I worry about what might happen if Tate ever goes to the ranch,” y/n admitted, “it’s the most beautiful place in the world if you ask me but god does it come with conditions.
Her sister-in-law nodded, “John Dutton isn’t exactly synonymous with good news.”
They lapsed into a quiet conversation about how life had been for them both over the last few months since she’d been able to get out to the reservation, Monica smiling widely when y/n confirmed Ryan had finally made his move the other month.
Once John had driven off, the women exited the house behind Tate who ran excitedly towards the rifle John had left propped against the round pen.  Y/n leant against the fence next to Monica watching the horse come to a stop.
“I don’t trust him trying to be in Tate’s life,” she admitted to her brother, “you’ve spent all these years out of his grip.  I’d hate for dad to use him as a way back in after not being around.”
Kayce sighed, “we can only see.”
The next morning, y/n was in the barn mucking out the stalls whilst the other hands worked around her and in the corral.  Cleaning the stalls was normally considered the job of low man, but she found some sort of enjoyment in the mundanity of the task. 
As she finished the last stall, y/n wheeled the barrow out the front of the barn and was surprised to see her sister’s black Mercedes rolling down the drive.  She dropped the handles and watched as the car went past, Beth looking at the window to make eye contact with her younger sister before continuing on to the main house.  After emptying the wheelbarrow, she re-entered the barn with her mood notably dampened by the return of Beth.  Y/n headed down the aisle to the last stall where a blue dun colt was pacing the space.  She took him out to the round pen to assess the problem’s Rip had complained about the horse having.
The colt danced at the end of the rope whilst she closed the gate and when she undid the halter, he shot off around the pen as if afraid to be anywhere near a person.  Y/n sat on the fence, patiently watching the horse work his anxiety out with a cigarette smoking between her lips.  Ryan led his horse across from the corral and leant on the fence next to her.
“He’s got a hell of an opinion in him,” he commented.
Y/n shook her head, “not an opinion Ry.  Nerves.  Poor boy is a ball of anxiety, doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do or trust.”
“How you gonna sort that out then?  Can’t wear it out of him,” Ryan asked.
She watched the colt slow to a trot, “gotta show him that he can trust us and to trust in his own decisions.  Shouldn’t take too long.”
“It’s a nice shirt you’re wearing sweetheart,” Ryan smirked, referring to the blue check shirt of his she had on.
Y/n laughed, “well my boyfriend left it lying around and I was cold so figured he wouldn’t mind.”
“He doesn’t mind at all, not one bit.  In fact I think he quite likes seeing his girlfriend wear his clothes,” he mused, running his finger up her arm, “you not going to the house to see your sister?”
She sighed, “me and Beth aren’t exactly what you would call close.  She does what dad says without question, never said shit when he did what he did to Kayce and it ain’t like she was begging me to stay.  To top it off she treats Rip like shit and the bastard just lets her walk all over him because he’s been in love with her since he was 16.”
“Being in love with someone for a long time sounds familiar,” he teased 
Y/n leant back against his arm, “difference is we were both pining.  She fucks around with his feelings every chance she gets and he’ll never go against her.”
Sat on Comanche, y/n watched as her brothers reunited for the first time in years and laughed as they teased each other as if they’d never been apart.  She smiled at how comfortable Tate looked on his grandfather’s horse and, as much as the sisters fought, she was reassured that Beth had her twin’s back like her.  
“Kayce let’s go,” she called across to him, “grab a horse.”
Part of her soul felt like it was healing watching how her father was with Tate and being back on the plains with all of her brothers.  Beth hadn’t been on a horse since their mother’s death but y/n had spent days of her childhood riding with the cattle alongside her brothers, racing each other despite the annoyance of John.  As Lee and Kayce raced around the herd of buffalo, y/n rode up to where Jamie was talking to their father.
“Kayce might be the only man who can outride him,” her brother observed.
She smiled, “only man but sure as hell not the only person.”
With a click to Comanche, y/n took off galloping after her brothers.  The three of them took turns pulling ahead of the others but ultimately it would have been too close to decide a winner.  Although we all know that in a straight line race y/n had the advantage, what with being a barrel racer and all.
“You joining us to fish?” Lee asked when they finally came to a halt.
Y/n shook her head, “I’m not the one who has years to regain with him Lee.  I’ll let you have your boys day out.  I’m gonna head back with the rest and do some more work with that colt."
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jungle-angel · 9 months
Too Many Mimosas (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Christmas morning in the Abbott household is nothing short of awesome but beware when Royal takes on the role of bartender
"Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! Mommy!" Amy screeched as she ran in and pounced on you both. "Santa came! Santa came!"
You felt your husband's side of the bed shift a little as Amy rolled off him and ran out of the room to wake everybody up. "Motherfucker," he groaned, rubbing his face.
"Too early?" you mumbled.
Rhett looked at his phone screen on the nightstand next to the bed.....five thirty in the morning. "By my watch it is," he chuckled.
You laughed a little as he kissed your cheek. "Boys awake?" he asked.
"Good, lemme get a shower in before Amy and Hannah start running around," Rhett told you.
Quick as he could, he jumped into the shower and washed off the grog from the night before, only switching back into his pjs to stay comfortable. Tatum and Tanner were just starting to wake up as Rhett lifted one of them out of their crib and you took the other, the both of you heading downstairs to join the rest of the family.
"Hey, Doodlebug," Royal said to Amy. "Calm down alright? Ya'll gotta give momma and daddy a minute to get down here."
"Merry Christmas everybody!" Rhett said loudly.
Everybody welcomed you both into the living room, excited to finally be able to be together. The Duttons had all come down from Bozeman to celebrate with you, the whole clan having descended en masse the week before once school had let out.
"Alright, who's on first?" Kayce asked.
"Give everybody a minute to get settled," Cecelia told him. "And then we'll get everything handed out."
You heard the clanking of bottles in the fridge under the counter and Monica opening the hutch for the glasses. You knew that as soon as Royal started, things were bound to get very interesting.
"I GOT NEW BARBIES!!!!" Amy happily declared.
You and Rhett had to laugh. You had found four new Barbie dolls for Amy that you just wouldn't have passed up for the world. You two knew full well too that you would have to get her the dollhouse to go with them.
Hannah was so happy and excited to have finally gotten Barbies of her own along with a few hand knitted sweaters from Cecelia. Tate finally had a black cowboy hat to match his father's along with two brand new GI Joes and a bucket of green soldiers. All of the kids and even the grown ups had an absolute blast opening their gifts and finally, once all was said and done, Cecelia could throw breakfast into the oven.
"Alright drinks are ready, come and get'em!" Royal announced.
You yourself couldn't drink seeing as you were still nursing the boys but Rhett and the others enjoyed themselves to the fullest but by midday, you could tell that he and some of the others might need a nap later. Rhett's speech was getting a little slurred along with the others and his hair falling all over his face.
"Baby?" you said.
"Sup?" he chuckled.
"You might wanna go take a nap," you told him. "I think you've had a few too many."
"I've only had......maybe like.....four?"
You laughed. "Rhett I counted and you had six in the last three hours."
Rhett laughed and pressed a sloppy little kiss to your cheek. "Merry Christmas lovebug," he chuckled.
"And a Merry Christmas to you too Grumpy," you answered, kissing him back.
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
Kayce Dutton x reader
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summary: You've always loved rainy days, and now, Kayce might just find a reason to as well.
word count: 800+
content: fluff, kissing in the rain
SENSORY DRABBLES SERIES -> prompt: Kayce Dutton + rain + dark green
When you step out of the bunkhouse late in the afternoon, you pause, inhaling the rich, pleasant scent of petrichor hanging heavily in the humid air. The sun is nowhere to be found in the overcast sky, the gray shade of which paints the sprawling landscape of the ranch in a muted, surreal tone. 
Ryan nudges your shoulder as he swerves around where you’ve planted your boots in the gravel just outside the doorway, playfully grousing, “This your first time seeing rain clouds?”
You roll your eyes, digging the toe of your boot into the ground, the dusty pebbles scraping against one another as you shake them loose. 
“It’s been dry as a desert out here for weeks. It just feels…” you trail off, looking for the right words.
“Like everything is just holding its breath waiting for the rain to finally fall?”
Your heart stutters in your chest at the sound of Kayce’s voice, the feeling compounding tenfold as you turn to see him approaching, mouth upturned in a grin. 
“Yeah,” you respond, suddenly a bit breathless. “That.”
And as the sky begins to scatter a tentative drizzle across the hungry terrain, you exhale. 
Later, when the clouds have opened up into a yawning chasm, you find yourself caught in the barn, standing just out of reach of the relentless downpour as you gaze out the open doors. The horses knicker restlessly in their stalls, and you silently promise them that they’ll be glad for the rain when they’re back out in the pasture grazing the lush, verdant blades of hydrated grass.
The fields are thoroughly soaked through at this point, water pooling in some areas as the previously parched, cracked ground is now struggling to absorb it all fast enough. The looming trees skirting the edges of the property sway and dance under the weight of the water drenching their leaves.
You’ve always loved the rain—the luscious, earthy scent the oncoming precipitation brings forth, the way it effortlessly paints each piece of vegetation it touches in deep, rich shades of dark green.
The way the whole world seems to go quiet.
“You need an umbrella?”
You jump slightly as Kayce startles you for the second time in one day.
“Why, did you bring me one?” you ask, your casual tone warring with the way your face is already heating up as you glance over at him.
Kayce shakes his head, smiling as he shrugs off the jacket you hardly ever seen him without. “Nah, but you can use this. I’ll walk you back to the bunkhouse.”
You want to protest, because you can’t see a point in Kayce getting soaking wet on your behalf when you could just settle down in an empty stall and wait out the rest of storm⁠—a bale of hay can be comfortable enough in a pinch. But there’s something about the imploring look in his brown eyes, the way he wiggles his fingers a bit as he holds out the jacket.
His noble idea quickly becomes a fruitless effort as the wind decides to pick up when the two of you begin to embark on your walk, rendering the cover he’s holding over your head utterly useless while you’re pelted with an onslaught of wet droplets now falling sideways. 
You can’t help but laugh as you nudge Kayce’s hands away, urging him to give up on the makeshift umbrella. In moments, your shirt and jeans begin to cling to your body as you’re soaked to the bone. 
But you don’t mind. 
Not really.
Especially not when Kayce’s standing there looking at you like that.
“What?” you ask him as you spread your arms wide, tilting your head backward and closing your eyes as you opt to embrace the feeling of the rain on your skin.
“Just thinking.”
“I never really cared for rainy days.”
You look over at him, willing yourself to ignore the way his damp, black t-shirt is now stuck to his chest. 
He steps closer to you, continuing before you can respond, “But I think I might like them now.”
Hands dropping to your sides, you meet his steady gaze. “And why’s that?”
He reaches out with one hand, letting his fingers hover over your cheek. You can feel the way he’s waiting for you to pull away, the question that lingers in the space between his skin and yours. 
The question that’s been lingering in the air between the two of you for months, since you started working at the ranch.
Lingering between too-long glances, the weighted pause between words.
But this time, you lean into his touch. 
“Because of the way this damn miserable weather seems to make you smile somehow anyway.”
Your lips curve upward in response, and his thumb carefully brushes across your jaw.
“It just always feels like the start of something new," you say softly.
Kayce's smile matches your own.
And then the cool feeling of rain droplets on your face is replaced by the warm caress of Kayce’s lips as he kisses you, your mouth responding to his in kind, eager as the parched foliage welcoming the storm.
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switchbladedreamz · 2 years
Beautiful Gothic Cowgirl.
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Ryan (last name unknown) x fem!Dutton/Goth!reader fluff :).
Requested? Nah
Warnings? Slight season 5 spoilers, quick mention of miscarriage, slight angst too.
Summary: Your family keeps making jokes about Ryan and you getting married.
The sun streams through the window between the blackout curtains decorated with the phases of the moon. Throwing off my thick black comforter, I get out of bed and head the bathroom connected to my room. A knock sounds at the door while I'm picking my clothes out for the day. A cute black sundress with mesh sleeves, platform demonias with chains and some white and black striped thigh highs. I open my door to be greeted with the lovely smiling face of my boyfriend. "Good morning baby, nice pj's." He smiles, pointing at the oversized shirt of his I stole, pushing past me into my room. "Thank you, it was ethically sourced also how did you get in?" "Ethically sourced my ass, you stole it but you look good in my clothes so you can keep it. Gator let me in, what can I say I missed my girl. My bunk gets lonely". I giggle and pull him into a hug. "Well since you missed me so much, wait here while I shower and I'll let you watch me get ready."
"Nooooo baaaaaabe. Why can't I shower with you?" He crosses his arms and pouts. "Awe baby don't be pouty, aren't you a big bad cattleman and ATF agent? Branded men don't pout Ryan. Besides, dad and I are meeting for breakfast at the country club to discuss plans for my cabin. Which yes, I would love for you to join us." I straddle his lap and cross my arms at his nape, kissing his forehead. "Besides, if you shower with me I'll have to shower a second time." He laughs as I close the bathroom door rebuting with a loud "you didn't mind last week".
10 minutes later, Ryan is asleep on my bed. His boots on the floor and hat discarded on my nightstand. Quickly getting dressed then I do my makeup, adding some fun spiderwebs droping from my winged eyeliner. "You look- "FUCK" I accidentally scream loudly. "You scared the shit out of me". ".. good, let's go eat" he finishes his sentence. "Sorry?" "It's fine, just easily startled." He puts his boots back on and his hat. He holds his hand out to me, I go to take it but he sweeps me into his arms and carries me bridal style down the stairs. "what are you doin?" I ask him, looking at him like he's grown a second head. "Just practicing" he smiles cheekily and kisses my cheek. "Ryan quit actin like an ass." Rip hollers from the end of the stairs. "Oh hush, it's cute. Besides, you're just jealous you didn't think to do so first my love." Beth bites back. "Daddy called and he wants me to join you both at the club but for Governor business." We all head outside and load up into one of the ranch's trucks. Rip drives with Beth in front with Ryan and I in the back. "So Ryan, when were you thinking of popping the question because (Y/n) won't take just any ring, especially one that looks like something a "country gal" would wear." Ryan goes to interject but he's cut off by my sister. "So I'm thinking a gunmetal grey band with a black tone surrounded by tiny emeralds besides, I mean you've been dating for two years, I think it's time ." "Aaaaaah lalalalala Beth, stop. We haven't talked about it. You're 100% correct in the ring but I want it to be a surprise!" She shoots Ryan a wink and turns back in her seat. Rip is chuckling to himself while Ryan laces his fingers through mine and holds my hand. His smile is breathtaking. The love in his eyes fills me with warmth. He kisses the back of my hand and mouths "i love you". I respond by kissing the back of his own hand. "Good luck, man." Rip, still chuckling, says to Ryan. A rare smile on my brother in law's face, rare since it isn't directed at my older sister.
We're gathered at the table, then Kayce and his family walk through the doors. Kayce speaks as he is seated, "So. Ryan, I wanted to ask you. Will you be moving in with (Y/n)? I mean it has been two years since y'all started datin man." He clears his throat and adjusts his seat, he looks to me for reassurance, I squeeze his hand I'm holding under the table. "If you and your family allow it, it is what we planned to do, yes." Then dad looks to me "There is no allow, all my children do what they want despite any protest they might hear. And he makes you happy sweetheart?" "Yes he does, very much." A blush spreads across my boyfriend's face. Out of the corner of my eye Beth's shoulders shake, she's trying to hold back her laughter at poor Ryan's blush. I shake my head, my own shoulders rolling with my giggles. "Oh daddy, don't forget what we discussed about their house warming party". I go to interject, my mouth open as dad holds his hand up to stop me. "You're gettin one honey. Beth will help you decorate the cabin how ever you want. Rip I want you today to tell the other hands Ryan is moving out of the bunkhouse." "Yes sir I will. I'll have the guys help y'all move in too, (Y/n/n). It'll be my wedding present." He chuckles again, like in the truck. Ryan's face is beet red. "Y'all're gonna give the poor boy a heart attack before we even get to move in." I laugh a little louder, it spreads around the table. It feels good. Soon, heads are turning to look. They recognize daddy at the head of the table and quickly go back to their meals.
"so daddy when will the cabin be ready for us to move in?" Finishing what food is in his mouth first, "it already is. I want you two in there tonight. The boys have already moved your bed and vanity out of your room and into the master bedroom. I had Teeter and Jimmy's uh fiancé move your clothes and everything else over. Babygirl as of an hour ago, your room is bare." I stand up and walk to him, giving him a big hug and kiss his cheek. "Thank you, and thank you guys. I appreciate every and all that you do." They all just dismiss my appreciation with a hand and all day a variation of "it's what family's for".
"Excuse me daddy, I was wanting to take us girls to a few boutiques around town for the cabin, do you think you boys could take one vehicle back together and leave one with us?" Beth asks, this is news to me. She looks back at me and gives me a wink. "Yeah honey that's fine. I'm happy my girls are spending time together again, the ladies will take my car and us boys will go back in the ranch truck." "Thank you dad" I say, "don't worry about it (Y/n/n). Call it a wedding present". A loud laugh rips from everyone at all. Ryan pulls his cowboy hat down to cover his harshly blushing face. "Aaawe baby, don't hide your pretty face. The red really brings out the embarrassment in your eyes" I joke and pinch his cheek. He swats my hand away and kisses my cheek.
Hours later and it's dinner time, my whole family and everyone from the bunkhouse is in my new living room drinking my new beer. Ryan and Colby laughing together. My boyfriend and his boyfriend. Lloyd comes to pat me on my shoulder. "You done good girlie, they don't make cowboys like us and Ryan anymore. And hey, if you get tired of him you know where to find me." He wins chuckling, he's always been so playful with everyone. "Well then I guess I'll just have to meet you at our regular spot" I play back. "Lloyd, quit flirtin with Ryan's wife" Kayce laughs and yells from across the room. Ryan heard it and he makes his way towards us. I put my hands up in faux surrender. "Well...I did want to wait until we've lived together for a while, but now is better than ever. And everyone has made the joke today, almost ruining my surprise." Colby comes up to him and hands him a red velvet box. No, I mean yes, but. There's no way.
"(Y/n) (M/n) Dutton, I remember the first day I saw you. You were wearing this exact dress and socks, this beautiful gothic cowgirl. I'd never seen anything like it. Your hair was black with bright red underneath. You caught me starin and you smiled. It's like I was floating among the stars. Lloyd told me it was rude to stare and told me who you are, my only response is that I was gonna marry you someday. He said "yeah maybe when spider fly" then I told him that's terrifying. Anyways, I love you and have since I first saw you. Will you do me the honor and make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I can't see Ryan anymore since my eyes are blurry with tears, I nod frantically. "Fuck yes, now get up here and kiss me". Looking me in my eyes, makeup running, he slips the ring on my finger, "Yes ma'am." Cheers resound through the small cabin. I see everyone try to slyly wipe their own tears away. The kiss is searing and full of everyone emotion left unexpressed. After we pull away I notice everyone has their phone out. Teeter is the first to hug me and congratulate me, only because I had asked her to bring me another beer seconds before Ryan proposed. She goes back to the kitchen sitting on the counter, where Ryan was, next to her man Colby.
Everyone forms a line in front of the pair of us. My family in front of me and the hands in front of Ryan and they criss cross between us to congratulate the both of us. Cheers, tears, appraisal, and happiness runs rampant through the house. Jamie walks through the door looking around nervously. "It's fine Jamie, you're not going to be exiled for wanting to congratulate the happy newly engaged couple" Beth yells from counter, she was chatting with Teeter about something I couldn't hear. "What? Who got engaged? I came looking for dad" Well that stings. The hell does he mean who? Who else would it be? Its the beer. And the emotions. That's why it happens. "WHAT THE FUCK AM I TO YOU JAMIE? FUCKING ROADKILL?" I shout. Anger bubbling quickly, and it's released just as quickly. Its just the beer and emotions in the air I keep telling myself. Totally not the resentment I bare towards him. Ryan grabs my arm but I rip it out. "No. Get the fuck in here and tell me congratulations and a hug like a brother would or I'll tell Beth what you did.. and dad."
He looks sick to his stomach and looks between the two aforementioned family members. He rushed to my side and hugs me. "I am happy for you little sister. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart." The smile on his face is forced. Little bitch. He goes to dad but dad blows him off to hug me tight. "Tell me later sweetheart.". He then pulls Ryan into a gruff hug that makes him grunt from how tight dad is squeezing him. I think it's an actual display of strength and not a (soon-to-be) familial embrace. Jamie and dad go out to the back yard to talk. Kayce pulls me to the couch to sit, I'd been standing since we got home. We were all tired though all I did was shop today but it was a lot of walking. Tate sits in my lap and tells me he's happy for me and asks if he can be the ring bearer. "Of course you can buddy boy, anything for the best nephew I've ever had. On one condition though." Kayce gives me that look, he got my joke but it breezes over Tate's head. Monica mirrors Tate and sits in Kayce's lap. "He's your only nephew, (Y/n/n)" she chuckles. I smile wide at her and pull my sock and boot off. Showing my new tattoo, a memorial for John, a memorial for the nephew I lost. Monica and Kayce hug me tight, squishing Tate in the process. Monica whispers she loves me in my ear. "Wait what's the one condition?" Tate pipes up. "Oh yes, right. You have to ride my horse Ida B. Hay Bales down the isle." Kayce laughs loud, shouting a "what the hell? That's what you named your new horse?" "Yes! Take your problem elsewhere Mr. Dutton. I'm a modern day feminist." "Okay, okay, turn down the heat sis. I just ain't heard no horse name like that before." I huff and roll my eyes, pushing his arm. Hopin the push I put no strength behind will make him fall over. He scoffs and does the same. I do it again but harder. Then Tate pushes him too. "yes buddy boy, it's two against one I think we can win! Help me defeat your daddy". He lets out a war cry then pushes against his dad's arm, I put my hand below his and push. My brother copied his son and shoves me. Oh it's on. But the backdoor slides open before the "fight" can devolve into a sibling fight. "Kayce quit hittin your sister." Dad's gravelly voice says, I stick my tongue out at Kayce showing off I've won. He chuckles and shakes his head. "Auntie (Y/n/n) can I have another juice please?" Tate asks, Kaycee shakes his head no while Tate looks at me. "Yeah baby go getchu one outta the fridge, there's also some peeps on the counter get you a couple and bring me one and a beer back please". He thanks me and shouts excitedly about the prospect of sugar. Monica gives me a dissaproving look but I just point the blame to Kayce. A wonderful evening.
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sparklemichele · 3 years
Cowboys Offering
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“Bethany Dutton! If you don’t shut your mouth!” You laughed as Beth reminisced a moment in the past you would rather forget. Beth laughed and took a healthy swig of her whiskey. You took a healthy swallow of your glass, set it down on the coffee table and relaxed a little more on the couch.
“I’ve missed you bitch.” Beth told you as she pats your knee. “I miss you too. I wish you were still with the firm. I would say everyone misses you, but that would be a lie only Bob misses you.”
“I know.” Beth smiled at you. “Do you remember the last Utah Pride Festival we went too?” Beth asked with a huge grin on her face.
“Oh my God the fun we had! Do you remember when-“
“Who do we have here?” John asked entering the room interrupting your sentence.
“Hey daddy.” Beth jumped up and gave her daddy a kiss on the cheek. “This is Y/N. You remember my friend from Utah, and she is here to help us with our issue.” Beth looked over at her brother Kayce who walked in with John and was looking at you.
“Okay, honey. You do what’s best. I will trust you bringing outsiders into the family business.” He whispered so you would not hear. John gave Beth a kiss on the cheek and walked over to introduce himself to you.
“Don’t even think about it. She is above your pay grade. Plus aren’t you still in love with your wife who left you for her physical therapist. How sad.” Beth let out an evil chuckle. Kayce looked at his sister with hurt and anger in his eyes.
“Watch how you speak to me Beth. I’m not Jamie.” He harshly whispered at her.
Kayce walked away from his sister and went to introduce himself to you. You were in conversation with his dad, and he had a chance to study you. You were stunning. Now he loved Monica, but a man can take so much. His wife told him she needed time and during that time she slept with someone, and she continued to sleep with him. Kayce had begged to keep his family together, but he had enough of groveling at her feet. He needed to only think of his son Tate and make sure he was in his life. His father finally stopped chatting and went to make himself a drink. They both had a long rough day. Kayce took off his hat to introduce himself to you. Before he even opened his mouth you knew he was Kayce. Beth always talked fondly of her brother. His caring, beautiful eyes gave him away. However, she did not state he was so handsome.
“You must be Kayce.” You extended your hand and you both shook hands.
“Yes, ma’am I am.”
“Oh, please don’t call me ma’am. I know it’s a respect thing, but just call me Y/N.”
Kayce smiled and your heart literally fluttered.
The four of you sat in the living room with drinks and had wonderful conversation. You were very interested on how the ranch ran and the men were delighted to tell you all about it. You were a city girl, and the ranch was beautiful. Throughout the conversation you and Kayce constantly made eye contact. Beth told you about his situation with his wife and to be honest you wanted him. If he needed an incentive to get over her you would be happy to oblige.
“Evening.” A voice ranged out interrupting the conversation. You looked back and saw Rip, Beth’s man. You finally met him earlier that day. He was mostly quiet and intimidating, however respectful to you. You saw why Beth was in love with him. They were perfect for each other. He was the only man on this earth that could handle your best friend. Best friend…….you thought about that knowing you and Beth hated each other when you first met many moons ago. You both were just alike and eventually became close despite both never ever having close female friends. You both knew that the bond you shared was special.
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“Hey Rip.” John greeted.
Rip nodded at you, Beth and Kayce. “Sir, can I have a word.”
“Can it wait until tomorrow, Rip. We have company.”
“No, sir it can’t.”
John sighed as he put his drink down and got up from his chair. “It never fuckin ends.” He muttered under his breath. You felt bad for Beth’s father as it seemed keeping the ranch was taking a year off his life every day. What you and Beth had to deal with tomorrow was the tip of the iceberg.
“I think I will turn in. We have a busy day tomorrow, Beth.” You stood up to head to the guest room.
Beth looked up at you truly drunk. “No, I’m good.”
“You better be glad I love you because I don’t let anyone call me that.” Beth stood up and immediately stumbled. Kayce was out his seat in seconds and help you keep her steady as you both slowly walked her to her room.
“Kayce, I’ve been seeing the way you been staring at her. You can’t handle a woman like Y/N.” she slurred at her brother.
“Beth, don’t start.” Kayce tried shutting her up. It did the opposite.
“She is too much woman for you to handle. You are use to tiny, skinny Monica. What you going to do with all Y/N’s ass and thighs. You will run like a scared little boy.” Your mouth fell open in shock at what Beth said. You were going to kill her when she sobers up tomorrow. Beth drunkenly rambled more about how Kayce could not handle you while you both took off her clothes. Kayce turned his back as you dressed her when she was finally naked and ready for her night clothes.
She’s good.” You told Kayce once Beth was in bed and under her covers.
“I’m sorry about that. I’m sure you are use to it.” Kayce said just before giving his sister a good night kiss on the forehead.
“I am.” You cut off the light in her room and you and Kayce found yourselves in the hallway staring at each other.
“What she said isn’t true.” Kayce stepped closer to you his eyes blazing into yours.
“What do you mean?” Beth said a lot and you had no idea what he was talking about.
A small sexy smile spread across Kayce’s face. “That I can’t handle you.” He finally replied.
You raised an eyebrow amused at this white cowboy being a man an approaching you as most white men lacked the balls to do so. You were intrigued with Kayce, but what he just said sent your desire for him up several levels.
“Really now.” You stepped closer to him, and your fingers stroke his goatee. Kayce closed his eyes for a moment just to let the moment sink in. It had been so long since he felt peace and contentment and you were standing in front of him offering him that. Kayce pressed his forehead against yours and opened his eyes.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered.
You lifted your forehead from his and ran your fingers through his hair.
“Kayce, what do you need?”
“You.” Kayce let his fingers run through your back length braids. Without another word his lips came crashing down on yours and you eagerly accepted him. In seconds he had you pushed up against the wall kissing you passionately.
“No fucking outside my bedroom!” You both heard Beth yell from her room. You both laughed.
“Shall we.’ Kayce motioned down the hall and without hesitation you headed in the direction. You were ready to see what this cowboy had to offer.
@kmhappybunny240 @laketaj24 @imgoldielikehawn @readsalot73 @virgosapphire79
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
Can I request a John Dutton x Reader Fic?
John and Reader have been dating for a year or longer now and they’ve been keeping it a secret from his kids, they sneak around like teenagers running through the house after hours sort of dynamic and sneaking through the ranch after hours. I’m thinking maybe they stayed up late and took two of the hours on a little “trip” and get caught by Rip and Beth and Kayce who come looking for the horses ?
Noisy Kids Can’t Ruin This
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When I first thought of agreeing to go on a date with John Dutton I certainly didn't imagine this. I didn't imagine that we would end up dating for close to two years. But the thing that really is throwing me off is the fact that we have been sneaking around for that long without his children knowing about us. Getting out of my truck I walked through the dirt gravel until I reached the white barn with the Yellowstone Y above the doorway. “John! Are you here?”
“In the back stall, darling.” He called out to me quietly but loud enough for me to be able to hear.
Entering the barn the lights were dim yet I could still see where he was. John was standing outside the last stall throwing a saddle over one of the two horses he had taken out of the wooden stables. “So why did you call me saying to meet here. I thought we were eating at home?”
“Oh we still are. Just a little differently than you thought.” He said, offering his hand to help me up onto my horse. I swung my left leg over the saddle and got as comfortable as I could on the horse. John climbed on his own horse looking at me before he ran out of the barn and I did my best to follow after him. “Follow me, Y/n.”
We rode past the fences and up through the mountains. The stars were above our heads since it was the middle of the night and everyone else was asleep. Normally we would spend the night with cooked dinner by the fireplace. Half the time we would sneak around so his kids didn't find out about us. John dismounted his horse holding his hat down on his head with his hand. He comes over helping me off my horse where I tilted my head seeing there was a small fire going, two chairs, and a tent pitched up. “John, what’s all this for?”
“Since we normally ate dinner at my house. I thought I should change the scenery for our date.” He explained to me slowly walking down to the fire with me at his side. He sat down removing his black hat from his head.
I sat down hugging my knees to my chest smiling at him. “Well I have absolutely no problem with this. It’s actually cute and reminds me of camping.”
“My family does call this the summer camp actually. I thought it was time you got to see it for the weekend.” He replied, turning his attention back to the burning fire in front of us.
John opened us each a beer and there was a comfortable silence that fell between us. It was rare that we got to spend time together given that his ranch was everything to him. Raising the bottle to my mouth I had almost drunk half the bottle before I felt John drape his arm over my shoulder. He turned his head slightly so we were looking the other in the eye. “I don’t think I could be happier anywhere else. You’re all I need Y/n.”
“I feel the same about you, John.” I smiled, leaning forward and kissing him slowly. He leans forward moving one hand to cradle my cheek deepening the kiss enjoying the other's company until we heard someone coming in our direction where we seperated from one another.
Three horses came to a halting stop and two flashlights were pointed at us. Blinking my eyes I could recognize Rip since I had seen him working late at night when I would sneak out of John’s house to go home. “There you are, sir.”
“Daddy, what the hell are you doing out here with a random girl. Are you trying to replace our mother?” The blonde female that I had to assume was Beth scolded.
Kayce dismounted his horse standing right beside it lowering his flashlight towards the ground. “Beth, don’t jump to the point of wanting to rip her head off.”
“What the hell are you all doing here?” John questions sitting his beer bottle down and I could hear the anger in her voice by the fact that they were here right now.
Rip nodded towards his boss. “I’m sorry for the interruption, sir. But I saw some missing horses when I went to close up the barn and then these two we’re getting worried when you didn’t answer your cell.”
Running a hand through my hair I sighed laying on my back on the blankets. I couldn’t believe that they were freaking out about us and even more so that we had now been found out. “I can’t believe this is happening…” Beth glared at me still sitting on her horse like she was about to hurt me.
“I am a grown man with what I thought were fully grown children. I can take care of myself so what made you think that you needed to start panicking about me?” John said back to them.
I glanced over to John out of the corner of my eye nervously rubbing the back of my neck. “I guess we should have expected this after we’ve been hiding this secret for so long.”
“You mean the secret that you have been sleeping with my father which is making me now want to kick your ass!” Beth dismounted her horse stomping up to my direction with her hands turned into fists.
I slowly got to my feet, not sure when she was going to start a fight with me. “Beth, look I am not sleeping with your father. Yes, we are dating. But I swear that is it, nothing else.”
“Now I’m the bitch about to attack you like a bear.” She growled at me.
Rip moved forward wrapping his arms around her and holding her back from attacking me. She grunted against him while Kayce shrugged his shoulders looking at me. “I’m sorry for my sister. She can be a little overprotective of anyone in our family.”
“Alright now that you see I am alive and not in danger can you all leave me alone until tomorrow evening. I have been planning this date for a few weeks now and I don’t want you ruining it please.” John got up to his feet standing in front of his children and led ranch hand.
Rip tipped his hat to him climbing back on his horse. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sir. You have a good night, you two.”
“Be safe you two.” Kayce nodded his head kicking his horse and he rode away with Rip into the dark and I knew both of them were waiting for Beth before they would leave us alone.
Beth still glared at me waving her finger in a warning tone climbing back up onto her horse going to meet the boys down the hill. “If she hurts you I will make her pay in ways she’s never thought of in her life. Mark my words!”
“I’m sorry about all the drama tonight. I had no clue they would come looking for me. I hope I didn’t make the date go down too badly.” John came back and sat down resting his hands on his knees giving me a half smile where I could tell he was nervous now.
Snuggling up against his side I wrapped my arms around him whispering in his ear just focusing my attention on the beautiful stars above our heads since nothing else mattered, just the two of us. “They didn’t ruin it, John. Nobody could ruin this as long as you’re here with me cause I am falling in love with you.”
“I’m relieved, Y/n. Because I am falling in love with you too.” He smiled longingly down at me, cradling my face in his hand kissing me. He used his other hand placing his cowboy hat on my head and that was how we spent our evening together.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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bellarkeselection · 5 months
Kacey Dutton x reader
Readers out with kayce she hears a familiar voice and knows it's her abusive ex so she starts to run but kayce follows her in the restroom she tells him kayce calms her down " stay with me "
Dutton's Are Better
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We got off of the truck walking inside the local bar. I found a spot near the bar that had two empty bar stools available. The bartender came over and we each got a beer. Kayce shifted the black cowboy hat on his head looking at me. “Sorry this isn't nothing fancy for date night.” 
“It doesn’t have to be. I've had a whole life of it.” Turning my head in the direction of the young Dutton. 
Kayce sent me a smile back. “Yeah.” 
Kayce and I had met the day after his sister came into a confrontation between her and my father Roarke Morris. The company he works for wants to build an apartment on the land that the reservation and the Dutton families own. I first believed it was a good idea to make some change but seeing it now it would be horrible to ruin this place. “So what is so different about this date night then any of our others.” 
“Why do you want to know?” He asked me sitting his beer bottle down in front of him. 
I take a drink from my bottle. “You told me this was going to be a little different than our others. I wanna know how?” 
At first we thought we'd always be enemies for as long as my father wanted to help destroy his way of life. He showed me the ranch one day when I was curious and wished to see it for myself. From that evening on some spark was born that we couldn't deny. Kayce reaches down into his pocket while getting down from his stool. “I was thinking we did this back at the ranch. But here works too I guess if you don't need some big spectacle.” 
“Kayce, I'm serious. You could propose to me with a lollipop ring for all I care and I'd be happy  - wait, are you actually proposing?” 
Sure enough before my eyes Kayce John Dutton lowered himself down on one knee. “Y/n, I love you. I didn't think I would give my heart to anyone else after my divorce and then you came around. I thought we were going to tear the other apart by how much we fought. But somehow we've made it past that. So will you marry me?” 
“Yes. I will-” 
“Y/n, is that you?” My entire body froze where I spun on my feet seeing a familiar guy walking up to me. 
I gulped nervously, bolting away from Kayce only uttering one name I wished I could forget. “Dylan…” Spinning in my boots throwing my hair around in the air leaving the young Dutton on a knee in front of me. 
“Y/n!” Kayce called my name getting up from the ground. 
Rushing my way through the hallway to the bathroom I pushed through the door. Shutting it behind myself I plastered my body up against the door. “He can’t be here now…he said he would never live out here.” 
“Y/n, hey are you okay?” I heard Kaycee’s voice on the other side. 
I croaked feeling a tightness in my chest beginning to form. “I’m fine, Kayce. I’ll be out in a minute.” 
“Did I do something wrong. I should have listened to Beth when she said proposing was too soon for us.” 
I snapped at him. “No that’s not it.” 
“Then what has you freaked out?” Kayce asked with concern in his tone. 
I slowly turned around on my feet staring at the door figuring he was standing on the other side of the wooden door. “I saw my ex Dylan say my name out there. I never thought I’d see that abusive asshole again in my life.” Threading my fingers into my hair I knotted it up, sniffing through tears I didn’t want him to hear me sobbing. 
“Y/n, listen to me. Please let me in. I can hear you crying darling.” Kayce spoke to me and before I knew it he pushed the door open and stepped inside. He stands in front of me gently closing the door behind him so we had privacy and locked it too. “Y/n?…”
I parted my mouth open slightly, mumbling out his name until I broke down sobbing. “Kayce…” 
“Woah hey hey. Come here, darling.” He paused, opening his arms out for me. I raced into his embrace clutching the fabric of his brown jacket in my finger tips. 
I cried into his chest for the next few minutes until I lifted my head up and he wiped the fallen tears on my cheeks. “What if he’s here to try and win me back?” 
“That won’t be happening, baby. I love you and I’m hoping that you feel the same and I can slip a ring on ya. That sends a clearer message than anything…but only if you want to.” 
I squeezed his hands in mine realizing I never told him my answer. “Yes, yes I'll marry you Kayce.” 
He smiled reaching inside his jacket drawing out a ring. The ring was simple with one jewel in the middle that I got to look at when he slid it on my finger. “Don't worry about Dylan if he tries to come over and touch you I'll set him straight.” Kayce holds out his freehand and grabbed the door to open it with his other hand. 
“Thank you, Kayce.” I placed my hand in his and we walked back to our seats. The evening went fine till we tried to leave so Kayce did end up knocking my ex on the ground with a punch. Thankfully no charges were put on him since we later found out from the sheriff that my ex Dylan was plastered drunk. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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switchbladedreamz · 2 years
A Dutton In Love
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Requested? Nope
Summary: Rip has been meaner than usual lately. Rip Wheeler x fem!reader fluff
Warnings: mentioned female masturbation, cursing, that's it.
"C'mon Beast" I say as I lead my horse out of the stable. His black coat shining in the Montana sun, a cool breeze ever present. Standing in the left stirrup I mount my horse. "Where you headed today little lady?" Lloyd asks, resting against the gate. "Lloyd I ain't no lady, and I'm taking Beast to a trip into town, he could use the long walk.". I pat the left side of his neck, Lloyd looks up at me. "Alrighty. Well Rip wanted me to let you know that you'll be accompanying him and Kayce to the cattle auction tonight.". "Well Lloyd, congrats on the new job. I didnt know you were a messenger now. Please be so kind and tell them I'll be back before we leave.". He chuckles and walks away, shaking his head.
Its dusk as we arrive back at the Yellowstone. Beast is back in the stable, happily munching carrots that Tate is feeding him. "How was your trip to town Aunt (Y/n)?" Tate asks, giggling as Beast nibbles his palm. "Well lil buck, I gotcha somethin.". I pull out a pair of brand new leather gloves, embroidered with his initials. "Since I know you lost yours in the crik last week. Look, T.D. Now dont go losin em now, those cost me a pretty penny." He hugs me tight. "Thank you, I promise I won't lose them. I love you.". I'm takin aback but chuckle. "I love you too little buck". He runs off shouting for his dad, who turns the corner and they collide. "Woah hey, where's the fire son?" He proudly shoves the yellow gloves in his dad's face. "Look what Aunt (Y/n) got me! And they're emboideld!" "I think you mean embroidered son. Those are awesome." Kayce looks at me, a big smile one his face. Happy that at least one sibling of his loves his soon they should. "Thank you (n/n)" he mouths I tip my cowboy hat to him. "I'ma go shower 'fore we leave Kace." He just nods and leads Tate to the lodge.
The cold water hits my back, almost done finishing my shower. Being a hand on a ranch makes you sweat and heat up no matter how cold Montana can get. "(Y/n) you in here?". I hear a voice call out. Poking my head out, I see Rip standing in front of the sinks. "You almost done?" He huffs out, visibly annoyed. I ignore him and turn the water off. I open the curtain, letting him see me naked. The water droplets rolling down my body. Rip just clicks his tongue then leaves as I'm wrapping my towel around me.
Kayce is driving, Rip is in the passenger seat, and I'm in the back. Whispering to the songs on the radio. "Can you shut the fuck up?" Rip snaps at me unexpectedly. "Excuse me? No offense Mr. Wheeler, but if you're so god damn annoyed by me, why did YOU hire me? You need to pull that wild hair out your ass and talk to me like a god damn adult and not just be a dick to me. Cause I sure as hell dont know what I've done to piss you off." He just scoffs and looks out the window the rest of the trip. Kayce shoots me a bewildered look through the rearview mirror, I shrug in return. The air and the people in the truck are tense the rest of the way. And even after we get back to the ranch.
A few days have passed, Lloyd keeps trying to get me to talk to Rip. Apparently since my "blow up", he's been choppin at his bit and gettin on everyone's ass for little things. "And I mean shit, he looked damn near ready to punch Jimmy after he dropped the bottle of wound dust.". Ryan just looks at me. "What did you say?". Teeter repeats it all back to him slowly and sarcastically. "Nobody hear can understand yall. You're southerners, we're not." Ryan replies emphatically. "She's saying that I've been a dick to everyone and I'm sorry" Rip says from the doorway, startling us who had out backs to him. "Can I speak to (Y/n) alone?" People started to get out of their chairs, grumbling. Instead I stood up and headed out the front door of the bunkhouse. Rip catches up with me quickly, damn his long legs. "C'mon. We're going to my room to speak.".
"Sit. Explain." I tell him and point to the bed. I start undressing and changing into sleep clothes. "First of all, I'm sorry." He trails off, but I dont want him to have time to think of an excuse. "Sorry about?". I egg on. "I'm sorry for being a massive jerk. I saw something I shouldn't have and its been bothering me.". I sit next to him, big baggy shirt and short shorts. "Saw somethin you shouldn't've? Rip, you're one guy I know that's seen everythin. To say you've seen somethin you shouldn't've scares me I'm gonna be honest.". He just chuckles, he takes his cowboy hat and jacket off, setting them on an adjacent rocking chair. He sits facing me. "Look. What I'm about to tell you is serious, and I hope you don't look at me differently. It was an accident, I promise." "Just spit it out Rip, you're legit scarin me right now.". I laugh nervously. "2 weeks ago I was coming up the stairs, it was late but John needed to talk to Kayce and I. Well...as I'm passing your room, I decided to check up on you. See if you were doin alright. And well what I saw was...you...naked, with a vibrator and well...you- you uh..were saying my name. A lot-" "okay! I get it." I interrupted. A couple beats of silence passed. I finally mustered up the courage to ask him what I've been wanting to since I watched him leave my doorway two weeks ago. "I know. I saw you leave. I was hoping you didnt see anything. Kinda...ruined my orgasm" I huffed out awkwardly but he just laughed. "Did you like what you saw?" I asked, hiding my stupidly red face. I felt his hand grasp my chin lightly. "Look at me darlin'. You are the most beautiful creature on this god forsaken earth I have ever seen. Clothes on or not." His smile spread ear to ear. It was beautiful. Watching this man who's life hasn't spared mercy to was like watching the sunset from the biggest mountain on the ranch. Breathtaking. We leaned in for a kiss but someone clearing their throat stopped us. "Uuuugh, WHAT?-- Oh. Hi dad." I get up to go talk to him. "Hey baby girl, how'd the auction go today?" "It was good, uhm. We're talking about something important, can what you have to talk about wait till tomorrow?" I ask, hoping he'd say yes it could wait and take my time and run away into the sunset with the man I've loved since I first set eyes on him. "I've gotta talk to Rip, honey. But I'll return him as soon as we're done." Dad smiles at me but eyes say that he's sorry. "Okay, that's alright.". Rip kisses my head as he walks past me. "I'll be back for my things darlin, don't you worry.".
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Kayce Dutton x female reader
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He's not married or has a child yet. Kayce is dating the reader and shows her his family's ranch.
"Kayce, where are we going?" I asked looking out the front of the trucks windshield as we drive on a dirt road. He looks over at me driving under a sign with gold lettering that reads 'Yellowstone Dutton Ranch.' I gasped reading the words. He's told me of his family but we haven't been dating long enough for him to introduce me to his family. Meaning father, sister and two brothers along with the cowboys of the Bunkhouse.
Once the truck is parked he got out rounding my side to open my door, hand open for me with a nervous smile. "Y/n, welcome to my family's ranch." My eyes scanned over miles and miles of open green fields. I'd lived in a small neighborhood in the courtside but this is the true countryside. "It's beautiful Kayce." A huge smile on my face before the front door of the house opened.
An older looking man exited wearing a black cowboy hat smiling at the two of us. "So this is the girl you've been talking about for past two weeks?" Kayce nods as I blushed holding my hand put to introduce myself. "Hello, uh - Mr. Dutton. I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n." He smiled shaking my hand softly. "Call me John Y/n. He'll be good to you."
A few hours later I was introduced to the others and we all got along well. The sun is starting to set over the valleys as I sit on the porch swing before I hear the galloping of a horse's hooves. Turning my head I gasped seeing Kayce striding up riding the horse. "Care for a ride into the sunset, little lady?" He tipped his dusty black hat up to me, a cheeky grin on his face.
Descending the stairs I giggle at my boyfriend as he swung his legs over the side to dismount the horse. "I've never rode a horse before, cowboy." He gently takes my hand in his pointing with his other to the shadels foot hole. "Put your left foot in there and swing your right over the horses back." I do as he says but I clutch the reigns when the horse moves winning.
"It's okay. You're okay. He likes you is all." Kayce chuckles as I lightly blush releasing my grip when he climbs on behind me. His hands rest over mine clicking his tongue for the horse to gently trot off through the wooden fence.
Kayce stops the horse in the middle of an open field as my eyes take in the sight of a sunset orange glow casting over the land. "Y/n. I want you to know two things..." Kayce trails off laying back on the horse, resting my head on his chest with a smile. "One, I love you. And two is, that this place can be a home for you."
Turning in his comfortable arms I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you too. But listen to me, my cowboy." I smile leaning up and gently kissing him. "My home is wherever you are, Kayce Dutton."
He leans down capturing my lips with his, one hand on my waist and the other removed his hat placing it ontop of my head. "That's right, my darlin' cowgirl." A genuine smile on his lips as we simply watch the rest of the sunset go behind the hills.
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