#kayne is slaughter just 100%
magpod-confessions · 4 months
most non-tma characters that people claim are "spiral-coded" are actually not. at all.
kayne from malevolent? that's a slaughter avatar right there. covered in blood, erratic and unpredictable, when you're in a room with this motherfucker you're not afraid of being lied to, you're afraid of him exploding your head because he got bored. slaughter to the very core.
elijah volkov from camp here & there? web. absolutely web. that's a spider in the woods and you're caught in his web. the themes of manipulation and loss of autonomy are essential to his story. he even kind of reads as a victim of the spiral that turned to the web to fight it, like mike crew with the vast.
i just feel like people are wayy too quick to call any "weird" or "chaotic" character spiral-coded, especially in podcast fandoms.
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the full ramble on wether fiction podcast antagonists would get along together or not (i got bored) (characters included: jonah magnus, kayne malevolent, elijah volkov, ty betteridge)
jonah and kayne: kind of? kayne would definitely have fun, jonah not so much. in jonah's mind, this is a slaughter avatar, a powerful one at that, so he probably sees kayne as the threat he is. in kayne's mind, this is a cute little wannabe eldritch monster and he WILL play around with it.
jonah and elijah: i wrote a whole fic about this. it would get so psychosexual. the religious undertones would become overtones. also jonah probably interprets elijah as a web avatar, and as he said, he just let's the spiders do their thing. they would both get Something out of interacting, but nothing good. they could make each other worse
jonah and ty: absolutely. 100%. two evil british guys in suits that dabble in powers no human should possess. but at the same time, i feel like they'd get real passive-aggressive with each other. it's a 4d chess type of interaction i think
kayne and elijah: yeah actually. they're both a bit wild, a lot less human than jonah or ty. they could chase each other around a bit. they could bark at each other a bit. as a treat. the difference is that kayne is more than a human and elijah is less than a human.
elijah and ty: one way or another, elijah's ending up in a cage of some sort in this scenario. ty would study him. i mean, he is an anomaly, it just makes sense. i'm sure he could find some use for the whole....thing. eli's got going on. he's getting the unethical experiment treatment for sure
kayne and ty: this is all i have to say.
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kasumi-mitsukari · 5 years
Lost and found
a fanfiction for @baviktor :3 So yea you wanted a ff you will get one if you want or not >:3 Sorry if my english is bullshit somewere I tried my best- xDD
„I HATE YOU!“ The door slammed shut when Viktor stomped out of Jayces Room and it was followed by a all consuming silence. It was now a year that they were a couple now and everything was perfectly fine, at least most of the times. Sure they argued here and there sometimes but that was normal right? They fight and after that they would cuddle for hours in front of Jayces TV or they would do....other stuff. But every time the fight would end in one way or another and they would never part ways in an argue. But not this time.
Jayce groaned and let himself fall into his, way too big for one person, bed. This time he really fucked up. Good job. He didn't just forgot their anniversary. That would be something that Viktor would never be so pissed about. Sure he would mock him for all eternity how forgetful he was and he would say ,It's because your ego is way to big. You oversee a lot with that thing' as always but the reason why he slapped him a few moments ago with tears in his eyes was because he saw how he flirted with Lux in his doorway when she came across. He was so fucking stupid. He had done it to annoy Ezreal a bit. How could he know that in exactly that moment his boyfriend would come around the next corner because he wanted to borrow a book for his next Battle lesson from him? After that the book was forgotten of course. Jayce had tried to explain but it seemed that Viktor was already to listen and that Jayce stepped the first time too far. “I'm sorry”
He sighed and closed his eyes. Sometimes, late at night when he couldn't sleep, and Viktor was by his side he thought about them. How it came to the point that this stubborn, annoying, always arguing, shy, cute,  intelligent and wonderful person in his arms ended up with the biggest jerk in school. How he deserved him. And how he could tolerate all his bullshit even when he always had a hard time to deal with other people. Maybe, he thought, when his mind drifted to one of these nights, were a sleeping Viktor would lie beside him, peaceful and so beautiful in the moonshine, he could do all this because he was the most perfect being in the universe. At least for Jayces miserable life. And maybe he would lose him after that forever. This thought was extremely painful. “You know what you had when you lost it”, Viktor sometimes said whenever Jayce lost something again. A tool or a book but never in his life he realized how true these words were than now were he had lost him.
The days after that incident were pure hell for Jayce. Viktor didn't appear in any class they had together and no one had seen him either. “He will come back. Give him time.” Darius patted him on his shoulder, maybe a little too hard.
“Sure he was hurt but he is a smart guy. He will realize soon how worthless you are without him and that you need him and that you of all people know that and would never risk that. Trust me he will come back to you” Jayce snorted and buried his face in his hands. “Thanks for you encouraging words Darius but.....please stop-”, he mumbled. “You are not helping.” “Maybe you should talk with one of the teachers”, Darius offered and looked over the heads of the students in the cafeteria. “There is your house professor. Ask him if he knows something about Vik” Darius was a jerk, just as Jayce himself, but not as intelligent and maybe a bit too straight forward sometimes. But this time his idea was actually useful. So Jayce stood and made his way threw the groups of students to the desk were all the teachers sat and talked. “Uhm....Professor Swain?” His teacher looked up at him. “Yes?” “Could we talk for a moment?” And his gaze traveled to the other teachers for a split second.
“Alone?” Professor Swain frowned and eyed him intensely. Then he nodded, said goodbye to Professor LeBlanc and Graves and asked him to follow him. They ended up in his office and Jayce searched for words while his Professor sat down behind his large desk, full with paperwork and notes. “You are here because of Viktor, am I right?” Jayce closed his mouth and stared into Swains stabbing red eyes. It was as if he would analyze him and could read his mind and he hated that. But he nodded and sat down in one of the chairs in front of the Professors desk. “He did not appear in class for a while now and....I am worried. No one saw or heard from him.” “That's because”, Swain began and leaned into his chair. Hands crossed before him on the table. “He is not in school anymore.” Jayces heart sank into his stomach and suddenly he felt very ill and nauseous. “What?” Swain closed his eyes. “He left a few days ago. Said his parents needed his help. We both know that this was a lie. He ran away from something. I could not stop him no matter what I said and he was on the edge of tears the most time of our conversation.” His eyes found Jayces blue ones again.
“Whatever it was. You were the reason, right?” Jayce gulped. But nodded. It was useless to lie now. “I see.” The Professor stood and turned to the large window behind him, arms crossed behind his back. “I fought many wars. Most of them were avoidable and even more were pointless. It was in the war 20 years ago when I realized how dumb we humans are. We fought against each other because a few of us were stronger than others with the magic they were born with. Humans against humans because of selfish reasons”
He huffed and Jayce saw how his human hand brushed over the surface of the demon one. He lost his arm in this war and survived with only his willpower to end it. “I know that you and Mister Viktor were close” Jayce head snapped back up and his eyes found Swains, who looked over his shoulder. “I don't know how close. But I know that you are the only one who can find and safe him. Were ever he is right now. I will tell your teachers that you will not come to the lessons for a few days. I trust in you that you will find your friend and that you will bring him back to us.” And with that the conversation was over.
Silent and a little bit shocked about the fact that Viktor ran away he leaved, just to run into a wall of flesh.
“Hey Jayce. And how was it?” Jayce groaned and rubbed his nose. How could he be so lost in his thoughts that he had overseen Darius of all people? “Viktor ran away and Professor Swain gave me the order to find him and bring him back” Darius whistled impressed.
“Than my dear friend I wish you luck” And with these words he disappeared in Swains office.
Love is war.
Jayce realized that when he found himself in front of a giant building, broken and crumbling from the time it was not used and dark and unfriendly. It was the old school building from the Battle Academia, on the other end of the town, and it was abandoned after the last war had destroyed a lot of the main building. They decided it would be better to build a new one inside the city instead of miles outside of it to underline the new peace between mages and normal people. Jayce followed his track till here and it was as if he could hear the bombs that destroyed the building all these years ago. He clutched his hammer harder and gulped when he entered. Viktor was here somewhere. He knows it! “He will not come little nerd!” He stopped immediately when he heard the voice echo through the old and crumbled floors of the school. “He will not come because he never loved you. You know that you saw him right?” A horrible crunching sound was heard and a whine. And that was when everything in Jayces head turned off and before he could think anything else he rushed into the room were the sounds came from. He had recognized this whine and his fears became true when he bursted into the room with splintering wood and clashing metal when his hammer broke through the door.
There he was.
Viktor was bound and gagged.
Suspended with his arms on a metal bar like a pig ready to be slaughtered.
Crying and bleeding with broken glasses and injuries everywhere. They had torn apart his shirt and uniform and his upper body was full with bruises were he was hit with an hard object over and over again.
Jayce saw red when his gaze traveled to the other person in the room.
“Oh who we have here~” Kayns voice was smug and Jayce could feel how his muscles twitched with the urge to kill this guy. Everyone in school knows how much Kayn hated Viktor because he was the one who let his idol Zed get expelled from school after he bullied Viktor for over a year. He should have known that this bastard was behind all this. In his hand was a baseball bat and it was full with blood. Dry and fresh and it was 100% Viktors blood.
“Here to safe your little friend, Jayce?” Kayns voice ripped him out of his thoughts. “I knew you would come to save your little plaything Jayce. I know you. You are an asshole and you would never allow someone to steal from you~” “Shut up!” Jayces voice trembled.
“What else? Will you punch me with that...thing?” He pointed at the hammer in Jayce trembling hands. “Cute~ But let's come to the reason I wanted you to come here” He moved towards Viktor and brushed over his cheeks. Viktor tried to pull away with no success.
“This little bitch here was the reason I lost my dear master”, Kayn said and his grip tightens around Viktors neck. “He was the reason why my life became worthless. I lost everything and now” He pulled his hand away and Viktor started coughing when oxygen filled his lungs again.
“I will do him the same favor!”
Kayn grinned and his eyes met Jayces. “I will kill you right here and now. And he will look. He will see everything while Zed will slaughter you and then we will send him and his broken psyche back to school. Oh how hilarious it will be to watch when the greatest student of them all will go mad and kill everyone~” Jayce realized to late the words Kayn had said. And too late that they were not alone.
Pain rushed through his body when two blades pierced through his body from behind. His eyes widened when he looked down and saw the bloody metal coming right out of his belly.
“JAAAAAAAAAAAAAYCE!” His eyes shot up again and met with Viktors beautiful yellow ones. He stared at him, shocked and with fear and pain in his eyes. “V...Viktor....I....” The blades circled inside of him and when he coughed he tasted blood.
“I'm....so sorry....I....” “JAYCE PLEASE!” “I....never wanted....to hurt you....you....” “SHUT UP YOU IDIOT! FIGHT!” “I can't lose you.....Viktor I....I love you....” Viktor cried out his pain and tried to free himself. Zed laughed when his blades glided out of Jayces body and he fell to the ground. Numb and trembling.
“What a pretty face”, Zed said when he circled Jayce and knelt before him. “It would be a shame to destroy it. Good thing that I never feel shame~” The pain was everywhere when Zed used his Blades to cut open his face. But he could not scream.
“JAAAAAAAAAAAAYCE!” He heard Viktors screams and sobs but his mind was already fading. That was until
“Zed lets make his face pretty too shall we?” “Nice idea. This nerd will show the world who he belongs to” Instantly he was completely awake again. His body moved on its own and it was in a matter of seconds that he had his hammer in hand and jumped at the two kidnappers before him. They did not even have the time to react before Jayces hammer hit both of them and send them flying.
“Jayce!?” Viktor stared at him. How he could still move was a miracle and he was just half conscious. But it was enough to safe his beloved. “Youuuuu”
Zed and Kayn stared at him. Nothing but blood lust in their eyes .
“We will...” “You will do nothing!” Red light filled the room and both of them cried out when claws appeared from the ground and grabbed them.
Immediately Jayces eyes shot to the door and their was professor Swain, demon hand in the air and with glowing red eyes.
“I apologize that I was not here faster.”, he said and saw to the two injured boys. “When I send you away Jayce I let a few of my crows follow you. And when they said what is happening here I run as fast as I could. Still....A few moments later and I would have been too late” Jayce huffed and sunk to the ground. His whole body screaming and in pain. It was over.
The Professor brought Zed and Kayn out of the room before he came to them. When he freed Viktor he immediately sunk next to Jayce and hugged him so hard that he needed to be remembered from the Professor that Jayce was badly injured.
“You idiot. You could have died!”, Viktor sniffed.
Jayce lay on the ground, Viktor sat beside him and Swain was healing his wounds.
Jayce smiled and his hand found Viktors.
“I would die a thousand times for you.” “Idiot!” Viktor sniffed again and his cheeks grew red. “I hope this will never be necessary” Both of them looked up to Swain who bandaged Jayce now. “It was very reckless to run into them just like that Mister Jayce. Next time, come to me okay?”
Jayce laughed and nodded. “As long as I never need to ever let go of Viktor again its fine by me~” “J...JAYCE!” Viktor punched him against the shoulder. Not hard enough to hurt though but with a face red like a tomato.
Swain and Jayce laughed. “I love you nerd”, Jayce said smiling.
“And I love you”, Viktor mumbled, looking away.
You know what you had when you lose it. And you will appreciate it even more when it comes back again. That's what Jayce learned this day. And even though he almost lost his life that day, it was the happiest day of his life when he was able to hug Viktor again and tell him everything he always wanted to say.
                                                                                                                   -the end
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wraithwolf · 7 years
so let’s talk about Shieda fucking Kayn——
first off, I actually want to give props to Riot because as much as I change shit around I'm genuinely glad we're continuing to receive lore that intertwines with other pieces rather than having a bunch of standalones that generally fail (and subsequently receive harsher criticism) solely because they have nothing to lean on. as expected some (most) people are unhappy with it but if nothing else I'm glad Kayn has lore beyond his little intro paragraph because y'all know they very well could've just gave us that and left it. (I'm not here to complain about the comm tho that's a separate post) basically, I'm Pleased and there's a lot to think about.
Initially, the decision to make Kayn a Noxian threw me for a Big Ass Loop™ because I was convinced the Order was exclusively for Ionians (more specifically, Ionians proved worthy by Zed) and while Kayn was still chosen by Zed there’s an underlying irony in this choice. We’re deep into the Ionian/Noxian war by the time Kayn is forced into it, and while Zed isn’t exactly the most Merciful or #Relatable person, imagine the intrigue a person such as himself had in seeing a poor, Noxian child with the drive and the anger of that of a seasoned warrior not only still holding on (considering Zed and co. didn’t arrive to the scene for two days after Kayn was dispatched) throughout all of the carnage that surely followed, but finding the strength to take up his weapon once again. For what it’s worth, Kayn was determined to fight for his life or literally die trying no matter who challenged him. We know Kayn didn’t know who was standing over him, but he was willing to fight anyway. I imagine Zed to have found it admirable, but at the same time beneficial: being able to change this boy and harness his rage, then unleash it against the same people that otherwise would’ve let him die at the Epool. The same people that sought to slay his own. I’m 50/50 about this because I speculated Zed had a reason for taking Kayn under his wing, but I didn’t expect the Noxian angle at all.
The thing is, there’s a lot more irony to this beyond Zed taking in a Noxian to use against other Noxians, as we can obviously see. Kayn resembles Zed in many ways— a familiar, stubborn arrogance alongside the same hungry determination that inevitably consumes him to be more than what he is, going as far as to seek an advantage through outside means - just like Zed in seeking out the Box to surpass Shen, Kayn seeks out Rhaast; only it’s safe to say Kayn is far more ambitious in his reasons for doing so, as in Kayn wants control of the fucking Order itself where Zed... wasn’t so bold, at the time.
It’s interesting to think about how an endgame for Kayn (and also Zed, since at least in Zed’s case we have to consider his current (????) involvement with Shen in an attempt to stop Jhin all over again and then add Kayn to the mix) would play out as it is almost entirely dependent on Zed and Kayn’s will alone. Should Kayn succumb to Rhaast, (which now seems a little more plausible with Kayn’s cockiness running amok through everything he does) I imagine the dynamic would change entirely as it goes beyond controlling Kayn as best as Zed can (I use control loosely because while I imagine Zed to run the Order as he sees fit, to make it a total dictatorship still seems like a little bit of a stretch to me if only because we don’t know how Zed reacted to Kayn returning with the Darkin scythe in hand and word that he Literally Killed Nakuri in order to bring it back) to having to deal with him without risking the rest of the Order and all of Ionia itself. They’ve already got Jhin running around, for gods sake, they don’t need a fucking Darkin along with him.
Ultimately, a lot like with champs such as Zed and Jhin, a real endgame is left up to the writer of said character and the overall interpretation itself. The way I see it, Zed isn’t going to be pleased with Kayn’s decisions to not only kill another member of the Order but also to voluntarily give part of himself to Rhaast in order to ‘control’ him; but again we return to Zed’s somewhat Ulterior Motive as to why he brought Kayn in in the first place. It’s not hard to tell that Kayn is confident, though overbearingly so--and from the looks of it, Zed isn’t The Happiest about Kayn’s behavior nor his choices but there are fragments of Kayn that Zed can recall in himself that might just allow certain things... to an extent. I’m in no way saying Zed just “o ok u just killed one of my students and defied my orders and also want The Order from me, Cool” because I’m laughing imagining the lecture/punishment Kayn actually receives after he returns with Rhaast and Kayn just scowling and grumbling the entire time but! I can see him allowing few aspects of Kayn solely because if he can convince Kayn that his strength comes from him, not Rhaast, Kayn can overcome Rhaast, and Zed can continue to shape him.
Also, let me add right now that while I don’t think Zed would risk much for him, (I’ve never supported 100% Evil Zed but I’m not a “Zed Did Nothing Wrong” stan either) I also don’t agree with the idea that Zed wants Kayn to lose himself to Rhaast, that Zed would send Kayn to deal with Jhin, or that Zed would even involve him in it. The risk, in all of these scenarios is vastly higher than the reward. Again, a Literal Darkin running around slaughtering everyone would mean further disaster for Ionia, and inevitably word would get around who brought Kayn (and Rhaast by relation) into the nation, and while Zed isn’t exactly a secret to all, I doubt he’d want to bring himself and his actions front and center. Kayn is still extremely young (eighteen-nineteen??) and while he’s in no way weak or stupid (s/o to Mint for mentioning this entire point to me i love u big hug) Jhin has years of experience on him. It wouldn’t be difficult for Jhin to take advantage of Kayn and either kill him on the spot or put him through worse knowing it was a stronger way to get to Zed especially if we can assume Kayn would completely underestimate him. For what it’s worth... my interpretation, specifically, has yet to know of Jhin at all. Whether or not he later on learns and what happens thereafter is to be decided. (*aggressively chinhands*)
Furthermore, in regards to the “wow he is so cliche” “wow he is so edgy” arguments that plague his Entire Fucking Existence and tag right now... yes. It was obvious he was going to be a little edgy and a little bit of a cliche. That doesn’t (and it shouldn’t) take away from the potential he has to further flesh out the lore as a whole. You gotta realize now more than ever that Kayn is young, one of the youngest champions (?) to have a fairly deep involvement with some larger scale issues going on within the overall story. I can name a few other champs that follow a similar path and are edgy in their own respects, but I’m not going to. The lore has disproved many things, one of them being that Kayn isn’t Just Edgy for the sake of being edgy. It’s very likely that as he grows and matures, a lot of his current mannerisms will fade/vanish entirely depending on what happens to him in the future. In a nutshell, being edgy doesn’t make him a joke, and he’s clearly not an unconditional, rampant Zed fanboi uguu kouhai xDdD like a lot of people were using at the forefront of their argument as to why they dislike him. 💁
TO CONCLUDE ... I like Kayn, I like his lore, and I’m really liking the possibilities for building him and taking him in a direction entirely my own. (and that’s just for main verse, let alone the possible skin aus, modern verse, what have you) Of course, it wouldn’t be a Blog by Hina™ without some divergence, but I’ll be figuring that out as I go. I already have some specific ideas pertaining to my interpretation exclusively, but they need to be tested/written down before I can really apply them. I am Happy, and I’m looking forward to keeping this going.
some additional stuff I noted/had confirmed to cover later but still want to mention:
nakuri calls kayn brother! the order is (at least somewhat) familial! miss me with that ‘nobody cares abt each other in the order’ shit
is it safe to say kayn’s abilities covered in the lore/in game (the wall walking and the ability to literally enter bodies for a short time especially) are things zed is also capable of? he couldn’t have learned them from anyone but zed, right?
A Big Old Confirmation that when kayn enters another body, he can see (and subsequently feel) just as the person would be for that moment. i’d like to think that eventually, kayn can fine tune this ability and utilize it for longer durations, however i imagine there will always be a risk from it and the victim will most likely always suffer afterwards. more on that Eventually™
another Big Confirm that rhaast’s control leaves both physical and mental effects on the body (however it happens a lot faster than i originally anticipated) and the longer the usage, the more this shows in the form of carapace. i’ll also be covering this at Some Point but even in kayn’s shadow assassin form, we see that the carapace is Gone (?) but in its place are dark dark marks, implying that even once rhaast is purged, remnants of him are still there most likely because of how long he was allowed to manifest. i’m still debating if this actually would hinder kayn’s eyesight / usage of his arm for a while should he overcome rhaast.
rhaast can be heard by more than just his wielder, which is something i wasn’t thinking was possible. however, this could be a conditional thing to where either rhaast can choose who hears him or the only ones that do hear him are those susceptible to his control. either? or? the world is yet to know.
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