kazscrows · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread 🪶
Chapter 40: Nina
Poor Nina is practically naked right now-
…Matthias was dragging a limp, unconscious Kaz out of the shallows.
“Saints, is he breathing?” asked Nina.
Matthias flipped him onto his back none too gently and started pressing down on his chest with more force than was strictly necessary.
“I. Should. Let. You. Die,” Matthias muttered in time with his compressions.
I really want to see this on screen
Oh I forgot Nina actually gives him mouth to mouth-
Wow poor Kaz though this would really be horrible
He shoved her off of him, sucking in air.
“Get away from me,” he gasped, wiping his gloved hand over his mouth. Kaz’s eyes were unfocused. He seemed to be staring right through her. “Don’t touch me.”
“You’re in shock, demjin,” Matthias said. “You almost drowned. You should have drowned.”
Kaz coughed again, and his entire body shuddered. “Drowned,” he repeated.
Nina nodded slowly. “Ice Court, remember? Impossible heist? Near death? Three million kruge waiting for you in Ketterdam?”
Kaz blinked and his eyes cleared. “Four million.”
“I thought that might bring you around.”
Man was definitely having some flashbacks
Now it makes me think of Jordie forcing him underwater in the show
Just wave money under Kaz’s nose to revive him
And tell him the wrong amount
He can and will correct you
Nina threw up her hands. “You’re welcome, you ungrateful wretch.”
“I’ll thank you when we’re aboard the Ferolind. Move.” He was already dragging himself up the boulders that lined the far side of the gorge. “You can explain why our illustrious Shu scientist looks like one of Wylan’s school pals along the way.”
Nina shook her head, caught between annoyance and admiration. Maybe that was what it took to survive in the Barrel. You could never stop.
“He’s a friend?” asked Kuwei in skeptical Shu.
“On occasion.”
The tank is coming and they don’t know what it is yet but this is all Kaz can say
“What do we do, Kaz?”
“Wait,” he said as the sound grew louder.
“How about ‘take cover’?” Nina asked, bouncing nervously from foot to foot. “‘Have heart’? ‘I stashed twenty rifles in this convenient shrubbery’? Give us something.”
“How about a few million kruge?” said Kaz.”
I’m living for Nina and Kaz’s back and forths
Always loved their sibling energy
He’s probably raising an eyebrow so high at her
A tank rumbled over the hill, dust and gravel spewing from its treads. Someone was waving to them from its gun turret – no, two someones. Inej and Wylan were yelling and gesturing wildly from behind the dome.
Nina let out a victorious whoop as Matthias stared in disbelief. When Nina looked at Kaz, she couldn’t quite believe her eyes. “Saints, Kaz, you actually look happy.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he snapped. But there was no mistaking it. Kaz Brekker was grinning like an idiot.
I really want to see this moment too
“We have a tank,” marvelled Nina. “Kaz, you creepy little genius, the plan worked. You got us a tank.”
“They got us a tank.”
I am cackling
Creepy little genius-
But also I love that Kaz doesn’t take credit
He knows he couldn’t have done it without Jesper, Wylan and Inej
And then… BOOM!
They blow up the bridge!
“We have a tank and a moat-“
“Climb on!” crowed Wylan.
Including this just because I like when the Crows crow
A girl in purple silk and a boy with red-gold curls poking out from behind the guns; four soaked people holding tight to the sides for dear life – a Shu boy in prison clothes, two bedraggled drüskelle, and Nina, a half-naked girl in shreds of teal chiffon shouting, “We have a moat!”
The duality of this quote versus the quote from Inej in chapter 28
Kuwei tilted his head back, his face bright with joy. “I can smell the sea,” he said happily.
You know I’ve never really thought much about Kuwei, but this got me
This poor kid fled his country, lost his father, then got imprisoned and forced to experiment with a dangerous drug
It’s quite tragic
Leigh Bardugo’s specialty
“Kaz?” called Jesper from inside the tank. “This would be a really good time to say you saw this coming.”
Kaz looked out over the sea of soldiers. “I didn’t see this coming.” He shook his head. “You told me one day I’d run out of tricks, Helvar. Looks like you were right.” The words were for Matthias, but his eyes were on Inej.
Oh my gosh why doesn’t anyone talk about this moment??
Kaz always looks to Inej
The last thing Kaz wants to see is Inej
He wants her to be his very last moment
His last memory…
Sobbing in Kanej 😭😭😭
“I’ve had my fill of captivity,” she said. “They won’t take me alive.”
“Me neither,” said Wylan.
Jesper snorted from inside the tank. “We really need to get him more suitable friends.”
“Better to go out with fists swinging than let some Fjerdan put me on a pike,” said Kaz.
Matthias nodded. “Then we agree. We end this here.”
Just. My crow babies—
I love them all
Nina’s about to make a huge sacrifice and save the day
She touched Matthias’ cheek briefly. “If it gets bad, find a way to end it, Helvar. I’m trusting you to do the right thing.” She smiled.
I am going to bawl my eyes out when this happens in the show
Oh my gosh—
Because.. if she didn’t do this…
She might’ve been able to save Matthias…
I’m sad so now all of you can be sad about this too 😭
She could see the true colour of Matthias’ eyes..
Everything made sense. Their bodies were a map of cells, a thousand equations, solved by the second, by the millisecond, and she knew only answers.
Jurda Parem is, once again, so incredible and terrifying
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kazscrows · 1 year
I’ve used these reactions before but I made them and I’m proud of them and they’re Kanej so—
When people leave comments on my rereads I’m just:
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Thank you so much! The comments seriously make my day and motivate me to continue with my silly rambles. Much love 💕 🫶
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kazscrows · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread 🪶
Chapter 29: Matthias
Kaz knows he doesn’t even have to threaten Matthias in anyway. He’ll help them just for Nina’s sake at this point
The boys in this series really do have it bad for their love interest don’t they
Simps 💕
“Water everywhere,” said Wylan. “Do the fountains symbolise Djel?”
“The wellspring,” mused Kaz, “where all sins are washed clean.”
“Or where they drown you and make you confess,” Wylan said.
Jesper snorted. “Wylan, your thoughts have taken a very dark turn. I fear the Dregs may be a bad influence.”
Or Wylan is just like this
I like that Matthias points out that the climbing is extremely easy for both Kaz and Jesper, but not Wylan
Poor kid has no upper body strength yet
They rig him up a sling to slide across
But now his thoughts were muddied with these thugs and thieves, with Inej’s courage and Jesper’s daring, and with Nina, always Nina. He couldn’t deny the relief he’d felt when she’d emerged from the incinerator shaft, dishevelled and gasping, frightened but alive. When he and Wylan had pulled her out of the flue, he’d had to force himself to let her go.
Helnik ❤️
And lol Kaz is noticeable absent from his praising thoughts
While on the way to the magic tree:
“All this to be a witchhunter?” Kaz said behind him. “The Dregs need a better initiation.”
“This is only one part of Hringkälla.”
“Yes, I know, then a tree tells you the secret handshake.”
“I feel sorry for you, Brekker. There is nothing sacred in your life.”
There was a long pause, and then Kaz said, “You’re wrong.”
He’s thinking about Inej I bet
Or maybe avenging Jordie
I do think that Kaz very much so wants to believe in something
Also.. what is the Dregs initiation? Is it usually just getting the tattoo?
“Were you always good at locks?”
“How did you learn?”
“The way you learn about anything. Take it apart.”
“And the magic tricks?”
Kaz snorted. “So you don’t think I’m a demon any more?”
“I know you’re a demon, but your tricks are human.”
“Some people see a magic trick and say, ‘Impossible!’ They clap their hands, turn over their money, and forget about it ten minutes later. Other people ask how it worked. They go home, get into bed, toss and turn, wondering how it was done. It takes them a good night’s sleep to forget all about it. And then there are the ones who stay awake, running through the trick again and again, looking for that skip in perception, the crack in the illusion that will explain how their eyes got duped; they’re the kind who won’t rest until they’ve mastered that little bit of mystery for themselves. I’m that kind.”
“You love trickery.”
“I love puzzles. Trickery is just my native tongue.”
This paragraph is really quite a deep dive into Kaz’s mind
He’s such a complex character
He sees just about everything in life as a lie he just hasn’t figured out yet
This is also getting me excited to see Freddy and Callahan do the Kaz and Matthias dynamic. They have said they’re looking forward to it themselves
Fingers crossed for season 3 or even better: a Crows spin-off!!
The reality of the situation struck Matthias suddenly. Kaz hadn’t picked up the rifle. Matthias had a gun in his hands, and Kaz Brekker was unarmed. They were standing over the bodies of two unconscious drüskelle, men who were supposed to be Matthias’ brothers. I can shoot him, Matthias thought. Doom Nina and the rest of them with a single act. Again, Matthias had the strange sense of his life viewed the wrong way up. He was dressed in prison clothes, an intruder in the place he’d once called home. Who am I now?
And you know what? He doesn’t shoot him
I really really like this scene
Matthias lowered his weapon.
A faint smile touched Kaz’s lips. “I wasn’t sure what you’d do if it came down to this.”
“Neither was I,” Matthias admitted. Kaz lifted a brow, and the truth struck Matthias with the force of a blow. “It was a test. You chose not to pick up the rifle.”
“I needed to be sure you were really with us. All of us.”
“How did you know I wouldn’t shoot?”
“Because, Matthias, you stink of decency.”
“You’re mad.”
“Do you know the secret to gambling, Helvar?” Kaz brought his good foot down on the butt of the fallen soldier’s rifle. The gun flipped up. Kaz had it in his hands and pointed at Matthias in the space of a breath. He’d never been in any danger at all. “Cheat.”…
Kaz is just. So. Cool—
He’s such a little turd
I love him
“One day you’ll run out of tricks, demjin.”
“You’d better hope it’s not today.”
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kazscrows · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread🪶
Chapter 43: Nina
Woah you guys I’m almost done
We’re so close to the end of the book—
This chapter is super short too
Her senses were still sharp enough that she could smell the coppery scent of the Suli girl’s blood beneath the cleaner Rotty had used to remove it from the wood. It smelled like Inej.
I’ve never thought of blood smelling different
She liked that word. Us. A word without divisions or borders. It seemed full of hope.
It is better to be united than divided
Ha… hahaAhaHa— *sobbing*
They think Nina might die but in the end… it will be Matthias-
“Stay,” she panted. Tears leaked from her eyes. “Stay till the end.”
“And after,” he said. “And always.”
“I want to feel safe again. I want to go home to Ravka.”
“Then I’ll take you there. We’ll set fire to raisins or “whatever you heathens do for fun.”
“Zealot,” she said weakly.
“Nina,” he whispered, “little red bird. Don’t go.”
Instead it’ll be Nina taking Matthias back to Fjerda to be buried…
Rereading Helnik is painful now 😭
Leigh why!
I’d be fine if they don’t kill Matthias off in the show… just putting it out there-
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kazscrows · 1 year
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Abjhsdzx I’m glad you enjoy my silly little chapter rereads. Sometimes I wonder if anyone really reads them so this made my heart so happy. ily so much!!!
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kazscrows · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread🪶
Chapter 44: Jesper
Jesper has no idea that Nina altered Wylan to look like Kuwei
Kuwei seemed friendly enough, but his Kerch was rough, and he didn’t seem to like to talk much. Sometimes he’d just appear on deck at night and stand silently beside Jesper, staring out at the waves. It was a little unnerving.
Cry laughing because he doesn’t know it’s actually Wylan—
Only Inej wanted to chat with anyone, and that was because she seemed to have developed a consuming interest in all things nautical. She spent most of her time with Specht and Rotty, learning knots and how to rig sails.
I had forgotten this small detail
She’s already reaching to act on her new dream
What’s that Tangled quote? “Go. Live your dream”
And then Kaz is Flynn saying he will and wanting to be buried in piles of money “Not you. Your dream stinks-”
Jesper worried about Nina, but thinking about her made him feel guilty. When they’d boarded the schooner and Kuwei explained parem, a tiny voice inside him said he should offer to take the drug as well. Even though he was a Fabrikator without training, maybe he could have helped to draw the parem out of Nina’s system and set her free. But that was a hero’s voice, and Jesper had long since stopped thinking he had the makings of a hero.
Woah poor Jesper 🥺
But even if he had helped then he’d be the one suffering withdrawals…
I wish I could hug him
“Does the Council know the scientist is dead?”
“I put it all in my note to Van Eck,” Kaz said. “I told him Bo Yul-Bayur is dead, but that his son is alive and was working on jurda parem for the Fjerdans.”
“…Did he haggle?”
“Not in the note. He expressed his ‘deep concern’, but didn’t mention anything about price. We did our job. We’ll see if he tries to bargain us down when we get to Vellgeluk.”
He’ll do a lot worse than haggle—
A lot worse…
“Where’s the other longboat?” Jesper asked as he, Kaz, Matthias, Inej, and Kuwei rowed out from the Ferolind with Rotty.”
“Repairs,” said Kaz.
Jesper really is quite observant
Actually Jes, Kaz is lying, the longboat already left with one Kuwei, Nina, and Spect?
The island was less than a mile wide, a barren patch of sand and rock distinguished only by the wrecked foundation of an old tower used by the Council of Tides.Smugglers called it Vellgeluk, ‘good luck’
How ironic
“All right,” Kaz said. “Let’s go get rich.”
“No mourners,” Rotty said, settling down to wait with the longboat.
“No funerals,” they replied.
Kaz thinking of the reward before offering good luck
Rotty offers it actually
So it’s definitely a Dregs thing and not just a Crows thing
Two men lugged a heavy trunk between them, staggering slightly with its weight.
“So that’s what thirty million kruge looks like,” said Kaz.
Jesper gave a low whistle. “Hopefully, the longboat won’t sink.”
Imagine they pulled off that whole heist just to drown because their reward weighed too much….
I’m having lots of thoughts so I’ll just include this scene and butt in when necessary
Van Eck smiled. “I will confess I am surprised, Mister Brekker. Surprised but delighted.”
“You didn’t think we’d succeed.”
“Let’s say I thought you were a longshot.”
“Is that why you hedged your bets?”
“Ah, so you’ve spoken to Pekka Rollins.”
“He’s quite a talker when you get him in the right frame of mind,” said Kaz, and Jesper remembered the blood on Kaz’s shirt at the prison. “He said you contracted him and the Dime Lions to go after Yul-Bayur for the Merchant Council as well.”
With a niggle of unease, Jesper wondered what else Rollins might have told Kaz.
Huh… this is kind of an odd thought
I’m pretty sure Jesper didn’t realize he had outed their location when they first were leaving for the heist so he shouldn’t be feeling guilty for that right?
Or am I just remembering wrong…
Either way, Jesper is definitely a little afraid of Kaz
Which is kind of sad but also fair
Any sane person should be a little afraid of Kaz Brekker
Van Eck shrugged. “It was best to be safe.”
“And why should you care if a bunch of canal rats blow each other to bits in pursuit of a prize?”
“We knew the odds of either team succeeding were small. As a gambler, I hope you can understand.”
But Jesper had never thought of Kaz as a gambler.
Gamblers left something to chance.
Kaz Brekker always has a plan
Kaz Brekker is careful. He thinks of every possible interaction and result
For the most part
Jesper could see the stacks of bills in palest Kerch purple, emblazoned with the three flying fish, row after row of them
I forgot their money is purple in Ketterdam
Matthias thinks it’s odd too
Aaaaannd here comes the chaos—
Jesper reached for his revolvers. Hadn’t he wanted something to shoot at? I guess this place is good luck, he thought with a rush of anticipation. Looks like I’m about to get my wish.
Of course Jes would think of the coming fight as good luck
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kazscrows · 1 year
Chapter 45 (Kaz) reread coming tonight…..
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kazscrows · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread 🪶
Chapter 39: Inej
Inej’s heart careened against her ribs. On the aerial swings, there was a moment when you let go of one and reached for the next, when you realised you’d made a mistake and you no longer felt weightless, when you simply started to fall…
She’s getting dragged back into the prison…
Oh no oh no oh n—
Yeah Inej! Break that guys nose!!
And yay Jesper and Wylan!
It was all part of the plan
Sort of…
Jesper snatched the choker from Inej’s hand, mouth agape. “Kaz said we needed a diamond. He didn’t tell you to steal Heleen Van Houden’s diamonds!”
Oh lmao I forgot Heleen had a last name
There were plenty of other diamonds she could have stolen for their purposes and other trouble she could have made to attract the guards’ attention. But it was Heleen she’d wanted to dupe. For all the secrets she’d gathered and documents she’d stolen and violence she’d done, it was Heleen Van Houden she’d needed to best.
I still can’t believe they just killed Heleen off in the show like.. what the heck??
Inej needs to be the one to best this awful woman—
During the scuffle in the rotunda, Inej had made sure that she was too focused on being choked to worry about being robbed.
Inej your Kaz-ness is showing
The best way to steal a man’s wallet is to tell him you’re stealing his watch
The best way to rob Heleen is to try choking her to death—
“Hurry,” Inej said.
“Saying that doesn’t actually make me work faster,” Jesper complained as he concentrated on the stones. “If I just break them down, they’ll lose their molecular structure. They have to be cut, carefully, the edges assembled into a single perfect drill bit. I don’t have the training—”
“Whose fault is that?” put in Wylan, not looking up from his own work.
“Again, not helpful.”
Lmao poor Jes getting bossed around and bullied
Jesper, Wylan and Inej might actually be the most chaotic trio of the bunch
Just. Constant Panic!
So much screaming
Then she was running, her feet light, her silks like feathers. In this moment she didn’t mind them. She’d duped Heleen Van Houden. She’d taken a little piece of her away, a silly symbol, but one she prized. It wasn’t enough – it would never be enough – but it was a beginning. There would be other bawds to trick, slavers to fool. Her silks were feathers, and she was free.
So so proud of her
It was an impossible leap, a mad leap, but she was once again her father’s daughter, unbound by the rules of gravity.
And you know what?
She succeeds
She doesn’t fall, she flys-
Every time Inej thinks about her dad I’m so soft-
I’m giddy-
Here comes the tank scene—
Inej figures out the guns so fast!
“Prettier than diamonds” Inej thinks as she shatters a massive glass wall with essentially a missile
Destruction is a love language
Inej heard footsteps and clanging as Jesper and Wylan climbed onto the tank. Jesper’s head appeared, hanging down from the dome. “You letting me drive?”
The image of Jesper poking his head in and hanging upside down is really funny to me
I should draw it
Also question-
Would Jesper be good or bad at driving a car?
Does the grishaverse have cars?
“Oh, hello, darling,” he said happily. He pulled another lever, and the armoured wagon seemed to shudder to life around them, belching black smoke. What kind of monster is this? Inej wondered.
“That noise!” she cried.
“That engine!” cackled Jesper.
He’s in love
Wylan has competition
Wylan had scratches from the glass all over his cheeks and neck. He was beaming.
Jesper has introduced him to the thrill of danger and violence—
Wylan clutched his middle, still snorting laughter, and pointed downwards. Trailing behind them was a banner, caught in the tank’s treads. Despite the smears of mud and gunpowder burns, Inej could still make out the words: STRYMAKTFJERDAN. Fjerdan might.
Absolute legends
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kazscrows · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread 🪶
Chapter 25: Inej
Six levels to climb in the dark with her hands slippery from sweat and the fires of hell burning below, with the rope weighing her down and no net to catch her. Climb, Inej.
Inej is, dare I say it once again, absolutely incredible
The way I probably squealed reading that she put Kaz’s gloves on the first time that I read this book
…she felt curiously guilty as she slid the supple black leather over her hands, as if she had crept into his rooms without his permission, read his letters, lain down in his bed.
The gloves were unlined, with the slenderest slashes hidden in the fingertips. For sleight of hand, she realised, so that he can keep contact with coins or cards or finesse the workings of a lock. Touch without touch.
Touch without touch
I really love the Inej notice and then realized what the small slits in the fingertips were for
Her and Kaz understand one another
But again her wearing Kaz’s gloves is just ajgaghfdgh
It’s almost like he’s holding her hand-
He’s right there with her in the shaft
Protecting her
Oh gosh they must be so big on her though
Inej is so strong though
She’s climbing six levels with seventy pounds of rope and she’s doing it free hand?? Like???
Climb, Inej
I hate that her shoes start to melt
It must’ve hurt so badly
Seeing what was happening had somehow made it worse, as if the rubber was fusing with her flesh.
Because it basically is!!
That’s gross and probably hurts so badly!!
They were all going to die – Kaz, Nina, Jesper, Matthias, Wylan – and it was her fault.
No. No, it wasn’t.
She hefted herself up another foot – Kaz brought us here – and then another. She forced herself to find the next hold. Kaz and his greed. She didn’t feel guilty. She wasn’t sorry. She was just mad. Mad at Kaz for attempting this insane job, furious with herself for agreeing to it.
And why had she? To pay off her debt? Or because despite all good sense and better intentions, she’d let herself feel something for the bastard of the Barrel?
Yeah definitely blame this harebrained idea on Kaz
He’s got quite a way to make people believe in him though, doesn’t he?
I had forgotten that Inej tried to escape the Menagerie
I just want to protect Inej at all costs-
“Is Inej Ghafa your real name?”
A strange sound escaped Inej’s throat, part sob, part laugh, a weak, embarrassing sound, but it had been months since she’d heard her own name, her family name. “Yes,” she managed.
Don’t mind me just sobbing on the floor
She won’t be called little Lynx anymore
Reduced to something no better than a animal
Hate Heleen
I’m kind if surprised she didn’t refer to her this way in the show though? Like at one point Heleen calls her “little bird” or something, but not little Lynx
No but I love the Kaz won’t let her say he bought her. It’s always that Per Haskell is paying off her indenture
It’s important to him that she never feels like she belongs to them
What happened to Per Haskell btw? They just didn’t include him in the show??
He’s kind of important… smh..
Maybe he’ll show up in S2
Anyways so basically Per Haskell is just loaning her money to pay off her indenture
She asks if it’s a trick but of course it’s not
The shadow of something dark moved across Kaz’s face. “If it were a trick, I’d promise you safety. I’d offer you happiness. I don’t know if that exists in the Barrel, but you’ll find none of it with me.”
A fake loan and offer of happiness is what got Jordie and Kaz Rietveld killed
Buuut… she might find happiness with you… someday-
It was as if once Kaz had seen her, he’d understood how to keep seeing her.
I love this quote
Kaz sees her. The real her
He told her she could be dangerous and he was right
She likes that she can be dangerous
I like to think that Inej’s parents receive her back lovingly without any judgement
Climb, Inej
This exact thought echoed three times in her head in chapter 12 too
She’s about to give up and let go-
But then…
It felt like a blessing, though she knew Kaz would just call it weather.
It’s okay to not think the same way as Kaz
I think it’s really beautiful that Inej never loses faith in her Saints and that she thanks them for the rain
I want to call that storm, she thought. And four million kruge might be enough to do it. Enough for her own ship – something small and fierce and laden with firepower. Something like her. She would hunt the slavers and their buyers. They would learn to fear her, and they would know her by her name. The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.
She was not a lynx or a spider or even the Wraith. She was Inej Ghafa, and her future was waiting above.
So she climbed
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kazscrows · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread 🪶
Chapter 27: Jesper
Jesper waiting for Kaz because he’s late must have been so surreal for him
Usually it’s the other way around
Was he somewhere in the prison fighting for his life?
He’s Kaz Brekker. Even if they locked him up, Kaz could escape any cell, any pair of shackles.
Jesper pretty much believes Kaz is unbeatable
Jesper grabbed the rope just as Kaz hurtled through the door. His shirt was covered in blood, his dark hair a wild mess.
That must have been a sight-
Though maybe Kaz Brekker being covered in blood is pretty regular
Jesper put hand over hand, pulling himself up from knot to knot, his arms beginning to ache, the rope cutting into his palms, bracing his feet against the wall of the incinerator when he needed to, then recoiling at the heat of the bricks. How had Inej made this climb with nothing to hold on to?
I know!! How?!
Inej is such a Queen
Kaz gets pulled up onto the roof and immediately asks “Where’s Inej?” he does ask after Nina right after but… Inej was first-
I forgot that Jesper helped get the rubber off Inej’s feet
I was trying to remember how Nina learned he was a fabrikator and there we go
He made himself refocus on Inej’s feet. “Saints,” he said.
Inej grimaced. “That bad?”
“No, you just have really ugly feet.”
I love them
Yeah Jesper- you yell at Kaz!
He deserves it!
“I made a mistake,” growled Kaz. “All right?”
“No,” said Inej calmly. “You owe us an explanation.”
After a moment, Kaz said, “I went looking for Pekka Rollins.”
He wouldn’t have given one if anyone else had asked
A look passed between Kaz and Inej that Jesper didn’t understand; there was knowledge in it that he’d been locked out of.
This makes me feel sad for Jesper…
He wants Kaz to trust him so badly
I headcanon that eventually Kaz does tell him about Jordie
The Crows ask if Kaz actually found Pekka and Kaz lies
But Jesper doesn’t believe him
He can tell he’s lying.
At least when it comes to Pekka Jesper can always tell
They’re all up on the roof
The alarm has sounded for yellow protocol
They’re getting ready to just cut their losses and make a run for it
But then:
“I know a way,” Inej said quietly. They all turned to look at her…
…“The West Stave delegations have started to arrive. We can get in.”
“Inej—” said Kaz.
“Nina and I can get inside,” she continued. Her back was straight, her tone steady. She looked like someone facing the firing squad and saying damn the blindfolds. “We enter with the Menagerie.”
The way Kaz tried to cut in
My heart—
I really like how Jesper describes her here though
She is steady, her back is straight
She’s ready to take on Heleen
Inej was remade in that incinerator shaft
Like a metal in a refiners fire
She’s becoming her strongest
Her best self
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kazscrows · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread 🪶
Chapter 17: Jesper
Okay so maybe Jesper’s restlessness was mostly just his ADHD, but I know he was worried about Inej too!!
Only Jesper would wish to be attacked by pirates
I am weirdly excited to see Kit Young moping around the boat just being absolutely annoying and doing the most random things in the background
Imagine he tries to get Kaz to teach him a ✨magic trick ✨
“I’m not a criminal,” Wylan protested. Kaz had cast him an almost pitying look. “No, you’re a flautist who fell in with bad company.”
That quote just makes me laugh
I think we forget that Jesper and Wylan really didn’t get along at first. They definitely find the other annoying in the beginning
“We don’t need a sharpshooter for Kaz’s plan, so what’s your job – other than stalking around making everyone antsy?”
Then Wylan proceeds to cast doubt that Kaz actually trusts Jesper which hurts now because… well I know that Kaz already knows that it was Jesper’s fault they got attacked on the way to the boat
So yeah. Kaz doesn’t trust Jesper
Jesper looks down on Wylan too at first. Sees him as a stuck up rich boy who just must’ve gotten bored and ran away from daddy
And he only ever calls him “merchling” at first and it’s not meant to be endearing
Things will change soon enough though. Jesper just isn’t over Kaz yet—
Ah see? Jesper says that this possibly being the end for Inej had shaken him. I knew he was worried about her
I love Nina and Inej’s friendship
Though have I stated how much I love Inej and Jesper’s friendship already?
Inej is probably the best friend any person could ever have
Lmao poor Jesper isn’t allowed to come to their girls only waffle outing
They like to make fun of Jesper for being a poor gambler, but that doesn’t mean he’s not observant or smart. He picked up on the fact that sickness really truly bothers Kaz after all
I hate Van Eck and his letters that are just a slap in the face to Wylan
“If you’re reading this...” and “I pray that you read these words…” Ugh. He’s horrible.
I never know how to feel about the fact that Kaz might have actually set it up for Jesper to get jumped so he’d feel indebted to him since he saved him…
It feels too similar to what happened to him and Jordie…
So I choose to believe he didn’t. This was just actually a coincidence. I hope..
“Kaz is … I don’t know, he’s like nobody else I’ve ever known. He surprises me.”
“Yes. Like a hive of bees in your dresser drawer.”
Inej and Jesper talking about (and crushing on) Kaz is my favorite
“…I’m the one who can never walk away from a bad hand.”
She looped her arm in his. “That makes you a rotten gambler, Jesper. But an excellent friend.”
I’ve always really liked this exchange. It’s a sweet moment between Jesper and Inej, but it also shows how they both care about Kaz even if they don’t completely understand why. Especially since they compare him to finding bees in your dresser and that you’re likely to get stung instead of receive any honey.
I also just like that Inej reminds Jesper that he’s a good friend even with his faults.
And at least they both know they’re too good for Kaz. He’s gotta put in the effort too!
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kazscrows · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread 🪶
Chapter 30: Jesper
Jesper wants to be mad at Kaz for this insane plan but he can’t be
Because Kaz Brekker gives him what he craves. An adrenaline rush. That thrilling feel of suspense. An exciting risk-
It was a little like a party he’d once gone to on West Stave. Someone had filled a city fountain with champagne, and it had taken about two seconds for Jesper to dive in with boots off and gullet open.
Now it was risk filling up his nose and mouth, making him feel giddy and invincible. He loved it, and he hated himself for loving it.
I joked earlier that Kaz gets a thrill from nearly dying, but for Jesper it is actually 100% true
He should be thinking about the job, the money, getting out from under his debt, making sure his father didn’t suffer for his antics. But when Jesper’s mind even brushed up against those thoughts, everything in him recoiled. Trying not to die was the best possible distraction.
It’s potentially a very costly distraction
You know because the cost is death
“Those are pieces of the kefta that Grisha wear in battle. They’re trophies.”
“There are so many.”
Hundreds. Thousands. I would have worn purple, Jesper thought, if I’d joined the Second Army. He reached for the fizzy elation that had been bubbling through him moments before. He’d been willing, even eager to risk capture and execution as a thief and hired gun. Why was it worse to think about being hunted as a Grisha?
He hasn’t accepted this part of himself
His mother was Zemeni, but his father had the Kaelish blood that had given Jesper his grey eyes, and he’d never quite shaken the superstitions of the Wandering Isle. When Jesper had started to show his power, his father had been heartbroken. He’d encouraged Jesper to keep it hidden. “I’m afraid for you,” he’d said. “The world can be cruel to your kind.” But Jesper had always wondered if maybe his father had been a little afraid of him, too.
Well this is why he struggles to accept his powers
Jesper doesn’t let Wylan come help him knock out the guards, but then get himself practically stuck dangling over their heads when there’s too many
I love that Wylan’s solution is to belt out the Fjerdan national anthem
“Is that how you shut up and stay out of the way?” Jesper whispered as they dragged the guards’ bodies out of view behind one of the stone slabs.
“Is that how you say thank you?” Wylan retorted.
But of course Jesper has to act annoyed instead of thankful
At least Wylan’s got spine
“Wylan gestured to the guards. “Is it safe to leave them, you know—”
“Alive? I’m not big on killing unconscious men.”
“We could wake them up.”
“Pretty ruthless, merchling…”
I had to include this conversation it’s too iconic now
But yeah Wylan’s never killed anybody he’s just a little excited-
Or maybe nervous is a better word
And now Jesper has to weaken the chains via fabrication… fabrikation.. is that the word for it?
With the small science—
Jesper hoped the others hadn’t met with any surprises.
Maybe Matthias was wrong about the White Island. Maybe the shears would snap in Wylan’s hands. Maybe Inej would fail. Or Nina. Or Kaz.
Or me. Maybe I’ll fail.
Six people, but a thousand ways this insane plan could go wrong.
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kazscrows · 1 year
I’ve only got Kaz’s last chapter and then Pekka’s chapter left for my reread!! I’m probably going to take a break before starting my rereads for Crooked Kingdom just an FYI
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kazscrows · 1 year
It’s funny going back to my first rereads because they’re just a handful of bullet points and that was it. Now I include waaay too many quotes
It’s fun to see how things evolve
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kazscrows · 1 year
So… I’ll post the chapter 42 reread in a couple of hours. This chapter is a big one for.. reasons- If you know, you know.
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kazscrows · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread 🪶
Chapter 34: Nina
I don’t like thinking about Brum having long hair? I forgot his hair was long???
Now all I can think is Lucious Malfoy
But it’s probably not that long- is it??
Brum is just… ew..
At least Kuwei is in the treasury
I actually can’t remember
the treasury had no windows, no whimsical decoration or dragon’s scales. It looked like a tomb. Instead of ordinary guards, two drüskelle stood watch by the heavy door.
A place grisha get taken to die…
Brum calls it the Laboratory
Nina’s thoughts upon seeing one of the captive grisha on parem:
He looked just like Nestor before he’d died. Grisha don’t get sick, she thought. But this was a different kind of sickness.
Jurda Parem is actually terrifying
It was so obvious that Brum knew who Nina was
At least it is now
Guy was real suspicious
Oh I forgot Matthias is there-
I do unfortunately neglect Helnik in favor of Kanej
He slammed his fist against the window. “Do not speak my name.” Then he smiled, a smile as cold and unforgiving as the northern sea. “Welcome to the Ice Court, Nina Zenik. Now our debt is paid.”
From somewhere outside, the bells of Black Protocol began to ring.
“The water hears and understands. The ice does not forgive.”
I do remember wanting to scream while reading this the first time
But also a part of me knew he couldn’t really be betraying her
Not after Matthias had literally decided he wasn’t going to just shoot Kaz, the bastard of the barrel, Brekker—
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