#kazutora completely ruined Hansen's rep in 2 hits in front of EVERYONE
deathfavor · 9 months
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Kazutora's respect comes purely from his own opinion and nothing else. He really doesn't give a shit about established hierarchies or reputations. He shows it openly as well. The fact Kazutora beat Hansen, from ICBM which was well respected/feared until the tiger took him down, without an established fight plus in front of all the other notorious and powerful gang leaders really is a showcase of this. It's a blatant statement of I'll fight you regardless of your status if I want to. Or you piss him off, either or.
This isn't to say Kazutora doesn't know of them. He does, at least a good majority of them. He's heard the stories while free, in juvie, all of that. He keeps a note of it. But really? It doesn't mean anything other than some fancy talk until something happens to actually have him form an opinion one way or another. Your big talk reputation doesn't mean much without him getting to see justification for it. Especially after juvie where people will have the talk but not the bite. But even then, it's respect at best. He doesn't admire any one leader and never has.
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