#kbida diali
mchiti · 1 year
you guys I wish you all a good night for whenever it is you will go to sleep. It’s only 11pm here but I’m too tired to function (too angry too function) (too upset at football to function but thank u inter for saving my day) and I have a medical appointment tomorrow so I, for once, will try to sleep till suhoor.
I’ll leave you with this let’s just ignore the shirt. GOODNIGHT FULL OF ROSES
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sea-mysoul · 6 years
I stumbled upon a flower amidst a chasm rocks and debris.
All by its lonesome it stood firm.
Unlike any other I've seen before, I moved closer to gaze upon it.
I was entranced by its beauty. Its aroma so alluring.
I edged closer and closer until I was face to face with this flower.
It was then I saw its true splendor.
Its petals the softest of pinks, so delicate and pure.
Its pollen that hovered amongst the air a deep golden yellow hinted with beige.
I was mesmerized by this gorgeous living anomaly.
I wanted it for my own. I wanted take care of it and see it flourish.
So, I unearthed it from the lonely chasm paying special attention to not cause any damage.
From there I took it to my garden, and made a special place for it.
I did my best to nurture and help it grow.
And grow indeed it did. In its special part of my garden it took root.
It sprouted new buds and came into full bloom. It took over the garden completely.
Its colors deepened, its fragrance became more enthralling as the weeks past.
Seasons came to past yet she did not wither nor wilt. She did her best to thrive always.
I subconsciously began to neglect her and in doing so the rest of my garden.
She thrived so well I thought to myself she doesn't need my help anymore.
Naturally her petals began drop and drift into the air.
I wanted to seclude her to see if she would flourish once again, but it was too late.
As springtime came again, each day more petals would drift away into the breeze.
It was her last time to bloom.
Parts of me thought "What if I never brought her to my garden?"
Would she have bloomed this well on her own?
Now I'm left chasing the petals of what was the most beautiful living thing I've ever called mine.
I know that in this lifetime I won't find another flower as such...
But her roots remain in their special place in my garden.
I only hope and dream the petals I've chased,
find their way to a place where she can flourish and bloom on her own.
Like she once did for me.
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Hoy me cumple 5 años, mi maestro de amor y paciencia, la fuente inagotable de mimos que me sostiene en pie cuando no puedo mas, mi torbellino de energia pura, mi hijo amado, kbida diali para siempre jamas , hasta el infinito y mas alla <3 #cumpleaños #birthday #family
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sea-mysoul · 7 years
At the end of it all I just want the best for you. No matter the consequences for me. You should have the best this world has to offer
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sea-mysoul · 8 years
Chaton and Perrito
It’s scary how time can move so slow yet so fast. A year has past since that day, so quickly. Yet these past 3 weeks have been brutally slow.
We both have regrets. Some deeper than others. But, we still have prayers that we want answers to and we hope to get them answered.
It’s amazing in itself to see how one can be so attached and devoted to another. It’s mind blowing how easy it is develop new habits, because of someone else’s.
It’s unexplainable how feelings can turn into such a deep and unshakable love.
Unconditional, true, steadfast, real, assured.
We’ve fallen so deep, that the thing we care about most is that the other has a truly happy life.
Yet I’m almost certain that we’re not finished. This time estranged from each other is something we both need whether we realize it now or later. The time to grow and make ourselves better. Regardless of what the future holds in store.
In the end there a few things that will always remain true. No matter what should happen.
I will never love someone the way I’ve loved you. No woman can ever take the title of first true love. Even if in the end we don’t end up with each other, I’ve already left my soul with yours, so that they can live out our dreams.
The beginning and the end is simple…
Je sais pas pourquoi? Je sais pas comment? Mais je sais que…
Merci beaucoup
Kbida Diali
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sea-mysoul · 8 years
Since my heart met yours
Like the tides reaching on to the shore The ebb and flow of the waves. The water soaks the dry sand. Then it pulls the debris away leaving the shore clean.
Like the dew in the early morning. The condensation on each blade of grass. As the droplets form, stick, and then slowly melt and fall. When the morning sun warms the air, the grass is born anew.
Like an inspired painter with a blank canvas. Each brushstroke different from the last. The colors come together to make a masterpiece. The painter steps back and the canvas is no longer the same.
Sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly… The pace is always changing. Yet the way your heart works on mine is never rough. Always tender as it eases the aches of my own heart.
Carlon (Ton chéri)
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