#keebwee whumptober
keebwee · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 No. 12: “I haven't slept in days but who's counting?”
Red | Insomnia | “I’m up, I’m up.”
no warnings for this one :)
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the red prompt part is raph. i was originally gonna write a cute fic for it but aughd. holy shit. my brain is fried. illness bro
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oneshortlove · 11 months
Well I mostly only read rise fics? Hmm...all of the whumptober woneshots by @/keebwee(ey have eir ao3 linked)emm
Open your shell to find you wings is good obviously...and I cant think of much else if the top of my head? Theres the double mutated leo fic I forgot the name if but caught early (although i forgot to bookmark it)
Oooo! I actually dont think ive gotten to those yet</3 But you've just reminded me so I will now! Open your shell has been on my list for a hot minute <3
And aww! I hate when that happens so feel the pain :<
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keebwee · 1 year
Whumptober Day 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
No. 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
Thermometer | Delirium | “They don't care about you.”
Summary: Donatello gets sick in the bad future timeline. He just wants his brother to be there with him. Unfortunately, he isn't.
fic under the cut
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"Donnie, I need you to check up on the A-wing; there's been some kind of—woah, what the hell happened to you? You look like shit." Donnie lazily turned to look at his twin, who stood in his doorway, his massive shadow looming over Donnie. His prosthetic arm—Raph's old prosthetic arm—stood out like a sore thumb.
"Nothing's wrong, Leo," Donnie mumbled. "I'm fine. Just... tired." Yup. Definitely.
"Just tired, my ass," Leo swore. "You look horrible. Are you feeling okay?" He stepped into the room, placing a hand on his hip.
"I said I'm fine. What was it you needed me to do?" Donnie dismissed his concern. Obviously, their base was far more important than how he was feeling. His body could wait.
"I can get someone else to do it." Leo was standing next to Donnie, now. "It's just a simple door malfunction." He lifted his real hand to feel Donnie's forehead and hissed. "You're burning up. We need to get you to medbay."
"No, I'm fine, Nardo," Donnie snapped. "I'll go fix the—the..." He trailed off, suddenly overcome with a powerful wave of dizziness. He swayed, before tilting over the side of his chair and falling.
"Donnie! Shit, shit!" Leo grabbed him just before he could hit the floor. The cool metal of his Raph's prosthetic arm pressed against Donnie's cheek and he sighed. "Oh my god, you're so heavy now. Okay, up we go!" He hoisted the softshell up into his arms, adjusting him so he was carrying him bridal style.
"Put me down..." Donnie groaned. 
"Nah." Leo didn't put him down. "We're going to the medbay, where you're gonna sit in bed till you're better. Can't have my favorite twin melting while he tries to fix a door, can I?" Donnie didn't respond. He didn't say anything even when they made it to the medbay, nor when he was tucked into bed after a quick examination by Leo himself.
Eventually, Mikey and April popped into the room. Donnie didn't notice them till Mikey had made his way into his bed and curled up next to him. April took his temperature and got him to begrudgingly accept a damp washcloth for his forehead, despite his distaste for it. He spaced out, setting his chin on Mikey's head as the box turtle nestled into the crest between his chest and neck. At some point, he found himself relaxing and slipping into an uncomfortable sleep.
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Donnie wasn't doing well; anyone could see that. His fever had worsened within the past 10 hours he'd been in the medbay, and whenever he was woken up to eat or drink he barely seemed to process it. He'd mumble in his sleep, and Mikey thought he'd even had a few nightmares, based on the whines and jerky movements he'd make every once in a while. 
So when he woke up and looked at them, Mikey's eyes lit up with joy.
Until he uttered the most heartbreaking thing he could've said.
Mikey's heart sank. 
Raph had been dead for two years, now, and Donnie thought he was here. Either that, or he wanted him. Both situations were horrible.
April took the initiative, kneeling down next to Donnie's head and shushing him. "Raph's not here right now, Dee," She said quietly. "It's just us. Me, Mikey, and Leo." Donnie blinked at her tiredly, taking a few moments to process what she'd said.
"Where... is he?" He mumbled. "When—" He was cut off by a harsh coughing fit, prompting Leo to sit him up and rub his shell soothingly. Donnie was so weak he had to lean up against Leo to remain upright. His head sagged forward as he wheezed. 
"He's not here." Leo kept rubbing his shell. When the coughing calmed down, Donnie curled into himself and whined. "Hey, hey. It's okay. We've got you." 
Mikey scooted closer to Donnie, taking his hand and tracing his fingers with his own in an attempt to calm Donnie down. Maybe himself, too. Not that he'd admit that to anyone here.
"Raph..." Donnie was crying now. "Where is he—I need him! I—" He wheezed again. "Raph—!" He was sobbing.
His family didn't know what to do. It wasn't often anyone saw the softshell cry like this, let alone when he was sick. Sick Donnie and crying Donnie weren't often expressed together. 
Suddenly, Donnie turned and latched onto Mikey. His skin was boiling and coated in sweat. 
"Woah, woah!" Mikey laughed dryly. "Let's lay back down, Dee." Donnie nodded, sniffling and mumbling quietly. Mikey lowered himself and his older brother back down onto the bed and motioned for either of his siblings to cover the two in the blanket. They did.
Donnie fell asleep soon after, tears still dripping down his face as he slept.
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This dance repeated for almost four days. Donnie would wake up, he'd panic and look for his oldest—and, friendly reminder, deceased brother, and then latch onto whoever was closest to him. Usually, that person would be his family, but once or twice it was a nurse who happened to be caring for him while the others slept.
 "Donnie, you need to eat something, please." April showed him a tray of food she'd grabbed from their makeshift cafeteria. All it was were crackers, miscellaneous meat jerky, and grits. These were common foods for Donnie. But he refused to eat it. "It doesn't have to be a lot! Even just a single bite."
Donnie shook his head. "My stomach hurts. I'm not hungry."
"Please?" April pleaded.
"...Fine," Donnie replied tiredly. He reached out and grabbed a cracker, taking a small bite and placing the cracker back on the tray. "Did it." He turned over onto his side, nestling his face into his pillow. April sighed and took the tray back, leaving Donnie alone again.
He was still feeling incredibly out of it. The room was always spinning and he constantly felt nauseous. He just wanted to sleep and wake up feeling normal again. He wanted Raph.
Ah. There it was again. 
He sniffled, bringing a shaky hand up to his face and wiping away his growing tears. He missed Raph so, so much. When the turtles were kids, they'd get sick every now and then. Raph would always stay with them till they felt better. Donnie wanted that. 
Sure, Leo and Mikey were with him a lot, but he knew if Raph were here, the softshell would never be left alone. He wanted his big brother. A sob erupted from him and he shoved his face into his pillow to muffle his cries. His attempt was in vain, because his brothers had just so happened to be walking in.
"Aw... Dee." Donnie heard Mikey say. A hand was placed on the side of his head and he leaned into it. "Your fever's getting better, I think," He mumbled. "You need a hug?" Donnie nodded. Mikey sat on his bed and wrapped an arm around him. His other arm went and grabbed his blanket, pulling it over himself and Donnie like he had so many times already. 
"How's he lookin'?" Leo asked Mikey as he scooped up the thermometer and a clean rag. 
"His fever's down." Mikey rubbed Donnie's arm as he spoke. "April said he took a bite of a cracker. Is the tray still in here?" 
"Yeah, it's right here. The guy took the smallest bite," Leo sighed. "Is he awake?" 
"I think." Mikey nudged Donnie and he hissed. "Yup, he's awake."
Leo made his way over with the tray. "Don-Tron, Dee, Donnie." 
"What," Donnie mumbled.
"Can you eat a full cracker for me?" Donnie looked at the slider, who's eyes looked broken and tired, with visible bags. He looked exhausted. Maybe he should eat a cracker? No, he's too nauseous.
"You're nauseous probably because you haven't eaten. Just eat one or two," Mikey murmured. Donnie groaned at him before reaching out a hand to grab a cracker. He shoved the whole thing in his mouth, chewed it for a few seconds, and swallowed it whole. His brothers' eyes lit up. Donnie grabbed another and ate it. Leo smiled softly.
Donnie ate just a little bit more before he pushed the tray away and nestled back into his pillow, falling asleep.
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keebwee · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 No. 11: "All the lights are going dark and my hope's destroyed."
Animal Trap | Captivity | "No one will find you."
warnings/basic summary of the art !!!
mikey gets caught in a bear trap! its all in pencil, so theres no color, but there is blood.
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keebwee · 11 months
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link here
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keebwee · 1 year
Whumptober 2023
No. 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Summary: Raph gets a concussion. His brothers help.
fic under the cut
Raph became aware of his predicament when he was cornered by the mutant he was fighting. His brothers were possibly unconscious on the other side of the alley; he could see the small pile they'd been tossed into like dirty laundry.
And now he was cornered.
Now, typically, this wasn't a problem since Raph was pretty decently sized. He could take on most of their enemies in a plain fistfight and win. But this mutant? This mutant was different, no doubt. The giant rhinoceros mutant in front of him stood at a whopping eight feet tall. Possibly eight and a half, and his horn seemed like it weighed a ton. Not to mention how sharp its point was. Raph adjusted his grip on his tonfās, trying to prevent his only form of defense from slipping out of his clutch, which wouldn't be good. As he adjusted his hold on his weapons, somehow both hands were so sweaty his tonfās slipped out of his grip, clattering onto the ground.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, the mutant suddenly leaped towards him and grabbed the top of his plastron, digging his fingers into the divot between his flesh and shell and throwing him into the wall. Raph's vision went white, his head exploding in agony as he crashed into the hard brick of the alley walls. Sparks of pain bounced up and through him as his brain slammed against his skull.
He slumped against the brick in a daze, his view of the alley going sideways as he slipped down onto the ground. The mutant in front of him chuckled, before walking toward him and landing a nasty kick on his head right where he'd been hit—
Everything went black.
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"Come on, come on... Lemme see those eyes, Raphie."
Raph peeled his eyes open with a grunt.
"Hey, there he is! How ya feelin'?"
"Mmh?" Raph groaned. Jeez, his head was pounding.
"Okay, he's somewhat aware, good sign."
"Is he? The guy's staring off into space."
"Keyword, somewhat, Michael. I'm just glad he's making any noise at all."
"C'n you zip it..." Raph grumbled, lifting a hand to swat at the forms in front of him. His fingers clipped someone's chin and they laughed.
"Okay, decently aware. That's even better," They said. "Raphala, where does it hurt? Other than the massive bleeding gash on your head—" They were interrupted by an annoyed grunt. "Don't elbow me, Nardo!"
"I won't elbow you if you don't tell our brother he's severely injured so bluntly!"
"Wh..." Raph blinked. "M' head? Wh't's wr'ng with my head?"
"You just had a bit of an accident, Raph. You'll be alright." The person snapped their fingers in front of Raph's face and he jolted his head up, groaning in pain. "Look at me, bud." Raph looked at them, their blue mask being his center of attention. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Uh..." He licked his lips, counting tiredly. "Eight?"
"Eight—" There were a few hisses behind the blue one. "Raph we only have six fingers. I was holding up two."
"Fuck..." Someone else swore. He had half the mind to lecture them, but he was too tired. Maybe later.
"Should we call in a favor from Draxum? We can't carry him home. Not when we're like this." Were they hurt? Raph had to check. He pulled himself up against the wall into a sitting position, lifting his head up with a whine. Were they hurt?
"Woah, woah! Hey, bud, let's just lay back down." 
"No, no..." Raph brushed them off. "You're h'rt? Where? Where's—"
"Hey, hey! No, no! You're in worse shape. We just have some bruises and scrapes, we're fine."
"Leo, your wrist is broken!" 
Raph whined at that, panting as he jerked his head around a bit too aggressively, causing his vision to swim. Everything went fuzzy, and suddenly he was lying on the ground again, his head screaming at him even more than before. Hands were all over him, muffled shouting and cries drifting through his ears. He squeezed his eyes shut.
It felt like hours till his head calmed down somewhat, going back down to the level of pain it was at when he woke up. Everything around him was quiet, other than the constant ringing in his ears. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking repeatedly until he adjusted to the light.
"Mikey?" He mumbled, squinting at the orange blob kneeling over him.
"Guys, guys! He knows it's me!"
"Fantastic, that means we can cross off one possible amnesia symptom." Someone purple said; Donnie, Raph realized. Leo was here too. "Raph, we need to get you home. Any ideas floating around in that mush of a brain you have right now? You're a bit too big to carry."
"Uh..." Raph droned. "Mmh... I dunno. Dr'g me?"
"Drag you? Raph, we cannot drag you," Leo sighed. "How about portals?"
It was quiet for a few seconds.
"Why didn't we think of that immediately?!" Mikey suddenly groaned into his hands. "That's, like, the most obvious answer! Leo, where's your sword?"
"Right over here, I think." Leo got up and strolled over to the end of the alley. "Yup! Got it. It's portal time, boys!" A series of whoops erupted from the three turtles as a blue light filled the area.
"Alright, Raph. We're gonna need you to walk just a bit—" Donnie started.
"Nooo...." Raph whined.
"I know, I know! But, hey, you'll feel better afterward, I promise. Just please try?" Donnie pleaded. Raph sighed, then nodded, motioning vaguely towards himself as if to say just get it over with. 
And they did. They did, indeed, get it over with. Quite quickly, in fact, and possibly accidentally. As they each got a grip on Raph, they took a step forward, tripped, and dropped him right onto the pavement headfirst.
They did really get it over with; Raph couldn't remember anything after that moment other than the quick, sudden pain, then the inky blackness of unconsciousness. 
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"Wh—huh...?" Raph woke with a groan.
"Oh my god, you're awake, thank fuck!" Someone cried out in relief.
"Watch y'r language," Raph mumbled, wiggling in the seat he was in.
"Only if you watch your head, you big idiot."
"Leo, calm down. This isn't doing him any good. Just help us get him in bed."
"I'm just—agh!" The voice from before spoke again. Leo, Raph realized. "I'm just stressed out, sorry. Let's just get him to bed, like you said." Raph pried his eyes open with a grunt and found himself staring up at the ceiling of their lair. 
"Are we... home?" He grumbled. 
"Yeah, we're home. We fixed you up, big guy, and now we're getting you into bed," Mikey said. Raph didn't realize he was here, though he should've. "Can you stand up? Can you walk?"
"Mmh. Maybe?" Raph blinked. "Lemme see." He pushed himself out of the chair and stood up on both feet. "Raph thinks he can walk."
"You sure?" Leo questioned. "I really don't want you to fall again."
"Raph'll be fine," Raph says. "Might need a li'l help."
"We've got ya!" Mikey chirped and helped stabilize Raph a little bit. His brothers followed. The four of them started walking towards Raph's bedroom. When they made it, Raph collapsed into his bed and curled up as best as he could. One of his brothers pulled a blanket over him before they all left him to sleep. 
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keebwee · 1 year
hey whumptober day 8 has been posted. warning it is probably the most fucked up thing I've ever written i feel so bad for leo
CONTENT WARNINGS: major character death, death of a sibling, graphic depictions of violence, loss of a limb, being badly mauled, arguments, SO much blood its insane (im so sorry leo), swearing in an argument. please proceed with caution
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keebwee · 1 year
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4 DAYS | 3 DAYS | 2 DAYS
i'll be participating in whumptober this year! be prepared for a month packed full of hurt and seasoned with a decent amount of comfort. i'll be posting everything here and on my ao3! stay tuned :)
disclaimer: while i will most likely be doing every prompt, i cannot guarantee i will be releasing it on that exact day every single time. there may be a day when i'm unable to finish it (i haven't yet finished all the prompts). on these days, expect that the prompt will be finished by the next day or the day after and posted with that day's prompt.
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keebwee · 1 year
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4 DAYS | 2 DAYS | 1 DAY
i'll be participating in whumptober this year! be prepared for a month packed full of hurt and seasoned with a decent amount of comfort. i'll be posting everything here and on my ao3! stay tuned :)
disclaimer: while i will most likely be doing every prompt, i cannot guarantee i will be releasing it on that exact day every single time. there may be a day when i'm unable to finish it (i haven't yet finished all the prompts). on these days, expect that the prompt will be finished by the next day or the day after and posted with that day's prompt.
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keebwee · 1 year
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4 DAYS | 3 DAYS | 1 DAY
i'll be participating in whumptober this year! be prepared for a month packed full of hurt and seasoned with a decent amount of comfort. i'll be posting everything here and on my ao3! stay tuned :)
disclaimer: while i will most likely be doing every prompt, i cannot guarantee i will be releasing it on that exact day every single time. there may be a day when i'm unable to finish it (i haven't yet finished all the prompts). on these days, expect that the prompt will be finished by the next day or the day after and posted with that day's prompt.
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keebwee · 1 year
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whumptober is coming. you know what that means
3 DAYS | 2 DAYS | 1 DAY
i'll be participating in whumptober this year! be prepared for a month packed full of hurt and seasoned with a decent amount of comfort. i'll be posting everything here and on my ao3! stay tuned :)
disclaimer: while i will most likely be doing every prompt, i cannot guarantee i will be releasing it on that exact day every single time. there may be a day when i'm unable to finish it (i haven't yet finished all the prompts). on these days, expect that the prompt will be finished by the next day or the day after and posted with that day's prompt.
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keebwee · 9 months
when u discover a fic u forgot that u wrote
what the fuck this is so cute guys. i forgot i wrote this. FOR WHUMPTOBER of all things. a lil fluff for a whumpy series i guess
first time writing junior :) bro is seven years old hes so silly
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