#keelin: threads ft. briggs
fragmcntedsouls · 4 months
keelin malraux ✦ briggs mikaelson // @ofmoonlitmagic
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Keelin had seen some pretty nasty, also bizarre things roll into the ER, but a mass slugging was probably one of the wildest yet. She'd done her fair share of slug removal with Freya over the course of the evening, which honestly hadn't been what she had in mind for their impromptu date night. More fool her for expecting otherwise.
Sat at the kitchen table, holding onto a slug in a jar, her eyes immediately met the second party entering the room as she quickly came to her own defence, "before you ask – your brother brought it home. I had to wait until he was asleep to pry it out of hands. Little as he might be, his grip is freakishly strong."
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fragmcntedsouls · 5 months
keelin malraux ✦ briggs mikaelson // (@ofmoonlitmagic)
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Upon receiving a call from the emergency room that she had a visitor, Keelin soon finished up her rounds before sprinting to the department, knowing exactly who it was going to be. The grin that she wore was unmatched, only growing wider upon those suspicions being confirmed. Bonus points for the food in his hand. “I don’t know who i’m more glad to see, you or the takeout.”
Whilst she was kidding – mostly, she was thrilled to see her son back from his trip. Taking the bag from his grasp, she set it down onto the counter before taking both of his cheeks into her hands and placing a mom like kiss against his forehead, "let me look at you" she hummed, pulling backwards and inhaling a deep breath before wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a tight embrace. “Oh my baby boy, I wanna hear everything.” 
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