thatfreak03 · 2 years
Characters that would be cool to see in the Young Justice TV show
(Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.)
This is not a “This character should be in Young Justice” list. These are some DC characters I think are cool and think it would be cool to see them in the show. I completely understand why some, if not all these character won’t become part of the show, they already have a lot of characters, and it seems like the creators have their own plan in mind. This is just for fun. Also, I’m not a DC expert, so sorry if I get some things wrong about a character.
(PS. As of right now, my favorite DC superhero families are the Batfam and the Flashfam, so don’t be surprise if you see a lot of them on this list.)
(Just like the characters and show I will be talking about, I don’t own the pictures. They, the characters, and show are property of DC.)
1. Starfire aka Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran
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I have read been reading a few Teen Titans comics and I have seen a lot of episode of the show Teen Titans and I’ve got to say, I absolutely love Starfire. She’s strong, she’s kind, and just amazing. There’s to many great things about  her to list. I can already think of at least two ways the team could meet her. Maybe Tamaran is in trouble and Starfire heard of the heroes of earth and decided to go to them for help. Maybe the team's on mission in space on ship and they find Starfire as a prisoner. Just some possibilities. 
2. Raven aka Rachel Roth
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Raven is the daughter of a demon that wants to take over earth, the story arcs you could use there are basically gift wrap to you. Not only that, but I like the idea of her and Jaime Reyes bonding over having powers that have a bad origin but they choose to use them for good. I hope I phrased that right.
3. Batwing aka Lucas “Luke” Fox
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I read his book by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray, and let me tell you, this guy is awesome. It would be nice to see him with the Batfamily in this show.
4. Signal aka Duke Thomas
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I love this kid and his book by Scott Snyder and Tony Patrick and it is awesome. A lot of elements of Young Justice focus on meta humans, and based on what I know, Duke is the only batfamily member with superpowers. Maybe their can be a story arc about Duke being new member to the batfamily but feeling out of place because of his powers, which leads him to join Young Justice. Or something like that.
5. Max Mercury aka Maxwell Crandall
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This guy can lead to a lot of interesting stories. In the comics he was primary care taker and mentor of Bart, but seeing as that role has been given to Jay Garrick, I don’t think Max will become that if he’s part of the show. That being said, I can see him still bonding with Bart in the show. Max was basically the first speedster, and might have been the first time traveler. Max was original from 1800s and ended up running so fast that wound up modern time. Well, eventually he ended up in modern time. So he could relate to Bart about living in a time that they weren’t original part of. The difference would probably be that while Max’s time wasn’t great he would probably still miss stuff, like his friends and family, but Bart doesn't really much if anything to miss about his time. (I mean, Bart had Neutron, but Neutron was just as miserable as Bart was. They were both living in what was basically hell.)
6. XS aka Jenni Ognats
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Jenni Ognats, granddaughter of Barry Allen, daughter of Dawn Allen, and cousin of Bart Allen. A speedster hero and a member of the legion of superheroes. At first I wondered why she wasn’t with Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, and Chameleon Boy in season 4, but then I realized that Bart wasn’t born as far in the 31 century like he is in the comics, or at least I don’t think he is, my math might be off, but I think his future was in the 2060s at most, so Jenni probably doesn't live in that time zone either. Their were probably some other reasons too, but think that was one of the main reasons. I still there are some ways that Jenni could become part of the show. Apparently Don and Dawn Allen will sometimes become villains instead of heroes, so maybe Jenni goes back in time to prevent that. I know the twins are very young at the moment, so maybe the thing that leads to twins becoming villains happens when they were very young. That or maybe Jenni could be what Bart claimed to be when he was first introduced: a tourist from the future. Or maybe, Jenni travels to the past to try and escape the next person on the list.
7. Reverse Flash aka Eobard Thawne
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Eobard Thawne, enemy of the Flash, killer of Nora Allen, and ancestor of Bart Allen. (Ps. @dementedspeedster, thank you for correcting me.) This guy would pretty much do anything in order to hurt Barry Allen, even if it means killing everyone in the world including himself. So he already has a built in motive for causing problems in the show. That and his relation to Bart can lead to interesting character arcs and story. Did Bart even know that he was related to this man? If not how does he feel about that? Bart seems very proud to be a part of the flash family, how would he react to finding out he was also related to the Flash’s worst enemy? This could lead to him having bonding moments with Artemis, Orphan, and others due to them understanding what it’s like to related to a villain, as well as helping Bart comes to terms with it. That and/or these a story line where Eobard Thawne comes after Bart, for one reason or another. Either way, I can see how add Eobard in the show can lead to a lot of possibilities.
8. Inertia aka Thaddeus Thawne
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Speaking of how add the Reverse Flash can lead to a lot of possibilities, meet Thaddeus Thawne: A clone made by President Thawne using Bart Allen’s and Thawne DNA, made to hurt, kill, and basically cause problems for the Allen family, mainly Bart Allen. Cloning is something that happens or is referenced to, quite a lot in this show, so Thaddeus wouldn’t feel too out of place. He could offer a lot of the same stuff Eobard Thawne, with the added bonus of a possible redemption arc. Superboy and Red Arrow would probably relate to him for being a clone made to be pawn in someone else plan and would try to show him that his life doesn't have to be like that. The Flash family might see him as family, since he still has a bit of Allen in him, and try to to convince him that they will actually treat him like family and not a tool for “revenge”. That and I just love villains redemption stories, and I don’t think any child is beyond help, so I would love it this show did something like that.
9. Meloni Thawne
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Bart Allen’s mother. I’m not a 100% sure how the show could use her, other than in a Reverse Flash story line, but it would be nice to see her.
10. Catwoman aka Selina Kyle
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I’m honestly surprise there hasn’t even been at least a reference to her in the show. Selina is both a love interest and villain of Batman, a master thief, but will be a hero if she feels like she has to be, there is a lot you can do with her. Personally, a idea I have for her is being a double agent to infiltrate The Light. Unlike the last the heroes made someone a mole, everyone on the team will know she’s a double agent. Probably won’t happen, like most of the things on this list, but just a thought.
11. Harley Quinn aka Harleen Quinzel
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Harley Quinn’s loads of fun and it would be nice to see her in Young Justice. I can see her doing what I also suggested for Catwoman and being a double agents, or I could see her just being a one time villain in a episode. Their are quite literally 100% ways you can go with her character.
12. Bunker aka Miguel Jose Barragan
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I will admit I don’t know a whole lot about this guy, but he seems like a fun guy. That and his powers are cool. I’d be happy to see him in the show.
13. Ace aka (I couldn’t find another name for her)
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As far as I know, this girl only exits in Justice League Animated Universe, but I like her, and I know a lot of other people like her. Ace is a traumatized and hurting child with powers that are almost god like. Like Raven, their are all kinds of story arcs you can do with that. The one I came up with first is her using her powers to avoid her trauma and problems, and live in a fantasy world. But again, there are a lot of things you can do with her.
14. Princess Amethyst of Gemworld aka Amy Winston
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The show confirmed that other dimensions are in fact a thing in the Young Justice universe, so Gemworld could exists in their world. Meaning it is possible for Amethyst to become part of the show. (This is a bit more of a prediction than hope. Not saying I don’t want her to be in the show, just saying this is more of a prediction.)
15. The H.I.V.E Five/Fearsome Five aka Jinx, Billy Numerous (William Billy Strayer), Kyd Wykkyd, See-More (Seymour), Mammoth, and Gizmo (I couldn’t find all they’re real names, sorry)
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Before you ask, yes, they are called The H.I.V.E Five even though their are six of them. Also, I don’t really know much about their comic counter parts, so I will mostly if not always be referring to their Teen Titans characters. For me, these kids were the best thing about the Teen Titans show so that alone is a reason why I think it we be neat to them in Young Justice. That being said, I can see some good story arcs for the show involving these characters.
That’s all I got for now, sorry it’s late, and my head is starting to hurt.
Later I will probably look at this and kick myself for not putting a character on this list, but right now I think I’m satisfied.
(Again, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.)
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